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soot.toolkits.graph.pdg.HashMutablePDG Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package soot.toolkits.graph.pdg;

 * #%L
 * Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Hossein Sadat-Mohtasham
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * .
 * #L%

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

import soot.Body;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.toolkits.graph.Block;
import soot.toolkits.graph.BlockGraph;
import soot.toolkits.graph.DominatorNode;
import soot.toolkits.graph.DominatorTree;
import soot.toolkits.graph.HashMutableEdgeLabelledDirectedGraph;
import soot.toolkits.graph.UnitGraph;

 * This class implements a Program Dependence Graph as defined in
 * Ferrante, J., Ottenstein, K. J., and Warren, J. D. 1987. The program dependence graph and its use in optimization. ACM
 * Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 9, 3 (Jul. 1987), 319-349. DOI=
 * Note: the implementation is not exactly as in the above paper. It first finds the regions of control dependence then uses
 * part of the algorithm given in the above paper to build the graph.
 * The constructor accepts a UnitGraph, which can be a BriefUnitGraph, an ExceptionalUnitGraph, or an EnhancedUnitGraph. At
 * the absence of exception handling constructs in a method, all of these work the same. However, at the presence of
 * exception handling constructs, BriefUnitGraph is multi-headed and potentially multi-tailed which makes the results of
 * RegionAnalysis and PDG construction unreliable (It's not clear if it would be useful anyway); Also, ExceptionalGraph's
 * usefulness when exception handling is present is not so clear since almost every unit can throw exception hence the
 * dependency is affected. Currently, the PDG is based on a UnitGraph (BlockGraph) and does not care whether flow is
 * exceptional or not.
 * The nodes in a PDG are of type PDGNode and the edges can have three labels: "dependency", "dependency-back", and
 * "controlflow"; however, the "controlflow" edges are auxiliary and the dependencies are represented by the labels beginning
 * with "dependency". Other labels can be added later for application or domain-specific cases.
 * To support methods that contain exception-handling and multiple-heads or tails, use EnhancedUnitGraph. It does not
 * represent exceptional flow in the way ExceptionalUnitGraph does, but it integrates them in a concise way. Also, it adds
 * START/STOP nodes to graph if necessary to make the graph single entry single exit.
 * @author Hossein Sadat-Mohtasham Sep 2009

public class HashMutablePDG extends HashMutableEdgeLabelledDirectedGraph implements ProgramDependenceGraph {

  protected Body m_body = null;
  protected SootClass m_class = null;
  protected UnitGraph m_cfg = null;
  protected BlockGraph m_blockCFG = null;
  protected Hashtable m_obj2pdgNode = new Hashtable();
  protected List m_weakRegions = null;
  protected List m_strongRegions = null;
  protected PDGNode m_startNode = null;
  protected List m_pdgRegions = null;
  private RegionAnalysis m_regionAnalysis = null;
  private int m_strongRegionStartID;

  public HashMutablePDG(UnitGraph cfg) {
    this.m_body = cfg.getBody();
    this.m_class = this.m_body.getMethod().getDeclaringClass();
    this.m_cfg = cfg;

    this.m_regionAnalysis = new RegionAnalysis(this.m_cfg, this.m_body.getMethod(), this.m_class);

     * Get the weak regions and save a copy. Note that the strong regions list is initially cloned from the weak region to be
     * later modified.
    this.m_strongRegions = this.m_regionAnalysis.getRegions();
    this.m_weakRegions = this.cloneRegions(this.m_strongRegions);
    this.m_blockCFG = this.m_regionAnalysis.getBlockCFG();

    // Construct the PDG
    this.m_pdgRegions = HashMutablePDG.computePDGRegions(this.m_startNode);

     * This is needed to convert the initially Region-typed inner node of the PDG's head to a PDGRegion-typed one after the
     * whole graph is computed. The root PDGRegion is the one with no parent.

    IRegion r = this.m_pdgRegions.get(0);
    while (r.getParent() != null) {
      r = r.getParent();



  public BlockGraph getBlockGraph() {
    return m_blockCFG;

   * This is the heart of the PDG contruction. It is huge and definitely needs some refactorings, but since it's been
   * evlovong to cover some boundary cases it has become hard to rafactor.
   * It uses the list of weak regions, along with the dominator and post-dominator trees to construct the PDG nodes.
  protected void constructPDG() {
    Hashtable block2region = this.m_regionAnalysis.getBlock2RegionMap();
    DominatorTree pdom = this.m_regionAnalysis.getPostDominatorTree();
    DominatorTree dom = this.m_regionAnalysis.getDominatorTree();

    List regions2process = new LinkedList();
    Region topLevelRegion = this.m_regionAnalysis.getTopLevelRegion();
    m_strongRegionStartID = m_weakRegions.size();

    // This becomes the top-level region (or ENTRY region node)
    PDGNode pdgnode = new PDGNode(topLevelRegion, PDGNode.Type.REGION);
    this.m_obj2pdgNode.put(topLevelRegion, pdgnode);
    this.m_startNode = pdgnode;

    Set processedRegions = new HashSet();

    // while there's a (weak) region to process
    while (!regions2process.isEmpty()) {
      Region r = regions2process.remove(0);

      // get the corresponding pdgnode
      pdgnode = this.m_obj2pdgNode.get(r);

       * For all the CFG nodes in the region, create the corresponding PDG node and edges, and process them if they are in
       * the dependence set of other regions, i.e. other regions depend on them.
      List blocks = r.getBlocks();
      Hashtable> toBeRemoved = new Hashtable>();
      PDGNode prevPDGNodeInRegion = null;
      PDGNode curNodeInRegion = null;
      for (Iterator itr = blocks.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
         * Add the PDG node corresponding to the CFG block node.
        Block a =;
        PDGNode pdgNodeOfA = null;
        if (!this.m_obj2pdgNode.containsKey(a)) {
          pdgNodeOfA = new PDGNode(a, PDGNode.Type.CFGNODE);
          this.m_obj2pdgNode.put(a, pdgNodeOfA);
        } else {
          pdgNodeOfA = this.m_obj2pdgNode.get(a);

        this.addEdge(pdgnode, pdgNodeOfA, "dependency");

        curNodeInRegion = pdgNodeOfA;

         * For each successor B of A, if B does not post-dominate A, add all the nodes on the path from B to the L in the
         * post-dominator tree, where L is the least common ancestor of A and B in the post-dominator tree (L will be either
         * A itself or the parent of A.).

        List bs = this.m_blockCFG.getSuccsOf(a);
        for (Iterator bItr = bs.iterator(); bItr.hasNext();) {
          List dependents = new ArrayList();

          Block b =;

          if (b.equals(a)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("PDG construction: A and B are not supposed to be the same node!");

          DominatorNode aDode = pdom.getDode(a);
          DominatorNode bDode = pdom.getDode(b);

          // If B post-dominates A, go to the next successor.
          if (pdom.isDominatorOf(bDode, aDode)) {

          // FIXME: what if the parent is null?!!
          DominatorNode aParentDode = aDode.getParent();

          DominatorNode dode = bDode;
          while (dode != aParentDode) {
            dependents.add((Block) dode.getGode());

            // This occurs if the CFG is multi-tailed and therefore the pdom is a forest.
            if (dode.getParent() == null) {
              // throw new RuntimeException("parent dode in pdom is null: dode is " + aDode);
            dode = dode.getParent();

           * If node A is in the dependent list of A, then A is the header of a loop. Otherwise, A could still be the header
           * of a loop or just a simple predicate.

          // first make A's pdg node be a conditional (predicate) pdgnode, if it's not already.
          if (pdgNodeOfA.getAttrib() != PDGNode.Attribute.CONDHEADER) {
            PDGNode oldA = pdgNodeOfA;
            pdgNodeOfA = new ConditionalPDGNode(pdgNodeOfA);
            this.replaceInGraph(pdgNodeOfA, oldA);
            this.m_obj2pdgNode.put(a, pdgNodeOfA);

            curNodeInRegion = pdgNodeOfA;

          List copyOfDependents = new ArrayList();

          // First, add the dependency for B and its corresponding region.
          Region regionOfB = block2region.get(b);
          PDGNode pdgnodeOfBRegion = null;
          if (!this.m_obj2pdgNode.containsKey(regionOfB)) {
            pdgnodeOfBRegion = new PDGNode(regionOfB, PDGNode.Type.REGION);
            this.m_obj2pdgNode.put(regionOfB, pdgnodeOfBRegion);

          } else {
            pdgnodeOfBRegion = this.m_obj2pdgNode.get(regionOfB);

          // set the region hierarchy

          // add the dependency edges
          this.addEdge(pdgNodeOfA, pdgnodeOfBRegion, "dependency");
          if (!processedRegions.contains(regionOfB)) {
          // now remove b and all the nodes in the same weak region from the list of dependents

           * What remains here in the dependence set needs to be processed separately. For each node X remained in the
           * dependency set, find the corresponding PDG region node and add a dependency edge from the region of B to the
           * region of X. If X's weak region contains other nodes not in the dependency set of A, create a new region for X
           * and add the proper dependency edges (this actually happens if X is the header of a loop and B is a predicate
           * guarding a break/continue.)
           * Note: it seems the only case that there is a node remained in the dependents is when there is a path from b to
           * the header of a loop.

          while (!copyOfDependents.isEmpty()) {
            Block depB = copyOfDependents.remove(0);
            Region rdepB = block2region.get(depB);

             * Actually, there are cases when depB is not the header of a loop and therefore would not dominate the current
             * node (A) and therefore might not have been created yet. This has happened when an inner loop breaks out of the
             * outer loop but could have other cases too.
            PDGNode depBPDGNode = this.m_obj2pdgNode.get(depB);
            if (depBPDGNode == null) {
              // First, add the dependency for depB and its corresponding region.

              PDGNode pdgnodeOfdepBRegion = null;
              if (!this.m_obj2pdgNode.containsKey(rdepB)) {
                pdgnodeOfdepBRegion = new PDGNode(rdepB, PDGNode.Type.REGION);
                this.m_obj2pdgNode.put(rdepB, pdgnodeOfdepBRegion);

              } else {
                pdgnodeOfdepBRegion = this.m_obj2pdgNode.get(rdepB);

              // set the region hierarchy

              // add the dependency edges
              this.addEdge(pdgnodeOfBRegion, pdgnodeOfdepBRegion, "dependency");
              if (!processedRegions.contains(rdepB)) {

              // now remove all the nodes in the same weak region from the list of dependents




             * If all the nodes in the weak region of depB are dependent on A, then add an edge from the region of B to the
             * region of depB.
             * else, a new region has to be created to contain the dependences of depB, if not already created.
            if (dependents.containsAll(rdepB.getBlocks())) {
               * Just add an edge to the pdg node of the existing depB region.
              // add the dependency edges
              // First, add the dependency for depB and its corresponding region.

              PDGNode pdgnodeOfdepBRegion = null;
              if (!this.m_obj2pdgNode.containsKey(rdepB)) {
                pdgnodeOfdepBRegion = new PDGNode(rdepB, PDGNode.Type.REGION);
                this.m_obj2pdgNode.put(rdepB, pdgnodeOfdepBRegion);

              } else {
                pdgnodeOfdepBRegion = this.m_obj2pdgNode.get(rdepB);

              // set the region hierarchy
              // Do not set this because the region was created before so must have the
              // proper parent already.
              // rdepB.setParent(regionOfB);
              // regionOfB.addChildRegion(rdepB);

              this.addEdge(pdgnodeOfBRegion, pdgnodeOfdepBRegion, "dependency");
              if (!processedRegions.contains(rdepB)) {

              // now remove all the nodes in the same weak region from the list of dependents


            } else {
              PDGNode predPDGofdepB = (PDGNode) this.getPredsOf(depBPDGNode).get(0);
              assert (this.m_obj2pdgNode.containsKey(rdepB));
              PDGNode pdgnodeOfdepBRegion = this.m_obj2pdgNode.get(rdepB);
              // If the loop header has not been separated from its weak region yet
              if (predPDGofdepB == pdgnodeOfdepBRegion) {
                 * Create a new region to represent the whole loop. In fact, this is a strong region as opposed to the weak
                 * regions that were created in the RegionAnalysis. This strong region only contains the header of the loop,
                 * A, and is dependent on it. Also, A is dependent on this strong region as well.

                Region newRegion = new Region(this.m_strongRegionStartID++, topLevelRegion.getSootMethod(),
                    topLevelRegion.getSootClass(), this.m_cfg);


                // toBeRemoved.add(depB);
                List blocks2BRemoved;
                if (toBeRemoved.contains(predPDGofdepB)) {
                  blocks2BRemoved = toBeRemoved.get(predPDGofdepB);
                } else {
                  blocks2BRemoved = new ArrayList();
                  toBeRemoved.put(rdepB, blocks2BRemoved);

                PDGNode newpdgnode = new LoopedPDGNode(newRegion, PDGNode.Type.REGION, depBPDGNode);
                this.m_obj2pdgNode.put(newRegion, newpdgnode);

                this.removeEdge(pdgnodeOfdepBRegion, depBPDGNode, "dependency");
                this.addEdge(pdgnodeOfdepBRegion, newpdgnode, "dependency");
                this.addEdge(newpdgnode, depBPDGNode, "dependency");

                // If a is dependent on itself (simple loop)
                if (depB == a) {
                  PDGNode loopBodyPDGNode = (PDGNode) this.getSuccsOf(depBPDGNode).get(0);
                  this.addEdge(depBPDGNode, newpdgnode, "dependency-back");
                  ((LoopedPDGNode) newpdgnode).setBody(loopBodyPDGNode);


                  // This is needed to correctly adjust the prev/next pointers for the new loop node. We should not need
                  // to adjust the old loop header node because the prev/next should not have been set previously for it.
                  curNodeInRegion = newpdgnode;

                } else {

                  // this is a back-dependency
                  this.addEdge(pdgnodeOfBRegion, newpdgnode, "dependency-back");

                  // DEtermine which dependent of the loop header is actually the loop body region
                  PDGNode loopBodyPDGNode = null;
                  List successors = this.getSuccsOf(depBPDGNode);
                  Iterator succItr = successors.iterator();
                  while (succItr.hasNext()) {
                    PDGNode succRPDGNode =;

                    assert (succRPDGNode.getType() == PDGNode.Type.REGION);
                    Region succR = (Region) succRPDGNode.getNode();
                    Block h = succR.getBlocks().get(0);

                    DominatorNode hdode = dom.getDode(h);
                    DominatorNode adode = dom.getDode(a);

                    if (dom.isDominatorOf(hdode, adode)) {
                      loopBodyPDGNode = succRPDGNode;

                  assert (loopBodyPDGNode != null);
                  ((LoopedPDGNode) newpdgnode).setBody(loopBodyPDGNode);

                  PDGNode prev = depBPDGNode.getPrev();
                  if (prev != null) {
                    this.removeEdge(prev, depBPDGNode, "controlflow");
                    this.addEdge(prev, newpdgnode, "controlflow");


                  PDGNode next = depBPDGNode.getNext();
                  if (next != null) {
                    this.removeEdge(depBPDGNode, next, "controlflow");
                    this.addEdge(newpdgnode, next, "controlflow");


              } else {
                 * The strong region for the header has already been created and its corresponding PDGNode exist. Just add
                 * the dependency edge.
                this.addEdge(pdgnodeOfBRegion, predPDGofdepB, "dependency-back");
                // this is a back-dependency





         * If there is a previous node in this region, add a control flow edge to indicate the the correct direction of
         * control flow in the region.
        if (prevPDGNodeInRegion != null) {
          this.addEdge(prevPDGNodeInRegion, curNodeInRegion, "controlflow");


        prevPDGNodeInRegion = curNodeInRegion;


      // remove all the blocks marked to be removed from the region (to change a weak region
      // to a strong region.)

      Enumeration itr1 = toBeRemoved.keys();
      while (itr1.hasMoreElements()) {
        Region region = itr1.nextElement();

        Iterator blockItr = toBeRemoved.get(region).iterator();
        while (blockItr.hasNext()) {




  private List cloneRegions(List weak) {
    List strong = new ArrayList();
    Iterator itr = weak.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
      Region r =;
      strong.add((Region) r.clone());
    return strong;

   * @return The Corresponding UnitGraph
  public UnitGraph getCFG() {
    return this.m_cfg;

   * {@inheritDoc}

  public List getWeakRegions() {
    return this.m_weakRegions;

   * {@inheritDoc}

  public List getStrongRegions() {
    return this.m_strongRegions;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public IRegion GetStartRegion() {
    return (IRegion) GetStartNode().getNode();

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public PDGNode GetStartNode() {
    return this.m_startNode;

  public static List getPreorderRegionList(IRegion r) {
    List list = new ArrayList();

    Queue toProcess = new LinkedList();
    while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
      IRegion reg = toProcess.poll();
      for (Iterator itr = reg.getChildRegions().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {


    return list;

  public static List getPostorderRegionList(IRegion r) {
    List list = new ArrayList();
    postorder(r, list);

    return list;

  private static List postorder(IRegion r, List list) {
    // If there are children, push the children to the stack
    if (!r.getChildRegions().isEmpty()) {
      for (Iterator itr = r.getChildRegions().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
        postorder(, list);

    return list;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public List getPDGRegions() {
    return this.m_pdgRegions;

   * This method returns a list of regions obtained by post-order traversal of the region hierarchy. This takes advantage of
   * the hierarchical (parent/child) information encoded within the PDGNodes at construction time; it should be noted that,
   * we have not counted the strong regions that represent the loop header as a separate region; instead, a PDGRegion that
   * represents both the loop header and its body are counted.
   * @param The
   *          root from which the traversal should begin.
   * @return The list of regions obtained thru post-order traversal of the region hierarchy.
  public static List getPostorderPDGRegionList(PDGNode r) {
    return computePDGRegions(r);


  private static Hashtable node2Region = new Hashtable();

  // compute the pdg region list with in post order
  private static List computePDGRegions(PDGNode root) {
    List regions = new ArrayList();

    pdgpostorder(root, regions);

    return regions;

  private static PDGRegion pdgpostorder(PDGNode node, List list) {
    if (node.getVisited()) {
      return null;

    PDGRegion region = null;
    if (!node2Region.containsKey(node)) {
      region = new PDGRegion(node);
      node2Region.put(node, region);
    } else {
      region = node2Region.get(node);

    // If there are children, push the children to the stack
    List dependents = node.getDependents();
    if (!dependents.isEmpty()) {
      for (Iterator itr = dependents.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
        PDGNode curNode = (PDGNode);
        if (curNode.getVisited()) {


        if (curNode instanceof LoopedPDGNode) {
          PDGNode body = ((LoopedPDGNode) curNode).getBody();
          PDGRegion kid = pdgpostorder(body, list);
          if (kid != null) {

            // This sets the node from the old Region into a PDGRegion
        } else if (curNode instanceof ConditionalPDGNode) {
          List childs = curNode.getDependents();
          Iterator condItr = childs.iterator();
          while (condItr.hasNext()) {
            PDGNode child = (PDGNode);
            PDGRegion kid = pdgpostorder(child, list);
            if (kid != null) {
              // This sets the node from the old Region into a PDGRegion




    return region;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean dependentOn(PDGNode node1, PDGNode node2) {
    return node2.getDependents().contains(node1);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public List getDependents(PDGNode node) {
    List toReturn = new ArrayList();
    for (PDGNode succ : this.getSuccsOf(node)) {
      if (this.dependentOn(succ, node)) {
    return toReturn;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public PDGNode getPDGNode(Object cfgNode) {
    if (cfgNode != null && cfgNode instanceof Block) {
      if (this.m_obj2pdgNode.containsKey(cfgNode)) {
        return this.m_obj2pdgNode.get(cfgNode);

    return null;

  private void replaceInGraph(PDGNode newnode, PDGNode oldnode) {

    HashMutableEdgeLabelledDirectedGraph graph = (HashMutableEdgeLabelledDirectedGraph) this.clone();

    List succs = graph.getSuccsOf(oldnode);
    List preds = graph.getPredsOf(oldnode);

    for (PDGNode succ : succs) {
      List labels = graph.getLabelsForEdges(oldnode, succ);
      for (Iterator labelItr = labels.iterator(); labelItr.hasNext();) {
        Object label =;
        this.addEdge(newnode, succ, new String(label.toString()));

    for (PDGNode pred : preds) {
      List labels = graph.getLabelsForEdges(pred, oldnode);
      for (Iterator labelItr = labels.iterator(); labelItr.hasNext();) {
        Object label =;
        this.addEdge(pred, newnode, new String(label.toString()));



   * The existing removeAllEdges in the parent class seems to be throwing concurrentmodification exception most of the time.
   * Here is a version that doesn't throw that exception.
  public void removeAllEdges(PDGNode from, PDGNode to) {
    if (!containsAnyEdge(from, to)) {

    List labels = new ArrayList(this.getLabelsForEdges(from, to));
    for (String label : labels) {
      this.removeEdge(from, to, label);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString() {
    String s = new String("\nProgram Dependence Graph for Method " + this.m_body.getMethod().getName());
    s += "\n*********CFG******** \n" + RegionAnalysis.CFGtoString(this.m_blockCFG, true);
    s += "\n*********PDG******** \n";

    List processed = new ArrayList();
    Queue nodes = new LinkedList();

    while (nodes.peek() != null) {
      PDGNode node = (PDGNode) nodes.remove();

      s += "\n Begin PDGNode: " + node;
      List succs = this.getSuccsOf(node);
      s += "\n has " + succs.size() + " successors:\n";

      int i = 0;
      for (PDGNode succ : succs) {
        List labels = this.getLabelsForEdges(node, succ);

        s += i++;
        s += ": Edge's label: " + labels + " \n";
        s += "   Target: " + succ.toShortString();
        s += "\n";

        if (labels.get(0).equals("dependency")) {
          if (!processed.contains(succ)) {


      s += "\n End PDGNode.";

    return s;
