Download foundation JAR 0.4.8 with all dependencies
Integrate compatible versions of many external systems to create a REST/HTTP server foundation
Files of the artifact foundation version 0.4.8 from the group
Artifact foundation
Version 0.4.8
Last update 17. April 2019
Tags: many systems integrate versions http external compatible server foundation rest create
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 38
Dependencies helloShim, http, spreedly, intercom-java, jetty-servlets, jetty-webapp, jetty-rewrite, urlrewritefilter, jersey-container-servlet, jersey-media-json-processing, jersey-client, jackson-jaxrs-json-provider, jackson-core, jackson-annotations, jackson-databind, aws-java-sdk, jasypt, commons-lang3, jedis, swagger-jersey2-jaxrs_2.11, postgresql, jdbi, HikariCP-java6, mysql-connector-java, logback-classic, jcl-over-slf4j, slf4j-api, lutung, commons-net, commons-csv, poi, poi-ooxml, reflections, jai-imageio-core, restfb, twitter4j-core, google-api-services-plus, annotation-detector,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 0.4.8
Last update 17. April 2019
Tags: many systems integrate versions http external compatible server foundation rest create
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 38
Dependencies helloShim, http, spreedly, intercom-java, jetty-servlets, jetty-webapp, jetty-rewrite, urlrewritefilter, jersey-container-servlet, jersey-media-json-processing, jersey-client, jackson-jaxrs-json-provider, jackson-core, jackson-annotations, jackson-databind, aws-java-sdk, jasypt, commons-lang3, jedis, swagger-jersey2-jaxrs_2.11, postgresql, jdbi, HikariCP-java6, mysql-connector-java, logback-classic, jcl-over-slf4j, slf4j-api, lutung, commons-net, commons-csv, poi, poi-ooxml, reflections, jai-imageio-core, restfb, twitter4j-core, google-api-services-plus, annotation-detector,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
There is a newer version: 0.5.12
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