org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.FHIRPathEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.fhir.ucum.Decimal;
import org.fhir.ucum.Pair;
import org.fhir.ucum.UcumException;
import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.DefinitionException;
import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException;
import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.PathEngineException;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.conformance.ProfileUtilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.context.IWorkerContext;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.context.IWorkerContext.ValidationResult;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.ExpressionNode.CollectionStatus;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.ExpressionNode.Function;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.ExpressionNode.Kind;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.ExpressionNode.Operation;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.FHIRLexer.FHIRLexerException;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.FHIRPathUtilityClasses.ClassTypeInfo;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.FHIRPathUtilityClasses.FHIRConstant;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.FHIRPathUtilityClasses.FunctionDetails;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.FHIRPathUtilityClasses.TypedElementDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.fhirpath.TypeDetails.ProfiledType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Base;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.BaseDateTimeType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.BooleanType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.CodeableConcept;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Constants;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DateTimeType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DateType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DecimalType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Element;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.ElementDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.ElementDefinition.TypeRefComponent;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.IntegerType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Property;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Property.PropertyMatcher;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Quantity;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Resource;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.StringType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.StructureDefinition;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.StructureDefinition.StructureDefinitionKind;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.StructureDefinition.TypeDerivationRule;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.TimeType;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.TypeConvertor;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.ValueSet;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.CommaSeparatedStringBuilder;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.FhirPublication;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.MergedList;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.MergedList.MergeNode;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.SourceLocation;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.VersionUtilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.i18n.I18nConstants;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.validation.ValidationOptions;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.NodeType;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.XhtmlNode;
import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TemporalPrecisionEnum;
import ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil;
Copyright (c) 2011+, HL7, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of HL7 nor the names of its contributors may be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.
* @author Grahame Grieve
public class FHIRPathEngine {
private enum Equality {
Null, True, False
private IWorkerContext worker;
private IEvaluationContext hostServices;
private StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
private Set primitiveTypes = new HashSet();
private Map allTypes = new HashMap();
private boolean legacyMode; // some R2 and R3 constraints assume that != is valid for emptty sets, so when
// running for R2/R3, this is set ot true
private ValidationOptions terminologyServiceOptions = new ValidationOptions(FhirPublication.R4B);
private ProfileUtilities profileUtilities;
private String location; // for error messages
private boolean allowPolymorphicNames;
private boolean doImplicitStringConversion;
private boolean liquidMode; // in liquid mode, || terminates the expression and hands the parser back to the
// host
private boolean doNotEnforceAsSingletonRule;
private boolean doNotEnforceAsCaseSensitive;
private boolean allowDoubleQuotes;
// if the fhir path expressions are allowed to use constants beyond those
// defined in the specification
// the application can implement them by providing a constant resolver
public interface IEvaluationContext {
* A constant reference - e.g. a reference to a name that must be resolved in
* context. The % will be removed from the constant name before this is invoked.
* Variables created with defineVariable will not be processed by resolveConstant (or resolveConstantType)
* This will also be called if the host invokes the FluentPath engine with a
* context of null
* @param appContext - content passed into the fluent path engine
* @param name - name reference to resolve
* @param beforeContext - whether this is being called before the name is
* resolved locally, or not
* @return the value of the reference (or null, if it's not valid, though can
* throw an exception if desired)
public List resolveConstant(FHIRPathEngine engine, Object appContext, String name, boolean beforeContext, boolean explicitConstant) throws PathEngineException;
public TypeDetails resolveConstantType(FHIRPathEngine engine, Object appContext, String name, boolean explicitConstant) throws PathEngineException;
* when the .log() function is called
* @param argument
* @param focus
* @return
public boolean log(String argument, List focus);
// extensibility for functions
* @param functionName
* @return null if the function is not known
public FunctionDetails resolveFunction(FHIRPathEngine engine, String functionName);
* Check the function parameters, and throw an error if they are incorrect, or
* return the type for the function
* @param functionName
* @param parameters
* @return
public TypeDetails checkFunction(FHIRPathEngine engine, Object appContext, String functionName, TypeDetails focus, List parameters)
throws PathEngineException;
* @param appContext
* @param functionName
* @param parameters
* @return
public List executeFunction(FHIRPathEngine engine, Object appContext, List focus, String functionName,
List> parameters);
* Implementation of resolve() function. Passed a string, return matching
* resource, if one is known - else null
* @appContext - passed in by the host to the FHIRPathEngine
* @param url the reference (Reference.reference or the value of the canonical
* @return
* @throws FHIRException
public Base resolveReference(FHIRPathEngine engine, Object appContext, String url, Base refContext) throws FHIRException;
public boolean conformsToProfile(FHIRPathEngine engine, Object appContext, Base item, String url) throws FHIRException;
* return the value set referenced by the url, which has been used in memberOf()
public ValueSet resolveValueSet(FHIRPathEngine engine, Object appContext, String url);
* @param worker - used when validating paths (@check), and used doing value set
* membership when executing tests (once that's defined)
public FHIRPathEngine(IWorkerContext worker) {
this(worker, new ProfileUtilities(worker, null, null));
public FHIRPathEngine(IWorkerContext worker, ProfileUtilities utilities) {
this.worker = worker;
profileUtilities = utilities;
for (StructureDefinition sd : worker.getStructures()) {
if (sd.getDerivation() == TypeDerivationRule.SPECIALIZATION && sd.getKind() != StructureDefinitionKind.LOGICAL) {
allTypes.put(sd.getName(), sd);
if (sd.getDerivation() == TypeDerivationRule.SPECIALIZATION
&& sd.getKind() == StructureDefinitionKind.PRIMITIVETYPE) {
private void initFlags() {
if (!VersionUtilities.isR5VerOrLater(worker.getVersion())) {
doNotEnforceAsCaseSensitive = true;
doNotEnforceAsSingletonRule = true;
// --- 3 methods to override in children
// -------------------------------------------------------
// if you don't override, it falls through to the using the base reference
// implementation
// HAPI overrides to these to support extending the base model
public IEvaluationContext getHostServices() {
return hostServices;
public void setHostServices(IEvaluationContext constantResolver) {
this.hostServices = constantResolver;
public String getLocation() {
return location;
public void setLocation(String location) {
this.location = location;
* Given an item, return all the children that conform to the pattern described
* in name
* Possible patterns: - a simple name (which may be the base of a name with []
* e.g. value[x]) - a name with a type replacement e.g. valueCodeableConcept - *
* which means all children - ** which means all descendants
* @param item
* @param name
* @param result
* @throws FHIRException
protected void getChildrenByName(Base item, String name, List result) throws FHIRException {
String tn = null;
if (isAllowPolymorphicNames()) {
// we'll look to see whether we hav a polymorphic name
for (Property p : item.children()) {
if (p.getName().endsWith("[x]")) {
String n = p.getName().substring(0, p.getName().length() - 3);
if (name.startsWith(n)) {
tn = name.substring(n.length());
name = n;
Base[] list = item.listChildrenByName(name, false);
if (list != null) {
for (Base v : list) {
if (v != null && (tn == null || v.fhirType().equalsIgnoreCase(tn))) {
private Base filterIdType(Base v) {
if (v instanceof IIdType) {
return (Base) ((IIdType) v).toUnqualifiedVersionless().withResourceType(null);
return v;
public boolean isLegacyMode() {
return legacyMode;
public void setLegacyMode(boolean legacyMode) {
this.legacyMode = legacyMode;
public boolean isDoImplicitStringConversion() {
return doImplicitStringConversion;
public void setDoImplicitStringConversion(boolean doImplicitStringConversion) {
this.doImplicitStringConversion = doImplicitStringConversion;
public boolean isDoNotEnforceAsSingletonRule() {
return doNotEnforceAsSingletonRule;
public void setDoNotEnforceAsSingletonRule(boolean doNotEnforceAsSingletonRule) {
this.doNotEnforceAsSingletonRule = doNotEnforceAsSingletonRule;
public boolean isDoNotEnforceAsCaseSensitive() {
return doNotEnforceAsCaseSensitive;
public void setDoNotEnforceAsCaseSensitive(boolean doNotEnforceAsCaseSensitive) {
this.doNotEnforceAsCaseSensitive = doNotEnforceAsCaseSensitive;
// --- public API -------------------------------------------------------
* Parse a path for later use using execute
* @param path
* @return
* @throws PathEngineException
* @throws Exception
public ExpressionNode parse(String path) throws FHIRLexerException {
return parse(path, null);
public ExpressionNode parse(String path, String name) throws FHIRLexerException {
FHIRLexer lexer = new FHIRLexer(path, name, false, allowDoubleQuotes);
if (lexer.done()) {
throw lexer.error("Path cannot be empty");
ExpressionNode result = parseExpression(lexer, true);
if (!lexer.done()) {
throw lexer.error("Premature ExpressionNode termination at unexpected token \"" + lexer.getCurrent() + "\"");
return result;
public static class ExpressionNodeWithOffset {
private int offset;
private ExpressionNode node;
public ExpressionNodeWithOffset(int offset, ExpressionNode node) {
this.offset = offset;
this.node = node;
public int getOffset() {
return offset;
public ExpressionNode getNode() {
return node;
* Parse a path for later use using execute
* @param path
* @return
* @throws PathEngineException
* @throws Exception
public ExpressionNodeWithOffset parsePartial(String path, int i) throws FHIRLexerException {
FHIRLexer lexer = new FHIRLexer(path, i, allowDoubleQuotes);
if (lexer.done()) {
throw lexer.error("Path cannot be empty");
ExpressionNode result = parseExpression(lexer, true);
return new ExpressionNodeWithOffset(lexer.getCurrentStart(), result);
* Parse a path that is part of some other syntax
* @return
* @throws PathEngineException
* @throws Exception
public ExpressionNode parse(FHIRLexer lexer) throws FHIRLexerException {
ExpressionNode result = parseExpression(lexer, true);
return result;
* check that paths referred to in the ExpressionNode are valid
* xPathStartsWithValueRef is a hack work around for the fact that FHIR Path
* sometimes needs a different starting point than the xpath
* returns a list of the possible types that might be returned by executing the
* ExpressionNode against a particular context
* @param context - the logical type against which this path is applied
* @throws DefinitionException
* @throws PathEngineException
* @if the path is not valid
public TypeDetails check(Object appContext, String resourceType, String context, ExpressionNode expr)
throws FHIRLexerException, PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
// if context is a path that refers to a type, do that conversion now
TypeDetails types;
if (context == null) {
types = null; // this is a special case; the first path reference will have to resolve to
// something in the context
} else if (!context.contains(".")) {
StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchTypeDefinition(context);
types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, sd.getUrl());
} else {
String ctxt = context.substring(0, context.indexOf('.'));
if (Utilities.isAbsoluteUrl(resourceType)) {
ctxt = resourceType.substring(0, resourceType.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + ctxt;
StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, ctxt);
if (sd == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT, context);
ElementDefinitionMatch ed = getElementDefinition(sd, context, true, expr);
if (ed == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_ELEMENT, context);
if (ed.fixedType != null) {
types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, ed.fixedType);
} else if (ed.getDefinition().getType().isEmpty() || isAbstractType(ed.getDefinition().getType())) {
types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, ctxt + "#" + context);
} else {
types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getDefinition().getType()) {
return executeType(new ExecutionTypeContext(appContext, resourceType, types, types), types, expr, true);
private FHIRException makeExceptionPlural(Integer num, ExpressionNode holder, String constName, Object... args) {
String fmt = worker.formatMessagePlural(num, constName, args);
if (location != null) {
fmt = fmt + " " + worker.formatMessage(I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LOCATION, location);
if (holder != null) {
return new PathEngineException(fmt, holder.getStart(), holder.toString());
} else {
return new PathEngineException(fmt);
private FHIRException makeException(ExpressionNode holder, String constName, Object... args) {
String fmt = worker.formatMessage(constName, args);
if (location != null) {
fmt = fmt + " " + worker.formatMessage(I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LOCATION, location);
if (holder != null) {
return new PathEngineException(fmt, holder.getStart(), holder.toString());
} else {
return new PathEngineException(fmt);
public TypeDetails check(Object appContext, StructureDefinition sd, String context, ExpressionNode expr)
throws FHIRLexerException, PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
// if context is a path that refers to a type, do that conversion now
TypeDetails types;
if (!context.contains(".")) {
types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, sd.getUrl());
} else {
ElementDefinitionMatch ed = getElementDefinition(sd, context, true, expr);
if (ed == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_ELEMENT, context);
if (ed.fixedType != null) {
types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, ed.fixedType);
} else if (ed.getDefinition().getType().isEmpty() || isAbstractType(ed.getDefinition().getType())) {
types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, sd.getUrl() + "#" + context);
} else {
types = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getDefinition().getType()) {
return executeType(new ExecutionTypeContext(appContext, sd.getUrl(), types, types), types, expr, true);
public TypeDetails check(Object appContext, StructureDefinition sd, ExpressionNode expr)
throws FHIRLexerException, PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
// if context is a path that refers to a type, do that conversion now
TypeDetails types = null; // this is a special case; the first path reference will have to resolve to
// something in the context
return executeType(new ExecutionTypeContext(appContext, sd == null ? null : sd.getUrl(), null, types), types, expr,
public TypeDetails check(Object appContext, String resourceType, String context, String expr)
throws FHIRLexerException, PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
return check(appContext, resourceType, context, parse(expr));
private Integer compareDateTimeElements(Base theL, Base theR, boolean theEquivalenceTest) {
DateTimeType left = theL instanceof DateTimeType ? (DateTimeType) theL : new DateTimeType(theL.primitiveValue());
DateTimeType right = theR instanceof DateTimeType ? (DateTimeType) theR : new DateTimeType(theR.primitiveValue());
if (theEquivalenceTest) {
return left.equalsUsingFhirPathRules(right) == Boolean.TRUE ? 0 : 1;
if (left.getPrecision().ordinal() > TemporalPrecisionEnum.DAY.ordinal()) {
if (right.getPrecision().ordinal() > TemporalPrecisionEnum.DAY.ordinal()) {
return BaseDateTimeType.compareTimes(left, right, null);
private Integer compareTimeElements(Base theL, Base theR, boolean theEquivalenceTest) {
TimeType left = theL instanceof TimeType ? (TimeType) theL : new TimeType(theL.primitiveValue());
TimeType right = theR instanceof TimeType ? (TimeType) theR : new TimeType(theR.primitiveValue());
if (left.getHour() < right.getHour()) {
return -1;
} else if (left.getHour() > right.getHour()) {
return 1;
// hour is not a valid precision
// } else if (dateLeft.getPrecision() == TemporalPrecisionEnum.YEAR &&
// dateRight.getPrecision() == TemporalPrecisionEnum.YEAR) {
// return 0;
// } else if (dateLeft.getPrecision() == TemporalPrecisionEnum.HOUR ||
// dateRight.getPrecision() == TemporalPrecisionEnum.HOUR) {
// return null;
if (left.getMinute() < right.getMinute()) {
return -1;
} else if (left.getMinute() > right.getMinute()) {
return 1;
} else if (left.getPrecision() == TemporalPrecisionEnum.MINUTE
&& right.getPrecision() == TemporalPrecisionEnum.MINUTE) {
return 0;
} else if (left.getPrecision() == TemporalPrecisionEnum.MINUTE
|| right.getPrecision() == TemporalPrecisionEnum.MINUTE) {
return null;
if (left.getSecond() < right.getSecond()) {
return -1;
} else if (left.getSecond() > right.getSecond()) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
* evaluate a path and return the matching elements
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @param ExpressionNode - the parsed ExpressionNode statement to use
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public List evaluate(Base base, ExpressionNode ExpressionNode) throws FHIRException {
List list = new ArrayList ();
if (base != null) {
log = new StringBuilder();
return execute(new ExecutionContext(null, base != null && base.isResource() ? base : null,
base != null && base.isResource() ? base : null, base, base), list, ExpressionNode, true);
* evaluate a path and return the matching elements
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public List evaluate(Base base, String path) throws FHIRException {
ExpressionNode exp = parse(path);
List list = new ArrayList ();
if (base != null) {
log = new StringBuilder();
return execute(
new ExecutionContext(null, base.isResource() ? base : null, base.isResource() ? base : null, base, base),
list, exp, true);
* evaluate a path and return the matching elements
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @param ExpressionNode - the parsed ExpressionNode statement to use
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public List evaluate(Object appContext, Resource focusResource, Resource rootResource, Base base,
ExpressionNode ExpressionNode) throws FHIRException {
List list = new ArrayList ();
if (base != null) {
log = new StringBuilder();
return execute(new ExecutionContext(appContext, focusResource, rootResource, base, base), list,
ExpressionNode, true);
* evaluate a path and return the matching elements
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @param expressionNode - the parsed ExpressionNode statement to use
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public List evaluate(Object appContext, Base focusResource, Base rootResource, Base base,
ExpressionNode expressionNode) throws FHIRException {
List list = new ArrayList ();
if (base != null) {
log = new StringBuilder();
return execute(new ExecutionContext(appContext, focusResource, rootResource, base, base), list,
expressionNode, true);
* evaluate a path and return the matching elements
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public List evaluate(Object appContext, Resource focusResource, Resource rootResource, Base base, String path)
throws FHIRException {
ExpressionNode exp = parse(path);
List list = new ArrayList ();
if (base != null) {
log = new StringBuilder();
return execute(new ExecutionContext(appContext, focusResource, rootResource, base, base), list, exp, true);
* evaluate a path and return true or false (e.g. for an invariant)
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public boolean evaluateToBoolean(Resource focusResource, Resource rootResource, Base base, String path)
throws FHIRException {
return convertToBoolean(evaluate(null, focusResource, rootResource, base, path));
* evaluate a path and return true or false (e.g. for an invariant)
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public boolean evaluateToBoolean(Resource focusResource, Resource rootResource, Base base, ExpressionNode node)
throws FHIRException {
return convertToBoolean(evaluate(null, focusResource, rootResource, base, node));
* evaluate a path and return true or false (e.g. for an invariant)
* @param appInfo - application context
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public boolean evaluateToBoolean(Object appInfo, Resource focusResource, Resource rootResource, Base base,
ExpressionNode node) throws FHIRException {
return convertToBoolean(evaluate(appInfo, focusResource, rootResource, base, node));
* evaluate a path and return true or false (e.g. for an invariant)
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public boolean evaluateToBoolean(Object appInfo, Base focusResource, Base rootResource, Base base,
ExpressionNode node) throws FHIRException {
return convertToBoolean(evaluate(appInfo, focusResource, rootResource, base, node));
* evaluate a path and a string containing the outcome (for display)
* @param base - the object against which the path is being evaluated
* @param path - the FHIR Path statement to use
* @return
* @throws FHIRException @
public String evaluateToString(Base base, String path) throws FHIRException {
return convertToString(evaluate(base, path));
public String evaluateToString(Object appInfo, Base focusResource, Base rootResource, Base base, ExpressionNode node)
throws FHIRException {
return convertToString(evaluate(appInfo, focusResource, rootResource, base, node));
* worker routine for converting a set of objects to a string representation
* @param items - result from @evaluate
* @return
public String convertToString(List items) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (Base item : items) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
return b.toString();
public String convertToString(Base item) {
if (item instanceof IIdType) {
return ((IIdType) item).getIdPart();
} else if (item.isPrimitive()) {
return item.primitiveValue();
} else if (item instanceof Quantity) {
Quantity q = (Quantity) item;
if (q.hasUnit()
&& Utilities.existsInList(q.getUnit(), "year", "years", "month", "months", "week", "weeks", "day", "days",
"hour", "hours", "minute", "minutes", "second", "seconds", "millisecond", "milliseconds")
&& (!q.hasSystem() || q.getSystem().equals("http://unitsofmeasure.org"))) {
return q.getValue().toPlainString() + " " + q.getUnit();
if (q.getSystem().equals("http://unitsofmeasure.org")) {
String u = "'" + q.getCode() + "'";
return q.getValue().toPlainString() + " " + u;
} else {
return item.toString();
} else
return item.toString();
* worker routine for converting a set of objects to a boolean representation
* (for invariants)
* @param items - result from @evaluate
* @return
public boolean convertToBoolean(List items) {
if (items == null) {
return false;
} else if (items.size() == 1 && items.get(0) instanceof BooleanType) {
return ((BooleanType) items.get(0)).getValue();
} else if (items.size() == 1 && items.get(0).isBooleanPrimitive()) { // element model
return Boolean.valueOf(items.get(0).primitiveValue());
} else {
return items.size() > 0;
private void log(String name, List contents) {
if (hostServices == null || !hostServices.log(name, contents)) {
if (log.length() > 0) {
log.append("; ");
log.append(": ");
boolean first = true;
for (Base b : contents) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
public String forLog() {
if (log.length() > 0) {
return " (" + log.toString() + ")";
} else {
return "";
private class ExecutionContext {
private Object appInfo;
private Base focusResource;
private Base rootResource;
private Base context;
private Base thisItem;
private List total;
private int index;
private Map> definedVariables;
public ExecutionContext(Object appInfo, Base resource, Base rootResource, Base context, Base thisItem) {
this.appInfo = appInfo;
this.context = context;
this.focusResource = resource;
this.rootResource = rootResource;
this.thisItem = thisItem;
this.index = 0;
public Base getFocusResource() {
return focusResource;
public Base getRootResource() {
return rootResource;
public Base getThisItem() {
return thisItem;
public List getTotal() {
return total;
public void next() {
public Base getIndex() {
return new IntegerType(index);
public ExecutionContext setIndex(int i) {
index = i;
return this;
public boolean hasDefinedVariable(String name) {
return definedVariables != null && definedVariables.containsKey(name);
public List getDefinedVariable(String name) {
return definedVariables == null ? makeNull() : definedVariables.get(name);
public void setDefinedVariable(String name, List value) {
if (isSystemVariable(name))
throw new PathEngineException(worker.formatMessage(I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_REDEFINE_VARIABLE, name), I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_REDEFINE_VARIABLE);
if (definedVariables == null) {
definedVariables = new HashMap>();
} else {
if (definedVariables.containsKey(name)) {
// Can't do this, so throw an error
throw new PathEngineException(worker.formatMessage(I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_REDEFINE_VARIABLE, name), I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_REDEFINE_VARIABLE);
definedVariables.put(name, value);
private class ExecutionTypeContext {
private Object appInfo;
private String resource;
private TypeDetails context;
private TypeDetails thisItem;
private TypeDetails total;
private Map definedVariables;
public ExecutionTypeContext(Object appInfo, String resource, TypeDetails context, TypeDetails thisItem) {
this.appInfo = appInfo;
this.resource = resource;
this.context = context;
this.thisItem = thisItem;
public String getResource() {
return resource;
public TypeDetails getThisItem() {
return thisItem;
public boolean hasDefinedVariable(String name) {
return definedVariables != null && definedVariables.containsKey(name);
public TypeDetails getDefinedVariable(String name) {
return definedVariables == null ? null : definedVariables.get(name);
public void setDefinedVariable(String name, TypeDetails value) {
if (isSystemVariable(name))
throw new PathEngineException("Redefine of variable "+name, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_REDEFINE_VARIABLE);
if (definedVariables == null) {
definedVariables = new HashMap();
} else {
if (definedVariables.containsKey(name)) {
// Can't do this, so throw an error
throw new PathEngineException("Redefine of variable "+name, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_REDEFINE_VARIABLE);
definedVariables.put(name, value);
private ExpressionNode parseExpression(FHIRLexer lexer, boolean proximal) throws FHIRLexerException {
ExpressionNode result = new ExpressionNode(lexer.nextId());
ExpressionNode wrapper = null;
SourceLocation c = lexer.getCurrentStartLocation();
// special: +/- represents a unary operation at this point, but cannot be a
// feature of the lexer, since that's not always true.
// so we back correct for both +/- and as part of a numeric constant below.
// special: +/- represents a unary operation at this point, but cannot be a
// feature of the lexer, since that's not always true.
// so we back correct for both +/- and as part of a numeric constant below.
if (Utilities.existsInList(lexer.getCurrent(), "-", "+")) {
wrapper = new ExpressionNode(lexer.nextId());
if (lexer.getCurrent() == null) {
throw lexer.error("Expression terminated unexpectedly");
} else if (lexer.isConstant()) {
boolean isString = lexer.isStringConstant();
if (!isString && (lexer.getCurrent().startsWith("-") || lexer.getCurrent().startsWith("+"))) {
// the grammar says that this is a unary operation; it affects the correct
// processing order of the inner operations
wrapper = new ExpressionNode(lexer.nextId());
wrapper.setOperation(ExpressionNode.Operation.fromCode(lexer.getCurrent().substring(0, 1)));
if (!isString && !lexer.done()
&& (result.getConstant() instanceof IntegerType || result.getConstant() instanceof DecimalType)
&& (lexer.isStringConstant() || lexer.hasToken("year", "years", "month", "months", "week", "weeks", "day",
"days", "hour", "hours", "minute", "minutes", "second", "seconds", "millisecond", "milliseconds"))) {
// it's a quantity
String ucum = null;
String unit = null;
if (lexer.hasToken("year", "years", "month", "months", "week", "weeks", "day", "days", "hour", "hours",
"minute", "minutes", "second", "seconds", "millisecond", "milliseconds")) {
String s = lexer.take();
unit = s;
if (s.equals("year") || s.equals("years")) {
// this is not the UCUM year
} else if (s.equals("month") || s.equals("months")) {
// this is not the UCUM month
} else if (s.equals("week") || s.equals("weeks")) {
ucum = "wk";
} else if (s.equals("day") || s.equals("days")) {
ucum = "d";
} else if (s.equals("hour") || s.equals("hours")) {
ucum = "h";
} else if (s.equals("minute") || s.equals("minutes")) {
ucum = "min";
} else if (s.equals("second") || s.equals("seconds")) {
ucum = "s";
} else { // (s.equals("millisecond") || s.equals("milliseconds"))
ucum = "ms";
} else {
ucum = lexer.readConstant("units");
result.setConstant(new Quantity().setValue(new BigDecimal(result.getConstant().primitiveValue())).setUnit(unit)
.setSystem(ucum == null ? null : "http://unitsofmeasure.org").setCode(ucum));
} else if ("(".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {
result.setGroup(parseExpression(lexer, true));
if (!")".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {
throw lexer.error("Found " + lexer.getCurrent() + " expecting a \")\"");
} else {
if (!lexer.isToken() && !lexer.getCurrent().startsWith("`")) {
throw lexer.error("Found " + lexer.getCurrent() + " expecting a token name");
if (lexer.isFixedName()) {
result.setName(lexer.readFixedName("Path Name"));
} else {
if (!result.checkName()) {
throw lexer.error("Found " + result.getName() + " expecting a valid token name");
if ("(".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {
Function f = Function.fromCode(result.getName());
FunctionDetails details = null;
if (f == null) {
if (hostServices != null) {
details = hostServices.resolveFunction(this, result.getName());
if (details == null) {
throw lexer.error("The name " + result.getName() + " is not a valid function name");
f = Function.Custom;
while (!")".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {
result.getParameters().add(parseExpression(lexer, true));
if (",".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {
} else if (!")".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {
throw lexer.error(
"The token " + lexer.getCurrent() + " is not expected here - either a \",\" or a \")\" expected");
checkParameters(lexer, c, result, details);
} else {
ExpressionNode focus = result;
if ("[".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {
ExpressionNode item = new ExpressionNode(lexer.nextId());
item.getParameters().add(parseExpression(lexer, true));
if (!lexer.getCurrent().equals("]")) {
throw lexer.error("The token " + lexer.getCurrent() + " is not expected here - a \"]\" expected");
focus = item;
if (".".equals(lexer.getCurrent())) {
focus.setInner(parseExpression(lexer, false));
if (proximal) {
while (lexer.isOp()) {
focus.setOpNext(parseExpression(lexer, false));
focus = focus.getOpNext();
result = organisePrecedence(lexer, result);
if (wrapper != null) {
result = wrapper;
return result;
private ExpressionNode organisePrecedence(FHIRLexer lexer, ExpressionNode node) {
node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Times, Operation.DivideBy, Operation.Div, Operation.Mod));
node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Plus, Operation.Minus, Operation.Concatenate));
node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Union));
node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node,
EnumSet.of(Operation.LessThan, Operation.Greater, Operation.LessOrEqual, Operation.GreaterOrEqual));
node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Is));
node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node,
EnumSet.of(Operation.Equals, Operation.Equivalent, Operation.NotEquals, Operation.NotEquivalent));
node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.And));
node = gatherPrecedence(lexer, node, EnumSet.of(Operation.Xor, Operation.Or));
// last: implies
return node;
private ExpressionNode gatherPrecedence(FHIRLexer lexer, ExpressionNode start, EnumSet ops) {
// work : boolean;
// focus, node, group : ExpressionNode;
assert (start.isProximal());
// is there anything to do?
boolean work = false;
ExpressionNode focus = start.getOpNext();
if (ops.contains(start.getOperation())) {
while (focus != null && focus.getOperation() != null) {
work = work || !ops.contains(focus.getOperation());
focus = focus.getOpNext();
} else {
while (focus != null && focus.getOperation() != null) {
work = work || ops.contains(focus.getOperation());
focus = focus.getOpNext();
if (!work) {
return start;
// entry point: tricky
ExpressionNode group;
if (ops.contains(start.getOperation())) {
group = newGroup(lexer, start);
focus = start;
start = group;
} else {
ExpressionNode node = start;
focus = node.getOpNext();
while (!ops.contains(focus.getOperation())) {
node = focus;
focus = focus.getOpNext();
group = newGroup(lexer, focus);
// now, at this point:
// group is the group we are adding to, it already has a .group property filled
// out.
// focus points at the group.group
do {
// run until we find the end of the sequence
while (ops.contains(focus.getOperation())) {
focus = focus.getOpNext();
if (focus.getOperation() != null) {
// now look for another sequence, and start it
ExpressionNode node = group;
focus = group.getOpNext();
if (focus != null) {
while (focus != null && !ops.contains(focus.getOperation())) {
node = focus;
focus = focus.getOpNext();
if (focus != null) { // && (focus.Operation in Ops) - must be true
group = newGroup(lexer, focus);
} while (focus != null && focus.getOperation() != null);
return start;
private ExpressionNode newGroup(FHIRLexer lexer, ExpressionNode next) {
ExpressionNode result = new ExpressionNode(lexer.nextId());
return result;
private Base processConstant(FHIRLexer lexer) throws FHIRLexerException {
if (lexer.isStringConstant()) {
return new StringType(processConstantString(lexer.take(), lexer)).noExtensions();
} else if (Utilities.isInteger(lexer.getCurrent())) {
return new IntegerType(lexer.take()).noExtensions();
} else if (Utilities.isDecimal(lexer.getCurrent(), false)) {
return new DecimalType(lexer.take()).noExtensions();
} else if (Utilities.existsInList(lexer.getCurrent(), "true", "false")) {
return new BooleanType(lexer.take()).noExtensions();
} else if (lexer.getCurrent().equals("{}")) {
return null;
} else if (lexer.getCurrent().startsWith("%") || lexer.getCurrent().startsWith("@")) {
return new FHIRConstant(lexer.take());
} else {
throw lexer.error("Invalid Constant " + lexer.getCurrent());
// procedure CheckParamCount(c : integer);
// begin
// if exp.Parameters.Count <> c then
// raise lexer.error('The function "'+exp.name+'" requires '+inttostr(c)+'
// parameters', offset);
// end;
private boolean checkParamCount(FHIRLexer lexer, SourceLocation location, ExpressionNode exp, int count)
throws FHIRLexerException {
if (exp.getParameters().size() != count) {
throw lexer.error("The function \"" + exp.getName() + "\" requires " + Integer.toString(count) + " parameters");
return true;
private boolean checkParamCount(FHIRLexer lexer, SourceLocation location, ExpressionNode exp, int countMin,
int countMax) throws FHIRLexerException {
if (exp.getParameters().size() < countMin || exp.getParameters().size() > countMax) {
throw lexer.error("The function \"" + exp.getName() + "\" requires between " + Integer.toString(countMin)
+ " and " + Integer.toString(countMax) + " parameters");
return true;
private boolean checkParameters(FHIRLexer lexer, SourceLocation location, ExpressionNode exp, FunctionDetails details)
throws FHIRLexerException {
switch (exp.getFunction()) {
case Empty:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Not:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Exists:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0, 1);
case SubsetOf:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case SupersetOf:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case IsDistinct:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Distinct:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Count:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Where:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Select:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case All:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0, 1);
case Repeat:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Aggregate:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1, 2);
case Item:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case As:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case OfType:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Type:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Is:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Single:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case First:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Last:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Tail:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Skip:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Take:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Union:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Combine:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Intersect:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Exclude:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Iif:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 2, 3);
case Lower:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Upper:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ToChars:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case IndexOf:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Substring:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1, 2);
case StartsWith:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case EndsWith:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Matches:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case MatchesFull:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case ReplaceMatches:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 2);
case Contains:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Replace:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 2);
case Length:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Children:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Descendants:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case MemberOf:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Trace:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1, 2);
case DefineVariable:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1, 2);
case Check:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 2);
case Today:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Now:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Resolve:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Extension:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case AllFalse:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case AnyFalse:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case AllTrue:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case AnyTrue:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case HasValue:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Encode:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Decode:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Escape:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Unescape:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Trim:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Split:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Join:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case HtmlChecks1:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case HtmlChecks2:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Comparable:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case ToInteger:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ToDecimal:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ToString:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ToQuantity:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ToBoolean:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ToDateTime:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ToTime:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ConvertsToInteger:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ConvertsToDecimal:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ConvertsToString:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ConvertsToQuantity:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ConvertsToBoolean:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ConvertsToDateTime:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ConvertsToDate:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ConvertsToTime:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case ConformsTo:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Round:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0, 1);
case Sqrt:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Abs:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Ceiling:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Exp:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Floor:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Ln:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Log:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Power:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 1);
case Truncate:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case LowBoundary:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0, 1);
case HighBoundary:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0, 1);
case Precision:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, 0);
case Custom:
return checkParamCount(lexer, location, exp, details.getMinParameters(), details.getMaxParameters());
return false;
private List execute(ExecutionContext inContext, List focus, ExpressionNode exp, boolean atEntry)
throws FHIRException {
// System.out.println("Evaluate {'"+exp.toString()+"'} on "+focus.toString());
ExecutionContext context = contextForParameter(inContext);
List work = new ArrayList ();
switch (exp.getKind()) {
case Unary:
work.add(new IntegerType(0));
case Name:
if (atEntry && exp.getName().equals("$this")) {
} else if (atEntry && exp.getName().equals("$total")) {
} else if (atEntry && exp.getName().equals("$index")) {
} else {
for (Base item : focus) {
List outcome = execute(context, item, exp, atEntry);
for (Base base : outcome) {
if (base != null) {
case Function:
List work2 = evaluateFunction(context, focus, exp);
case Constant:
work.addAll(resolveConstant(context, exp.getConstant(), false, exp, true));
case Group:
work2 = execute(context, focus, exp.getGroup(), atEntry);
if (exp.getInner() != null) {
work = execute(context, work, exp.getInner(), false);
if (exp.isProximal() && exp.getOperation() != null) {
ExpressionNode next = exp.getOpNext();
ExpressionNode last = exp;
while (next != null) {
context = contextForParameter(inContext);
List work2 = preOperate(work, last.getOperation(), exp);
if (work2 != null) {
work = work2;
} else if (last.getOperation() == Operation.Is || last.getOperation() == Operation.As) {
work2 = executeTypeName(context, focus, next, false);
work = operate(context, work, last.getOperation(), work2, last);
} else {
work2 = execute(context, focus, next, true);
work = operate(context, work, last.getOperation(), work2, last);
// System.out.println("Result of {'"+last.toString()+"
// "+last.getOperation().toCode()+" "+next.toString()+"'}: "+focus.toString());
last = next;
next = next.getOpNext();
// System.out.println("Result of {'"+exp.toString()+"'}: "+work.toString());
return work;
private List executeTypeName(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode next, boolean atEntry) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (next.getInner() != null) {
result.add(new StringType(next.getName() + "." + next.getInner().getName()));
} else {
result.add(new StringType(next.getName()));
return result;
private List preOperate(List left, Operation operation, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() == 0) {
return null;
switch (operation) {
case And:
return isBoolean(left, false) ? makeBoolean(false) : null;
case Or:
return isBoolean(left, true) ? makeBoolean(true) : null;
case Implies:
Equality v = asBool(left, expr);
return v == Equality.False ? makeBoolean(true) : null;
return null;
private List makeBoolean(boolean b) {
List res = new ArrayList ();
res.add(new BooleanType(b).noExtensions());
return res;
private List makeNull() {
List res = new ArrayList ();
return res;
private TypeDetails executeTypeName(ExecutionTypeContext context, TypeDetails focus, ExpressionNode exp,
boolean atEntry) throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, exp.getName());
private TypeDetails executeType(ExecutionTypeContext inContext, TypeDetails focus, ExpressionNode exp, boolean atEntry)
throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
ExecutionTypeContext context = contextForParameter(inContext);
TypeDetails result = new TypeDetails(null);
switch (exp.getKind()) {
case Name:
if (atEntry && exp.getName().equals("$this")) {
} else if (atEntry && exp.getName().equals("$total")) {
} else if (atEntry && exp.getName().equals("$index")) {
} else if (atEntry && focus == null) {
result.update(executeContextType(context, exp.getName(), exp, false));
} else {
for (String s : focus.getTypes()) {
result.update(executeType(s, exp, atEntry));
if (result.hasNoTypes()) {
throw makeException(exp, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_UNKNOWN_NAME, exp.getName(), focus.describe());
case Function:
result.update(evaluateFunctionType(context, focus, exp));
case Unary:
case Constant:
result.update(resolveConstantType(context, exp.getConstant(), exp, true));
case Group:
result.update(executeType(context, focus, exp.getGroup(), atEntry));
if (exp.getInner() != null) {
result = executeType(context, result, exp.getInner(), false);
if (exp.isProximal() && exp.getOperation() != null) {
ExpressionNode next = exp.getOpNext();
ExpressionNode last = exp;
while (next != null) {
context = contextForParameter(inContext);
TypeDetails work;
if (last.getOperation() == Operation.Is || last.getOperation() == Operation.As) {
work = executeTypeName(context, focus, next, atEntry);
} else {
work = executeType(context, focus, next, atEntry);
result = operateTypes(result, last.getOperation(), work, last);
last = next;
next = next.getOpNext();
return result;
private List resolveConstant(ExecutionContext context, Base constant, boolean beforeContext,
ExpressionNode expr, boolean explicitConstant) throws PathEngineException {
if (constant == null) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (!(constant instanceof FHIRConstant)) {
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(constant));
FHIRConstant c = (FHIRConstant) constant;
if (c.getValue().startsWith("%")) {
String varName = c.getValue().substring(1);
if (context.hasDefinedVariable(varName)) {
return context.getDefinedVariable(varName);
return resolveConstant(context, c.getValue(), beforeContext, expr, explicitConstant);
} else if (c.getValue().startsWith("@")) {
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(processDateConstant(context.appInfo, c.getValue().substring(1), expr)));
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_UNKNOWN_CONSTANT, c.getValue());
private Base processDateConstant(Object appInfo, String value, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
String date = null;
String time = null;
String tz = null;
TemporalPrecisionEnum temp = null;
if (value.startsWith("T")) {
time = value.substring(1);
} else if (!value.contains("T")) {
date = value;
} else {
String[] p = value.split("T");
date = p[0];
if (p.length > 1) {
time = p[1];
if (time != null) {
int i = time.indexOf("-");
if (i == -1) {
i = time.indexOf("+");
if (i == -1) {
i = time.indexOf("Z");
if (i > -1) {
tz = time.substring(i);
time = time.substring(0, i);
if (time.length() == 2) {
time = time + ":00:00";
temp = TemporalPrecisionEnum.MINUTE;
} else if (time.length() == 5) {
temp = TemporalPrecisionEnum.MINUTE;
time = time + ":00";
} else if (time.contains(".")) {
temp = TemporalPrecisionEnum.MILLI;
} else {
temp = TemporalPrecisionEnum.SECOND;
if (date == null) {
if (tz != null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT, value);
} else {
TimeType tt = new TimeType(time);
return tt.noExtensions();
} else if (time != null) {
DateTimeType dt = new DateTimeType(date + "T" + time + (tz == null ? "" : tz));
return dt.noExtensions();
} else {
return new DateType(date).noExtensions();
static boolean isSystemVariable(String name){
if (name.equals("sct"))
return true;
if (name.equals("loinc"))
return true;
if (name.equals("ucum"))
return true;
if (name.equals("resource"))
return true;
if (name.equals("rootResource"))
return true;
if (name.equals("context"))
return true;
return false;
private List resolveConstant(ExecutionContext context, String s, boolean beforeContext, ExpressionNode expr, boolean explicitConstant)
throws PathEngineException {
if (s.equals("%sct")) {
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(new StringType("http://snomed.info/sct").noExtensions()));
} else if (s.equals("%loinc")) {
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(new StringType("http://loinc.org").noExtensions()));
} else if (s.equals("%ucum")) {
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(new StringType("http://unitsofmeasure.org").noExtensions()));
} else if (s.equals("%resource")) {
if (context.focusResource == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CANNOT_USE, "%resource", "no focus resource");
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(context.focusResource));
} else if (s.equals("%rootResource")) {
if (context.rootResource == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CANNOT_USE, "%rootResource", "no focus resource");
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(context.rootResource));
} else if (s.equals("%context")) {
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(context.context));
} else if (s.equals("%us-zip")) {
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(new StringType("[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}){0,1}").noExtensions()));
} else if (s.startsWith("%`vs-")) {
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(
new StringType("http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/" + s.substring(5, s.length() - 1) + "").noExtensions()));
} else if (s.startsWith("%`cs-")) {
return new ArrayList (
Arrays.asList(new StringType("http://hl7.org/fhir/" + s.substring(5, s.length() - 1) + "").noExtensions()));
} else if (s.startsWith("%`ext-")) {
return new ArrayList (Arrays.asList(
new StringType("http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/" + s.substring(6, s.length() - 1)).noExtensions()));
} else if (hostServices == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_UNKNOWN_CONSTANT, s);
} else {
return hostServices.resolveConstant(this, context.appInfo, s.substring(1), beforeContext, explicitConstant);
private String processConstantString(String s, FHIRLexer lexer) throws FHIRLexerException {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
int i = 1;
while (i < s.length() - 1) {
char ch = s.charAt(i);
if (ch == '\\') {
switch (s.charAt(i)) {
case 't':
case 'r':
case 'n':
case 'f':
case '\'':
case '"':
case '`':
case '\\':
case '/':
case 'u':
int uc = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(i, i + 4), 16);
i = i + 3;
throw lexer.error("Unknown character escape \\" + s.charAt(i));
} else {
return b.toString();
private List operate(ExecutionContext context, List left, Operation operation, List right,
ExpressionNode holder) throws FHIRException {
switch (operation) {
case Equals:
return opEquals(left, right, holder);
case Equivalent:
return opEquivalent(left, right, holder);
case NotEquals:
return opNotEquals(left, right, holder);
case NotEquivalent:
return opNotEquivalent(left, right, holder);
case LessThan:
return opLessThan(left, right, holder);
case Greater:
return opGreater(left, right, holder);
case LessOrEqual:
return opLessOrEqual(left, right, holder);
case GreaterOrEqual:
return opGreaterOrEqual(left, right, holder);
case Union:
return opUnion(left, right, holder);
case In:
return opIn(left, right, holder);
case MemberOf:
return opMemberOf(context, left, right, holder);
case Contains:
return opContains(left, right, holder);
case Or:
return opOr(left, right, holder);
case And:
return opAnd(left, right, holder);
case Xor:
return opXor(left, right, holder);
case Implies:
return opImplies(left, right, holder);
case Plus:
return opPlus(left, right, holder);
case Times:
return opTimes(left, right, holder);
case Minus:
return opMinus(left, right, holder);
case Concatenate:
return opConcatenate(left, right, holder);
case DivideBy:
return opDivideBy(left, right, holder);
case Div:
return opDiv(left, right, holder);
case Mod:
return opMod(left, right, holder);
case Is:
return opIs(left, right, holder);
case As:
return opAs(left, right, holder);
throw new Error("Not Done Yet: " + operation.toCode());
private List opAs(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
if (right.size() != 1) {
return result;
} else {
String tn = convertToString(right);
if (!isKnownType(tn)) {
throw new PathEngineException("The type " + tn + " is not valid");
if (!doNotEnforceAsSingletonRule && left.size() > 1) {
throw new PathEngineException(
"Attempt to use as on more than one item (" + left.size() + ", '" + expr.toString() + "')");
for (Base nextLeft : left) {
if (compareTypeNames(tn, nextLeft.fhirType())) {
return result;
private boolean compareTypeNames(String left, String right) {
if (doNotEnforceAsCaseSensitive) {
return left.equalsIgnoreCase(right);
} else {
return left.equals(right);
private boolean isKnownType(String tn) {
if (!tn.contains(".")) {
if (Utilities.existsInList(tn, "String", "Boolean", "Integer", "Decimal", "Quantity", "DateTime", "Time",
"SimpleTypeInfo", "ClassInfo")) {
return true;
try {
return worker.fetchTypeDefinition(tn) != null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
String[] t = tn.split("\\.");
if (t.length != 2) {
return false;
if ("System".equals(t[0])) {
return Utilities.existsInList(t[1], "String", "Boolean", "Integer", "Decimal", "Quantity", "DateTime", "Time",
"SimpleTypeInfo", "ClassInfo");
} else if ("FHIR".equals(t[0])) {
try {
return worker.fetchTypeDefinition(t[1]) != null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
private List opIs(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
} else if (left.size() != 1 || right.size() != 1)
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
else {
String tn = convertToString(right);
if (left.get(0) instanceof org.hl7.fhir.r4b.elementmodel.Element) {
result.add(new BooleanType(left.get(0).hasType(tn)).noExtensions());
} else if ((left.get(0) instanceof Element) && ((Element) left.get(0)).isDisallowExtensions()) {
result.add(new BooleanType(Utilities.capitalize(left.get(0).fhirType()).equals(tn)
|| ("System." + Utilities.capitalize(left.get(0).fhirType())).equals(tn)).noExtensions());
} else {
if (left.get(0).fhirType().equals(tn)) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else {
StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchTypeDefinition(left.get(0).fhirType());
while (sd != null) {
if (tn.equals(sd.getType())) {
return makeBoolean(true);
sd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, sd.getBaseDefinition());
return makeBoolean(false);
return result;
private TypeDetails operateTypes(TypeDetails left, Operation operation, TypeDetails right, ExpressionNode expr) {
switch (operation) {
case Equals:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Equivalent:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case NotEquals:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case NotEquivalent:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case LessThan:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Greater:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case LessOrEqual:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case GreaterOrEqual:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Is:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case As:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, right.getTypes());
case Union:
return left.union(right);
case Or:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case And:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Xor:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Implies:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Times:
TypeDetails result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
if (left.hasType(worker, "integer") && right.hasType(worker, "integer")) {
} else if (left.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal") && right.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal")) {
return result;
case DivideBy:
result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
if (left.hasType(worker, "integer") && right.hasType(worker, "integer")) {
} else if (left.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal") && right.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal")) {
return result;
case Concatenate:
result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
return result;
case Plus:
result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
if (left.hasType(worker, "integer") && right.hasType(worker, "integer")) {
} else if (left.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal") && right.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal")) {
} else if (left.hasType(worker, "string", "id", "code", "uri")
&& right.hasType(worker, "string", "id", "code", "uri")) {
} else if (left.hasType(worker, "date", "dateTime", "instant")) {
if (right.hasType(worker, "Quantity")) {
} else {
throw new PathEngineException(
String.format("Error in date arithmetic: Unable to add type {0} to {1}", right.getType(), left.getType()),
expr.getOpStart(), expr.toString());
return result;
case Minus:
result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
if (left.hasType(worker, "integer") && right.hasType(worker, "integer")) {
} else if (left.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal") && right.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal")) {
} else if (left.hasType(worker, "Quantity") && right.hasType(worker, "Quantity")) {
} else if (left.hasType(worker, "date", "dateTime", "instant")) {
if (right.hasType(worker, "Quantity")) {
} else {
throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error in date arithmetic: Unable to subtract type {0} from {1}",
right.getType(), left.getType()));
return result;
case Div:
case Mod:
result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
if (left.hasType(worker, "integer") && right.hasType(worker, "integer")) {
} else if (left.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal") && right.hasType(worker, "integer", "decimal")) {
return result;
case In:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case MemberOf:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Contains:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
return null;
private List opEquals(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() != right.size()) {
return makeBoolean(false);
boolean res = true;
boolean nil = false;
for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) {
Boolean eq = doEquals(left.get(i), right.get(i));
if (eq == null) {
nil = true;
} else if (eq == false) {
res = false;
if (!res) {
return makeBoolean(res);
} else if (nil) {
return new ArrayList ();
} else {
return makeBoolean(res);
private List opNotEquals(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (!legacyMode && (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0)) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() != right.size()) {
return makeBoolean(true);
boolean res = true;
boolean nil = false;
for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) {
Boolean eq = doEquals(left.get(i), right.get(i));
if (eq == null) {
nil = true;
} else if (eq == true) {
res = false;
if (!res) {
return makeBoolean(res);
} else if (nil) {
return new ArrayList ();
} else {
return makeBoolean(res);
private String removeTrailingZeros(String s) {
if (Utilities.noString(s))
return "";
int i = s.length() - 1;
boolean done = false;
boolean dot = false;
while (i > 0 && !done) {
if (s.charAt(i) == '.') {
dot = true;
} else if (!dot && s.charAt(i) == '0') {
} else {
done = true;
return s.substring(0, i + 1);
private boolean decEqual(String left, String right) {
left = removeTrailingZeros(left);
right = removeTrailingZeros(right);
return left.equals(right);
private Boolean datesEqual(BaseDateTimeType left, BaseDateTimeType right) {
return left.equalsUsingFhirPathRules(right);
private Boolean doEquals(Base left, Base right) {
if (left instanceof Quantity && right instanceof Quantity) {
return qtyEqual((Quantity) left, (Quantity) right);
} else if (left.isDateTime() && right.isDateTime()) {
return datesEqual(left.dateTimeValue(), right.dateTimeValue());
} else if (left instanceof DecimalType || right instanceof DecimalType) {
return decEqual(left.primitiveValue(), right.primitiveValue());
} else if (left.isPrimitive() && right.isPrimitive()) {
return Base.equals(left.primitiveValue(), right.primitiveValue());
} else {
return Base.compareDeep(left, right, false);
private boolean doEquivalent(Base left, Base right) throws PathEngineException {
if (left instanceof Quantity && right instanceof Quantity) {
return qtyEquivalent((Quantity) left, (Quantity) right);
if (left.hasType("integer") && right.hasType("integer")) {
return doEquals(left, right);
if (left.hasType("boolean") && right.hasType("boolean")) {
return doEquals(left, right);
if (left.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")
&& right.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
return Utilities.equivalentNumber(left.primitiveValue(), right.primitiveValue());
if (left.hasType("date", "dateTime", "time", "instant") && right.hasType("date", "dateTime", "time", "instant")) {
Integer i = compareDateTimeElements(left, right, true);
if (i == null) {
i = 0;
return i == 0;
if (left.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) && right.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
return Utilities.equivalent(convertToString(left), convertToString(right));
if (left.isPrimitive() && right.isPrimitive()) {
return Utilities.equivalent(left.primitiveValue(), right.primitiveValue());
if (!left.isPrimitive() && !right.isPrimitive()) {
MergedList props = new MergedList(left.children(), right.children(), new PropertyMatcher());
for (MergeNode t : props) {
if (t.hasLeft() && t.hasRight()) {
if (t.getLeft().hasValues() && t.getRight().hasValues()) {
MergedList values = new MergedList (t.getLeft().getValues(), t.getRight().getValues());
for (MergeNode v : values) {
if (v.hasLeft() && v.hasRight()) {
if (!doEquivalent(v.getLeft(), v.getRight())) {
return false;
} else if (v.hasLeft() || v.hasRight()) {
return false;
} else if (t.getLeft().hasValues() || t.getRight().hasValues()) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
private Boolean qtyEqual(Quantity left, Quantity right) {
if (!left.hasValue() && !right.hasValue()) {
return true;
if (!left.hasValue() || !right.hasValue()) {
return null;
if (worker.getUcumService() != null) {
Pair dl = qtyToCanonicalPair(left);
Pair dr = qtyToCanonicalPair(right);
if (dl != null && dr != null) {
if (dl.getCode().equals(dr.getCode())) {
return doEquals(new DecimalType(dl.getValue().asDecimal()), new DecimalType(dr.getValue().asDecimal()));
} else {
return false;
if (left.hasCode() || right.hasCode()) {
if (!(left.hasCode() && right.hasCode()) || !left.getCode().equals(right.getCode())) {
return null;
} else if (!left.hasUnit() || right.hasUnit()) {
if (!(left.hasUnit() && right.hasUnit()) || !left.getUnit().equals(right.getUnit())) {
return null;
return doEquals(new DecimalType(left.getValue()), new DecimalType(right.getValue()));
private Pair qtyToCanonicalPair(Quantity q) {
if (!"http://unitsofmeasure.org".equals(q.getSystem())) {
return null;
try {
Pair p = new Pair(new Decimal(q.getValue().toPlainString()), q.getCode() == null ? "1" : q.getCode());
Pair c = worker.getUcumService().getCanonicalForm(p);
return c;
} catch (UcumException e) {
return null;
private DecimalType qtyToCanonicalDecimal(Quantity q) {
if (!"http://unitsofmeasure.org".equals(q.getSystem())) {
return null;
try {
Pair p = new Pair(new Decimal(q.getValue().toPlainString()), q.getCode() == null ? "1" : q.getCode());
Pair c = worker.getUcumService().getCanonicalForm(p);
return new DecimalType(c.getValue().asDecimal());
} catch (UcumException e) {
return null;
private Base pairToQty(Pair p) {
return new Quantity().setValue(new BigDecimal(p.getValue().toString())).setSystem("http://unitsofmeasure.org")
private Pair qtyToPair(Quantity q) {
if (!"http://unitsofmeasure.org".equals(q.getSystem())) {
return null;
try {
return new Pair(new Decimal(q.getValue().toPlainString()), q.getCode());
} catch (UcumException e) {
return null;
private Boolean qtyEquivalent(Quantity left, Quantity right) throws PathEngineException {
if (!left.hasValue() && !right.hasValue()) {
return true;
if (!left.hasValue() || !right.hasValue()) {
return null;
if (worker.getUcumService() != null) {
Pair dl = qtyToCanonicalPair(left);
Pair dr = qtyToCanonicalPair(right);
if (dl != null && dr != null) {
if (dl.getCode().equals(dr.getCode())) {
return doEquivalent(new DecimalType(dl.getValue().asDecimal()), new DecimalType(dr.getValue().asDecimal()));
} else {
return false;
if (left.hasCode() || right.hasCode()) {
if (!(left.hasCode() && right.hasCode()) || !left.getCode().equals(right.getCode())) {
return null;
} else if (!left.hasUnit() || right.hasUnit()) {
if (!(left.hasUnit() && right.hasUnit()) || !left.getUnit().equals(right.getUnit())) {
return null;
return doEquivalent(new DecimalType(left.getValue()), new DecimalType(right.getValue()));
private List opEquivalent(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() != right.size()) {
return makeBoolean(false);
boolean res = true;
for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < right.size(); j++) {
if (doEquivalent(left.get(i), right.get(j))) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
res = false;
return makeBoolean(res);
private List opNotEquivalent(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr)
throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() != right.size()) {
return makeBoolean(true);
boolean res = true;
for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < right.size(); j++) {
if (doEquivalent(left.get(i), right.get(j))) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
res = false;
return makeBoolean(!res);
private final static String[] FHIR_TYPES_STRING = new String[] { "string", "uri", "code", "oid", "id", "uuid", "sid",
"markdown", "base64Binary", "canonical", "url" };
private List opLessThan(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws FHIRException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0)
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).isPrimitive() && right.get(0).isPrimitive()) {
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) && r.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) < 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("integer") || l.hasType("decimal")) && (r.hasType("integer") || r.hasType("decimal"))) {
return makeBoolean(new Double(l.primitiveValue()) < new Double(r.primitiveValue()));
} else if ((l.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant")) && (r.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant"))) {
Integer i = compareDateTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i < 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("time")) && (r.hasType("time"))) {
Integer i = compareTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i < 0);
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CANT_COMPARE, l.fhirType(), r.fhirType());
} else if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity")
&& right.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity")) {
List lUnit = left.get(0).listChildrenByName("code");
List rUnit = right.get(0).listChildrenByName("code");
if (Base.compareDeep(lUnit, rUnit, true)) {
return opLessThan(left.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), right.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), expr);
} else {
if (worker.getUcumService() == null) {
return makeBoolean(false);
} else {
List dl = new ArrayList ();
dl.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) left.get(0)));
List dr = new ArrayList ();
dr.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) right.get(0)));
return opLessThan(dl, dr, expr);
return new ArrayList ();
private List opGreater(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws FHIRException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0)
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).isPrimitive() && right.get(0).isPrimitive()) {
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) && r.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) > 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt"))
&& (r.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt"))) {
return makeBoolean(new Double(l.primitiveValue()) > new Double(r.primitiveValue()));
} else if ((l.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant")) && (r.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant"))) {
Integer i = compareDateTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i > 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("time")) && (r.hasType("time"))) {
Integer i = compareTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i > 0);
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CANT_COMPARE, l.fhirType(), r.fhirType());
} else if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity")
&& right.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity")) {
List lUnit = left.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit");
List rUnit = right.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit");
if (Base.compareDeep(lUnit, rUnit, true)) {
return opGreater(left.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), right.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), expr);
} else {
if (worker.getUcumService() == null) {
return makeBoolean(false);
} else {
List dl = new ArrayList ();
dl.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) left.get(0)));
List dr = new ArrayList ();
dr.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) right.get(0)));
return opGreater(dl, dr, expr);
return new ArrayList ();
private List opLessOrEqual(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws FHIRException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).isPrimitive() && right.get(0).isPrimitive()) {
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) && r.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) <= 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt"))
&& (r.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt"))) {
return makeBoolean(new Double(l.primitiveValue()) <= new Double(r.primitiveValue()));
} else if ((l.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant")) && (r.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant"))) {
Integer i = compareDateTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i <= 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("time")) && (r.hasType("time"))) {
Integer i = compareTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i <= 0);
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CANT_COMPARE, l.fhirType(), r.fhirType());
} else if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity")
&& right.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity")) {
List lUnits = left.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit");
String lunit = lUnits.size() == 1 ? lUnits.get(0).primitiveValue() : null;
List rUnits = right.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit");
String runit = rUnits.size() == 1 ? rUnits.get(0).primitiveValue() : null;
if ((lunit == null && runit == null) || lunit.equals(runit)) {
return opLessOrEqual(left.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), right.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), expr);
} else {
if (worker.getUcumService() == null) {
return makeBoolean(false);
} else {
List dl = new ArrayList ();
dl.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) left.get(0)));
List dr = new ArrayList ();
dr.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) right.get(0)));
return opLessOrEqual(dl, dr, expr);
return new ArrayList ();
private List opGreaterOrEqual(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws FHIRException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).isPrimitive() && right.get(0).isPrimitive()) {
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) && r.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
return makeBoolean(l.primitiveValue().compareTo(r.primitiveValue()) >= 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt"))
&& (r.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt"))) {
return makeBoolean(new Double(l.primitiveValue()) >= new Double(r.primitiveValue()));
} else if ((l.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant")) && (r.hasType("date", "dateTime", "instant"))) {
Integer i = compareDateTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i >= 0);
} else if ((l.hasType("time")) && (r.hasType("time"))) {
Integer i = compareTimeElements(l, r, false);
if (i == null) {
return makeNull();
} else {
return makeBoolean(i >= 0);
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CANT_COMPARE, l.fhirType(), r.fhirType());
} else if (left.size() == 1 && right.size() == 1 && left.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity")
&& right.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity")) {
List lUnit = left.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit");
List rUnit = right.get(0).listChildrenByName("unit");
if (Base.compareDeep(lUnit, rUnit, true)) {
return opGreaterOrEqual(left.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"), right.get(0).listChildrenByName("value"),
} else {
if (worker.getUcumService() == null) {
return makeBoolean(false);
} else {
List dl = new ArrayList ();
dl.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) left.get(0)));
List dr = new ArrayList ();
dr.add(qtyToCanonicalDecimal((Quantity) right.get(0)));
return opGreaterOrEqual(dl, dr, expr);
return new ArrayList ();
private List opMemberOf(ExecutionContext context, List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr)
throws FHIRException {
boolean ans = false;
String url = right.get(0).primitiveValue();
ValueSet vs = hostServices != null ? hostServices.resolveValueSet(this, context.appInfo, url)
: worker.fetchResource(ValueSet.class, url);
if (vs != null) {
for (Base l : left) {
if (Utilities.existsInList(l.fhirType(), "code", "string", "uri")) {
if (worker.validateCode(terminologyServiceOptions.withGuessSystem(), TypeConvertor.castToCoding(l), vs)
.isOk()) {
ans = true;
} else if (l.fhirType().equals("Coding")) {
if (worker.validateCode(terminologyServiceOptions, TypeConvertor.castToCoding(l), vs).isOk()) {
ans = true;
} else if (l.fhirType().equals("CodeableConcept")) {
CodeableConcept cc = TypeConvertor.castToCodeableConcept(l);
ValidationResult vr = worker.validateCode(terminologyServiceOptions, cc, vs);
// System.out.println("~~~ "+DataRenderer.display(worker, cc)+ " memberOf
// "+url+": "+vr.toString());
if (vr.isOk()) {
ans = true;
} else {
// System.out.println("unknown type in opMemberOf: "+l.fhirType());
return makeBoolean(ans);
private List opIn(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws FHIRException {
if (left.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (right.size() == 0) {
return makeBoolean(false);
boolean ans = true;
for (Base l : left) {
boolean f = false;
for (Base r : right) {
Boolean eq = doEquals(l, r);
if (eq != null && eq == true) {
f = true;
if (!f) {
ans = false;
return makeBoolean(ans);
private List opContains(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
boolean ans = true;
for (Base r : right) {
boolean f = false;
for (Base l : left) {
Boolean eq = doEquals(l, r);
if (eq != null && eq == true) {
f = true;
if (!f) {
ans = false;
return makeBoolean(ans);
private List opPlus(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(left.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE, "+");
if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive()) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "+", left.get(0).fhirType());
if (right.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(right.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE, "+");
if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive()
&& !((left.get(0).isDateTime() || "0".equals(left.get(0).primitiveValue()) || left.get(0).hasType("Quantity"))
&& right.get(0).hasType("Quantity"))) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "+", right.get(0).fhirType());
List result = new ArrayList ();
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) && r.hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
result.add(new StringType(l.primitiveValue() + r.primitiveValue()));
} else if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) {
result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) + Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue())));
} else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) {
result.add(new DecimalType(new BigDecimal(l.primitiveValue()).add(new BigDecimal(r.primitiveValue()))));
} else if (l.isDateTime() && r.hasType("Quantity")) {
result.add(dateAdd((BaseDateTimeType) l, (Quantity) r, false, expr));
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_OP_INCOMPATIBLE, "+", left.get(0).fhirType(),
return result;
private BaseDateTimeType dateAdd(BaseDateTimeType d, Quantity q, boolean negate, ExpressionNode holder) {
BaseDateTimeType result = (BaseDateTimeType) d.copy();
int value = negate ? 0 - q.getValue().intValue() : q.getValue().intValue();
switch (q.hasCode() ? q.getCode() : q.getUnit()) {
case "years":
case "year":
result.add(Calendar.YEAR, value);
case "a":
throw new PathEngineException(String
.format("Error in date arithmetic: attempt to add a definite quantity duration time unit %s", q.getCode()));
case "months":
case "month":
result.add(Calendar.MONTH, value);
case "mo":
throw new PathEngineException(String
.format("Error in date arithmetic: attempt to add a definite quantity duration time unit %s", q.getCode()),
holder.getOpStart(), holder.toString());
case "weeks":
case "week":
case "wk":
result.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, value * 7);
case "days":
case "day":
case "d":
result.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, value);
case "hours":
case "hour":
case "h":
result.add(Calendar.HOUR, value);
case "minutes":
case "minute":
case "min":
result.add(Calendar.MINUTE, value);
case "seconds":
case "second":
case "s":
result.add(Calendar.SECOND, value);
case "milliseconds":
case "millisecond":
case "ms":
result.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, value);
throw new PathEngineException(String.format("Error in date arithmetic: unrecognized time unit %s", q.getCode()));
return result;
private List opTimes(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(left.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE, "*");
if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive() && !(left.get(0) instanceof Quantity)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "*", left.get(0).fhirType());
if (right.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(right.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE, "*");
if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive() && !(right.get(0) instanceof Quantity)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "*", right.get(0).fhirType());
List result = new ArrayList ();
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) {
result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) * Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue())));
} else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) {
result.add(new DecimalType(new BigDecimal(l.primitiveValue()).multiply(new BigDecimal(r.primitiveValue()))));
} else if (l instanceof Quantity && r instanceof Quantity && worker.getUcumService() != null) {
Pair pl = qtyToPair((Quantity) l);
Pair pr = qtyToPair((Quantity) r);
Pair p;
try {
p = worker.getUcumService().multiply(pl, pr);
} catch (UcumException e) {
throw new PathEngineException(e.getMessage(), expr.getOpStart(), expr.toString(), e);
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_OP_INCOMPATIBLE, "*", left.get(0).fhirType(),
return result;
private List opConcatenate(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(left.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE, "&");
if (left.size() > 0 && !left.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "&", left.get(0).fhirType());
if (right.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(right.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE, "&");
if (right.size() > 0 && !right.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "&", right.get(0).fhirType());
List result = new ArrayList ();
String l = left.size() == 0 ? "" : left.get(0).primitiveValue();
String r = right.size() == 0 ? "" : right.get(0).primitiveValue();
result.add(new StringType(l + r));
return result;
private List opUnion(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : left) {
if (!doContains(result, item)) {
for (Base item : right) {
if (!doContains(result, item)) {
return result;
private boolean doContains(List list, Base item) {
for (Base test : list) {
Boolean eq = doEquals(test, item);
if (eq != null && eq == true) {
return true;
return false;
private List opAnd(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
Equality l = asBool(left, expr);
Equality r = asBool(right, expr);
switch (l) {
case False:
return makeBoolean(false);
case Null:
if (r == Equality.False) {
return makeBoolean(false);
} else {
return makeNull();
case True:
switch (r) {
case False:
return makeBoolean(false);
case Null:
return makeNull();
case True:
return makeBoolean(true);
return makeNull();
private boolean isBoolean(List list, boolean b) {
return list.size() == 1 && list.get(0) instanceof BooleanType && ((BooleanType) list.get(0)).booleanValue() == b;
private List opOr(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
Equality l = asBool(left, expr);
Equality r = asBool(right, expr);
switch (l) {
case True:
return makeBoolean(true);
case Null:
if (r == Equality.True) {
return makeBoolean(true);
} else {
return makeNull();
case False:
switch (r) {
case False:
return makeBoolean(false);
case Null:
return makeNull();
case True:
return makeBoolean(true);
return makeNull();
private List opXor(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
Equality l = asBool(left, expr);
Equality r = asBool(right, expr);
switch (l) {
case True:
switch (r) {
case False:
return makeBoolean(true);
case True:
return makeBoolean(false);
case Null:
return makeNull();
case Null:
return makeNull();
case False:
switch (r) {
case False:
return makeBoolean(false);
case True:
return makeBoolean(true);
case Null:
return makeNull();
return makeNull();
private List opImplies(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
Equality eq = asBool(left, expr);
if (eq == Equality.False) {
return makeBoolean(true);
} else if (right.size() == 0) {
return makeNull();
} else
switch (asBool(right, expr)) {
case False:
return eq == Equality.Null ? makeNull() : makeBoolean(false);
case Null:
return makeNull();
case True:
return makeBoolean(true);
return makeNull();
private List opMinus(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(left.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE, "-");
if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive() && !left.get(0).hasType("Quantity")) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "-", left.get(0).fhirType());
if (right.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(right.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE, "-");
if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive()
&& !((left.get(0).isDateTime() || "0".equals(left.get(0).primitiveValue()) || left.get(0).hasType("Quantity"))
&& right.get(0).hasType("Quantity"))) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "-", right.get(0).fhirType());
List result = new ArrayList ();
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) {
result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) - Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue())));
} else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) {
result.add(new DecimalType(new BigDecimal(l.primitiveValue()).subtract(new BigDecimal(r.primitiveValue()))));
} else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer", "Quantity") && r.hasType("Quantity")) {
String s = l.primitiveValue();
if ("0".equals(s)) {
Quantity qty = (Quantity) r;
} else if (l.isDateTime() && r.hasType("Quantity")) {
result.add(dateAdd((BaseDateTimeType) l, (Quantity) r, true, expr));
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_OP_INCOMPATIBLE, "-", left.get(0).fhirType(),
return result;
private List opDivideBy(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(left.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE, "/");
if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive() && !(left.get(0) instanceof Quantity)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "/", left.get(0).fhirType());
if (right.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(right.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE, "/");
if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive() && !(right.get(0) instanceof Quantity)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "/", right.get(0).fhirType());
List result = new ArrayList ();
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")
&& r.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
Decimal d1;
try {
d1 = new Decimal(l.primitiveValue());
Decimal d2 = new Decimal(r.primitiveValue());
result.add(new DecimalType(d1.divide(d2).asDecimal()));
} catch (UcumException e) {
// just return nothing
} else if (l instanceof Quantity && r instanceof Quantity && worker.getUcumService() != null) {
Pair pl = qtyToPair((Quantity) l);
Pair pr = qtyToPair((Quantity) r);
Pair p;
try {
p = worker.getUcumService().divideBy(pl, pr);
} catch (UcumException e) {
// just return nothing
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_OP_INCOMPATIBLE, "/", left.get(0).fhirType(),
return result;
private List opDiv(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(left.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE, "div");
if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive() && !(left.get(0) instanceof Quantity)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "div", left.get(0).fhirType());
if (right.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(right.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE, "div");
if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive() && !(right.get(0) instanceof Quantity)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "div", right.get(0).fhirType());
List result = new ArrayList ();
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) {
int divisor = Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue());
if (divisor != 0) {
result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) / divisor));
} else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) {
Decimal d1;
try {
d1 = new Decimal(l.primitiveValue());
Decimal d2 = new Decimal(r.primitiveValue());
result.add(new IntegerType(d1.divInt(d2).asDecimal()));
} catch (UcumException e) {
// just return nothing
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_OP_INCOMPATIBLE, "div", left.get(0).fhirType(),
return result;
private List opMod(List left, List right, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (left.size() == 0 || right.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (left.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(left.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE, "mod");
if (!left.get(0).isPrimitive()) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_LEFT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "mod", left.get(0).fhirType());
if (right.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(right.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE, "mod");
if (!right.get(0).isPrimitive()) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RIGHT_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE, "mod", right.get(0).fhirType());
List result = new ArrayList ();
Base l = left.get(0);
Base r = right.get(0);
if (l.hasType("integer") && r.hasType("integer")) {
int modulus = Integer.parseInt(r.primitiveValue());
if (modulus != 0) {
result.add(new IntegerType(Integer.parseInt(l.primitiveValue()) % modulus));
} else if (l.hasType("decimal", "integer") && r.hasType("decimal", "integer")) {
Decimal d1;
try {
d1 = new Decimal(l.primitiveValue());
Decimal d2 = new Decimal(r.primitiveValue());
result.add(new DecimalType(d1.modulo(d2).asDecimal()));
} catch (UcumException e) {
throw new PathEngineException(e);
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_OP_INCOMPATIBLE, "mod", left.get(0).fhirType(),
return result;
private TypeDetails resolveConstantType(ExecutionTypeContext context, Base constant, ExpressionNode expr, boolean explicitConstant)
throws PathEngineException {
if (constant instanceof BooleanType) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
} else if (constant instanceof IntegerType) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer);
} else if (constant instanceof DecimalType) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Decimal);
} else if (constant instanceof Quantity) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Quantity);
} else if (constant instanceof FHIRConstant) {
return resolveConstantType(context, ((FHIRConstant) constant).getValue(), expr, explicitConstant);
} else if (constant == null) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
} else {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
private TypeDetails resolveConstantType(ExecutionTypeContext context, String s, ExpressionNode expr, boolean explicitConstant)
throws PathEngineException {
if (s.startsWith("@")) {
if (s.startsWith("@T")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Time);
} else {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_DateTime);
} else if (s.equals("%sct")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
} else if (s.equals("%loinc")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
} else if (s.equals("%ucum")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
} else if (s.equals("%resource")) {
if (context.resource == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CANNOT_USE, "%resource", "no focus resource");
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, context.resource);
} else if (s.equals("%rootResource")) {
if (context.resource == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CANNOT_USE, "%rootResource", "no focus resource");
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, context.resource);
} else if (s.equals("%context")) {
return context.context;
} else if (s.equals("%map-codes")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
} else if (s.equals("%us-zip")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
} else if (s.startsWith("%`vs-")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
} else if (s.startsWith("%`cs-")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
} else if (s.startsWith("%`ext-")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
} else if (hostServices == null) {
String varName = s.substring(1);
if (context.hasDefinedVariable(varName))
return context.getDefinedVariable(varName);
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_UNKNOWN_CONSTANT, s);
} else {
String varName = s.substring(1);
if (context.hasDefinedVariable(varName))
return context.getDefinedVariable(varName);
return hostServices.resolveConstantType(this, context.appInfo, s, explicitConstant);
private List execute(ExecutionContext context, Base item, ExpressionNode exp, boolean atEntry)
throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (atEntry && context.appInfo != null && hostServices != null) {
// we'll see if the name matches a constant known by the context.
List temp = hostServices.resolveConstant(this, context.appInfo, exp.getName(), true, false);
if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
return result;
if (atEntry && exp.getName() != null && Character.isUpperCase(exp.getName().charAt(0))) {// special case for start
// up
StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchTypeDefinition(item.fhirType());
if (sd == null) {
// logical model
if (exp.getName().equals(item.fhirType())) {
} else {
while (sd != null) {
if (sd.getType().equals(exp.getName())) {
sd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, sd.getBaseDefinition());
} else {
getChildrenByName(item, exp.getName(), result);
if (atEntry && context.appInfo != null && hostServices != null && result.isEmpty()) {
// well, we didn't get a match on the name - we'll see if the name matches a
// constant known by the context.
// (if the name does match, and the user wants to get the constant value,
// they'll have to try harder...
result.addAll(hostServices.resolveConstant(this, context.appInfo, exp.getName(), false, false));
return result;
private String getParent(String rn) {
return null;
private TypeDetails executeContextType(ExecutionTypeContext context, String name, ExpressionNode expr, boolean explicitConstant)
throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
if (hostServices == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_HO_HOST_SERVICES, "Context Reference");
return hostServices.resolveConstantType(this, context.appInfo, name, explicitConstant);
private TypeDetails executeType(String type, ExpressionNode exp, boolean atEntry)
throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
if (atEntry && Character.isUpperCase(exp.getName().charAt(0)) && hashTail(type).equals(exp.getName())) { // special
// case for
// start up
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, type);
TypeDetails result = new TypeDetails(null);
getChildTypesByName(type, exp.getName(), result, exp);
return result;
private String hashTail(String type) {
return type.contains("#") ? "" : type.substring(type.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
private TypeDetails evaluateFunctionType(ExecutionTypeContext context, TypeDetails focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
List paramTypes = new ArrayList();
if (exp.getFunction() == Function.Is || exp.getFunction() == Function.As || exp.getFunction() == Function.OfType) {
paramTypes.add(new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
} else {
int i = 0;
for (ExpressionNode expr : exp.getParameters()) {
if (isExpressionParameter(exp, i)) {
paramTypes.add(executeType(changeThis(context, focus), focus, expr, true));
} else {
paramTypes.add(executeType(context, context.thisItem, expr, true));
switch (exp.getFunction()) {
case Empty:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Not:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Exists: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case SubsetOf: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, focus);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case SupersetOf: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, focus);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case IsDistinct:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Distinct:
return focus;
case Count:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer);
case Where:
return focus;
case Select:
return anything(focus.getCollectionStatus());
case All:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Repeat:
return anything(focus.getCollectionStatus());
case Aggregate:
return anything(focus.getCollectionStatus());
case Item: {
checkOrdered(focus, "item", exp);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer));
return focus;
case As: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, exp.getParameters().get(0).getName());
case OfType: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, exp.getParameters().get(0).getName());
case Type: {
boolean s = false;
boolean c = false;
for (ProfiledType pt : focus.getProfiledTypes()) {
s = s || pt.isSystemType();
c = c || !pt.isSystemType();
if (s && c) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_SimpleTypeInfo, TypeDetails.FP_ClassInfo);
} else if (s) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_SimpleTypeInfo);
} else {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_ClassInfo);
case Is: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Single:
return focus.toSingleton();
case First: {
checkOrdered(focus, "first", exp);
return focus.toSingleton();
case Last: {
checkOrdered(focus, "last", exp);
return focus.toSingleton();
case Tail: {
checkOrdered(focus, "tail", exp);
return focus;
case Skip: {
checkOrdered(focus, "skip", exp);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer));
return focus;
case Take: {
checkOrdered(focus, "take", exp);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer));
return focus;
case Union: {
return focus.union(paramTypes.get(0));
case Combine: {
return focus.union(paramTypes.get(0));
case Intersect: {
return focus.intersect(paramTypes.get(0));
case Exclude: {
return focus;
case Iif: {
TypeDetails types = new TypeDetails(null);
checkSingleton(focus, "iif", exp);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean));
if (paramTypes.size() > 2) {
return types;
case Lower: {
checkContextString(focus, "lower", exp, true);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case Upper: {
checkContextString(focus, "upper", exp, true);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case ToChars: {
checkContextString(focus, "toChars", exp, true);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.ORDERED, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case IndexOf: {
checkContextString(focus, "indexOf", exp, true);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer);
case Substring: {
checkContextString(focus, "subString", exp, true);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer),
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case StartsWith: {
checkContextString(focus, "startsWith", exp, true);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case EndsWith: {
checkContextString(focus, "endsWith", exp, true);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Matches: {
checkContextString(focus, "matches", exp, true);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case MatchesFull: {
checkContextString(focus, "matches", exp, true);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case ReplaceMatches: {
checkContextString(focus, "replaceMatches", exp, true);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String),
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case Contains: {
checkContextString(focus, "contains", exp, true);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Replace: {
checkContextString(focus, "replace", exp, true);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String),
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case Length: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, "length", false, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer);
case Children:
return childTypes(focus, "*", exp);
case Descendants:
return childTypes(focus, "**", exp);
case MemberOf: {
checkContextCoded(focus, "memberOf", exp);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Trace: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return focus;
case DefineVariable : {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes, new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.UNORDERED, TypeDetails.FP_String));
// set the type of the variable
// Actually evaluate the value of the first parameter (to get the name of the variable if possible)
// and if have that, set it into the context
ExpressionNode p = exp.getParameters().get(0);
if (p.getKind() == Kind.Constant && p.getConstant() != null) {
String varName = exp.getParameters().get(0).getConstant().primitiveValue();
if (varName != null) {
if (paramTypes.size() > 1)
context.setDefinedVariable(varName, paramTypes.get(1));
context.setDefinedVariable(varName, focus);
} else {
// this variable is not a constant, so we can't analyze what name it could have
return focus;
case Check: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return focus;
case Today:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_DateTime);
case Now:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_DateTime);
case Resolve: {
checkContextReference(focus, "resolve", exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "DomainResource");
case Extension: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "Extension");
case AnyTrue:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case AllTrue:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case AnyFalse:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case AllFalse:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case HasValue:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case HtmlChecks1:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case HtmlChecks2:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Comparable:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Encode:
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case Decode:
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case Escape:
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case Unescape:
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case Trim:
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case Split:
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case Join:
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case ToInteger: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, "toInteger", true, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer);
case ToDecimal: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, "toDecimal", true, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Decimal);
case ToString: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, "toString", true, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String);
case ToQuantity: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, "toQuantity", true, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Quantity);
case ToBoolean: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, "toBoolean", false, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case ToDateTime: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, "ToDateTime", false, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_DateTime);
case ToTime: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, "ToTime", false, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Time);
case ConvertsToString:
case ConvertsToQuantity: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, exp.getFunction().toCode(), true, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case ConvertsToInteger:
case ConvertsToDecimal:
case ConvertsToDateTime:
case ConvertsToDate:
case ConvertsToTime:
case ConvertsToBoolean: {
checkContextPrimitive(focus, exp.getFunction().toCode(), false, exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case ConformsTo: {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_String));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Boolean);
case Abs: {
checkContextNumerical(focus, "abs", exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, focus.getTypes());
case Truncate:
case Floor:
case Ceiling: {
checkContextDecimal(focus, exp.getFunction().toCode(), exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer);
case Round: {
checkContextDecimal(focus, "round", exp);
if (paramTypes.size() > 0) {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Decimal);
case Exp:
case Ln:
case Sqrt: {
checkContextNumerical(focus, exp.getFunction().toCode(), exp);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Decimal);
case Log: {
checkContextNumerical(focus, exp.getFunction().toCode(), exp);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_NUMBERS));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Decimal);
case Power: {
checkContextNumerical(focus, exp.getFunction().toCode(), exp);
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_NUMBERS));
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, focus.getTypes());
case LowBoundary:
case HighBoundary: {
checkContextContinuous(focus, exp.getFunction().toCode(), exp, true);
if (paramTypes.size() > 0) {
checkParamTypes(exp, exp.getFunction().toCode(), paramTypes,
new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer));
if ((focus.hasType("date") || focus.hasType("datetime") || focus.hasType("instant"))) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Decimal, TypeDetails.FP_DateTime);
} else if (focus.hasType("decimal") || focus.hasType("integer")) {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Decimal);
} else {
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_DateTime);
case Precision: {
checkContextContinuous(focus, exp.getFunction().toCode(), exp, false);
return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, TypeDetails.FP_Integer);
case Custom: {
return hostServices.checkFunction(this, context.appInfo, exp.getName(), focus, paramTypes);
throw new Error("not Implemented yet");
private boolean isExpressionParameter(ExpressionNode exp, int i) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
return exp.getFunction() == Function.Where || exp.getFunction() == Function.Exists
|| exp.getFunction() == Function.All || exp.getFunction() == Function.Select
|| exp.getFunction() == Function.Repeat || exp.getFunction() == Function.Aggregate;
case 1:
return exp.getFunction() == Function.Trace || exp.getFunction() == Function.DefineVariable;
return false;
private void checkParamTypes(ExpressionNode expr, String funcName, List paramTypes,
TypeDetails... typeSet) throws PathEngineException {
int i = 0;
for (TypeDetails pt : typeSet) {
if (i == paramTypes.size()) {
TypeDetails actual = paramTypes.get(i);
for (String a : actual.getTypes()) {
if (!pt.hasType(worker, a)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, funcName, i, a, pt.toString());
private void checkSingleton(TypeDetails focus, String name, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (focus.getCollectionStatus() != CollectionStatus.SINGLETON) {
// typeWarnings.add(new IssueMessage(worker.formatMessage(I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_COLLECTION_STATUS_CONTEXT, name, expr.toString()), I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_COLLECTION_STATUS_CONTEXT));
private void checkOrdered(TypeDetails focus, String name, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (focus.getCollectionStatus() == CollectionStatus.UNORDERED) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_ORDERED_ONLY, name);
private void checkContextReference(TypeDetails focus, String name, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (!focus.hasType(worker, "string") && !focus.hasType(worker, "uri") && !focus.hasType(worker, "Reference")
&& !focus.hasType(worker, "canonical")) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_REFERENCE_ONLY, name, focus.describe());
private void checkContextCoded(TypeDetails focus, String name, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (!focus.hasType(worker, "string") && !focus.hasType(worker, "code") && !focus.hasType(worker, "uri")
&& !focus.hasType(worker, "Coding") && !focus.hasType(worker, "CodeableConcept")) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CODED_ONLY, name, focus.describe());
private void checkContextString(TypeDetails focus, String name, ExpressionNode expr, boolean sing)
throws PathEngineException {
if (!focus.hasNoTypes() && !focus.hasType(worker, "string") && !focus.hasType(worker, "code")
&& !focus.hasType(worker, "uri") && !focus.hasType(worker, "canonical") && !focus.hasType(worker, "id")) {
throw makeException(expr, sing ? I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_STRING_SING_ONLY : I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_STRING_ORD_ONLY,
name, focus.describe());
private void checkContextPrimitive(TypeDetails focus, String name, boolean canQty, ExpressionNode expr)
throws PathEngineException {
if (!focus.hasNoTypes()) {
if (canQty) {
if (!focus.hasType(primitiveTypes) && !focus.hasType("Quantity")) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_PRIMITIVE_ONLY, name, focus.describe(),
"Quantity, " + primitiveTypes.toString());
} else if (!focus.hasType(primitiveTypes)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_PRIMITIVE_ONLY, name, focus.describe(),
private void checkContextNumerical(TypeDetails focus, String name, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (!focus.hasNoTypes() && !focus.hasType("integer") && !focus.hasType("decimal") && !focus.hasType("Quantity")) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NUMERICAL_ONLY, name, focus.describe());
private void checkContextDecimal(TypeDetails focus, String name, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (!focus.hasNoTypes() && !focus.hasType("decimal") && !focus.hasType("integer")) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DECIMAL_ONLY, name, focus.describe());
private void checkContextContinuous(TypeDetails focus, String name, ExpressionNode expr, boolean allowInteger) throws PathEngineException {
if (!focus.hasNoTypes() && !focus.hasType("decimal") && !focus.hasType("date") && !focus.hasType("dateTime") && !focus.hasType("time") && !focus.hasType("Quantity") && !(allowInteger && focus.hasType("integer"))) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CONTINUOUS_ONLY, name, focus.describe());
private TypeDetails childTypes(TypeDetails focus, String mask, ExpressionNode expr)
throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
TypeDetails result = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.UNORDERED);
for (String f : focus.getTypes()) {
getChildTypesByName(f, mask, result, expr);
return result;
private TypeDetails anything(CollectionStatus status) {
return new TypeDetails(status, allTypes.keySet());
// private boolean isPrimitiveType(String s) {
// return s.equals("boolean") || s.equals("integer") || s.equals("decimal") ||
// s.equals("base64Binary") || s.equals("instant") || s.equals("string") ||
// s.equals("uri") || s.equals("date") || s.equals("dateTime") ||
// s.equals("time") || s.equals("code") || s.equals("oid") || s.equals("id") ||
// s.equals("unsignedInt") || s.equals("positiveInt") || s.equals("markdown");
// }
private List evaluateFunction(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
switch (exp.getFunction()) {
case Empty:
return funcEmpty(context, focus, exp);
case Not:
return funcNot(context, focus, exp);
case Exists:
return funcExists(context, focus, exp);
case SubsetOf:
return funcSubsetOf(context, focus, exp);
case SupersetOf:
return funcSupersetOf(context, focus, exp);
case IsDistinct:
return funcIsDistinct(context, focus, exp);
case Distinct:
return funcDistinct(context, focus, exp);
case Count:
return funcCount(context, focus, exp);
case Where:
return funcWhere(context, focus, exp);
case Select:
return funcSelect(context, focus, exp);
case All:
return funcAll(context, focus, exp);
case Repeat:
return funcRepeat(context, focus, exp);
case Aggregate:
return funcAggregate(context, focus, exp);
case Item:
return funcItem(context, focus, exp);
case As:
return funcAs(context, focus, exp);
case OfType:
return funcOfType(context, focus, exp);
case Type:
return funcType(context, focus, exp);
case Is:
return funcIs(context, focus, exp);
case Single:
return funcSingle(context, focus, exp);
case First:
return funcFirst(context, focus, exp);
case Last:
return funcLast(context, focus, exp);
case Tail:
return funcTail(context, focus, exp);
case Skip:
return funcSkip(context, focus, exp);
case Take:
return funcTake(context, focus, exp);
case Union:
return funcUnion(context, focus, exp);
case Combine:
return funcCombine(context, focus, exp);
case Intersect:
return funcIntersect(context, focus, exp);
case Exclude:
return funcExclude(context, focus, exp);
case Iif:
return funcIif(context, focus, exp);
case Lower:
return funcLower(context, focus, exp);
case Upper:
return funcUpper(context, focus, exp);
case ToChars:
return funcToChars(context, focus, exp);
case IndexOf:
return funcIndexOf(context, focus, exp);
case Substring:
return funcSubstring(context, focus, exp);
case StartsWith:
return funcStartsWith(context, focus, exp);
case EndsWith:
return funcEndsWith(context, focus, exp);
case Matches:
return funcMatches(context, focus, exp);
case MatchesFull:
return funcMatchesFull(context, focus, exp);
case ReplaceMatches:
return funcReplaceMatches(context, focus, exp);
case Contains:
return funcContains(context, focus, exp);
case Replace:
return funcReplace(context, focus, exp);
case Length:
return funcLength(context, focus, exp);
case Children:
return funcChildren(context, focus, exp);
case Descendants:
return funcDescendants(context, focus, exp);
case MemberOf:
return funcMemberOf(context, focus, exp);
case Trace:
return funcTrace(context, focus, exp);
case DefineVariable:
return funcDefineVariable(context, focus, exp);
case Check:
return funcCheck(context, focus, exp);
case Today:
return funcToday(context, focus, exp);
case Now:
return funcNow(context, focus, exp);
case Resolve:
return funcResolve(context, focus, exp);
case Extension:
return funcExtension(context, focus, exp);
case AnyFalse:
return funcAnyFalse(context, focus, exp);
case AllFalse:
return funcAllFalse(context, focus, exp);
case AnyTrue:
return funcAnyTrue(context, focus, exp);
case AllTrue:
return funcAllTrue(context, focus, exp);
case HasValue:
return funcHasValue(context, focus, exp);
case Encode:
return funcEncode(context, focus, exp);
case Decode:
return funcDecode(context, focus, exp);
case Escape:
return funcEscape(context, focus, exp);
case Unescape:
return funcUnescape(context, focus, exp);
case Trim:
return funcTrim(context, focus, exp);
case Split:
return funcSplit(context, focus, exp);
case Join:
return funcJoin(context, focus, exp);
case HtmlChecks1:
return funcHtmlChecks1(context, focus, exp);
case HtmlChecks2:
return funcHtmlChecks2(context, focus, exp);
case Comparable:
return funcComparable(context, focus, exp);
case ToInteger:
return funcToInteger(context, focus, exp);
case ToDecimal:
return funcToDecimal(context, focus, exp);
case ToString:
return funcToString(context, focus, exp);
case ToBoolean:
return funcToBoolean(context, focus, exp);
case ToQuantity:
return funcToQuantity(context, focus, exp);
case ToDateTime:
return funcToDateTime(context, focus, exp);
case ToTime:
return funcToTime(context, focus, exp);
case ConvertsToInteger:
return funcIsInteger(context, focus, exp);
case ConvertsToDecimal:
return funcIsDecimal(context, focus, exp);
case ConvertsToString:
return funcIsString(context, focus, exp);
case ConvertsToBoolean:
return funcIsBoolean(context, focus, exp);
case ConvertsToQuantity:
return funcIsQuantity(context, focus, exp);
case ConvertsToDateTime:
return funcIsDateTime(context, focus, exp);
case ConvertsToDate:
return funcIsDate(context, focus, exp);
case ConvertsToTime:
return funcIsTime(context, focus, exp);
case ConformsTo:
return funcConformsTo(context, focus, exp);
case Round:
return funcRound(context, focus, exp);
case Sqrt:
return funcSqrt(context, focus, exp);
case Abs:
return funcAbs(context, focus, exp);
case Ceiling:
return funcCeiling(context, focus, exp);
case Exp:
return funcExp(context, focus, exp);
case Floor:
return funcFloor(context, focus, exp);
case Ln:
return funcLn(context, focus, exp);
case Log:
return funcLog(context, focus, exp);
case Power:
return funcPower(context, focus, exp);
case Truncate:
return funcTruncate(context, focus, exp);
case LowBoundary:
return funcLowBoundary(context, focus, exp);
case HighBoundary:
return funcHighBoundary(context, focus, exp);
case Precision:
return funcPrecision(context, focus, exp);
case Custom: {
List> params = new ArrayList>();
for (ExpressionNode p : exp.getParameters()) {
params.add(execute(context, focus, p, true));
return hostServices.executeFunction(this, context.appInfo, focus, exp.getName(), params);
throw new Error("not Implemented yet");
private List funcSqrt(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "sqrt", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
Double d = Double.parseDouble(base.primitiveValue());
try {
result.add(new DecimalType(Math.sqrt(d)));
} catch (Exception e) {
// just return nothing
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "sqrt", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private List funcAbs(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "abs", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
Double d = Double.parseDouble(base.primitiveValue());
try {
result.add(new DecimalType(Math.abs(d)));
} catch (Exception e) {
// just return nothing
} else if (base.hasType("Quantity")) {
Quantity qty = (Quantity) base;
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "abs", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private List funcCeiling(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "ceiling", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
Double d = Double.parseDouble(base.primitiveValue());
try {
result.add(new IntegerType((int) Math.ceil(d)));
} catch (Exception e) {
// just return nothing
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "ceiling", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private List funcFloor(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "floor", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
Double d = Double.parseDouble(base.primitiveValue());
try {
result.add(new IntegerType((int) Math.floor(d)));
} catch (Exception e) {
// just return nothing
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "floor", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private List funcExp(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "exp", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
Double d = Double.parseDouble(base.primitiveValue());
try {
result.add(new DecimalType(Math.exp(d)));
} catch (Exception e) {
// just return nothing
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "exp", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private List funcLn(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "ln", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
Double d = Double.parseDouble(base.primitiveValue());
try {
result.add(new DecimalType(Math.log(d)));
} catch (Exception e) {
// just return nothing
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "ln", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private List funcLog(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "log", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
List n1 = execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(0), true);
if (n1.size() != 1) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "log", "0", "Multiple Values",
"integer or decimal");
Double e = Double.parseDouble(n1.get(0).primitiveValue());
Double d = Double.parseDouble(base.primitiveValue());
try {
result.add(new DecimalType(customLog(e, d)));
} catch (Exception ex) {
// just return nothing
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "log", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private static double customLog(double base, double logNumber) {
return Math.log(logNumber) / Math.log(base);
private List funcPower(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "power", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
List n1 = execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(0), true);
if (n1.size() != 1) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "power", "0", "Multiple Values",
"integer or decimal");
Double e = Double.parseDouble(n1.get(0).primitiveValue());
Double d = Double.parseDouble(base.primitiveValue());
try {
result.add(new DecimalType(Math.pow(d, e)));
} catch (Exception ex) {
// just return nothing
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "power", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private List funcTruncate(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "truncate", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
String s = base.primitiveValue();
if (s.contains(".")) {
s = s.substring(0, s.indexOf("."));
result.add(new IntegerType(s));
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "sqrt", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private String getNamedValue(Base base, String name) {
Property p = base.getChildByName(name);
if (p.hasValues() && p.getValues().size() == 1) {
return p.getValues().get(0).primitiveValue();
return null;
private List funcLowBoundary(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() == 0) {
return makeNull();
if (focus.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "lowBoundary", focus.size());
Integer precision = null;
if (expr.getParameters().size() > 0) {
List n1 = execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(0), true);
if (n1.size() != 1) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "lowBoundary", "0", "Multiple Values", "integer");
precision = Integer.parseInt(n1.get(0).primitiveValue());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("decimal")) {
if (precision == null || (precision >= 0 && precision < 17)) {
result.add(new DecimalType(Utilities.lowBoundaryForDecimal(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 8 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("integer")) {
if (precision == null || (precision >= 0 && precision < 17)) {
result.add(new DecimalType(Utilities.lowBoundaryForDecimal(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 8 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("date")) {
result.add(new DateTimeType(Utilities.lowBoundaryForDate(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 10 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("dateTime")) {
result.add(new DateTimeType(Utilities.lowBoundaryForDate(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 17 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("time")) {
result.add(new TimeType(Utilities.lowBoundaryForTime(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 9 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("Quantity")) {
String value = getNamedValue(base, "value");
Base v = base.copy();
v.setProperty("value", new DecimalType(Utilities.lowBoundaryForDecimal(value, precision == null ? 8 : precision)));
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "sqrt", "(focus)", base.fhirType(), "decimal or date");
return result;
private List funcHighBoundary(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() == 0) {
return makeNull();
if (focus.size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "highBoundary", focus.size());
Integer precision = null;
if (expr.getParameters().size() > 0) {
List n1 = execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(0), true);
if (n1.size() != 1) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "lowBoundary", "0", "Multiple Values", "integer");
precision = Integer.parseInt(n1.get(0).primitiveValue());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("decimal")) {
if (precision == null || (precision >= 0 && precision < 17)) {
result.add(new DecimalType(Utilities.highBoundaryForDecimal(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 8 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("integer")) {
if (precision == null || (precision >= 0 && precision < 17)) {
result.add(new DecimalType(Utilities.highBoundaryForDecimal(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 8 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("date")) {
result.add(new DateTimeType(Utilities.highBoundaryForDate(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 10 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("dateTime")) {
result.add(new DateTimeType(Utilities.highBoundaryForDate(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 17 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("time")) {
result.add(new TimeType(Utilities.highBoundaryForTime(base.primitiveValue(), precision == null ? 9 : precision)));
} else if (base.hasType("Quantity")) {
String value = getNamedValue(base, "value");
Base v = base.copy();
v.setProperty("value", new DecimalType(Utilities.highBoundaryForDecimal(value, precision == null ? 8 : precision)));
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "sqrt", "(focus)", base.fhirType(), "decimal or date");
return result;
private List funcPrecision(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "highBoundary", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("decimal")) {
result.add(new IntegerType(Utilities.getDecimalPrecision(base.primitiveValue())));
} else if (base.hasType("date") || base.hasType("dateTime")) {
result.add(new IntegerType(Utilities.getDatePrecision(base.primitiveValue())));
} else if (base.hasType("time")) {
result.add(new IntegerType(Utilities.getTimePrecision(base.primitiveValue())));
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "sqrt", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"decimal or date");
return result;
private List funcRound(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
if (focus.size() != 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(focus.size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_FOCUS, "round", focus.size());
Base base = focus.get(0);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (base.hasType("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt")) {
int i = 0;
if (expr.getParameters().size() == 1) {
List n1 = execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(0), true);
if (n1.size() != 1) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "power", "0", "Multiple Values",
i = Integer.parseInt(n1.get(0).primitiveValue());
BigDecimal d = new BigDecimal(base.primitiveValue());
result.add(new DecimalType(d.setScale(i, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)));
} else {
makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_WRONG_PARAM_TYPE, "round", "(focus)", base.fhirType(),
"integer or decimal");
return result;
private static final char[] HEX_ARRAY = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();
public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
for (int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) {
int v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
hexChars[j * 2] = HEX_ARRAY[v >>> 4];
hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = HEX_ARRAY[v & 0x0F];
return new String(hexChars);
public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s) {
int len = s.length();
byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4) + Character.digit(s.charAt(i + 1), 16));
return data;
private List funcEncode(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String param = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1) {
String cnt = focus.get(0).primitiveValue();
if ("hex".equals(param)) {
result.add(new StringType(bytesToHex(cnt.getBytes())));
} else if ("base64".equals(param)) {
Base64.Encoder enc = Base64.getEncoder();
result.add(new StringType(enc.encodeToString(cnt.getBytes())));
} else if ("urlbase64".equals(param)) {
Base64.Encoder enc = Base64.getUrlEncoder();
result.add(new StringType(enc.encodeToString(cnt.getBytes())));
return result;
private List funcDecode(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String param = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1) {
String cnt = focus.get(0).primitiveValue();
if ("hex".equals(param)) {
result.add(new StringType(new String(hexStringToByteArray(cnt))));
} else if ("base64".equals(param)) {
Base64.Decoder enc = Base64.getDecoder();
result.add(new StringType(new String(enc.decode(cnt))));
} else if ("urlbase64".equals(param)) {
Base64.Decoder enc = Base64.getUrlDecoder();
result.add(new StringType(new String(enc.decode(cnt))));
return result;
private List funcEscape(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String param = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1) {
String cnt = focus.get(0).primitiveValue();
if ("html".equals(param)) {
result.add(new StringType(Utilities.escapeXml(cnt)));
} else if ("json".equals(param)) {
result.add(new StringType(Utilities.escapeJson(cnt)));
return result;
private List funcUnescape(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String param = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1) {
String cnt = focus.get(0).primitiveValue();
if ("html".equals(param)) {
result.add(new StringType(Utilities.unescapeXml(cnt)));
} else if ("json".equals(param)) {
result.add(new StringType(Utilities.unescapeJson(cnt)));
return result;
private List funcTrim(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1) {
String cnt = focus.get(0).primitiveValue();
result.add(new StringType(cnt.trim()));
return result;
private List funcSplit(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String param = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1) {
String cnt = focus.get(0).primitiveValue();
String[] sl = Utilities.simpleSplit(cnt, param);
for (String s : sl) {
result.add(new StringType(s));
return result;
private List funcJoin(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String param = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
String param2 = param;
if (exp.getParameters().size() == 2) {
nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(1), true);
param2 = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
List result = new ArrayList ();
CommaSeparatedStringBuilder b = new CommaSeparatedStringBuilder(param, param2);
for (Base i : focus) {
result.add(new StringType(b.toString()));
return result;
private List funcHtmlChecks1(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
// todo: actually check the HTML
if (focus.size() != 1) {
return makeBoolean(false);
XhtmlNode x = focus.get(0).getXhtml();
if (x == null) {
return makeBoolean(false);
return makeBoolean(checkHtmlNames(x));
private List funcHtmlChecks2(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
// todo: actually check the HTML
if (focus.size() != 1) {
return makeBoolean(false);
XhtmlNode x = focus.get(0).getXhtml();
if (x == null) {
return makeBoolean(false);
return makeBoolean(checkForContent(x));
private boolean checkForContent(XhtmlNode x) {
if ((x.getNodeType() == NodeType.Text && !Utilities.noString(x.getContent().trim()))
|| (x.getNodeType() == NodeType.Element && "img".equals(x.getName()))) {
return true;
for (XhtmlNode c : x.getChildNodes()) {
if (checkForContent(c)) {
return true;
return false;
private List funcComparable(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
if (focus.size() != 1 || !(focus.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity"))) {
return makeBoolean(false);
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
if (nl.size() != 1 || !(nl.get(0).fhirType().equals("Quantity"))) {
return makeBoolean(false);
String s1 = getNamedValue(focus.get(0), "system");
String u1 = getNamedValue(focus.get(0), "code");
String s2 = getNamedValue(nl.get(0), "system");
String u2 = getNamedValue(nl.get(0), "code");
if (s1 == null || s2 == null || !s1.equals(s2)) {
return makeBoolean(false);
if (u1 == null || u2 == null) {
return makeBoolean(false);
if (u1.equals(u2)) {
return makeBoolean(true);
if (s1.equals("http://unitsofmeasure.org") && worker.getUcumService() != null) {
try {
return makeBoolean(worker.getUcumService().isComparable(u1, u2));
} catch (UcumException e) {
return makeBoolean(false);
} else {
return makeBoolean(false);
private boolean checkHtmlNames(XhtmlNode node) {
if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.Comment) {
if (node.getContent().startsWith("DOCTYPE"))
return false;
if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.Element) {
if (!Utilities.existsInList(node.getName(), "p", "br", "div", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "a", "span",
"b", "em", "i", "strong", "small", "big", "tt", "small", "dfn", "q", "var", "abbr", "acronym", "cite",
"blockquote", "hr", "address", "bdo", "kbd", "q", "sub", "sup", "ul", "ol", "li", "dl", "dt", "dd", "pre",
"table", "caption", "colgroup", "col", "thead", "tr", "tfoot", "tbody", "th", "td", "code", "samp", "img",
"map", "area")) {
return false;
for (String an : node.getAttributes().keySet()) {
boolean ok = an.startsWith("xmlns") || Utilities.existsInList(an, "title", "style", "class", "id", "idref", "lang",
"xml:lang", "dir", "accesskey", "tabindex",
// tables
"span", "width", "align", "valign", "char", "charoff", "abbr", "axis", "headers", "scope", "rowspan",
"colspan") ||
Utilities.existsInList(node.getName() + "." + an, "a.href", "a.name", "img.src", "img.border", "div.xmlns",
"blockquote.cite", "q.cite", "a.charset", "a.type", "a.name", "a.href", "a.hreflang", "a.rel", "a.rev",
"a.shape", "a.coords", "img.src", "img.alt", "img.longdesc", "img.height", "img.width", "img.usemap",
"img.ismap", "map.name", "area.shape", "area.coords", "area.href", "area.nohref", "area.alt",
"table.summary", "table.width", "table.border", "table.frame", "table.rules", "table.cellspacing",
"table.cellpadding", "pre.space", "td.nowrap");
if (!ok) {
return false;
for (XhtmlNode c : node.getChildNodes()) {
if (!checkHtmlNames(c)) {
return false;
return true;
private List funcAll(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (exp.getParameters().size() == 1) {
List pc = new ArrayList ();
boolean all = true;
for (Base item : focus) {
Equality eq = asBool(execute(changeThis(context, item), pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true), exp);
if (eq != Equality.True) {
all = false;
result.add(new BooleanType(all).noExtensions());
} else {// (exp.getParameters().size() == 0) {
boolean all = true;
for (Base item : focus) {
Equality eq = asBool(item, true);
if (eq != Equality.True) {
all = false;
result.add(new BooleanType(all).noExtensions());
return result;
private ExecutionContext changeThis(ExecutionContext context, Base newThis) {
ExecutionContext newContext = new ExecutionContext(context.appInfo, context.focusResource, context.rootResource, context.context,
// append all of the defined variables from the context into the new context
if (context.definedVariables != null) {
for (String s : context.definedVariables.keySet()) {
newContext.setDefinedVariable(s, context.definedVariables.get(s));
return newContext;
private ExecutionContext contextForParameter(ExecutionContext context) {
ExecutionContext newContext = new ExecutionContext(context.appInfo, context.focusResource, context.rootResource, context.context, context.thisItem);
newContext.total = context.total;
newContext.index = context.index;
// append all of the defined variables from the context into the new context
if (context.definedVariables != null) {
for (String s : context.definedVariables.keySet()) {
newContext.setDefinedVariable(s, context.definedVariables.get(s));
return newContext;
private ExecutionTypeContext changeThis(ExecutionTypeContext context, TypeDetails newThis) {
ExecutionTypeContext newContext = new ExecutionTypeContext(context.appInfo, context.resource, context.context, newThis);
// append all of the defined variables from the context into the new context
if (context.definedVariables != null) {
for (String s : context.definedVariables.keySet()) {
newContext.setDefinedVariable(s, context.definedVariables.get(s));
return newContext;
private ExecutionTypeContext contextForParameter(ExecutionTypeContext context) {
ExecutionTypeContext newContext = new ExecutionTypeContext(context.appInfo, context.resource, context.context, context.thisItem);
// append all of the defined variables from the context into the new context
if (context.definedVariables != null) {
for (String s : context.definedVariables.keySet()) {
newContext.setDefinedVariable(s, context.definedVariables.get(s));
return newContext;
private List funcNow(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
return result;
private List funcToday(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
result.add(new DateType(new Date(), TemporalPrecisionEnum.DAY));
return result;
private List funcMemberOf(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
if (nl.size() != 1 || focus.size() != 1) {
return new ArrayList ();
String url = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
ValueSet vs = hostServices != null ? hostServices.resolveValueSet(this, context.appInfo, url)
: worker.fetchResource(ValueSet.class, url);
if (vs == null) {
return new ArrayList ();
Base l = focus.get(0);
if (Utilities.existsInList(l.fhirType(), "code", "string", "uri")) {
return makeBoolean(
worker.validateCode(terminologyServiceOptions.withGuessSystem(), TypeConvertor.castToCoding(l), vs).isOk());
} else if (l.fhirType().equals("Coding")) {
return makeBoolean(worker.validateCode(terminologyServiceOptions, TypeConvertor.castToCoding(l), vs).isOk());
} else if (l.fhirType().equals("CodeableConcept")) {
return makeBoolean(
worker.validateCode(terminologyServiceOptions, TypeConvertor.castToCodeableConcept(l), vs).isOk());
} else {
// System.out.println("unknown type in funcMemberOf: "+l.fhirType());
return new ArrayList ();
private List funcDescendants(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List current = new ArrayList ();
List added = new ArrayList ();
boolean more = true;
while (more) {
for (Base item : current) {
getChildrenByName(item, "*", added);
more = !added.isEmpty();
return result;
private List funcChildren(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (Base b : focus) {
getChildrenByName(b, "*", result);
return result;
private List funcReplace(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr)
throws FHIRException, PathEngineException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List tB = execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(0), true);
String t = convertToString(tB);
List rB = execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(1), true);
String r = convertToString(rB);
if (focus.size() == 0 || tB.size() == 0 || rB.size() == 0) {
} else if (focus.size() == 1) {
if (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion) {
String f = convertToString(focus.get(0));
if (Utilities.noString(f)) {
result.add(new StringType(""));
} else {
String n = f.replace(t, r);
result.add(new StringType(n));
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NO_COLLECTION, "replace", focus.size());
return result;
private List funcReplaceMatches(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List regexB = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String regex = convertToString(regexB);
List replB = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(1), true);
String repl = convertToString(replB);
if (focus.size() == 0 || regexB.size() == 0 || replB.size() == 0) {
} else if (focus.size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(regex)) {
if (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion) {
result.add(new StringType(convertToString(focus.get(0)).replaceAll(regex, repl)).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new StringType(convertToString(focus.get(0))).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcEndsWith(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List swb = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String sw = convertToString(swb);
if (focus.size() == 0) {
} else if (swb.size() == 0) {
} else if (Utilities.noString(sw)) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion) {
if (focus.size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(sw)) {
result.add(new BooleanType(convertToString(focus.get(0)).endsWith(sw)).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcToString(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
String value = convertToString(item);
if (value != null)
result.add(new StringType(value).noExtensions());
if (result.size() > 1) {
throw makeException(exp, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NO_COLLECTION, "toString", result.size());
return result;
private List funcToBoolean(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1) {
if (focus.get(0) instanceof BooleanType) {
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof IntegerType) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(focus.get(0).primitiveValue());
if (i == 0) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (i == 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof DecimalType) {
if (((DecimalType) focus.get(0)).getValue().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (((DecimalType) focus.get(0)).getValue().compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof StringType) {
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(focus.get(0).primitiveValue())) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(focus.get(0).primitiveValue())) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcToQuantity(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1) {
if (focus.get(0) instanceof Quantity) {
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof StringType) {
Quantity q = parseQuantityString(focus.get(0).primitiveValue());
if (q != null) {
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof IntegerType) {
result.add(new Quantity().setValue(new BigDecimal(focus.get(0).primitiveValue()))
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof DecimalType) {
result.add(new Quantity().setValue(new BigDecimal(focus.get(0).primitiveValue()))
return result;
private List funcToDateTime(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
// List result = new ArrayList ();
// result.add(new BooleanType(convertToBoolean(focus)));
// return result;
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "toDateTime");
private List funcToTime(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
// List result = new ArrayList ();
// result.add(new BooleanType(convertToBoolean(focus)));
// return result;
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "toTime");
private List funcToDecimal(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
String s = convertToString(focus);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (Utilities.isDecimal(s, true)) {
result.add(new DecimalType(s).noExtensions());
if ("true".equals(s)) {
result.add(new DecimalType(1).noExtensions());
if ("false".equals(s)) {
result.add(new DecimalType(0).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcIif(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
if (focus.size() > 1) {
throw makeException(exp, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NO_COLLECTION, "iif", focus.size());
List n1 = execute(focus.isEmpty() ? context : changeThis(context, focus.get(0)), focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
Equality v = asBool(n1, exp);
if (v == Equality.True) {
return execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(1), true);
} else if (exp.getParameters().size() < 3) {
return new ArrayList ();
} else {
return execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(2), true);
private List funcTake(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List n1 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
int i1 = Integer.parseInt(n1.get(0).primitiveValue());
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(focus.size(), i1); i++) {
return result;
private List funcUnion(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
if (!doContains(result, item)) {
for (Base item : execute(context, baseToList(context.thisItem), exp.getParameters().get(0), true)) {
if (!doContains(result, item)) {
return result;
private List funcCombine(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
for (Base item : execute(context, baseToList(context.thisItem), exp.getParameters().get(0), true)) {
return result;
private List funcIntersect(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List other = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
for (Base item : focus) {
if (!doContains(result, item) && doContains(other, item)) {
return result;
private List funcExclude(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List other = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
for (Base item : focus) {
if (!doContains(other, item)) {
return result;
private List funcSingle(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr)
throws PathEngineException {
if (focus.size() == 1) {
return focus;
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NO_COLLECTION, "single", focus.size());
private List funcIs(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr)
throws PathEngineException {
if (focus.size() == 0 || focus.size() > 1) {
return makeNull();
String ns = null;
String n = null;
ExpressionNode texp = expr.getParameters().get(0);
if (texp.getKind() != Kind.Name) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_PARAM_WRONG, texp.getKind(), "0", "is");
if (texp.getInner() != null) {
if (texp.getInner().getKind() != Kind.Name) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_PARAM_WRONG, texp.getKind(), "1", "is");
ns = texp.getName();
n = texp.getInner().getName();
} else if (Utilities.existsInList(texp.getName(), "Boolean", "Integer", "Decimal", "String", "DateTime", "Date",
"Time", "SimpleTypeInfo", "ClassInfo")) {
ns = "System";
n = texp.getName();
} else {
ns = "FHIR";
n = texp.getName();
if (ns.equals("System")) {
if (focus.get(0) instanceof Resource) {
return makeBoolean(false);
if (!(focus.get(0) instanceof Element) || ((Element) focus.get(0)).isDisallowExtensions()) {
String t = Utilities.capitalize(focus.get(0).fhirType());
if (n.equals(t)) {
return makeBoolean(true);
if ("Date".equals(t) && n.equals("DateTime")) {
return makeBoolean(true);
} else {
return makeBoolean(false);
} else {
return makeBoolean(false);
} else if (ns.equals("FHIR")) {
if (n.equals(focus.get(0).fhirType())) {
return makeBoolean(true);
} else {
StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchTypeDefinition(focus.get(0).fhirType());
while (sd != null) {
if (n.equals(sd.getType())) {
return makeBoolean(true);
sd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, sd.getBaseDefinition());
return makeBoolean(false);
} else {
return makeBoolean(false);
private List funcAs(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
String tn;
if (expr.getParameters().get(0).getInner() != null) {
tn = expr.getParameters().get(0).getName() + "." + expr.getParameters().get(0).getInner().getName();
} else {
tn = "FHIR." + expr.getParameters().get(0).getName();
if (!isKnownType(tn)) {
throw new PathEngineException("The type " + tn + " is not valid");
if (!doNotEnforceAsSingletonRule && focus.size() > 1) {
throw new PathEngineException("Attempt to use as() on more than one item (" + focus.size() + ")");
for (Base b : focus) {
if (tn.startsWith("System.")) {
if (b instanceof Element && ((Element) b).isDisallowExtensions()) {
if (b.hasType(tn.substring(7))) {
} else if (tn.startsWith("FHIR.")) {
String tnp = tn.substring(5);
if (b.fhirType().equals(tnp)) {
} else {
StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchTypeDefinition(b.fhirType());
while (sd != null) {
if (compareTypeNames(tnp, sd.getType())) {
sd = sd.getKind() == StructureDefinitionKind.PRIMITIVETYPE ? null
: worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, sd.getBaseDefinition(), sd);
return result;
private List funcOfType(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
String tn;
if (expr.getParameters().get(0).getInner() != null) {
tn = expr.getParameters().get(0).getName() + "." + expr.getParameters().get(0).getInner().getName();
} else {
tn = "FHIR." + expr.getParameters().get(0).getName();
if (!isKnownType(tn)) {
throw new PathEngineException("The type " + tn + " is not valid");
for (Base b : focus) {
if (tn.startsWith("System.")) {
if (b instanceof Element && ((Element) b).isDisallowExtensions()) {
if (b.hasType(tn.substring(7))) {
} else if (tn.startsWith("FHIR.")) {
String tnp = tn.substring(5);
if (b.fhirType().equals(tnp)) {
} else {
StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchTypeDefinition(b.fhirType());
while (sd != null) {
if (tnp.equals(sd.getType())) {
sd = sd.getKind() == StructureDefinitionKind.PRIMITIVETYPE ? null
: worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, sd.getBaseDefinition(), sd);
return result;
private List funcType(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
result.add(new ClassTypeInfo(item));
return result;
private List funcRepeat(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List current = new ArrayList ();
List added = new ArrayList ();
boolean more = true;
while (more) {
List pc = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : current) {
added.addAll(execute(changeThis(context, item), pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), false));
more = false;
for (Base b : added) {
boolean isnew = true;
for (Base t : result) {
if (b.equalsDeep(t)) {
isnew = false;
if (isnew) {
more = true;
return result;
private List funcAggregate(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
List total = new ArrayList ();
if (exp.parameterCount() > 1) {
total = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(1), false);
List pc = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
ExecutionContext c = changeThis(context, item);
c.total = total;
total = execute(c, pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
return total;
private List funcIsDistinct(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
if (focus.size() < 1) {
return makeBoolean(true);
if (focus.size() == 1) {
return makeBoolean(true);
boolean distinct = true;
for (int i = 0; i < focus.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < focus.size(); j++) {
Boolean eq = doEquals(focus.get(j), focus.get(i));
if (eq == null) {
return new ArrayList ();
} else if (eq == true) {
distinct = false;
return makeBoolean(distinct);
private List funcSupersetOf(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
List target = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
boolean valid = true;
for (Base item : target) {
boolean found = false;
for (Base t : focus) {
if (Base.compareDeep(item, t, false)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
valid = false;
List result = new ArrayList ();
result.add(new BooleanType(valid).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcSubsetOf(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List target = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
boolean valid = true;
for (Base item : focus) {
boolean found = false;
for (Base t : target) {
if (Base.compareDeep(item, t, false)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
valid = false;
List result = new ArrayList ();
result.add(new BooleanType(valid).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcExists(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
boolean empty = true;
List pc = new ArrayList ();
for (Base f : focus) {
if (exp.getParameters().size() == 1) {
Equality v = asBool(execute(changeThis(context, f), pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true), exp);
if (v == Equality.True) {
empty = false;
} else if (!f.isEmpty()) {
empty = false;
result.add(new BooleanType(!empty).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcResolve(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
Base refContext = null;
for (Base item : focus) {
String s = convertToString(item);
if (item.fhirType().equals("Reference")) {
refContext = item;
Property p = item.getChildByName("reference");
if (p != null && p.hasValues()) {
s = convertToString(p.getValues().get(0));
} else {
s = null; // a reference without any valid actual reference (just identifier or display,
// but we can't resolve it)
if (item.fhirType().equals("canonical")) {
s = item.primitiveValue();
refContext = item;
if (s != null) {
Base res = null;
if (s.startsWith("#")) {
Property p = context.rootResource.getChildByName("contained");
if (p != null) {
for (Base c : p.getValues()) {
if (chompHash(s).equals(chompHash(c.getIdBase()))) {
res = c;
} else if (hostServices != null) {
try {
res = hostServices.resolveReference(this, context.appInfo, s, refContext);
} catch (Exception e) {
res = null;
if (res != null) {
return result;
* Strips a leading hashmark (#) if present at the start of a string
private String chompHash(String theId) {
String retVal = theId;
while (retVal.startsWith("#")) {
retVal = retVal.substring(1);
return retVal;
private List funcExtension(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String url = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
for (Base item : focus) {
List ext = new ArrayList ();
getChildrenByName(item, "extension", ext);
getChildrenByName(item, "modifierExtension", ext);
for (Base ex : ext) {
List vl = new ArrayList ();
getChildrenByName(ex, "url", vl);
if (convertToString(vl).equals(url)) {
return result;
private List funcAllFalse(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (exp.getParameters().size() == 1) {
boolean all = true;
List pc = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
List res = execute(context, pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
Equality v = asBool(res, exp);
if (v != Equality.False) {
all = false;
result.add(new BooleanType(all).noExtensions());
} else {
boolean all = true;
for (Base item : focus) {
if (!canConvertToBoolean(item)) {
throw new FHIRException("Unable to convert '" + convertToString(item) + "' to a boolean");
Equality v = asBool(item, true);
if (v != Equality.False) {
all = false;
result.add(new BooleanType(all).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcAnyFalse(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (exp.getParameters().size() == 1) {
boolean any = false;
List pc = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
List res = execute(context, pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
Equality v = asBool(res, exp);
if (v == Equality.False) {
any = true;
result.add(new BooleanType(any).noExtensions());
} else {
boolean any = false;
for (Base item : focus) {
if (!canConvertToBoolean(item)) {
throw new FHIRException("Unable to convert '" + convertToString(item) + "' to a boolean");
Equality v = asBool(item, true);
if (v == Equality.False) {
any = true;
result.add(new BooleanType(any).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcAllTrue(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (exp.getParameters().size() == 1) {
boolean all = true;
List pc = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
List res = execute(context, pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
Equality v = asBool(res, exp);
if (v != Equality.True) {
all = false;
result.add(new BooleanType(all).noExtensions());
} else {
boolean all = true;
for (Base item : focus) {
if (!canConvertToBoolean(item)) {
throw new FHIRException("Unable to convert '" + convertToString(item) + "' to a boolean");
Equality v = asBool(item, true);
if (v != Equality.True) {
all = false;
result.add(new BooleanType(all).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcAnyTrue(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (exp.getParameters().size() == 1) {
boolean any = false;
List pc = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
List res = execute(context, pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
Equality v = asBool(res, exp);
if (v == Equality.True) {
any = true;
result.add(new BooleanType(any).noExtensions());
} else {
boolean any = false;
for (Base item : focus) {
if (!canConvertToBoolean(item)) {
throw new FHIRException("Unable to convert '" + convertToString(item) + "' to a boolean");
Equality v = asBool(item, true);
if (v == Equality.True) {
any = true;
result.add(new BooleanType(any).noExtensions());
return result;
private boolean canConvertToBoolean(Base item) {
return (item.isBooleanPrimitive());
private List funcTrace(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String name = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
if (exp.getParameters().size() == 2) {
List n2 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(1), true);
log(name, n2);
} else {
log(name, focus);
return focus;
private List funcDefineVariable(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List nl = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String name = nl.get(0).primitiveValue();
List value;
if (exp.getParameters().size() == 2) {
value = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(1), true);
} else {
value = focus;
// stash the variable into the context
context.setDefinedVariable(name, value);
return focus;
private List funcCheck(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr) throws FHIRException {
List n1 = execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(0), true);
if (!convertToBoolean(n1)) {
List n2 = execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(1), true);
String name = n2.get(0).primitiveValue();
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_CHECK_FAILED, name);
return focus;
private List funcDistinct(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
if (focus.size() <= 1) {
return focus;
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (int i = 0; i < focus.size(); i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = i + 1; j < focus.size(); j++) {
Boolean eq = doEquals(focus.get(j), focus.get(i));
if (eq == null)
return new ArrayList ();
else if (eq == true) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return result;
private List funcMatches(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List swb = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String sw = convertToString(swb);
if (focus.size() == 0 || swb.size() == 0) {
} else if (focus.size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(sw)) {
if (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion) {
String st = convertToString(focus.get(0));
if (Utilities.noString(st)) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?s)" + sw);
Matcher m = p.matcher(st);
boolean ok = m.find();
result.add(new BooleanType(ok).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcMatchesFull(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
String sw = convertToString(execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true));
if (focus.size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(sw)) {
if (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion) {
String st = convertToString(focus.get(0));
if (Utilities.noString(st)) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?s)" + sw);
Matcher m = p.matcher(st);
boolean ok = m.matches();
result.add(new BooleanType(ok).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcContains(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List swb = execute(context, baseToList(context.thisItem), exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String sw = convertToString(swb);
if (focus.size() != 1) {
} else if (swb.size() != 1) {
} else if (Utilities.noString(sw)) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion) {
String st = convertToString(focus.get(0));
if (Utilities.noString(st)) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(st.contains(sw)).noExtensions());
return result;
private List baseToList(Base b) {
List res = new ArrayList<>();
return res;
private List funcLength(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1 && (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion)) {
String s = convertToString(focus.get(0));
result.add(new IntegerType(s.length()).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcHasValue(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1) {
String s = convertToString(focus.get(0));
result.add(new BooleanType(!Utilities.noString(s)).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcStartsWith(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List swb = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String sw = convertToString(swb);
if (focus.size() == 0) {
// no result
} else if (swb.size() == 0) {
// no result
} else if (Utilities.noString(sw)) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion) {
String s = convertToString(focus.get(0));
if (s == null) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(s.startsWith(sw)).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcLower(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1 && (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion)) {
String s = convertToString(focus.get(0));
if (!Utilities.noString(s)) {
result.add(new StringType(s.toLowerCase()).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcUpper(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1 && (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion)) {
String s = convertToString(focus.get(0));
if (!Utilities.noString(s)) {
result.add(new StringType(s.toUpperCase()).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcToChars(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() == 1 && (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion)) {
String s = convertToString(focus.get(0));
for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
result.add(new StringType(String.valueOf(c)).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcIndexOf(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List swb = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
String sw = convertToString(swb);
if (focus.size() == 0) {
// no result
} else if (swb.size() == 0) {
// no result
} else if (Utilities.noString(sw)) {
result.add(new IntegerType(0).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion) {
String s = convertToString(focus.get(0));
if (s == null) {
result.add(new IntegerType(0).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new IntegerType(s.indexOf(sw)).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcSubstring(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List n1 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
int i1 = Integer.parseInt(n1.get(0).primitiveValue());
int i2 = -1;
if (exp.parameterCount() == 2) {
List n2 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(1), true);
if (n2.isEmpty() || !n2.get(0).isPrimitive() || !Utilities.isInteger(n2.get(0).primitiveValue())) {
return new ArrayList ();
i2 = Integer.parseInt(n2.get(0).primitiveValue());
if (focus.size() == 1 && (focus.get(0).hasType(FHIR_TYPES_STRING) || doImplicitStringConversion)) {
String sw = convertToString(focus.get(0));
String s;
if (i1 < 0 || i1 >= sw.length()) {
return new ArrayList ();
if (exp.parameterCount() == 2) {
s = sw.substring(i1, Math.min(sw.length(), i1 + i2));
} else {
s = sw.substring(i1);
if (!Utilities.noString(s)) {
result.add(new StringType(s).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcToInteger(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
String s = convertToString(focus);
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (Utilities.isInteger(s)) {
result.add(new IntegerType(s).noExtensions());
} else if ("true".equals(s)) {
result.add(new IntegerType(1).noExtensions());
} else if ("false".equals(s)) {
result.add(new IntegerType(0).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcIsInteger(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() != 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof IntegerType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof BooleanType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof StringType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(Utilities.isInteger(convertToString(focus.get(0)))).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcIsBoolean(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() != 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof IntegerType) {
new BooleanType(((IntegerType) focus.get(0)).getValue() >= 0 && ((IntegerType) focus.get(0)).getValue() <= 1)
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof DecimalType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(((DecimalType) focus.get(0)).getValue().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0
|| ((DecimalType) focus.get(0)).getValue().compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof BooleanType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof StringType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(Utilities.existsInList(convertToString(focus.get(0)).toLowerCase(), "true", "false"))
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcIsDateTime(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() != 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof DateTimeType || focus.get(0) instanceof DateType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof StringType) {
result.add(new BooleanType((convertToString(focus.get(0)).matches(
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcIsDate(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() != 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof DateTimeType || focus.get(0) instanceof DateType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof StringType) {
result.add(new BooleanType((convertToString(focus.get(0)).matches(
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcConformsTo(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode expr)
throws FHIRException {
if (hostServices == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_HO_HOST_SERVICES, "conformsTo");
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() != 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else {
String url = convertToString(execute(context, focus, expr.getParameters().get(0), true));
result.add(new BooleanType(hostServices.conformsToProfile(this, context.appInfo, focus.get(0), url)).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcIsTime(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() != 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof TimeType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof StringType) {
result.add(new BooleanType((convertToString(focus.get(0)).matches(
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcIsString(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() != 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (!(focus.get(0) instanceof DateTimeType) && !(focus.get(0) instanceof TimeType)) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcIsQuantity(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() != 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof IntegerType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof DecimalType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof Quantity) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof BooleanType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof StringType) {
Quantity q = parseQuantityString(focus.get(0).primitiveValue());
result.add(new BooleanType(q != null).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
public Quantity parseQuantityString(String s) {
if (s == null) {
return null;
s = s.trim();
if (s.contains(" ")) {
String v = s.substring(0, s.indexOf(" ")).trim();
s = s.substring(s.indexOf(" ")).trim();
if (!Utilities.isDecimal(v, false)) {
return null;
if (s.startsWith("'") && s.endsWith("'")) {
return Quantity.fromUcum(v, s.substring(1, s.length() - 1));
if (s.equals("year") || s.equals("years")) {
return Quantity.fromUcum(v, "a");
} else if (s.equals("month") || s.equals("months")) {
return Quantity.fromUcum(v, "mo_s");
} else if (s.equals("week") || s.equals("weeks")) {
return Quantity.fromUcum(v, "wk");
} else if (s.equals("day") || s.equals("days")) {
return Quantity.fromUcum(v, "d");
} else if (s.equals("hour") || s.equals("hours")) {
return Quantity.fromUcum(v, "h");
} else if (s.equals("minute") || s.equals("minutes")) {
return Quantity.fromUcum(v, "min");
} else if (s.equals("second") || s.equals("seconds")) {
return Quantity.fromUcum(v, "s");
} else if (s.equals("millisecond") || s.equals("milliseconds")) {
return Quantity.fromUcum(v, "ms");
} else {
return null;
} else {
if (Utilities.isDecimal(s, true)) {
return new Quantity().setValue(new BigDecimal(s)).setSystem("http://unitsofmeasure.org").setCode("1");
} else {
return null;
private List funcIsDecimal(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() != 1) {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof IntegerType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof BooleanType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof DecimalType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(true).noExtensions());
} else if (focus.get(0) instanceof StringType) {
result.add(new BooleanType(Utilities.isDecimal(convertToString(focus.get(0)), true)).noExtensions());
} else {
result.add(new BooleanType(false).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcCount(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
result.add(new IntegerType(focus.size()).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcSkip(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List n1 = execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true);
int i1 = Integer.parseInt(n1.get(0).primitiveValue());
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (int i = i1; i < focus.size(); i++) {
return result;
private List funcTail(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
for (int i = 1; i < focus.size(); i++) {
return result;
private List funcLast(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() > 0) {
result.add(focus.get(focus.size() - 1));
return result;
private List funcFirst(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
if (focus.size() > 0) {
return result;
private List funcWhere(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List pc = new ArrayList ();
for (Base item : focus) {
Equality v = asBool(execute(changeThis(context, item), pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true), exp);
if (v == Equality.True) {
return result;
private List funcSelect(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
List pc = new ArrayList ();
int i = 0;
for (Base item : focus) {
result.addAll(execute(changeThis(context, item).setIndex(i), pc, exp.getParameters().get(0), true));
return result;
private List funcItem(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) throws FHIRException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
String s = convertToString(execute(context, focus, exp.getParameters().get(0), true));
if (Utilities.isInteger(s) && Integer.parseInt(s) < focus.size()) {
return result;
private List funcEmpty(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp) {
List result = new ArrayList ();
result.add(new BooleanType(ElementUtil.isEmpty(focus)).noExtensions());
return result;
private List funcNot(ExecutionContext context, List focus, ExpressionNode exp)
throws PathEngineException {
List result = new ArrayList ();
Equality v = asBool(focus, exp);
if (v != Equality.Null) {
result.add(new BooleanType(v != Equality.True));
return result;
private class ElementDefinitionMatch {
private ElementDefinition definition;
private String fixedType;
public ElementDefinitionMatch(ElementDefinition definition, String fixedType) {
this.definition = definition;
this.fixedType = fixedType;
public ElementDefinition getDefinition() {
return definition;
public String getFixedType() {
return fixedType;
private void getChildTypesByName(String type, String name, TypeDetails result, ExpressionNode expr)
throws PathEngineException, DefinitionException {
if (Utilities.noString(type)) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NO_TYPE, "", "getChildTypesByName");
if (type.equals("http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/xhtml")) {
if (type.startsWith(Constants.NS_SYSTEM_TYPE)) {
if (type.equals(TypeDetails.FP_SimpleTypeInfo)) {
getSimpleTypeChildTypesByName(name, result);
} else if (type.equals(TypeDetails.FP_ClassInfo)) {
getClassInfoChildTypesByName(name, result);
} else {
String url = null;
if (type.contains("#")) {
url = type.substring(0, type.indexOf("#"));
} else {
url = type;
String tail = "";
StructureDefinition sd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, url);
if (sd == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NO_TYPE, url, "getChildTypesByName");
List sdl = new ArrayList();
ElementDefinitionMatch m = null;
if (type.contains("#"))
m = getElementDefinition(sd, type.substring(type.indexOf("#") + 1), false, expr);
if (m != null && hasDataType(m.definition)) {
if (m.fixedType != null) {
StructureDefinition dt = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class,
ProfileUtilities.sdNs(m.fixedType, worker.getOverrideVersionNs()));
if (dt == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NO_TYPE,
ProfileUtilities.sdNs(m.fixedType, worker.getOverrideVersionNs()), "getChildTypesByName");
} else
for (TypeRefComponent t : m.definition.getType()) {
StructureDefinition dt = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class,
ProfileUtilities.sdNs(t.getCode(), worker.getOverrideVersionNs()));
if (dt == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NO_TYPE,
ProfileUtilities.sdNs(t.getCode(), worker.getOverrideVersionNs()), "getChildTypesByName");
addTypeAndDescendents(sdl, dt, worker.allStructures());
// also add any descendant types
} else {
addTypeAndDescendents(sdl, sd, worker.allStructures());
if (type.contains("#")) {
tail = type.substring(type.indexOf("#") + 1);
tail = tail.substring(tail.indexOf("."));
for (StructureDefinition sdi : sdl) {
String path = sdi.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0).getPath() + tail + ".";
if (name.equals("**")) {
assert (result.getCollectionStatus() == CollectionStatus.UNORDERED);
for (ElementDefinition ed : sdi.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
if (ed.getPath().startsWith(path))
for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getType()) {
if (t.hasCode() && t.getCodeElement().hasValue()) {
String tn = null;
if (t.getCode().equals("Element") || t.getCode().equals("BackboneElement")) {
tn = sdi.getType() + "#" + ed.getPath();
} else {
tn = t.getCode();
if (t.getCode().equals("Resource")) {
for (String rn : worker.getResourceNames()) {
if (!result.hasType(worker, rn)) {
getChildTypesByName(result.addType(rn), "**", result, expr);
} else if (!result.hasType(worker, tn)) {
getChildTypesByName(result.addType(tn), "**", result, expr);
} else if (name.equals("*")) {
assert (result.getCollectionStatus() == CollectionStatus.UNORDERED);
for (ElementDefinition ed : sdi.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
if (ed.getPath().startsWith(path) && !ed.getPath().substring(path.length()).contains("."))
for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getType()) {
if (Utilities.noString(t.getCode())) { // Element.id or Extension.url
} else if (t.getCode().equals("Element") || t.getCode().equals("BackboneElement")) {
result.addType(sdi.getType() + "#" + ed.getPath());
} else if (t.getCode().equals("Resource")) {
} else {
} else {
path = sdi.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0).getPath() + tail + "." + name;
ElementDefinitionMatch ed = getElementDefinition(sdi, path, isAllowPolymorphicNames(), expr);
if (ed != null) {
if (!Utilities.noString(ed.getFixedType()))
else {
for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getDefinition().getType()) {
if (Utilities.noString(t.getCode())) {
if (Utilities.existsInList(ed.getDefinition().getId(), "Element.id", "Extension.url")
|| Utilities.existsInList(ed.getDefinition().getBase().getPath(), "Resource.id", "Element.id",
"Extension.url")) {
result.addType(TypeDetails.FP_NS, "string");
break; // throw new PathEngineException("Illegal reference to primitive value attribute
// @ "+path);
ProfiledType pt = null;
if (t.getCode().equals("Element") || t.getCode().equals("BackboneElement")) {
pt = new ProfiledType(sdi.getUrl() + "#" + path);
} else if (t.getCode().equals("Resource")) {
} else {
pt = new ProfiledType(t.getCode());
if (pt != null) {
if (t.hasProfile()) {
if (ed.getDefinition().hasBinding()) {
private void addTypeAndDescendents(List sdl, StructureDefinition dt,
List types) {
for (StructureDefinition sd : types) {
if (sd.hasBaseDefinition() && sd.getBaseDefinition().equals(dt.getUrl())
&& sd.getDerivation() == TypeDerivationRule.SPECIALIZATION) {
addTypeAndDescendents(sdl, sd, types);
private void getClassInfoChildTypesByName(String name, TypeDetails result) {
if (name.equals("namespace")) {
if (name.equals("name")) {
private void getSimpleTypeChildTypesByName(String name, TypeDetails result) {
if (name.equals("namespace")) {
if (name.equals("name")) {
private ElementDefinitionMatch getElementDefinition(StructureDefinition sd, String path, boolean allowTypedName,
ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
for (ElementDefinition ed : sd.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
if (ed.getPath().equals(path)) {
if (ed.hasContentReference()) {
return getElementDefinitionById(sd, ed.getContentReference());
} else {
return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, null);
if (ed.getPath().endsWith("[x]") && path.startsWith(ed.getPath().substring(0, ed.getPath().length() - 3))
&& path.length() == ed.getPath().length() - 3) {
return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, null);
if (allowTypedName && ed.getPath().endsWith("[x]")
&& path.startsWith(ed.getPath().substring(0, ed.getPath().length() - 3))
&& path.length() > ed.getPath().length() - 3) {
String s = Utilities.uncapitalize(path.substring(ed.getPath().length() - 3));
if (primitiveTypes.contains(s)) {
return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, s);
} else {
return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, path.substring(ed.getPath().length() - 3));
if (ed.getPath().contains(".") && path.startsWith(ed.getPath() + ".") && (ed.getType().size() > 0)
&& !isAbstractType(ed.getType())) {
// now we walk into the type.
if (ed.getType().size() > 1) { // if there's more than one type, the test above would fail this
throw new Error("Internal typing issue....");
StructureDefinition nsd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class,
ProfileUtilities.sdNs(ed.getType().get(0).getCode(), worker.getOverrideVersionNs()));
if (nsd == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_NO_TYPE, ed.getType().get(0).getCode(),
return getElementDefinition(nsd, nsd.getId() + path.substring(ed.getPath().length()), allowTypedName, expr);
if (ed.hasContentReference() && path.startsWith(ed.getPath() + ".")) {
ElementDefinitionMatch m = getElementDefinitionById(sd, ed.getContentReference());
return getElementDefinition(sd, m.definition.getPath() + path.substring(ed.getPath().length()), allowTypedName,
return null;
private boolean isAbstractType(List list) {
return list.size() != 1 ? true
: Utilities.existsInList(list.get(0).getCode(), "Element", "BackboneElement", "Resource", "DomainResource");
private boolean hasType(ElementDefinition ed, String s) {
for (TypeRefComponent t : ed.getType()) {
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(t.getCode())) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean hasDataType(ElementDefinition ed) {
return ed.hasType() && !(ed.getType().get(0).getCode().equals("Element")
|| ed.getType().get(0).getCode().equals("BackboneElement"));
private ElementDefinitionMatch getElementDefinitionById(StructureDefinition sd, String ref) {
for (ElementDefinition ed : sd.getSnapshot().getElement()) {
if (ref.equals("#" + ed.getId())) {
return new ElementDefinitionMatch(ed, null);
return null;
public boolean hasLog() {
return log != null && log.length() > 0;
public String takeLog() {
if (!hasLog()) {
return "";
String s = log.toString();
log = new StringBuilder();
return s;
* given an element definition in a profile, what element contains the
* differentiating fixed for the element, given the differentiating expresssion.
* The expression is only allowed to use a subset of FHIRPath
* @param profile
* @param element
* @return
* @throws PathEngineException
* @throws DefinitionException
public TypedElementDefinition evaluateDefinition(ExpressionNode expr, StructureDefinition profile,
TypedElementDefinition element, StructureDefinition source, boolean dontWalkIntoReferences)
throws DefinitionException {
StructureDefinition sd = profile;
TypedElementDefinition focus = null;
boolean okToNotResolve = false;
if (expr.getKind() == Kind.Name) {
if (element.getElement().hasSlicing()) {
ElementDefinition slice = pickMandatorySlice(sd, element.getElement());
if (slice == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_NAME_ALREADY_SLICED,
element = new TypedElementDefinition(slice);
if (expr.getName().equals("$this")) {
focus = element;
} else {
List childDefinitions;
childDefinitions = profileUtilities.getChildMap(sd, element.getElement());
// if that's empty, get the children of the type
if (childDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
sd = fetchStructureByType(element, expr);
if (sd == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RESOLVE_DISCRIMINATOR_CANT_FIND,
element.getElement().getType().get(0).getProfile(), element.getElement().getId());
childDefinitions = profileUtilities.getChildMap(sd, sd.getSnapshot().getElementFirstRep());
for (ElementDefinition t : childDefinitions) {
if (tailMatches(t, expr.getName()) && !t.hasSlicing()) { // GG: slicing is a problem here. This is for an
// exetnsion with a fixed value (type slicing)
focus = new TypedElementDefinition(t);
} else if (expr.getKind() == Kind.Function) {
if ("resolve".equals(expr.getName())) {
if (element.getTypes().size() == 0) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_RESOLVE_NO_TYPE, element.getElement().getId());
if (element.getTypes().size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(element.getTypes().size(), expr,
I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_RESOLVE_MULTIPLE_TYPES, element.getElement().getId());
if (!element.getTypes().get(0).hasTarget()) {
element.getElement().getId(), element.getElement().getType().get(0).getCode() + ")");
if (element.getTypes().get(0).getTargetProfile().size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(element.getTypes().get(0).getTargetProfile().size(), expr,
I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RESOLVE_DISCRIMINATOR_NO_TARGET, element.getElement().getId());
sd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class,
if (sd == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_RESOLVE_DISCRIMINATOR_CANT_FIND,
element.getTypes().get(0).getTargetProfile(), element.getElement().getId());
focus = new TypedElementDefinition(sd.getSnapshot().getElementFirstRep());
} else if ("extension".equals(expr.getName())) {
String targetUrl = expr.getParameters().get(0).getConstant().primitiveValue();
List childDefinitions = profileUtilities.getChildMap(sd, element.getElement());
for (ElementDefinition t : childDefinitions) {
if (t.getPath().endsWith(".extension") && t.hasSliceName()) {
StructureDefinition exsd = (t.getType() == null || t.getType().isEmpty()
|| t.getType().get(0).getProfile().isEmpty()) ? null
: worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class,
while (exsd != null
&& !exsd.getBaseDefinition().equals("http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Extension")) {
exsd = worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, exsd.getBaseDefinition());
if (exsd != null && exsd.getUrl().equals(targetUrl)) {
if (profileUtilities.getChildMap(sd, t).isEmpty()) {
sd = exsd;
focus = new TypedElementDefinition(t);
if (focus == null) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_CANT_FIND_EXTENSION, expr.toString(),
targetUrl, element.getElement().getId(), sd.getUrl());
} else if ("ofType".equals(expr.getName())) {
if (!element.getElement().hasType()) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_TYPE_NONE, element.getElement().getId());
List atn = new ArrayList<>();
for (TypeRefComponent tr : element.getTypes()) {
if (!tr.hasCode()) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_NO_CODE, element.getElement().getId());
String stn = expr.getParameters().get(0).getName();
okToNotResolve = true;
if ((atn.contains(stn))) {
if (element.getTypes().size() > 1) {
focus = new TypedElementDefinition(element.getElement(), stn);
} else {
focus = element;
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_BAD_NAME, expr.getName());
} else if (expr.getKind() == Kind.Group) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_BAD_SYNTAX_GROUP, expr.toString());
} else if (expr.getKind() == Kind.Constant) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_BAD_SYNTAX_CONST);
if (focus == null) {
if (okToNotResolve) {
return null;
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_CANT_FIND, expr.toString(), source.getUrl(),
element.getElement().getId(), profile.getUrl());
} else {
// gdg 26-02-2022. If we're walking towards a resolve() and we're on a
// reference, and we try to walk into the reference
// then we don't do that. .resolve() is allowed on the Reference.reference, but
// the target of the reference will be defined
// on the Reference, not the reference.reference.
ExpressionNode next = expr.getInner();
if (dontWalkIntoReferences && focus.hasType("Reference") && next != null && next.getKind() == Kind.Name
&& next.getName().equals("reference")) {
next = next.getInner();
if (next == null) {
return focus;
} else {
return evaluateDefinition(next, sd, focus, profile, dontWalkIntoReferences);
private ElementDefinition pickMandatorySlice(StructureDefinition sd, ElementDefinition element)
throws DefinitionException {
List list = profileUtilities.getSliceList(sd, element);
for (ElementDefinition ed : list) {
if (ed.getMin() > 0) {
return ed;
return null;
private StructureDefinition fetchStructureByType(TypedElementDefinition ed, ExpressionNode expr)
throws DefinitionException {
if (ed.getTypes().size() == 0) {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_NOTYPE, ed.getElement().getId());
if (ed.getTypes().size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(ed.getTypes().size(), expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_DISCRIMINATOR_MULTIPLE_TYPES,
if (ed.getTypes().get(0).getProfile().size() > 1) {
throw makeExceptionPlural(ed.getTypes().get(0).getProfile().size(), expr,
if (ed.getTypes().get(0).hasProfile()) {
return worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class, ed.getTypes().get(0).getProfile().get(0).getValue());
} else {
return worker.fetchResource(StructureDefinition.class,
ProfileUtilities.sdNs(ed.getTypes().get(0).getCode(), worker.getOverrideVersionNs()));
private boolean tailMatches(ElementDefinition t, String d) {
String tail = tailDot(t.getPath());
if (d.contains("[")) {
return tail.startsWith(d.substring(0, d.indexOf('[')));
} else if (tail.equals(d)) {
return true;
} else if (t.getType().size() == 1 && t.getType().get(0).getCode() != null && t.getPath() != null
&& t.getPath().toUpperCase().endsWith(t.getType().get(0).getCode().toUpperCase())) {
return tail.startsWith(d);
} else if (t.getPath().endsWith("[x]") && tail.startsWith(d)) {
return true;
return false;
private String tailDot(String path) {
return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
private Equality asBool(List items, ExpressionNode expr) throws PathEngineException {
if (items.size() == 0) {
return Equality.Null;
} else if (items.size() == 1 && items.get(0).isBooleanPrimitive()) {
return asBool(items.get(0), true);
} else if (items.size() == 1) {
return Equality.True;
} else {
throw makeException(expr, I18nConstants.FHIRPATH_UNABLE_BOOLEAN, convertToString(items));
private Equality asBoolFromInt(String s) {
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
switch (i) {
case 0:
return Equality.False;
case 1:
return Equality.True;
return Equality.Null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return Equality.Null;
private Equality asBoolFromDec(String s) {
try {
BigDecimal d = new BigDecimal(s);
if (d.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
return Equality.False;
} else if (d.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
return Equality.True;
} else {
return Equality.Null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return Equality.Null;
private Equality asBool(Base item, boolean narrow) {
if (item instanceof BooleanType) {
return boolToTriState(((BooleanType) item).booleanValue());
} else if (item.isBooleanPrimitive()) {
if (Utilities.existsInList(item.primitiveValue(), "true")) {
return Equality.True;
} else if (Utilities.existsInList(item.primitiveValue(), "false")) {
return Equality.False;
} else {
return Equality.Null;
} else if (narrow) {
return Equality.False;
} else if (item instanceof IntegerType
|| Utilities.existsInList(item.fhirType(), "integer", "positiveint", "unsignedInt")) {
return asBoolFromInt(item.primitiveValue());
} else if (item instanceof DecimalType || Utilities.existsInList(item.fhirType(), "decimal")) {
return asBoolFromDec(item.primitiveValue());
} else if (Utilities.existsInList(item.fhirType(), FHIR_TYPES_STRING)) {
if (Utilities.existsInList(item.primitiveValue(), "true", "t", "yes", "y")) {
return Equality.True;
} else if (Utilities.existsInList(item.primitiveValue(), "false", "f", "no", "n")) {
return Equality.False;
} else if (Utilities.isInteger(item.primitiveValue())) {
return asBoolFromInt(item.primitiveValue());
} else if (Utilities.isDecimal(item.primitiveValue(), true)) {
return asBoolFromDec(item.primitiveValue());
} else {
return Equality.Null;
return Equality.Null;
private Equality boolToTriState(boolean b) {
return b ? Equality.True : Equality.False;
public ValidationOptions getTerminologyServiceOptions() {
return terminologyServiceOptions;
public IWorkerContext getWorker() {
return worker;
public boolean isAllowPolymorphicNames() {
return allowPolymorphicNames;
public void setAllowPolymorphicNames(boolean allowPolymorphicNames) {
this.allowPolymorphicNames = allowPolymorphicNames;
public boolean isLiquidMode() {
return liquidMode;
public void setLiquidMode(boolean liquidMode) {
this.liquidMode = liquidMode;
public ProfileUtilities getProfileUtilities() {
return profileUtilities;
public boolean isAllowDoubleQuotes() {
return allowDoubleQuotes;
public void setAllowDoubleQuotes(boolean allowDoubleQuotes) {
this.allowDoubleQuotes = allowDoubleQuotes;
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