org.apache.spark.sql.Column.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Stable
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.{encoderFor, ExpressionEncoder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.AggregateExpression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.CatalystSqlParser
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.toPrettySQL
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.aggregate.TypedAggregateExpression
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
private[sql] object Column {
def apply(colName: String): Column = new Column(colName)
def apply(expr: Expression): Column = new Column(expr)
def unapply(col: Column): Option[Expression] = Some(col.expr)
private[sql] def generateAlias(e: Expression): String = {
e match {
case a: AggregateExpression if a.aggregateFunction.isInstanceOf[TypedAggregateExpression] =>
case expr => toPrettySQL(expr)
private[sql] def stripColumnReferenceMetadata(a: AttributeReference): AttributeReference = {
val metadataWithoutId = new MetadataBuilder()
* A [[Column]] where an [[Encoder]] has been given for the expected input and return type.
* To create a [[TypedColumn]], use the `as` function on a [[Column]].
* @tparam T The input type expected for this expression. Can be `Any` if the expression is type
* checked by the analyzer instead of the compiler (i.e. `expr("sum(...)")`).
* @tparam U The output type of this column.
* @since 1.6.0
class TypedColumn[-T, U](
expr: Expression,
private[sql] val encoder: ExpressionEncoder[U])
extends Column(expr) {
* Inserts the specific input type and schema into any expressions that are expected to operate
* on a decoded object.
private[sql] def withInputType(
inputEncoder: ExpressionEncoder[_],
inputAttributes: Seq[Attribute]): TypedColumn[T, U] = {
val unresolvedDeserializer = UnresolvedDeserializer(inputEncoder.deserializer, inputAttributes)
// This only inserts inputs into typed aggregate expressions. For untyped aggregate expressions,
// the resolving is handled in the analyzer directly.
val newExpr = expr transform {
case ta: TypedAggregateExpression if ta.inputDeserializer.isEmpty =>
deser = unresolvedDeserializer,
cls = inputEncoder.clsTag.runtimeClass,
schema = inputEncoder.schema)
new TypedColumn[T, U](newExpr, encoder)
* Gives the [[TypedColumn]] a name (alias).
* If the current `TypedColumn` has metadata associated with it, this metadata will be propagated
* to the new column.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 2.0.0
override def name(alias: String): TypedColumn[T, U] =
new TypedColumn[T, U](, encoder)
* A column that will be computed based on the data in a `DataFrame`.
* A new column can be constructed based on the input columns present in a DataFrame:
* {{{
* df("columnName") // On a specific `df` DataFrame.
* col("columnName") // A generic column not yet associated with a DataFrame.
* col("columnName.field") // Extracting a struct field
* col("`a.column.with.dots`") // Escape `.` in column names.
* $"columnName" // Scala short hand for a named column.
* }}}
* [[Column]] objects can be composed to form complex expressions:
* {{{
* $"a" + 1
* $"a" === $"b"
* }}}
* @note The internal Catalyst expression can be accessed via [[expr]], but this method is for
* debugging purposes only and can change in any future Spark releases.
* @groupname java_expr_ops Java-specific expression operators
* @groupname expr_ops Expression operators
* @groupname df_ops DataFrame functions
* @groupname Ungrouped Support functions for DataFrames
* @since 1.3.0
class Column(val expr: Expression) extends Logging {
def this(name: String) = this(name match {
case "*" => UnresolvedStar(None)
case _ if name.endsWith(".*") =>
val parts = UnresolvedAttribute.parseAttributeName(name.substring(0, name.length - 2))
case _ => UnresolvedAttribute.quotedString(name)
override def toString: String = toPrettySQL(expr)
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: Column => that.normalizedExpr() == this.normalizedExpr()
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = this.normalizedExpr().hashCode()
private def normalizedExpr(): Expression = expr transform {
case a: AttributeReference => Column.stripColumnReferenceMetadata(a)
/** Creates a column based on the given expression. */
private def withExpr(newExpr: Expression): Column = new Column(newExpr)
* Returns the expression for this column either with an existing or auto assigned name.
private[sql] def named: NamedExpression = expr match {
// Wrap UnresolvedAttribute with UnresolvedAlias, as when we resolve UnresolvedAttribute, we
// will remove intermediate Alias for ExtractValue chain, and we need to alias it again to
// make it a NamedExpression.
case u: UnresolvedAttribute => UnresolvedAlias(u)
case u: UnresolvedExtractValue => UnresolvedAlias(u)
case expr: NamedExpression => expr
// Leave an unaliased generator with an empty list of names since the analyzer will generate
// the correct defaults after the nested expression's type has been resolved.
case g: Generator => MultiAlias(g, Nil)
case func: UnresolvedFunction => UnresolvedAlias(func, Some(Column.generateAlias))
// If we have a top level Cast, there is a chance to give it a better alias, if there is a
// NamedExpression under this Cast.
case c: Cast =>
c.transformUp {
case c @ Cast(_: NamedExpression, _, _) => UnresolvedAlias(c)
} match {
case ne: NamedExpression => ne
case _ => Alias(expr, toPrettySQL(expr))()
case a: AggregateExpression if a.aggregateFunction.isInstanceOf[TypedAggregateExpression] =>
UnresolvedAlias(a, Some(Column.generateAlias))
// Wait until the struct is resolved. This will generate a nicer looking alias.
case struct: CreateNamedStruct => UnresolvedAlias(struct)
case expr: Expression => Alias(expr, toPrettySQL(expr))()
* Provides a type hint about the expected return value of this column. This information can
* be used by operations such as `select` on a [[Dataset]] to automatically convert the
* results into the correct JVM types.
* @since 1.6.0
def as[U : Encoder]: TypedColumn[Any, U] = new TypedColumn[Any, U](expr, encoderFor[U])
* Extracts a value or values from a complex type.
* The following types of extraction are supported:
* - Given an Array, an integer ordinal can be used to retrieve a single value.
* - Given a Map, a key of the correct type can be used to retrieve an individual value.
* - Given a Struct, a string fieldName can be used to extract that field.
* - Given an Array of Structs, a string fieldName can be used to extract filed
* of every struct in that array, and return an Array of fields.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def apply(extraction: Any): Column = withExpr {
UnresolvedExtractValue(expr, lit(extraction).expr)
* Unary minus, i.e. negate the expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: select the amount column and negates all values.
* -df("amount") )
* // Java:
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* negate(col("amount") );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def unary_- : Column = withExpr { UnaryMinus(expr) }
* Inversion of boolean expression, i.e. NOT.
* {{{
* // Scala: select rows that are not active (isActive === false)
* df.filter( !df("isActive") )
* // Java:
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* df.filter( not(df.col("isActive")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def unary_! : Column = withExpr { Not(expr) }
* Equality test.
* {{{
* // Scala:
* df.filter( df("colA") === df("colB") )
* // Java
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* df.filter( col("colA").equalTo(col("colB")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def === (other: Any): Column = withExpr {
val right = lit(other).expr
if (this.expr == right) {
s"Constructing trivially true equals predicate, '${this.expr} = $right'. " +
"Perhaps you need to use aliases.")
EqualTo(expr, right)
* Equality test.
* {{{
* // Scala:
* df.filter( df("colA") === df("colB") )
* // Java
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* df.filter( col("colA").equalTo(col("colB")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def equalTo(other: Any): Column = this === other
* Inequality test.
* {{{
* // Scala:
* df("colA") =!= df("colB") )
* !(df("colA") === df("colB")) )
* // Java:
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* df.filter( col("colA").notEqual(col("colB")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 2.0.0
def =!= (other: Any): Column = withExpr{ Not(EqualTo(expr, lit(other).expr)) }
* Inequality test.
* {{{
* // Scala:
* df("colA") !== df("colB") )
* !(df("colA") === df("colB")) )
* // Java:
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* df.filter( col("colA").notEqual(col("colB")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
@deprecated("!== does not have the same precedence as ===, use =!= instead", "2.0.0")
def !== (other: Any): Column = this =!= other
* Inequality test.
* {{{
* // Scala:
* df("colA") !== df("colB") )
* !(df("colA") === df("colB")) )
* // Java:
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* df.filter( col("colA").notEqual(col("colB")) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def notEqual(other: Any): Column = withExpr { Not(EqualTo(expr, lit(other).expr)) }
* Greater than.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people older than 21.
* people("age") > 21 )
* // Java:
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* people.col("age").gt(21) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def > (other: Any): Column = withExpr { GreaterThan(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Greater than.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people older than 21.
* people("age") > lit(21) )
* // Java:
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* people.col("age").gt(21) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def gt(other: Any): Column = this > other
* Less than.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people younger than 21.
* people("age") < 21 )
* // Java:
* people.col("age").lt(21) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def < (other: Any): Column = withExpr { LessThan(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Less than.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people younger than 21.
* people("age") < 21 )
* // Java:
* people.col("age").lt(21) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def lt(other: Any): Column = this < other
* Less than or equal to.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people age 21 or younger than 21.
* people("age") <= 21 )
* // Java:
* people.col("age").leq(21) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def <= (other: Any): Column = withExpr { LessThanOrEqual(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Less than or equal to.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people age 21 or younger than 21.
* people("age") <= 21 )
* // Java:
* people.col("age").leq(21) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def leq(other: Any): Column = this <= other
* Greater than or equal to an expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people age 21 or older than 21.
* people("age") >= 21 )
* // Java:
* people.col("age").geq(21) )
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def >= (other: Any): Column = withExpr { GreaterThanOrEqual(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Greater than or equal to an expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people age 21 or older than 21.
* people("age") >= 21 )
* // Java:
* people.col("age").geq(21) )
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def geq(other: Any): Column = this >= other
* Equality test that is safe for null values.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def <=> (other: Any): Column = withExpr {
val right = lit(other).expr
if (this.expr == right) {
s"Constructing trivially true equals predicate, '${this.expr} <=> $right'. " +
"Perhaps you need to use aliases.")
EqualNullSafe(expr, right)
* Equality test that is safe for null values.
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def eqNullSafe(other: Any): Column = this <=> other
* Evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of multiple possible result expressions.
* If otherwise is not defined at the end, null is returned for unmatched conditions.
* {{{
* // Example: encoding gender string column into integer.
* // Scala:
*"gender") === "male", 0)
* .when(people("gender") === "female", 1)
* .otherwise(2))
* // Java:
*"gender").equalTo("male"), 0)
* .when(col("gender").equalTo("female"), 1)
* .otherwise(2))
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def when(condition: Column, value: Any): Column = this.expr match {
case CaseWhen(branches, None) =>
withExpr { CaseWhen(branches :+ ((condition.expr, lit(value).expr))) }
case CaseWhen(branches, Some(_)) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"when() cannot be applied once otherwise() is applied")
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"when() can only be applied on a Column previously generated by when() function")
* Evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of multiple possible result expressions.
* If otherwise is not defined at the end, null is returned for unmatched conditions.
* {{{
* // Example: encoding gender string column into integer.
* // Scala:
*"gender") === "male", 0)
* .when(people("gender") === "female", 1)
* .otherwise(2))
* // Java:
*"gender").equalTo("male"), 0)
* .when(col("gender").equalTo("female"), 1)
* .otherwise(2))
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def otherwise(value: Any): Column = this.expr match {
case CaseWhen(branches, None) =>
withExpr { CaseWhen(branches, Option(lit(value).expr)) }
case CaseWhen(branches, Some(_)) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"otherwise() can only be applied once on a Column previously generated by when()")
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"otherwise() can only be applied on a Column previously generated by when()")
* True if the current column is between the lower bound and upper bound, inclusive.
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def between(lowerBound: Any, upperBound: Any): Column = {
(this >= lowerBound) && (this <= upperBound)
* True if the current expression is NaN.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.5.0
def isNaN: Column = withExpr { IsNaN(expr) }
* True if the current expression is null.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def isNull: Column = withExpr { IsNull(expr) }
* True if the current expression is NOT null.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def isNotNull: Column = withExpr { IsNotNull(expr) }
* Boolean OR.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people that are in school or employed.
* people.filter( people("inSchool") || people("isEmployed") )
* // Java:
* people.filter( people.col("inSchool").or(people.col("isEmployed")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def || (other: Any): Column = withExpr { Or(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Boolean OR.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people that are in school or employed.
* people.filter( people("inSchool") || people("isEmployed") )
* // Java:
* people.filter( people.col("inSchool").or(people.col("isEmployed")) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def or(other: Column): Column = this || other
* Boolean AND.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people that are in school and employed at the same time.
* people("inSchool") && people("isEmployed") )
* // Java:
* people.col("inSchool").and(people.col("isEmployed")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def && (other: Any): Column = withExpr { And(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Boolean AND.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects people that are in school and employed at the same time.
* people("inSchool") && people("isEmployed") )
* // Java:
* people.col("inSchool").and(people.col("isEmployed")) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def and(other: Column): Column = this && other
* Sum of this expression and another expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects the sum of a person's height and weight.
* people("height") + people("weight") )
* // Java:
* people.col("height").plus(people.col("weight")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def + (other: Any): Column = withExpr { Add(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Sum of this expression and another expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects the sum of a person's height and weight.
* people("height") + people("weight") )
* // Java:
* people.col("height").plus(people.col("weight")) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def plus(other: Any): Column = this + other
* Subtraction. Subtract the other expression from this expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects the difference between people's height and their weight.
* people("height") - people("weight") )
* // Java:
* people.col("height").minus(people.col("weight")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def - (other: Any): Column = withExpr { Subtract(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Subtraction. Subtract the other expression from this expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following selects the difference between people's height and their weight.
* people("height") - people("weight") )
* // Java:
* people.col("height").minus(people.col("weight")) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def minus(other: Any): Column = this - other
* Multiplication of this expression and another expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following multiplies a person's height by their weight.
* people("height") * people("weight") )
* // Java:
* people.col("height").multiply(people.col("weight")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def * (other: Any): Column = withExpr { Multiply(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Multiplication of this expression and another expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following multiplies a person's height by their weight.
* people("height") * people("weight") )
* // Java:
* people.col("height").multiply(people.col("weight")) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def multiply(other: Any): Column = this * other
* Division this expression by another expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following divides a person's height by their weight.
* people("height") / people("weight") )
* // Java:
* people.col("height").divide(people.col("weight")) );
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def / (other: Any): Column = withExpr { Divide(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Division this expression by another expression.
* {{{
* // Scala: The following divides a person's height by their weight.
* people("height") / people("weight") )
* // Java:
* people.col("height").divide(people.col("weight")) );
* }}}
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def divide(other: Any): Column = this / other
* Modulo (a.k.a. remainder) expression.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def % (other: Any): Column = withExpr { Remainder(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Modulo (a.k.a. remainder) expression.
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def mod(other: Any): Column = this % other
* A boolean expression that is evaluated to true if the value of this expression is contained
* by the evaluated values of the arguments.
* Note: Since the type of the elements in the list are inferred only during the run time,
* the elements will be "up-casted" to the most common type for comparison.
* For eg:
* 1) In the case of "Int vs String", the "Int" will be up-casted to "String" and the
* comparison will look like "String vs String".
* 2) In the case of "Float vs Double", the "Float" will be up-casted to "Double" and the
* comparison will look like "Double vs Double"
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.5.0
def isin(list: Any*): Column = withExpr { In(expr, }
* A boolean expression that is evaluated to true if the value of this expression is contained
* by the provided collection.
* Note: Since the type of the elements in the collection are inferred only during the run time,
* the elements will be "up-casted" to the most common type for comparison.
* For eg:
* 1) In the case of "Int vs String", the "Int" will be up-casted to "String" and the
* comparison will look like "String vs String".
* 2) In the case of "Float vs Double", the "Float" will be up-casted to "Double" and the
* comparison will look like "Double vs Double"
* @group expr_ops
* @since 2.4.0
def isInCollection(values: scala.collection.Iterable[_]): Column = isin(values.toSeq: _*)
* A boolean expression that is evaluated to true if the value of this expression is contained
* by the provided collection.
* Note: Since the type of the elements in the collection are inferred only during the run time,
* the elements will be "up-casted" to the most common type for comparison.
* For eg:
* 1) In the case of "Int vs String", the "Int" will be up-casted to "String" and the
* comparison will look like "String vs String".
* 2) In the case of "Float vs Double", the "Float" will be up-casted to "Double" and the
* comparison will look like "Double vs Double"
* @group java_expr_ops
* @since 2.4.0
def isInCollection(values: java.lang.Iterable[_]): Column = isInCollection(values.asScala)
* SQL like expression. Returns a boolean column based on a SQL LIKE match.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def like(literal: String): Column = withExpr { new Like(expr, lit(literal).expr) }
* SQL RLIKE expression (LIKE with Regex). Returns a boolean column based on a regex
* match.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def rlike(literal: String): Column = withExpr { RLike(expr, lit(literal).expr) }
* An expression that gets an item at position `ordinal` out of an array,
* or gets a value by key `key` in a `MapType`.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def getItem(key: Any): Column = withExpr { UnresolvedExtractValue(expr, Literal(key)) }
* An expression that gets a field by name in a `StructType`.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def getField(fieldName: String): Column = withExpr {
UnresolvedExtractValue(expr, Literal(fieldName))
* An expression that returns a substring.
* @param startPos expression for the starting position.
* @param len expression for the length of the substring.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def substr(startPos: Column, len: Column): Column = withExpr {
Substring(expr, startPos.expr, len.expr)
* An expression that returns a substring.
* @param startPos starting position.
* @param len length of the substring.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def substr(startPos: Int, len: Int): Column = withExpr {
Substring(expr, lit(startPos).expr, lit(len).expr)
* Contains the other element. Returns a boolean column based on a string match.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def contains(other: Any): Column = withExpr { Contains(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* String starts with. Returns a boolean column based on a string match.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def startsWith(other: Column): Column = withExpr { StartsWith(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* String starts with another string literal. Returns a boolean column based on a string match.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def startsWith(literal: String): Column = this.startsWith(lit(literal))
* String ends with. Returns a boolean column based on a string match.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def endsWith(other: Column): Column = withExpr { EndsWith(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* String ends with another string literal. Returns a boolean column based on a string match.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def endsWith(literal: String): Column = this.endsWith(lit(literal))
* Gives the column an alias. Same as `as`.
* {{{
* // Renames colA to colB in select output.
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def alias(alias: String): Column = name(alias)
* Gives the column an alias.
* {{{
* // Renames colA to colB in select output.
* }}}
* If the current column has metadata associated with it, this metadata will be propagated
* to the new column. If this not desired, use the API `as(alias: String, metadata: Metadata)`
* with explicit metadata.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def as(alias: String): Column = name(alias)
* (Scala-specific) Assigns the given aliases to the results of a table generating function.
* {{{
* // Renames colA to colB in select output.
*$"myMap").as("key" :: "value" :: Nil))
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def as(aliases: Seq[String]): Column = withExpr { MultiAlias(expr, aliases) }
* Assigns the given aliases to the results of a table generating function.
* {{{
* // Renames colA to colB in select output.
*$"myMap").as("key" :: "value" :: Nil))
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def as(aliases: Array[String]): Column = withExpr { MultiAlias(expr, aliases) }
* Gives the column an alias.
* {{{
* // Renames colA to colB in select output.
* }}}
* If the current column has metadata associated with it, this metadata will be propagated
* to the new column. If this not desired, use the API `as(alias: String, metadata: Metadata)`
* with explicit metadata.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def as(alias: Symbol): Column = name(
* Gives the column an alias with metadata.
* {{{
* val metadata: Metadata = ...
*$"colA".as("colB", metadata))
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def as(alias: String, metadata: Metadata): Column = withExpr {
Alias(expr, alias)(explicitMetadata = Some(metadata))
* Gives the column a name (alias).
* {{{
* // Renames colA to colB in select output.
* }}}
* If the current column has metadata associated with it, this metadata will be propagated
* to the new column. If this not desired, use the API `as(alias: String, metadata: Metadata)`
* with explicit metadata.
* @group expr_ops
* @since 2.0.0
def name(alias: String): Column = withExpr {
Alias(normalizedExpr(), alias)()
* Casts the column to a different data type.
* {{{
* // Casts colA to IntegerType.
* import org.apache.spark.sql.types.IntegerType
* // equivalent to
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def cast(to: DataType): Column = withExpr { Cast(expr, to) }
* Casts the column to a different data type, using the canonical string representation
* of the type. The supported types are: `string`, `boolean`, `byte`, `short`, `int`, `long`,
* `float`, `double`, `decimal`, `date`, `timestamp`.
* {{{
* // Casts colA to integer.
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def cast(to: String): Column = cast(CatalystSqlParser.parseDataType(to))
* Returns a sort expression based on the descending order of the column.
* {{{
* // Scala
* df.sort(df("age").desc)
* // Java
* df.sort(df.col("age").desc());
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def desc: Column = withExpr { SortOrder(expr, Descending) }
* Returns a sort expression based on the descending order of the column,
* and null values appear before non-null values.
* {{{
* // Scala: sort a DataFrame by age column in descending order and null values appearing first.
* df.sort(df("age").desc_nulls_first)
* // Java
* df.sort(df.col("age").desc_nulls_first());
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 2.1.0
def desc_nulls_first: Column = withExpr { SortOrder(expr, Descending, NullsFirst, Set.empty) }
* Returns a sort expression based on the descending order of the column,
* and null values appear after non-null values.
* {{{
* // Scala: sort a DataFrame by age column in descending order and null values appearing last.
* df.sort(df("age").desc_nulls_last)
* // Java
* df.sort(df.col("age").desc_nulls_last());
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 2.1.0
def desc_nulls_last: Column = withExpr { SortOrder(expr, Descending, NullsLast, Set.empty) }
* Returns a sort expression based on ascending order of the column.
* {{{
* // Scala: sort a DataFrame by age column in ascending order.
* df.sort(df("age").asc)
* // Java
* df.sort(df.col("age").asc());
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def asc: Column = withExpr { SortOrder(expr, Ascending) }
* Returns a sort expression based on ascending order of the column,
* and null values return before non-null values.
* {{{
* // Scala: sort a DataFrame by age column in ascending order and null values appearing first.
* df.sort(df("age").asc_nulls_first)
* // Java
* df.sort(df.col("age").asc_nulls_first());
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 2.1.0
def asc_nulls_first: Column = withExpr { SortOrder(expr, Ascending, NullsFirst, Set.empty) }
* Returns a sort expression based on ascending order of the column,
* and null values appear after non-null values.
* {{{
* // Scala: sort a DataFrame by age column in ascending order and null values appearing last.
* df.sort(df("age").asc_nulls_last)
* // Java
* df.sort(df.col("age").asc_nulls_last());
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 2.1.0
def asc_nulls_last: Column = withExpr { SortOrder(expr, Ascending, NullsLast, Set.empty) }
* Prints the expression to the console for debugging purposes.
* @group df_ops
* @since 1.3.0
def explain(extended: Boolean): Unit = {
// scalastyle:off println
if (extended) {
} else {
// scalastyle:on println
* Compute bitwise OR of this expression with another expression.
* {{{
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def bitwiseOR(other: Any): Column = withExpr { BitwiseOr(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Compute bitwise AND of this expression with another expression.
* {{{
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def bitwiseAND(other: Any): Column = withExpr { BitwiseAnd(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Compute bitwise XOR of this expression with another expression.
* {{{
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def bitwiseXOR(other: Any): Column = withExpr { BitwiseXor(expr, lit(other).expr) }
* Defines a windowing column.
* {{{
* val w = Window.partitionBy("name").orderBy("id")
* sum("price").over(w.rangeBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, 2)),
* avg("price").over(w.rowsBetween(Window.currentRow, 4))
* )
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 1.4.0
def over(window: expressions.WindowSpec): Column = window.withAggregate(this)
* Defines an empty analytic clause. In this case the analytic function is applied
* and presented for all rows in the result set.
* {{{
* sum("price").over(),
* avg("price").over()
* )
* }}}
* @group expr_ops
* @since 2.0.0
def over(): Column = over(Window.spec)
* A convenient class used for constructing schema.
* @since 1.3.0
class ColumnName(name: String) extends Column(name) {
* Creates a new `StructField` of type boolean.
* @since 1.3.0
def boolean: StructField = StructField(name, BooleanType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type byte.
* @since 1.3.0
def byte: StructField = StructField(name, ByteType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type short.
* @since 1.3.0
def short: StructField = StructField(name, ShortType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type int.
* @since 1.3.0
def int: StructField = StructField(name, IntegerType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type long.
* @since 1.3.0
def long: StructField = StructField(name, LongType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type float.
* @since 1.3.0
def float: StructField = StructField(name, FloatType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type double.
* @since 1.3.0
def double: StructField = StructField(name, DoubleType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type string.
* @since 1.3.0
def string: StructField = StructField(name, StringType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type date.
* @since 1.3.0
def date: StructField = StructField(name, DateType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type decimal.
* @since 1.3.0
def decimal: StructField = StructField(name, DecimalType.USER_DEFAULT)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type decimal.
* @since 1.3.0
def decimal(precision: Int, scale: Int): StructField =
StructField(name, DecimalType(precision, scale))
* Creates a new `StructField` of type timestamp.
* @since 1.3.0
def timestamp: StructField = StructField(name, TimestampType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type binary.
* @since 1.3.0
def binary: StructField = StructField(name, BinaryType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type array.
* @since 1.3.0
def array(dataType: DataType): StructField = StructField(name, ArrayType(dataType))
* Creates a new `StructField` of type map.
* @since 1.3.0
def map(keyType: DataType, valueType: DataType): StructField =
map(MapType(keyType, valueType))
def map(mapType: MapType): StructField = StructField(name, mapType)
* Creates a new `StructField` of type struct.
* @since 1.3.0
def struct(fields: StructField*): StructField = struct(StructType(fields))
* Creates a new `StructField` of type struct.
* @since 1.3.0
def struct(structType: StructType): StructField = StructField(name, structType)
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