Maven / Gradle / Ivy
@startuml styling
'These are Alphora colors, they need
' to be updated to reflect the HAPI style guide
!$white = "#fff"
!$greylt000 = "#F4F6F5"
!$greylt100 = "#DDE3E0"
!$greylt200 = "#C7D1CC"
!$greylt300 = "#B0BFB8"
!$grey = $greylt000
!$greydk000 = "#404F47"
!$greydk100 = "#2E3833"
!$greydk200 = "#1C221F"
!$greydk250 = "#121614"
!$greydk300 = "#090B0A"
!$black = $greydk300
!$blue000 = "#4B7DD2"
!$blue100 = "#3064BF"
!$blue200 = "#2956A3"
!$blue300 = "#214583"
!$blue = $blue100
!$purple000 = "#645FAB"
!$purple100 = "#524D93"
!$purple200 = "#433F78"
!$purple300 = "#34315E"
!$purple = $purple100
!$green000 = "#568A67"
!$green100 = "#477154"
!$green200 = "#375841"
!$green300 = "#273F2F"
!$green = $green100
!$yellow000 = "#FBB337"
!$yellow100 = "#FAA40F"
!$yellow200 = "#DC8D04"
!$yellow300 = "#B47304"
!$yellow = $yellow100
!$red000 = "#FF6633"
!$red100 = "#FF4000"
!$red200 = "#E03800"
!$red300 = "#B82E00"
!$red = $red100
skinparam {
defaultFontName Source Sans Pro
TitleFontStyle bold
BackgroundColor $white
Shadowing false
ArrowColor $greydk000
ArrowFontColor $black
ArrowFontSize 12
ArrowFont Open Sans
DelayFontColor $black
DelayFontSize 12
ActorBorderColor $black
ActorBackgroundColor $white
ActorFontColor $black
ActorFontSize 14
ActorFontStyle bold
ParticipantBorderColor $black
ParticipantBackgroundColor $yellow
ParticipantFontColor $black
ParticipantFontSize 14
ParticipantFontStyle bold
DatabaseBorderColor $black
DatabaseBackgroundColor $yellow
DatabaseFontColor $black
DatabaseFontSize 14
DatabaseFontStyle bold
skinparam Sequence {
MessageAlign center
LifeLineBorderColor $black
' loop, alt, ref
GroupBodyBackgroundColor $white
GroupBackgroundColor $blue
GroupHeaderFontColor $white
GroupHeaderFontSize 12
GroupFontSize 12
BoxBackgroundColor $greylt000
BoxBorderColor $black
BoxFontColor $black
BoxFontSize 12
ReferenceBorderColor $black
ReferenceFontColor $black
ReferenceFontSize 12
ReferenceHeaderBackgroundColor $blue
DividerBackgroundColor $blue
DividerBorderColor $black
DividerFontColor $white
DividerFontSize 12
skinparam Note {
BackgroundColor $green
BorderColor $black
FontColor $white
FontStyle bold
FontSize 12
Font Open Sans
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