bleep.sbtimport.ImportInputData.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A bleeping fast scala build tool!
package bleep
package sbtimport
import bleep.internal.{codecs, parseBloopFile, FileUtils, GeneratedFile}
import bleep.nosbt.librarymanagement
import bloop.config.Config
import coursier.core.Configuration
import io.circe.Codec
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.*
import ryddig.Logger
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path}
import scala.collection.immutable.{SortedMap, SortedSet}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.IteratorHasAsScala
import scala.jdk.StreamConverters.StreamHasToScala
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
/** Absolutely everything that the import cares about from the sbt build is dumped in this structure. It's all read up front, so the import is a pure function.
* It operates on strings for the most part because
* - this structure is serialized into a compressed file for test
* - those tests need to translate back and forth between absolute paths and machine-independent templated strings
case class ImportInputData(
bloopFileStrings: Vector[(Path, String)],
sbtExportFilePaths: Vector[(Path, String)],
hasSources: SortedSet[Path],
generatedFilesBySourceDir: SortedMap[Path, Vector[GeneratedFile]]
) {
def replace(r: model.Replacements.Replacer, rewriteGeneratedFiles: Boolean): ImportInputData =
new ImportInputData(
bloopFileStrings.map { case (p, str) => (r.path(p), r.string(str)) },
sbtExportFilePaths.map { case (p, str) => (r.path(p), r.string(str)) },
.map { case (p, gfs) =>
gfs.map(gf =>
isResource = gf.isResource,
contents = if (rewriteGeneratedFiles) r.string(gf.contents) else gf.contents,
toRelPath = r.relPath(gf.toRelPath)
lazy val bloopFiles: Vector[Config.File] =
bloopFileStrings.map { case (_, contents) => parseBloopFile(contents) }
lazy val sbtExportFiles: Vector[ReadSbtExportFile.ExportedProject] =
sbtExportFilePaths.map { case (path, contents) => ReadSbtExportFile.parse(path, contents) }
lazy val projects: Map[model.CrossProjectName, ImportInputData.InputProject] = {
val all = bloopFiles
.collect { case bloopFile =>
val sbtExportFile =
sbtExportFiles.filter(f => f.bloopName == bloopFile.project.name).toList match {
case Nil =>
sys.error(s"Couldn't pick sbt export file for project ${bloopFile.project.name}")
case List(one) =>
case many =>
.find(f => bloopFile.project.scala.map(_.version).contains(f.scalaVersion.full))
.orElse(many.find(f => bloopFile.project.scala.map(s => model.VersionScala(s.version).binVersion).contains(f.scalaVersion.binary)))
.getOrElse {
sys.error(s"Couldn't pick sbt export file for project ${bloopFile.project.name} among ${many.map(_.scalaVersion)}")
ImportInputData.InputProject(bloopFile, sbtExportFile)
val cross = all
.groupBy(ip => ip.bleepProjectName)
.flatMap {
case (name, one) if one.size == 1 =>
List((model.CrossProjectName(name, None), one.head))
case (name, importableProjects) =>
// multiple projects may translate to same crossId. we discard all except one
val byCrossId: Map[Option[model.CrossId], Iterable[ImportInputData.InputProject]] =
importableProjects.groupBy(ip => ImportInputData.mkCrossId(ip, None))
byCrossId.map {
case (maybeCrossId, one) if one.size == 1 =>
(model.CrossProjectName(name, maybeCrossId), one.head)
case (maybeCrossId, conflicting) =>
// note that this being a `Map` the discard would be automatic,
// but for consistency this code will pick the same each time
val chosen = conflicting.maxBy(ip => ImportInputData.mkCrossId(ip, overrideIsFull = Some(true)))
(model.CrossProjectName(name, maybeCrossId), chosen)
ImportInputData.keepRelevant(cross, hasSources)
lazy val byBloopName: Map[String, model.CrossProjectName] =
projects.map { case (crossName, ip) => (ip.bloopName, crossName) }
lazy val generatedFiles: Map[model.CrossProjectName, Vector[GeneratedFile]] =
projects.map { case (crossName, inputProject) =>
val fromSources = inputProject.bloopFile.project.sources.flatMap(sourceDir => generatedFilesBySourceDir.getOrElse(sourceDir, Nil))
val fromResources = inputProject.bloopFile.project.resources.getOrElse(Nil).flatMap(sourceDir => generatedFilesBySourceDir.getOrElse(sourceDir, Nil))
val generated = fromSources.toVector ++ fromResources
(crossName, generated)
object ImportInputData {
import codecs.*
implicit val codec: Codec.AsObject[ImportInputData] = deriveCodec
def collectFromFileSystem(
destinationPaths: BuildPaths,
logger: Logger
): ImportInputData = {
val bloopFileStrings: Vector[(Path, String)] =
.map(path => (path, Files.readString(path)))
// we'll re-parse these later. it's inefficient, but simplifies test harness
// - need to parse them here to peek into source directories and so on
// - need to persist them as strings for tests
val bloopFiles: Vector[Config.File] =
bloopFileStrings.map { case (_, contents) => parseBloopFile(contents) }
val sbtExportFileStrings: Vector[(Path, String)] =
.map(path => (path, Files.readString(path)))
val hasSources: SortedSet[Path] = {
def isSource(path: Path): Boolean =
path.toString match {
case p if p.endsWith(".scala") => true
case p if p.endsWith(".java") => true
case _ => false
.filter(path => Files.exists(path) && Files.walk(path).filter(isSource).findFirst().isPresent)
val generatedFilesBySourceFolder: SortedMap[Path, Vector[GeneratedFile]] =
.flatMap { file =>
val bloopProject = file.project
val originalTargetDir = findOriginalTargetDir(bloopProject).getOrElse {
sys.error(s"couldn't find target directory for bloop project ${bloopProject.name}")
def findFiles(dirs: List[Path], isResource: Boolean): List[(Path, GeneratedFile)] =
for {
dir <- dirs
if dir.startsWith(originalTargetDir) && FileUtils.exists(dir)
file <- Files.walk(dir).filter(Files.isRegularFile(_)).iterator().asScala
// reading non UTF-8 files will fail, but that's fine
content <- Try(Files.readString(file)) match {
case Failure(exception) => logger.warn(s"Failed to read $file: $exception"); None
case Success(value) => Some(value)
} yield (dir, GeneratedFile(isResource = isResource, content, RelPath.relativeTo(dir, file)))
val sources = findFiles(bloopProject.sources, isResource = false)
val resources = findFiles(bloopProject.resources.getOrElse(Nil), isResource = true)
sources ++ resources
.groupMap { case (path, _) => path } { case (_, gen) => gen }
new ImportInputData(bloopFileStrings, sbtExportFileStrings, hasSources, generatedFilesBySourceFolder)
def findGeneratedJsonFiles(under: Path): Vector[Path] =
.flatMap(dir => Files.list(dir).filter(x => Files.isRegularFile(x) && x.getFileName.toString.endsWith(".json")))
case class InputProject(bloopFile: Config.File, sbtExportFile: ReadSbtExportFile.ExportedProject) {
val projectType = ProjectType.of(bloopFile.project.name)
val sbtName: String = sbtExportFile.sbtName
val bloopName: String = bloopFile.project.name
val bleepProjectName: model.ProjectName = {
val suffix: String = projectType match {
case ProjectType.Main => ""
case ProjectType.Test => "-test"
case ProjectType.It => "-it"
if (sbtName.endsWith("-test"))
model.ProjectName(sbtName.replace("-test", "+test") + suffix)
else if (sbtName.endsWith("-it"))
model.ProjectName(sbtName.replace("-it", "+it") + suffix)
else model.ProjectName(sbtName + suffix)
sealed abstract class ProjectType(val configuration: Configuration, val sbtScope: String, val testLike: Boolean)
object ProjectType {
case object Main extends ProjectType(Configuration.empty, "main", testLike = false)
case object Test extends ProjectType(Configuration.test, "test", testLike = true)
case object It extends ProjectType(Configuration("it"), "it", testLike = true)
def of(bloopName: String): ProjectType =
if (bloopName.endsWith("-test")) Test
else if (bloopName.endsWith("-it")) It
else Main
def keepRelevant(
projects: Map[model.CrossProjectName, ImportInputData.InputProject],
hasSources: Path => Boolean
): Map[model.CrossProjectName, InputProject] = {
// not transitive
val reverseBloopDeps: Map[String, Iterable[String]] =
.flatMap { case (_, f) => f.bloopFile.project.dependencies.map(from => (from, f.bloopFile.project.name)) }
.groupBy { case (from, _) => from }
.map { case (name, tuples) => (name, tuples.map { case (_, to) => to }.toSet) }
// may have multiple cross builds per project name. we'll consider them together
val byName: Map[String, Map[model.CrossProjectName, InputProject]] =
projects.groupBy { case (_, f) => f.bloopFile.project.name }
def include(projectName: String): Boolean = {
val keepBecauseFoundSources = byName(projectName).exists { case (_, f) => f.bloopFile.project.sources.exists(hasSources.apply) }
def keepBecauseFoundDownstreamWithSources = reverseBloopDeps.getOrElse(projectName, Nil).exists(include)
keepBecauseFoundSources || keepBecauseFoundDownstreamWithSources
projects.filter { case (_, f) => include(f.bloopFile.project.name) }
def mkCrossId(ip: ImportInputData.InputProject, overrideIsFull: Option[Boolean]): Option[model.CrossId] =
maybeScalaVersion = ip.bloopFile.project.scala.map(s => model.VersionScala(s.version)),
maybePlatformId = ip.bloopFile.project.platform.flatMap(p => model.PlatformId.fromName(p.name)),
isFull = overrideIsFull.getOrElse {
ip.sbtExportFile.crossVersion match {
case _: librarymanagement.CrossVersion.Full => true
case _ => false
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