org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PartitioningAwareFileIndex.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{expressions, InternalRow}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{CaseInsensitiveMap, DateTimeUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructType}
* An abstract class that represents [[FileIndex]]s that are aware of partitioned tables.
* It provides the necessary methods to parse partition data based on a set of files.
* @param parameters as set of options to control partition discovery
* @param userSpecifiedSchema an optional user specified schema that will be use to provide
* types for the discovered partitions
abstract class PartitioningAwareFileIndex(
sparkSession: SparkSession,
parameters: Map[String, String],
userSpecifiedSchema: Option[StructType],
fileStatusCache: FileStatusCache = NoopCache) extends FileIndex with Logging {
import PartitioningAwareFileIndex.BASE_PATH_PARAM
/** Returns the specification of the partitions inferred from the data. */
def partitionSpec(): PartitionSpec
override def partitionSchema: StructType = partitionSpec().partitionColumns
protected val hadoopConf: Configuration =
protected def leafFiles: mutable.LinkedHashMap[Path, FileStatus]
protected def leafDirToChildrenFiles: Map[Path, Array[FileStatus]]
private val caseInsensitiveMap = CaseInsensitiveMap(parameters)
protected lazy val pathGlobFilter: Option[GlobFilter] =
caseInsensitiveMap.get("pathGlobFilter").map(new GlobFilter(_))
protected def matchGlobPattern(file: FileStatus): Boolean = {
protected lazy val recursiveFileLookup: Boolean = {
caseInsensitiveMap.getOrElse("recursiveFileLookup", "false").toBoolean
override def listFiles(
partitionFilters: Seq[Expression], dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): Seq[PartitionDirectory] = {
def isNonEmptyFile(f: FileStatus): Boolean = {
isDataPath(f.getPath) && f.getLen > 0
val selectedPartitions = if (partitionSpec().partitionColumns.isEmpty) {
PartitionDirectory(InternalRow.empty, allFiles().filter(isNonEmptyFile)) :: Nil
} else {
if (recursiveFileLookup) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Datasource with partition do not allow recursive file loading.")
prunePartitions(partitionFilters, partitionSpec()).map {
case PartitionPath(values, path) =>
val files: Seq[FileStatus] = leafDirToChildrenFiles.get(path) match {
case Some(existingDir) =>
// Directory has children files in it, return them
existingDir.filter(f => matchGlobPattern(f) && isNonEmptyFile(f))
case None =>
// Directory does not exist, or has no children files
PartitionDirectory(values, files)
logTrace("Selected files after partition pruning:\n\t" + selectedPartitions.mkString("\n\t"))
/** Returns the list of files that will be read when scanning this relation. */
override def inputFiles: Array[String] =
override def sizeInBytes: Long = allFiles().map(_.getLen).sum
def allFiles(): Seq[FileStatus] = {
val files = if (partitionSpec().partitionColumns.isEmpty && !recursiveFileLookup) {
// For each of the root input paths, get the list of files inside them
rootPaths.flatMap { path =>
// Make the path qualified (consistent with listLeafFiles and bulkListLeafFiles).
val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
val qualifiedPathPre = fs.makeQualified(path)
val qualifiedPath: Path = if (qualifiedPathPre.isRoot && !qualifiedPathPre.isAbsolute) {
// SPARK-17613: Always append `Path.SEPARATOR` to the end of parent directories,
// because the `leafFile.getParent` would have returned an absolute path with the
// separator at the end.
new Path(qualifiedPathPre, Path.SEPARATOR)
} else {
// There are three cases possible with each path
// 1. The path is a directory and has children files in it. Then it must be present in
// leafDirToChildrenFiles as those children files will have been found as leaf files.
// Find its children files from leafDirToChildrenFiles and include them.
// 2. The path is a file, then it will be present in leafFiles. Include this path.
// 3. The path is a directory, but has no children files. Do not include this path.
.orElse { leafFiles.get(qualifiedPath).map(Array(_)) }
} else {
protected def inferPartitioning(): PartitionSpec = {
if (recursiveFileLookup) {
} else {
// We use leaf dirs containing data files to discover the schema.
val leafDirs = leafDirToChildrenFiles.filter { case (_, files) =>
files.exists(f => isDataPath(f.getPath))
val caseInsensitiveOptions = CaseInsensitiveMap(parameters)
val timeZoneId = caseInsensitiveOptions.get(DateTimeUtils.TIMEZONE_OPTION)
typeInference = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.partitionColumnTypeInferenceEnabled,
basePaths = basePaths,
userSpecifiedSchema = userSpecifiedSchema,
caseSensitive = sparkSession.sqlContext.conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis,
validatePartitionColumns = sparkSession.sqlContext.conf.validatePartitionColumns,
timeZoneId = timeZoneId)
private def prunePartitions(
predicates: Seq[Expression],
partitionSpec: PartitionSpec): Seq[PartitionPath] = {
val PartitionSpec(partitionColumns, partitions) = partitionSpec
val partitionColumnNames =
val partitionPruningPredicates = predicates.filter {
if (partitionPruningPredicates.nonEmpty) {
val predicate = partitionPruningPredicates.reduce(expressions.And)
val boundPredicate = Predicate.createInterpreted(predicate.transform {
case a: AttributeReference =>
val index = partitionColumns.indexWhere( ==
BoundReference(index, partitionColumns(index).dataType, nullable = true)
val selected = partitions.filter {
case PartitionPath(values, _) => boundPredicate.eval(values)
logInfo {
val total = partitions.length
val selectedSize = selected.length
val percentPruned = (1 - selectedSize.toDouble / total.toDouble) * 100
s"Selected $selectedSize partitions out of $total, " +
s"pruned ${if (total == 0) "0" else s"$percentPruned%"} partitions."
} else {
* Contains a set of paths that are considered as the base dirs of the input datasets.
* The partitioning discovery logic will make sure it will stop when it reaches any
* base path.
* By default, the paths of the dataset provided by users will be base paths.
* Below are three typical examples,
* Case 1) `"/path/something=true/")`: the base path will be
* `/path/something=true/`, and the returned DataFrame will not contain a column of `something`.
* Case 2) `"/path/something=true/a.parquet")`: the base path will be
* still `/path/something=true/`, and the returned DataFrame will also not contain a column of
* `something`.
* Case 3) `"/path/")`: the base path will be `/path/`, and the returned
* DataFrame will have the column of `something`.
* Users also can override the basePath by setting `basePath` in the options to pass the new base
* path to the data source.
* For example, `"basePath", "/path/").parquet("/path/something=true/")`,
* and the returned DataFrame will have the column of `something`.
private def basePaths: Set[Path] = {
caseInsensitiveMap.get(BASE_PATH_PARAM).map(new Path(_)) match {
case Some(userDefinedBasePath) =>
val fs = userDefinedBasePath.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
if (!fs.isDirectory(userDefinedBasePath)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Option '$BASE_PATH_PARAM' must be a directory")
val qualifiedBasePath = fs.makeQualified(userDefinedBasePath)
val qualifiedBasePathStr = qualifiedBasePath.toString
.foreach { rp =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Wrong basePath $userDefinedBasePath for the root path: $rp")
case None => { path =>
// Make the path qualified (consistent with listLeafFiles and bulkListLeafFiles).
val qualifiedPath = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf).makeQualified(path)
if (leafFiles.contains(qualifiedPath)) qualifiedPath.getParent else qualifiedPath }.toSet
// SPARK-15895: Metadata files (e.g. Parquet summary files) and temporary files should not be
// counted as data files, so that they shouldn't participate partition discovery.
private def isDataPath(path: Path): Boolean = {
val name = path.getName
!((name.startsWith("_") && !name.contains("=")) || name.startsWith("."))
object PartitioningAwareFileIndex {
val BASE_PATH_PARAM = "basePath"
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