org.apache.spark.sql.execution.basicPhysicalOperators.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution
import java.util.concurrent.{Future => JFuture}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import org.apache.spark.{InterruptibleIterator, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.{EmptyRDD, PartitionwiseSampledRDD, RDD}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.BindReferences.bindReferences
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.{SQLConf, StaticSQLConf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.util.{ThreadUtils, Utils}
import org.apache.spark.util.random.{BernoulliCellSampler, PoissonSampler}
/** Physical plan for Project. */
case class ProjectExec(projectList: Seq[NamedExpression], child: SparkPlan)
extends UnaryExecNode with CodegenSupport with AliasAwareOutputPartitioning {
override def output: Seq[Attribute] =
override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = {
protected override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = {
child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].produce(ctx, this)
override def usedInputs: AttributeSet = {
// only the attributes those are used at least twice should be evaluated before this plan,
// otherwise we could defer the evaluation until output attribute is actually used.
val usedExprIds = projectList.flatMap(_.collect {
case a: Attribute => a.exprId
val usedMoreThanOnce = usedExprIds.groupBy(id => id).filter(_._2.size > 1).keySet
references.filter(a => usedMoreThanOnce.contains(a.exprId))
override def doConsume(ctx: CodegenContext, input: Seq[ExprCode], row: ExprCode): String = {
val exprs = bindReferences[Expression](projectList, child.output)
val resultVars =
// Evaluation of non-deterministic expressions can't be deferred.
val nonDeterministicAttrs = projectList.filterNot(_.deterministic).map(_.toAttribute)
|${evaluateRequiredVariables(output, resultVars, AttributeSet(nonDeterministicAttrs))}
|${consume(ctx, resultVars)}
protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
child.execute().mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal { (index, iter) =>
val project = UnsafeProjection.create(projectList, child.output)
override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering
override protected def outputExpressions: Seq[NamedExpression] = projectList
override def verboseStringWithOperatorId(): String = {
|${ExplainUtils.generateFieldString("Output", projectList)}
|${ExplainUtils.generateFieldString("Input", child.output)}
/** Physical plan for Filter. */
case class FilterExec(condition: Expression, child: SparkPlan)
extends UnaryExecNode with CodegenSupport with PredicateHelper {
// Split out all the IsNotNulls from condition.
private val (notNullPreds, otherPreds) = splitConjunctivePredicates(condition).partition {
case IsNotNull(a) => isNullIntolerant(a) && a.references.subsetOf(child.outputSet)
case _ => false
// If one expression and its children are null intolerant, it is null intolerant.
private def isNullIntolerant(expr: Expression): Boolean = expr match {
case e: NullIntolerant => e.children.forall(isNullIntolerant)
case _ => false
// The columns that will filtered out by `IsNotNull` could be considered as not nullable.
private val notNullAttributes = notNullPreds.flatMap(_.references)
// Mark this as empty. We'll evaluate the input during doConsume(). We don't want to evaluate
// all the variables at the beginning to take advantage of short circuiting.
override def usedInputs: AttributeSet = AttributeSet.empty
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = { { a =>
if (a.nullable && notNullAttributes.contains(a.exprId)) {
} else {
override lazy val metrics = Map(
"numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"))
override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = {
protected override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = {
child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].produce(ctx, this)
override def doConsume(ctx: CodegenContext, input: Seq[ExprCode], row: ExprCode): String = {
val numOutput = metricTerm(ctx, "numOutputRows")
* Generates code for `c`, using `in` for input attributes and `attrs` for nullability.
def genPredicate(c: Expression, in: Seq[ExprCode], attrs: Seq[Attribute]): String = {
val bound = BindReferences.bindReference(c, attrs)
val evaluated = evaluateRequiredVariables(child.output, in, c.references)
// Generate the code for the predicate.
val ev = ExpressionCanonicalizer.execute(bound).genCode(ctx)
val nullCheck = if (bound.nullable) {
s"${ev.isNull} || "
} else {
|if (${nullCheck}!${ev.value}) continue;
// To generate the predicates we will follow this algorithm.
// For each predicate that is not IsNotNull, we will generate them one by one loading attributes
// as necessary. For each of both attributes, if there is an IsNotNull predicate we will
// generate that check *before* the predicate. After all of these predicates, we will generate
// the remaining IsNotNull checks that were not part of other predicates.
// This has the property of not doing redundant IsNotNull checks and taking better advantage of
// short-circuiting, not loading attributes until they are needed.
// This is very perf sensitive.
// TODO: revisit this. We can consider reordering predicates as well.
val generatedIsNotNullChecks = new Array[Boolean](notNullPreds.length)
val extraIsNotNullAttrs = mutable.Set[Attribute]()
val generated = { c =>
val nullChecks = { r =>
val idx = notNullPreds.indexWhere { n => n.asInstanceOf[IsNotNull].child.semanticEquals(r)}
if (idx != -1 && !generatedIsNotNullChecks(idx)) {
generatedIsNotNullChecks(idx) = true
// Use the child's output. The nullability is what the child produced.
genPredicate(notNullPreds(idx), input, child.output)
} else if (notNullAttributes.contains(r.exprId) && !extraIsNotNullAttrs.contains(r)) {
extraIsNotNullAttrs += r
genPredicate(IsNotNull(r), input, child.output)
} else {
// Here we use *this* operator's output with this output's nullability since we already
// enforced them with the IsNotNull checks above.
|${genPredicate(c, input, output)}
val nullChecks = { case (c, idx) =>
if (!generatedIsNotNullChecks(idx)) {
genPredicate(c, input, child.output)
} else {
// Reset the isNull to false for the not-null columns, then the followed operators could
// generate better code (remove dead branches).
val resultVars = { case (ev, i) =>
if (notNullAttributes.contains(child.output(i).exprId)) {
ev.isNull = FalseLiteral
// Note: wrap in "do { } while(false);", so the generated checks can jump out with "continue;"
|do {
| $generated
| $nullChecks
| $numOutput.add(1);
| ${consume(ctx, resultVars)}
|} while(false);
protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
child.execute().mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal { (index, iter) =>
val predicate = Predicate.create(condition, child.output)
iter.filter { row =>
val r = predicate.eval(row)
if (r) numOutputRows += 1
override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering
override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
override def verboseStringWithOperatorId(): String = {
|${ExplainUtils.generateFieldString("Input", child.output)}
|Condition : ${condition}
* Physical plan for sampling the dataset.
* @param lowerBound Lower-bound of the sampling probability (usually 0.0)
* @param upperBound Upper-bound of the sampling probability. The expected fraction sampled
* will be ub - lb.
* @param withReplacement Whether to sample with replacement.
* @param seed the random seed
* @param child the SparkPlan
case class SampleExec(
lowerBound: Double,
upperBound: Double,
withReplacement: Boolean,
seed: Long,
child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode with CodegenSupport {
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output
override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
override lazy val metrics = Map(
"numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"))
protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
if (withReplacement) {
// Disable gap sampling since the gap sampling method buffers two rows internally,
// requiring us to copy the row, which is more expensive than the random number generator.
new PartitionwiseSampledRDD[InternalRow, InternalRow](
new PoissonSampler[InternalRow](upperBound - lowerBound, useGapSamplingIfPossible = false),
preservesPartitioning = true,
} else {
child.execute().randomSampleWithRange(lowerBound, upperBound, seed)
// Mark this as empty. This plan doesn't need to evaluate any inputs and can defer the evaluation
// to the parent operator.
override def usedInputs: AttributeSet = AttributeSet.empty
override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = {
protected override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = {
child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].produce(ctx, this)
override def needCopyResult: Boolean = {
child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].needCopyResult || withReplacement
override def doConsume(ctx: CodegenContext, input: Seq[ExprCode], row: ExprCode): String = {
val numOutput = metricTerm(ctx, "numOutputRows")
if (withReplacement) {
val samplerClass = classOf[PoissonSampler[UnsafeRow]].getName
val initSampler = ctx.freshName("initSampler")
// Inline mutable state since not many Sample operations in a task
val sampler = ctx.addMutableState(s"$samplerClass", "sampleReplace",
v => {
val initSamplerFuncName = ctx.addNewFunction(initSampler,
| private void $initSampler() {
| $v = new $samplerClass($upperBound - $lowerBound, false);
| java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random(${seed}L);
| long randomSeed = random.nextLong();
| int loopCount = 0;
| while (loopCount < partitionIndex) {
| randomSeed = random.nextLong();
| loopCount += 1;
| }
| $v.setSeed(randomSeed);
| }
}, forceInline = true)
val samplingCount = ctx.freshName("samplingCount")
| int $samplingCount = $sampler.sample();
| while ($samplingCount-- > 0) {
| $numOutput.add(1);
| ${consume(ctx, input)}
| }
} else {
val samplerClass = classOf[BernoulliCellSampler[UnsafeRow]].getName
val sampler = ctx.addMutableState(s"$samplerClass", "sampler",
v => s"""
| $v = new $samplerClass($lowerBound, $upperBound, false);
| $v.setSeed(${seed}L + partitionIndex);
| if ($sampler.sample() != 0) {
| $numOutput.add(1);
| ${consume(ctx, input)}
| }
* Physical plan for range (generating a range of 64 bit numbers).
case class RangeExec(range: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Range)
extends LeafExecNode with CodegenSupport {
val start: Long = range.start
val end: Long = range.end
val step: Long = range.step
val numSlices: Int = range.numSlices.getOrElse(sparkContext.defaultParallelism)
val numElements: BigInt = range.numElements
override val output: Seq[Attribute] = range.output
override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = range.outputOrdering
override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = {
if (numElements > 0) {
if (numSlices == 1) {
} else {
RangePartitioning(outputOrdering, numSlices)
} else {
override lazy val metrics = Map(
"numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"))
override def doCanonicalize(): SparkPlan = {
override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = {
val rdd = if (start == end || (start < end ^ 0 < step)) {
new EmptyRDD[InternalRow](sqlContext.sparkContext)
} else {
sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(0 until numSlices, numSlices).map(i => InternalRow(i))
rdd :: Nil
protected override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = {
val numOutput = metricTerm(ctx, "numOutputRows")
val initTerm = ctx.addMutableState(CodeGenerator.JAVA_BOOLEAN, "initRange")
val nextIndex = ctx.addMutableState(CodeGenerator.JAVA_LONG, "nextIndex")
val value = ctx.freshName("value")
val ev = ExprCode.forNonNullValue(JavaCode.variable(value, LongType))
val BigInt = classOf[java.math.BigInteger].getName
// Inline mutable state since not many Range operations in a task
val taskContext = ctx.addMutableState("TaskContext", "taskContext",
v => s"$v = TaskContext.get();", forceInline = true)
val inputMetrics = ctx.addMutableState("InputMetrics", "inputMetrics",
v => s"$v = $taskContext.taskMetrics().inputMetrics();", forceInline = true)
// In order to periodically update the metrics without inflicting performance penalty, this
// operator produces elements in batches. After a batch is complete, the metrics are updated
// and a new batch is started.
// In the implementation below, the code in the inner loop is producing all the values
// within a batch, while the code in the outer loop is setting batch parameters and updating
// the metrics.
// Once nextIndex == batchEnd, it's time to progress to the next batch.
val batchEnd = ctx.addMutableState(CodeGenerator.JAVA_LONG, "batchEnd")
// How many values should still be generated by this range operator.
val numElementsTodo = ctx.addMutableState(CodeGenerator.JAVA_LONG, "numElementsTodo")
// How many values should be generated in the next batch.
val nextBatchTodo = ctx.freshName("nextBatchTodo")
// The default size of a batch, which must be positive integer
val batchSize = 1000
val initRangeFuncName = ctx.addNewFunction("initRange",
| private void initRange(int idx) {
| $BigInt index = $BigInt.valueOf(idx);
| $BigInt numSlice = $BigInt.valueOf(${numSlices}L);
| $BigInt numElement = $BigInt.valueOf(${numElements.toLong}L);
| $BigInt step = $BigInt.valueOf(${step}L);
| $BigInt start = $BigInt.valueOf(${start}L);
| long partitionEnd;
| $BigInt st = index.multiply(numElement).divide(numSlice).multiply(step).add(start);
| if (st.compareTo($BigInt.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)) > 0) {
| $nextIndex = Long.MAX_VALUE;
| } else if (st.compareTo($BigInt.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)) < 0) {
| $nextIndex = Long.MIN_VALUE;
| } else {
| $nextIndex = st.longValue();
| }
| $batchEnd = $nextIndex;
| $BigInt end = index.add($BigInt.ONE).multiply(numElement).divide(numSlice)
| .multiply(step).add(start);
| if (end.compareTo($BigInt.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)) > 0) {
| partitionEnd = Long.MAX_VALUE;
| } else if (end.compareTo($BigInt.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)) < 0) {
| partitionEnd = Long.MIN_VALUE;
| } else {
| partitionEnd = end.longValue();
| }
| $BigInt startToEnd = $BigInt.valueOf(partitionEnd).subtract(
| $BigInt.valueOf($nextIndex));
| $numElementsTodo = startToEnd.divide(step).longValue();
| if ($numElementsTodo < 0) {
| $numElementsTodo = 0;
| } else if (startToEnd.remainder(step).compareTo($BigInt.valueOf(0L)) != 0) {
| $numElementsTodo++;
| }
| }
val localIdx = ctx.freshName("localIdx")
val localEnd = ctx.freshName("localEnd")
val stopCheck = if (parent.needStopCheck) {
|if (shouldStop()) {
| $nextIndex = $value + ${step}L;
| $numOutput.add($localIdx + 1);
| $inputMetrics.incRecordsRead($localIdx + 1);
| return;
} else {
"// shouldStop check is eliminated"
val loopCondition = if (limitNotReachedChecks.isEmpty) {
} else {
limitNotReachedChecks.mkString(" && ")
// An overview of the Range processing.
// For each partition, the Range task needs to produce records from partition start(inclusive)
// to end(exclusive). For better performance, we separate the partition range into batches, and
// use 2 loops to produce data. The outer while loop is used to iterate batches, and the inner
// for loop is used to iterate records inside a batch.
// `nextIndex` tracks the index of the next record that is going to be consumed, initialized
// with partition start. `batchEnd` tracks the end index of the current batch, initialized
// with `nextIndex`. In the outer loop, we first check if `nextIndex == batchEnd`. If it's true,
// it means the current batch is fully consumed, and we will update `batchEnd` to process the
// next batch. If `batchEnd` reaches partition end, exit the outer loop. Finally we enter the
// inner loop. Note that, when we enter inner loop, `nextIndex` must be different from
// `batchEnd`, otherwise we already exit the outer loop.
// The inner loop iterates from 0 to `localEnd`, which is calculated by
// `(batchEnd - nextIndex) / step`. Since `batchEnd` is increased by `nextBatchTodo * step` in
// the outer loop, and initialized with `nextIndex`, so `batchEnd - nextIndex` is always
// divisible by `step`. The `nextIndex` is increased by `step` during each iteration, and ends
// up being equal to `batchEnd` when the inner loop finishes.
// The inner loop can be interrupted, if the query has produced at least one result row, so that
// we don't buffer too many result rows and waste memory. It's ok to interrupt the inner loop,
// because `nextIndex` will be updated before interrupting.
| // initialize Range
| if (!$initTerm) {
| $initTerm = true;
| $initRangeFuncName(partitionIndex);
| }
| while ($loopCondition) {
| if ($nextIndex == $batchEnd) {
| long $nextBatchTodo;
| if ($numElementsTodo > ${batchSize}L) {
| $nextBatchTodo = ${batchSize}L;
| $numElementsTodo -= ${batchSize}L;
| } else {
| $nextBatchTodo = $numElementsTodo;
| $numElementsTodo = 0;
| if ($nextBatchTodo == 0) break;
| }
| $batchEnd += $nextBatchTodo * ${step}L;
| }
| int $localEnd = (int)(($batchEnd - $nextIndex) / ${step}L);
| for (int $localIdx = 0; $localIdx < $localEnd; $localIdx++) {
| long $value = ((long)$localIdx * ${step}L) + $nextIndex;
| ${consume(ctx, Seq(ev))}
| $stopCheck
| }
| $nextIndex = $batchEnd;
| $numOutput.add($localEnd);
| $inputMetrics.incRecordsRead($localEnd);
| $taskContext.killTaskIfInterrupted();
| }
protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
.parallelize(0 until numSlices, numSlices)
.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (i, _) =>
val partitionStart = (i * numElements) / numSlices * step + start
val partitionEnd = (((i + 1) * numElements) / numSlices) * step + start
def getSafeMargin(bi: BigInt): Long =
if (bi.isValidLong) {
} else if (bi > 0) {
} else {
val safePartitionStart = getSafeMargin(partitionStart)
val safePartitionEnd = getSafeMargin(partitionEnd)
val rowSize = UnsafeRow.calculateBitSetWidthInBytes(1) + LongType.defaultSize
val unsafeRow = UnsafeRow.createFromByteArray(rowSize, 1)
val taskContext = TaskContext.get()
val iter = new Iterator[InternalRow] {
private[this] var number: Long = safePartitionStart
private[this] var overflow: Boolean = false
private[this] val inputMetrics = taskContext.taskMetrics().inputMetrics
override def hasNext =
if (!overflow) {
if (step > 0) {
number < safePartitionEnd
} else {
number > safePartitionEnd
} else false
override def next() = {
val ret = number
number += step
if (number < ret ^ step < 0) {
// we have Long.MaxValue + Long.MaxValue < Long.MaxValue
// and Long.MinValue + Long.MinValue > Long.MinValue, so iff the step causes a step
// back, we are pretty sure that we have an overflow.
overflow = true
numOutputRows += 1
unsafeRow.setLong(0, ret)
new InterruptibleIterator(taskContext, iter)
override def simpleString(maxFields: Int): String = {
s"Range ($start, $end, step=$step, splits=$numSlices)"
* Physical plan for unioning two plans, without a distinct. This is UNION ALL in SQL.
* If we change how this is implemented physically, we'd need to update
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Union.maxRowsPerPartition]].
case class UnionExec(children: Seq[SparkPlan]) extends SparkPlan {
// updating nullability to make all the children consistent
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = { { attrs =>
val firstAttr = attrs.head
val nullable = attrs.exists(_.nullable)
val newDt =
if (firstAttr.dataType == newDt) {
} else {
AttributeReference(, newDt, nullable, firstAttr.metadata)(
firstAttr.exprId, firstAttr.qualifier)
protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] =
* Physical plan for returning a new RDD that has exactly `numPartitions` partitions.
* Similar to coalesce defined on an [[RDD]], this operation results in a narrow dependency, e.g.
* if you go from 1000 partitions to 100 partitions, there will not be a shuffle, instead each of
* the 100 new partitions will claim 10 of the current partitions. If a larger number of partitions
* is requested, it will stay at the current number of partitions.
* However, if you're doing a drastic coalesce, e.g. to numPartitions = 1,
* this may result in your computation taking place on fewer nodes than
* you like (e.g. one node in the case of numPartitions = 1). To avoid this,
* you see ShuffleExchange. This will add a shuffle step, but means the
* current upstream partitions will be executed in parallel (per whatever
* the current partitioning is).
case class CoalesceExec(numPartitions: Int, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode {
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output
override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = {
if (numPartitions == 1) SinglePartition
else UnknownPartitioning(numPartitions)
protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
if (numPartitions == 1 && child.execute().getNumPartitions < 1) {
// Make sure we don't output an RDD with 0 partitions, when claiming that we have a
// `SinglePartition`.
new CoalesceExec.EmptyRDDWithPartitions(sparkContext, numPartitions)
} else {
child.execute().coalesce(numPartitions, shuffle = false)
object CoalesceExec {
/** A simple RDD with no data, but with the given number of partitions. */
class EmptyRDDWithPartitions(
@transient private val sc: SparkContext,
numPartitions: Int) extends RDD[InternalRow](sc, Nil) {
override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] =
Array.tabulate(numPartitions)(i => EmptyPartition(i))
override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[InternalRow] = {
case class EmptyPartition(index: Int) extends Partition
* Parent class for different types of subquery plans
abstract class BaseSubqueryExec extends SparkPlan {
def name: String
def child: SparkPlan
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output
override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering
override def generateTreeString(
depth: Int,
lastChildren: Seq[Boolean],
append: String => Unit,
verbose: Boolean,
prefix: String = "",
addSuffix: Boolean = false,
maxFields: Int,
printNodeId: Boolean): Unit = {
* In the new explain mode `EXPLAIN FORMATTED`, the subqueries are not shown in the
* main plan and are printed separately along with correlation information with
* its parent plan. The condition below makes sure that subquery plans are
* excluded from the main plan.
if (!printNodeId) {
* Physical plan for a subquery.
case class SubqueryExec(name: String, child: SparkPlan)
extends BaseSubqueryExec with UnaryExecNode {
override lazy val metrics = Map(
"dataSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "data size"),
"collectTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time to collect"))
private lazy val relationFuture: JFuture[Array[InternalRow]] = {
// relationFuture is used in "doExecute". Therefore we can get the execution id correctly here.
val executionId = sparkContext.getLocalProperty(SQLExecution.EXECUTION_ID_KEY)
SubqueryExec.executionContext) {
// This will run in another thread. Set the execution id so that we can connect these jobs
// with the correct execution.
SQLExecution.withExecutionId(sqlContext.sparkSession, executionId) {
val beforeCollect = System.nanoTime()
// Note that we use .executeCollect() because we don't want to convert data to Scala types
val rows: Array[InternalRow] = child.executeCollect()
val beforeBuild = System.nanoTime()
longMetric("collectTime") += NANOSECONDS.toMillis(beforeBuild - beforeCollect)
val dataSize =[UnsafeRow].getSizeInBytes.toLong).sum
longMetric("dataSize") += dataSize
SQLMetrics.postDriverMetricUpdates(sparkContext, executionId, metrics.values.toSeq)
protected override def doCanonicalize(): SparkPlan = {
SubqueryExec("Subquery", child.canonicalized)
protected override def doPrepare(): Unit = {
protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
override def executeCollect(): Array[InternalRow] = {
ThreadUtils.awaitResult(relationFuture, Duration.Inf)
override def stringArgs: Iterator[Any] = super.stringArgs ++ Iterator(s"[id=#$id]")
object SubqueryExec {
private[execution] val executionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(
* A wrapper for reused [[BaseSubqueryExec]].
case class ReusedSubqueryExec(child: BaseSubqueryExec)
extends BaseSubqueryExec with LeafExecNode {
override def name: String =
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output
override def doCanonicalize(): SparkPlan = child.canonicalized
override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering
override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
protected override def doPrepare(): Unit = child.prepare()
protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = child.execute()
override def executeCollect(): Array[InternalRow] = child.executeCollect()
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