umontreal.iro.lecuyer.probdist.BetaDist Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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SSJ is a Java library for stochastic simulation, developed under the direction of Pierre L'Ecuyer,
in the Département d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle (DIRO), at the Université de Montréal.
It provides facilities for generating uniform and nonuniform random variates, computing different
measures related to probability distributions, performing goodness-of-fit tests, applying quasi-Monte
Carlo methods, collecting (elementary) statistics, and programming discrete-event simulations with both
events and processes.
The newest version!
* Class: BetaDist
* Description: beta distribution
* Environment: Java
* Software: SSJ
* Copyright (C) 2001 Pierre L'Ecuyer and Université de Montréal
* Organization: DIRO, Université de Montréal
* @author
* @since
* SSJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* SSJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
GPL licence site.
package umontreal.iro.lecuyer.probdist;
import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.util.*;
import optimization.*;
* Extends the class {@link ContinuousDistribution} for
* the beta distribution with shape parameters
* α > 0 and β > 0, over the interval (a, b), where a < b.
* It has density
* f (x) = (x - a)α-1(b - x)β-1/[B(α, β)(b - a)α+β-1]
* for a < x < b, and 0 elsewhere. It has distribution function
* F(x) = Iα, β(x) = ∫ax(ξ - a)α-1(b - ξ)β-1/[B(α, β)(b - a)α+β-1]dξ, for a < x < b,
* where
* B(α, β) is the beta function defined by
* and Γ(x) is the gamma function defined in
* {@link GammaDist}.
public class BetaDist extends ContinuousDistribution {
private static final double RENORM = 1.0e300;
protected double alpha; // First parameter
protected double beta; // Second parameter
protected double a, b; // Interval x in [a, b]
protected double bminusa;
protected double logFactor;
protected double Beta; // Function Beta(alpha, beta)
protected double logBeta; // Ln(Beta(alpha, beta))
private static class Optim implements Lmder_fcn
private double a;
private double b;
public Optim (double a, double b)
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public void fcn (int m, int n, double[] x, double[] fvec, double[][] fjac, int iflag[])
if (x[1] <= 0.0 || x[2] <= 0.0) {
final double BIG = 1.0e100;
fvec[1] = BIG;
fvec[2] = BIG;
fjac[1][1] = BIG;
fjac[1][2] = 0.0;
fjac[2][1] = 0.0;
fjac[2][2] = BIG;
double trig;
if (iflag[1] == 1)
trig = Num.digamma (x[1] + x[2]);
fvec[1] = Num.digamma(x[1]) - trig - a;
fvec[2] = Num.digamma(x[2]) - trig - b;
else if (iflag[1] == 2)
trig = Num.trigamma (x[1] + x[2]);
fjac[1][1] = Num.trigamma (x[1]) - trig;
fjac[1][2] = - trig;
fjac[2][1] = - trig;
fjac[2][2] = Num.trigamma (x[2]) - trig;
* Constructs a BetaDist object with parameters α =
* alpha and β = beta and default domain (0, 1).
public BetaDist (double alpha, double beta) {
setParams (alpha, beta, 0.0, 1.0, decPrec);
* Constructs a BetaDist object with parameters α =
* alpha and β = beta, and domain (a, b).
public BetaDist (double alpha, double beta, double a, double b) {
setParams (alpha, beta, a, b, decPrec);
* Constructs a BetaDist object with parameters
* α =
* alpha and
* β = beta, and approximations of roughly d
* decimal digits of precision when computing the distribution, complementary
* distribution, and inverse functions. The default domain (0, 1) is used.
public BetaDist (double alpha, double beta, int d) {
setParams (alpha, beta, 0.0, 1.0, d);
* Constructs a BetaDist object with parameters
* α = alpha
* and
* β = beta, and approximations of roughly d
* decimal digits of precision when computing distribution, complementary
* distribution, and inverse functions. The domain (a, b)
* is used.
public BetaDist (double alpha, double beta, double a, double b, int d) {
setParams (alpha, beta, a, b, d);
public double density (double x) {
if (x <= a || x >= b)
return 0;
double temp = (alpha - 1) * Math.log(x - a) + (beta - 1) * Math.log(b - x);
// return factor*Math.pow (x - a, alpha - 1)*Math.pow (b - x, beta - 1);
return Math.exp(logFactor + temp);
public double cdf (double x) {
return cdf (alpha, beta, decPrec, (x - a)/bminusa);
public double inverseF (double u) {
return a + (b - a)*inverseF (alpha, beta, decPrec, u);
public double getMean() {
return BetaDist.getMean (alpha, beta, a, b);
public double getVariance() {
return BetaDist.getVariance (alpha, beta, a, b);
public double getStandardDeviation() {
return BetaDist.getStandardDeviation (alpha, beta, a, b);
* Same as
* {@link #density(double,double,double,double,double) density} (alpha, beta, 0, 1, x).
public static double density (double alpha, double beta, double x) {
return density (alpha, beta, 0.0, 1.0, x);
* Computes the density function of the beta distribution.
public static double density (double alpha, double beta,
double a, double b, double x) {
if (a >= b)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("a >= b");
if (x <= a || x >= b)
return 0;
double z = -Num.lnBeta (alpha, beta) - (alpha + beta - 1)* Math.log(b-a) +
(alpha-1)*Math.log(x-a) + (beta-1)*Math.log(b-x);
return Math.exp(z);
* Submittal of an algorithm for publication in one of the ACM
* Transactions implies that unrestricted use of the algorithm within a
* computer is permissible. General permission to copy and distribute
* the algorithm without fee is granted provided that the copies are not
* made or distributed for direct commercial advantage. The ACM
* copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear,
* and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association
* for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires
* a fee and/or specific permission.
* Part of the algorithm for the cdf below is taken from
* W. Gautschi, Algorithm 222: Incomplete Beta Function Ratios,
* Communications of the ACM, Vol. 7, 3, pp 143-144, 1964.
private static double isubx_alphabeta_small (double alpha, double beta,
double x, int d)
* Evaluates beta (alpha, beta, d, x) when 0 < alpha <= 1 and
* 0 < beta <= 2 to a
* precision of d = -log10 (2 epsilon) decimal digits. Uses a series
* expansion in powers of x.
int k = 0;
double s, u, v;
double epsilon;
if (alpha <= 0.0 || alpha > 1.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("alpha not in (0, 1] ");
if (beta <= 0.0 || beta > 2.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("beta not in (0, 2] ");
epsilon = EPSARRAY[d];
u = Math.pow (x, alpha);
s = u/alpha;
do {
u = (k + 1 - beta)*x*u/(k + 1);
v = u/(k + 1 + alpha);
s += v;
} while ((Math.abs (v)/s) > epsilon);
v = Num.lnGamma (alpha + beta) - Num.lnGamma (alpha) - Num.lnGamma (beta);
return s*Math.exp (v);
private static void forward (double alpha, double beta, double x,
double I0, double I1, int nmax, double I[])
* Given I0 = beta (alpha, beta, x) and I1 = beta (alpha, beta + 1, x),
* generates beta (alpha, beta + n, x) for n = 0, 1, 2, ..., nmax, and
* stores the result in I.
int n;
I[0] = I0;
if (nmax > 0)
I[1] = I1;
for (n = 1; n < nmax; n++)
I[n + 1] = (1 + (n - 1 + alpha + beta)*(1. - x)/(n + beta))*I[n]
- (n - 1 + alpha + beta)*(1. - x)*I[n - 1]/(n + beta);
private static void backward (double alpha, double beta, double x,
double I0, int d, int nmax, double I[])
* Given I0 = beta (alpha, beta, x), generates beta (alpha + n, beta, x)
* for n = 0, 1, 2,..., nmax to d significant digits, using a variant of
* J.C.P. Miller's backward recurrence algorithm. Stores the result in I.
* Reference ???
int n, nu, m, ntab;
boolean again;
double[] Itemp, Iapprox, Rr;
double epsilon, r;
I[0] = I0;
if (nmax == 0)
epsilon = EPSARRAY[d];
nu = 2*nmax + 5;
ntab = 64;
while (ntab <= nu)
ntab *= 2;
Rr = new double[ntab];
Iapprox = new double[ntab];
Itemp = new double[ntab];
for (n = 1; n <= nmax; n++)
Iapprox[n] = 0.0;
for (n = 0; n <= nmax; n++)
Itemp[n] = I[n];
do {
n = nu;
r = 0.0;
do {
r = (n - 1 + alpha + beta)*x/
(n + alpha + (n - 1 + alpha + beta)*x - (n + alpha)*r);
if (n <= nmax)
Rr[n - 1] = r;
} while (n >= 1);
for (n = 0; n < nmax; n++)
Itemp[n + 1] = Rr[n]*Itemp[n];
again = false;
for (n = 1; n <= nmax; n++) {
if (Math.abs ((Itemp[n] - Iapprox[n])/Itemp[n]) > epsilon) {
again = true;
for (m = 1; m <= nmax; m++)
Iapprox[m] = Itemp[m];
nu += 5;
if (ntab <= nu) {
ntab *= 2;
double[] nT = new double[ntab];
System.arraycopy (Rr, 0, nT, 0, Rr.length);
Rr = nT;
nT = new double[ntab];
System.arraycopy (Iapprox, 0, nT, 0, Iapprox.length);
Iapprox = nT;
nT = new double[ntab];
System.arraycopy (Itemp, 0, nT, 0, Itemp.length);
Itemp = nT;
} while (again);
for (n = 0; n <= nmax; n++)
I[n] = Itemp[n];
private static void isubx_beta_fixed (double alpha, double beta, double x,
int d, int nmax, double I[])
* Generates beta (alpha + n, beta, x), 0 < alpha <= 1, for n = 0, 1, 2,...,
* nmax to d significant digits, using procedure backward. First reduces
* beta modulo 1 to beta0, where 0 < beta0 <= 1.
int m, mmax;
double s, beta0, Ibeta0, Ibeta1 = 0.0;
double[] Ibeta;
if (alpha <= 0.0 || alpha > 1.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("alpha not in (0, 1] ");
m = (int)beta; // integer part of beta
s = beta - m; // fractionnal part of beta
if (s > 0) {
beta0 = s;
mmax = m;
else {
beta0 = s + 1;
mmax = m - 1;
Ibeta0 = RENORM * isubx_alphabeta_small (alpha, beta0, x, d);
if (mmax > 0)
Ibeta1 = RENORM * isubx_alphabeta_small (alpha, beta0 + 1.0, x, d);
Ibeta = new double[mmax + 1];
forward (alpha, beta0, x, Ibeta0, Ibeta1, mmax, Ibeta);
backward (alpha, beta, x, Ibeta[mmax], d, nmax, I);
for (m = 0; m <= nmax; m++)
I[m] /= RENORM;
private static void isubx_alpha_fixed (double alpha, double beta,
double x, int d, int nmax, double I[])
* Generates beta (alpha, beta + n, x), 0 < beta <= 1, for n = 0, 1, 2,...,
* nmax to d significant digits, using procedure forward.
int m, mmax;
double s, alpha0, I0, Ibeta0, I1, Ibeta1;
double[] Ialpha;
if (beta <= 0.0 || beta > 1.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("beta not in (0, 1] ");
m = (int)alpha; // integer part of alpha
s = alpha - m; // fractionnal part of alpha
if (s > 0) {
alpha0 = s;
mmax = m;
else {
alpha0 = s + 1;
mmax = m - 1;
I0 = RENORM * isubx_alphabeta_small (alpha0, beta, x, d);
I1 = RENORM * isubx_alphabeta_small (alpha0, beta + 1.0, x, d);
Ialpha = new double[mmax + 1];
backward (alpha0, beta, x, I0, d, mmax, Ialpha);
Ibeta0 = Ialpha[mmax];
backward (alpha0, beta + 1.0, x, I1, d, mmax, Ialpha);
Ibeta1 = Ialpha[mmax];
forward (alpha, beta, x, Ibeta0, Ibeta1, nmax, I);
for (m = 0; m <= nmax; m++)
I[m] /= RENORM;
private static void beta_beta_fixed (double alpha, double beta,
double x, int d, int nmax, double I[])
int n;
if (alpha <= 0.0 || alpha > 1.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("alpha not in (0, 1]");
if (beta <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("beta <= 0");
if (nmax < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("nmax < 0");
if (x == 0.0 || x == 1.0) {
for (n = 0; n <= nmax; n++)
I[n] = x;
if (x <= 0.5)
isubx_beta_fixed (alpha, beta, x, d, nmax, I);
else {
isubx_alpha_fixed (beta, alpha, 1.0 - x, d, nmax, I);
for (n = 0; n <= nmax; n++)
I[n] = 1.0 - I[n];
private static void beta_alpha_fixed (double alpha, double beta,
double x, int d, int nmax, double I[])
int n;
if (beta <= 0.0 || beta > 1.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("beta not in (0, 1]");
if (alpha <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("alpha <= 0");
if (nmax < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("nmax < 0");
if (x == 0.0 || x == 1.0) {
for (n = 0; n <= nmax; n++)
I[n] = x;
if (x <= 0.5)
isubx_alpha_fixed (alpha, beta, x, d, nmax, I);
else {
isubx_beta_fixed (beta, alpha, 1.0 - x, d, nmax, I);
for (n = 0; n <= nmax; n++)
I[n] = 1.0 - I[n];
private static double beta_g (double x, int d)
* Used in the normal approximation of beta. This is the function
* (1.0 - x*x + 2.0*x*log (x))/((1.0 - x)*(1.0 - x)).
double epsilon;
double y, sum, term, inc;
int j;
if (x > 1.3)
return -beta_g (1.0/x, d);
if (x < 1.0E-20)
return 1.0;
if (x < 0.7)
return (1.0 - x*x + 2.0*x*Math.log (x))/((1.0 - x)*(1.0 - x));
if (x == 1.0)
return 0.0;
// For x near 1, to avoid loss of precision, use a series expansion
epsilon = EPSARRAY[d];
y = 1.0 - x;
sum = 0.0;
term = 1.0;
j = 2;
do {
term *= y;
inc = term/(j*(j + 1));
sum += inc;
} while (Math.abs (inc/sum) > epsilon);
return 2.0*sum;
* Same as
* {@link #cdf(double,double,double,double,int,double) cdf} (alpha, beta, 0, 1, d, x).
public static double cdf (double alpha, double beta, int d, double x) {
* The exact section of beta below is very slow for large parameters.
* It is an old algorithm of Gautschi (1964). There is an algorithm
* for beta that is recent and is supposed to be very fast.
* ACM Trans. Math. Soft. 18, pp 360, (1992). (R. Simard.)
* I[j] will contain either the values of cdf (alpha0 + j, beta, d, x),
* where 0 < alpha0 <= 1, for j = 0, 1, 2, ..., n, with
* alpha = alpha0 + n;
* or the values of cdf (alpha, beta0 + j, d, x), where 0 < beta0 <= 1,
* for j = 0, 1, 2, ..., n, with beta = beta0 + n.
final double ALPHABETAMAX = 1000.0;
final double ALPHABETALIM = 30.0;
int n;
boolean flag = false;
double alpha0, beta0, u, temp, yd, gam, h1, h3, y;
double[] I;
if (alpha <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("alpha <= 0");
if (beta <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("beta <= 0");
if (d <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("d <= 0");
if (x <= 0.0)
return 0.0;
if (x >= 1.0)
return 1.0;
if (Math.max (alpha, beta) <= ALPHABETAMAX) {
if (alpha < beta) {
n = (int)alpha; // integer part of alpha
alpha0 = alpha - n; // fractionnal part of alpha
if (alpha0 <= 0.0) { // alpha0 == 0 not allowed
alpha0 = 1.0;
I = new double[n + 1];
beta_beta_fixed (alpha0, beta, x, d, n, I);
u = I[n];
/* There may be numerical errors far in
* the tails giving very small
* negative values instead of 0. */
if (u <= 0.0)
return 0.0;
else if (u <= 1.0)
return u;
return 1.0;
else {
n = (int)beta; // integer part of beta
beta0 = beta - n; // fractionnal part of beta
if (beta0 <= 0.0) { // beta0 == 0 not allowed
beta0 = 1.0;
I = new double[n + 1];
beta_alpha_fixed (alpha, beta0, x, d, n, I);
u = I[n];
/* There may be numerical errors far in
* the tails giving very small
* negative values instead of 0. */
if (u <= 0.0)
return 0.0;
else if (u <= 1.0)
return u;
return 1.0;
if ((alpha > ALPHABETAMAX && beta < ALPHABETALIM) ||
(beta > ALPHABETAMAX && alpha < ALPHABETALIM)) {
// Bol'shev approximation for large max (alpha, beta)
// and small min (alpha, beta)
if (x > 0.5)
return 1.0 - cdf (beta, alpha, d, 1.0 - x);
if (alpha < beta) {
u = alpha;
alpha = beta;
beta = u;
flag = false;
flag = true;
u = alpha + 0.5*beta - 0.5;
if (!flag)
temp = x/(2.0 - x);
temp = (1.0 - x)/(1.0 + x);
yd = 2.0*u*temp;
gam = (Math.exp (beta*Math.log (yd) - yd -
Num.lnGamma (beta))*(2.0*yd*yd - (beta -
1.0)*yd - (beta*beta - 1.0)))/(24.0*u*u);
if (flag) {
yd = GammaDist.barF (beta, d, yd);
return yd - gam;
} else {
yd = GammaDist.cdf (beta, d, yd);
return yd + gam;
// Normal approximation of Peizer and Pratt. Reference: \cite{tPEI68a}
h1 = alpha + beta - 1.0;
y = 1.0 - x;
h3 = Math.sqrt ((1.0 + y*beta_g ((alpha - 0.5)/(h1*x), d)
+ x*beta_g ((beta - 0.5)/(h1*y), d))
/((h1 + 1.0/6.0)*x*y))
*((h1 + 1.0/3.0 + 0.02*(1.0/alpha + 1.0/beta + 1.0/(alpha + beta)))
*x - alpha + 1.0/3.0 - 0.02/alpha - 0.01/(alpha + beta));
return NormalDist.cdf01 (h3);
* Computes an approximation of the distribution function, with roughly
* d decimal digits of precision.
public static double cdf (double alpha, double beta,
double a, double b, int d, double x) {
return cdf (alpha, beta, d, (x - a)/(b - a));
* Same as
* {@link #barF(double,double,double,double,int,double) barF} (alpha, beta, 0, 1, d, x).
public static double barF (double alpha, double beta, int d, double x) {
return 1.0 - cdf (alpha, beta, d, x);
* Computes the complementary distribution function.
public static double barF (double alpha, double beta,
double a, double b, int d, double x) {
if (a >= b)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("a >= b");
return 1.0 - cdf (alpha, beta, d, (x - a)/(b - a));
* Same as
* {@link #inverseF(double,double,double,double,int,double) inverseF} (alpha, beta, 0, 1, d, u).
public static double inverseF (double alpha, double beta, int d, double u) {
if (alpha <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("alpha <= 0");
if (beta <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("beta <= 0");
if (d <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("d <= 0");
if (u > 1.0 || u < 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("u not in [0,1]");
if (u <= 0)
return 0;
if (u >= 1)
return 1;
* Code taken from
* Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000
* Copyright 1984, 1996, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier
final double MACHEP = 1.11022302462515654042E-16;
final double MAXLOG = 7.09782712893383996843E2;
final double MINLOG = -7.08396418532264106224E2;
final double MAXNUM = 1.7976931348623158E308;
boolean ihalve = false;
boolean newt = false;
double p = 0, q = 0, y0 = 0, z = 0, y = 0, x = 0, x0, x1, lgm = 0,
yp = 0, di = 0, dithresh = 0, yl, yh, xt = 0;
int i, dir;
boolean rflg, nflg;
x0 = 0.0;
yl = 0.0;
x1 = 1.0;
yh = 1.0;
nflg = false;
rflg = false;
if (alpha <= 1.0 || beta <= 1.0) {
dithresh = 1.0e-6;
rflg = false;
p = alpha;
q = beta;
y0 = u;
x = p/(p+q);
y = cdf (p, q, d, x);
ihalve = true;
dithresh = 1.0e-4;
while (true) {
if (ihalve) {
ihalve = false;
dir = 0;
di = 0.5;
for (i = 0; i<100; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
x = x0 + di*(x1 - x0);
if (x == 1.0)
x = 1.0 - MACHEP;
if (x == 0.0) {
di = 0.5;
x = x0 + di*(x1 - x0);
if (x == 0.0) {
// System.err.println ("BetaDist.inverseF: underflow");
return 0;
y = cdf (p, q, d, x);
yp = (x1 - x0)/(x1 + x0);
if (Math.abs (yp) < dithresh) {
newt = true;
continue mainloop;
yp = (y-y0)/y0;
if (Math.abs (yp) < dithresh) {
newt = true;
continue mainloop;
if (y < y0) {
x0 = x;
yl = y;
if (dir < 0) {
dir = 0;
di = 0.5;
else if (dir > 3)
di = 1.0 - (1.0 - di)*(1.0 - di);
else if (dir > 1)
di = 0.5*di + 0.5;
di = (y0 - y)/(yh - yl);
dir += 1;
if (x0 > 0.75) {// if (0 == y)
// y = EPS;
if (rflg) {
rflg = false;
p = alpha;
q = beta;
y0 = u;
else {
rflg = true;
p = beta;
q = alpha;
y0 = 1.0 - u;
x = 1.0 - x;
y = cdf (p, q, d, x);
x0 = 0.0;
yl = 0.0;
x1 = 1.0;
yh = 1.0;
ihalve = true;
continue mainloop;
else {
x1 = x;
if (rflg && x1 < MACHEP) {
x = 0.0;
break mainloop;
yh = y;
if (dir > 0) {
dir = 0;
di = 0.5;
else if (dir < -3)
di = di*di;
else if (dir < -1)
di = 0.5*di;
di = (y - y0)/(yh - yl);
dir -= 1;
// PLOSS error
if (x0 >= 1.0) {
x = 1.0 - MACHEP;
break mainloop;
if (x <= 0.0) {
// System.err.println ("BetaDist.inverseF: underflow");
return 0 ;
newt = true;
if (newt) {
newt = false;
if (nflg)
break mainloop;
nflg = true;
lgm = Num.lnGamma (p+q) - Num.lnGamma (p) - Num.lnGamma (q);
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
/* Compute the function at this point. */
if (i != 0)
y = cdf (p, q, d, x);
if (y < yl) {
x = x0;
y = yl;
else if (y > yh) {
x = x1;
y = yh;
else if (y < y0) {
x0 = x;
yl = y;
else {
x1 = x;
yh = y;
if (x >= 1.0 || x <= 0.0)
/* Compute the derivative of the function at this point. */
z = (p - 1.0)*Math.log (x) + (q - 1.0)*Math.log1p (-x) + lgm;
if (z < MINLOG)
break mainloop;
if (z > MAXLOG)
z = Math.exp (z);
/* Compute the step to the next approximation of x. */
z = (y - y0)/z;
xt = x - z;
if (xt <= x0) {
y = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0);
xt = x0 + 0.5*y*(x - x0);
if (xt <= 0.0)
if (xt >= x1) {
y = (x1 - x) / (x1 - x0);
xt = x1 - 0.5*y*(x1 - x);
if (xt >= 1.0)
x = xt;
if (Math.abs (z/x) < 128.0*MACHEP)
break mainloop;
/* Did not converge. */
dithresh = 256.0*MACHEP;
ihalve = true;
continue mainloop;
yp = -NormalDist.inverseF01 (u);
if (u > 0.5) {
rflg = true;
p = beta;
q = alpha;
y0 = 1.0 - u;
yp = -yp;
else {
rflg = false;
p = alpha;
q = beta;
y0 = u;
lgm = (yp*yp - 3.0)/6.0;
x = 2.0/(1.0/(2.0*p-1.0) + 1.0/(2.0*q-1.0));
z = yp*Math.sqrt (x + lgm)/x
- (1.0/(2.0*q-1.0) - 1.0/(2.0*p-1.0) )
* (lgm + 5.0/6.0 - 2.0/(3.0*x));
z = 2.0*z;
if (z < MINLOG) {
x = 1.0;
// System.err.println ("BetaDist.inverseF: underflow");
return 0;
x = p/( p + q*Math.exp (z));
y = cdf (p, q, d, x);
yp = (y - y0)/y0;
if (Math.abs (yp) < 0.2) {
newt = true;
continue mainloop;
ihalve = true;
// Done
if (rflg) {
if (x <= MACHEP)
x = 1.0 - MACHEP;
x = 1.0 - x;
return x;
* Returns the inverse beta distribution function
* using the algorithm implemented in
* the Cephes math library.
* The method performs interval halving or Newton iterations to
* compute the inverse. The precision depends on the
* accuracy of the {@link #cdf cdf} method. The argument d gives
* a good idea of the precision attained.
public static double inverseF (double alpha, double beta,
double a, double b, int d, double u) {
if (a >= b)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("a >= b");
return a + (b - a)*inverseF (alpha, beta, d, u);
* Estimates the parameters
* (α, β) of the beta distribution over the
* interval [0, 1] using the maximum likelihood method, from the n observations
* x[i],
* i = 0, 1,…, n - 1. The estimates are returned in a two-element
* array, in regular order: [α, β].
* @param x the list of observations to use to evaluate parameters
* @param n the number of observations to use to evaluate parameters
* @return returns the parameters [
* hat(α),
* hat(β)]
public static double[] getMLE (double[] x, int n) {
double sum;
if (n <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("n <= 0");
sum = 0.0;
double a = 0.0;
double b = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += x[i];
if (x[i] > 0.0)
a += Math.log (x[i]);
a -= 709.0;
if (x[i] < 1.0)
b += Math.log1p (-x[i]);
b -= 709.0;
double mean = sum / (double) n;
sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += (x[i] - mean) * (x[i] - mean);
double var = sum / ((double) n - 1.0);
Optim system = new Optim (a, b);
double[] param = new double[3];
param[1] = mean * ((mean * (1.0 - mean) / var) - 1.0);
param[2] = (1.0 - mean) * ((mean * (1.0 - mean) / var) - 1.0);
double[] fvec = new double [3];
double[][] fjac = new double[3][3];
int[] iflag = new int[2];
int[] info = new int[2];
int[] ipvt = new int[3];
Minpack_f77.lmder1_f77 (system, 2, 2, param, fvec, fjac, 1e-5, info, ipvt);
double parameters[] = new double[2];
parameters[0] = param[1];
parameters[1] = param[2];
return parameters;
* Creates a new instance of a beta distribution with parameters α and
* β over the interval [0, 1] estimated using the maximum likelihood
* method based on the n observations x[i],
* i = 0, 1,…, n - 1.
* @param x the list of observations to use to evaluate parameters
* @param n the number of observations to use to evaluate parameters
public static BetaDist getInstanceFromMLE (double[] x, int n) {
double parameters[] = getMLE (x, n);
return new BetaDist (parameters[0], parameters[1]);
* Computes and returns the mean
* E[X] = α/(α + β)
* of the beta distribution with parameters α and β, over the
* interval [0, 1].
* @return the mean of the Beta distribution
public static double getMean (double alpha, double beta) {
return getMean (alpha, beta, 0.0, 1.0);
* Computes and returns the mean
* E[X] = (bα + aβ)/(α + β)
* of the beta distribution with parameters α and β over the
* interval [a, b].
* @return the mean of the Beta distribution
public static double getMean (double alpha, double beta, double a,
double b) {
if (alpha <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("alpha <= 0");
if (beta <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("beta <= 0");
return (alpha*b + beta*a) / (alpha + beta);
* .
* Computes and returns the variance
* Var[X] =
* of the beta distribution with parameters α and β, over the
* interval [0, 1].
* @return the variance of the beta distribution
* Var[X] = αβ/[(α + β)2(α + β + 1)].
public static double getVariance (double alpha, double beta) {
return getVariance (alpha, beta, 0.0, 1.0);
* .
* Computes and returns the variance
* Var[X] =
* of the beta distribution with parameters α and β, over the
* interval [a, b].
* @return the variance of the beta distribution
* Var[X] = αβ/[(α + β)2(α + β + 1)].
public static double getVariance (double alpha, double beta, double a,
double b) {
if (alpha <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("alpha <= 0");
if (beta <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("beta <= 0");
return ((alpha * beta)*(b-a)*(b-a)) /
((alpha + beta) * (alpha + beta) * (alpha + beta + 1));
* Computes the standard deviation of the beta distribution with
* parameters α and β, over the interval [0, 1].
* @return the standard deviation of the Beta distribution
public static double getStandardDeviation (double alpha, double beta) {
return Math.sqrt (BetaDist.getVariance (alpha, beta));
* Computes the standard deviation of the beta distribution with
* parameters α and β, over the interval [a, b].
* @return the standard deviation of the Beta distribution
public static double getStandardDeviation (double alpha, double beta,
double a, double b) {
return Math.sqrt (BetaDist.getVariance (alpha, beta, a, b));
* Returns the parameter α of this object.
public double getAlpha() {
return alpha;
* Returns the parameter β of this object.
public double getBeta() {
return beta;
* Returns the parameter a of this object.
public double getA() {
return a;
* Returns the parameter b of this object.
public double getB() {
return b;
public void setParams (double alpha, double beta,
double a, double b, int d) {
if (alpha <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("alpha <= 0");
if (beta <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("beta <= 0");
if (a >= b)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("a >= b");
this.alpha = alpha;
this.beta = beta;
this.decPrec = d;
supportA = this.a = a;
supportB = this.b = b;
bminusa = b - a;
double temp = Num.lnGamma (alpha);
if (alpha == beta)
temp *= 2.0;
temp += Num.lnGamma (beta);
logBeta = temp - Num.lnGamma (alpha + beta);
Beta = Math.exp(logBeta);
// this.factor = 1.0 / (Beta * Math.pow (bminusa, alpha + beta - 1));
this.logFactor = - logBeta - Math.log (bminusa) * (alpha + beta - 1);
* Return a table containing parameters of the current distribution.
* This table is put in regular order: [α, β].
public double[] getParams () {
double[] retour = {alpha, beta};
return retour;
public String toString () {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + " : alpha = " + alpha + ", beta = " + beta;
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