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soot.javaToJimple.Util Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package soot.javaToJimple;

 * #%L
 * Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Jennifer Lhotak
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * .
 * #L%

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

import soot.Scene;

public class Util {

  public static void addInnerClassTag(soot.SootClass sc, String innerName, String outerName, String simpleName, int access) {
    // maybe need file sep here - may break windows

    innerName = innerName.replaceAll(".", "/");
    if (outerName != null) {
      outerName = outerName.replaceAll(".", "/");
    sc.addTag(new soot.tagkit.InnerClassTag(innerName, outerName, simpleName, access));


  public static String getParamNameForClassLit(polyglot.types.Type type) {
    String name = "";
    if (type.isArray()) {
      int dims = ((polyglot.types.ArrayType) type).dims();
      polyglot.types.Type arrType = ((polyglot.types.ArrayType) type).base();
      while (arrType instanceof polyglot.types.ArrayType) {
        arrType = ((polyglot.types.ArrayType) arrType).base();
      String fieldName = "";
      if (arrType.isBoolean()) {
        fieldName = "Z";
      } else if (arrType.isByte()) {
        fieldName = "B";
      } else if (arrType.isChar()) {
        fieldName = "C";
      } else if (arrType.isDouble()) {
        fieldName = "D";
      } else if (arrType.isFloat()) {
        fieldName = "F";
      } else if (arrType.isInt()) {
        fieldName = "I";
      } else if (arrType.isLong()) {
        fieldName = "J";
      } else if (arrType.isShort()) {
        fieldName = "S";
      } else {
        String typeSt = getSootType(arrType).toString();
        fieldName = "L" + typeSt;

      for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
        name += "[";
      name += fieldName;
      if (!arrType.isPrimitive()) {
        name += ";";
    } else {
      name = getSootType(type).toString();
    return name;

  public static String getFieldNameForClassLit(polyglot.types.Type type) {
    String fieldName = "";
    if (type.isArray()) {
      int dims = ((polyglot.types.ArrayType) type).dims();
      polyglot.types.Type arrType = ((polyglot.types.ArrayType) type).base();
      while (arrType instanceof polyglot.types.ArrayType) {
        arrType = ((polyglot.types.ArrayType) arrType).base();
      fieldName = "array$";
      for (int i = 0; i < (dims - 1); i++) {
        fieldName += "$";
      if (arrType.isBoolean()) {
        fieldName += "Z";
      } else if (arrType.isByte()) {
        fieldName += "B";
      } else if (arrType.isChar()) {
        fieldName += "C";
      } else if (arrType.isDouble()) {
        fieldName += "D";
      } else if (arrType.isFloat()) {
        fieldName += "F";
      } else if (arrType.isInt()) {
        fieldName += "I";
      } else if (arrType.isLong()) {
        fieldName += "J";
      } else if (arrType.isShort()) {
        fieldName += "S";
      } else {
        String typeSt = getSootType(arrType).toString();
        typeSt = typeSt.replaceAll(".", "$");

        fieldName = fieldName + "L" + typeSt;
    } else {
      fieldName = "class$";
      String typeSt = getSootType(type).toString();
      typeSt = typeSt.replaceAll(".", "$");
      fieldName = fieldName + typeSt;

    return fieldName;

  public static String getSourceFileOfClass(soot.SootClass sootClass) {
    String name = sootClass.getName();
    int index = name.indexOf("$");

    // inner classes are found in the very outer class
    if (index != -1) {
      name = name.substring(0, index);
    return name;

  public static void addLnPosTags(soot.tagkit.Host host, polyglot.util.Position pos) {
    if (pos != null) {
      if (soot.options.Options.v().keep_line_number()) {
        if (pos.file() != null) {
              new soot.tagkit.SourceLnNamePosTag(pos.file(), pos.line(), pos.endLine(), pos.column(), pos.endColumn()));
        } else {
          host.addTag(new soot.tagkit.SourceLnPosTag(pos.line(), pos.endLine(), pos.column(), pos.endColumn()));

  public static void addLnPosTags(soot.tagkit.Host host, int sline, int eline, int spos, int epos) {
    if (soot.options.Options.v().keep_line_number()) {
      host.addTag(new soot.tagkit.SourceLnPosTag(sline, eline, spos, epos));

   * Position Tag Adder
  public static void addPosTag(soot.tagkit.Host host, polyglot.util.Position pos) {
    if (pos != null) {
      addPosTag(host, pos.column(), pos.endColumn());

  public static void addMethodPosTag(soot.tagkit.Host meth, int start, int end) {

    meth.addTag(new soot.tagkit.SourcePositionTag(start, end));

   * Position Tag Adder
  public static void addPosTag(soot.tagkit.Host host, int sc, int ec) {

    host.addTag(new soot.tagkit.SourcePositionTag(sc, ec));

  public static void addMethodLineTag(soot.tagkit.Host host, int sline, int eline) {
    if (soot.options.Options.v().keep_line_number()) {
      host.addTag(new soot.tagkit.SourceLineNumberTag(sline, eline));

   * Line Tag Adder
  public static void addLineTag(soot.tagkit.Host host, polyglot.ast.Node node) {

    if (soot.options.Options.v().keep_line_number()) {
      if (node.position() != null) {
        host.addTag(new soot.tagkit.SourceLineNumberTag(node.position().line(), node.position().line()));


   * Line Tag Adder
  public static void addLineTag(soot.tagkit.Host host, int sLine, int eLine) {

    host.addTag(new soot.tagkit.SourceLineNumberTag(sLine, eLine));


  public static soot.Local getThis(soot.Type sootType, soot.Body body, HashMap getThisMap, LocalGenerator lg) {

    if (InitialResolver.v().hierarchy() == null) {
      InitialResolver.v().hierarchy(new soot.FastHierarchy());

    soot.FastHierarchy fh = InitialResolver.v().hierarchy();

    // System.out.println("getting this for type: "+sootType);
    // if this for type already created return it from map
    // if (getThisMap.containsKey(sootType)){
    // return (soot.Local)getThisMap.get(sootType);
    // }
    soot.Local specialThisLocal = body.getThisLocal();
    // if need this just return it
    if (specialThisLocal.getType().equals(sootType)) {

      getThisMap.put(sootType, specialThisLocal);
      return specialThisLocal;

    // check to see if this method has a local of the correct type (it will
    // if its an initializer - then ust use it)
    // here we need an exact type I think
    if (bodyHasLocal(body, sootType)) {
      soot.Local l = getLocalOfType(body, sootType);
      getThisMap.put(sootType, l);
      return l;

    // otherwise get this$0 for one level up
    soot.SootClass classToInvoke = ((soot.RefType) specialThisLocal.getType()).getSootClass();
    soot.SootField outerThisField = classToInvoke.getFieldByName("this$0");
    soot.Local t1 = lg.generateLocal(outerThisField.getType());

    soot.jimple.FieldRef fieldRef = soot.jimple.Jimple.v().newInstanceFieldRef(specialThisLocal, outerThisField.makeRef());
    soot.jimple.AssignStmt fieldAssignStmt = soot.jimple.Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(t1, fieldRef);

    if (fh.canStoreType(t1.getType(), sootType)) {
      getThisMap.put(sootType, t1);
      return t1;

    // check to see if this method has a local of the correct type (it will
    // if its an initializer - then ust use it)
    // here we need an exact type I think
     * if (bodyHasLocal(body, sootType)){ soot.Local l = getLocalOfType(body, sootType); getThisMap.put(sootType, l); return
     * l; }

    // otherwise make a new access method
    soot.Local t2 = t1;

    return getThisGivenOuter(sootType, getThisMap, body, lg, t2);

  private static soot.Local getLocalOfType(soot.Body body, soot.Type type) {
    soot.FastHierarchy fh = InitialResolver.v().hierarchy();
    Iterator stmtsIt = body.getUnits().iterator();
    soot.Local correctLocal = null;
    while (stmtsIt.hasNext()) {
      soot.jimple.Stmt s = (soot.jimple.Stmt);
      if (s instanceof soot.jimple.IdentityStmt && (s.hasTag("EnclosingTag") || s.hasTag("QualifyingTag"))) {
        Iterator it = s.getDefBoxes().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          soot.ValueBox vb = (soot.ValueBox);
          if ((vb.getValue() instanceof soot.Local) && (fh.canStoreType(type, vb.getValue().getType()))) {
            // (vb.getValue().getType().equals(type))){
            correctLocal = (soot.Local) vb.getValue();
    return correctLocal;

  private static boolean bodyHasLocal(soot.Body body, soot.Type type) {
    soot.FastHierarchy fh = InitialResolver.v().hierarchy();
    Iterator stmtsIt = body.getUnits().iterator();
    while (stmtsIt.hasNext()) {
      soot.jimple.Stmt s = (soot.jimple.Stmt);
      if (s instanceof soot.jimple.IdentityStmt && (s.hasTag("EnclosingTag") || s.hasTag("QualifyingTag"))) {
        Iterator it = s.getDefBoxes().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          soot.ValueBox vb = (soot.ValueBox);
          if ((vb.getValue() instanceof soot.Local) && (fh.canStoreType(type, vb.getValue().getType()))) {
            // (vb.getValue().getType().equals(type))){
            return true;
    return false;
     * soot.FastHierarchy fh = InitialResolver.v().hierarchy(); Iterator it = body.getDefBoxes().iterator(); while
     * (it.hasNext()){ soot.ValueBox vb = (soot.ValueBox); if ((vb.getValue() instanceof soot.Local) &&
     * (fh.canStoreType(type, vb.getValue().getType()))){//(vb.getValue().getType().equals(type))){ return true; } } return
     * false;

  public static soot.Local getThisGivenOuter(soot.Type sootType, HashMap getThisMap, soot.Body body, LocalGenerator lg,
      soot.Local t2) {

    if (InitialResolver.v().hierarchy() == null) {
      InitialResolver.v().hierarchy(new soot.FastHierarchy());

    soot.FastHierarchy fh = InitialResolver.v().hierarchy();

    while (!fh.canStoreType(t2.getType(), sootType)) {
      soot.SootClass classToInvoke = ((soot.RefType) t2.getType()).getSootClass();
      // make an access method and add it to that class for accessing
      // its private this$0 field
      soot.SootMethod methToInvoke = makeOuterThisAccessMethod(classToInvoke);

      // generate a local that corresponds to the invoke of that meth
      soot.Local t3 = lg.generateLocal(methToInvoke.getReturnType());
      ArrayList methParams = new ArrayList();
      soot.Local res = getPrivateAccessFieldInvoke(methToInvoke.makeRef(), methParams, body, lg);
      soot.jimple.AssignStmt assign = soot.jimple.Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(t3, res);
      t2 = t3;

    getThisMap.put(sootType, t2);

    return t2;

  private static soot.SootMethod makeOuterThisAccessMethod(soot.SootClass classToInvoke) {
    String name = "access$" + soot.javaToJimple.InitialResolver.v().getNextPrivateAccessCounter() + "00";
    ArrayList paramTypes = new ArrayList();

    soot.SootMethod meth
        = Scene.v().makeSootMethod(name, paramTypes, classToInvoke.getFieldByName("this$0").getType(), soot.Modifier.STATIC);

    PrivateFieldAccMethodSource src = new PrivateFieldAccMethodSource(classToInvoke.getFieldByName("this$0").getType(),
        "this$0", classToInvoke.getFieldByName("this$0").isStatic(), classToInvoke);
    meth.setActiveBody(src.getBody(meth, null));
    meth.addTag(new soot.tagkit.SyntheticTag());
    return meth;

  public static soot.Local getPrivateAccessFieldInvoke(soot.SootMethodRef toInvoke, ArrayList params, soot.Body body,
      LocalGenerator lg) {
    soot.jimple.InvokeExpr invoke = soot.jimple.Jimple.v().newStaticInvokeExpr(toInvoke, params);

    soot.Local retLocal = lg.generateLocal(toInvoke.returnType());

    soot.jimple.AssignStmt stmt = soot.jimple.Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(retLocal, invoke);

    return retLocal;

  public static boolean isSubType(polyglot.types.ClassType type, polyglot.types.ClassType superType) {
    if (type.equals(superType)) {
      return true;
    if (type.superType() == null) {
      return false;
    return isSubType((polyglot.types.ClassType) type.superType(), superType);

   * Type handling
  public static soot.Type getSootType(polyglot.types.Type type) {

    if (type == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Trying to get soot type for null polyglot type");
    soot.Type sootType = null;

    if (type.isInt()) {
      sootType = soot.IntType.v();
    } else if (type.isArray()) {

      polyglot.types.Type polyglotBase = ((polyglot.types.ArrayType) type).base();
      while (polyglotBase instanceof polyglot.types.ArrayType) {
        polyglotBase = ((polyglot.types.ArrayType) polyglotBase).base();
      soot.Type baseType = getSootType(polyglotBase);
      int dims = ((polyglot.types.ArrayType) type).dims();

      // do something here if baseType is still an array
      sootType = soot.ArrayType.v(baseType, dims);
    } else if (type.isBoolean()) {
      sootType = soot.BooleanType.v();
    } else if (type.isByte()) {
      sootType = soot.ByteType.v();
    } else if (type.isChar()) {
      sootType = soot.CharType.v();
    } else if (type.isDouble()) {
      sootType = soot.DoubleType.v();
    } else if (type.isFloat()) {
      sootType = soot.FloatType.v();
    } else if (type.isLong()) {
      sootType = soot.LongType.v();
    } else if (type.isShort()) {
      sootType = soot.ShortType.v();
    } else if (type.isNull()) {
      sootType = soot.NullType.v();
    } else if (type.isVoid()) {
      sootType = soot.VoidType.v();
    } else if (type.isClass()) {
      polyglot.types.ClassType classType = (polyglot.types.ClassType) type;
      String className;
      if (classType.isNested()) {
        if (classType.isAnonymous() && (soot.javaToJimple.InitialResolver.v().getAnonTypeMap() != null)
            && soot.javaToJimple.InitialResolver.v().getAnonTypeMap()
                .containsKey(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(classType))) {
          className = soot.javaToJimple.InitialResolver.v().getAnonTypeMap().get(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(classType));
        } else if (classType.isLocal() && (soot.javaToJimple.InitialResolver.v().getLocalTypeMap() != null)
            && soot.javaToJimple.InitialResolver.v().getLocalTypeMap()
                .containsKey(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(classType))) {
          className = soot.javaToJimple.InitialResolver.v().getLocalTypeMap().get(new polyglot.util.IdentityKey(classType));
        } else {
          String pkgName = "";
          if (classType.package_() != null) {
            pkgName = classType.package_().fullName();
          className =;

          if (classType.outer().isAnonymous() || classType.outer().isLocal()) {
            className = getSootType(classType.outer()).toString() + "$" + className;
          } else {
            while (classType.outer() != null) {
              className = classType.outer().name() + "$" + className;
              classType = classType.outer();

            if (!pkgName.equals("")) {
              className = pkgName + "." + className;
      } else {
        className = classType.fullName();

      sootType = soot.RefType.v(className);
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Type");
    return sootType;

   * Modifier Creation
  public static int getModifier(polyglot.types.Flags flags) {

    int modifier = 0;

    if (flags.isPublic()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.PUBLIC;
    if (flags.isPrivate()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.PRIVATE;
    if (flags.isProtected()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.PROTECTED;
    if (flags.isFinal()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.FINAL;
    if (flags.isStatic()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.STATIC;
    if (flags.isNative()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.NATIVE;
    if (flags.isAbstract()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.ABSTRACT;
    if (flags.isVolatile()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.VOLATILE;
    if (flags.isTransient()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.TRANSIENT;
    if (flags.isSynchronized()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED;
    if (flags.isInterface()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.INTERFACE;
    if (flags.isStrictFP()) {
      modifier = modifier | soot.Modifier.STRICTFP;
    return modifier;

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