org.apache.spark.sql.execution.adaptive.OptimizeSkewedJoin.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.adaptive
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.spark.{MapOutputStatistics, MapOutputTrackerMaster, SparkEnv}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution._
import{EnsureRequirements, ShuffleExchangeExec}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.SortMergeJoinExec
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
* A rule to optimize skewed joins to avoid straggler tasks whose share of data are significantly
* larger than those of the rest of the tasks.
* The general idea is to divide each skew partition into smaller partitions and replicate its
* matching partition on the other side of the join so that they can run in parallel tasks.
* Note that when matching partitions from the left side and the right side both have skew,
* it will become a cartesian product of splits from left and right joining together.
* For example, assume the Sort-Merge join has 4 partitions:
* left: [L1, L2, L3, L4]
* right: [R1, R2, R3, R4]
* Let's say L2, L4 and R3, R4 are skewed, and each of them get split into 2 sub-partitions. This
* is scheduled to run 4 tasks at the beginning: (L1, R1), (L2, R2), (L3, R3), (L4, R4).
* This rule expands it to 9 tasks to increase parallelism:
* (L1, R1),
* (L2-1, R2), (L2-2, R2),
* (L3, R3-1), (L3, R3-2),
* (L4-1, R4-1), (L4-2, R4-1), (L4-1, R4-2), (L4-2, R4-2)
* Note that, when this rule is enabled, it also coalesces non-skewed partitions like
* `CoalesceShufflePartitions` does.
case class OptimizeSkewedJoin(conf: SQLConf) extends Rule[SparkPlan] {
private val ensureRequirements = EnsureRequirements(conf)
private val supportedJoinTypes =
Inner :: Cross :: LeftSemi :: LeftAnti :: LeftOuter :: RightOuter :: Nil
* A partition is considered as a skewed partition if its size is larger than the median
* partition size * ADAPTIVE_EXECUTION_SKEWED_PARTITION_FACTOR and also larger than
private def isSkewed(size: Long, medianSize: Long): Boolean = {
size > medianSize * conf.getConf(SQLConf.SKEW_JOIN_SKEWED_PARTITION_FACTOR) &&
private def medianSize(sizes: Seq[Long]): Long = {
val numPartitions = sizes.length
val bytes = sizes.sorted
numPartitions match {
case _ if (numPartitions % 2 == 0) =>
math.max((bytes(numPartitions / 2) + bytes(numPartitions / 2 - 1)) / 2, 1)
case _ => math.max(bytes(numPartitions / 2), 1)
* The goal of skew join optimization is to make the data distribution more even. The target size
* to split skewed partitions is the average size of non-skewed partition, or the
* advisory partition size if avg size is smaller than it.
private def targetSize(sizes: Seq[Long], medianSize: Long): Long = {
val advisorySize = conf.getConf(SQLConf.ADVISORY_PARTITION_SIZE_IN_BYTES)
val nonSkewSizes = sizes.filterNot(isSkewed(_, medianSize))
// It's impossible that all the partitions are skewed, as we use median size to define skew.
math.max(advisorySize, nonSkewSizes.sum / nonSkewSizes.length)
* Get the map size of the specific reduce shuffle Id.
private def getMapSizesForReduceId(shuffleId: Int, partitionId: Int): Array[Long] = {
val mapOutputTracker = SparkEnv.get.mapOutputTracker.asInstanceOf[MapOutputTrackerMaster]
* Splits the skewed partition based on the map size and the target partition size
* after split, and create a list of `PartialMapperPartitionSpec`. Returns None if can't split.
private def createSkewPartitionSpecs(
shuffleId: Int,
reducerId: Int,
targetSize: Long): Option[Seq[PartialReducerPartitionSpec]] = {
val mapPartitionSizes = getMapSizesForReduceId(shuffleId, reducerId)
val mapStartIndices = ShufflePartitionsUtil.splitSizeListByTargetSize(
mapPartitionSizes, targetSize)
if (mapStartIndices.length > 1) {
Some( { i =>
val startMapIndex = mapStartIndices(i)
val endMapIndex = if (i == mapStartIndices.length - 1) {
} else {
mapStartIndices(i + 1)
PartialReducerPartitionSpec(reducerId, startMapIndex, endMapIndex)
} else {
private def canSplitLeftSide(joinType: JoinType) = {
joinType == Inner || joinType == Cross || joinType == LeftSemi ||
joinType == LeftAnti || joinType == LeftOuter
private def canSplitRightSide(joinType: JoinType) = {
joinType == Inner || joinType == Cross || joinType == RightOuter
private def getSizeInfo(medianSize: Long, sizes: Seq[Long]): String = {
s"median size: $medianSize, max size: ${sizes.max}, min size: ${sizes.min}, avg size: " +
sizes.sum / sizes.length
* This method aim to optimize the skewed join with the following steps:
* 1. Check whether the shuffle partition is skewed based on the median size
* and the skewed partition threshold in origin smj.
* 2. Assuming partition0 is skewed in left side, and it has 5 mappers (Map0, Map1...Map4).
* And we may split the 5 Mappers into 3 mapper ranges [(Map0, Map1), (Map2, Map3), (Map4)]
* based on the map size and the max split number.
* 3. Wrap the join left child with a special shuffle reader that reads each mapper range with one
* task, so total 3 tasks.
* 4. Wrap the join right child with a special shuffle reader that reads partition0 3 times by
* 3 tasks separately.
def optimizeSkewJoin(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = plan.transformUp {
case smj @ SortMergeJoinExec(_, _, joinType, _,
s1 @ SortExec(_, _, ShuffleStage(left: ShuffleStageInfo), _),
s2 @ SortExec(_, _, ShuffleStage(right: ShuffleStageInfo), _), _)
if supportedJoinTypes.contains(joinType) =>
assert(left.partitionsWithSizes.length == right.partitionsWithSizes.length)
val numPartitions = left.partitionsWithSizes.length
// Use the median size of the actual (coalesced) partition sizes to detect skewed partitions.
val leftMedSize = medianSize(
val rightMedSize = medianSize(
|Optimizing skewed join.
|Left side partitions size info:
|Right side partitions size info:
val canSplitLeft = canSplitLeftSide(joinType)
val canSplitRight = canSplitRightSide(joinType)
// We use the actual partition sizes (may be coalesced) to calculate target size, so that
// the final data distribution is even (coalesced partitions + split partitions).
val leftActualSizes =
val rightActualSizes =
val leftTargetSize = targetSize(leftActualSizes, leftMedSize)
val rightTargetSize = targetSize(rightActualSizes, rightMedSize)
val leftSidePartitions = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[ShufflePartitionSpec]
val rightSidePartitions = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[ShufflePartitionSpec]
val leftSkewDesc = new SkewDesc
val rightSkewDesc = new SkewDesc
for (partitionIndex <- 0 until numPartitions) {
val isLeftSkew = isSkewed(leftActualSizes(partitionIndex), leftMedSize) && canSplitLeft
val leftPartSpec = left.partitionsWithSizes(partitionIndex)._1
val isLeftCoalesced = leftPartSpec.startReducerIndex + 1 < leftPartSpec.endReducerIndex
val isRightSkew = isSkewed(rightActualSizes(partitionIndex), rightMedSize) && canSplitRight
val rightPartSpec = right.partitionsWithSizes(partitionIndex)._1
val isRightCoalesced = rightPartSpec.startReducerIndex + 1 < rightPartSpec.endReducerIndex
// A skewed partition should never be coalesced, but skip it here just to be safe.
val leftParts = if (isLeftSkew && !isLeftCoalesced) {
val reducerId = leftPartSpec.startReducerIndex
val skewSpecs = createSkewPartitionSpecs(
left.mapStats.shuffleId, reducerId, leftTargetSize)
if (skewSpecs.isDefined) {
logDebug(s"Left side partition $partitionIndex is skewed, split it into " +
s"${skewSpecs.get.length} parts.")
} else {
// A skewed partition should never be coalesced, but skip it here just to be safe.
val rightParts = if (isRightSkew && !isRightCoalesced) {
val reducerId = rightPartSpec.startReducerIndex
val skewSpecs = createSkewPartitionSpecs(
right.mapStats.shuffleId, reducerId, rightTargetSize)
if (skewSpecs.isDefined) {
logDebug(s"Right side partition $partitionIndex is skewed, split it into " +
s"${skewSpecs.get.length} parts.")
} else {
for {
leftSidePartition <- leftParts
rightSidePartition <- rightParts
} {
leftSidePartitions += leftSidePartition
rightSidePartitions += rightSidePartition
logDebug("number of skewed partitions: " +
s"left ${leftSkewDesc.numPartitions}, right ${rightSkewDesc.numPartitions}")
if (leftSkewDesc.numPartitions > 0 || rightSkewDesc.numPartitions > 0) {
val newLeft = CustomShuffleReaderExec(
left.shuffleStage, leftSidePartitions, leftSkewDesc.toString)
val newRight = CustomShuffleReaderExec(
right.shuffleStage, rightSidePartitions, rightSkewDesc.toString)
left = s1.copy(child = newLeft), right = s2.copy(child = newRight), isSkewJoin = true)
} else {
override def apply(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = {
if (!conf.getConf(SQLConf.SKEW_JOIN_ENABLED)) {
return plan
def collectShuffleStages(plan: SparkPlan): Seq[ShuffleQueryStageExec] = plan match {
case stage: ShuffleQueryStageExec => Seq(stage)
case _ => plan.children.flatMap(collectShuffleStages)
val shuffleStages = collectShuffleStages(plan)
if (shuffleStages.length == 2) {
// When multi table join, there will be too many complex combination to consider.
// Currently we only handle 2 table join like following use case.
// SMJ
// Sort
// Shuffle
// Sort
// Shuffle
val optimizePlan = optimizeSkewJoin(plan)
val numShuffles = ensureRequirements.apply(optimizePlan).collect {
case e: ShuffleExchangeExec => e
if (numShuffles > 0) {
logDebug("OptimizeSkewedJoin rule is not applied due" +
" to additional shuffles will be introduced.")
} else {
} else {
private object ShuffleStage {
def unapply(plan: SparkPlan): Option[ShuffleStageInfo] = plan match {
case s: ShuffleQueryStageExec if s.mapStats.isDefined =>
val mapStats = s.mapStats.get
val sizes = mapStats.bytesByPartitionId
val partitions = {
case (size, i) => CoalescedPartitionSpec(i, i + 1) -> size
Some(ShuffleStageInfo(s, mapStats, partitions))
case CustomShuffleReaderExec(s: ShuffleQueryStageExec, partitionSpecs, _)
if s.mapStats.isDefined && partitionSpecs.nonEmpty =>
val mapStats = s.mapStats.get
val sizes = mapStats.bytesByPartitionId
val partitions = {
case spec @ CoalescedPartitionSpec(start, end) =>
var sum = 0L
var i = start
while (i < end) {
sum += sizes(i)
i += 1
spec -> sum
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Expect CoalescedPartitionSpec but got $other")
Some(ShuffleStageInfo(s, mapStats, partitions))
case _ => None
private case class ShuffleStageInfo(
shuffleStage: ShuffleQueryStageExec,
mapStats: MapOutputStatistics,
partitionsWithSizes: Seq[(CoalescedPartitionSpec, Long)])
private class SkewDesc {
private[this] var numSkewedPartitions: Int = 0
private[this] var totalSize: Long = 0
private[this] var maxSize: Long = 0
private[this] var minSize: Long = 0
def numPartitions: Int = numSkewedPartitions
def addPartitionSize(size: Long): Unit = {
if (numSkewedPartitions == 0) {
maxSize = size
minSize = size
numSkewedPartitions += 1
totalSize += size
if (size > maxSize) maxSize = size
if (size < minSize) minSize = size
override def toString: String = {
if (numSkewedPartitions == 0) {
"no skewed partition"
} else {
val maxSizeStr = FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(maxSize)
val minSizeStr = FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(minSize)
val avgSizeStr = FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(totalSize / numSkewedPartitions)
s"$numSkewedPartitions skewed partitions with " +
s"size(max=$maxSizeStr, min=$minSizeStr, avg=$avgSizeStr)"
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