org.hl7.fhir.validation.IgLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.hl7.fhir.validation;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
import org.hl7.fhir.convertors.factory.VersionConvertorFactory_10_50;
import org.hl7.fhir.convertors.factory.VersionConvertorFactory_14_50;
import org.hl7.fhir.convertors.factory.VersionConvertorFactory_30_50;
import org.hl7.fhir.convertors.factory.VersionConvertorFactory_40_50;
import org.hl7.fhir.convertors.factory.VersionConvertorFactory_43_50;
import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.context.IContextResourceLoader;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.context.SimpleWorkerContext;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.elementmodel.Manager;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.formats.JsonParser;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.formats.XmlParser;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Constants;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ImplementationGuide;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.Resource;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils.structuremap.StructureMapUtilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.ByteProvider;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.IniFile;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.TextFile;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.VersionUtilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.filesystem.ManagedFileAccess;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.http.HTTPResult;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.http.ManagedWebAccess;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.npm.FilesystemPackageCacheManager;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.npm.NpmPackage;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.turtle.Turtle;
import org.hl7.fhir.validation.IgLoader.IDirectPackageProvider;
import org.hl7.fhir.validation.ValidationEngine.IValidationEngineLoader;
import org.hl7.fhir.validation.ValidatorUtils.SourceFile;
import org.hl7.fhir.validation.cli.utils.Common;
import org.hl7.fhir.validation.cli.utils.VersionSourceInformation;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
public class IgLoader implements IValidationEngineLoader {
* This is used in testing to allow tests to deal with unreleased packages
public interface IDirectPackageProvider {
InputStream fetchByPackage(String src) throws IOException;
private static final String[] IGNORED_EXTENSIONS = {"md", "css", "js", "png", "gif", "jpg", "html", "tgz", "pack", "zip"};
private static final String[] EXEMPT_FILES = {"spec.internals", "version.info", "schematron.zip", "package.json"};
private static final int SCAN_HEADER_SIZE = 2048;
@Getter private final FilesystemPackageCacheManager packageCacheManager;
@Getter private final SimpleWorkerContext context;
@Getter private final String version;
@Getter private final boolean isDebug;
@Getter @Setter private IDirectPackageProvider directProvider;
public IgLoader(FilesystemPackageCacheManager packageCacheManager,
SimpleWorkerContext context,
String theVersion) {
this(packageCacheManager, context, theVersion, false);
public IgLoader(FilesystemPackageCacheManager packageCacheManager,
SimpleWorkerContext context,
String theVersion,
boolean isDebug) {
this.packageCacheManager = packageCacheManager;
this.context = context;
this.version = theVersion;
this.isDebug = isDebug;
* @param igs
* @param binaries
* @param src Source of the IG
* @param recursive
* @throws IOException
* @throws FHIRException
* @see IgLoader#loadIgSource(String, boolean, boolean) loadIgSource for detailed description of the src parameter
public void loadIg(List igs,
Map binaries,
String src,
boolean recursive) throws IOException, FHIRException {
final String explicitFhirVersion;
final String srcPackage;
if (src.startsWith("[") && src.indexOf(']', 1) > 1) {
explicitFhirVersion = src.substring(1,src.indexOf(']', 1));
srcPackage = src.substring(src.indexOf(']',1) + 1);
if (!VersionUtilities.isSupportedVersion(explicitFhirVersion)) {
throw new FHIRException("Unsupported FHIR Version: " + explicitFhirVersion + " valid versions are " + VersionUtilities.listSupportedVersions());
} else {
explicitFhirVersion = null;
srcPackage = src;
NpmPackage npm = srcPackage.matches(FilesystemPackageCacheManager.PACKAGE_VERSION_REGEX_OPT) && !ManagedFileAccess.file(srcPackage).exists() ? getPackageCacheManager().loadPackage(srcPackage, null) : null;
if (npm == null && ManagedFileAccess.file(srcPackage).exists()) {
// try treating the file as an npm
try {
npm = NpmPackage.fromPackage(ManagedFileAccess.inStream(srcPackage));
} catch (Exception e) {
// nothing - any errors will be properly handled later in the process
if (npm != null) {
for (String s : npm.dependencies()) {
if (!getContext().getLoadedPackages().contains(s)) {
if (!VersionUtilities.isCorePackage(s)) {
loadIg(igs, binaries, s, false);
System.out.print(" Load " + srcPackage);
if (!srcPackage.contains("#")) {
System.out.print("#" + npm.version());
IContextResourceLoader loader = ValidatorUtils.loaderForVersion(npm.fhirVersion());
int count = getContext().loadFromPackage(npm, loader);
System.out.println(" - " + count + " resources (" + getContext().clock().milestone() + ")");
} else {
System.out.print(" Load " + srcPackage);
String canonical = null;
int count = 0;
Map source = loadIgSource(srcPackage, recursive, true);
String version = Constants.VERSION;
if (getVersion() != null) {
version = getVersion();
if (source.containsKey("version.info")) {
version = readInfoVersion(source.get("version.info"));
if (explicitFhirVersion != null) {
version = explicitFhirVersion;
for (Map.Entry t : source.entrySet()) {
String fn = t.getKey();
if (!exemptFile(fn)) {
Resource r = loadFileWithErrorChecking(version, t, fn);
if (r != null) {
if (r instanceof ImplementationGuide) {
canonical = ((ImplementationGuide) r).getUrl();
igs.add((ImplementationGuide) r);
if (canonical.contains("/ImplementationGuide/")) {
Resource r2 = r.copy();
((ImplementationGuide) r2).setUrl(canonical.substring(0, canonical.indexOf("/ImplementationGuide/")));
if (canonical != null) {
ValidatorUtils.grabNatives(binaries, source, canonical);
System.out.println(" - " + count + " resources (" + getContext().clock().milestone() + ")");
* @param source
* @param opName
* @param asIg
* @return
* @throws FHIRException
* @throws IOException
* * @see IgLoader#loadIgSource(String, boolean, boolean) loadIgSource for detailed description of the src parameter
public Content loadContent(String source, String opName, boolean asIg, boolean mustLoad) throws FHIRException, IOException {
Map s = loadIgSource(source, false, asIg);
Content res = new Content();
if (!mustLoad && s.size() == 0) {
return null;
if (s.size() != 1)
throw new FHIRException("Unable to find resource " + source + " to " + opName);
for (Map.Entry t : s.entrySet()) {
if (t.getKey().endsWith(".json"))
else if (t.getKey().endsWith(".ndjson"))
else if (t.getKey().endsWith(".xml"))
else if (t.getKey().endsWith(".ttl"))
else if (t.getKey().endsWith(".shc"))
else if (t.getKey().endsWith(".txt"))
else if (t.getKey().endsWith(".fml") || t.getKey().endsWith(".map"))
throw new FHIRException("Todo: Determining resource type is not yet done");
return res;
* @param src can be one of the following:
- a canonical url for an ig - this will be converted to a package id and loaded into the cache
- a package id for an ig - this will be loaded into the cache
- a direct reference to a package ("package.tgz") - this will be extracted by the cache manager, but not put in the cache
- a folder containing resources - these will be loaded directly
* @param recursive if true and src resolves to a folder, recursively find and load IgSources from that directory
* @param explore should be true if we're trying to load an -ig parameter, and false if we're loading source
* @return
* @throws FHIRException
* @throws IOException
public Map loadIgSource(String src,
boolean recursive,
boolean explore) throws FHIRException, IOException {
if (Common.isNetworkPath(src)) {
String v = null;
if (src.contains("|")) {
v = src.substring(src.indexOf("|") + 1);
src = src.substring(0, src.indexOf("|"));
String pid = explore ? getPackageCacheManager().getPackageId(src) : null;
if (!Utilities.noString(pid))
return fetchByPackage(pid + (v == null ? "" : "#" + v), false);
return fetchFromUrl(src + (v == null ? "" : "|" + v), explore);
File f = ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(src));
if (f.exists()) {
if (f.isDirectory() && ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(src, "package.tgz")).exists()) {
FileInputStream stream = ManagedFileAccess.inStream(Utilities.path(src, "package.tgz"));
try {
return loadPackage(stream, Utilities.path(src, "package.tgz"), false);
} finally {
if (f.isDirectory() && ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(src, "igpack.zip")).exists()) {
FileInputStream stream = ManagedFileAccess.inStream(Utilities.path(src, "igpack.zip"));
try {
return readZip(stream);
} finally {
if (f.isDirectory() && ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(src, "validator.pack")).exists()) {
FileInputStream stream = ManagedFileAccess.inStream(Utilities.path(src, "validator.pack"));
try {
return readZip(stream);
} finally {
if (f.isDirectory()) {
return scanDirectory(f, recursive);
FileInputStream stream = ManagedFileAccess.inStream(src);
try {
if (src.endsWith(".tgz")) {
Map res = loadPackage(stream, src, false);
return res;
if (src.endsWith(".pack")) {
return readZip(stream);
if (src.endsWith("igpack.zip")) {
return readZip(stream);
} finally {
Manager.FhirFormat fmt = ResourceChecker.checkIsResource(getContext(), isDebug(), TextFile.fileToBytes(f), src, true);
if (fmt != null) {
Map res = new HashMap();
res.put(Utilities.changeFileExt(src, "." + fmt.getExtension()), ByteProvider.forFile(src));
return res;
} else if ((src.matches(FilesystemPackageCacheManager.PACKAGE_REGEX) || src.matches(FilesystemPackageCacheManager.PACKAGE_VERSION_REGEX)) && !src.endsWith(".zip") && !src.endsWith(".tgz")) {
return fetchByPackage(src, false);
throw new FHIRException("Unable to find/resolve/read " + (explore ? "-ig " : "") + src);
public void scanForIgVersion(String src,
boolean recursive,
VersionSourceInformation versions) throws IOException {
Map source = loadIgSourceForVersion(src, recursive, true, versions);
if (source != null) {
if (source.containsKey("version.info")) {
versions.see(readInfoVersion(source.get("version.info")), "version.info in " + src);
} else if (source.size() == 1) {
for (ByteProvider v : source.values()) {
scanForFhirVersion(versions, src, v);
public void scanForVersions(List sources, VersionSourceInformation versions) throws FHIRException, IOException {
List refs = new ArrayList<>();
ValidatorUtils.parseSources(sources, refs, context);
for (SourceFile ref : refs) {
Content cnt = loadContent(ref.getRef(), "validate", false, true);
scanForFhirVersion(versions, ref.getRef(), cnt.getFocus());
private void scanForFhirVersion(VersionSourceInformation versions, String ref, ByteProvider bp) throws IOException {
byte[] cnt = bp.getBytes();
String s = TextFile.bytesToString(cnt.length > SCAN_HEADER_SIZE ? Arrays.copyOfRange(cnt, 0, SCAN_HEADER_SIZE) : cnt).trim();
try {
int i = s.indexOf("fhirVersion");
if (i > 1) {
boolean xml = s.charAt(i) == '<';
i = find(s, i, '"');
if (!xml) {
i = find(s, i+1, '"');
if (i > 0) {
int j = find(s, i+1, '"');
if (j > 0) {
String v = s.substring(i+1, j);
if (VersionUtilities.isSemVer(v)) {
versions.see(VersionUtilities.getMajMin(v), "fhirVersion in " + ref);
i = find(s, i, '\'');
if (!xml) {
i = find(s, i+1, '\'');
if (i > 0) {
int j = find(s, i+1, '\'');
if (j > 0) {
String v = s.substring(i, j);
if (VersionUtilities.isSemVer(v)) {
versions.see(VersionUtilities.getMajMin(v), "fhirVersion in " + ref);
} catch (Exception e) {
// nothing
if (s.contains("http://hl7.org/fhir/3.0")) {
versions.see("3.0", "Profile in " + ref);
if (s.contains("http://hl7.org/fhir/1.0")) {
versions.see("1.0", "Profile in " + ref);
if (s.contains("http://hl7.org/fhir/4.0")) {
versions.see("4.0", "Profile in " + ref);
if (s.contains("http://hl7.org/fhir/1.4")) {
versions.see("1.4", "Profile in " + ref);
private int find(String s, int i, char c) {
while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) != c) {
return i == s.length() ? -1 : i;
protected Map readZip(InputStream stream) throws IOException {
Map res = new HashMap<>();
ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(stream);
ZipEntry zipEntry;
while ((zipEntry = zip.getNextEntry()) != null) {
String entryName = zipEntry.getName();
if (entryName.contains("..") || Path.of(entryName).isAbsolute()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Entry with an illegal path: " + entryName);
ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int n;
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
while ((n = ((InputStream) zip).read(buf, 0, 1024)) > -1) {
b.write(buf, 0, n);
res.put(entryName, ByteProvider.forBytes(b.toByteArray()));
return res;
private String loadPackageForVersion(InputStream stream) throws FHIRException, IOException {
return NpmPackage.fromPackage(stream).fhirVersion();
private InputStream fetchFromUrlSpecific(String source, boolean optional) throws FHIRException, IOException {
try {
HTTPResult res = ManagedWebAccess.get(Arrays.asList("web"), source + "?nocache=" + System.currentTimeMillis());
return new ByteArrayInputStream(res.getContent());
} catch (IOException e) {
if (optional)
return null;
throw e;
private Map loadIgSourceForVersion(String src,
boolean recursive,
boolean explore,
VersionSourceInformation versions) throws FHIRException, IOException {
if (Common.isNetworkPath(src)) {
String v = null;
if (src.contains("|")) {
v = src.substring(src.indexOf("|") + 1);
src = src.substring(0, src.indexOf("|"));
String pid = getPackageCacheManager().getPackageId(src);
if (!Utilities.noString(pid)) {
versions.see(fetchVersionByPackage(pid + (v == null ? "" : "#" + v)), "Package " + src);
return null;
} else {
return fetchVersionFromUrl(src + (v == null ? "" : "|" + v), explore, versions);
File f = ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(src));
if (f.exists()) {
if (f.isDirectory() && ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(src, "package.tgz")).exists()) {
versions.see(loadPackageForVersion(ManagedFileAccess.inStream(Utilities.path(src, "package.tgz"))), "Package " + src);
return null;
if (f.isDirectory() && ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(src, "igpack.zip")).exists())
return readZip(ManagedFileAccess.inStream(Utilities.path(src, "igpack.zip")));
if (f.isDirectory() && ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(src, "validator.pack")).exists())
return readZip(ManagedFileAccess.inStream(Utilities.path(src, "validator.pack")));
if (f.isDirectory())
return scanDirectory(f, recursive);
if (src.endsWith(".tgz")) {
versions.see(loadPackageForVersion(ManagedFileAccess.inStream(src)), "Package " + src);
return null;
if (src.endsWith(".pack"))
return readZip(ManagedFileAccess.inStream(src));
if (src.endsWith("igpack.zip"))
return readZip(ManagedFileAccess.inStream(src));
Manager.FhirFormat fmt = ResourceChecker.checkIsResource(getContext(), isDebug(), TextFile.fileToBytes(f), src, true);
if (fmt != null) {
Map res = new HashMap();
res.put(Utilities.changeFileExt(src, "." + fmt.getExtension()), ByteProvider.forFile(src));
return res;
} else if ((src.matches(FilesystemPackageCacheManager.PACKAGE_REGEX) || src.matches(FilesystemPackageCacheManager.PACKAGE_VERSION_REGEX)) && !src.endsWith(".zip") && !src.endsWith(".tgz")) {
versions.see(fetchVersionByPackage(src), "Package " + src);
return null;
throw new FHIRException("Unable to find/resolve/read -ig " + src);
private Map fetchByPackage(String src, boolean loadInContext) throws FHIRException, IOException {
NpmPackage pi;
if (directProvider != null) {
InputStream stream = directProvider.fetchByPackage(src);
if (stream != null) {
pi = NpmPackage.fromPackage(stream);
return loadPackage(pi, loadInContext);
String id = src;
String version = null;
if (src.contains("#")) {
id = src.substring(0, src.indexOf("#"));
version = src.substring(src.indexOf("#") + 1);
if (version == null) {
version = getPackageCacheManager().getLatestVersion(id);
if (version == null) {
pi = getPackageCacheManager().loadPackageFromCacheOnly(id);
if (pi != null)
System.out.println(" ... Using version " + pi.version());
} else
pi = getPackageCacheManager().loadPackage(id, version);
if (pi == null) {
throw new FHIRException("Unable to find package "+src);
} else
return loadPackage(pi, loadInContext);
private Map loadPackage(InputStream stream, String name, boolean loadInContext) throws FHIRException, IOException {
return loadPackage(NpmPackage.fromPackage(stream), loadInContext);
public Map loadPackage(NpmPackage pi, boolean loadInContext) throws FHIRException, IOException {
Map res = new HashMap();
for (String s : pi.dependencies()) {
if (s.endsWith(".x") && s.length() > 2) {
String packageMajorMinor = s.substring(0, s.length() - 2);
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < getContext().getLoadedPackages().size() && !found; ++i) {
String loadedPackage = getContext().getLoadedPackages().get(i);
if (loadedPackage.startsWith(packageMajorMinor)) {
found = true;
if (found)
if (!getContext().getLoadedPackages().contains(s)) {
if (!VersionUtilities.isCorePackage(s)) {
System.out.println("+ .. load IG from " + s);
res.putAll(fetchByPackage(s, loadInContext));
if (!pi.isCoreExamples()) {
if (loadInContext) {
// getContext().getLoadedPackages().add(pi.name() + "#" + pi.version());
getContext().loadFromPackage(pi, ValidatorUtils.loaderForVersion(pi.fhirVersion()));
for (String s : pi.listResources("CodeSystem", "ConceptMap", "ImplementationGuide", "CapabilityStatement", "SearchParameter", "Conformance", "StructureMap", "ValueSet", "StructureDefinition")) {
res.put(s, pi.getProvider("package", s));
String ini = "[FHIR]\r\nversion=" + pi.fhirVersion() + "\r\n";
res.put("version.info", ByteProvider.forBytes(ini.getBytes()));
return res;
private Map resolvePackage(String id, String v, boolean loadInContext) throws FHIRException, IOException {
NpmPackage pi = getPackageCacheManager().loadPackage(id, v);
if (pi != null && v == null)
System.out.println(" ... Using version " + pi.version());
return loadPackage(pi, loadInContext);
private String readInfoVersion(ByteProvider bs) throws IOException {
String is = TextFile.bytesToString(bs.getBytes());
is = is.trim();
IniFile ini = new IniFile(new ByteArrayInputStream(TextFile.stringToBytes(is)));
return ini.getStringProperty("FHIR", "version");
private byte[] fetchFromUrlSpecific(String source, String contentType, boolean optional, List errors) throws FHIRException, IOException {
try {
try {
// try with cache-busting option and then try without in case the server doesn't support that
HTTPResult res = ManagedWebAccess.get(Arrays.asList("web"),source + "?nocache=" + System.currentTimeMillis(), contentType);
return res.getContent();
} catch (Exception e) {
HTTPResult res = ManagedWebAccess.get(Arrays.asList("web"), source, contentType);
return res.getContent();
} catch (IOException e) {
if (errors != null) {
errors.add("Error accessing " + source + ": " + e.getMessage());
if (optional)
return null;
throw e;
private Map fetchVersionFromUrl(String src,
boolean explore,
VersionSourceInformation versions) throws FHIRException, IOException {
if (src.endsWith(".tgz")) {
versions.see(loadPackageForVersion(fetchFromUrlSpecific(src, false)), "From Package " + src);
return null;
if (src.endsWith(".pack"))
return readZip(fetchFromUrlSpecific(src, false));
if (src.endsWith("igpack.zip"))
return readZip(fetchFromUrlSpecific(src, false));
InputStream stream = null;
if (explore) {
stream = fetchFromUrlSpecific(Utilities.pathURL(src, "package.tgz"), true);
if (stream != null) {
versions.see(loadPackageForVersion(stream), "From Package at " + src);
return null;
// todo: these options are deprecated - remove once all IGs have been rebuilt post R4 technical correction
stream = fetchFromUrlSpecific(Utilities.pathURL(src, "igpack.zip"), true);
if (stream != null)
return readZip(stream);
stream = fetchFromUrlSpecific(Utilities.pathURL(src, "validator.pack"), true);
if (stream != null)
return readZip(stream);
stream = fetchFromUrlSpecific(Utilities.pathURL(src, "validator.pack"), true);
//// -----
// ok, having tried all that... now we'll just try to access it directly
byte[] cnt;
if (stream == null)
cnt = fetchFromUrlSpecific(src, "application/json", true, null);
cnt = TextFile.streamToBytes(stream);
Manager.FhirFormat fmt = ResourceChecker.checkIsResource(getContext(), isDebug(), cnt, src, true);
if (fmt != null) {
Map res = new HashMap();
res.put(Utilities.changeFileExt(src, "." + fmt.getExtension()), ByteProvider.forBytes(cnt));
return res;
String fn = Utilities.path("[tmp]", "fetch-resource-error-content.bin");
TextFile.bytesToFile(cnt, fn);
System.out.println("Error Fetching " + src);
System.out.println("Some content was found, saved to " + fn);
System.out.println("1st 100 bytes = " + presentForDebugging(cnt));
throw new FHIRException("Unable to find/resolve/read " + (explore ? "-ig " : "") + src);
private String fetchVersionByPackage(String src) throws FHIRException, IOException {
String id = src;
String version = null;
if (src.contains("#")) {
id = src.substring(0, src.indexOf("#"));
version = src.substring(src.indexOf("#") + 1);
if (version == null) {
version = getPackageCacheManager().getLatestVersion(id);
NpmPackage pi = null;
if (version == null) {
pi = getPackageCacheManager().loadPackageFromCacheOnly(id);
if (pi != null)
System.out.println(" ... Using version " + pi.version());
} else
pi = getPackageCacheManager().loadPackage(id, version);
if (pi == null) {
throw new FHIRException("Unable to resolve package "+src);
} else {
return pi.fhirVersion();
private Map fetchFromUrl(String src, boolean explore) throws FHIRException, IOException {
if (src.endsWith(".tgz"))
return loadPackage(fetchFromUrlSpecific(src, false), src, false);
if (src.endsWith(".pack"))
return readZip(fetchFromUrlSpecific(src, false));
if (src.endsWith("igpack.zip"))
return readZip(fetchFromUrlSpecific(src, false));
InputStream stream = null;
if (explore) {
stream = fetchFromUrlSpecific(Utilities.pathURL(src, "package.tgz"), true);
if (stream != null) {
try {
return loadPackage(stream, Utilities.pathURL(src, "package.tgz"), false);
} catch (Exception e) {
// nothing
// ok, having tried all that... now we'll just try to access it directly
byte[] cnt;
List errors = new ArrayList<>();
cnt = fetchFromUrlSpecific(src, "application/json", true, errors);
if (cnt == null) {
cnt = fetchFromUrlSpecific(src, "application/xml", true, errors);
if (cnt == null) {
throw new FHIRException("Unable to fetch content from " + src + " (" + errors.toString() + ")");
Manager.FhirFormat fmt = checkFormat(cnt, src);
if (fmt != null) {
Map res = new HashMap<>();
res.put(Utilities.changeFileExt(src, "." + fmt.getExtension()), ByteProvider.forBytes(cnt));
return res;
throw new FHIRException("Unable to read content from " + src + ": cannot determine format");
private boolean isIgnoreFile(File ff) {
if (ff.getName().startsWith(".") || ff.getAbsolutePath().contains(".git")) {
return true;
return Utilities.existsInList(Utilities.getFileExtension(ff.getName()).toLowerCase(), IGNORED_EXTENSIONS);
private Map scanDirectory(File f, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
Map res = new HashMap<>();
for (File ff : f.listFiles()) {
if (ff.isDirectory() && recursive) {
res.putAll(scanDirectory(ff, true));
} else if (!ff.isDirectory() && !isIgnoreFile(ff)) {
Manager.FhirFormat fmt = ResourceChecker.checkIsResource(getContext(), isDebug(), TextFile.fileToBytes(ff), ff.getAbsolutePath(), true);
if (fmt != null) {
res.put(Utilities.changeFileExt(ff.getName(), "." + fmt.getExtension()), ByteProvider.forFile(ff));
return res;
private String resolvePackageForVersion(String id, String v) throws FHIRException, IOException {
NpmPackage pi = getPackageCacheManager().loadPackage(id, v);
return pi.fhirVersion();
private String presentForDebugging(byte[] cnt) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < Integer.min(cnt.length, 50); i++) {
return b.toString();
private Manager.FhirFormat checkFormat(byte[] cnt, String filename) throws IOException {
String text = TextFile.bytesToString(cnt);
System.out.println(" ..Detect format for " + filename);
try {
return Manager.FhirFormat.JSON;
} catch (Exception e) {
log("Not JSON: " + e.getMessage());
try {
return Manager.FhirFormat.XML;
} catch (Exception e) {
log("Not XML: " + e.getMessage());
try {
new Turtle().parse(TextFile.bytesToString(cnt));
return Manager.FhirFormat.TURTLE;
} catch (Exception e) {
log("Not Turtle: " + e.getMessage());
try {
new StructureMapUtilities(getContext(), null, null).parse(TextFile.bytesToString(cnt), null);
return Manager.FhirFormat.TEXT;
} catch (Exception e) {
log("Not Text: " + e.getMessage());
log(" .. not a resource: " + filename);
return null;
private boolean exemptFile(String fn) {
return Utilities.existsInList(fn, EXEMPT_FILES);
protected Resource loadFileWithErrorChecking(String version, Map.Entry t, String fn) {
log("* load file: " + fn);
Resource r = null;
try {
r = loadResourceByVersion(version, t.getValue().getBytes(), fn);
log(" .. success");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!isDebug()) {
System.out.print("* load file: " + fn);
System.out.println(" - ignored due to error: " + (e.getMessage() == null ? " (null - NPE)" : e.getMessage()));
if (isDebug() || ((e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("cannot be cast")))) {
return r;
public Resource loadResourceByVersion(String fhirVersion, byte[] content, String fn) throws IOException, FHIRException {
Resource r;
if (fhirVersion.startsWith("3.0")) {
org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Resource res;
if (fn.endsWith(".xml") && !fn.endsWith("template.xml"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.formats.XmlParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".json") && !fn.endsWith("template.json"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.formats.JsonParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".txt") || fn.endsWith(".map") || fn.endsWith(".fml"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.utils.StructureMapUtilities(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.context.SimpleWorkerContext.fromNothing()).parse(new String(content));
throw new FHIRException("Unsupported format for " + fn);
r = VersionConvertorFactory_30_50.convertResource(res);
} else if (fhirVersion.startsWith("4.0")) {
org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Resource res;
if (fn.endsWith(".xml") && !fn.endsWith("template.xml"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.r4.formats.XmlParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".json") && !fn.endsWith("template.json"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.r4.formats.JsonParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".txt") || fn.endsWith(".map") || fn.endsWith(".fml"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.r4.utils.StructureMapUtilities(org.hl7.fhir.r4.context.SimpleWorkerContext.fromNothing()).parse(new String(content), fn);
throw new FHIRException("Unsupported format for " + fn);
r = VersionConvertorFactory_40_50.convertResource(res);
} else if (fhirVersion.startsWith("4.3")) {
org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Resource res;
if (fn.endsWith(".xml") && !fn.endsWith("template.xml"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.r4b.formats.XmlParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".json") && !fn.endsWith("template.json"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.r4b.formats.JsonParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".txt") || fn.endsWith(".map") || fn.endsWith(".fml"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.r4b.utils.structuremap.StructureMapUtilities(org.hl7.fhir.r4b.context.SimpleWorkerContext.fromNothing()).parse(new String(content), fn);
throw new FHIRException("Unsupported format for " + fn);
r = VersionConvertorFactory_43_50.convertResource(res);
} else if (fhirVersion.startsWith("1.4")) {
org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model.Resource res;
if (fn.endsWith(".xml") && !fn.endsWith("template.xml"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.formats.XmlParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".json") && !fn.endsWith("template.json"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.formats.JsonParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
throw new FHIRException("Unsupported format for " + fn);
r = VersionConvertorFactory_14_50.convertResource(res);
} else if (fhirVersion.startsWith("1.0")) {
org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.model.Resource res;
if (fn.endsWith(".xml") && !fn.endsWith("template.xml"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.formats.JsonParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".json") && !fn.endsWith("template.json"))
res = new org.hl7.fhir.dstu2.formats.JsonParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
throw new FHIRException("Unsupported format for " + fn);
r = VersionConvertorFactory_10_50.convertResource(res, new org.hl7.fhir.convertors.misc.IGR2ConvertorAdvisor5());
} else if (fhirVersion.startsWith("5.0")) {
if (fn.endsWith(".xml") && !fn.endsWith("template.xml"))
r = new XmlParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".json") && !fn.endsWith("template.json"))
r = new JsonParser().parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
else if (fn.endsWith(".txt"))
r = new StructureMapUtilities(getContext(), null, null).parse(TextFile.bytesToString(content), fn);
else if (fn.endsWith(".map") || fn.endsWith(".fml"))
r = new StructureMapUtilities(context).parse(new String(content), fn);
throw new FHIRException("Unsupported format for " + fn);
} else
throw new FHIRException("Unsupported version " + fhirVersion);
return r;
private void log(String s) {
if (isDebug()) {
public void load(Content cnt) throws FHIRException, IOException {
Resource res = loadResourceByVersion(version, cnt.getFocus().getBytes(), cnt.getExampleFileName());
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