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soot.javaToJimple.InitialResolver Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package soot.javaToJimple;

 * #%L
 * Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Jennifer Lhotak
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * .
 * #L%

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import polyglot.ast.ClassDecl;
import polyglot.ast.New;
import polyglot.ast.Node;
import polyglot.types.ConstructorInstance;
import polyglot.util.IdentityKey;

import soot.FastHierarchy;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootMethod;

public class InitialResolver implements IInitialResolver {

  private polyglot.ast.Node astNode; // source node
  private polyglot.frontend.Compiler compiler;
  private BiMap anonClassMap; // maps New to SootClass (name)
  private HashMap anonTypeMap; // maps polyglot types to soot types
  private BiMap localClassMap; // maps LocalClassDecl to SootClass (name)
  private HashMap localTypeMap; // maps polyglot types to soot types
  private int privateAccessCounter = 0; // global for whole program because
                                        // the methods created are static
  private HashMap finalLocalInfo; // new or lcd mapped to list of final locals avail in
                                                                   // current meth and the whether
                                                                   // its static
  private HashMap sootNameToAST = null;
  private ArrayList hasOuterRefInInit; // list of sootclass types that need an outer class this param in for init

  private HashMap classToSourceMap;
  private HashMap specialAnonMap;
  private HashMap privateFieldGetAccessMap;
  private HashMap privateFieldSetAccessMap;
  private HashMap privateMethodGetAccessMap;
  private ArrayList interfacesList;
  private ArrayList cCallList;

  private HashMap anonConstructorMap;

  public void addToAnonConstructorMap(polyglot.ast.New anonNew, polyglot.types.ConstructorInstance ci) {
    if (anonConstructorMap == null) {
      anonConstructorMap = new HashMap();
    anonConstructorMap.put(anonNew, ci);

  public polyglot.types.ConstructorInstance getConstructorForAnon(polyglot.ast.New anonNew) {
    if (anonConstructorMap == null) {
      return null;
    return anonConstructorMap.get(anonNew);

  private FastHierarchy hierarchy;

  private AbstractJBBFactory jbbFactory = new JimpleBodyBuilderFactory();

  public void setJBBFactory(AbstractJBBFactory jbbFactory) {
    this.jbbFactory = jbbFactory;

  public AbstractJBBFactory getJBBFactory() {
    return jbbFactory;

   * returns true if there is an AST avail for given soot class
  public boolean hasASTForSootName(String name) {
    if (sootNameToAST == null) {
      return false;
    if (sootNameToAST.containsKey(name)) {
      return true;
    return false;

   * sets AST for given soot class if possible
  public void setASTForSootName(String name) {
    if (!hasASTForSootName(name)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Can only set AST for name if it exists."
          + "You should probably not be calling this method unless you know what you're doing!");

  public InitialResolver(soot.Singletons.Global g) {

  public static InitialResolver v() {
    return soot.G.v().soot_javaToJimple_InitialResolver();

   * Invokes polyglot and gets the AST for the source given in fullPath
  public void formAst(String fullPath, List locations, String className) {

    JavaToJimple jtj = new JavaToJimple();
    polyglot.frontend.ExtensionInfo extInfo = jtj.initExtInfo(fullPath, locations);
    // only have one compiler - for memory issues
    if (compiler == null) {
      compiler = new polyglot.frontend.Compiler(extInfo);
    // build ast
    astNode = jtj.compile(compiler, fullPath, extInfo);



   * if you have a special AST set it here then call resolveFormJavaFile on the soot class
  public void setAst(polyglot.ast.Node ast) {
    astNode = ast;

   * March 2nd, 2006 Nomair Is it okkay get the ast and send it to the ASTMetrics package????
  public polyglot.ast.Node getAst() {
    return astNode;

  private void makeASTMap() {
    ClassDeclFinder finder = new ClassDeclFinder();
    Iterator it = finder.declsFound().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      polyglot.ast.ClassDecl decl =;
      polyglot.types.ClassType type = decl.type();
      if (type.flags().isInterface()) {
        if (interfacesList == null) {
          interfacesList = new ArrayList();

   * add name to AST to map - used mostly for inner and non public top-level classes
  protected void addNameToAST(String name) {
    if (sootNameToAST == null) {
      sootNameToAST = new HashMap();
    sootNameToAST.put(name, astNode);

  public void resolveAST() {
    if (astNode instanceof polyglot.ast.SourceFile) {
      createClassToSourceMap((polyglot.ast.SourceFile) astNode);

  // resolves all types and deals with .class literals and asserts
  public Dependencies resolveFromJavaFile(soot.SootClass sc) {
    Dependencies dependencies = new Dependencies();
    // conservatively load all to signatures
    ClassResolver cr = new ClassResolver(sc, dependencies.typesToSignature);

    // create class to source map first
    // create source file
    if (astNode instanceof polyglot.ast.SourceFile) {
      cr.createSource((polyglot.ast.SourceFile) astNode);



    return dependencies;

  private void createClassToSourceMap(polyglot.ast.SourceFile src) {

    String srcName = src.source().path();
    String srcFileName = null;
    if (src.package_() != null) {
      String slashedPkg = src.package_().package_().fullName().replaceAll(".", System.getProperty("file.separator"));
      srcFileName = srcName.substring(srcName.lastIndexOf(slashedPkg));
    } else {
      srcFileName = srcName.substring(srcName.lastIndexOf(System.getProperty("file.separator")) + 1);

    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    Iterator it = src.decls().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      polyglot.ast.ClassDecl nextDecl = (polyglot.ast.ClassDecl);
      addToClassToSourceMap(Util.getSootType(nextDecl.type()).toString(), srcFileName);


  private void createLocalAndAnonClassNames(ArrayList anonBodyList, ArrayList localClassDeclList) {
    Iterator anonBodyIt = anonBodyList.iterator();
    while (anonBodyIt.hasNext()) {
    Iterator localClassDeclIt = localClassDeclList.iterator();
    while (localClassDeclIt.hasNext()) {

  protected int getNextAnonNum() {
    if (anonTypeMap == null) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return anonTypeMap.size() + 1;

  private void createAnonClassName(polyglot.ast.New nextNew) {
    // maybe this anon has already been resolved
    if (anonClassMap == null) {
      anonClassMap = new BiMap();
    if (anonTypeMap == null) {
      anonTypeMap = new HashMap();
    if (!anonClassMap.containsKey(nextNew)) {
      int nextAvailNum = 1;
      polyglot.types.ClassType outerToMatch = nextNew.anonType().outer();
      while (outerToMatch.isNested()) {
        outerToMatch = outerToMatch.outer();

      if (!anonTypeMap.isEmpty()) {
        Iterator matchIt = anonTypeMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (matchIt.hasNext()) {
          polyglot.types.ClassType pType = (polyglot.types.ClassType);
          polyglot.types.ClassType outerMatch = pType.outer();
          while (outerMatch.isNested()) {
            outerMatch = outerMatch.outer();
          if (outerMatch.equals(outerToMatch)) {
            int numFound = getAnonClassNum(anonTypeMap.get(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(pType)));
            if (numFound >= nextAvailNum) {
              nextAvailNum = numFound + 1;

      String realName = outerToMatch.fullName() + "$" + nextAvailNum;
      anonClassMap.put(nextNew, realName);
      anonTypeMap.put(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(nextNew.anonType()), realName);


  private void createLocalClassName(polyglot.ast.LocalClassDecl lcd) {
    // maybe this localdecl has already been resolved
    if (localClassMap == null) {
      localClassMap = new BiMap();
    if (localTypeMap == null) {
      localTypeMap = new HashMap();

    if (!localClassMap.containsKey(lcd)) {
      int nextAvailNum = 1;
      polyglot.types.ClassType outerToMatch = lcd.decl().type().outer();
      while (outerToMatch.isNested()) {
        outerToMatch = outerToMatch.outer();

      if (!localTypeMap.isEmpty()) {
        Iterator matchIt = localTypeMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (matchIt.hasNext()) {
          polyglot.types.ClassType pType = (polyglot.types.ClassType);
          polyglot.types.ClassType outerMatch = pType.outer();
          while (outerMatch.isNested()) {
            outerMatch = outerMatch.outer();
          if (outerMatch.equals(outerToMatch)) {
            int numFound = getLocalClassNum(localTypeMap.get(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(pType)), lcd.decl().name());
            if (numFound >= nextAvailNum) {
              nextAvailNum = numFound + 1;

      String realName = outerToMatch.fullName() + "$" + nextAvailNum + lcd.decl().name();
      localClassMap.put(lcd, realName);
      localTypeMap.put(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(lcd.decl().type()), realName);

  private static final int NO_MATCH = 0;

  private int getLocalClassNum(String realName, String simpleName) {
    // a local inner class is named outer$NsimpleName where outer
    // is the very outer most class
    int dIndex = realName.indexOf("$");
    int nIndex = realName.indexOf(simpleName, dIndex);
    if (nIndex == -1) {
      return NO_MATCH;
    if (dIndex == -1) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Matching an incorrectly named local inner class: " + realName);
    String numString = realName.substring(dIndex + 1, nIndex);
    for (int i = 0; i < numString.length(); i++) {
      if (!Character.isDigit(numString.charAt(i))) {
        return NO_MATCH;
    return (new Integer(numString)).intValue();

  private int getAnonClassNum(String realName) {
    // a anon inner class is named outer$N where outer
    // is the very outer most class
    int dIndex = realName.indexOf("$");
    if (dIndex == -1) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Matching an incorrectly named anon inner class: " + realName);
    return (new Integer(realName.substring(dIndex + 1))).intValue();

   * ClassToSourceMap is for classes whos names don't match the source file name - ex: multiple top level classes in a single
   * file
  private void addToClassToSourceMap(String className, String sourceName) {

    if (classToSourceMap == null) {
      classToSourceMap = new HashMap();
    classToSourceMap.put(className, sourceName);

  public boolean hasClassInnerTag(soot.SootClass sc, String innerName) {
    Iterator it = sc.getTags().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      soot.tagkit.Tag t = (soot.tagkit.Tag);
      if (t instanceof soot.tagkit.InnerClassTag) {
        soot.tagkit.InnerClassTag tag = (soot.tagkit.InnerClassTag) t;
        if (tag.getInnerClass().equals(innerName)) {
          return true;
    return false;

  private void buildInnerClassInfo() {
    InnerClassInfoFinder icif = new InnerClassInfoFinder();
    createLocalAndAnonClassNames(icif.anonBodyList(), icif.localClassDeclList());

  private void buildFinalLocalMap(ArrayList memberList) {
    Iterator it = memberList.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {

  private void handleFinalLocals(polyglot.ast.ClassMember member) {
    MethodFinalsChecker mfc = new MethodFinalsChecker();
    // System.out.println("member: "+member);
    // System.out.println("mcf final locals avail: "+mfc.finalLocals());
    // System.out.println("mcf locals used: "+mfc.typeToLocalsUsed());
    // System.out.println("mfc inners: "+mfc.inners());
    if (cCallList == null) {
      cCallList = new ArrayList();
    // System.out.println("cCallList: "+cCallList);
    AnonLocalClassInfo alci = new AnonLocalClassInfo();
    if (member instanceof polyglot.ast.ProcedureDecl) {
      polyglot.ast.ProcedureDecl procedure = (polyglot.ast.ProcedureDecl) member;
      // not sure if this will break deep nesting
      if (procedure.flags().isStatic()) {
    } else if (member instanceof polyglot.ast.FieldDecl) {
      alci.finalLocalsAvail(new ArrayList());
      if (((polyglot.ast.FieldDecl) member).flags().isStatic()) {
    } else if (member instanceof polyglot.ast.Initializer) {
      // for now don't make final locals avail in init blocks
      // need to test this
      if (((polyglot.ast.Initializer) member).flags().isStatic()) {
    if (finalLocalInfo == null) {
      finalLocalInfo = new HashMap();
    Iterator it = mfc.inners().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {

      polyglot.types.ClassType cType = (polyglot.types.ClassType);
      // do the comparison about locals avail and locals used here
      HashMap> typeToLocalUsed = mfc.typeToLocalsUsed();
      ArrayList localsUsed = new ArrayList();
      if (typeToLocalUsed.containsKey(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(cType))) {
        ArrayList localsNeeded = typeToLocalUsed.get(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(cType));
        Iterator usesIt = localsNeeded.iterator();
        while (usesIt.hasNext()) {
          polyglot.types.LocalInstance li
              = (polyglot.types.LocalInstance) ((polyglot.util.IdentityKey);
          if (alci.finalLocalsAvail().contains(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(li))) {
            localsUsed.add(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(li));

      AnonLocalClassInfo info = new AnonLocalClassInfo();
      if (!finalLocalInfo.containsKey(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(cType))) {
        finalLocalInfo.put(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(cType), info);

  public boolean isAnonInCCall(polyglot.types.ClassType anonType) {
    // System.out.println("checking type: "+anonType);
    Iterator it = cCallList.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      polyglot.ast.ConstructorCall cCall = (polyglot.ast.ConstructorCall);
      // System.out.println("cCall params: "+cCall.arguments());
      Iterator argsIt = cCall.arguments().iterator();
      while (argsIt.hasNext()) {
        Object next =;
        if (next instanceof polyglot.ast.New && ((polyglot.ast.New) next).anonType() != null) {
          // System.out.println("comparing: "+((polyglot.ast.New)next).anonType());
          if (((polyglot.ast.New) next).anonType().equals(anonType)) {
            return true;
    return false;

  public BiMap getAnonClassMap() {
    return anonClassMap;

  public BiMap getLocalClassMap() {
    return localClassMap;

  public HashMap getAnonTypeMap() {
    return anonTypeMap;

  public HashMap getLocalTypeMap() {
    return localTypeMap;

  public HashMap finalLocalInfo() {
    return finalLocalInfo;

  public int getNextPrivateAccessCounter() {
    int res = privateAccessCounter;
    return res;

  public ArrayList getHasOuterRefInInit() {
    return hasOuterRefInInit;

  public void setHasOuterRefInInit(ArrayList list) {
    hasOuterRefInInit = list;

  public HashMap specialAnonMap() {
    return specialAnonMap;

  public void setSpecialAnonMap(HashMap map) {
    specialAnonMap = map;

  public void hierarchy(soot.FastHierarchy fh) {
    hierarchy = fh;

  public soot.FastHierarchy hierarchy() {
    return hierarchy;

  private HashMap innerClassInfoMap;

  public HashMap getInnerClassInfoMap() {
    return innerClassInfoMap;

  public void setInnerClassInfoMap(HashMap map) {
    innerClassInfoMap = map;

  protected HashMap classToSourceMap() {
    return classToSourceMap;

  public void addToPrivateFieldGetAccessMap(polyglot.ast.Field field, soot.SootMethod meth) {
    if (privateFieldGetAccessMap == null) {
      privateFieldGetAccessMap = new HashMap();
    privateFieldGetAccessMap.put(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(field.fieldInstance()), meth);

  public HashMap getPrivateFieldGetAccessMap() {
    return privateFieldGetAccessMap;

  public void addToPrivateFieldSetAccessMap(polyglot.ast.Field field, soot.SootMethod meth) {
    if (privateFieldSetAccessMap == null) {
      privateFieldSetAccessMap = new HashMap();
    privateFieldSetAccessMap.put(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(field.fieldInstance()), meth);

  public HashMap getPrivateFieldSetAccessMap() {
    return privateFieldSetAccessMap;

  public void addToPrivateMethodGetAccessMap(polyglot.ast.Call call, soot.SootMethod meth) {
    if (privateMethodGetAccessMap == null) {
      privateMethodGetAccessMap = new HashMap();
    privateMethodGetAccessMap.put(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(call.methodInstance()), meth);

  public HashMap getPrivateMethodGetAccessMap() {
    return privateMethodGetAccessMap;

  public ArrayList getInterfacesList() {
    return interfacesList;

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