org.apache.spark.SparkConf.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark
import java.util.{Map => JMap}
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
import org.apache.avro.{Schema, SchemaNormalization}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.History._
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Kryo._
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Network._
import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
* Configuration for a Spark application. Used to set various Spark parameters as key-value pairs.
* Most of the time, you would create a SparkConf object with `new SparkConf()`, which will load
* values from any `spark.*` Java system properties set in your application as well. In this case,
* parameters you set directly on the `SparkConf` object take priority over system properties.
* For unit tests, you can also call `new SparkConf(false)` to skip loading external settings and
* get the same configuration no matter what the system properties are.
* All setter methods in this class support chaining. For example, you can write
* `new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("My app")`.
* @param loadDefaults whether to also load values from Java system properties
* @note Once a SparkConf object is passed to Spark, it is cloned and can no longer be modified
* by the user. Spark does not support modifying the configuration at runtime.
class SparkConf(loadDefaults: Boolean) extends Cloneable with Logging with Serializable {
import SparkConf._
/** Create a SparkConf that loads defaults from system properties and the classpath */
def this() = this(true)
private val settings = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]()
@transient private lazy val reader: ConfigReader = {
val _reader = new ConfigReader(new SparkConfigProvider(settings))
_reader.bindEnv((key: String) => Option(getenv(key)))
if (loadDefaults) {
private[spark] def loadFromSystemProperties(silent: Boolean): SparkConf = {
// Load any spark.* system properties
for ((key, value) <- Utils.getSystemProperties if key.startsWith("spark.")) {
set(key, value, silent)
/** Set a configuration variable. */
def set(key: String, value: String): SparkConf = {
set(key, value, false)
private[spark] def set(key: String, value: String, silent: Boolean): SparkConf = {
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("null key")
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("null value for " + key)
if (!silent) {
settings.put(key, value)
private[spark] def set[T](entry: ConfigEntry[T], value: T): SparkConf = {
set(entry.key, entry.stringConverter(value))
private[spark] def set[T](entry: OptionalConfigEntry[T], value: T): SparkConf = {
set(entry.key, entry.rawStringConverter(value))
* The master URL to connect to, such as "local" to run locally with one thread, "local[4]" to
* run locally with 4 cores, or "spark://master:7077" to run on a Spark standalone cluster.
def setMaster(master: String): SparkConf = {
set("spark.master", master)
/** Set a name for your application. Shown in the Spark web UI. */
def setAppName(name: String): SparkConf = {
set("spark.app.name", name)
/** Set JAR files to distribute to the cluster. */
def setJars(jars: Seq[String]): SparkConf = {
for (jar <- jars if (jar == null)) logWarning("null jar passed to SparkContext constructor")
set(JARS, jars.filter(_ != null))
/** Set JAR files to distribute to the cluster. (Java-friendly version.) */
def setJars(jars: Array[String]): SparkConf = {
* Set an environment variable to be used when launching executors for this application.
* These variables are stored as properties of the form spark.executorEnv.VAR_NAME
* (for example spark.executorEnv.PATH) but this method makes them easier to set.
def setExecutorEnv(variable: String, value: String): SparkConf = {
set("spark.executorEnv." + variable, value)
* Set multiple environment variables to be used when launching executors.
* These variables are stored as properties of the form spark.executorEnv.VAR_NAME
* (for example spark.executorEnv.PATH) but this method makes them easier to set.
def setExecutorEnv(variables: Seq[(String, String)]): SparkConf = {
for ((k, v) <- variables) {
setExecutorEnv(k, v)
* Set multiple environment variables to be used when launching executors.
* (Java-friendly version.)
def setExecutorEnv(variables: Array[(String, String)]): SparkConf = {
* Set the location where Spark is installed on worker nodes.
def setSparkHome(home: String): SparkConf = {
set("spark.home", home)
/** Set multiple parameters together */
def setAll(settings: Iterable[(String, String)]): SparkConf = {
settings.foreach { case (k, v) => set(k, v) }
* Set multiple parameters together
@deprecated("Use setAll(Iterable) instead", "3.0.0")
def setAll(settings: Traversable[(String, String)]): SparkConf = {
settings.foreach { case (k, v) => set(k, v) }
/** Set a parameter if it isn't already configured */
def setIfMissing(key: String, value: String): SparkConf = {
if (settings.putIfAbsent(key, value) == null) {
private[spark] def setIfMissing[T](entry: ConfigEntry[T], value: T): SparkConf = {
if (settings.putIfAbsent(entry.key, entry.stringConverter(value)) == null) {
private[spark] def setIfMissing[T](entry: OptionalConfigEntry[T], value: T): SparkConf = {
if (settings.putIfAbsent(entry.key, entry.rawStringConverter(value)) == null) {
* Use Kryo serialization and register the given set of classes with Kryo.
* If called multiple times, this will append the classes from all calls together.
def registerKryoClasses(classes: Array[Class[_]]): SparkConf = {
val allClassNames = new LinkedHashSet[String]()
allClassNames ++= get(KRYO_CLASSES_TO_REGISTER).map(_.trim)
allClassNames ++= classes.map(_.getName)
set(KRYO_CLASSES_TO_REGISTER, allClassNames.toSeq)
set(SERIALIZER, classOf[KryoSerializer].getName)
private final val avroNamespace = "avro.schema."
* Use Kryo serialization and register the given set of Avro schemas so that the generic
* record serializer can decrease network IO
def registerAvroSchemas(schemas: Schema*): SparkConf = {
for (schema <- schemas) {
set(avroNamespace + SchemaNormalization.parsingFingerprint64(schema), schema.toString)
/** Gets all the avro schemas in the configuration used in the generic Avro record serializer */
def getAvroSchema: Map[Long, String] = {
getAll.filter { case (k, v) => k.startsWith(avroNamespace) }
.map { case (k, v) => (k.substring(avroNamespace.length).toLong, v) }
/** Remove a parameter from the configuration */
def remove(key: String): SparkConf = {
private[spark] def remove(entry: ConfigEntry[_]): SparkConf = {
/** Get a parameter; throws a NoSuchElementException if it's not set */
def get(key: String): String = {
getOption(key).getOrElse(throw new NoSuchElementException(key))
/** Get a parameter, falling back to a default if not set */
def get(key: String, defaultValue: String): String = {
* Retrieves the value of a pre-defined configuration entry.
* - This is an internal Spark API.
* - The return type if defined by the configuration entry.
* - This will throw an exception is the config is not optional and the value is not set.
private[spark] def get[T](entry: ConfigEntry[T]): T = {
* Get a time parameter as seconds; throws a NoSuchElementException if it's not set. If no
* suffix is provided then seconds are assumed.
* @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException If the time parameter is not set
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as seconds
def getTimeAsSeconds(key: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
* Get a time parameter as seconds, falling back to a default if not set. If no
* suffix is provided then seconds are assumed.
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as seconds
def getTimeAsSeconds(key: String, defaultValue: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
Utils.timeStringAsSeconds(get(key, defaultValue))
* Get a time parameter as milliseconds; throws a NoSuchElementException if it's not set. If no
* suffix is provided then milliseconds are assumed.
* @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException If the time parameter is not set
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as milliseconds
def getTimeAsMs(key: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
* Get a time parameter as milliseconds, falling back to a default if not set. If no
* suffix is provided then milliseconds are assumed.
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as milliseconds
def getTimeAsMs(key: String, defaultValue: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
Utils.timeStringAsMs(get(key, defaultValue))
* Get a size parameter as bytes; throws a NoSuchElementException if it's not set. If no
* suffix is provided then bytes are assumed.
* @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException If the size parameter is not set
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as bytes
def getSizeAsBytes(key: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
* Get a size parameter as bytes, falling back to a default if not set. If no
* suffix is provided then bytes are assumed.
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as bytes
def getSizeAsBytes(key: String, defaultValue: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
Utils.byteStringAsBytes(get(key, defaultValue))
* Get a size parameter as bytes, falling back to a default if not set.
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as bytes
def getSizeAsBytes(key: String, defaultValue: Long): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
Utils.byteStringAsBytes(get(key, defaultValue + "B"))
* Get a size parameter as Kibibytes; throws a NoSuchElementException if it's not set. If no
* suffix is provided then Kibibytes are assumed.
* @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException If the size parameter is not set
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as Kibibytes
def getSizeAsKb(key: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
* Get a size parameter as Kibibytes, falling back to a default if not set. If no
* suffix is provided then Kibibytes are assumed.
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as Kibibytes
def getSizeAsKb(key: String, defaultValue: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
Utils.byteStringAsKb(get(key, defaultValue))
* Get a size parameter as Mebibytes; throws a NoSuchElementException if it's not set. If no
* suffix is provided then Mebibytes are assumed.
* @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException If the size parameter is not set
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as Mebibytes
def getSizeAsMb(key: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
* Get a size parameter as Mebibytes, falling back to a default if not set. If no
* suffix is provided then Mebibytes are assumed.
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as Mebibytes
def getSizeAsMb(key: String, defaultValue: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
Utils.byteStringAsMb(get(key, defaultValue))
* Get a size parameter as Gibibytes; throws a NoSuchElementException if it's not set. If no
* suffix is provided then Gibibytes are assumed.
* @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException If the size parameter is not set
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as Gibibytes
def getSizeAsGb(key: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
* Get a size parameter as Gibibytes, falling back to a default if not set. If no
* suffix is provided then Gibibytes are assumed.
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as Gibibytes
def getSizeAsGb(key: String, defaultValue: String): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
Utils.byteStringAsGb(get(key, defaultValue))
/** Get a parameter as an Option */
def getOption(key: String): Option[String] = {
Option(settings.get(key)).orElse(getDeprecatedConfig(key, settings))
/** Get an optional value, applying variable substitution. */
private[spark] def getWithSubstitution(key: String): Option[String] = {
/** Get all parameters as a list of pairs */
def getAll: Array[(String, String)] = {
settings.entrySet().asScala.map(x => (x.getKey, x.getValue)).toArray
* Get all parameters that start with `prefix`
def getAllWithPrefix(prefix: String): Array[(String, String)] = {
getAll.filter { case (k, v) => k.startsWith(prefix) }
.map { case (k, v) => (k.substring(prefix.length), v) }
* Get a parameter as an integer, falling back to a default if not set
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as an integer
def getInt(key: String, defaultValue: Int): Int = catchIllegalValue(key) {
* Get a parameter as a long, falling back to a default if not set
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as a long
def getLong(key: String, defaultValue: Long): Long = catchIllegalValue(key) {
* Get a parameter as a double, falling back to a default if not ste
* @throws NumberFormatException If the value cannot be interpreted as a double
def getDouble(key: String, defaultValue: Double): Double = catchIllegalValue(key) {
* Get a parameter as a boolean, falling back to a default if not set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the value cannot be interpreted as a boolean
def getBoolean(key: String, defaultValue: Boolean): Boolean = catchIllegalValue(key) {
/** Get all executor environment variables set on this SparkConf */
def getExecutorEnv: Seq[(String, String)] = {
* Returns the Spark application id, valid in the Driver after TaskScheduler registration and
* from the start in the Executor.
def getAppId: String = get("spark.app.id")
/** Does the configuration contain a given parameter? */
def contains(key: String): Boolean = {
settings.containsKey(key) ||
configsWithAlternatives.get(key).toSeq.flatten.exists { alt => contains(alt.key) }
private[spark] def contains(entry: ConfigEntry[_]): Boolean = contains(entry.key)
/** Copy this object */
override def clone: SparkConf = {
val cloned = new SparkConf(false)
settings.entrySet().asScala.foreach { e =>
cloned.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), true)
* By using this instead of System.getenv(), environment variables can be mocked
* in unit tests.
private[spark] def getenv(name: String): String = System.getenv(name)
* Wrapper method for get() methods which require some specific value format. This catches
* any [[NumberFormatException]] or [[IllegalArgumentException]] and re-raises it with the
* incorrectly configured key in the exception message.
private def catchIllegalValue[T](key: String)(getValue: => T): T = {
try {
} catch {
case e: NumberFormatException =>
// NumberFormatException doesn't have a constructor that takes a cause for some reason.
throw new NumberFormatException(s"Illegal value for config key $key: ${e.getMessage}")
case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Illegal value for config key $key: ${e.getMessage}", e)
* Checks for illegal or deprecated config settings. Throws an exception for the former. Not
* idempotent - may mutate this conf object to convert deprecated settings to supported ones.
private[spark] def validateSettings(): Unit = {
if (contains("spark.local.dir")) {
val msg = "Note that spark.local.dir will be overridden by the value set by " +
"the cluster manager (via SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS in mesos/standalone/kubernetes and LOCAL_DIRS" +
" in YARN)."
val executorOptsKey = EXECUTOR_JAVA_OPTIONS.key
// Used by Yarn in 1.1 and before
sys.props.get("spark.driver.libraryPath").foreach { value =>
val warning =
|spark.driver.libraryPath was detected (set to '$value').
|This is deprecated in Spark 1.2+.
|Please instead use: ${DRIVER_LIBRARY_PATH.key}
// Validate spark.executor.extraJavaOptions
getOption(executorOptsKey).foreach { javaOpts =>
if (javaOpts.contains("-Dspark")) {
val msg = s"$executorOptsKey is not allowed to set Spark options (was '$javaOpts'). " +
"Set them directly on a SparkConf or in a properties file when using ./bin/spark-submit."
throw new Exception(msg)
if (javaOpts.contains("-Xmx")) {
val msg = s"$executorOptsKey is not allowed to specify max heap memory settings " +
s"(was '$javaOpts'). Use spark.executor.memory instead."
throw new Exception(msg)
// Validate memory fractions
val value = getDouble(key, 0.5)
if (value > 1 || value < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$key should be between 0 and 1 (was '$value').")
if (contains(SUBMIT_DEPLOY_MODE)) {
case "cluster" | "client" =>
case e => throw new SparkException(s"${SUBMIT_DEPLOY_MODE.key} can only be " +
"\"cluster\" or \"client\".")
if (contains(CORES_MAX) && contains(EXECUTOR_CORES)) {
val totalCores = getInt(CORES_MAX.key, 1)
val executorCores = get(EXECUTOR_CORES)
val leftCores = totalCores % executorCores
if (leftCores != 0) {
logWarning(s"Total executor cores: ${totalCores} is not " +
s"divisible by cores per executor: ${executorCores}, " +
s"the left cores: ${leftCores} will not be allocated")
require(!encryptionEnabled || get(NETWORK_AUTH_ENABLED),
s"${NETWORK_AUTH_ENABLED.key} must be enabled when enabling encryption.")
val executorTimeoutThresholdMs = get(NETWORK_TIMEOUT) * 1000
val executorHeartbeatIntervalMs = get(EXECUTOR_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL)
val networkTimeout = NETWORK_TIMEOUT.key
// If spark.executor.heartbeatInterval bigger than spark.network.timeout,
// it will almost always cause ExecutorLostFailure. See SPARK-22754.
require(executorTimeoutThresholdMs > executorHeartbeatIntervalMs, "The value of " +
s"${networkTimeout}=${executorTimeoutThresholdMs}ms must be no less than the value of " +
* Return a string listing all keys and values, one per line. This is useful to print the
* configuration out for debugging.
def toDebugString: String = {
Utils.redact(this, getAll).sorted.map { case (k, v) => k + "=" + v }.mkString("\n")
private[spark] object SparkConf extends Logging {
* Maps deprecated config keys to information about the deprecation.
* The extra information is logged as a warning when the config is present in the user's
* configuration.
private val deprecatedConfigs: Map[String, DeprecatedConfig] = {
val configs = Seq(
DeprecatedConfig("spark.cache.class", "0.8",
"The spark.cache.class property is no longer being used! Specify storage levels using " +
"the RDD.persist() method instead."),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.yarn.user.classpath.first", "1.3",
"Please use spark.{driver,executor}.userClassPathFirst instead."),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb", "1.4",
"Please use spark.kryoserializer.buffer instead. The default value for " +
"spark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb was previously specified as '0.064'. Fractional values " +
"are no longer accepted. To specify the equivalent now, one may use '64k'."),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.rpc", "2.0", "Not used anymore."),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.scheduler.executorTaskBlacklistTime", "2.1.0",
"Please use the new blacklisting options, spark.blacklist.*"),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.yarn.am.port", "2.0.0", "Not used anymore"),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.executor.port", "2.0.0", "Not used anymore"),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.shuffle.service.index.cache.entries", "2.3.0",
"Not used anymore. Please use spark.shuffle.service.index.cache.size"),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.yarn.credentials.file.retention.count", "2.4.0", "Not used anymore."),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.yarn.credentials.file.retention.days", "2.4.0", "Not used anymore."),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.yarn.services", "3.0.0", "Feature no longer available."),
DeprecatedConfig("spark.executor.plugins", "3.0.0",
"Feature replaced with new plugin API. See Monitoring documentation.")
Map(configs.map { cfg => (cfg.key -> cfg) } : _*)
* Maps a current config key to alternate keys that were used in previous version of Spark.
* The alternates are used in the order defined in this map. If deprecated configs are
* present in the user's configuration, a warning is logged.
* TODO: consolidate it with `ConfigBuilder.withAlternative`.
private val configsWithAlternatives = Map[String, Seq[AlternateConfig]](
AlternateConfig("spark.files.userClassPathFirst", "1.3")),
AlternateConfig("spark.history.fs.update.interval.seconds", "1.4"),
AlternateConfig("spark.history.fs.updateInterval", "1.3"),
AlternateConfig("spark.history.updateInterval", "1.3")),
AlternateConfig("spark.history.fs.cleaner.interval.seconds", "1.4")),
MAX_LOG_AGE_S.key -> Seq(
AlternateConfig("spark.history.fs.cleaner.maxAge.seconds", "1.4")),
"spark.yarn.am.waitTime" -> Seq(
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.applicationMaster.waitTries", "1.3",
// Translate old value to a duration, with 10s wait time per try.
translation = s => s"${s.toLong * 10}s")),
AlternateConfig("spark.reducer.maxMbInFlight", "1.4")),
AlternateConfig("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb", "1.4",
translation = s => s"${(s.toDouble * 1000).toInt}k")),
AlternateConfig("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max.mb", "1.4")),
AlternateConfig("spark.shuffle.file.buffer.kb", "1.4")),
AlternateConfig("spark.executor.logs.rolling.size.maxBytes", "1.4")),
AlternateConfig("spark.io.compression.snappy.block.size", "1.4")),
AlternateConfig("spark.io.compression.lz4.block.size", "1.4")),
AlternateConfig("spark.akka.num.retries", "1.4")),
RPC_RETRY_WAIT.key -> Seq(
AlternateConfig("spark.akka.retry.wait", "1.4")),
AlternateConfig("spark.akka.askTimeout", "1.4")),
AlternateConfig("spark.akka.lookupTimeout", "1.4")),
"spark.streaming.fileStream.minRememberDuration" -> Seq(
AlternateConfig("spark.streaming.minRememberDuration", "1.5")),
"spark.yarn.max.executor.failures" -> Seq(
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.max.worker.failures", "1.5")),
AlternateConfig("spark.unsafe.offHeap", "1.6")),
AlternateConfig("spark.akka.frameSize", "1.6")),
"spark.yarn.jars" -> Seq(
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.jar", "2.0")),
AlternateConfig("spark.reducer.maxReqSizeShuffleToMem", "2.3"),
AlternateConfig("spark.maxRemoteBlockSizeFetchToMem", "3.0")),
AlternateConfig("spark.scheduler.listenerbus.eventqueue.size", "2.3")),
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.driver.memoryOverhead", "2.3")),
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead", "2.3")),
KEYTAB.key -> Seq(
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.keytab", "3.0")),
PRINCIPAL.key -> Seq(
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.principal", "3.0")),
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.kerberos.relogin.period", "3.0")),
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.access.namenodes", "2.2"),
AlternateConfig("spark.yarn.access.hadoopFileSystems", "3.0")),
"spark.kafka.consumer.cache.capacity" -> Seq(
AlternateConfig("spark.sql.kafkaConsumerCache.capacity", "3.0"))
* A view of `configsWithAlternatives` that makes it more efficient to look up deprecated
* config keys.
* Maps the deprecated config name to a 2-tuple (new config name, alternate config info).
private val allAlternatives: Map[String, (String, AlternateConfig)] = {
configsWithAlternatives.keys.flatMap { key =>
configsWithAlternatives(key).map { cfg => (cfg.key -> (key -> cfg)) }
* Return whether the given config should be passed to an executor on start-up.
* Certain authentication configs are required from the executor when it connects to
* the scheduler, while the rest of the spark configs can be inherited from the driver later.
def isExecutorStartupConf(name: String): Boolean = {
(name.startsWith("spark.auth") && name != SecurityManager.SPARK_AUTH_SECRET_CONF) ||
name.startsWith("spark.rpc") ||
name.startsWith("spark.network") ||
* Return true if the given config matches either `spark.*.port` or `spark.port.*`.
def isSparkPortConf(name: String): Boolean = {
(name.startsWith("spark.") && name.endsWith(".port")) || name.startsWith("spark.port.")
* Looks for available deprecated keys for the given config option, and return the first
* value available.
def getDeprecatedConfig(key: String, conf: JMap[String, String]): Option[String] = {
configsWithAlternatives.get(key).flatMap { alts =>
alts.collectFirst { case alt if conf.containsKey(alt.key) =>
val value = conf.get(alt.key)
if (alt.translation != null) alt.translation(value) else value
* Logs a warning message if the given config key is deprecated.
def logDeprecationWarning(key: String): Unit = {
deprecatedConfigs.get(key).foreach { cfg =>
s"The configuration key '$key' has been deprecated as of Spark ${cfg.version} and " +
s"may be removed in the future. ${cfg.deprecationMessage}")
allAlternatives.get(key).foreach { case (newKey, cfg) =>
s"The configuration key '$key' has been deprecated as of Spark ${cfg.version} and " +
s"may be removed in the future. Please use the new key '$newKey' instead.")
if (key.startsWith("spark.akka") || key.startsWith("spark.ssl.akka")) {
s"The configuration key $key is not supported anymore " +
s"because Spark doesn't use Akka since 2.0")
* Holds information about keys that have been deprecated and do not have a replacement.
* @param key The deprecated key.
* @param version Version of Spark where key was deprecated.
* @param deprecationMessage Message to include in the deprecation warning.
private case class DeprecatedConfig(
key: String,
version: String,
deprecationMessage: String)
* Information about an alternate configuration key that has been deprecated.
* @param key The deprecated config key.
* @param version The Spark version in which the key was deprecated.
* @param translation A translation function for converting old config values into new ones.
private case class AlternateConfig(
key: String,
version: String,
translation: String => String = null)
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