ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.segment.RXE Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* This class is an auto-generated source file for a HAPI
* HL7 v2.x standard structure class.
* For more information, visit: http://hl7api.sourceforge.net/
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is "[file_name]". Description:
* "[one_line_description]"
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is University Health Network. Copyright (C)
* 2012. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
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package ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.segment;
// import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.group.*;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v231.datatype.*;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.ModelClassFactory;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.DefaultModelClassFactory;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.AbstractMessage;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Group;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Type;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.AbstractSegment;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Varies;
*Represents an HL7 RXE message segment (RXE - pharmacy/treatment encoded order segment).
* This segment has the following fields:
* - RXE-1: Quantity/Timing (TQ)
- RXE-2: Give Code (CE)
- RXE-3: Give Amount - Minimum (NM)
- RXE-4: Give Amount - Maximum (NM) optional
- RXE-5: Give Units (CE)
- RXE-6: Give Dosage Form (CE) optional
- RXE-7: Provider’s Administration Instructions (CE) optional repeating
- RXE-8: Deliver-to Location (LA1) optional
- RXE-9: Substitution Status (ID) optional
- RXE-10: Dispense Amount (NM) optional
- RXE-11: Dispense Units (CE) optional
- RXE-12: Number Of Refills (NM) optional
- RXE-13: Ordering Provider’s DEA Number (XCN) optional repeating
- RXE-14: Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID (XCN) optional repeating
- RXE-15: Prescription Number (ST) optional
- RXE-16: Number of Refills Remaining (NM) optional
- RXE-17: Number of Refills/Doses Dispensed (NM) optional
- RXE-18: D/T of Most Recent Refill or Dose Dispensed (TS) optional
- RXE-19: Total Daily Dose (CQ) optional
- RXE-20: Needs Human Review (ID) optional
- RXE-21: Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions (CE) optional repeating
- RXE-22: Give Per (Time Unit) (ST) optional
- RXE-23: Give Rate Amount (ST) optional
- RXE-24: Give Rate Units (CE) optional
- RXE-25: Give Strength (NM) optional
- RXE-26: Give Strength Units (CE) optional
- RXE-27: Give Indication (CE) optional repeating
- RXE-28: Dispense Package Size (NM) optional
- RXE-29: Dispense Package Size Unit (CE) optional
- RXE-30: Dispense Package Method (ID) optional
public class RXE extends AbstractSegment {
* Creates a new RXE segment
public RXE(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory) {
super(parent, factory);
private void init(ModelClassFactory factory) {
try {
this.add(TQ.class, true, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Quantity/Timing");
this.add(CE.class, true, 1, 100, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Code");
this.add(NM.class, true, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Amount - Minimum");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Amount - Maximum");
this.add(CE.class, true, 1, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Units");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Dosage Form");
this.add(CE.class, false, 0, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Provider’s Administration Instructions");
this.add(LA1.class, false, 1, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Deliver-to Location");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(167) }, "Substitution Status");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Dispense Amount");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Dispense Units");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 3, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Number Of Refills");
this.add(XCN.class, false, 0, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Ordering Provider’s DEA Number");
this.add(XCN.class, false, 0, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID");
this.add(ST.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Prescription Number");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Number of Refills Remaining");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Number of Refills/Doses Dispensed");
this.add(TS.class, false, 1, 26, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "D/T of Most Recent Refill or Dose Dispensed");
this.add(CQ.class, false, 1, 10, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Total Daily Dose");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 1, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(136) }, "Needs Human Review");
this.add(CE.class, false, 0, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions");
this.add(ST.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Per (Time Unit)");
this.add(ST.class, false, 1, 6, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Rate Amount");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Rate Units");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Strength");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Strength Units");
this.add(CE.class, false, 0, 200, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Give Indication");
this.add(NM.class, false, 1, 20, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Dispense Package Size");
this.add(CE.class, false, 1, 60, new Object[]{ getMessage() }, "Dispense Package Size Unit");
this.add(ID.class, false, 1, 2, new Object[]{ getMessage(), new Integer(321) }, "Dispense Package Method");
} catch(HL7Exception e) {
log.error("Unexpected error creating RXE - this is probably a bug in the source code generator.", e);
* Returns
* RXE-1: "Quantity/Timing" - creates it if necessary
public TQ getQuantityTiming() {
TQ retVal = this.getTypedField(1, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-1: "Quantity/Timing" - creates it if necessary
public TQ getRxe1_QuantityTiming() {
TQ retVal = this.getTypedField(1, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-2: "Give Code" - creates it if necessary
public CE getGiveCode() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(2, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-2: "Give Code" - creates it if necessary
public CE getRxe2_GiveCode() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(2, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-3: "Give Amount - Minimum" - creates it if necessary
public NM getGiveAmountMinimum() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(3, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-3: "Give Amount - Minimum" - creates it if necessary
public NM getRxe3_GiveAmountMinimum() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(3, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-4: "Give Amount - Maximum" - creates it if necessary
public NM getGiveAmountMaximum() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(4, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-4: "Give Amount - Maximum" - creates it if necessary
public NM getRxe4_GiveAmountMaximum() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(4, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-5: "Give Units" - creates it if necessary
public CE getGiveUnits() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(5, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-5: "Give Units" - creates it if necessary
public CE getRxe5_GiveUnits() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(5, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-6: "Give Dosage Form" - creates it if necessary
public CE getGiveDosageForm() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(6, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-6: "Give Dosage Form" - creates it if necessary
public CE getRxe6_GiveDosageForm() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(6, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Provider’s Administration Instructions (RXE-7).
public CE[] getProviderSAdministrationInstructions() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(7, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Provider’s Administration Instructions (RXE-7).
public CE[] getRxe7_ProviderSAdministrationInstructions() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(7, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Provider’s Administration Instructions (RXE-7).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getProviderSAdministrationInstructionsReps() {
return this.getReps(7);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-7: "Provider’s Administration Instructions" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getProviderSAdministrationInstructions(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(7, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-7: "Provider’s Administration Instructions" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getRxe7_ProviderSAdministrationInstructions(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(7, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Provider’s Administration Instructions (RXE-7).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getRxe7_ProviderSAdministrationInstructionsReps() {
return this.getReps(7);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-7: "Provider’s Administration Instructions" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertProviderSAdministrationInstructions(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(7, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-7: "Provider’s Administration Instructions" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertRxe7_ProviderSAdministrationInstructions(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(7, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-7: "Provider’s Administration Instructions" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeProviderSAdministrationInstructions(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(7, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-7: "Provider’s Administration Instructions" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeRxe7_ProviderSAdministrationInstructions(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(7, rep);
* Returns
* RXE-8: "Deliver-to Location" - creates it if necessary
public LA1 getDeliverToLocation() {
LA1 retVal = this.getTypedField(8, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-8: "Deliver-to Location" - creates it if necessary
public LA1 getRxe8_DeliverToLocation() {
LA1 retVal = this.getTypedField(8, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-9: "Substitution Status" - creates it if necessary
public ID getSubstitutionStatus() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(9, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-9: "Substitution Status" - creates it if necessary
public ID getRxe9_SubstitutionStatus() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(9, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-10: "Dispense Amount" - creates it if necessary
public NM getDispenseAmount() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(10, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-10: "Dispense Amount" - creates it if necessary
public NM getRxe10_DispenseAmount() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(10, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-11: "Dispense Units" - creates it if necessary
public CE getDispenseUnits() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(11, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-11: "Dispense Units" - creates it if necessary
public CE getRxe11_DispenseUnits() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(11, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-12: "Number Of Refills" - creates it if necessary
public NM getNumberOfRefills() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(12, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-12: "Number Of Refills" - creates it if necessary
public NM getRxe12_NumberOfRefills() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(12, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Ordering Provider’s DEA Number (RXE-13).
public XCN[] getOrderingProviderSDEANumber() {
XCN[] retVal = this.getTypedField(13, new XCN[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Ordering Provider’s DEA Number (RXE-13).
public XCN[] getRxe13_OrderingProviderSDEANumber() {
XCN[] retVal = this.getTypedField(13, new XCN[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Ordering Provider’s DEA Number (RXE-13).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getOrderingProviderSDEANumberReps() {
return this.getReps(13);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-13: "Ordering Provider’s DEA Number" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XCN getOrderingProviderSDEANumber(int rep) {
XCN retVal = this.getTypedField(13, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-13: "Ordering Provider’s DEA Number" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XCN getRxe13_OrderingProviderSDEANumber(int rep) {
XCN retVal = this.getTypedField(13, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Ordering Provider’s DEA Number (RXE-13).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getRxe13_OrderingProviderSDEANumberReps() {
return this.getReps(13);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-13: "Ordering Provider’s DEA Number" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN insertOrderingProviderSDEANumber(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.insertRepetition(13, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-13: "Ordering Provider’s DEA Number" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN insertRxe13_OrderingProviderSDEANumber(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.insertRepetition(13, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-13: "Ordering Provider’s DEA Number" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN removeOrderingProviderSDEANumber(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.removeRepetition(13, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-13: "Ordering Provider’s DEA Number" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN removeRxe13_OrderingProviderSDEANumber(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.removeRepetition(13, rep);
* Returns all repetitions of Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID (RXE-14).
public XCN[] getPharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierID() {
XCN[] retVal = this.getTypedField(14, new XCN[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID (RXE-14).
public XCN[] getRxe14_PharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierID() {
XCN[] retVal = this.getTypedField(14, new XCN[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID (RXE-14).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierIDReps() {
return this.getReps(14);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-14: "Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XCN getPharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierID(int rep) {
XCN retVal = this.getTypedField(14, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-14: "Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public XCN getRxe14_PharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierID(int rep) {
XCN retVal = this.getTypedField(14, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID (RXE-14).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getRxe14_PharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierIDReps() {
return this.getReps(14);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-14: "Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN insertPharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierID(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.insertRepetition(14, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-14: "Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN insertRxe14_PharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierID(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.insertRepetition(14, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-14: "Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN removePharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierID(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.removeRepetition(14, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-14: "Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier’s Verifier ID" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public XCN removeRxe14_PharmacistTreatmentSupplierSVerifierID(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (XCN) super.removeRepetition(14, rep);
* Returns
* RXE-15: "Prescription Number" - creates it if necessary
public ST getPrescriptionNumber() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(15, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-15: "Prescription Number" - creates it if necessary
public ST getRxe15_PrescriptionNumber() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(15, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-16: "Number of Refills Remaining" - creates it if necessary
public NM getNumberOfRefillsRemaining() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(16, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-16: "Number of Refills Remaining" - creates it if necessary
public NM getRxe16_NumberOfRefillsRemaining() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(16, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-17: "Number of Refills/Doses Dispensed" - creates it if necessary
public NM getNumberOfRefillsDosesDispensed() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(17, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-17: "Number of Refills/Doses Dispensed" - creates it if necessary
public NM getRxe17_NumberOfRefillsDosesDispensed() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(17, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-18: "D/T of Most Recent Refill or Dose Dispensed" - creates it if necessary
public TS getDTOfMostRecentRefillOrDoseDispensed() {
TS retVal = this.getTypedField(18, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-18: "D/T of Most Recent Refill or Dose Dispensed" - creates it if necessary
public TS getRxe18_DTOfMostRecentRefillOrDoseDispensed() {
TS retVal = this.getTypedField(18, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-19: "Total Daily Dose" - creates it if necessary
public CQ getTotalDailyDose() {
CQ retVal = this.getTypedField(19, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-19: "Total Daily Dose" - creates it if necessary
public CQ getRxe19_TotalDailyDose() {
CQ retVal = this.getTypedField(19, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-20: "Needs Human Review" - creates it if necessary
public ID getNeedsHumanReview() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(20, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-20: "Needs Human Review" - creates it if necessary
public ID getRxe20_NeedsHumanReview() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(20, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions (RXE-21).
public CE[] getPharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructions() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(21, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions (RXE-21).
public CE[] getRxe21_PharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructions() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(21, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions (RXE-21).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getPharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructionsReps() {
return this.getReps(21);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-21: "Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getPharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructions(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(21, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-21: "Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getRxe21_PharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructions(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(21, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions (RXE-21).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getRxe21_PharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructionsReps() {
return this.getReps(21);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-21: "Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertPharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructions(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(21, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-21: "Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertRxe21_PharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructions(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(21, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-21: "Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removePharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructions(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(21, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-21: "Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier’s Special Dispensing Instructions" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeRxe21_PharmacyTreatmentSupplierSSpecialDispensingInstructions(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(21, rep);
* Returns
* RXE-22: "Give Per (Time Unit)" - creates it if necessary
public ST getGivePerTimeUnit() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(22, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-22: "Give Per (Time Unit)" - creates it if necessary
public ST getRxe22_GivePerTimeUnit() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(22, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-23: "Give Rate Amount" - creates it if necessary
public ST getGiveRateAmount() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(23, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-23: "Give Rate Amount" - creates it if necessary
public ST getRxe23_GiveRateAmount() {
ST retVal = this.getTypedField(23, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-24: "Give Rate Units" - creates it if necessary
public CE getGiveRateUnits() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(24, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-24: "Give Rate Units" - creates it if necessary
public CE getRxe24_GiveRateUnits() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(24, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-25: "Give Strength" - creates it if necessary
public NM getGiveStrength() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(25, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-25: "Give Strength" - creates it if necessary
public NM getRxe25_GiveStrength() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(25, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-26: "Give Strength Units" - creates it if necessary
public CE getGiveStrengthUnits() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(26, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-26: "Give Strength Units" - creates it if necessary
public CE getRxe26_GiveStrengthUnits() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(26, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Give Indication (RXE-27).
public CE[] getGiveIndication() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(27, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns all repetitions of Give Indication (RXE-27).
public CE[] getRxe27_GiveIndication() {
CE[] retVal = this.getTypedField(27, new CE[0]);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Give Indication (RXE-27).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getGiveIndicationReps() {
return this.getReps(27);
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-27: "Give Indication" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getGiveIndication(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(27, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a specific repetition of
* RXE-27: "Give Indication" - creates it if necessary
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
public CE getRxe27_GiveIndication(int rep) {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(27, rep);
return retVal;
* Returns a count of the current number of repetitions of Give Indication (RXE-27).
* This method does not create a repetition, so if no repetitions have currently been defined or accessed,
* it will return zero.
public int getRxe27_GiveIndicationReps() {
return this.getReps(27);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-27: "Give Indication" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertGiveIndication(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(27, rep);
* Inserts a repetition of
* RXE-27: "Give Indication" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE insertRxe27_GiveIndication(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.insertRepetition(27, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-27: "Give Indication" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeGiveIndication(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(27, rep);
* Removes a repetition of
* RXE-27: "Give Indication" at a specific index
* @param rep The repetition index (0-indexed)
* @throws HL7Exception If the rep is invalid (below 0, or too high for the allowable repetitions)
public CE removeRxe27_GiveIndication(int rep) throws HL7Exception {
return (CE) super.removeRepetition(27, rep);
* Returns
* RXE-28: "Dispense Package Size" - creates it if necessary
public NM getDispensePackageSize() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(28, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-28: "Dispense Package Size" - creates it if necessary
public NM getRxe28_DispensePackageSize() {
NM retVal = this.getTypedField(28, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-29: "Dispense Package Size Unit" - creates it if necessary
public CE getDispensePackageSizeUnit() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(29, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-29: "Dispense Package Size Unit" - creates it if necessary
public CE getRxe29_DispensePackageSizeUnit() {
CE retVal = this.getTypedField(29, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-30: "Dispense Package Method" - creates it if necessary
public ID getDispensePackageMethod() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(30, 0);
return retVal;
* Returns
* RXE-30: "Dispense Package Method" - creates it if necessary
public ID getRxe30_DispensePackageMethod() {
ID retVal = this.getTypedField(30, 0);
return retVal;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Type createNewTypeWithoutReflection(int field) {
switch (field) {
case 0: return new TQ(getMessage());
case 1: return new CE(getMessage());
case 2: return new NM(getMessage());
case 3: return new NM(getMessage());
case 4: return new CE(getMessage());
case 5: return new CE(getMessage());
case 6: return new CE(getMessage());
case 7: return new LA1(getMessage());
case 8: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 167 ));
case 9: return new NM(getMessage());
case 10: return new CE(getMessage());
case 11: return new NM(getMessage());
case 12: return new XCN(getMessage());
case 13: return new XCN(getMessage());
case 14: return new ST(getMessage());
case 15: return new NM(getMessage());
case 16: return new NM(getMessage());
case 17: return new TS(getMessage());
case 18: return new CQ(getMessage());
case 19: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 136 ));
case 20: return new CE(getMessage());
case 21: return new ST(getMessage());
case 22: return new ST(getMessage());
case 23: return new CE(getMessage());
case 24: return new NM(getMessage());
case 25: return new CE(getMessage());
case 26: return new CE(getMessage());
case 27: return new NM(getMessage());
case 28: return new CE(getMessage());
case 29: return new ID(getMessage(), new Integer( 321 ));
default: return null;
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