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soot.jbco.jimpleTransformations.LibraryMethodWrappersBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package soot.jbco.jimpleTransformations;

 * #%L
 * Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 1997 - 1999 Raja Vallee-Rai
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * .
 * #L%

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import soot.Body;
import soot.BooleanType;
import soot.ByteType;
import soot.CharType;
import soot.DoubleType;
import soot.FastHierarchy;
import soot.FloatType;
import soot.IntType;
import soot.Local;
import soot.LongType;
import soot.Modifier;
import soot.PatchingChain;
import soot.Scene;
import soot.SceneTransformer;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.SootMethodRef;
import soot.Type;
import soot.Unit;
import soot.Value;
import soot.ValueBox;
import soot.VoidType;
import soot.jbco.IJbcoTransform;
import soot.jbco.util.BodyBuilder;
import soot.jbco.util.Rand;
import soot.jimple.DoubleConstant;
import soot.jimple.FloatConstant;
import soot.jimple.IdentityStmt;
import soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.IntConstant;
import soot.jimple.InterfaceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.InvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.Jimple;
import soot.jimple.JimpleBody;
import soot.jimple.LongConstant;
import soot.jimple.NullConstant;
import soot.jimple.SpecialInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.StaticInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.VirtualInvokeExpr;
import soot.util.Chain;

 * Creates methods that "wraps" library method calls.
 * @author Michael Batchelder

* Created on 7-Feb-2006 */ public class LibraryMethodWrappersBuilder extends SceneTransformer implements IJbcoTransform { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LibraryMethodWrappersBuilder.class); public static final String name = "wjtp.jbco_blbc"; public static final String dependencies[] = new String[] { "wjtp.jbco_blbc" }; private static final Map> libClassesToMethods = new HashMap<>(); public static List builtByMe = new ArrayList<>(); private int newmethods = 0; private int methodcalls = 0; @Override public String[] getDependencies() { return Arrays.copyOf(dependencies, dependencies.length); } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public void outputSummary() {"Created {} new methods. Replaced {} method calls.", newmethods, methodcalls); } protected void internalTransform(String phaseName, Map options) { if (isVerbose()) {"Building Library Wrapper Methods..."); } BodyBuilder.retrieveAllBodies(); // iterate through application classes to find library calls final Iterator applicationClassesIterator = Scene.v().getApplicationClasses().snapshotIterator(); while (applicationClassesIterator.hasNext()) { final SootClass applicationClass =; if (isVerbose()) {"\tProcessing class {}", applicationClass.getName()); } // create local copy to prevent java.util.ConcurrentModificationException final List methods = new ArrayList<>(applicationClass.getMethods()); for (SootMethod method : methods) { if (!method.isConcrete() || builtByMe.contains(method)) { continue; } final Body body = getBodySafely(method); if (body == null) { continue; } int localName = 0; final Unit first = getFirstNotIdentityStmt(body); final Iterator unitIterator = body.getUnits().snapshotIterator(); while (unitIterator.hasNext()) { final Unit unit =; for (ValueBox valueBox : unit.getUseBoxes()) { final Value value = valueBox.getValue(); // skip calls to 'super' as they cannot be called from static method and/or on object from the // outside (this is prohibited on language level as that would violate encapsulation) if (!(value instanceof InvokeExpr) || value instanceof SpecialInvokeExpr) { continue; } final InvokeExpr invokeExpr = (InvokeExpr) value; final SootMethod invokedMethod = getMethodSafely(invokeExpr); if (invokedMethod == null) { continue; } SootMethodRef invokedMethodRef = getNewMethodRef(invokedMethod); if (invokedMethodRef == null) { invokedMethodRef = buildNewMethod(applicationClass, invokedMethod, invokeExpr); setNewMethodRef(invokedMethod, invokedMethodRef); newmethods++; } if (isVerbose()) {"\t\t\tChanging {} to {}\tUnit: ", invokedMethod.getSignature(), invokedMethodRef.getSignature(), unit); } List args = invokeExpr.getArgs(); List parameterTypes = invokedMethodRef.parameterTypes(); int argsCount = args.size(); int paramCount = parameterTypes.size(); if (invokeExpr instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr || invokeExpr instanceof StaticInvokeExpr) { if (invokeExpr instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) { argsCount++; args.add(((InstanceInvokeExpr) invokeExpr).getBase()); } while (argsCount < paramCount) { Type pType = parameterTypes.get(argsCount); Local newLocal = Jimple.v().newLocal("newLocal" + localName++, pType); body.getLocals().add(newLocal); body.getUnits().insertBeforeNoRedirect(Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(newLocal, getConstantType(pType)), first); args.add(newLocal); argsCount++; } valueBox.setValue(Jimple.v().newStaticInvokeExpr(invokedMethodRef, args)); } methodcalls++; } } } } Scene.v().releaseActiveHierarchy(); Scene.v().setFastHierarchy(new FastHierarchy()); } private SootMethodRef getNewMethodRef(SootMethod method) { Map methods = libClassesToMethods.computeIfAbsent(method.getDeclaringClass(), key -> new HashMap<>()); return methods.get(method); } private void setNewMethodRef(SootMethod sm, SootMethodRef smr) { Map methods = libClassesToMethods.computeIfAbsent(sm.getDeclaringClass(), key -> new HashMap<>()); methods.put(sm, smr); } private SootMethodRef buildNewMethod(SootClass fromC, SootMethod sm, InvokeExpr origIE) { final List availableClasses = getVisibleApplicationClasses(sm); final int classCount = availableClasses.size(); if (classCount == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("There appears to be no public non-interface Application classes!"); } SootClass randomClass; String methodNewName; do { int index = Rand.getInt(classCount); if ((randomClass = availableClasses.get(index)) == fromC && classCount > 1) { index = Rand.getInt(classCount); randomClass = availableClasses.get(index); } final List methods = randomClass.getMethods(); index = Rand.getInt(methods.size()); final SootMethod randMethod = methods.get(index); methodNewName = randMethod.getName(); } while (methodNewName.equals(SootMethod.constructorName) || methodNewName.equals(SootMethod.staticInitializerName)); final List smParamTypes = new ArrayList<>(sm.getParameterTypes()); if (!sm.isStatic()) { smParamTypes.add(sm.getDeclaringClass().getType()); } // add random class params until we don't match any other method int extraParams = 0; if (randomClass.declaresMethod(methodNewName, smParamTypes)) { int rtmp = Rand.getInt(classCount + 7); if (rtmp >= classCount) { rtmp -= classCount; smParamTypes.add(getPrimType(rtmp)); } else { smParamTypes.add(availableClasses.get(rtmp).getType()); } extraParams++; } final int mods = ((((sm.getModifiers() | Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC) & (Modifier.ABSTRACT ^ 0xFFFF)) & (Modifier.NATIVE ^ 0xFFFF)) & (Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED ^ 0xFFFF)); SootMethod newMethod = Scene.v().makeSootMethod(methodNewName, smParamTypes, sm.getReturnType(), mods); randomClass.addMethod(newMethod); JimpleBody body = Jimple.v().newBody(newMethod); newMethod.setActiveBody(body); Chain locals = body.getLocals(); PatchingChain units = body.getUnits(); List args = BodyBuilder.buildParameterLocals(units, locals, smParamTypes); while (extraParams-- > 0) { args.remove(args.size() - 1); } InvokeExpr ie = null; if (sm.isStatic()) { ie = Jimple.v().newStaticInvokeExpr(sm.makeRef(), args); } else { Local libObj = args.remove(args.size() - 1); if (origIE instanceof InterfaceInvokeExpr) { ie = Jimple.v().newInterfaceInvokeExpr(libObj, sm.makeRef(), args); } else if (origIE instanceof VirtualInvokeExpr) { ie = Jimple.v().newVirtualInvokeExpr(libObj, sm.makeRef(), args); } } if (sm.getReturnType() instanceof VoidType) { units.add(Jimple.v().newInvokeStmt(ie)); units.add(Jimple.v().newReturnVoidStmt()); } else { Local assign = Jimple.v().newLocal("returnValue", sm.getReturnType()); locals.add(assign); units.add(Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(assign, ie)); units.add(Jimple.v().newReturnStmt(assign)); } if (isVerbose()) {"{} was replaced by {} which calls {}", sm.getName(), newMethod.getName(), ie); } if (units.size() < 2) { logger.warn("THERE AREN'T MANY UNITS IN THIS METHOD {}", units); } builtByMe.add(newMethod); return newMethod.makeRef(); } private static Type getPrimType(int idx) { switch (idx) { case 0: return IntType.v(); case 1: return CharType.v(); case 2: return ByteType.v(); case 3: return LongType.v(); case 4: return BooleanType.v(); case 5: return DoubleType.v(); case 6: return FloatType.v(); default: return IntType.v(); } } private static Value getConstantType(Type t) { if (t instanceof BooleanType) { return IntConstant.v(Rand.getInt(1)); } if (t instanceof IntType) { return IntConstant.v(Rand.getInt()); } if (t instanceof CharType) { return Jimple.v().newCastExpr(IntConstant.v(Rand.getInt()), CharType.v()); } if (t instanceof ByteType) { return Jimple.v().newCastExpr(IntConstant.v(Rand.getInt()), ByteType.v()); } if (t instanceof LongType) { return LongConstant.v(Rand.getLong()); } if (t instanceof FloatType) { return FloatConstant.v(Rand.getFloat()); } if (t instanceof DoubleType) { return DoubleConstant.v(Rand.getDouble()); } return Jimple.v().newCastExpr(NullConstant.v(), t); } private static Body getBodySafely(SootMethod method) { try { return method.getActiveBody(); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.warn("Getting Body from SootMethod {} caused exception that was suppressed.", exception); return method.retrieveActiveBody(); } } private static Unit getFirstNotIdentityStmt(Body body) { final Iterator unitIterator = body.getUnits().snapshotIterator(); while (unitIterator.hasNext()) { final Unit unit =; if (unit instanceof IdentityStmt) { continue; } return unit; } logger.debug("There are no non-identity units in the method body."); return null; } private static SootMethod getMethodSafely(InvokeExpr invokeExpr) { try { final SootMethod invokedMethod = invokeExpr.getMethod(); if (invokedMethod == null) { return null; } if (SootMethod.constructorName.equals(invokedMethod.getName()) || SootMethod.staticInitializerName.equals(invokedMethod.getName())) { logger.debug("Skipping wrapping method {} as it is constructor/initializer.", invokedMethod); return null; } final SootClass invokedMethodClass = invokedMethod.getDeclaringClass(); if (!invokedMethodClass.isLibraryClass()) { logger.debug("Skipping wrapping method {} as it is not library one.", invokedMethod); return null; } if (invokeExpr.getMethodRef().declaringClass().isInterface() && !invokedMethodClass.isInterface()) { logger.debug( "Skipping wrapping method {} as original code suppose to execute it on interface {}" + " but resolved code trying to execute it on class {}", invokedMethod, invokeExpr.getMethodRef().declaringClass(), invokedMethodClass); return null; } return invokedMethod; } catch (RuntimeException exception) { logger.debug("Cannot resolve method of InvokeExpr: " + invokeExpr.toString(), exception); return null; } } private static List getVisibleApplicationClasses(SootMethod visibleBy) { final List result = new ArrayList<>(); final Iterator applicationClassesIterator = Scene.v().getApplicationClasses().snapshotIterator(); while (applicationClassesIterator.hasNext()) { final SootClass applicationClass =; if (applicationClass.isConcrete() && !applicationClass.isInterface() && applicationClass.isPublic() && Scene.v().getActiveHierarchy().isVisible(applicationClass, visibleBy)) { result.add(applicationClass); } } return result; } }

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