org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MutableMap}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, Attribute, CurrentBatchTimestamp, CurrentDate, CurrentTimestamp}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LeafNode, LocalRelation, LogicalPlan, Project}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.truncatedString
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.{SupportsRead, SupportsWrite, Table, TableCapability}
import{MicroBatchStream, Offset => OffsetV2, ReadLimit, SparkDataStream, SupportsAdmissionControl}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SQLExecution
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.{StreamingDataSourceV2Relation, StreamWriterCommitProgress, WriteToDataSourceV2Exec}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.sources.WriteToMicroBatchDataSource
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{OutputMode, Trigger}
import org.apache.spark.util.Clock
class MicroBatchExecution(
sparkSession: SparkSession,
name: String,
checkpointRoot: String,
analyzedPlan: LogicalPlan,
sink: Table,
trigger: Trigger,
triggerClock: Clock,
outputMode: OutputMode,
extraOptions: Map[String, String],
deleteCheckpointOnStop: Boolean)
extends StreamExecution(
sparkSession, name, checkpointRoot, analyzedPlan, sink,
trigger, triggerClock, outputMode, deleteCheckpointOnStop) {
@volatile protected var sources: Seq[SparkDataStream] = Seq.empty
private val triggerExecutor = trigger match {
case t: ProcessingTimeTrigger => ProcessingTimeExecutor(t, triggerClock)
case OneTimeTrigger => OneTimeExecutor()
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unknown type of trigger: $trigger")
private var watermarkTracker: WatermarkTracker = _
override lazy val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = {
assert(queryExecutionThread eq Thread.currentThread,
"logicalPlan must be initialized in QueryExecutionThread " +
s"but the current thread was ${Thread.currentThread}")
var nextSourceId = 0L
val toExecutionRelationMap = MutableMap[StreamingRelation, StreamingExecutionRelation]()
val v2ToExecutionRelationMap = MutableMap[StreamingRelationV2, StreamingExecutionRelation]()
val v2ToRelationMap = MutableMap[StreamingRelationV2, StreamingDataSourceV2Relation]()
// We transform each distinct streaming relation into a StreamingExecutionRelation, keeping a
// map as we go to ensure each identical relation gets the same StreamingExecutionRelation
// object. For each microbatch, the StreamingExecutionRelation will be replaced with a logical
// plan for the data within that batch.
// Note that we have to use the previous `output` as attributes in StreamingExecutionRelation,
// since the existing logical plan has already used those attributes. The per-microbatch
// transformation is responsible for replacing attributes with their final values.
val disabledSources =
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.DataSourceV2Implicits._
val _logicalPlan = analyzedPlan.transform {
case streamingRelation @ StreamingRelation(dataSourceV1, sourceName, output) =>
toExecutionRelationMap.getOrElseUpdate(streamingRelation, {
// Materialize source to avoid creating it in every batch
val metadataPath = s"$resolvedCheckpointRoot/sources/$nextSourceId"
val source = dataSourceV1.createSource(metadataPath)
nextSourceId += 1
logInfo(s"Using Source [$source] from DataSourceV1 named '$sourceName' [$dataSourceV1]")
StreamingExecutionRelation(source, output)(sparkSession)
case s @ StreamingRelationV2(src, srcName, table: SupportsRead, options, output, v1) =>
val v2Disabled = disabledSources.contains(src.getClass.getCanonicalName)
if (!v2Disabled && table.supports(TableCapability.MICRO_BATCH_READ)) {
v2ToRelationMap.getOrElseUpdate(s, {
// Materialize source to avoid creating it in every batch
val metadataPath = s"$resolvedCheckpointRoot/sources/$nextSourceId"
nextSourceId += 1
logInfo(s"Reading table [$table] from DataSourceV2 named '$srcName' [$src]")
// TODO: operator pushdown.
val scan = table.newScanBuilder(options).build()
val stream = scan.toMicroBatchStream(metadataPath)
StreamingDataSourceV2Relation(output, scan, stream)
} else if (v1.isEmpty) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"Data source $srcName does not support microbatch processing.")
} else {
v2ToExecutionRelationMap.getOrElseUpdate(s, {
// Materialize source to avoid creating it in every batch
val metadataPath = s"$resolvedCheckpointRoot/sources/$nextSourceId"
val source = v1.get.dataSource.createSource(metadataPath)
nextSourceId += 1
logInfo(s"Using Source [$source] from DataSourceV2 named '$srcName' [$src]")
StreamingExecutionRelation(source, output)(sparkSession)
sources = _logicalPlan.collect {
// v1 source
case s: StreamingExecutionRelation => s.source
// v2 source
case r: StreamingDataSourceV2Relation =>
uniqueSources = {
case source: SupportsAdmissionControl =>
val limit = source.getDefaultReadLimit
if (trigger == OneTimeTrigger && limit != ReadLimit.allAvailable()) {
logWarning(s"The read limit $limit for $source is ignored when Trigger.Once() is used.")
source -> ReadLimit.allAvailable()
} else {
source -> limit
case other =>
other -> ReadLimit.allAvailable()
// TODO (SPARK-27484): we should add the writing node before the plan is analyzed.
sink match {
case s: SupportsWrite =>
val streamingWrite = createStreamingWrite(s, extraOptions, _logicalPlan)
WriteToMicroBatchDataSource(streamingWrite, _logicalPlan)
case _ => _logicalPlan
* Signifies whether current batch (i.e. for the batch `currentBatchId`) has been constructed
* (i.e. written to the offsetLog) and is ready for execution.
private var isCurrentBatchConstructed = false
* Signals to the thread executing micro-batches that it should stop running after the next
* batch. This method blocks until the thread stops running.
override def stop(): Unit = {
// Set the state to TERMINATED so that the batching thread knows that it was interrupted
// intentionally
if (queryExecutionThread.isAlive) {
// microBatchThread may spawn new jobs, so we need to cancel again to prevent a leak
logInfo(s"Query $prettyIdString was stopped")
/** Begins recording statistics about query progress for a given trigger. */
override protected def startTrigger(): Unit = {
currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(isTriggerActive = true)
* Repeatedly attempts to run batches as data arrives.
protected def runActivatedStream(sparkSessionForStream: SparkSession): Unit = {
val noDataBatchesEnabled =
triggerExecutor.execute(() => {
if (isActive) {
var currentBatchHasNewData = false // Whether the current batch had new data
reportTimeTaken("triggerExecution") {
// We'll do this initialization only once every start / restart
if (currentBatchId < 0) {
logInfo(s"Stream started from $committedOffsets")
// Set this before calling constructNextBatch() so any Spark jobs executed by sources
// while getting new data have the correct description
// Try to construct the next batch. This will return true only if the next batch is
// ready and runnable. Note that the current batch may be runnable even without
// new data to process as `constructNextBatch` may decide to run a batch for
// state cleanup, etc. `isNewDataAvailable` will be updated to reflect whether new data
// is available or not.
if (!isCurrentBatchConstructed) {
isCurrentBatchConstructed = constructNextBatch(noDataBatchesEnabled)
// Record the trigger offset range for progress reporting *before* processing the batch
recordTriggerOffsets(from = committedOffsets, to = availableOffsets)
// Remember whether the current batch has data or not. This will be required later
// for bookkeeping after running the batch, when `isNewDataAvailable` will have changed
// to false as the batch would have already processed the available data.
currentBatchHasNewData = isNewDataAvailable
currentStatus = currentStatus.copy(isDataAvailable = isNewDataAvailable)
if (isCurrentBatchConstructed) {
if (currentBatchHasNewData) updateStatusMessage("Processing new data")
else updateStatusMessage("No new data but cleaning up state")
} else {
updateStatusMessage("Waiting for data to arrive")
// Must be outside reportTimeTaken so it is recorded
finishTrigger(currentBatchHasNewData, isCurrentBatchConstructed)
// Signal waiting threads. Note this must be after finishTrigger() to ensure all
// activities (progress generation, etc.) have completed before signaling.
withProgressLocked { awaitProgressLockCondition.signalAll() }
// If the current batch has been executed, then increment the batch id and reset flag.
// Otherwise, there was no data to execute the batch and sleep for some time
if (isCurrentBatchConstructed) {
currentBatchId += 1
isCurrentBatchConstructed = false
} else Thread.sleep(pollingDelayMs)
updateStatusMessage("Waiting for next trigger")
* Populate the start offsets to start the execution at the current offsets stored in the sink
* (i.e. avoid reprocessing data that we have already processed). This function must be called
* before any processing occurs and will populate the following fields:
* - currentBatchId
* - committedOffsets
* - availableOffsets
* The basic structure of this method is as follows:
* Identify (from the offset log) the offsets used to run the last batch
* IF last batch exists THEN
* Set the next batch to be executed as the last recovered batch
* Check the commit log to see which batch was committed last
* IF the last batch was committed THEN
* Call getBatch using the last batch start and end offsets
* // ^^^^ above line is needed since some sources assume last batch always re-executes
* Setup for a new batch i.e., start = last batch end, and identify new end
* Identify a brand new batch
private def populateStartOffsets(sparkSessionToRunBatches: SparkSession): Unit = {
sinkCommitProgress = None
offsetLog.getLatest() match {
case Some((latestBatchId, nextOffsets)) =>
/* First assume that we are re-executing the latest known batch
* in the offset log */
currentBatchId = latestBatchId
isCurrentBatchConstructed = true
availableOffsets = nextOffsets.toStreamProgress(sources)
/* Initialize committed offsets to a committed batch, which at this
* is the second latest batch id in the offset log. */
if (latestBatchId != 0) {
val secondLatestOffsets = offsetLog.get(latestBatchId - 1).getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"batch ${latestBatchId - 1} doesn't exist")
committedOffsets = secondLatestOffsets.toStreamProgress(sources)
// update offset metadata
nextOffsets.metadata.foreach { metadata =>
OffsetSeqMetadata.setSessionConf(metadata, sparkSessionToRunBatches.conf)
offsetSeqMetadata = OffsetSeqMetadata(
metadata.batchWatermarkMs, metadata.batchTimestampMs, sparkSessionToRunBatches.conf)
watermarkTracker = WatermarkTracker(sparkSessionToRunBatches.conf)
/* identify the current batch id: if commit log indicates we successfully processed the
* latest batch id in the offset log, then we can safely move to the next batch
* i.e., committedBatchId + 1 */
commitLog.getLatest() match {
case Some((latestCommittedBatchId, commitMetadata)) =>
if (latestBatchId == latestCommittedBatchId) {
/* The last batch was successfully committed, so we can safely process a
* new next batch but first:
* Make a call to getBatch using the offsets from previous batch.
* because certain sources (e.g., KafkaSource) assume on restart the last
* batch will be executed before getOffset is called again. */
availableOffsets.foreach {
case (source: Source, end: Offset) =>
val start = committedOffsets.get(source).map(_.asInstanceOf[Offset])
source.getBatch(start, end)
case nonV1Tuple =>
// The V2 API does not have the same edge case requiring getBatch to be called
// here, so we do nothing here.
currentBatchId = latestCommittedBatchId + 1
isCurrentBatchConstructed = false
committedOffsets ++= availableOffsets
math.max(watermarkTracker.currentWatermark, commitMetadata.nextBatchWatermarkMs))
} else if (latestCommittedBatchId < latestBatchId - 1) {
logWarning(s"Batch completion log latest batch id is " +
s"${latestCommittedBatchId}, which is not trailing " +
s"batchid $latestBatchId by one")
case None => logInfo("no commit log present")
logInfo(s"Resuming at batch $currentBatchId with committed offsets " +
s"$committedOffsets and available offsets $availableOffsets")
case None => // We are starting this stream for the first time.
logInfo(s"Starting new streaming query.")
currentBatchId = 0
watermarkTracker = WatermarkTracker(sparkSessionToRunBatches.conf)
* Returns true if there is any new data available to be processed.
private def isNewDataAvailable: Boolean = {
availableOffsets.exists {
case (source, available) =>
.map(committed => committed != available)
* Attempts to construct a batch according to:
* - Availability of new data
* - Need for timeouts and state cleanups in stateful operators
* Returns true only if the next batch should be executed.
* Here is the high-level logic on how this constructs the next batch.
* - Check each source whether new data is available
* - Updated the query's metadata and check using the last execution whether there is any need
* to run another batch (for state clean up, etc.)
* - If either of the above is true, then construct the next batch by committing to the offset
* log that range of offsets that the next batch will process.
private def constructNextBatch(noDataBatchesEnabled: Boolean): Boolean = withProgressLocked {
if (isCurrentBatchConstructed) return true
// Generate a map from each unique source to the next available offset.
val latestOffsets: Map[SparkDataStream, Option[OffsetV2]] = {
case (s: SupportsAdmissionControl, limit) =>
updateStatusMessage(s"Getting offsets from $s")
reportTimeTaken("latestOffset") {
val startOffsetOpt = availableOffsets.get(s)
val startOffset = s match {
case _: Source =>
case v2: MicroBatchStream => => v2.deserializeOffset(offset.json))
(s, Option(s.latestOffset(startOffset, limit)))
case (s: Source, _) =>
updateStatusMessage(s"Getting offsets from $s")
reportTimeTaken("getOffset") {
(s, s.getOffset)
case (s: MicroBatchStream, _) =>
updateStatusMessage(s"Getting offsets from $s")
reportTimeTaken("latestOffset") {
(s, Option(s.latestOffset()))
case (s, _) =>
// for some reason, the compiler is unhappy and thinks the match is not exhaustive
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected source: $s")
availableOffsets ++= latestOffsets.filter { case (_, o) => o.nonEmpty }.mapValues(_.get)
// Update the query metadata
offsetSeqMetadata = offsetSeqMetadata.copy(
batchWatermarkMs = watermarkTracker.currentWatermark,
batchTimestampMs = triggerClock.getTimeMillis())
// Check whether next batch should be constructed
val lastExecutionRequiresAnotherBatch = noDataBatchesEnabled &&
val shouldConstructNextBatch = isNewDataAvailable || lastExecutionRequiresAnotherBatch
s"noDataBatchesEnabled = $noDataBatchesEnabled, " +
s"lastExecutionRequiresAnotherBatch = $lastExecutionRequiresAnotherBatch, " +
s"isNewDataAvailable = $isNewDataAvailable, " +
s"shouldConstructNextBatch = $shouldConstructNextBatch")
if (shouldConstructNextBatch) {
// Commit the next batch offset range to the offset log
updateStatusMessage("Writing offsets to log")
reportTimeTaken("walCommit") {
availableOffsets.toOffsetSeq(sources, offsetSeqMetadata)),
s"Concurrent update to the log. Multiple streaming jobs detected for $currentBatchId")
logInfo(s"Committed offsets for batch $currentBatchId. " +
s"Metadata ${offsetSeqMetadata.toString}")
// NOTE: The following code is correct because runStream() processes exactly one
// batch at a time. If we add pipeline parallelism (multiple batches in flight at
// the same time), this cleanup logic will need to change.
// Now that we've updated the scheduler's persistent checkpoint, it is safe for the
// sources to discard data from the previous batch.
if (currentBatchId != 0) {
val prevBatchOff = offsetLog.get(currentBatchId - 1)
if (prevBatchOff.isDefined) {
prevBatchOff.get.toStreamProgress(sources).foreach {
case (src: Source, off: Offset) => src.commit(off)
case (stream: MicroBatchStream, off) =>
case (src, _) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Unknown source is found at constructNextBatch: $src")
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"batch ${currentBatchId - 1} doesn't exist")
// It is now safe to discard the metadata beyond the minimum number to retain.
// Note that purge is exclusive, i.e. it purges everything before the target ID.
if (minLogEntriesToMaintain < currentBatchId) {
purge(currentBatchId - minLogEntriesToMaintain)
noNewData = false
} else {
noNewData = true
* Processes any data available between `availableOffsets` and `committedOffsets`.
* @param sparkSessionToRunBatch Isolated [[SparkSession]] to run this batch with.
private def runBatch(sparkSessionToRunBatch: SparkSession): Unit = {
logDebug(s"Running batch $currentBatchId")
// Request unprocessed data from all sources.
newData = reportTimeTaken("getBatch") {
availableOffsets.flatMap {
case (source: Source, available: Offset)
if committedOffsets.get(source).map(_ != available).getOrElse(true) =>
val current = committedOffsets.get(source).map(_.asInstanceOf[Offset])
val batch = source.getBatch(current, available)
s"DataFrame returned by getBatch from $source did not have isStreaming=true\n" +
logDebug(s"Retrieving data from $source: $current -> $available")
Some(source -> batch.logicalPlan)
case (stream: MicroBatchStream, available)
if committedOffsets.get(stream).map(_ != available).getOrElse(true) =>
val current = committedOffsets.get(stream).map {
off => stream.deserializeOffset(off.json)
val endOffset: OffsetV2 = available match {
case v1: SerializedOffset => stream.deserializeOffset(v1.json)
case v2: OffsetV2 => v2
val startOffset = current.getOrElse(stream.initialOffset)
logDebug(s"Retrieving data from $stream: $current -> $endOffset")
// To be compatible with the v1 source, the `newData` is represented as a logical plan,
// while the `newData` of v2 source is just the start and end offsets. Here we return a
// fake logical plan to carry the offsets.
Some(stream -> OffsetHolder(startOffset, endOffset))
case _ => None
// Replace sources in the logical plan with data that has arrived since the last batch.
val newBatchesPlan = logicalPlan transform {
// For v1 sources.
case StreamingExecutionRelation(source, output) =>
newData.get(source).map { dataPlan =>
val maxFields = SQLConf.get.maxToStringFields
assert(output.size == dataPlan.output.size,
s"Invalid batch: ${truncatedString(output, ",", maxFields)} != " +
s"${truncatedString(dataPlan.output, ",", maxFields)}")
val aliases = { case (to, from) =>
Alias(from, = to.exprId, explicitMetadata = Some(from.metadata))
Project(aliases, dataPlan)
}.getOrElse {
LocalRelation(output, isStreaming = true)
// For v2 sources.
case r: StreamingDataSourceV2Relation =>
newData.get( {
case OffsetHolder(start, end) =>
r.copy(startOffset = Some(start), endOffset = Some(end))
}.getOrElse {
LocalRelation(r.output, isStreaming = true)
// Rewire the plan to use the new attributes that were returned by the source.
val newAttributePlan = newBatchesPlan transformAllExpressions {
case ct: CurrentTimestamp =>
// CurrentTimestamp is not TimeZoneAwareExpression while CurrentBatchTimestamp is.
// Without TimeZoneId, CurrentBatchTimestamp is unresolved. Here, we use an explicit
// dummy string to prevent UnresolvedException and to prevent to be used in the future.
ct.dataType, Some("Dummy TimeZoneId"))
case cd: CurrentDate =>
cd.dataType, cd.timeZoneId)
val triggerLogicalPlan = sink match {
case _: Sink => newAttributePlan
case _: SupportsWrite =>
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"unknown sink type for $sink")
MicroBatchExecution.BATCH_ID_KEY, currentBatchId.toString)
StreamExecution.IS_CONTINUOUS_PROCESSING, false.toString)
reportTimeTaken("queryPlanning") {
lastExecution = new IncrementalExecution(
lastExecution.executedPlan // Force the lazy generation of execution plan
val nextBatch =
new Dataset(lastExecution, RowEncoder(lastExecution.analyzed.schema))
val batchSinkProgress: Option[StreamWriterCommitProgress] = reportTimeTaken("addBatch") {
SQLExecution.withNewExecutionId(lastExecution) {
sink match {
case s: Sink => s.addBatch(currentBatchId, nextBatch)
case _: SupportsWrite =>
// This doesn't accumulate any data - it just forces execution of the microbatch writer.
lastExecution.executedPlan match {
case w: WriteToDataSourceV2Exec => w.commitProgress
case _ => None
withProgressLocked {
sinkCommitProgress = batchSinkProgress
commitLog.add(currentBatchId, CommitMetadata(watermarkTracker.currentWatermark))
committedOffsets ++= availableOffsets
logDebug(s"Completed batch ${currentBatchId}")
/** Execute a function while locking the stream from making an progress */
private[sql] def withProgressLocked[T](f: => T): T = {
try {
} finally {
object MicroBatchExecution {
val BATCH_ID_KEY = "streaming.sql.batchId"
case class OffsetHolder(start: OffsetV2, end: OffsetV2) extends LeafNode {
override def output: Seq[Attribute] = Nil
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