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soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow.InfoFlowAnalysis Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow;

 * #%L
 * Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 1997 - 2018 Raja Vallée-Rai and others
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * .
 * #L%

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import soot.EquivalentValue;
import soot.Local;
import soot.Scene;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootField;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.SootMethodRef;
import soot.Value;
import soot.jimple.FieldRef;
import soot.jimple.InvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.Jimple;
import soot.jimple.ParameterRef;
import soot.jimple.Stmt;
import soot.jimple.ThisRef;
import soot.jimple.internal.JimpleLocal;
import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.CallGraph;
import soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph.Edge;
import soot.toolkits.graph.DirectedGraph;
import soot.toolkits.graph.HashMutableDirectedGraph;
import soot.toolkits.graph.MutableDirectedGraph;

// InfoFlowAnalysis written by Richard L. Halpert, 2007-02-24
// Constructs data flow tables for each method of every application class.  Ignores indirect flow.
// These tables conservatively approximate how data flows from parameters,
// fields, and globals to parameters, fields, globals, and the return value.
// Note that a ref-type parameter (or field or global) might allow access to a
// large data structure, but that entire structure will be represented only by
// the parameter's one node in the data flow graph.
// Provides a high level interface to access the data flow information.

public class InfoFlowAnalysis {
  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InfoFlowAnalysis.class);
  boolean includePrimitiveInfoFlow;
  boolean includeInnerFields;
  boolean printDebug;

  Map classToClassInfoFlowAnalysis;

  public InfoFlowAnalysis(boolean includePrimitiveDataFlow, boolean includeInnerFields) {
    this(includePrimitiveDataFlow, includeInnerFields, false);

  public InfoFlowAnalysis(boolean includePrimitiveDataFlow, boolean includeInnerFields, boolean printDebug) {
    this.includePrimitiveInfoFlow = includePrimitiveDataFlow;
    this.includeInnerFields = includeInnerFields;
    this.printDebug = printDebug;
    classToClassInfoFlowAnalysis = new HashMap();

  public boolean includesPrimitiveInfoFlow() {
    return includePrimitiveInfoFlow;

  public boolean includesInnerFields() {
    return includeInnerFields;

  public boolean printDebug() {
    return printDebug;

   * public void doApplicationClassesAnalysis() { Iterator appClassesIt = Scene.v().getApplicationClasses().iterator(); while
   * (appClassesIt.hasNext()) { SootClass appClass = (SootClass);
   * // Create the needed flow analysis object ClassInfoFlowAnalysis cdfa = new ClassInfoFlowAnalysis(appClass, this);
   * // Put the preliminary flow-insensitive results here in case they // are needed by the flow-sensitive version. This
   * method will be // reentrant if any method we are analyzing is reentrant, so we // must do this to prevent an infinite
   * recursive loop. classToClassInfoFlowAnalysis.put(appClass, cdfa); }
   * Iterator appClassesIt2 = Scene.v().getApplicationClasses().iterator(); while (appClassesIt2.hasNext()) { SootClass
   * appClass = (SootClass); // Now calculate the flow-sensitive version. If this classes methods // are
   * reentrant, it will call this method and receive the flow // insensitive version that is already cached.
   * ClassInfoFlowAnalysis cdfa = (ClassInfoFlowAnalysis) classToClassInfoFlowAnalysis.get(appClass);
   * cdfa.doFixedPointDataFlowAnalysis(); } }

  private ClassInfoFlowAnalysis getClassInfoFlowAnalysis(SootClass sc) {
    if (!classToClassInfoFlowAnalysis.containsKey(sc)) {
      ClassInfoFlowAnalysis cdfa = new ClassInfoFlowAnalysis(sc, this);
      classToClassInfoFlowAnalysis.put(sc, cdfa);
    return classToClassInfoFlowAnalysis.get(sc);

  public SmartMethodInfoFlowAnalysis getMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(SootMethod sm) {
    ClassInfoFlowAnalysis cdfa = getClassInfoFlowAnalysis(sm.getDeclaringClass());
    return cdfa.getMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(sm);

   * Returns a BACKED MutableDirectedGraph whose nodes are EquivalentValue wrapped Refs. It's perfectly safe to modify this
   * graph, just so long as new nodes are EquivalentValue wrapped Refs.
  public HashMutableDirectedGraph getMethodInfoFlowSummary(SootMethod sm) {
    return getMethodInfoFlowSummary(sm, true);

  public HashMutableDirectedGraph getMethodInfoFlowSummary(SootMethod sm, boolean doFullAnalysis) {
    ClassInfoFlowAnalysis cdfa = getClassInfoFlowAnalysis(sm.getDeclaringClass());
    return cdfa.getMethodInfoFlowSummary(sm, doFullAnalysis);

   * Returns an unmodifiable list of EquivalentValue wrapped Refs that source flows to when method sm is called.
   * public List getSinksOf(SootMethod sm, EquivalentValue source) { ClassInfoFlowAnalysis cdfa =
   * getClassDataFlowAnalysis(sm.getDeclaringClass()); MutableDirectedGraph g = cdfa.getMethodDataFlowGraph(sm); List sinks =
   * null; if(g.containsNode(source)) sinks = g.getSuccsOf(source); else sinks = new ArrayList(); return sinks; }
   * Returns an unmodifiable list of EquivalentValue wrapped Refs that sink flows from when method sm is called.
   * public List getSourcesOf(SootMethod sm, EquivalentValue sink) { ClassInfoFlowAnalysis cdfa =
   * getClassDataFlowAnalysis(sm.getDeclaringClass()); MutableDirectedGraph g = cdfa.getMethodDataFlowGraph(sm); List sources
   * = null; if(g.containsNode(sink)) sources = g.getPredsOf(sink); else sources = new ArrayList(); return sources; }
  // Returns an EquivalentValue wrapped Ref based on sfr
  // that is suitable for comparison to the nodes of a Data Flow Graph
  public static EquivalentValue getNodeForFieldRef(SootMethod sm, SootField sf) {
    return getNodeForFieldRef(sm, sf, null);

  public static EquivalentValue getNodeForFieldRef(SootMethod sm, SootField sf, Local realLocal) {
    if (sf.isStatic()) {
      return new CachedEquivalentValue(Jimple.v().newStaticFieldRef(sf.makeRef()));
    } else {
      // Jimple.v().newThisRef(sf.getDeclaringClass().getType())
      if (sm.isConcrete() && !sm.isStatic() && sm.getDeclaringClass() == sf.getDeclaringClass() && realLocal == null) {
        JimpleLocal fakethis
            = new FakeJimpleLocal("fakethis", sf.getDeclaringClass().getType(), sm.retrieveActiveBody().getThisLocal());

        return new CachedEquivalentValue(Jimple.v().newInstanceFieldRef(fakethis, sf.makeRef())); // fake thisLocal
      } else {
        // Pretends to be a this. ref for a method without a body,
        // for a static method, or for an inner field
        JimpleLocal fakethis = new FakeJimpleLocal("fakethis", sf.getDeclaringClass().getType(), realLocal);

        return new CachedEquivalentValue(Jimple.v().newInstanceFieldRef(fakethis, sf.makeRef())); // fake thisLocal

  // Returns an EquivalentValue wrapped Ref for @parameter i
  // that is suitable for comparison to the nodes of a Data Flow Graph
  public static EquivalentValue getNodeForParameterRef(SootMethod sm, int i) {
    return new CachedEquivalentValue(new ParameterRef(sm.getParameterType(i), i));

  // Returns an EquivalentValue wrapped Ref for the return value
  // that is suitable for comparison to the nodes of a Data Flow Graph
  public static EquivalentValue getNodeForReturnRef(SootMethod sm) {
    return new CachedEquivalentValue(new ParameterRef(sm.getReturnType(), -1));

  // Returns an EquivalentValue wrapped ThisRef
  // that is suitable for comparison to the nodes of a Data Flow Graph
  public static EquivalentValue getNodeForThisRef(SootMethod sm) {
    return new CachedEquivalentValue(new ThisRef(sm.getDeclaringClass().getType()));

  protected HashMutableDirectedGraph getInvokeInfoFlowSummary(InvokeExpr ie, Stmt is, SootMethod context) {
    // get the data flow graph for each possible target of ie,
    // then combine them conservatively and return the result.
    HashMutableDirectedGraph ret = null;

    SootMethodRef methodRef = ie.getMethodRef();
    String subSig = methodRef.resolve().getSubSignature();
    CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph();
    for (Iterator edges = cg.edgesOutOf(is); edges.hasNext();) {
      Edge e =;
      SootMethod target = e.getTgt().method();
      // Verify that this target is an implementation of the method we intend to call,
      // and not just a class initializer or other unintended control flow.
      if (target.getSubSignature().equals(subSig)) {
        HashMutableDirectedGraph ifs
            = getMethodInfoFlowSummary(target, context.getDeclaringClass().isApplicationClass());
        if (ret == null) {
          ret = ifs;
        } else {
          for (EquivalentValue node : ifs.getNodes()) {
            if (!ret.containsNode(node)) {
            for (EquivalentValue succ : ifs.getSuccsOf(node)) {
              ret.addEdge(node, succ);

    return ret;
    // return getMethodInfoFlowSummary(methodRef.resolve(), context.getDeclaringClass().isApplicationClass());

  protected MutableDirectedGraph getInvokeAbbreviatedInfoFlowGraph(InvokeExpr ie, SootMethod context) {
    // get the data flow graph for each possible target of ie,
    // then combine them conservatively and return the result.
    SootMethodRef methodRef = ie.getMethodRef();
    return getMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(methodRef.resolve()).getMethodAbbreviatedInfoFlowGraph();

  public static void printInfoFlowSummary(DirectedGraph g) {
    if (g.size() > 0) {
      logger.debug("    " + " --> ");
    for (EquivalentValue node : g) {
      List sources = g.getPredsOf(node);
      if (sources.isEmpty()) {
      logger.debug("    [ ");
      int sourcesnamelength = 0;
      int lastnamelength = 0;
      int idx = 0;
      for (EquivalentValue t : sources) {
        Value v = t.getValue();
        if (v instanceof FieldRef) {
          FieldRef fr = (FieldRef) v;
          String name = fr.getFieldRef().name();
          lastnamelength = name.length();
          if (lastnamelength > sourcesnamelength) {
            sourcesnamelength = lastnamelength;
          logger.debug("" + name);
        } else if (v instanceof ParameterRef) {
          ParameterRef pr = (ParameterRef) v;
          lastnamelength = 11;
          if (lastnamelength > sourcesnamelength) {
            sourcesnamelength = lastnamelength;
          logger.debug("@parameter" + pr.getIndex());
        } else {
          String name = v.toString();
          lastnamelength = name.length();
          if (lastnamelength > sourcesnamelength) {
            sourcesnamelength = lastnamelength;
          logger.debug("" + name);
        if ((idx++) < sources.size()) {
          logger.debug("\n      ");
      for (int i = 0; i < sourcesnamelength - lastnamelength; i++) {
        logger.debug(" ");
      logger.debug(" ] --> " + node.toString());

  public static void printGraphToDotFile(String filename, DirectedGraph graph, String graphname,
      boolean onePage) {
    // this makes the node name unique
    nodecount = 0; // reset node counter first.

    // file name is the method name + .dot
    DotGraph canvas = new DotGraph(filename);
    if (!onePage) {
      canvas.setPageSize(8.5, 11.0);


    for (EquivalentValue node : graph) {

      for (EquivalentValue s : graph.getSuccsOf(node)) {

        canvas.drawEdge(getNodeName(node), getNodeName(s));

    canvas.plot(filename + ".dot");

  static int nodecount = 0;

  // static Map nodeToNodeName = new HashMap();
  public static String getNodeName(Object o) {
    // if(!nodeToNodeName.containsKey(o)) // Since this uses all different kinds of objects, we
    // // were getting weird collisions, causing wrong graphs.
    // nodeToNodeName.put(o, "N" + (nodecount++));
    // return (String) nodeToNodeName.get(o);
    return getNodeLabel(o);

  public static String getNodeLabel(Object o) {
    Value node = ((EquivalentValue) o).getValue();
     * if(node instanceof InstanceFieldRef) { InstanceFieldRef ifr = (InstanceFieldRef) node; if(ifr.getBase() instanceof
     * FakeJimpleLocal) return ifr.getField().getDeclaringClass().getShortName() + "." + ifr.getFieldRef().name(); else
     * return ifr.getField().getDeclaringClass().getShortName() + "." + ifr.getFieldRef().name(); } else
    if (node instanceof FieldRef) {
      FieldRef fr = (FieldRef) node;
      return fr.getField().getDeclaringClass().getShortName() + "." + fr.getFieldRef().name();
    return node.toString();

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