ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.segment.OM1 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* This class is an auto-generated source file for a HAPI
* HL7 v2.x standard structure class.
* For more information, visit: http://hl7api.sourceforge.net/
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is "[file_name]". Description:
* "[one_line_description]"
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is University Health Network. Copyright (C)
* 2012. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
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package ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.segment;
// import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.group.*;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.datatype.*;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.ModelClassFactory;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.DefaultModelClassFactory;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.AbstractMessage;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Group;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Type;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.AbstractSegment;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Varies;
*Represents an HL7 OM1 message segment (OM1 - general segment (fields that apply to most observations)).
* This segment has the following fields:
* - OM1-1: Sequence Number - Test/Observation Master File (NM) optional
- OM1-2: Producer's Test/Observation ID (CE) optional
- OM1-3: Permitted Data Types (ID) optional repeating
- OM1-4: Specimen Required (ID) optional
- OM1-5: Producer ID (CE) optional
- OM1-6: Observation Description (TX) optional
- OM1-7: Other Test/Observation IDs for the Observation (CE) optional
- OM1-8: Other Names (ST) optional repeating
- OM1-9: Preferred Report Name for the Observation (ST) optional
- OM1-10: Preferred Short Name or Mnemonic for Observation (ST) optional
- OM1-11: Preferred Long Name for the Observation (ST) optional
- OM1-12: Orderability (ID) optional
- OM1-13: Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study (CE) optional repeating
- OM1-14: Coded Representation of Method (CE) optional repeating
- OM1-15: Portable (ID) optional
- OM1-16: Observation Producing Department/Section (CE) optional repeating
- OM1-17: Telephone Number of Section (XTN) optional
- OM1-18: Nature of Test/Observation (IS)
- OM1-19: Report Subheader (CE) optional
- OM1-20: Report Display Order (ST) optional
- OM1-21: Date/Time Stamp for any change in Definition for the Observation (TS) optional
- OM1-22: Effective Date/Time of Change (TS) optional
- OM1-23: Typical Turn-Around Time (NM) optional
- OM1-24: Processing Time (NM) optional
- OM1-25: Processing Priority (ID) optional repeating
- OM1-26: Reporting Priority (ID) optional
- OM1-27: Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed (CE) optional repeating
- OM1-28: Address of Outside Site(s) (XAD) optional repeating
- OM1-29: Phone Number of Outside Site (XTN) optional
- OM1-30: Confidentiality Code (IS) optional
- OM1-31: Observations Required to Interpret the Obs (CE) optional
- OM1-32: Interpretation of Observations (TX) optional
- OM1-33: Contraindications to Observations (CE) optional
- OM1-34: Reflex Tests/Observations (CE) optional repeating
- OM1-35: Rules that Trigger Reflex Testing (TX) optional
- OM1-36: Fixed Canned Message (CE) optional
- OM1-37: Patient Preparation (TX) optional
- OM1-38: Procedure Medication (CE) optional
- OM1-39: Factors that may Effect the Observation (TX) optional
- OM1-40: Test/Observation Performance Schedule (ST) optional repeating
- OM1-41: Description of Test Methods (TX) optional
- OM1-42: Kind of Quantity Observed (CE) optional
- OM1-43: Point Versus Interval (CE) optional
- OM1-44: Challenge Information (TX) optional
- OM1-45: Relationship Modifier (CE) optional
- OM1-46: Target Anatomic Site Of Test (CE) optional
- OM1-47: Modality Of Imaging Measurement (CE) optional
public class OM1 extends AbstractSegment {
* Creates a new OM1 segment
public OM1(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory) {
super(parent, factory);
private void init(ModelClassFactory factory) {
try {
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 4, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Sequence Number - Test/Observation Master File");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Producer's Test/Observation ID");
this.add(ID.class, false, 0, 12, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(125) }, "Permitted Data Types");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Specimen Required");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Producer ID");
this.add(TX.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Observation Description");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Other Test/Observation IDs for the Observation");
this.add(ST.class, false, 0, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Other Names");
this.add(ST.class, false, 1, 30, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Preferred Report Name for the Observation");
this.add(ST.class, false, 1, 8, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Preferred Short Name or Mnemonic for Observation");
this.add(ST.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Preferred Long Name for the Observation");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Orderability");
this.add(CE.class, false, 0, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study");
this.add(CE.class, false, 0, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Coded Representation of Method");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Portable");
this.add(CE.class, false, 0, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Observation Producing Department/Section");
this.add(XTN.class, false, 1, 40, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Telephone Number of Section");
this.add(IS.class, true, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(174) }, "Nature of Test/Observation");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Report Subheader");
this.add(ST.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Report Display Order");
this.add(TS.class, false, 1, 26, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Date/Time Stamp for any change in Definition for the Observation");
this.add(TS.class, false, 1, 26, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Effective Date/Time of Change");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Typical Turn-Around Time");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Processing Time");
this.add(ID.class, false, 0, 40, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(168) }, "Processing Priority");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 5, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(169) }, "Reporting Priority");
this.add(CE.class, false, 0, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed");
this.add(XAD.class, false, 0, 1000, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Address of Outside Site(s)");
this.add(XTN.class, false, 1, 400, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Phone Number of Outside Site");
this.add(IS.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(177) }, "Confidentiality Code");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Observations Required to Interpret the Obs");
this.add(TX.class, false, 1, 65536, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Interpretation of Observations");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 65536, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Contraindications to Observations");
this.add(CE.class, false, 0, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Reflex Tests/Observations");
this.add(TX.class, false, 1, 80, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Rules that Trigger Reflex Testing");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 65536, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Fixed Canned Message");
this.add(TX.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Patient Preparation");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Procedure Medication");
this.add(TX.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Factors that may Effect the Observation");
this.add(ST.class, false, 0, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Test/Observation Performance Schedule");
this.add(TX.class, false, 1, 65536, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Description of Test Methods");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Kind of Quantity Observed");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Point Versus Interval");
this.add(TX.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Challenge Information");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Relationship Modifier");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Target Anatomic Site Of Test");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Modality Of Imaging Measurement");
} catch(HL7Exception e) {
log.error("Unexpected error creating OM1 - this is probably a bug in the source code generator.", e);
* Returns
* OM1-1: "Sequence Number - Test/Observation Master File" - creates it if necessary
public NM getSequenceNumberTestObservationMasterFile() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(1, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-1: "Sequence Number - Test/Observation Master File" - creates it if necessary
public NM getOm11_SequenceNumberTestObservationMasterFile() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(1, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-2: "Producer's Test/Observation ID" - creates it if necessary
public CE getProducerSTestObservationID() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(2, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-2: "Producer's Test/Observation ID" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm12_ProducerSTestObservationID() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(2, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Permitted Data Types (OM1-3).
public ID[] getPermittedDataTypes() {
ID[] retVal = this.getTypedField(3, new ID[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Permitted Data Types (OM1-3).
public ID[] getOm13_PermittedDataTypes() {
ID[] retVal = this.getTypedField(3, new ID[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Permitted Data Types (OM1-3).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPermittedDataTypesReps() {
return this.getReps(3);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-3: "Permitted Data Types" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ID getPermittedDataTypes(int rep) {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(3, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-3: "Permitted Data Types" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ID getOm13_PermittedDataTypes(int rep) {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(3, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Permitted Data Types (OM1-3).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm13_PermittedDataTypesReps() {
return this.getReps(3);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-3: "Permitted Data Types" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ID insertPermittedDataTypes(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ID) super.insertRepetition(3, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-3: "Permitted Data Types" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ID insertOm13_PermittedDataTypes(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ID) super.insertRepetition(3, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-3: "Permitted Data Types" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ID removePermittedDataTypes(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ID) super.removeRepetition(3, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-3: "Permitted Data Types" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ID removeOm13_PermittedDataTypes(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ID) super.removeRepetition(3, rep);
* Returns
* OM1-4: "Specimen Required" - creates it if necessary
public ID getSpecimenRequired() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(4, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-4: "Specimen Required" - creates it if necessary
public ID getOm14_SpecimenRequired() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(4, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-5: "Producer ID" - creates it if necessary
public CE getProducerID() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(5, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-5: "Producer ID" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm15_ProducerID() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(5, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-6: "Observation Description" - creates it if necessary
public TX getObservationDescription() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(6, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-6: "Observation Description" - creates it if necessary
public TX getOm16_ObservationDescription() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(6, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-7: "Other Test/Observation IDs for the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOtherTestObservationIDsForTheObservation() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(7, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-7: "Other Test/Observation IDs for the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm17_OtherTestObservationIDsForTheObservation() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(7, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Other Names (OM1-8).
public ST[] getOtherNames() {
ST[] retVal = this.getTypedField(8, new ST[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Other Names (OM1-8).
public ST[] getOm18_OtherNames() {
ST[] retVal = this.getTypedField(8, new ST[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Other Names (OM1-8).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOtherNamesReps() {
return this.getReps(8);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-8: "Other Names" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ST getOtherNames(int rep) {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(8, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-8: "Other Names" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ST getOm18_OtherNames(int rep) {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(8, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Other Names (OM1-8).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm18_OtherNamesReps() {
return this.getReps(8);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-8: "Other Names" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST insertOtherNames(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.insertRepetition(8, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-8: "Other Names" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST insertOm18_OtherNames(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.insertRepetition(8, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-8: "Other Names" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST removeOtherNames(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.removeRepetition(8, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-8: "Other Names" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST removeOm18_OtherNames(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.removeRepetition(8, rep);
* Returns
* OM1-9: "Preferred Report Name for the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public ST getPreferredReportNameForTheObservation() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(9, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-9: "Preferred Report Name for the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public ST getOm19_PreferredReportNameForTheObservation() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(9, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-10: "Preferred Short Name or Mnemonic for Observation" - creates it if necessary
public ST getPreferredShortNameOrMnemonicForObservation() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(10, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-10: "Preferred Short Name or Mnemonic for Observation" - creates it if necessary
public ST getOm110_PreferredShortNameOrMnemonicForObservation() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(10, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-11: "Preferred Long Name for the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public ST getPreferredLongNameForTheObservation() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(11, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-11: "Preferred Long Name for the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public ST getOm111_PreferredLongNameForTheObservation() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(11, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-12: "Orderability" - creates it if necessary
public ID getOrderability() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(12, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-12: "Orderability" - creates it if necessary
public ID getOm112_Orderability() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(12, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study (OM1-13).
public CE[] getIdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudy() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(13, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study (OM1-13).
public CE[] getOm113_IdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudy() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(13, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study (OM1-13).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getIdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudyReps() {
return this.getReps(13);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-13: "Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getIdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudy(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(13, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-13: "Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getOm113_IdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudy(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(13, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study (OM1-13).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm113_IdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudyReps() {
return this.getReps(13);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-13: "Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertIdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudy(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(13, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-13: "Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertOm113_IdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudy(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(13, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-13: "Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeIdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudy(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(13, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-13: "Identity of Instrument Used to Perform this Study" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeOm113_IdentityOfInstrumentUsedToPerformThisStudy(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(13, rep);
* Returns all repetitions of Coded Representation of Method (OM1-14).
public CE[] getCodedRepresentationOfMethod() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(14, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Coded Representation of Method (OM1-14).
public CE[] getOm114_CodedRepresentationOfMethod() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(14, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Coded Representation of Method (OM1-14).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getCodedRepresentationOfMethodReps() {
return this.getReps(14);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-14: "Coded Representation of Method" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getCodedRepresentationOfMethod(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(14, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-14: "Coded Representation of Method" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getOm114_CodedRepresentationOfMethod(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(14, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Coded Representation of Method (OM1-14).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm114_CodedRepresentationOfMethodReps() {
return this.getReps(14);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-14: "Coded Representation of Method" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertCodedRepresentationOfMethod(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(14, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-14: "Coded Representation of Method" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertOm114_CodedRepresentationOfMethod(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(14, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-14: "Coded Representation of Method" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeCodedRepresentationOfMethod(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(14, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-14: "Coded Representation of Method" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeOm114_CodedRepresentationOfMethod(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(14, rep);
* Returns
* OM1-15: "Portable" - creates it if necessary
public ID getPortable() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(15, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-15: "Portable" - creates it if necessary
public ID getOm115_Portable() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(15, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Observation Producing Department/Section (OM1-16).
public CE[] getObservationProducingDepartmentSection() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(16, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Observation Producing Department/Section (OM1-16).
public CE[] getOm116_ObservationProducingDepartmentSection() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(16, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Observation Producing Department/Section (OM1-16).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getObservationProducingDepartmentSectionReps() {
return this.getReps(16);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-16: "Observation Producing Department/Section" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getObservationProducingDepartmentSection(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(16, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-16: "Observation Producing Department/Section" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getOm116_ObservationProducingDepartmentSection(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(16, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Observation Producing Department/Section (OM1-16).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm116_ObservationProducingDepartmentSectionReps() {
return this.getReps(16);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-16: "Observation Producing Department/Section" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertObservationProducingDepartmentSection(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(16, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-16: "Observation Producing Department/Section" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertOm116_ObservationProducingDepartmentSection(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(16, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-16: "Observation Producing Department/Section" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeObservationProducingDepartmentSection(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(16, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-16: "Observation Producing Department/Section" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeOm116_ObservationProducingDepartmentSection(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(16, rep);
* Returns
* OM1-17: "Telephone Number of Section" - creates it if necessary
public XTN getTelephoneNumberOfSection() {
XTN retVal = this.getTypedField(17, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-17: "Telephone Number of Section" - creates it if necessary
public XTN getOm117_TelephoneNumberOfSection() {
XTN retVal = this.getTypedField(17, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-18: "Nature of Test/Observation" - creates it if necessary
public IS getNatureOfTestObservation() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(18, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-18: "Nature of Test/Observation" - creates it if necessary
public IS getOm118_NatureOfTestObservation() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(18, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-19: "Report Subheader" - creates it if necessary
public CE getReportSubheader() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(19, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-19: "Report Subheader" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm119_ReportSubheader() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(19, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-20: "Report Display Order" - creates it if necessary
public ST getReportDisplayOrder() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(20, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-20: "Report Display Order" - creates it if necessary
public ST getOm120_ReportDisplayOrder() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(20, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-21: "Date/Time Stamp for any change in Definition for the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public TS getDateTimeStampForAnyChangeInDefinitionForTheObservation() {
TS retVal = this.getTypedField(21, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-21: "Date/Time Stamp for any change in Definition for the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public TS getOm121_DateTimeStampForAnyChangeInDefinitionForTheObservation() {
TS retVal = this.getTypedField(21, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-22: "Effective Date/Time of Change" - creates it if necessary
public TS getEffectiveDateTimeOfChange() {
TS retVal = this.getTypedField(22, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-22: "Effective Date/Time of Change" - creates it if necessary
public TS getOm122_EffectiveDateTimeOfChange() {
TS retVal = this.getTypedField(22, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-23: "Typical Turn-Around Time" - creates it if necessary
public NM getTypicalTurnAroundTime() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(23, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-23: "Typical Turn-Around Time" - creates it if necessary
public NM getOm123_TypicalTurnAroundTime() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(23, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-24: "Processing Time" - creates it if necessary
public NM getProcessingTime() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(24, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-24: "Processing Time" - creates it if necessary
public NM getOm124_ProcessingTime() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(24, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Processing Priority (OM1-25).
public ID[] getProcessingPriority() {
ID[] retVal = this.getTypedField(25, new ID[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Processing Priority (OM1-25).
public ID[] getOm125_ProcessingPriority() {
ID[] retVal = this.getTypedField(25, new ID[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Processing Priority (OM1-25).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getProcessingPriorityReps() {
return this.getReps(25);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-25: "Processing Priority" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ID getProcessingPriority(int rep) {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(25, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-25: "Processing Priority" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ID getOm125_ProcessingPriority(int rep) {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(25, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Processing Priority (OM1-25).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm125_ProcessingPriorityReps() {
return this.getReps(25);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-25: "Processing Priority" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ID insertProcessingPriority(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ID) super.insertRepetition(25, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-25: "Processing Priority" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ID insertOm125_ProcessingPriority(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ID) super.insertRepetition(25, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-25: "Processing Priority" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ID removeProcessingPriority(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ID) super.removeRepetition(25, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-25: "Processing Priority" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ID removeOm125_ProcessingPriority(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ID) super.removeRepetition(25, rep);
* Returns
* OM1-26: "Reporting Priority" - creates it if necessary
public ID getReportingPriority() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(26, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-26: "Reporting Priority" - creates it if necessary
public ID getOm126_ReportingPriority() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(26, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed (OM1-27).
public CE[] getOutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformed() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(27, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed (OM1-27).
public CE[] getOm127_OutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformed() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(27, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed (OM1-27).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformedReps() {
return this.getReps(27);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-27: "Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getOutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformed(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(27, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-27: "Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getOm127_OutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformed(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(27, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed (OM1-27).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm127_OutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformedReps() {
return this.getReps(27);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-27: "Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertOutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformed(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(27, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-27: "Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertOm127_OutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformed(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(27, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-27: "Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeOutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformed(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(27, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-27: "Outside Site(s) Where Observation may be Performed" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeOm127_OutsideSiteSWhereObservationMayBePerformed(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(27, rep);
* Returns all repetitions of Address of Outside Site(s) (OM1-28).
public XAD[] getAddressOfOutsideSiteS() {
XAD[] retVal = this.getTypedField(28, new XAD[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Address of Outside Site(s) (OM1-28).
public XAD[] getOm128_AddressOfOutsideSiteS() {
XAD[] retVal = this.getTypedField(28, new XAD[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Address of Outside Site(s) (OM1-28).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getAddressOfOutsideSiteSReps() {
return this.getReps(28);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-28: "Address of Outside Site(s)" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XAD getAddressOfOutsideSiteS(int rep) {
XAD retVal = this.getTypedField(28, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-28: "Address of Outside Site(s)" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XAD getOm128_AddressOfOutsideSiteS(int rep) {
XAD retVal = this.getTypedField(28, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Address of Outside Site(s) (OM1-28).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm128_AddressOfOutsideSiteSReps() {
return this.getReps(28);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-28: "Address of Outside Site(s)" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XAD insertAddressOfOutsideSiteS(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XAD) super.insertRepetition(28, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-28: "Address of Outside Site(s)" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XAD insertOm128_AddressOfOutsideSiteS(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XAD) super.insertRepetition(28, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-28: "Address of Outside Site(s)" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XAD removeAddressOfOutsideSiteS(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XAD) super.removeRepetition(28, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-28: "Address of Outside Site(s)" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XAD removeOm128_AddressOfOutsideSiteS(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XAD) super.removeRepetition(28, rep);
* Returns
* OM1-29: "Phone Number of Outside Site" - creates it if necessary
public XTN getPhoneNumberOfOutsideSite() {
XTN retVal = this.getTypedField(29, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-29: "Phone Number of Outside Site" - creates it if necessary
public XTN getOm129_PhoneNumberOfOutsideSite() {
XTN retVal = this.getTypedField(29, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-30: "Confidentiality Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getConfidentialityCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(30, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-30: "Confidentiality Code" - creates it if necessary
public IS getOm130_ConfidentialityCode() {
IS retVal = this.getTypedField(30, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-31: "Observations Required to Interpret the Obs" - creates it if necessary
public CE getObservationsRequiredToInterpretTheObs() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(31, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-31: "Observations Required to Interpret the Obs" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm131_ObservationsRequiredToInterpretTheObs() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(31, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-32: "Interpretation of Observations" - creates it if necessary
public TX getInterpretationOfObservations() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(32, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-32: "Interpretation of Observations" - creates it if necessary
public TX getOm132_InterpretationOfObservations() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(32, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-33: "Contraindications to Observations" - creates it if necessary
public CE getContraindicationsToObservations() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(33, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-33: "Contraindications to Observations" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm133_ContraindicationsToObservations() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(33, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Reflex Tests/Observations (OM1-34).
public CE[] getReflexTestsObservations() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(34, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Reflex Tests/Observations (OM1-34).
public CE[] getOm134_ReflexTestsObservations() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(34, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Reflex Tests/Observations (OM1-34).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getReflexTestsObservationsReps() {
return this.getReps(34);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-34: "Reflex Tests/Observations" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getReflexTestsObservations(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(34, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-34: "Reflex Tests/Observations" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getOm134_ReflexTestsObservations(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(34, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Reflex Tests/Observations (OM1-34).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm134_ReflexTestsObservationsReps() {
return this.getReps(34);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-34: "Reflex Tests/Observations" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertReflexTestsObservations(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(34, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-34: "Reflex Tests/Observations" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertOm134_ReflexTestsObservations(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(34, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-34: "Reflex Tests/Observations" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeReflexTestsObservations(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(34, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-34: "Reflex Tests/Observations" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeOm134_ReflexTestsObservations(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(34, rep);
* Returns
* OM1-35: "Rules that Trigger Reflex Testing" - creates it if necessary
public TX getRulesThatTriggerReflexTesting() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(35, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-35: "Rules that Trigger Reflex Testing" - creates it if necessary
public TX getOm135_RulesThatTriggerReflexTesting() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(35, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-36: "Fixed Canned Message" - creates it if necessary
public CE getFixedCannedMessage() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(36, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-36: "Fixed Canned Message" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm136_FixedCannedMessage() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(36, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-37: "Patient Preparation" - creates it if necessary
public TX getPatientPreparation() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(37, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-37: "Patient Preparation" - creates it if necessary
public TX getOm137_PatientPreparation() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(37, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-38: "Procedure Medication" - creates it if necessary
public CE getProcedureMedication() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(38, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-38: "Procedure Medication" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm138_ProcedureMedication() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(38, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-39: "Factors that may Effect the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public TX getFactorsThatMayEffectTheObservation() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(39, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-39: "Factors that may Effect the Observation" - creates it if necessary
public TX getOm139_FactorsThatMayEffectTheObservation() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(39, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Test/Observation Performance Schedule (OM1-40).
public ST[] getTestObservationPerformanceSchedule() {
ST[] retVal = this.getTypedField(40, new ST[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Test/Observation Performance Schedule (OM1-40).
public ST[] getOm140_TestObservationPerformanceSchedule() {
ST[] retVal = this.getTypedField(40, new ST[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Test/Observation Performance Schedule (OM1-40).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getTestObservationPerformanceScheduleReps() {
return this.getReps(40);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-40: "Test/Observation Performance Schedule" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ST getTestObservationPerformanceSchedule(int rep) {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(40, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* OM1-40: "Test/Observation Performance Schedule" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public ST getOm140_TestObservationPerformanceSchedule(int rep) {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(40, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Test/Observation Performance Schedule (OM1-40).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOm140_TestObservationPerformanceScheduleReps() {
return this.getReps(40);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-40: "Test/Observation Performance Schedule" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST insertTestObservationPerformanceSchedule(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.insertRepetition(40, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* OM1-40: "Test/Observation Performance Schedule" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST insertOm140_TestObservationPerformanceSchedule(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.insertRepetition(40, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-40: "Test/Observation Performance Schedule" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST removeTestObservationPerformanceSchedule(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.removeRepetition(40, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* OM1-40: "Test/Observation Performance Schedule" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public ST removeOm140_TestObservationPerformanceSchedule(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (ST) super.removeRepetition(40, rep);
* Returns
* OM1-41: "Description of Test Methods" - creates it if necessary
public TX getDescriptionOfTestMethods() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(41, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-41: "Description of Test Methods" - creates it if necessary
public TX getOm141_DescriptionOfTestMethods() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(41, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-42: "Kind of Quantity Observed" - creates it if necessary
public CE getKindOfQuantityObserved() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(42, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-42: "Kind of Quantity Observed" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm142_KindOfQuantityObserved() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(42, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-43: "Point Versus Interval" - creates it if necessary
public CE getPointVersusInterval() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(43, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-43: "Point Versus Interval" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm143_PointVersusInterval() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(43, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-44: "Challenge Information" - creates it if necessary
public TX getChallengeInformation() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(44, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-44: "Challenge Information" - creates it if necessary
public TX getOm144_ChallengeInformation() {
TX retVal = this.getTypedField(44, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-45: "Relationship Modifier" - creates it if necessary
public CE getRelationshipModifier() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(45, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-45: "Relationship Modifier" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm145_RelationshipModifier() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(45, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-46: "Target Anatomic Site Of Test" - creates it if necessary
public CE getTargetAnatomicSiteOfTest() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(46, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-46: "Target Anatomic Site Of Test" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm146_TargetAnatomicSiteOfTest() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(46, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-47: "Modality Of Imaging Measurement" - creates it if necessary
public CE getModalityOfImagingMeasurement() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(47, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* OM1-47: "Modality Of Imaging Measurement" - creates it if necessary
public CE getOm147_ModalityOfImagingMeasurement() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(47, 0);
return retVal;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Type createNewTypeWithoutReflection(int field) {
switch (field) {
case 0: return new NM(getMessage());
case 1: return new CE(getMessage());
case 2: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 125 ));
case 3: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 4: return new CE(getMessage());
case 5: return new TX(getMessage());
case 6: return new CE(getMessage());
case 7: return new ST(getMessage());
case 8: return new ST(getMessage());
case 9: return new ST(getMessage());
case 10: return new ST(getMessage());
case 11: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 12: return new CE(getMessage());
case 13: return new CE(getMessage());
case 14: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 15: return new CE(getMessage());
case 16: return new XTN(getMessage());
case 17: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 174 ));
case 18: return new CE(getMessage());
case 19: return new ST(getMessage());
case 20: return new TS(getMessage());
case 21: return new TS(getMessage());
case 22: return new NM(getMessage());
case 23: return new NM(getMessage());
case 24: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 168 ));
case 25: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 169 ));
case 26: return new CE(getMessage());
case 27: return new XAD(getMessage());
case 28: return new XTN(getMessage());
case 29: return new IS(getMessage(), new Integer( 177 ));
case 30: return new CE(getMessage());
case 31: return new TX(getMessage());
case 32: return new CE(getMessage());
case 33: return new CE(getMessage());
case 34: return new TX(getMessage());
case 35: return new CE(getMessage());
case 36: return new TX(getMessage());
case 37: return new CE(getMessage());
case 38: return new TX(getMessage());
case 39: return new ST(getMessage());
case 40: return new TX(getMessage());
case 41: return new CE(getMessage());
case 42: return new CE(getMessage());
case 43: return new TX(getMessage());
case 44: return new CE(getMessage());
case 45: return new CE(getMessage());
case 46: return new CE(getMessage());
default: return null;
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