Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;
* Class with all the information needed for authentication (CAS and form based).
* @author pdsec
public final class AuthenticationInfo {
private static final String DEFAULT_USERNAME_PARAMETER = "username";
private static final String DEFAULT_PASSWORD_PARAMETER = "password";
private static final String DEFAULT_LOGIN_REQUEST_DATA = DEFAULT_USERNAME_PARAMETER + "={%username%}&" + DEFAULT_PASSWORD_PARAMETER + "={%password%}";
private static final SeleniumDriver DEFAULT_SELENIUM_DRIVER = SeleniumDriver.FIREFOX;
private AuthenticationType type;
private String loginUrl;
private String username;
private String password;
private String extraPostData;
private String loggedInRegex;
private String loggedOutRegex;
private String[] excludeFromScan;
private String[] protectedPages;
private String protectedPagesSeparatedByComma;
private String loginRequestData;
private String usernameParameter;
private String passwordParameter;
private String[] httpSessionTokens;
private SeleniumDriver seleniumDriver;
private String hostname;
private String realm;
private int port;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public AuthenticationType getType() {
return type;
public String getLoginUrl() {
return loginUrl;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public String getExtraPostData() {
return extraPostData;
public String getFullLoginRequestData() {
if (extraPostData != null) {
return loginRequestData + "&" + extraPostData;
return loginRequestData;
public String getLoggedInRegex() {
return loggedInRegex;
public String getLoggedOutRegex() {
return loggedOutRegex;
public String[] getExcludeFromScan() {
return excludeFromScan;
public String[] getProtectedPages() {
return protectedPages;
public String getProtectedPagesSeparatedByComma() {
return protectedPagesSeparatedByComma;
public String getLoginRequestData() {
return loginRequestData;
public String getUsernameParameter() {
return usernameParameter;
public String getPasswordParameter() {
return passwordParameter;
public String[] getHttpSessionTokens() {
return httpSessionTokens;
public SeleniumDriver getSeleniumDriver() {
return seleniumDriver;
public String getHostname() {
return hostname;
public String getRealm() {
return realm;
public int getPort() {
return port;
public String getPortAsString() {
return String.valueOf(port);
public static class Builder {
private AuthenticationType type;
private String loginUrl;
private String username;
private String password;
private String extraPostData;
private String loggedInRegex;
private String loggedOutRegex;
private String[] excludeFromScan;
private String[] protectedPages;
private String protectedPagesSeparatedByComma;
private String loginRequestData = DEFAULT_LOGIN_REQUEST_DATA;
private String usernameParameter = DEFAULT_USERNAME_PARAMETER;
private String passwordParameter = DEFAULT_PASSWORD_PARAMETER;
private String[] httpSessionTokens;
private SeleniumDriver seleniumDriver = DEFAULT_SELENIUM_DRIVER;
private String hostname;
private String realm;
private int port;
* Builds an {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance with the minimum information required for HTTP authentication.
* @param hostname the host name for HTTP authentication.
* @param realm the realm for HTTP authentication.
* @return the built {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance.
public AuthenticationInfo buildHttpAuthenticationInfo(String username, String password, String hostname, String realm) {
return type(AuthenticationType.HTTP)
* Builds an {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance with the minimum information required for form authentication.
* @param loginUrl the login URL (i.e. {@code}).
* @param username the username that will be authenticated.
* @param password the user's password.
* @return the built {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance.
public AuthenticationInfo buildFormAuthenticationInfo(String loginUrl, String username, String password) {
return type(AuthenticationType.FORM)
* Builds an {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance with the minimum information required for CAS authentication.
* The {@code protectedPages} parameter is needed so we can access them after the authentication and before ZAP's
* analysis. This is required to avoid circular redirections during the scan, not supported by ZAP.
* @param loginUrl the login URL (i.e. {@code}).
* @param username the username that will be authenticated.
* @param password the user's password.
* @param protectedPages an array of URLs with at least one protected page for each context that will be analyzed.
* @return the built {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance.
public AuthenticationInfo buildCasAuthenticationInfo(String loginUrl, String username, String password, String... protectedPages) {
return type(AuthenticationType.CAS)
* Builds an {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance with the minimum information required for Selenium authentication.
* @param loginUrl the login URL (i.e. {@code}).
* @param username the username that will be authenticated.
* @param password the user's password.
* @return the built {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance.
public AuthenticationInfo buildSeleniumAuthenticationInfo(String loginUrl, String username, String password) {
return type(AuthenticationType.SELENIUM)
* Sets the {@link AuthenticationType}.
* @param type the {@link AuthenticationType} ({@code HTTP}, {@code CAS}, {@code FORM} or {@code SELENIUM}).
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder type(AuthenticationType type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
* Sets the {@link AuthenticationType}.
* @param type the {@link AuthenticationType} as a string ({@code HTTP}, {@code CAS}, {@code FORM} or {@code SELENIUM}, case-insensitive).
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder type(String type) {
if (type != null) {
this.type = AuthenticationType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase());
return this;
* Sets the login URL. This is a required parameter.
* @param loginUrl the login URL (i.e. {@code}).
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder loginUrl(String loginUrl) {
this.loginUrl = loginUrl;
return this;
* Sets the username. This is a required parameter.
* @param username the username that will be authenticated.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder username(String username) {
this.username = username;
return this;
* Sets the password. This is a required parameter.
* @param password the user's password.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder password(String password) {
this.password = password;
return this;
* Sets any extra post data needed for the authentication.
* @param extraPostData extra post data that will be sent in the login request (i.e. {@code domain=someDomain¶m=value}).
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder extraPostData(String extraPostData) {
this.extraPostData = extraPostData;
return this;
* Sets the logged in regex, thus enabling reauthentication.
* This regex should match logged in response messages, so ZAP is able reauthenticate
* in case it logs itself out during the scan.
* There is no need to set both {@code loggedInRegex} and {@code loggedOutRegex} options, only one is enough.
* @param loggedInRegex the regex that matches logged in response messages.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder loggedInRegex(String loggedInRegex) {
this.loggedInRegex = loggedInRegex;
return this;
* Sets the logged out regex, thus enabling reauthentication.
* This regex should match logged in response messages, so ZAP is able reauthenticate
* in case it logs itself out during the scan.
* There is no need to set both {@code loggedInRegex} and {@code loggedOutRegex} options, only one is enough.
* @param loggedOutRegex the regex that matches logged out response messages.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder loggedOutRegex(String loggedOutRegex) {
this.loggedOutRegex = loggedOutRegex;
return this;
* Sets the URLs that will not be scanned.
* @param excludeFromScan an array of URLs to be excluded from the scan.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder excludeFromScan(String... excludeFromScan) {
this.excludeFromScan = excludeFromScan;
return this;
* This is a required parameter for CAS authentication.
* For CAS authentication, the login is done directly at the CAS server. So, when accessing the app
* for the first time, the user will be redirected to the CAS server, which will redirect the user back to the app
* since the user is authenticated. ZAP doesn't support circular redirection, thus it can't handle this process.
* The URLs defined here will be accessed once after the authentication and before the scan, triggering the
* circular redirections and avoiding them to happen during the analysis.
* @param protectedPages an array of URLs with at least one protected page for each context that will be analyzed.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder protectedPages(String... protectedPages) {
this.protectedPages = protectedPages;
if (protectedPages != null) {
protectedPagesSeparatedByComma = StringUtils.join(protectedPages, ",");
} else {
protectedPagesSeparatedByComma = null;
return this;
* Sets the login request data used for form authentication.
* @param loginRequestData the login request data for form based authentication
* (default: username={%username%}&password={%password%}
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder loginRequestData(String loginRequestData) {
if (loginRequestData != null) {
this.loginRequestData = loginRequestData;
return this;
* Builds the login request data based on the {@code usernameParameter}
* and {@code passwordParameter} current values.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder loginRequestData() {
this.loginRequestData = usernameParameter + "={%username%}&" + passwordParameter + "={%password%}";
return this;
* Sets the username parameter name.
* @param usernameParameter the username parameter that holds the username (default: {@code username}).
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder usernameParameter(String usernameParameter) {
this.usernameParameter = usernameParameter;
return this;
* Sets the password parameter name.
* @param passwordParameter the password parameter that holds the password (default: {@code password}).
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder passwordParameter(String passwordParameter) {
this.passwordParameter = passwordParameter;
return this;
* Includes additional HTTP session tokens to ZAP.
* @param httpSessionTokens the session tokens to be added to ZAP.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder httpSessionTokens(String... httpSessionTokens) {
if (httpSessionTokens != null) {
this.httpSessionTokens = httpSessionTokens;
return this;
* Sets the Selenium web driver that will be used to perform authentication.
* @param seleniumDriver the Selenium web driver to be used during authentication.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder seleniumDriver(SeleniumDriver seleniumDriver) {
this.seleniumDriver = seleniumDriver;
return this;
* Sets the Selenium web driver that will be used to perform authentication.
* @param seleniumDriver the Selenium web driver as a string (case-insensitive) to be used during authentication.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder seleniumDriver(String seleniumDriver) {
if (seleniumDriver != null) {
this.seleniumDriver = SeleniumDriver.valueOf(seleniumDriver.toUpperCase());
return this;
* Sets the host name for HTTP authentication.
* @param hostname the host name for HTTP authentication.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder hostname(String hostname) {
this.hostname = hostname;
return this;
* Sets the realm for HTTP authentication.
* @param realm the realm for HTTP authentication.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder realm(String realm) {
this.realm = realm;
return this;
* Sets the port for HTTP authentication.
* @param port the port for HTTP authentication.
* @return this {@code Builder} instance.
public Builder port(int port) {
this.port = port;
return this;
* Validates and builds an {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance based on the builder parameters.
* @return a {@code AuthenticationInfo} instance.
public AuthenticationInfo build() {
AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo = new AuthenticationInfo(this);
return authenticationInfo;
private AuthenticationInfo(Builder builder) {
this.type = builder.type;
this.loginUrl = builder.loginUrl;
this.username = builder.username;
this.password = builder.password;
this.extraPostData = builder.extraPostData;
this.loggedInRegex = builder.loggedInRegex;
this.loggedOutRegex = builder.loggedOutRegex;
this.excludeFromScan = builder.excludeFromScan;
this.protectedPages = builder.protectedPages;
this.protectedPagesSeparatedByComma = builder.protectedPagesSeparatedByComma;
this.loginRequestData = builder.loginRequestData;
this.usernameParameter = builder.usernameParameter;
this.passwordParameter = builder.passwordParameter;
this.httpSessionTokens = builder.httpSessionTokens;
this.seleniumDriver = builder.seleniumDriver;
this.hostname = builder.hostname;
this.realm = builder.realm;
this.port = builder.port;
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE)
.append("loginUrl", loginUrl)
.append("username", username)
.append("password", password)
.append("extraPostData", extraPostData)
.append("loggedInRegex", loggedInRegex)
.append("loggedOutRegex", loggedOutRegex)
.append("excludeFromScan", excludeFromScan)
.append("protectedPages", protectedPages)
.append("loginRequestData", loginRequestData)
.append("usernameParameter", usernameParameter)
.append("passwordParameter", passwordParameter)
.append("httpSessionTokens", httpSessionTokens)
.append("seleniumDriver", seleniumDriver)
.append("hostname", hostname)
.append("realm", realm)
.append("port", port)