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soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA.GeomPointsTo Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomPA;

 * #%L
 * Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Richard Xiao
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * .
 * #L%

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import soot.Context;
import soot.G;
import soot.Local;
import soot.MethodOrMethodContext;
import soot.PointsToSet;
import soot.RefType;
import soot.Scene;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootField;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.Type;
import soot.Unit;
import soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.Stmt;
import soot.jimple.spark.geom.dataRep.CgEdge;
import soot.jimple.spark.geom.dataRep.PlainConstraint;
import soot.jimple.spark.geom.geomE.FullSensitiveNodeGenerator;
import soot.jimple.spark.geom.heapinsE.HeapInsNodeGenerator;
import soot.jimple.spark.geom.helper.GeomEvaluator;
import soot.jimple.spark.geom.ptinsE.PtInsNodeGenerator;
import soot.jimple.spark.geom.utils.SootInfo;
import soot.jimple.spark.geom.utils.ZArrayNumberer;
import soot.jimple.spark.internal.TypeManager;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocDotField;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.AllocNode;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.ArrayElement;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.ContextVarNode;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.FieldRefNode;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.LocalVarNode;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.Node;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.PAG;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.SparkField;
import soot.jimple.spark.pag.VarNode;
import soot.jimple.spark.sets.EmptyPointsToSet;
import soot.jimple.spark.sets.P2SetVisitor;
import soot.jimple.spark.sets.PointsToSetInternal;
import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.CallGraph;
import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.Edge;
import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.VirtualCalls;
import soot.options.SparkOptions;
import soot.toolkits.scalar.Pair;
import soot.util.NumberedString;
import soot.util.queue.ChunkedQueue;
import soot.util.queue.QueueReader;

 * The main interface for the points-to analysis with geometric encodings. Since we need SPARK to bootstrap our analysis,
 * thus, we identify ourself to be a subclass of SPARK.
 * @author xiao
public class GeomPointsTo extends PAG {
  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeomPointsTo.class);
  // Worklist, the core data structure for fixed point computation
  // Other choice, FIFO_Worklist
  protected IWorklist worklist = null;

  // The generator that is used to generate the internal representations for the
  // pointers and objects
  protected IEncodingBroker nodeGenerator = null;

  // The same type manager used by SPARK
  protected TypeManager typeManager = null;

  // The offline processing strategies for the constraints
  protected OfflineProcessor offlineProcessor = null;

  // A table that maps the SPARK nodes to the geometric nodes
  public Map consG = null;

  // Stores all the pointers including the instance fields
  public ZArrayNumberer pointers = null;

  // Stores all the symbolic objects
  public ZArrayNumberer allocations = null;

  // Store all the constraints, initially generated from SPARK
  public ZArrayNumberer constraints = null;

  // All the callsites that spawn a new thread
  public Set thread_run_callsites = null;

  // The virtual callsites (and base pointers) that have multiple call targets
  public Set multiCallsites = null;

   * Context size records the total number of instances for a function. max_context_size_block is the context size of the
   * largest block for a function in cycle
  public long context_size[], max_context_size_block[];

  // Number of context blocks for a function
  public int block_num[];

  // Analysis statistics
  public int max_scc_size, max_scc_id;
  public int n_func, n_calls;
  public int n_reach_methods, n_reach_user_methods, n_reach_spark_user_methods;
  public int n_init_constraints;

  // Output options
  public String dump_dir = null;
  public PrintStream ps = null;

   * This container contains the methods that are considered "valid" by user. For example, we want to compare the geometric
   * points-to result with 1-obj analysis. They may compute different set of reachable functions due to the different
   * precision. To make the comparison fairly, we only evaluate the functions that are reachable in both analyses.
  protected Map validMethods = null;

  // Call graph related components
  protected CgEdge call_graph[];
  // Only keep the obsoleted call edges decided in the last round
  protected Vector obsoletedEdges = null;
  protected Map> rev_call_graph = null;
  protected Deque queue_cg = null;

  // Containers used for call graph traversal
  protected int vis_cg[], low_cg[], rep_cg[], indeg_cg[], scc_size[];
  protected int pre_cnt; // preorder time-stamp for constructing the SCC condensed call graph

  // The mappings between Soot functions and call edges to our internal
  // representations
  protected Map func2int = null;
  protected Map int2func = null;
  protected Map edgeMapping = null;

  // Others
  private boolean hasTransformed = false;
  // Because we override the points-to query interface for SPARK, we need this
  // flag to know how to answer queries
  private boolean hasExecuted = false;
  // Prepare necessary structures when first time ddSolve is called
  private boolean ddPrepared = false;

  // -------------------Constructors--------------------
  public GeomPointsTo(final SparkOptions opts) {

  public String toString() {
    return "Geometric Points-To Analysis";

   * Data structures that only specific to geometric solver are created here. The initialized container sizes are empirically
   * chosen from the primes. We believe most of the machine today can afford the memory overhead.
  private void prepareContainers() {
    // All kinds of variables
    consG = new HashMap(39341);

    // Only the pointer variables
    pointers = new ZArrayNumberer(25771);

    // Only the heap variables
    allocations = new ZArrayNumberer();

    // The constraints extracted from code
    constraints = new ZArrayNumberer(25771);

    // The statements that fork a new thread
    thread_run_callsites = new HashSet(251);

    // The virtual callsites that have multiple call targets
    multiCallsites = new HashSet(251);

    // The fake virtual call edges created by SPARK
    // obsoletedEdges = new Vector(4021);

    // A linkedlist used for traversing the call graph
    queue_cg = new LinkedList();

    // Containers for functions and call graph edges
    func2int = new HashMap(5011);
    int2func = new HashMap(5011);
    edgeMapping = new HashMap(19763);


   * Using the user specified arguments to parameterize the geometric points-to solver.
   * @param spark_run_time
  public void parametrize(double spark_run_time) {
    // We first setup the encoding methodology
    int solver_encoding = opts.geom_encoding();

    if (solver_encoding == SparkOptions.geom_encoding_Geom) {
      nodeGenerator = new FullSensitiveNodeGenerator();
    } else if (solver_encoding == SparkOptions.geom_encoding_HeapIns) {
      nodeGenerator = new HeapInsNodeGenerator();
    } else if (solver_encoding == SparkOptions.geom_encoding_PtIns) {
      nodeGenerator = new PtInsNodeGenerator();

    String encoding_name = nodeGenerator.getSignature();

    if (encoding_name == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("No encoding given for geometric points-to analysis.");

    if (nodeGenerator == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("The encoding " + encoding_name + " is unavailable for geometric points-to analysis.");

    // Then, we set the worklist
    switch (opts.geom_worklist()) {
      case SparkOptions.geom_worklist_FIFO:
        worklist = new FIFO_Worklist();

      case SparkOptions.geom_worklist_PQ:
        worklist = new PQ_Worklist();

    // We dump the processing statistics to an external file if needed by the user
    dump_dir = opts.geom_dump_verbose();
    File dir = null;
    if (!dump_dir.isEmpty()) {
      // We create a new folder and put all the dump files in that folder
      dir = new File(dump_dir);
      if (!dir.exists()) {

      // We create the log file
      File log_file = new File(dump_dir, encoding_name + (opts.geom_blocking() == true ? "_blocked" : "_unblocked") + "_frac"
          + opts.geom_frac_base() + "_runs" + opts.geom_runs() + "_log.txt");
      try {
        ps = new PrintStream(log_file);
        logger.debug("" + "[Geom] Analysis log can be found in: " + log_file.toString());
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        String msg = "[Geom] The dump file: " + log_file.toString() + " cannot be created. Abort.";
        logger.debug("" + msg);
        throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);
    } else {
      ps = G.v().out;

    // Load the method signatures computed by other points-to analysis
    // With these methods, we can compare the points-to results fairly.
    String method_verify_file = opts.geom_verify_name();
    if (method_verify_file != null) {
      try {
        FileReader fr = new FileReader(method_verify_file);
        java.util.Scanner fin = new java.util.Scanner(fr);
        validMethods = new HashMap();

        while (fin.hasNextLine()) {
          validMethods.put(fin.nextLine(), Boolean.FALSE);

        logger.debug("" + "[Geom] Read in verification file successfully.\n");
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        validMethods = null;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);

    // Set which pointers will be processed
    Parameters.seedPts = opts.geom_app_only() ? Constants.seedPts_allUser : Constants.seedPts_all;

    // Output the SPARK running information
    double mem = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
    ps.printf("[Spark] Time: %.3f s\n", (double) spark_run_time / 1000);
    ps.printf("[Spark] Memory: %.1f MB\n", mem / 1024 / 1024);

    // Get type manager from SPARK
    typeManager = getTypeManager();

    // The tunable parameters
    Parameters.max_cons_budget = opts.geom_frac_base();
    Parameters.max_pts_budget = Parameters.max_cons_budget * 2;
    Parameters.cg_refine_times = opts.geom_runs();
    if (Parameters.cg_refine_times < 1) {
      Parameters.cg_refine_times = 1;

    // Prepare for the containers

    // Now we start working
    ps.println("[Geom]" + " Start working on <" + (dir == null ? "NoName" : dir.getName()) + "> with <" + encoding_name
        + "> encoding.");

   * Read in the program facts generated by SPARK. We also construct our own call graph and pointer variables.
  private void preprocess() {
    int id;
    int s, t;

    // Build the call graph
    n_func = Scene.v().getReachableMethods().size() + 1;
    call_graph = new CgEdge[n_func];

    n_calls = 0;
    n_reach_spark_user_methods = 0;
    id = 1;
    QueueReader smList = Scene.v().getReachableMethods().listener();
    CallGraph soot_callgraph = Scene.v().getCallGraph();

    while (smList.hasNext()) {
      final SootMethod func =;
      func2int.put(func, id);
      int2func.put(id, func);

       * We cannot identify all entry methods since some entry methods call themselves. In that case, the Soot
       * CallGraph.isEntryMethod() function returns false.
      if (soot_callgraph.isEntryMethod(func) || func.isEntryMethod()) {
        CgEdge p = new CgEdge(Constants.SUPER_MAIN, id, null, call_graph[Constants.SUPER_MAIN]);
        call_graph[Constants.SUPER_MAIN] = p;

      if (!func.isJavaLibraryMethod()) {


    // Next, we scan all the call edges and rebuild the call graph in our own
    // vocabulary
    QueueReader edgeList = Scene.v().getCallGraph().listener();
    while (edgeList.hasNext()) {
      Edge edge =;
      if (edge.isClinit()) {

      SootMethod src_func = edge.src();
      SootMethod tgt_func = edge.tgt();
      s = func2int.get(src_func);
      t = func2int.get(tgt_func);

      // Create a new call edge in our own format
      CgEdge p = new CgEdge(s, t, edge, call_graph[s]);
      call_graph[s] = p;
      edgeMapping.put(edge, p);

      // We collect callsite information
      Stmt callsite = edge.srcStmt();

      if (edge.isThreadRunCall() || edge.kind().isExecutor() || edge.kind().isAsyncTask()) {
        // We don't modify the treatment to the thread run() calls
      } else if (edge.isInstance() && !edge.isSpecial()) {
        // We try to refine the virtual callsites (virtual + interface) with multiple
        // call targets
        InstanceInvokeExpr expr = (InstanceInvokeExpr) callsite.getInvokeExpr();
        if (expr.getMethodRef().getSignature().contains("")) {
          // It is a thread start function
        } else {
          p.base_var = findLocalVarNode(expr.getBase());
          if (SootInfo.countCallEdgesForCallsite(callsite, true) > 1 && p.base_var != null) {


    // We build the wrappers for all the pointers built by SPARK
    for (Iterator it = getVarNodeNumberer().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
      VarNode vn =;
      IVarAbstraction pn = makeInternalNode(vn);

    for (Iterator it = getAllocDotFieldNodeNumberer().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
      AllocDotField adf =;

      // Some allocdotfield is invalid, we check and remove them
      SparkField field = adf.getField();
      if (field instanceof SootField) {
        // This is an instance field of a class
        Type decType = ((SootField) field).getDeclaringClass().getType();
        Type baseType = adf.getBase().getType();
        // baseType must be a sub type of decType
        if (!castNeverFails(baseType, decType)) {

      IVarAbstraction pn = makeInternalNode(adf);

    for (Iterator it = getAllocNodeNumberer().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
      AllocNode obj =;
      IVarAbstraction pn = makeInternalNode(obj);

    // Now we extract all the constraints from SPARK
    // The address constraints, new obj -> p
    for (Object object : allocSources()) {
      IVarAbstraction obj = makeInternalNode((AllocNode) object);
      Node[] succs = allocLookup((AllocNode) object);
      for (Node element0 : succs) {
        PlainConstraint cons = new PlainConstraint();
        IVarAbstraction p = makeInternalNode(element0);
        cons.expr.setPair(obj, p);
        cons.type = Constants.NEW_CONS;

    // The assign constraints, p -> q
    Pair intercall = new Pair();
    for (Object object : simpleSources()) {
      IVarAbstraction p = makeInternalNode((VarNode) object);
      Node[] succs = simpleLookup((VarNode) object);
      for (Node element0 : succs) {
        PlainConstraint cons = new PlainConstraint();
        IVarAbstraction q = makeInternalNode(element0);
        cons.expr.setPair(p, q);
        cons.type = Constants.ASSIGN_CONS;
        intercall.setPair((VarNode) object, element0);
        cons.interCallEdges = lookupEdgesForAssignment(intercall);
    intercall = null;

    // The load constraints, p.f -> q
    for (Object object : loadSources()) {
      FieldRefNode frn = (FieldRefNode) object;
      IVarAbstraction p = makeInternalNode(frn.getBase());
      Node[] succs = loadLookup(frn);
      for (Node element0 : succs) {
        PlainConstraint cons = new PlainConstraint();
        IVarAbstraction q = makeInternalNode(element0);
        cons.f = frn.getField();
        cons.expr.setPair(p, q);
        cons.type = Constants.LOAD_CONS;

    // The store constraints, p -> q.f
    for (Object object : storeSources()) {
      IVarAbstraction p = makeInternalNode((VarNode) object);
      Node[] succs = storeLookup((VarNode) object);
      for (Node element0 : succs) {
        PlainConstraint cons = new PlainConstraint();
        FieldRefNode frn = (FieldRefNode) element0;
        IVarAbstraction q = makeInternalNode(frn.getBase());
        cons.f = frn.getField();
        cons.expr.setPair(p, q);
        cons.type = Constants.STORE_CONS;

    n_init_constraints = constraints.size();

    // Initialize other stuff
    low_cg = new int[n_func];
    vis_cg = new int[n_func];
    rep_cg = new int[n_func];
    indeg_cg = new int[n_func];
    scc_size = new int[n_func];
    block_num = new int[n_func];
    context_size = new long[n_func];
    max_context_size_block = new long[n_func];

   * As pointed out by the single entry graph contraction, temporary variables incur high redundancy in points-to relations.
   * Find and eliminate the redundancies as early as possible.
   * Methodology: If q has unique incoming edge p -> q, p and q are both local to the same function, and they have the same
   * type, we merge them.
  private void mergeLocalVariables() {
    IVarAbstraction my_lhs, my_rhs;
    Node lhs, rhs;

    int[] count = new int[pointers.size()];

    // We count how many ways a local pointer can be assigned
    for (PlainConstraint cons : constraints) {
      my_lhs = cons.getLHS();
      my_rhs = cons.getRHS();

      switch (cons.type) {
        case Constants.NEW_CONS:
        case Constants.ASSIGN_CONS:

        case Constants.LOAD_CONS:
          lhs = my_lhs.getWrappedNode();
          count[] += lhs.getP2Set().size();

    // Second time scan, we delete those constraints that only duplicate points-to
    // information
    for (Iterator cons_it = constraints.iterator(); cons_it.hasNext();) {
      PlainConstraint cons =;

      if (cons.type == Constants.ASSIGN_CONS) {
        my_lhs = cons.getLHS();
        my_rhs = cons.getRHS();
        lhs = my_lhs.getWrappedNode();
        rhs = my_rhs.getWrappedNode();

        if ((lhs instanceof LocalVarNode) && (rhs instanceof LocalVarNode)) {
          SootMethod sm1 = ((LocalVarNode) lhs).getMethod();
          SootMethod sm2 = ((LocalVarNode) rhs).getMethod();

          if (sm1 == sm2 && count[] == 1 && lhs.getType() == rhs.getType()) {

            // They are local to the same function and the receiver pointer has unique
            // incoming edge
            // More importantly, they have the same type.

    // Third scan, update the constraints with the representatives
    for (PlainConstraint cons : constraints) {
      my_lhs = cons.getLHS();
      my_rhs = cons.getRHS();

      switch (cons.type) {
        case Constants.NEW_CONS:

        case Constants.ASSIGN_CONS:
        case Constants.LOAD_CONS:
        case Constants.STORE_CONS:

   * Using Tarjan's algorithm to contract the SCCs.
  private void callGraphDFS(int s) {
    int t;
    CgEdge p;

    vis_cg[s] = low_cg[s] = pre_cnt++;
    p = call_graph[s];

    while (p != null) {
      t = p.t;

      if (vis_cg[t] == 0) {
        low_cg[s] = Math.min(low_cg[s], low_cg[t]);
      } else {
        low_cg[s] = Math.min(low_cg[s], vis_cg[t]);

      p =;

    if (low_cg[s] < vis_cg[s]) {
      scc_size[s] = 1;

    scc_size[s] = queue_cg.size();

    do {
      t = queue_cg.getLast();
      rep_cg[t] = s;
      low_cg[t] += n_func;
    } while (s != t);

    scc_size[s] -= queue_cg.size();
    if (scc_size[s] > max_scc_size) {
      max_scc_size = scc_size[s];
      max_scc_id = s;

   * Build a call graph, merge the SCCs and name the contexts. Also permit clients to decide whether to connect the disjoint
   * parts in the call graph or not.
  private void encodeContexts(boolean connectMissedEntries) {
    int i, j;
    int n_reachable = 0, n_scc_reachable = 0;
    int n_full = 0;
    long max_contexts = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    Random rGen = new Random();

    pre_cnt = 1;
    max_scc_size = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < n_func; ++i) {
      vis_cg[i] = 0;
      indeg_cg[i] = 0;
      max_context_size_block[i] = 0;

    // We only consider all the methods which are reachable from SUPER_MAIN

    if (connectMissedEntries) {
      // We also scan rest of the functions
      for (i = Constants.SUPER_MAIN + 1; i < n_func; ++i) {
        if (vis_cg[i] == 0) {

    // Then, we topologically number the contexts starting from the SUPER_MAIN
    // function
    // We count the in-degree of each function.
    // And, we classify the call edges into SCC/non-SCC edges
    for (i = 0; i < n_func; ++i) {
      if (vis_cg[i] == 0) {

      CgEdge p = call_graph[i];
      while (p != null) {
        // Only count an edge that links two functions in the same SCC
        if (rep_cg[i] == rep_cg[p.t]) {
          p.scc_edge = true;
        } else {
          p.scc_edge = false;

        p =;

      // Do simple statistics
      if (rep_cg[i] == i) {

    if (connectMissedEntries) {
      // The functions other than SUPER_MAIN that have zero in-degrees are missed
      // entry methods
      for (i = Constants.SUPER_MAIN + 1; i < n_func; ++i) {
        int rep_node = rep_cg[i];
        if (indeg_cg[rep_node] == 0) {
          CgEdge p = new CgEdge(Constants.SUPER_MAIN, i, null, call_graph[Constants.SUPER_MAIN]);
          call_graph[Constants.SUPER_MAIN] = p;

    // Next, we condense the SCCs
    // Later, we have to restore the call graph in order to serve the
    // context sensitive queries
    for (i = 0; i < n_func; ++i) {
      if (vis_cg[i] != 0 && rep_cg[i] != i) {
        // Any node in a SCC must have at least one outgoing edge
        CgEdge p = call_graph[i];
        while ( != null) {
          p =;
        } = call_graph[rep_cg[i]];
        // Note that, call_graph[i] is not cleared after merging
        call_graph[rep_cg[i]] = call_graph[i];

    // Now, we add all the source nodes to the queue
    max_context_size_block[Constants.SUPER_MAIN] = 1;

    while (!queue_cg.isEmpty()) {
      i = queue_cg.getFirst();
      CgEdge p = call_graph[i];

      while (p != null) {
        if (p.scc_edge == false) {
          // Consider the representative only
          j = rep_cg[p.t];

           * We can control how many contexts created for a specified function. And, for any call edge, we can manually move
           * the mapping interval from caller to callee.
          if (Constants.MAX_CONTEXTS - max_context_size_block[i] < max_context_size_block[j]) {
            // The are more than 2^63 - 1 execution paths, terrible!
            // We have to merge some contexts in order to make the analysis sound!
            // The merging starting context is randomly picked
            long start = rGen.nextLong();
            if (start < 0) {
              start = -start;
            if (start > Constants.MAX_CONTEXTS - max_context_size_block[i]) {
              // We use the last max_context_size_block[i] bits for this mapping
              start = Constants.MAX_CONTEXTS - max_context_size_block[i];
              max_context_size_block[j] = Constants.MAX_CONTEXTS;
            } else {
              if (max_context_size_block[j] < start + max_context_size_block[i]) {
                // We compensate the difference
                max_context_size_block[j] = start + max_context_size_block[i];

            p.map_offset = start + 1;
          } else {
            // Accumulate the contexts
            p.map_offset = max_context_size_block[j] + 1;
            max_context_size_block[j] += max_context_size_block[i];

          // Add to the worklist
          if (--indeg_cg[j] == 0) {
        } else {
          // 0-CFA modeling for the SCC, the default mode
          p.map_offset = 1;

        p =;

      if (max_context_size_block[i] > max_contexts) {
        max_contexts = max_context_size_block[i];

    // Now we restore the call graph
    for (i = n_func - 1; i > -1; --i) {
      if (vis_cg[i] == 0) {
      if (rep_cg[i] != i) {
        // All nodes in the same SCC have the same number of contexts
        max_context_size_block[i] = max_context_size_block[rep_cg[i]];

        // Put all the call edges back
        CgEdge p = call_graph[i];
        while ( == i) {
          // may not be i because it would be linked to another scc member
          p =;

        call_graph[rep_cg[i]] =; = null;

      if (max_context_size_block[i] == Constants.MAX_CONTEXTS) {
      context_size[i] = max_context_size_block[i];
      block_num[i] = 1;

    // Now we apply the blocking scheme if necessary
    // The implementation is slightly different from our paper (the non-SCC edges
    // are not moved, they still use their current context mappings)
    if (getOpts().geom_blocking()) {
      // We scan all the edges again, and tune the SCC related call edges
      // We don't manipulate the non-SCC edges, because they don't induce problems
      for (i = 0; i < n_func; ++i) {
        if (vis_cg[i] == 0) {

        CgEdge p = call_graph[i];
        while (p != null) {
          j = p.t;
          if (j != i // This is not a self-loop, and a self-loop is treated specially in the initial
              // encoding phase
              && p.scc_edge == true) {
            // max_context_size_block[i] == max_context_size_block[j]
            // So, we don't distinguish them
            if (context_size[j] <= Constants.MAX_CONTEXTS - max_context_size_block[i]) {
              p.map_offset = context_size[j] + 1;
              context_size[j] += max_context_size_block[i];
            } else {
              // We randomly pick a block for reuse (try best to avoid reusing the first
              // block)
              int iBlock = 0;
              if (block_num[j] > 1) {
                iBlock = rGen.nextInt(block_num[j] - 1) + 1;
              p.map_offset = iBlock * max_context_size_block[j] + 1;

          p =;

    // Print debug info
    ps.printf("Reachable Methods = %d, in which #Condensed Nodes = %d, #Full Context Nodes = %d \n", n_reachable - 1,
        n_scc_reachable - 1, n_full);
    ps.printf("Maximum SCC = %d \n", max_scc_size);
    ps.printf("The maximum context size = %e\n", (double) max_contexts);

   * We iteratively update the call graph and the constraints list until our demand is satisfied
  private void solveConstraints() {
    IWorklist ptaList = worklist;

    while (ptaList.has_job()) {
      IVarAbstraction pn =;
      pn.propagate(this, ptaList);

   * Obtain the set of possible call targets at given @param callsite.
  private void getCallTargets(IVarAbstraction pn, SootMethod src, Stmt callsite, ChunkedQueue targetsQueue) {
    InstanceInvokeExpr iie = (InstanceInvokeExpr) callsite.getInvokeExpr();
    Local receiver = (Local) iie.getBase();
    NumberedString subSig = iie.getMethodRef().getSubSignature();

    // We first build the set of possible call targets
    for (AllocNode an : pn.get_all_points_to_objects()) {
      Type type = an.getType();
      if (type == null) {

      VirtualCalls.v().resolve(type, receiver.getType(), subSig, src, targetsQueue);

   * Remove unreachable call targets at the virtual callsites using the up-to-date points-to information.
  private int updateCallGraph() {
    int all_virtual_edges = 0, n_obsoleted = 0;

    CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph();
    ChunkedQueue targetsQueue = new ChunkedQueue();
    QueueReader targets = targetsQueue.reader();
    Set resolvedMethods = new HashSet();
    // obsoletedEdges.clear();

    // We first update the virtual callsites
    for (Iterator csIt = multiCallsites.iterator(); csIt.hasNext();) {
      Stmt callsite =;
      Iterator edges = cg.edgesOutOf(callsite);
      if (!edges.hasNext()) {

      Edge anyEdge =;
      CgEdge p = edgeMapping.get(anyEdge);
      SootMethod src = anyEdge.src();

      if (!isReachableMethod(src)) {
        // The source method is no longer reachable
        // We move this callsite

      if (!edges.hasNext()) {
        // We keep this resolved site for call graph profiling

      IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(p.base_var);
      if (pn != null) {
        pn = pn.getRepresentative();

        // We resolve the call targets with the new points-to result
        getCallTargets(pn, src, callsite, targetsQueue);
        while (targets.hasNext()) {

        // We delete the edges that are proven to be spurious
        while (true) {
          SootMethod tgt = anyEdge.tgt();
          if (!resolvedMethods.contains(tgt) && !anyEdge.kind().isFake()) {
            p = edgeMapping.get(anyEdge);
            p.is_obsoleted = true;

          if (!edges.hasNext()) {
          anyEdge =;

    // We delete the spurious edges
    for (int i = 1; i < n_func; ++i) {
      // New outgoing edge list is pointed to by q
      CgEdge p = call_graph[i];
      CgEdge q = null;

      while (p != null) {

        if (vis_cg[i] == 0) {
          // If this method is unreachable, we delete all its outgoing edges
          p.is_obsoleted = true;

        if (p.base_var != null) {

        CgEdge temp =;

        if (p.is_obsoleted == false) {
 = q;
          q = p;
        } else {
          // Update the corresponding SOOT call graph
          // ps.println("%%% Remove an call edge: " + p.toString());

          // We record this obsoleted edge
          // obsoletedEdges.add(p);

        p = temp;

      call_graph[i] = q;

    ps.printf("%d of %d virtual call edges are proved to be spurious.\n", n_obsoleted, all_virtual_edges);
    return n_obsoleted;

   * Prepare for the next iteration.
  private void prepareNextRun() {
    // Clean the context sensitive points-to results for the representative pointers
    for (IVarAbstraction pn : pointers) {
      if (pn.willUpdate == true) {

    // Reclaim

   * Scan the call graph and mark the reachable methods.
  private void markReachableMethods() {
    int ans = 0;
    CgEdge p;

    for (int i = 0; i < n_func; ++i) {
      vis_cg[i] = 0;

    vis_cg[Constants.SUPER_MAIN] = 1;

    while (queue_cg.size() > 0) {
      int s = queue_cg.removeFirst();
      p = call_graph[s];
      while (p != null) {
        int t = p.t;
        if (vis_cg[t] == 0) {
          vis_cg[t] = 1;

        p =;

    n_reach_methods = ans;

    // Scan again to remove unreachable methods
    ans = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < n_func; ++i) {
      SootMethod sm = int2func.get(i);

      if (vis_cg[i] == 0) {
      } else {
        if (!sm.isJavaLibraryMethod()) {

    n_reach_user_methods = ans;

   * The reversed call graph might be used by evaluating queries.
  private void buildRevCallGraph() {
    rev_call_graph = new HashMap>();

    for (int i = 0; i < n_func; ++i) {
      CgEdge p = call_graph[i];

      while (p != null) {
        LinkedList list = rev_call_graph.get(p.t);
        if (list == null) {
          list = new LinkedList();
          rev_call_graph.put(p.t, list);

        p =;

   * 1. Update the call graph; 2. Eliminate the pointers, objects, and constraints related to the unreachable code.
  private void finalizeInternalData() {
    // Compute the set of reachable functions after the points-to analysis

    // Clean the unreachable objects
    for (Iterator it = allocations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
      IVarAbstraction po =;
      AllocNode obj = (AllocNode) po.getWrappedNode();
      SootMethod sm = obj.getMethod();
      if (sm != null && func2int.containsKey(sm) == false) {

    // Clean the unreachable pointers
    final Vector removeSet = new Vector();

    for (Iterator it = pointers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
      IVarAbstraction pn =;

      // Is this pointer obsoleted?
      Node vn = pn.getWrappedNode();
      SootMethod sm = null;

      if (vn instanceof LocalVarNode) {
        sm = ((LocalVarNode) vn).getMethod();
      } else if (vn instanceof AllocDotField) {
        sm = ((AllocDotField) vn).getBase().getMethod();

      if (sm != null) {
        if (func2int.containsKey(sm) == false) {

      if (pn.getRepresentative() != pn) {


      if (pn.hasPTResult()) {
        // We remove the useless shapes or objects
        Set objSet = pn.get_all_points_to_objects();

        for (Iterator oit = objSet.iterator(); oit.hasNext();) {
          AllocNode obj =;
          IVarAbstraction po = consG.get(obj);
          if (!po.reachable() || pn.isDeadObject(obj)) {

        for (AllocNode obj : removeSet) {

      } else {
        // We also remove unreachable objects for SPARK nodes
        PointsToSetInternal pts = vn.getP2Set();
        pts.forall(new P2SetVisitor() {
          public void visit(Node n) {
            IVarAbstraction pan = findInternalNode(n);
            // The removeSet is misused as a contains set
            if (pan.reachable()) {
              removeSet.add((AllocNode) n);

        pts = vn.makeP2Set();
        for (AllocNode an : removeSet) {

    // Clean the useless constraints
    for (Iterator cIt = constraints.iterator(); cIt.hasNext();) {
      PlainConstraint cons =;

      IVarAbstraction lhs = cons.getLHS();
      IVarAbstraction rhs = cons.getRHS();

      if (!lhs.reachable() || !rhs.reachable() || getMethodIDFromPtr(lhs) == Constants.UNKNOWN_FUNCTION
          || getMethodIDFromPtr(rhs) == Constants.UNKNOWN_FUNCTION) {

    // We reassign the IDs to the pointers, objects and constraints

   * Stuff that is useless for querying is released.
  private void releaseUselessResources() {
    offlineProcessor = null;

   * Update the reachable methods and SPARK points-to results.
  private void finalizeSootData() {
    // We remove the unreachable functions from Soot internal structures
    // The we rebuild it from the updated Soot call graph

    if (!opts.geom_trans()) {
      // We remove the SPARK points-to information for pointers that have geomPTA
      // results (willUpdate = true)
      // At querying time, the SPARK points-to container acts as a query cache
      for (IVarAbstraction pn : pointers) {
        // Keep only the points-to results for representatives
        if (pn != pn.getRepresentative()) {

        // Simplify
        if (pn.hasPTResult()) {
          Node vn = pn.getWrappedNode();
    } else {
      // Do we need to obtain the context insensitive points-to result?

   * For many applications, they only need the context insensitive points-to result. We provide a way to transfer our result
   * back to SPARK. After the transformation, we discard the context sensitive points-to information. Therefore, if context
   * sensitive queries are needed in future, please call ddSolve() for queried pointers first.
  public void transformToCIResult() {
    for (IVarAbstraction pn : pointers) {
      if (pn.getRepresentative() != pn) {

      Node node = pn.getWrappedNode();
      PointsToSetInternal ptSet = node.makeP2Set();
      for (AllocNode obj : pn.get_all_points_to_objects()) {


    hasTransformed = true;

   * The starting point of the geometric points-to analysis engine. This function computes the whole program points-to
   * information.
  public void solve() {
    long solve_time = 0, prepare_time = 0;
    long mem;
    int rounds;
    int n_obs;

    // Flush all accumulated outputs

    // Collect and process the basic information from SPARK

    offlineProcessor = new OfflineProcessor(this);

    int evalLevel = opts.geom_eval();
    GeomEvaluator ge = new GeomEvaluator(this, ps);
    if (evalLevel == Constants.eval_basicInfo) {

    // Start our constraints solving phase
    Date begin = new Date();

    // Main loop
    for (rounds = 0, n_obs = 1000; rounds < Parameters.cg_refine_times && n_obs > 0; ++rounds) {

      ps.println("\n" + "[Geom] Propagation Round " + rounds + " ==> ");

      // Encode the contexts
      encodeContexts(rounds == 0);

      // Offline processing:
      // substantially use the points-to result for redundancy elimination prior to
      // the analysis
      Date prepare_begin = new Date();
      Date prepare_end = new Date();
      prepare_time += prepare_end.getTime() - prepare_begin.getTime();

      if (rounds == 0) {
        if (evalLevel <= Constants.eval_basicInfo) {

      // Clear the points-to results in previous runs

      // We construct the initial flow graph

      // Solve the constraints

      // We update the call graph and other internal data when the new points-to
      // information is ready
      n_obs = updateCallGraph();

    if (rounds < Parameters.cg_refine_times) {
      ps.printf("\nThe points-to information has converged. We stop here.\n");

    Date end = new Date();
    solve_time += end.getTime() - begin.getTime();
    mem = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();

    ps.printf("[Geom] Preprocessing time: %.2f s\n", (double) prepare_time / 1000);
    ps.printf("[Geom] Total time: %.2f s\n", (double) solve_time / 1000);
    ps.printf("[Geom] Memory: %.1f MB\n", (double) (mem) / 1024 / 1024);

    // We perform a set of tests to assess the quality of the points-to results for
    // user pointers
    if (evalLevel != Constants.eval_nothing) {
      ge.profileGeomBasicMetrics(evalLevel > Constants.eval_basicInfo);
      if (evalLevel > Constants.eval_basicInfo) {
        // ge.estimateHeapDefuseGraph();

    // Make changes available to Soot

    // Finish
    hasExecuted = true;

   * The demand-driven mode for precisely computing points-to information for given pointers. Call graph will not be updated
   * in this mode.
   * @param qryNodes:
   *          the set of nodes that would be refined by geomPA.
  public void ddSolve(Set qryNodes) {
    long solve_time = 0, prepare_time = 0;

    if (hasExecuted == false) {

    if (ddPrepared == false || offlineProcessor == null) {
      offlineProcessor = new OfflineProcessor(this);
      ddPrepared = true;

      // First time entering into the demand-driven mode
      ps.println("==> Entering demand-driven mode (experimental).");

    int init_size = qryNodes.size();

    if (init_size == 0) {
      ps.println("Please provide at least one pointer.");

    // We must not encode the contexts again,
    // otherwise the points-to information is invalid due to context mapping change
    // encodeContexts();

    // We first perform the offline optimizations
    Date prepare_begin = new Date();


    Date prepare_end = new Date();
    prepare_time += prepare_end.getTime() - prepare_begin.getTime();

    // Run geomPA again
    Date begin = new Date();


    Date end = new Date();
    solve_time += end.getTime() - begin.getTime();

    ps.printf("[ddGeom] Preprocessing time: %.2f seconds\n", (double) prepare_time / 1000);
    ps.printf("[ddGeom] Main propagation time: %.2f seconds\n", (double) solve_time / 1000);

   * We thoroughly delete the geometric points-to result for space saving. Some applications such as those needing the call
   * graph only may want to clean the points-to result.
  public void cleanResult() {
    hasTransformed = false;
    hasExecuted = false;


   * Keep only the pointers the users are interested in. Just used for reducing memory occupation.
  public void keepOnly(Set usefulPointers) {
    Set reps = new HashSet();

    for (IVarAbstraction pn : usefulPointers) {

    reps = null;

    for (IVarAbstraction pn : pointers) {
      if (!usefulPointers.contains(pn)) {


   * Get Internal ID for soot method @param sm
   * @return -1 if the given method is unreachable
  public int getIDFromSootMethod(SootMethod sm) {
    Integer ans = func2int.get(sm);
    return ans == null ? Constants.UNKNOWN_FUNCTION : ans.intValue();

   * Get soot method from given internal ID @param fid
   * @return null if such ID is illegal.
  public SootMethod getSootMethodFromID(int fid) {
    return int2func.get(fid);

   * Deciding if the given method represented by @param fid is reachable.
  public boolean isReachableMethod(int fid) {
    return fid == Constants.UNKNOWN_FUNCTION ? false : vis_cg[fid] != 0;

   * Deciding if the given method represented by @param sm is reachable.
  public boolean isReachableMethod(SootMethod sm) {
    int id = getIDFromSootMethod(sm);
    return isReachableMethod(id);

   * Telling if the given method is in the file given by the option "cg.spark geom-verify-name".
  public boolean isValidMethod(SootMethod sm) {
    if (validMethods != null) {
      String sig = sm.toString();
      if (!validMethods.containsKey(sig)) {
        return false;

      // We mark this method for future inspection
      validMethods.put(sig, Boolean.TRUE);

    return true;

  public void outputNotEvaluatedMethods() {
    if (validMethods != null) {
      ps.println("\nThe following methods are not evaluated because they are unreachable:");
      for (Map.Entry entry : validMethods.entrySet()) {
        if (entry.getValue().equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {

   * A replacement of the Scene.v().getReachableMethods.
   * @return
  public Set getAllReachableMethods() {
    return func2int.keySet();

   * Get the call edges calling from the method @param fid.
  public CgEdge getCallEgesOutFrom(int fid) {
    return call_graph[fid];

   * Get the call edges calling into the method @param fid.
  public LinkedList getCallEdgesInto(int fid) {
    if (rev_call_graph == null) {
      // We build the reversed call graph on demand

    return rev_call_graph.get(fid);

   * Get the index of the enclosing function of the specified node.
  public int getMethodIDFromPtr(IVarAbstraction pn) {
    SootMethod sm = null;
    int ret = Constants.SUPER_MAIN;

    Node node = pn.getWrappedNode();

    if (node instanceof AllocNode) {
      sm = ((AllocNode) node).getMethod();
    } else if (node instanceof LocalVarNode) {
      sm = ((LocalVarNode) node).getMethod();
    } else if (node instanceof AllocDotField) {
      sm = ((AllocDotField) node).getBase().getMethod();

    if (sm != null && func2int.containsKey(sm)) {
      int id = func2int.get(sm);
      if (vis_cg[id] == 0) {
        ret = Constants.UNKNOWN_FUNCTION;
      } else {
        ret = id;

    return ret;

   * Transform the SPARK node @param v representation to our representation.
  public IVarAbstraction makeInternalNode(Node v) {
    IVarAbstraction ret = consG.get(v);
    if (ret == null) {
      ret = nodeGenerator.generateNode(v);
      consG.put(v, ret);
    return ret;

   * Find our representation for the SPARK node @param v. We don't create a new node if nothing found.
  public IVarAbstraction findInternalNode(Node v) {
    return consG.get(v);

   * Type compatibility test.
   * @param src
   * @param dst
  public boolean castNeverFails(Type src, Type dst) {
    return typeManager.castNeverFails(src, dst);

   * Get the number of valid pointers currently reachable by geomPTA.
  public int getNumberOfPointers() {
    return pointers.size();

   * Get the number of valid objects current in the container.
   * @return
  public int getNumberOfObjects() {
    return allocations.size();

   * Return the number of functions that are reachable by SPARK.
  public int getNumberOfSparkMethods() {
    return n_func;

   * Return the number of functions that are reachable after the geometric points-to analysis.
  public int getNumberOfMethods() {
    return n_reach_methods;

  public IWorklist getWorklist() {
    return worklist;

   * Obtain the internal representation of an object field.
  public IVarAbstraction findInstanceField(AllocNode obj, SparkField field) {
    AllocDotField af = findAllocDotField(obj, field);
    return consG.get(af);

   * Obtain or create an internal representation of an object field.
  public IVarAbstraction findAndInsertInstanceField(AllocNode obj, SparkField field) {
    AllocDotField af = findAllocDotField(obj, field);
    IVarAbstraction pn = null;

    if (af == null) {
      // We create a new instance field node w.r.t type compatiblity
      Type decType = ((SootField) field).getDeclaringClass().getType();
      Type baseType = obj.getType();
      // baseType must be a sub type of decType
      if (typeManager.castNeverFails(baseType, decType)) {
        af = makeAllocDotField(obj, field);
        pn = makeInternalNode(af);
    } else {
      pn = consG.get(af);

    return pn;

   * Obtain the edge representation internal to geomPTA.
  public CgEdge getInternalEdgeFromSootEdge(Edge e) {
    return edgeMapping.get(e);

  public boolean isExceptionPointer(Node v) {
    if (v.getType() instanceof RefType) {
      SootClass sc = ((RefType) v.getType()).getSootClass();
      if (!sc.isInterface()
          && Scene.v().getActiveHierarchy().isClassSubclassOfIncluding(sc, Constants.exeception_type.getSootClass())) {
        return true;

    return false;

   * Given a valid SPARK node, we test if it is still valid after the geometric analysis.
  public boolean isValidGeometricNode(Node sparkNode) {
    IVarAbstraction pNode = consG.get(sparkNode);
    return pNode != null && pNode.reachable();

   * Is this a Spark or Geom?
   * @return
  public boolean hasGeomExecuted() {
    return hasExecuted;

   * Create all output files under the uniform location.
   * @param file_name
   * @return
   * @throws FileNotFoundException
  public FileOutputStream createOutputFile(String file_name) throws FileNotFoundException {
    return new FileOutputStream(new File(dump_dir, file_name));

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -------------------------------Soot Standard Points-to Query
  // Interface----------------------------------
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  private PointsToSetInternal field_p2set(PointsToSet s, final SparkField f) {
    if (!(s instanceof PointsToSetInternal)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Base pointers must be stored in *PointsToSetInternal*.");

    PointsToSetInternal bases = (PointsToSetInternal) s;
    final PointsToSetInternal ret = getSetFactory().newSet(f.getType(), this);

    bases.forall(new P2SetVisitor() {
      public final void visit(Node n) {
        Node nDotF = ((AllocNode) n).dot(f);
        if (nDotF != null) {
          // nDotF.getP2Set() has been discarded in solve()
          IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(nDotF);
          if (pn == null || hasTransformed || nDotF.getP2Set() != EmptyPointsToSet.v()) {
            ret.addAll(nDotF.getP2Set(), null);

          pn = pn.getRepresentative();
          // PointsToSetInternal ptSet = nDotF.makeP2Set();
          for (AllocNode obj : pn.get_all_points_to_objects()) {
            // ptSet.add(obj);

    return ret;

  public PointsToSet reachingObjects(Local l) {
    if (!hasExecuted) {
      return super.reachingObjects(l);

    LocalVarNode vn = findLocalVarNode(l);
    if (vn == null) {
      return EmptyPointsToSet.v();

    IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(vn);

    // In case this pointer has no geomPTA result
    // This is perhaps a bug
    if (pn == null) {
      return vn.getP2Set();

    // Return the cached result
    if (hasTransformed || vn.getP2Set() != EmptyPointsToSet.v()) {
      return vn.getP2Set();

    // Compute and cache the result
    pn = pn.getRepresentative();
    PointsToSetInternal ptSet = vn.makeP2Set();
    for (AllocNode obj : pn.get_all_points_to_objects()) {

    return ptSet;

   * Currently, we only accept one call unit context (1CFA). For querying K-CFA (K >1), please see
   * GeomQueries.contextsByCallChain
  public PointsToSet reachingObjects(Context c, Local l) {
    if (!hasExecuted) {
      return super.reachingObjects(c, l);

    if (hasTransformed || !(c instanceof Unit)) {
      return reachingObjects(l);

    LocalVarNode vn = findLocalVarNode(l);
    if (vn == null) {
      return EmptyPointsToSet.v();

    // Lookup the context sensitive points-to information for this pointer
    IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(vn);
    if (pn == null) {
      return vn.getP2Set();

    pn = pn.getRepresentative();

    // Obtain the context sensitive points-to result
    SootMethod callee = vn.getMethod();
    Edge e = Scene.v().getCallGraph().findEdge((Unit) c, callee);
    if (e == null) {
      return vn.getP2Set();

    // Compute the contexts interval
    CgEdge myEdge = getInternalEdgeFromSootEdge(e);
    if (myEdge == null) {
      return vn.getP2Set();

    long low = myEdge.map_offset;
    long high = low + max_context_size_block[myEdge.s];

    // Lookup the cache
    ContextVarNode cvn = vn.context(c);
    if (cvn != null) {
      PointsToSetInternal ans = cvn.getP2Set();
      if (ans != EmptyPointsToSet.v()) {
        return ans;
    } else {
      // Create a new context sensitive variable
      // The points-to vector is set to empty at start
      cvn = makeContextVarNode(vn, c);

    // Fill
    PointsToSetInternal ptset = cvn.makeP2Set();
    for (AllocNode an : pn.get_all_points_to_objects()) {
      if (pn.pointer_interval_points_to(low, high, an)) {

    return ptset;

  public PointsToSet reachingObjects(SootField f) {
    if (!hasExecuted) {
      return super.reachingObjects(f);

    if (!f.isStatic()) {
      throw new RuntimeException("The parameter f must be a *static* field.");

    VarNode vn = findGlobalVarNode(f);
    if (vn == null) {
      return EmptyPointsToSet.v();

    IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(vn);
    if (pn == null) {
      return vn.getP2Set();

    // Lookup the cache
    if (hasTransformed || vn.getP2Set() != EmptyPointsToSet.v()) {
      return vn.getP2Set();

    // We transform and cache the result for the next query
    pn = pn.getRepresentative();
    PointsToSetInternal ptSet = vn.makeP2Set();
    for (AllocNode obj : pn.getRepresentative().get_all_points_to_objects()) {

    return ptSet;

  public PointsToSet reachingObjects(PointsToSet s, final SootField f) {
    if (!hasExecuted) {
      return super.reachingObjects(s, f);
    return field_p2set(s, f);

  public PointsToSet reachingObjects(Local l, SootField f) {
    if (!hasExecuted) {
      return super.reachingObjects(l, f);
    return reachingObjects(reachingObjects(l), f);

  public PointsToSet reachingObjects(Context c, Local l, SootField f) {
    if (!hasExecuted) {
      return super.reachingObjects(c, l, f);
    return reachingObjects(reachingObjects(c, l), f);

  public PointsToSet reachingObjectsOfArrayElement(PointsToSet s) {
    if (!hasExecuted) {
      return super.reachingObjectsOfArrayElement(s);
    return field_p2set(s, ArrayElement.v());

  // An extra query interfaces not provided by SPARK
  public PointsToSet reachingObjects(AllocNode an, SootField f) {
    AllocDotField adf =;
    IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(adf);

    // No such pointer seen by SPARK
    if (adf == null) {
      return EmptyPointsToSet.v();

    // Not seen by geomPTA
    if (pn == null) {
      return adf.getP2Set();

    if (hasTransformed || adf.getP2Set() != EmptyPointsToSet.v()) {
      return adf.getP2Set();

    // We transform and cache the result for the next query
    pn = pn.getRepresentative();
    PointsToSetInternal ptSet = adf.makeP2Set();
    for (AllocNode obj : pn.getRepresentative().get_all_points_to_objects()) {

    return ptSet;

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