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soot.baf.JasminClass Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package soot.baf;

 * #%L
 * Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 1999 Patrick Lam, Patrick Pominville and Raja Vallee-Rai
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * .
 * #L%

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import soot.AbstractJasminClass;
import soot.ArrayType;
import soot.Body;
import soot.BooleanType;
import soot.ByteType;
import soot.CharType;
import soot.DoubleType;
import soot.FloatType;
import soot.IntType;
import soot.Local;
import soot.LongType;
import soot.Modifier;
import soot.NullType;
import soot.PackManager;
import soot.RefType;
import soot.ShortType;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootFieldRef;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.SootMethodRef;
import soot.StmtAddressType;
import soot.Timers;
import soot.Trap;
import soot.Type;
import soot.TypeSwitch;
import soot.Unit;
import soot.UnitBox;
import soot.Value;
import soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef;
import soot.jimple.ClassConstant;
import soot.jimple.DoubleConstant;
import soot.jimple.FloatConstant;
import soot.jimple.IdentityRef;
import soot.jimple.IntConstant;
import soot.jimple.JimpleBody;
import soot.jimple.LongConstant;
import soot.jimple.MethodHandle;
import soot.jimple.NullConstant;
import soot.jimple.ParameterRef;
import soot.jimple.StringConstant;
import soot.jimple.ThisRef;
import soot.options.Options;
import soot.tagkit.JasminAttribute;
import soot.tagkit.LineNumberTag;
import soot.tagkit.Tag;
import soot.toolkits.graph.Block;
import soot.toolkits.graph.BlockGraph;
import soot.toolkits.graph.BriefBlockGraph;
import soot.toolkits.graph.DirectedGraph;
import soot.util.ArraySet;
import soot.util.Chain;

public class JasminClass extends AbstractJasminClass {
  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JasminClass.class);

  public JasminClass(SootClass sootClass) {

  protected void assignColorsToLocals(Body body) {

    if (Options.v().time()) {


  protected void emitMethodBody(SootMethod method) {
    if (Options.v().time()) {

    Body activeBody = method.getActiveBody();

    if (!(activeBody instanceof BafBody)) {
      if (activeBody instanceof JimpleBody) {
        if (Options.v().verbose()) {
              "Was expecting Baf body for " + method + " but found a Jimple body. Will convert body to Baf on the fly.");
        activeBody = PackManager.v().convertJimpleBodyToBaf(method);
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("method: " + method.getName() + " has an invalid active body!");

    BafBody body = (BafBody) activeBody;

    if (body == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("method: " + method.getName() + " has no active body!");

    if (Options.v().time()) {

    Chain instList = body.getUnits();

    int stackLimitIndex = -1;

    subroutineToReturnAddressSlot = new HashMap(10, 0.7f);

    // Determine the unitToLabel map
      unitToLabel = new HashMap(instList.size() * 2 + 1, 0.7f);
      labelCount = 0;

      for (UnitBox uBox : body.getUnitBoxes(true)) {
        // Assign a label for each statement reference
          InstBox box = (InstBox) uBox;

          if (!unitToLabel.containsKey(box.getUnit())) {
            unitToLabel.put(box.getUnit(), "label" + labelCount++);

    // Emit the exceptions, recording the Units at the beginning
    // of handlers so that later on we can recognize blocks that
    // begin with an exception on the stack.
    Set handlerUnits = new ArraySet(body.getTraps().size());
      for (Trap trap : body.getTraps()) {
        if (trap.getBeginUnit() != trap.getEndUnit()) {
          emit(".catch " + slashify(trap.getException().getName()) + " from " + unitToLabel.get(trap.getBeginUnit()) + " to "
              + unitToLabel.get(trap.getEndUnit()) + " using " + unitToLabel.get(trap.getHandlerUnit()));

    // Determine where the locals go
      int localCount = 0;
      int[] paramSlots = new int[method.getParameterCount()];
      int thisSlot = 0;
      Set assignedLocals = new HashSet();

      localToSlot = new HashMap(body.getLocalCount() * 2 + 1, 0.7f);

      // assignColorsToLocals(body);

      // Determine slots for 'this' and parameters
        if (!method.isStatic()) {
          thisSlot = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < method.getParameterCount(); i++) {
          paramSlots[i] = localCount;
          localCount += sizeOfType(method.getParameterType(i));

      // Handle identity statements
        for (Unit u : instList) {
          Inst s = (Inst) u;
          if (s instanceof IdentityInst && ((IdentityInst) s).getLeftOp() instanceof Local) {
            Local l = (Local) ((IdentityInst) s).getLeftOp();
            IdentityRef identity = (IdentityRef) ((IdentityInst) s).getRightOp();

            int slot = 0;

            if (identity instanceof ThisRef) {
              if (method.isStatic()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to use 'this' in static method");

              slot = thisSlot;
            } else if (identity instanceof ParameterRef) {
              slot = paramSlots[((ParameterRef) identity).getIndex()];
            } else {
              // Exception ref. Skip over this

            localToSlot.put(l, new Integer(slot));


      // Assign the rest of the locals
        for (Local local : body.getLocals()) {
          if (assignedLocals.add(local)) {
            localToSlot.put(local, new Integer(localCount));
            localCount += sizeOfType(local.getType());

        if (!Modifier.isNative(method.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isAbstract(method.getModifiers())) {
          emit("    .limit stack ?");
          stackLimitIndex = code.size() - 1;

          emit("    .limit locals " + localCount);

    // Emit code in one pass
      isEmittingMethodCode = true;
      maxStackHeight = 0;
      isNextGotoAJsr = false;

      for (Unit u : instList) {
        Inst s = (Inst) u;

        if (unitToLabel.containsKey(s)) {
          emit(unitToLabel.get(s) + ":");

        // emit this statement

      isEmittingMethodCode = false;

      // calculate max stack height
        maxStackHeight = 0;
        if (activeBody.getUnits().size() != 0) {
          BlockGraph blockGraph = new BriefBlockGraph(activeBody);
          List blocks = blockGraph.getBlocks();

          if (blocks.size() != 0) {
            // set the stack height of the entry points
            List entryPoints = ((DirectedGraph) blockGraph).getHeads();
            for (Block entryBlock : entryPoints) {
              Integer initialHeight;
              if (handlerUnits.contains(entryBlock.getHead())) {
                initialHeight = new Integer(1);
              } else {
                initialHeight = new Integer(0);
              if (blockToStackHeight == null) {
                blockToStackHeight = new HashMap();
              blockToStackHeight.put(entryBlock, initialHeight);
              if (blockToLogicalStackHeight == null) {
                blockToLogicalStackHeight = new HashMap();
              blockToLogicalStackHeight.put(entryBlock, initialHeight);

            // dfs the block graph using the blocks in the
            // entryPoints list as roots
            for (Block nextBlock : entryPoints) {

      if (!Modifier.isNative(method.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isAbstract(method.getModifiers())) {
        code.set(stackLimitIndex, "    .limit stack " + maxStackHeight);

    // emit code attributes
      for (Tag t : body.getTags()) {
        if (t instanceof JasminAttribute) {
          emit(".code_attribute " + t.getName() + " \"" + ((JasminAttribute) t).getJasminValue(unitToLabel) + "\"");

  void emitInst(Inst inst) {
    LineNumberTag lnTag = (LineNumberTag) inst.getTag("LineNumberTag");
    if (lnTag != null) {
      emit(".line " + lnTag.getLineNumber());
    inst.apply(new InstSwitch() {
      public void caseReturnVoidInst(ReturnVoidInst i) {

      public void caseReturnInst(ReturnInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid return type " + t.toString());

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {

          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {

          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {

          public void caseNullType(NullType t) {


      public void caseNopInst(NopInst i) {

      public void caseEnterMonitorInst(EnterMonitorInst i) {

      public void casePopInst(PopInst i) {
        if (i.getWordCount() == 2) {
        } else {

      public void caseExitMonitorInst(ExitMonitorInst i) {

      public void caseGotoInst(GotoInst i) {
        emit("goto " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void caseJSRInst(JSRInst i) {
        emit("jsr " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void casePushInst(PushInst i) {
        if (i.getConstant() instanceof IntConstant) {
          IntConstant v = (IntConstant) (i.getConstant());
          if (v.value == -1) {
          } else if (v.value >= 0 && v.value <= 5) {
            emit("iconst_" + v.value);
          } else if (v.value >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && v.value <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
            emit("bipush " + v.value);
          } else if (v.value >= Short.MIN_VALUE && v.value <= Short.MAX_VALUE) {
            emit("sipush " + v.value);
          } else {
            emit("ldc " + v.toString());
        } else if (i.getConstant() instanceof StringConstant) {
          emit("ldc " + i.getConstant().toString());
        } else if (i.getConstant() instanceof ClassConstant) {
          emit("ldc_w " + ((ClassConstant) i.getConstant()).getValue());
        } else if (i.getConstant() instanceof DoubleConstant) {
          DoubleConstant v = (DoubleConstant) (i.getConstant());

          if ((v.value == 0) && ((1.0 / v.value) > 0.0)) {
          } else if (v.value == 1) {
          } else {
            String s = doubleToString(v);
            emit("ldc2_w " + s);
        } else if (i.getConstant() instanceof FloatConstant) {
          FloatConstant v = (FloatConstant) (i.getConstant());
          if ((v.value == 0) && ((1.0f / v.value) > 1.0f)) {
          } else if (v.value == 1) {
          } else if (v.value == 2) {
          } else {
            String s = floatToString(v);
            emit("ldc " + s);
        } else if (i.getConstant() instanceof LongConstant) {
          LongConstant v = (LongConstant) (i.getConstant());
          if (v.value == 0) {
          } else if (v.value == 1) {
          } else {
            emit("ldc2_w " + v.toString());
        } else if (i.getConstant() instanceof NullConstant) {
        } else if (i.getConstant() instanceof MethodHandle) {
          throw new RuntimeException("MethodHandle constants not supported by Jasmin. Please use -asm-backend.");
        } else {
          throw new RuntimeException("unsupported opcode");

      public void caseIdentityInst(IdentityInst i) {
        if (i.getRightOp() instanceof CaughtExceptionRef && i.getLeftOp() instanceof Local) {
          int slot = localToSlot.get(i.getLeftOp()).intValue();

          if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
            emit("astore_" + slot);
          } else {
            emit("astore " + slot);

      public void caseStoreInst(StoreInst i) {
        final int slot = localToSlot.get(i.getLocal()).intValue();

        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("astore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("astore " + slot);

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("dstore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("dstore " + slot);

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("fstore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("fstore " + slot);

          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("istore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("istore " + slot);

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("istore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("istore " + slot);

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("istore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("istore " + slot);

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("istore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("istore " + slot);

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("istore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("istore " + slot);

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("lstore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("lstore " + slot);

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("astore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("astore " + slot);

          public void caseStmtAddressType(StmtAddressType t) {
            isNextGotoAJsr = true;
            returnAddressSlot = slot;

             * if ( slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) emit("astore_" + slot, ); else emit("astore " + slot, );

          public void caseNullType(NullType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("astore_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("astore " + slot);

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid local type:" + t);

      public void caseLoadInst(LoadInst i) {
        final int slot = localToSlot.get(i.getLocal()).intValue();

        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("aload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("aload " + slot);

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid local type to load" + t);

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("dload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("dload " + slot);

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("fload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("fload " + slot);

          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("iload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("iload " + slot);

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("iload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("iload " + slot);

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("iload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("iload " + slot);

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("iload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("iload " + slot);

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("iload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("iload " + slot);

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("lload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("lload " + slot);

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("aload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("aload " + slot);

          public void caseNullType(NullType t) {
            if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 3) {
              emit("aload_" + slot);
            } else {
              emit("aload " + slot);

      public void caseArrayWriteInst(ArrayWriteInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {

          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type: " + t);


      public void caseArrayReadInst(ArrayReadInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType ty) {

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType ty) {

          public void caseByteType(ByteType ty) {

          public void caseCharType(CharType ty) {

          public void defaultCase(Type ty) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid base type");

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType ty) {

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType ty) {

          public void caseIntType(IntType ty) {

          public void caseLongType(LongType ty) {

          public void caseNullType(NullType ty) {

          public void caseRefType(RefType ty) {

          public void caseShortType(ShortType ty) {

      public void caseIfNullInst(IfNullInst i) {
        emit("ifnull " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void caseIfNonNullInst(IfNonNullInst i) {
        emit("ifnonnull " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void caseIfEqInst(IfEqInst i) {
        emit("ifeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void caseIfNeInst(IfNeInst i) {
        emit("ifne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void caseIfGtInst(IfGtInst i) {
        emit("ifgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void caseIfGeInst(IfGeInst i) {
        emit("ifge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void caseIfLtInst(IfLtInst i) {
        emit("iflt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void caseIfLeInst(IfLeInst i) {
        emit("ifle " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

      public void caseIfCmpEqInst(final IfCmpEqInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {
            emit("if_icmpeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {
            emit("if_icmpeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {
            emit("if_icmpeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {
            emit("if_icmpeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {
            emit("if_icmpeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {
            emit("ifeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {
            emit("ifeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {
            emit("ifeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {
            emit("if_acmpeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {
            emit("if_acmpeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseNullType(NullType t) {
            emit("if_acmpeq " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid type");

      public void caseIfCmpNeInst(final IfCmpNeInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {
            emit("if_icmpne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {
            emit("if_icmpne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {
            emit("if_icmpne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {
            emit("if_icmpne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {
            emit("if_icmpne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {
            emit("ifne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {
            emit("ifne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {
            emit("ifne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {
            emit("if_acmpne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {
            emit("if_acmpne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseNullType(NullType t) {
            emit("if_acmpne " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid type");

      public void caseIfCmpGtInst(final IfCmpGtInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {
            emit("if_icmpgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {
            emit("if_icmpgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {
            emit("if_icmpgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {
            emit("if_icmpgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {
            emit("if_icmpgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {
            emit("ifgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {
            emit("ifgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {
            emit("ifgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {
            emit("if_acmpgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {
            emit("if_acmpgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseNullType(NullType t) {
            emit("if_acmpgt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid type");

      public void caseIfCmpGeInst(final IfCmpGeInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {
            emit("if_icmpge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {
            emit("if_icmpge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {
            emit("if_icmpge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {
            emit("if_icmpge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {
            emit("if_icmpge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {
            emit("ifge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {
            emit("ifge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {
            emit("ifge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {
            emit("if_acmpge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {
            emit("if_acmpge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseNullType(NullType t) {
            emit("if_acmpge " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid type");

      public void caseIfCmpLtInst(final IfCmpLtInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {
            emit("if_icmplt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {
            emit("if_icmplt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {
            emit("if_icmplt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {
            emit("if_icmplt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {
            emit("if_icmplt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {
            emit("iflt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {
            emit("iflt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {
            emit("iflt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {
            emit("if_acmplt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {
            emit("if_acmplt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseNullType(NullType t) {
            emit("if_acmplt " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid type");

      public void caseIfCmpLeInst(final IfCmpLeInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {
            emit("if_icmple " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {
            emit("if_icmple " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {
            emit("if_icmple " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {
            emit("if_icmple " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {
            emit("if_icmple " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {
            emit("ifle " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {
            emit("ifle " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {
            emit("ifle " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseArrayType(ArrayType t) {
            emit("if_acmple " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseRefType(RefType t) {
            emit("if_acmple " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void caseNullType(NullType t) {
            emit("if_acmple " + unitToLabel.get(i.getTarget()));

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("invalid type");

      public void caseStaticGetInst(StaticGetInst i) {
        SootFieldRef field = i.getFieldRef();
        emit("getstatic " + slashify(field.declaringClass().getName()) + "/" + + " "
            + jasminDescriptorOf(field.type()));

      public void caseStaticPutInst(StaticPutInst i) {
        emit("putstatic " + slashify(i.getFieldRef().declaringClass().getName()) + "/" + i.getFieldRef().name() + " "
            + jasminDescriptorOf(i.getFieldRef().type()));

      public void caseFieldGetInst(FieldGetInst i) {
        emit("getfield " + slashify(i.getFieldRef().declaringClass().getName()) + "/" + i.getFieldRef().name() + " "
            + jasminDescriptorOf(i.getFieldRef().type()));

      public void caseFieldPutInst(FieldPutInst i) {
        emit("putfield " + slashify(i.getFieldRef().declaringClass().getName()) + "/" + i.getFieldRef().name() + " "
            + jasminDescriptorOf(i.getFieldRef().type()));

      public void caseInstanceCastInst(InstanceCastInst i) {
        Type castType = i.getCastType();

        if (castType instanceof RefType) {
          emit("checkcast " + slashify(((RefType) castType).getClassName()));
        } else if (castType instanceof ArrayType) {
          emit("checkcast " + jasminDescriptorOf(castType));

      public void caseInstanceOfInst(InstanceOfInst i) {
        Type checkType = i.getCheckType();

        if (checkType instanceof RefType) {
          emit("instanceof " + slashify(checkType.toString()));
        } else if (checkType instanceof ArrayType) {
          emit("instanceof " + jasminDescriptorOf(checkType));

      public void caseNewInst(NewInst i) {
        emit("new " + slashify(i.getBaseType().getClassName()));

      public void casePrimitiveCastInst(PrimitiveCastInst i) {

      public void caseDynamicInvokeInst(DynamicInvokeInst i) {
        SootMethodRef m = i.getMethodRef();
        SootMethodRef bsm = i.getBootstrapMethodRef();
        String bsmArgString = "";
        for (Iterator iterator = i.getBootstrapArgs().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
          Value val =;
          bsmArgString += "(" + jasminDescriptorOf(val.getType()) + ")";
          bsmArgString += escape(val.toString());

          if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            bsmArgString += ",";

        emit("invokedynamic \"" + + "\" " + jasminDescriptorOf(m) + " " + slashify(bsm.declaringClass().getName())
            + "/" + + jasminDescriptorOf(bsm) + "(" + bsmArgString + ")");

      private String escape(String bsmArgString) {
        return bsmArgString.replace(",", "\\comma").replace(" ", "\\blank").replace("\t", "\\tab").replace("\n",

      public void caseStaticInvokeInst(StaticInvokeInst i) {
        SootMethodRef m = i.getMethodRef();

        emit("invokestatic " + slashify(m.declaringClass().getName()) + "/" + + jasminDescriptorOf(m));

      public void caseVirtualInvokeInst(VirtualInvokeInst i) {
        SootMethodRef m = i.getMethodRef();

        emit("invokevirtual " + slashify(m.declaringClass().getName()) + "/" + + jasminDescriptorOf(m));

      public void caseInterfaceInvokeInst(InterfaceInvokeInst i) {
        SootMethodRef m = i.getMethodRef();

        emit("invokeinterface " + slashify(m.declaringClass().getName()) + "/" + + jasminDescriptorOf(m) + " "
            + (argCountOf(m) + 1));

      public void caseSpecialInvokeInst(SpecialInvokeInst i) {
        SootMethodRef m = i.getMethodRef();

        emit("invokespecial " + slashify(m.declaringClass().getName()) + "/" + + jasminDescriptorOf(m));

      public void caseThrowInst(ThrowInst i) {

      public void caseCmpInst(CmpInst i) {

      public void caseCmplInst(CmplInst i) {
        if (i.getOpType().equals(FloatType.v())) {
        } else {

      public void caseCmpgInst(CmpgInst i) {
        if (i.getOpType().equals(FloatType.v())) {
        } else {

      private void emitOpTypeInst(final String s, final OpTypeArgInst i) {
        i.getOpType().apply(new TypeSwitch() {
          private void handleIntCase() {
            emit("i" + s);

          public void caseIntType(IntType t) {

          public void caseBooleanType(BooleanType t) {

          public void caseShortType(ShortType t) {

          public void caseCharType(CharType t) {

          public void caseByteType(ByteType t) {

          public void caseLongType(LongType t) {
            emit("l" + s);

          public void caseDoubleType(DoubleType t) {
            emit("d" + s);

          public void caseFloatType(FloatType t) {
            emit("f" + s);

          public void defaultCase(Type t) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid argument type for div");

      public void caseAddInst(AddInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("add", i);

      public void caseDivInst(DivInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("div", i);

      public void caseSubInst(SubInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("sub", i);

      public void caseMulInst(MulInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("mul", i);

      public void caseRemInst(RemInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("rem", i);

      public void caseShlInst(ShlInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("shl", i);

      public void caseAndInst(AndInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("and", i);

      public void caseOrInst(OrInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("or", i);

      public void caseXorInst(XorInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("xor", i);

      public void caseShrInst(ShrInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("shr", i);

      public void caseUshrInst(UshrInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("ushr", i);

      public void caseIncInst(IncInst i) {
        if (i.getUseBoxes().get(0).getValue() != i.getDefBoxes().get(0).getValue()) {
          throw new RuntimeException("iinc def and use boxes don't match");

        emit("iinc " + localToSlot.get(i.getLocal()) + " " + i.getConstant());

      public void caseArrayLengthInst(ArrayLengthInst i) {

      public void caseNegInst(NegInst i) {
        emitOpTypeInst("neg", i);

      public void caseNewArrayInst(NewArrayInst i) {
        if (i.getBaseType() instanceof RefType) {
          emit("anewarray " + slashify(((RefType) i.getBaseType()).getClassName()));
        } else if (i.getBaseType() instanceof ArrayType) {
          emit("anewarray " + jasminDescriptorOf(i.getBaseType()));
        } else {
          emit("newarray " + i.getBaseType().toString());

      public void caseNewMultiArrayInst(NewMultiArrayInst i) {
        emit("multianewarray " + jasminDescriptorOf(i.getBaseType()) + " " + i.getDimensionCount());

      public void caseLookupSwitchInst(LookupSwitchInst i) {

        List lookupValues = i.getLookupValues();
        List targets = i.getTargets();

        for (int j = 0; j < lookupValues.size(); j++) {
          emit("  " + lookupValues.get(j) + " : " + unitToLabel.get(targets.get(j)));

        emit("  default : " + unitToLabel.get(i.getDefaultTarget()));

      public void caseTableSwitchInst(TableSwitchInst i) {
        emit("tableswitch " + i.getLowIndex() + " ; high = " + i.getHighIndex());

        List targets = i.getTargets();

        for (int j = 0; j < targets.size(); j++) {
          emit("  " + unitToLabel.get(targets.get(j)));

        emit("default : " + unitToLabel.get(i.getDefaultTarget()));

      private boolean isDwordType(Type t) {
        return t instanceof LongType || t instanceof DoubleType || t instanceof DoubleWordType;

      public void caseDup1Inst(Dup1Inst i) {
        Type firstOpType = i.getOp1Type();
        if (isDwordType(firstOpType)) {
          emit("dup2"); // (form 2)
        } else {

      public void caseDup2Inst(Dup2Inst i) {
        Type firstOpType = i.getOp1Type();
        Type secondOpType = i.getOp2Type();
        // The first two cases have no real bytecode equivalents.
        // Use a pair of insts to simulate them.
        if (isDwordType(firstOpType)) {
          emit("dup2"); // (form 2)
          if (isDwordType(secondOpType)) {
            emit("dup2"); // (form 2 -- by simulation)
          } else {
            emit("dup"); // also a simulation
        } else if (isDwordType(secondOpType)) {
          if (isDwordType(firstOpType)) {
            emit("dup2"); // (form 2)
          } else {
          emit("dup2"); // (form 2 -- complete the simulation)
        } else {
          emit("dup2"); // form 1

      public void caseDup1_x1Inst(Dup1_x1Inst i) {
        Type opType = i.getOp1Type();
        Type underType = i.getUnder1Type();

        if (isDwordType(opType)) {
          if (isDwordType(underType)) {
            emit("dup2_x2"); // (form 4)
          } else {
            emit("dup2_x1"); // (form 2)
        } else {
          if (isDwordType(underType)) {
            emit("dup_x2"); // (form 2)
          } else {
            emit("dup_x1"); // (only one form)

      public void caseDup1_x2Inst(Dup1_x2Inst i) {
        Type opType = i.getOp1Type();
        Type under1Type = i.getUnder1Type();
        Type under2Type = i.getUnder2Type();

        // 07-20-2006 Michael Batchelder
        // NOW handling all types of dup1_x2
         * From VM Spec: cat1 = category 1 (word type) cat2 = category 2 (doubleword)
         * Form 1: [..., cat1_value3, cat1_value2, cat1_value1]->[..., cat1_value2, cat1_value1, cat1_value3, cat1_value2,
         * cat1_value1] Form 2: [..., cat1_value2, cat2_value1]->[..., cat2_value1, cat1_value2, cat2_value1]

        if (isDwordType(opType)) {
          if (!isDwordType(under1Type) && !isDwordType(under2Type)) {
            emit("dup2_x2"); // (form 2)
          } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("magic not implemented yet");
        } else {
          if (isDwordType(under1Type) || isDwordType(under2Type)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("magic not implemented yet");

        emit("dup_x2"); // (form 1)

      public void caseDup2_x1Inst(Dup2_x1Inst i) {
        Type op1Type = i.getOp1Type();
        Type op2Type = i.getOp2Type();
        Type under1Type = i.getUnder1Type();

        // 07-20-2006 Michael Batchelder
        // NOW handling all types of dup2_x1
         * From VM Spec: cat1 = category 1 (word type) cat2 = category 2 (doubleword)
         * Form 1: [..., cat1_value3, cat1_value2, cat1_value1]->[..., cat1_value2, cat1_value1, cat1_value3, cat1_value2,
         * cat1_value1] Form 2: [..., cat1_value2, cat2_value1]->[..., cat2_value1, cat1_value2, cat2_value1]
        if (isDwordType(under1Type)) {
          if (!isDwordType(op1Type) && !isDwordType(op2Type)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("magic not implemented yet");
          } else {
            emit("dup2_x2"); // (form 3)
        } else {
          if ((isDwordType(op1Type) && op2Type != null) || isDwordType(op2Type)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("magic not implemented yet");

        emit("dup2_x1"); // (form 1)

      public void caseDup2_x2Inst(Dup2_x2Inst i) {
        Type op1Type = i.getOp1Type();
        Type op2Type = i.getOp2Type();
        Type under1Type = i.getUnder1Type();
        Type under2Type = i.getUnder2Type();

        // 07-20-2006 Michael Batchelder
        // NOW handling all types of dup2_x2

         * From VM Spec: cat1 = category 1 (word type) cat2 = category 2 (doubleword) Form 1: [..., cat1_value4, cat1_value3,
         * cat1_value2, cat1_value1]->[..., cat1_value2, cat1_value1, cat1_value4, cat1_value3, cat1_value2, cat1_value1]
         * Form 2: [..., cat1_value3, cat1_value2, cat2_value1]->[ ..., cat2_value1, cat1_value3, cat1_value2, cat2_value1]
         * Form 3: [..., cat2_value3, cat1_value2, cat1_value1]->[..., cat1_value2, cat1_value1, cat2_value3, cat1_value2,
         * cat1_value1] Form 4: [..., cat2_value2, cat2_value1]->[..., cat2_value1, cat2_value2, cat2_value1]
        boolean malformed = true;
        if (isDwordType(op1Type)) {
          if (op2Type == null && under1Type != null) {
            if ((under2Type == null && isDwordType(under1Type))
                || (!isDwordType(under1Type) && under2Type != null && !isDwordType(under2Type))) {
              malformed = false;
        } else if (op1Type != null && op2Type != null && !isDwordType(op2Type)) {
          if ((under2Type == null && isDwordType(under1Type))
              || (under1Type != null && !isDwordType(under1Type) && under2Type != null && !isDwordType(under2Type))) {
            malformed = false;
        if (malformed) {
          throw new RuntimeException("magic not implemented yet");

        emit("dup2_x2"); // (form 1)

      public void caseSwapInst(SwapInst i) {


  private void calculateStackHeight(Block aBlock) {
    int blockHeight = blockToStackHeight.get(aBlock).intValue();
    if (blockHeight > maxStackHeight) {
      maxStackHeight = blockHeight;

    for (Unit u : aBlock) {
      Inst nInst = (Inst) u;

      blockHeight -= nInst.getInMachineCount();

      if (blockHeight < 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Negative Stack height has been attained in :" + aBlock.getBody().getMethod().getSignature() + " \n"
                + "StackHeight: " + blockHeight + "\n" + "At instruction:" + nInst + "\n" + "Block:\n" + aBlock
                + "\n\nMethod: " + aBlock.getBody().getMethod().getName() + "\n" + aBlock.getBody().getMethod());

      blockHeight += nInst.getOutMachineCount();
      if (blockHeight > maxStackHeight) {
        maxStackHeight = blockHeight;
      // logger.debug(">>> " + nInst + " " + blockHeight);

    for (Block b : aBlock.getSuccs()) {
      Integer i = blockToStackHeight.get(b);
      if (i != null) {
        if (i.intValue() != blockHeight) {
          throw new RuntimeException(
              aBlock.getBody().getMethod().getSignature() + ": incoherent stack height at block merge point " + b + aBlock
                  + "\ncomputed blockHeight == " + blockHeight + " recorded blockHeight = " + i.intValue());

      } else {
        blockToStackHeight.put(b, new Integer(blockHeight));

  private void calculateLogicalStackHeightCheck(Block aBlock) {
    int blockHeight = blockToLogicalStackHeight.get(aBlock).intValue();
    for (Unit u : aBlock) {
      Inst nInst = (Inst) u;

      blockHeight -= nInst.getInCount();

      if (blockHeight < 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Negative Stack Logical height has been attained: \n" + "StackHeight: " + blockHeight
            + "\nAt instruction:" + nInst + "\nBlock:\n" + aBlock + "\n\nMethod: " + aBlock.getBody().getMethod().getName()
            + "\n" + aBlock.getBody().getMethod());

      blockHeight += nInst.getOutCount();

      // logger.debug(">>> " + nInst + " " + blockHeight);

    for (Block b : aBlock.getSuccs()) {
      Integer i = blockToLogicalStackHeight.get(b);
      if (i != null) {
        if (i.intValue() != blockHeight) {
          throw new RuntimeException("incoherent logical stack height at block merge point " + b + aBlock);

      } else {
        blockToLogicalStackHeight.put(b, new Integer(blockHeight));


class GroupIntPair {
  Object group;
  int x;

  GroupIntPair(Object group, int x) { = group;
    this.x = x;

  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other instanceof GroupIntPair) {
      return ((GroupIntPair) other).group.equals( && ((GroupIntPair) other).x == this.x;
    } else {
      return false;

  public int hashCode() {
    return group.hashCode() + 1013 * x;


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