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org.hl7.fhir.validation.special.TxTestData Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.hl7.fhir.validation.special;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.hl7.fhir.r5.test.utils.TestingUtilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.TextFile;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.filesystem.ManagedFileAccess;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json.JsonException;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json.model.JsonObject;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json.parser.JsonParser;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.npm.FilesystemPackageCacheManager;
import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.npm.NpmPackage;
import java.util.*;
public class TxTestData {
private final JsonObject manifest;
private final JsonObject externals;
private final List testData;
private final NpmPackage npm;
private final File folder;
private final String code;
private final String version;
private final String testFileName;
private TxTestData(List testData, JsonObject manifest, JsonObject externals, NpmPackage npm, String code, String version) throws IOException {
this.testData = testData;
this.manifest = manifest;
this.externals = externals;
this.npm = npm;
this.folder = null;
this.code = code;
this.version = version;
this.testFileName = "test-cases.json";
private TxTestData(List testData, JsonObject manifest, JsonObject externals, File folder, String filename, String code, String version) throws IOException {
this.testData = testData;
this.manifest = manifest;
this.externals = externals;
this.npm = null;
this.folder = folder;
this.code = code;
this.version = version;
this.testFileName = filename;
public static TxTestData loadTestDataFromFolder(File folder, String name) throws IOException {
String contents = TextFile.streamToString(loadFile(folder, name));
String externalSource = ManagedFileAccess.file(folder.getAbsolutePath(), "").exists() ?
TextFile.streamToString(loadFile(folder, "")) : null;
JsonObject externals = externalSource == null ? new JsonObject() : org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json.parser.JsonParser.parseObject(externalSource);
Map examples = new HashMap();
JsonObject manifest = org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json.parser.JsonParser.parseObject(contents);
for (JsonObject suite : manifest.getJsonObjects("suites")) {
if (!"".equals(suite.asString("mode"))) {
String sn = suite.asString("name");
for (JsonObject test : suite.getJsonObjects("tests")) {
String tn = test.asString("name");
examples.put(sn + "." + tn, new TxTestSetup(suite, test));
List names = new ArrayList(examples.size());
List testData = new ArrayList(examples.size());
for (String id : names) {
testData.add(new Object[]{id, examples.get(id)});
return new TxTestData(testData, manifest, externals, folder, name, manifest.asString("code"), manifest.asString("version"));
private static InputStream loadFile(File folder, String filename) throws IOException {
File f = ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(folder.getAbsolutePath(), filename));
return ManagedFileAccess.inStream(f);
public static TxTestData loadTestDataFromPackage(String source) throws IOException {
FilesystemPackageCacheManager pcm = new FilesystemPackageCacheManager.Builder().build();
NpmPackage npm = pcm.loadPackage(source);
String contents = TextFile.streamToString(npm.load("tests", "test-cases.json"));
String externalSource = TextFile.streamToString(npm.load("tests", ""));
JsonObject externals = org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json.parser.JsonParser.parseObject(externalSource);
Map examples = new HashMap();
JsonObject manifest = org.hl7.fhir.utilities.json.parser.JsonParser.parseObject(contents);
for (JsonObject suite : manifest.getJsonObjects("suites")) {
if (!"".equals(suite.asString("mode"))) {
String sn = suite.asString("name");
for (JsonObject test : suite.getJsonObjects("tests")) {
String tn = test.asString("name");
examples.put(sn + "." + tn, new TxTestSetup(suite, test));
List names = new ArrayList(examples.size());
List testData = new ArrayList(examples.size());
for (String id : names) {
testData.add(new Object[]{id, examples.get(id)});
return new TxTestData(testData, manifest, externals, npm, manifest.asString("code"), manifest.asString("version"));
public String load(String fn) throws IOException {
if (folder != null) {
return TextFile.streamToString(loadFile(folder, fn));
} else {
return TextFile.streamToString(npm.load("tests", fn));
public byte[] loadBytes(String fn) throws IOException {
if (folder != null) {
return TextFile.streamToBytes(loadFile(folder, fn));
} else {
return TextFile.streamToBytes(npm.load("tests", fn));
public boolean hasFile(String filename) throws IOException {
if (folder != null) {
return ManagedFileAccess.file(Utilities.path(folder.getAbsolutePath(), filename)).exists();
} else {
return npm.hasFile("tests", filename);
public String loadVersion() throws JsonException, IOException {
if (version == null) {
return readHistory(loadBytes("history.json"));
} else {
return version;
private String readHistory(byte[] content) throws JsonException, IOException {
JsonObject json = JsonParser.parseObject(content);
return json.getJsonObjects("versions").get(0).asString("version");
public String describe() {
if (folder != null) {
return folder.getAbsolutePath();
} else {
public String code() {
return code;
public String testFileName() {
return testFileName;