org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python.ExtractPythonUDFs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonEvalType
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.AggregateExpression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
* Extracts all the Python UDFs in logical aggregate, which depends on aggregate expression or
* grouping key, or doesn't depend on any above expressions, evaluate them after aggregate.
object ExtractPythonUDFFromAggregate extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
* Returns whether the expression could only be evaluated within aggregate.
private def belongAggregate(e: Expression, agg: Aggregate): Boolean = {
e.isInstanceOf[AggregateExpression] ||
PythonUDF.isGroupedAggPandasUDF(e) ||
private def hasPythonUdfOverAggregate(expr: Expression, agg: Aggregate): Boolean = {
expr.find {
e => PythonUDF.isScalarPythonUDF(e) &&
(e.references.isEmpty || e.find(belongAggregate(_, agg)).isDefined)
private def extract(agg: Aggregate): LogicalPlan = {
val projList = new ArrayBuffer[NamedExpression]()
val aggExpr = new ArrayBuffer[NamedExpression]()
agg.aggregateExpressions.foreach { expr =>
if (hasPythonUdfOverAggregate(expr, agg)) {
// Python UDF can only be evaluated after aggregate
val newE = expr transformDown {
case e: Expression if belongAggregate(e, agg) =>
val alias = e match {
case a: NamedExpression => a
case o => Alias(e, "agg")()
aggExpr += alias
projList += newE.asInstanceOf[NamedExpression]
} else {
aggExpr += expr
projList += expr.toAttribute
// There is no Python UDF over aggregate expression
Project(projList, agg.copy(aggregateExpressions = aggExpr))
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformUp {
case agg: Aggregate if agg.aggregateExpressions.exists(hasPythonUdfOverAggregate(_, agg)) =>
* Extracts PythonUDFs in logical aggregate, which are used in grouping keys, evaluate them
* before aggregate.
* This must be executed after `ExtractPythonUDFFromAggregate` rule and before `ExtractPythonUDFs`.
object ExtractGroupingPythonUDFFromAggregate extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
private def hasScalarPythonUDF(e: Expression): Boolean = {
private def extract(agg: Aggregate): LogicalPlan = {
val projList = new ArrayBuffer[NamedExpression]()
val groupingExpr = new ArrayBuffer[Expression]()
val attributeMap = mutable.HashMap[PythonUDF, NamedExpression]()
agg.groupingExpressions.foreach { expr =>
if (hasScalarPythonUDF(expr)) {
val newE = expr transformDown {
case p: PythonUDF =>
// This is just a sanity check, the rule PullOutNondeterministic should
// already pull out those nondeterministic expressions.
assert(p.udfDeterministic, "Non-determinstic PythonUDFs should not appear " +
"in grouping expression")
val canonicalized = p.canonicalized.asInstanceOf[PythonUDF]
if (attributeMap.contains(canonicalized)) {
} else {
val alias = Alias(p, "groupingPythonUDF")()
projList += alias
attributeMap += ((canonicalized, alias.toAttribute))
groupingExpr += newE
} else {
groupingExpr += expr
val aggExpr = { expr =>
expr.transformUp {
// PythonUDF over aggregate was pull out by ExtractPythonUDFFromAggregate.
// PythonUDF here should be either
// 1. Argument of an aggregate function.
// CheckAnalysis guarantees the arguments are deterministic.
// 2. PythonUDF in grouping key. Grouping key must be deterministic.
// 3. PythonUDF not in grouping key. It is either no arguments or with grouping key
// in its arguments. Such PythonUDF was pull out by ExtractPythonUDFFromAggregate, too.
case p: PythonUDF if p.udfDeterministic =>
val canonicalized = p.canonicalized.asInstanceOf[PythonUDF]
attributeMap.getOrElse(canonicalized, p)
groupingExpressions = groupingExpr,
aggregateExpressions = aggExpr,
child = Project(projList ++ agg.child.output, agg.child))
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformUp {
case agg: Aggregate if agg.groupingExpressions.exists(hasScalarPythonUDF(_)) =>
* Extracts PythonUDFs from operators, rewriting the query plan so that the UDF can be evaluated
* alone in a batch.
* Only extracts the PythonUDFs that could be evaluated in Python (the single child is PythonUDFs
* or all the children could be evaluated in JVM).
* This has the limitation that the input to the Python UDF is not allowed include attributes from
* multiple child operators.
object ExtractPythonUDFs extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper {
private type EvalType = Int
private type EvalTypeChecker = EvalType => Boolean
private def hasScalarPythonUDF(e: Expression): Boolean = {
private def canEvaluateInPython(e: PythonUDF): Boolean = {
e.children match {
// single PythonUDF child could be chained and evaluated in Python
case Seq(u: PythonUDF) => e.evalType == u.evalType && canEvaluateInPython(u)
// Python UDF can't be evaluated directly in JVM
case children => !children.exists(hasScalarPythonUDF)
private def collectEvaluableUDFsFromExpressions(expressions: Seq[Expression]): Seq[PythonUDF] = {
// If fisrt UDF is SQL_SCALAR_PANDAS_ITER_UDF, then only return this UDF,
// otherwise check if subsequent UDFs are of the same type as the first UDF. (since we can only
// extract UDFs of the same eval type)
var firstVisitedScalarUDFEvalType: Option[Int] = None
def canChainUDF(evalType: Int): Boolean = {
if (evalType == PythonEvalType.SQL_SCALAR_PANDAS_ITER_UDF) {
} else {
evalType == firstVisitedScalarUDFEvalType.get
def collectEvaluableUDFs(expr: Expression): Seq[PythonUDF] = expr match {
case udf: PythonUDF if PythonUDF.isScalarPythonUDF(udf) && canEvaluateInPython(udf)
&& firstVisitedScalarUDFEvalType.isEmpty =>
firstVisitedScalarUDFEvalType = Some(udf.evalType)
case udf: PythonUDF if PythonUDF.isScalarPythonUDF(udf) && canEvaluateInPython(udf)
&& canChainUDF(udf.evalType) =>
case e => e.children.flatMap(collectEvaluableUDFs)
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan match {
// SPARK-26293: A subquery will be rewritten into join later, and will go through this rule
// eventually. Here we skip subquery, as Python UDF only needs to be extracted once.
case s: Subquery if s.correlated => plan
case _ => plan transformUp {
// A safe guard. `ExtractPythonUDFs` only runs once, so we will not hit `BatchEvalPython` and
// `ArrowEvalPython` in the input plan. However if we hit them, we must skip them, as we can't
// extract Python UDFs from them.
case p: BatchEvalPython => p
case p: ArrowEvalPython => p
case plan: LogicalPlan => extract(plan)
* Extract all the PythonUDFs from the current operator and evaluate them before the operator.
private def extract(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
val udfs = collectEvaluableUDFsFromExpressions(plan.expressions)
// ignore the PythonUDF that come from second/third aggregate, which is not used
.filter(udf => udf.references.subsetOf(plan.inputSet))
if (udfs.isEmpty) {
// If there aren't any, we are done.
} else {
val attributeMap = mutable.HashMap[PythonUDF, Expression]()
// Rewrite the child that has the input required for the UDF
val newChildren = { child =>
// Pick the UDF we are going to evaluate
val validUdfs = udfs.filter { udf =>
// Check to make sure that the UDF can be evaluated with only the input of this child.
if (validUdfs.nonEmpty) {
"Can only extract scalar vectorized udf or sql batch udf")
val resultAttrs = { case (u, i) =>
AttributeReference(s"pythonUDF$i", u.dataType)()
val evalTypes =
if (evalTypes.size != 1) {
throw new AnalysisException(
s"Expected udfs have the same evalType but got different evalTypes: " +
val evalType = evalTypes.head
val evaluation = evalType match {
case PythonEvalType.SQL_BATCHED_UDF =>
BatchEvalPython(validUdfs, resultAttrs, child)
ArrowEvalPython(validUdfs, resultAttrs, child, evalType)
case _ =>
throw new AnalysisException("Unexcepted UDF evalType")
attributeMap ++=
} else {
// Other cases are disallowed as they are ambiguous or would require a cartesian
// product.
udfs.filterNot(attributeMap.contains).foreach { udf =>
sys.error(s"Invalid PythonUDF $udf, requires attributes from more than one child.")
val rewritten = plan.withNewChildren(newChildren).transformExpressions {
case p: PythonUDF if attributeMap.contains(p) =>
// extract remaining python UDFs recursively
val newPlan = extract(rewritten)
if (newPlan.output != plan.output) {
// Trim away the new UDF value if it was only used for filtering or something.
Project(plan.output, newPlan)
} else {
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