org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming
import{InterruptedIOException, IOException, UncheckedIOException}
import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.concurrent.{CountDownLatch, ExecutionException, TimeoutException, TimeUnit}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MutableMap}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.streaming.InternalOutputModes._
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.{SupportsWrite, Table}
import{Offset => OffsetV2, ReadLimit, SparkDataStream}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.write.{LogicalWriteInfoImpl, SupportsTruncate}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.write.streaming.StreamingWrite
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.StreamingExplainCommand
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.StreamWriterCommitProgress
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.connector.SupportsStreamingUpdate
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap
import org.apache.spark.util.{Clock, UninterruptibleThread, Utils}
/** States for [[StreamExecution]]'s lifecycle. */
trait State
case object INITIALIZING extends State
case object ACTIVE extends State
case object TERMINATED extends State
case object RECONFIGURING extends State
* Manages the execution of a streaming Spark SQL query that is occurring in a separate thread.
* Unlike a standard query, a streaming query executes repeatedly each time new data arrives at any
* [[Source]] present in the query plan. Whenever new data arrives, a [[QueryExecution]] is created
* and the results are committed transactionally to the given [[Sink]].
* @param deleteCheckpointOnStop whether to delete the checkpoint if the query is stopped without
* errors. Checkpoint deletion can be forced with the appropriate
* Spark configuration.
abstract class StreamExecution(
override val sparkSession: SparkSession,
override val name: String,
private val checkpointRoot: String,
analyzedPlan: LogicalPlan,
val sink: Table,
val trigger: Trigger,
val triggerClock: Clock,
val outputMode: OutputMode,
deleteCheckpointOnStop: Boolean)
extends StreamingQuery with ProgressReporter with Logging {
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryListener._
protected val pollingDelayMs: Long = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.streamingPollingDelay
protected val minLogEntriesToMaintain: Int = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.minBatchesToRetain
require(minLogEntriesToMaintain > 0, "minBatchesToRetain has to be positive")
* A lock used to wait/notify when batches complete. Use a fair lock to avoid thread starvation.
protected val awaitProgressLock = new ReentrantLock(true)
protected val awaitProgressLockCondition = awaitProgressLock.newCondition()
private val initializationLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
private val startLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
private val terminationLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
val resolvedCheckpointRoot = {
val checkpointPath = new Path(checkpointRoot)
val fs = checkpointPath.getFileSystem(sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf())
&& StreamExecution.containsSpecialCharsInPath(checkpointPath)) {
// In Spark 2.4 and earlier, the checkpoint path is escaped 3 times (3 `Path.toUri.toString`
// calls). If this legacy checkpoint path exists, we will throw an error to tell the user how
// to migrate.
val legacyCheckpointDir =
new Path(new Path(checkpointPath.toUri.toString).toUri.toString).toUri.toString
val legacyCheckpointDirExists =
try {
fs.exists(new Path(legacyCheckpointDir))
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
// We may not have access to this directory. Don't fail the query if that happens.
logWarning(e.getMessage, e)
if (legacyCheckpointDirExists) {
throw new SparkException(
s"""Error: we detected a possible problem with the location of your checkpoint and you
|likely need to move it before restarting this query.
|Earlier version of Spark incorrectly escaped paths when writing out checkpoints for
|structured streaming. While this was corrected in Spark 3.0, it appears that your
|query was started using an earlier version that incorrectly handled the checkpoint
|Correct Checkpoint Directory: $checkpointPath
|Incorrect Checkpoint Directory: $legacyCheckpointDir
|Please move the data from the incorrect directory to the correct one, delete the
|incorrect directory, and then restart this query. If you believe you are receiving
|this message in error, you can disable it with the SQL conf
val checkpointDir = checkpointPath.makeQualified(fs.getUri, fs.getWorkingDirectory)
logInfo(s"Checkpoint root $checkpointRoot resolved to $resolvedCheckpointRoot.")
def logicalPlan: LogicalPlan
* Tracks how much data we have processed and committed to the sink or state store from each
* input source.
* Only the scheduler thread should modify this field, and only in atomic steps.
* Other threads should make a shallow copy if they are going to access this field more than
* once, since the field's value may change at any time.
var committedOffsets = new StreamProgress
* Tracks the offsets that are available to be processed, but have not yet be committed to the
* sink.
* Only the scheduler thread should modify this field, and only in atomic steps.
* Other threads should make a shallow copy if they are going to access this field more than
* once, since the field's value may change at any time.
var availableOffsets = new StreamProgress
var sinkCommitProgress: Option[StreamWriterCommitProgress] = None
/** The current batchId or -1 if execution has not yet been initialized. */
protected var currentBatchId: Long = -1
/** Metadata associated with the whole query */
protected val streamMetadata: StreamMetadata = {
val metadataPath = new Path(checkpointFile("metadata"))
val hadoopConf = sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf(), hadoopConf).getOrElse {
val newMetadata = new StreamMetadata(UUID.randomUUID.toString)
StreamMetadata.write(newMetadata, metadataPath, hadoopConf)
/** Metadata associated with the offset seq of a batch in the query. */
protected var offsetSeqMetadata = OffsetSeqMetadata(
batchWatermarkMs = 0, batchTimestampMs = 0, sparkSession.conf)
* A map of current watermarks, keyed by the position of the watermark operator in the
* physical plan.
* This state is 'soft state', which does not affect the correctness and semantics of watermarks
* and is not persisted across query restarts.
* The fault-tolerant watermark state is in offsetSeqMetadata.
protected val watermarkMsMap: MutableMap[Int, Long] = MutableMap()
override val id: UUID = UUID.fromString(
override val runId: UUID = UUID.randomUUID
* Pretty identified string of printing in logs. Format is
* If name is set "queryName [id = xyz, runId = abc]" else "[id = xyz, runId = abc]"
protected val prettyIdString =
Option(name).map(_ + " ").getOrElse("") + s"[id = $id, runId = $runId]"
* A list of unique sources in the query plan. This will be set when generating logical plan.
@volatile protected var uniqueSources: Map[SparkDataStream, ReadLimit] = Map.empty
/** Defines the internal state of execution */
protected val state = new AtomicReference[State](INITIALIZING)
var lastExecution: IncrementalExecution = _
/** Holds the most recent input data for each source. */
protected var newData: Map[SparkDataStream, LogicalPlan] = _
protected var streamDeathCause: StreamingQueryException = null
/* Get the call site in the caller thread; will pass this into the micro batch thread */
private val callSite = Utils.getCallSite()
/** Used to report metrics to coda-hale. This uses id for easier tracking across restarts. */
lazy val streamMetrics = new MetricsReporter(
this, s"spark.streaming.${Option(name).getOrElse(id)}")
/** Isolated spark session to run the batches with. */
private val sparkSessionForStream = sparkSession.cloneSession()
* The thread that runs the micro-batches of this stream. Note that this thread must be
* [[org.apache.spark.util.UninterruptibleThread]] to workaround KAFKA-1894: interrupting a
* running `KafkaConsumer` may cause endless loop.
val queryExecutionThread: QueryExecutionThread =
new QueryExecutionThread(s"stream execution thread for $prettyIdString") {
override def run(): Unit = {
// To fix call site like "run at :0", we bridge the call site from the caller
// thread to this micro batch thread
* A write-ahead-log that records the offsets that are present in each batch. In order to ensure
* that a given batch will always consist of the same data, we write to this log *before* any
* processing is done. Thus, the Nth record in this log indicated data that is currently being
* processed and the N-1th entry indicates which offsets have been durably committed to the sink.
val offsetLog = new OffsetSeqLog(sparkSession, checkpointFile("offsets"))
* A log that records the batch ids that have completed. This is used to check if a batch was
* fully processed, and its output was committed to the sink, hence no need to process it again.
* This is used (for instance) during restart, to help identify which batch to run next.
val commitLog = new CommitLog(sparkSession, checkpointFile("commits"))
/** Whether all fields of the query have been initialized */
private def isInitialized: Boolean = state.get != INITIALIZING
/** Whether the query is currently active or not */
override def isActive: Boolean = state.get != TERMINATED
/** Returns the [[StreamingQueryException]] if the query was terminated by an exception. */
override def exception: Option[StreamingQueryException] = Option(streamDeathCause)
/** Returns the path of a file with `name` in the checkpoint directory. */
protected def checkpointFile(name: String): String =
new Path(new Path(resolvedCheckpointRoot), name).toString
* Starts the execution. This returns only after the thread has started and [[QueryStartedEvent]]
* has been posted to all the listeners.
def start(): Unit = {
logInfo(s"Starting $prettyIdString. Use $resolvedCheckpointRoot to store the query checkpoint.")
startLatch.await() // Wait until thread started and QueryStart event has been posted
* Run the activated stream until stopped.
protected def runActivatedStream(sparkSessionForStream: SparkSession): Unit
* Activate the stream and then wrap a callout to runActivatedStream, handling start and stop.
* Note that this method ensures that [[QueryStartedEvent]] and [[QueryTerminatedEvent]] are
* posted such that listeners are guaranteed to get a start event before a termination.
* Furthermore, this method also ensures that [[QueryStartedEvent]] event is posted before the
* `start()` method returns.
private def runStream(): Unit = {
try {
sparkSession.sparkContext.setJobGroup(runId.toString, getBatchDescriptionString,
interruptOnCancel = true)
sparkSession.sparkContext.setLocalProperty(StreamExecution.QUERY_ID_KEY, id.toString)
if (sparkSession.sessionState.conf.streamingMetricsEnabled) {
// `postEvent` does not throw non fatal exception.
val startTimestamp = triggerClock.getTimeMillis()
postEvent(new QueryStartedEvent(id, runId, name, formatTimestamp(startTimestamp)))
// Unblock starting thread
// While active, repeatedly attempt to run batches.
updateStatusMessage("Initializing sources")
// force initialization of the logical plan so that the sources can be created
// Adaptive execution can change num shuffle partitions, disallow
sparkSessionForStream.conf.set(SQLConf.ADAPTIVE_EXECUTION_ENABLED.key, "false")
// Disable cost-based join optimization as we do not want stateful operations to be rearranged
sparkSessionForStream.conf.set(SQLConf.CBO_ENABLED.key, "false")
offsetSeqMetadata = OffsetSeqMetadata(
batchWatermarkMs = 0, batchTimestampMs = 0, sparkSessionForStream.conf)
if (state.compareAndSet(INITIALIZING, ACTIVE)) {
// Unblock `awaitInitialization`
} else {
// `stop()` is already called. Let `finally` finish the cleanup.
} catch {
case e if isInterruptedByStop(e, sparkSession.sparkContext) =>
// interrupted by stop()
case e: IOException if e.getMessage != null
&& e.getMessage.startsWith(classOf[InterruptedException].getName)
&& state.get == TERMINATED =>
// This is a workaround for HADOOP-12074: `Shell.runCommand` converts `InterruptedException`
// to `new IOException(ie.toString())` before Hadoop 2.8.
case e: Throwable =>
streamDeathCause = new StreamingQueryException(
toDebugString(includeLogicalPlan = isInitialized),
s"Query $prettyIdString terminated with exception: ${e.getMessage}",
committedOffsets.toOffsetSeq(sources, offsetSeqMetadata).toString,
availableOffsets.toOffsetSeq(sources, offsetSeqMetadata).toString)
logError(s"Query $prettyIdString terminated with error", e)
updateStatusMessage(s"Terminated with exception: ${e.getMessage}")
// Rethrow the fatal errors to allow the user using `Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler` to
// handle them
if (!NonFatal(e)) {
throw e
} finally queryExecutionThread.runUninterruptibly {
// The whole `finally` block must run inside `runUninterruptibly` to avoid being interrupted
// when a query is stopped by the user. We need to make sure the following codes finish
// otherwise it may throw `InterruptedException` to `UncaughtExceptionHandler` (SPARK-21248).
// Release latches to unblock the user codes since exception can happen in any place and we
// may not get a chance to release them
try {
currentStatus = status.copy(isTriggerActive = false, isDataAvailable = false)
// Update metrics and status
// Notify others
new QueryTerminatedEvent(id, runId,
// Delete the temp checkpoint when either force delete enabled or the query didn't fail
if (deleteCheckpointOnStop &&
.getConf(SQLConf.FORCE_DELETE_TEMP_CHECKPOINT_LOCATION) || exception.isEmpty)) {
val checkpointPath = new Path(resolvedCheckpointRoot)
try {
logInfo(s"Deleting checkpoint $checkpointPath.")
val fs = checkpointPath.getFileSystem(sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf())
fs.delete(checkpointPath, true)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
// Deleting temp checkpoint folder is best effort, don't throw non fatal exceptions
// when we cannot delete them.
logWarning(s"Cannot delete $checkpointPath", e)
} finally {
try {
// Wake up any threads that are waiting for the stream to progress.
} finally {
private def isInterruptedByStop(e: Throwable, sc: SparkContext): Boolean = {
if (state.get == TERMINATED) {
StreamExecution.isInterruptionException(e, sc)
} else {
override protected def postEvent(event: StreamingQueryListener.Event): Unit = {
/** Stops all streaming sources safely. */
protected def stopSources(): Unit = {
uniqueSources.foreach { case (source, _) =>
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
logWarning(s"Failed to stop streaming source: $source. Resources may have leaked.", e)
* Interrupts the query execution thread and awaits its termination until until it exceeds the
* timeout. The timeout can be set on "spark.sql.streaming.stopTimeout".
* @throws TimeoutException If the thread cannot be stopped within the timeout
protected def interruptAndAwaitExecutionThreadTermination(): Unit = {
val timeout = math.max(
sparkSession.sessionState.conf.getConf(SQLConf.STREAMING_STOP_TIMEOUT), 0)
if (queryExecutionThread.isAlive) {
val stackTraceException = new SparkException("The stream thread was last executing:")
val timeoutException = new TimeoutException(
s"Stream Execution thread for stream $prettyIdString failed to stop within $timeout " +
s"milliseconds (specified by ${SQLConf.STREAMING_STOP_TIMEOUT.key}). See the cause on " +
s"what was being executed in the streaming query thread.")
throw timeoutException
* Blocks the current thread until processing for data from the given `source` has reached at
* least the given `Offset`. This method is intended for use primarily when writing tests.
private[sql] def awaitOffset(sourceIndex: Int, newOffset: OffsetV2, timeoutMs: Long): Unit = {
def notDone = {
val localCommittedOffsets = committedOffsets
if (sources == null) {
// sources might not be initialized yet
} else {
val source = sources(sourceIndex)
!localCommittedOffsets.contains(source) || localCommittedOffsets(source) != newOffset
while (notDone) {
try {
awaitProgressLockCondition.await(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
if (streamDeathCause != null) {
throw streamDeathCause
} finally {
logDebug(s"Unblocked at $newOffset for ${sources(sourceIndex)}")
/** A flag to indicate that a batch has completed with no new data available. */
@volatile protected var noNewData = false
* Assert that the await APIs should not be called in the stream thread. Otherwise, it may cause
* dead-lock, e.g., calling any await APIs in `StreamingQueryListener.onQueryStarted` will block
* the stream thread forever.
private def assertAwaitThread(): Unit = {
if (queryExecutionThread eq Thread.currentThread) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot wait for a query state from the same thread that is running the query")
* Await until all fields of the query have been initialized.
def awaitInitialization(timeoutMs: Long): Unit = {
require(timeoutMs > 0, "Timeout has to be positive")
if (streamDeathCause != null) {
throw streamDeathCause
initializationLatch.await(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
if (streamDeathCause != null) {
throw streamDeathCause
override def processAllAvailable(): Unit = {
if (streamDeathCause != null) {
throw streamDeathCause
if (!isActive) return
try {
noNewData = false
while (true) {
awaitProgressLockCondition.await(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
if (streamDeathCause != null) {
throw streamDeathCause
if (noNewData || !isActive) {
} finally {
override def awaitTermination(): Unit = {
if (streamDeathCause != null) {
throw streamDeathCause
override def awaitTermination(timeoutMs: Long): Boolean = {
require(timeoutMs > 0, "Timeout has to be positive")
terminationLatch.await(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
if (streamDeathCause != null) {
throw streamDeathCause
} else {
/** Expose for tests */
def explainInternal(extended: Boolean): String = {
if (lastExecution == null) {
"No physical plan. Waiting for data."
} else {
val explain = StreamingExplainCommand(lastExecution, extended = extended)
override def explain(extended: Boolean): Unit = {
// scalastyle:off println
// scalastyle:on println
override def explain(): Unit = explain(extended = false)
override def toString: String = {
s"Streaming Query $prettyIdString [state = $state]"
private def toDebugString(includeLogicalPlan: Boolean): String = {
val debugString =
s"""|=== Streaming Query ===
|Identifier: $prettyIdString
|Current Committed Offsets: $committedOffsets
|Current Available Offsets: $availableOffsets
|Current State: $state
|Thread State: ${queryExecutionThread.getState}""".stripMargin
if (includeLogicalPlan) {
debugString + s"\n\nLogical Plan:\n$logicalPlan"
} else {
protected def getBatchDescriptionString: String = {
val batchDescription = if (currentBatchId < 0) "init" else currentBatchId.toString
|id = $id
|runId = $runId
|batch = $batchDescription""".stripMargin
protected def createStreamingWrite(
table: SupportsWrite,
options: Map[String, String],
inputPlan: LogicalPlan): StreamingWrite = {
val info = LogicalWriteInfoImpl(
queryId = id.toString,
new CaseInsensitiveStringMap(options.asJava))
val writeBuilder = table.newWriteBuilder(info)
outputMode match {
case Append =>
case Complete =>
// TODO: we should do this check earlier when we have capability API.
require(writeBuilder.isInstanceOf[SupportsTruncate], + " does not support Complete mode.")
case Update =>
require(writeBuilder.isInstanceOf[SupportsStreamingUpdate], + " does not support Update mode.")
protected def purge(threshold: Long): Unit = {
logDebug(s"Purging metadata at threshold=$threshold")
object StreamExecution {
val QUERY_ID_KEY = "sql.streaming.queryId"
val IS_CONTINUOUS_PROCESSING = "__is_continuous_processing"
def isInterruptionException(e: Throwable, sc: SparkContext): Boolean = e match {
// InterruptedIOException - thrown when an I/O operation is interrupted
// ClosedByInterruptException - thrown when an I/O operation upon a channel is interrupted
case _: InterruptedException | _: InterruptedIOException | _: ClosedByInterruptException =>
// The cause of the following exceptions may be one of the above exceptions:
// UncheckedIOException - thrown by codes that cannot throw a checked IOException, such as
// BiFunction.apply
// ExecutionException - thrown by codes running in a thread pool and these codes throw an
// exception
// UncheckedExecutionException - thrown by codes that cannot throw a checked
// ExecutionException, such as BiFunction.apply
case e2 @ (_: UncheckedIOException | _: ExecutionException | _: UncheckedExecutionException)
if e2.getCause != null =>
isInterruptionException(e2.getCause, sc)
case se: SparkException =>
val jobGroup = sc.getLocalProperty("")
if (jobGroup == null) return false
val errorMsg = se.getMessage
if (errorMsg.contains("cancelled") && errorMsg.contains(jobGroup) && se.getCause == null) {
} else if (se.getCause != null) {
isInterruptionException(se.getCause, sc)
} else {
case _ =>
/** Whether the path contains special chars that will be escaped when converting to a `URI`. */
def containsSpecialCharsInPath(path: Path): Boolean = {
path.toUri.getPath != new Path(path.toUri.toString).toUri.getPath
* A special thread to run the stream query. Some codes require to run in the QueryExecutionThread
* and will use `classOf[QueryxecutionThread]` to check.
abstract class QueryExecutionThread(name: String) extends UninterruptibleThread(name)
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