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package dotc
package ast

import core._
import util.Spans._, Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, NameOps._, Flags._
import Symbols._, StdNames._, Trees._
import Decorators._, transform.SymUtils._
import NameKinds.{UniqueName, EvidenceParamName, DefaultGetterName}
import typer.FrontEnd
import util.{Property, SourceFile, SourcePosition}
import util.NameTransformer.avoidIllegalChars
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import reporting.diagnostic.messages._
import reporting.trace
import annotation.constructorOnly
import printing.Formatting.hl
import config.Printers

import scala.annotation.internal.sharable

object desugar {
  import untpd._
  import DesugarEnums._

  /** If a Select node carries this attachment, suppress the check
   *  that its type refers to an acessible symbol.
  val SuppressAccessCheck: Property.Key[Unit] = Property.Key()

  /** An attachment for companion modules of classes that have a `derives` clause.
   *  The position value indicates the start position of the template of the
   *  deriving class.
  val DerivingCompanion: Property.Key[SourcePosition] = Property.Key()

  /** An attachment for match expressions generated from a PatDef or GenFrom.
   *  Value of key == one of IrrefutablePatDef, IrrefutableGenFrom
  val CheckIrrefutable: Property.Key[MatchCheck] = Property.StickyKey()

  /** What static check should be applied to a Match? */
  enum MatchCheck {
    case None, Exhaustive, IrrefutablePatDef, IrrefutableGenFrom

  /** Info of a variable in a pattern: The named tree and its type */
  private type VarInfo = (NameTree, Tree)

  /** Is `name` the name of a method that can be invalidated as a compiler-generated
   *  case class method if it clashes with a user-defined method?
  def isRetractableCaseClassMethodName(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = name match {
    case nme.apply | nme.unapply | nme.unapplySeq | nme.copy => true
    case DefaultGetterName(nme.copy, _) => true
    case _ => false

  /** Is `name` the name of a method that is added unconditionally to case classes? */
  def isDesugaredCaseClassMethodName(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
    isRetractableCaseClassMethodName(name) || name.isSelectorName

// ----- DerivedTypeTrees -----------------------------------

  class SetterParamTree(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DerivedTypeTree {
    def derivedTree(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.TypeTree = tpd.TypeTree(

  class TypeRefTree(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DerivedTypeTree {
    def derivedTree(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.TypeTree = tpd.TypeTree(sym.typeRef)

  class TermRefTree(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DerivedTypeTree {
    def derivedTree(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = tpd.ref(sym)

  /** A type tree that computes its type from an existing parameter.
   *  @param suffix  String difference between existing parameter (call it `P`) and parameter owning the
   *                 DerivedTypeTree (call it `O`). We have: ` == + suffix`.
  class DerivedFromParamTree(suffix: String)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DerivedTypeTree {

    /** Make sure that for all enclosing module classes their companion classes
     *  are completed. Reason: We need the constructor of such companion classes to
     *  be completed so that OriginalSymbol attachments are pushed to DerivedTypeTrees
     *  in apply/unapply methods.
    override def ensureCompletions(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
      if (!
        if (ctx.owner.isClass) {
          if (
        else ensureCompletions(ctx.outer)

    /** Return info of original symbol, where all references to siblings of the
     *  original symbol (i.e. sibling and original symbol have the same owner)
     *  are rewired to like-named* parameters or accessors in the scope enclosing
     *  the current scope. The current scope is the scope owned by the defined symbol
     *  itself, that's why we have to look one scope further out. If the resulting
     *  type is an alias type, dealias it. This is necessary because the
     *  accessor of a type parameter is a private type alias that cannot be accessed
     *  from subclasses.
     *  (*) like-named means:
     *       parameter name  ==  reference name ++ suffix
    def derivedTree(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.TypeTree = {
      val relocate = new TypeMap {
        val originalOwner = sym.owner
        def apply(tp: Type) = tp match {
          case tp: NamedType if tp.symbol.exists && (tp.symbol.owner eq originalOwner) =>
            val defctx = ctx.outersIterator.dropWhile(_.scope eq ctx.scope).next()
            var local = defctx.denotNamed( ++ suffix).suchThat(_.isParamOrAccessor).symbol
            if (local.exists) (defctx.owner.thisType select local).dealiasKeepAnnots
            else {
              def msg =
                s"no matching symbol for ${tp.symbol.showLocated} in ${defctx.owner} / ${defctx.effectiveScope.toList}"
          case _ =>

  /** A type definition copied from `tdef` with a rhs typetree derived from it */
  def derivedTypeParam(tdef: TypeDef, suffix: String = "")(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef =
      name = ++ suffix,
      rhs = DerivedFromParamTree(suffix).withSpan(tdef.rhs.span).watching(tdef)

  /** A derived type definition watching `sym` */
  def derivedTypeParam(sym: TypeSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef =
    TypeDef(, DerivedFromParamTree("").watching(sym)).withFlags(TypeParam)

  /** A value definition copied from `vdef` with a tpt typetree derived from it */
  def derivedTermParam(vdef: ValDef)(implicit ctx: Context): ValDef =
      tpt = DerivedFromParamTree("").withSpan(vdef.tpt.span).watching(vdef))

// ----- Desugar methods -------------------------------------------------

  /**   var x: Int = expr
   *  ==>
   *    def x: Int = expr
   *    def x_=($1: ): Unit = ()
  def valDef(vdef0: ValDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
    val vdef @ ValDef(name, tpt, rhs) = transformQuotedPatternName(vdef0)
    val mods = vdef.mods
    val setterNeeded = && ctx.owner.isClass && (!mods.isAllOf(PrivateLocal) ||
    if (setterNeeded) {
      // TODO: copy of vdef as getter needed?
      // val getter = ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) withPos vdef.pos?
      // right now vdef maps via expandedTree to a thicket which concerns itself.
      // I don't see a problem with that but if there is one we can avoid it by making a copy here.
      val setterParam = makeSyntheticParameter(tpt = SetterParamTree().watching(vdef))
      // The rhs gets filled in later, when field is generated and getter has parameters (see Memoize miniphase)
      val setterRhs = if (vdef.rhs.isEmpty) EmptyTree else unitLiteral
      val setter = cpy.DefDef(vdef)(
        name     = name.setterName,
        tparams  = Nil,
        vparamss = (setterParam :: Nil) :: Nil,
        tpt      = TypeTree(defn.UnitType),
        rhs      = setterRhs
      ).withMods((mods | Accessor) &~ (CaseAccessor | GivenOrImplicit | Lazy))
      Thicket(vdef, setter)
    else vdef

  def makeImplicitParameters(tpts: List[Tree], implicitFlag: FlagSet, forPrimaryConstructor: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): List[ValDef] =
    for (tpt <- tpts) yield {
       val paramFlags: FlagSet = if (forPrimaryConstructor) LocalParamAccessor else Param
       val epname = EvidenceParamName.fresh()
       ValDef(epname, tpt, EmptyTree).withFlags(paramFlags | implicitFlag)

  /** 1. Expand context bounds to evidence params. E.g.,
   *      def f[T >: L <: H : B](params)
   *  ==>
   *      def f[T >: L <: H](params)(implicit evidence$0: B[T])
   *  2. Expand default arguments to default getters. E.g,
   *      def f[T: B](x: Int = 1)(y: String = x + "m") = ...
   *  ==>
   *      def f[T](x: Int)(y: String)(implicit evidence$0: B[T]) = ...
   *      def f$default$1[T] = 1
   *      def f$default$2[T](x: Int) = x + "m"
   *  3. Convert <: T to : T in specializing inline methods. E.g.
   *      inline def f(x: Boolean) <: Any = if (x) 1 else ""
   *  ==>
   *      inline def f(x: Boolean): Any = if (x) 1 else ""
   *  4. Upcast non-specializing inline methods. E.g.
   *      inline def f(x: Boolean): Any = if (x) 1 else ""
   *  ==>
   *      inline def f(x: Boolean): Any = (if (x) 1 else ""): Any
  private def defDef(meth0: DefDef, isPrimaryConstructor: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
    val meth @ DefDef(_, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) = transformQuotedPatternName(meth0)
    val methName = normalizeName(meth, tpt).asTermName
    val mods = meth.mods
    val epbuf = ListBuffer[ValDef]()
    def desugarContextBounds(rhs: Tree): Tree = rhs match {
      case ContextBounds(tbounds, cxbounds) =>
        epbuf ++= makeImplicitParameters(cxbounds, Implicit, forPrimaryConstructor = isPrimaryConstructor)
      case LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body) =>
        cpy.LambdaTypeTree(rhs)(tparams, desugarContextBounds(body))
      case _ =>

    def dropContextBounds(tparam: TypeDef): TypeDef = {
      def dropInRhs(rhs: Tree): Tree = rhs match {
        case ContextBounds(tbounds, _) =>
        case rhs @ LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body) =>
          cpy.LambdaTypeTree(rhs)(tparams, dropInRhs(body))
        case _ =>
      cpy.TypeDef(tparam)(rhs = dropInRhs(tparam.rhs))

    val tparams1 = tparams mapConserve { tparam =>
      cpy.TypeDef(tparam)(rhs = desugarContextBounds(tparam.rhs))

    var meth1 = addEvidenceParams(
      cpy.DefDef(meth)(name = methName, tparams = tparams1), epbuf.toList)

    if (
      meth1.tpt match {
        case TypeBoundsTree(_, tpt1) =>
          meth1 = cpy.DefDef(meth1)(tpt = tpt1)
        case tpt if !tpt.isEmpty && !meth1.rhs.isEmpty =>
          meth1 = cpy.DefDef(meth1)(rhs = Typed(meth1.rhs, tpt))
        case _ =>

    /** The longest prefix of parameter lists in vparamss whose total length does not exceed `n` */
    def takeUpTo(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], n: Int): List[List[ValDef]] = vparamss match {
      case vparams :: vparamss1 =>
        val len = vparams.length
        if (n >= len) vparams :: takeUpTo(vparamss1, n - len) else Nil
      case _ =>

    def normalizedVparamss = meth1.vparamss map (_ map (vparam =>
      cpy.ValDef(vparam)(rhs = EmptyTree)))

    def defaultGetters(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], n: Int): List[DefDef] = vparamss match {
      case (vparam :: vparams) :: vparamss1 =>
        def defaultGetter: DefDef =
            name = DefaultGetterName(methName, n),
            tparams = => dropContextBounds(toDefParam(tparam))),
            vparamss = takeUpTo(normalizedVparamss.nestedMap(toDefParam), n),
            tpt = TypeTree(),
            rhs = vparam.rhs
          .withMods(Modifiers(mods.flags & (AccessFlags | Synthetic), mods.privateWithin))
        val rest = defaultGetters(vparams :: vparamss1, n + 1)
        if (vparam.rhs.isEmpty) rest else defaultGetter :: rest
      case Nil :: vparamss1 =>
        defaultGetters(vparamss1, n)
      case nil =>

    val defGetters = defaultGetters(vparamss, 0)
    if (defGetters.isEmpty) meth1
    else {
      val meth2 = cpy.DefDef(meth1)(vparamss = normalizedVparamss)
        .withMods(meth1.mods | DefaultParameterized)
      Thicket(meth2 :: defGetters)

  /** Transforms a definition with a name starting with a `$` in a quoted pattern into a `quoted.binding.Binding` splice.
   *  The desugaring consists in adding the `@patternBindHole` annotation. This annotation is used during typing to perform the full transformation.
   *  A definition
   *  ```scala
   *    case '{ def $a(...) = ...; ... `$a`() ... } => a
   *  ```
   *  into
   *  ```scala
   *    case '{ @patternBindHole def `$a`(...) = ...; ... `$a`() ... } => a
   *  ```
  def transformQuotedPatternName(tree: ValOrDefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): ValOrDefDef = {
    if ( && !isBackquoted(tree) && != nme.ANON_FUN &&"$")) {
      val mods = tree.mods.withAddedAnnotation(New(ref(defn.InternalQuoted_patternBindHoleAnnot.typeRef)).withSpan(tree.span))
    } else tree

  /** Add an explicit ascription to the `expectedTpt` to every tail splice.
   *  - `'{ x }` -> `'{ x }`
   *  - `'{ $x }` -> `'{ $x: T }`
   *  - `'{ if (...) $x else $y }` -> `'{ if (...) ($x: T) else ($y: T) }`
   *  Note that the splice `$t: T` will be typed as `${t: Expr[T]}`
  def quotedPattern(tree: untpd.Tree, expectedTpt: untpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.Tree = {
    def adaptToExpectedTpt(tree: untpd.Tree): untpd.Tree = tree match {
      // Add the expected type as an ascription
      case _: untpd.Splice =>
        untpd.Typed(tree, expectedTpt).withSpan(tree.span)
      case Typed(expr: untpd.Splice, tpt) =>
        cpy.Typed(tree)(expr, untpd.makeAndType(tpt, expectedTpt).withSpan(tpt.span))

      // Propagate down the expected type to the leafs of the expression
      case Block(stats, expr) =>
        cpy.Block(tree)(stats, adaptToExpectedTpt(expr))
      case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
        cpy.If(tree)(cond, adaptToExpectedTpt(thenp), adaptToExpectedTpt(elsep))
      case untpd.Parens(expr) =>
      case Match(selector, cases) =>
        val newCases = => cpy.CaseDef(cdef)(body = adaptToExpectedTpt(cdef.body)))
        cpy.Match(tree)(selector, newCases)
      case untpd.ParsedTry(expr, handler, finalizer) =>
        cpy.ParsedTry(tree)(adaptToExpectedTpt(expr), adaptToExpectedTpt(handler), finalizer)

      // Tree does not need to be ascribed
      case _ =>

  // Add all evidence parameters in `params` as implicit parameters to `meth` */
  private def addEvidenceParams(meth: DefDef, params: List[ValDef])(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef =
    params match {
      case Nil =>
      case evidenceParams =>
        val vparamss1 = meth.vparamss.reverse match {
          case (vparams @ (vparam :: _)) :: rvparamss if vparam.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit) =>
            ((evidenceParams ++ vparams) :: rvparamss).reverse
          case _ =>
            meth.vparamss :+ evidenceParams
        cpy.DefDef(meth)(vparamss = vparamss1)

  /** The implicit evidence parameters of `meth`, as generated by `desugar.defDef` */
  private def evidenceParams(meth: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): List[ValDef] =
    meth.vparamss.reverse match {
      case (vparams @ (vparam :: _)) :: _ if vparam.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit) =>
      case _ =>

  @sharable private val synthetic = Modifiers(Synthetic)

  private def toDefParam(tparam: TypeDef): TypeDef =
    tparam.withMods(tparam.rawMods & EmptyFlags | Param)
  private def toDefParam(vparam: ValDef): ValDef =
    vparam.withMods(vparam.rawMods & (GivenOrImplicit | Erased) | Param)

  /** The expansion of a class definition. See inline comments for what is involved */
  def classDef(cdef: TypeDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
    val impl @ Template(constr0, _, self, _) = cdef.rhs
    val className = normalizeName(cdef, impl).asTypeName
    val parents = impl.parents
    val mods = cdef.mods
    val companionMods = mods
        .withFlags((mods.flags & (AccessFlags | Final)).toCommonFlags)

    var defaultGetters: List[Tree] = Nil

    def decompose(ddef: Tree): DefDef = ddef match {
      case meth: DefDef => meth
      case Thicket((meth: DefDef) :: defaults) =>
        defaultGetters = defaults

    val constr1 = decompose(defDef(impl.constr, isPrimaryConstructor = true))

    // The original type and value parameters in the constructor already have the flags
    // needed to be type members (i.e. param, and possibly also private and local unless
    // prefixed by type or val). `tparams` and `vparamss` are the type parameters that
    // go in `constr`, the constructor after desugaring.

    /** Does `tree' look like a reference to AnyVal? Temporary test before we have inline classes */
    def isAnyVal(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
      case Ident(tpnme.AnyVal) => true
      case Select(qual, tpnme.AnyVal) => isScala(qual)
      case _ => false
    def isScala(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
      case Ident(nme.scala_) => true
      case Select(Ident(nme.ROOTPKG), nme.scala_) => true
      case _ => false

    def namePos = cdef.sourcePos.withSpan(cdef.nameSpan)

    val isObject =
    val isCaseClass  = && !isObject
    val isCaseObject = && isObject
    val isEnum = mods.isEnumClass && !
    def isEnumCase = mods.isEnumCase
    val isValueClass = parents.nonEmpty && isAnyVal(parents.head)
      // This is not watertight, but `extends AnyVal` will be replaced by `inline` later.

    val originalTparams = constr1.tparams
    val originalVparamss = constr1.vparamss
    lazy val derivedEnumParams =
    val impliedTparams =
      if (isEnumCase) {
        val tparamReferenced = typeParamIsReferenced(
            enumClass.typeParams, originalTparams, originalVparamss, parents)
        if (originalTparams.isEmpty && (parents.isEmpty || tparamReferenced))
 => tdef.withFlags(tdef.mods.flags | PrivateLocal))
        else originalTparams
      else originalTparams
    val constrTparams =
    val constrVparamss =
      if (originalVparamss.isEmpty) { // ensure parameter list is non-empty
        if (isCaseClass && originalTparams.isEmpty)
          ctx.error(CaseClassMissingParamList(cdef), namePos)
      } else if (isCaseClass && originalVparamss.head.exists(_.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit))) {
          ctx.error("Case classes should have a non-implicit parameter list", namePos)
      else originalVparamss.nestedMap(toDefParam)
    val constr = cpy.DefDef(constr1)(tparams = constrTparams, vparamss = constrVparamss)

    val (normalizedBody, enumCases, enumCompanionRef) = {
      // Add constructor type parameters and evidence implicit parameters
      // to auxiliary constructors; set defaultGetters as a side effect.
      def expandConstructor(tree: Tree) = tree match {
        case ddef: DefDef if =>
                cpy.DefDef(ddef)(tparams = constrTparams),
        case stat =>
      // The Identifiers defined by a case
      def caseIds(tree: Tree) = tree match {
        case tree: MemberDef => Ident( :: Nil
        case PatDef(_, ids, _, _) => ids
      val stats =
      if (isEnum) {
        val (enumCases, enumStats) = stats.partition(DesugarEnums.isEnumCase)
        if (enumCases.isEmpty)
          ctx.error("Enumerations must constain at least one case", namePos)
        val enumCompanionRef = TermRefTree()
        val enumImport = Import(importDelegate = false, enumCompanionRef, enumCases.flatMap(caseIds))
        (enumImport :: enumStats, enumCases, enumCompanionRef)
      else (stats, Nil, EmptyTree)

    def anyRef = ref(defn.AnyRefAlias.typeRef)

    val derivedTparams =
    val derivedVparamss = constrVparamss.nestedMap(derivedTermParam(_))
    val arity = constrVparamss.head.length

    val classTycon: Tree = TypeRefTree() // watching is set at end of method

    def appliedTypeTree(tycon: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
      (if (args.isEmpty) tycon else AppliedTypeTree(tycon, args))

    def isHK(tparam: Tree): Boolean = tparam match {
      case TypeDef(_, LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body)) => true
      case TypeDef(_, rhs: DerivedTypeTree) => isHK(rhs.watched)
      case _ => false

    def appliedRef(tycon: Tree, tparams: List[TypeDef] = constrTparams, widenHK: Boolean = false) = {
      val targs = for (tparam <- tparams) yield {
        val targ = refOfDef(tparam)
        def fullyApplied(tparam: Tree): Tree = tparam match {
          case TypeDef(_, LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body)) =>
            AppliedTypeTree(targ, => TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, EmptyTree)))
          case TypeDef(_, rhs: DerivedTypeTree) =>
          case _ =>
        if (widenHK) fullyApplied(tparam) else targ
      appliedTypeTree(tycon, targs)

    def isRepeated(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
      case PostfixOp(_, Ident(tpnme.raw.STAR)) => true
      case ByNameTypeTree(tree1) => isRepeated(tree1)
      case _ => false

    // a reference to the class type bound by `cdef`, with type parameters coming from the constructor
    val classTypeRef = appliedRef(classTycon)

    // a reference to `enumClass`, with type parameters coming from the case constructor
    lazy val enumClassTypeRef =
      if (enumClass.typeParams.isEmpty)
      else if (originalTparams.isEmpty)
      else {
        ctx.error(i"explicit extends clause needed because both enum case and enum class have type parameters"
            , cdef.sourcePos.startPos)
        appliedTypeTree(enumClassRef, constrTparams map (_ => anyRef))

    // new C[Ts](paramss)
    lazy val creatorExpr = {
      val vparamss = constrVparamss match {
        case (vparam :: _) :: _ if vparam.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit) => // add a leading () to match class parameters
          Nil :: constrVparamss
        case _ =>
      val nu = (makeNew(classTypeRef) /: vparamss) { (nu, vparams) =>
        val app = Apply(nu,
        vparams match {
          case vparam :: _ if => app.setGivenApply()
          case _ => app

    val copiedAccessFlags = if (ctx.scala2Setting) EmptyFlags else AccessFlags

    // Methods to add to a case class C[..](p1: T1, ..., pN: Tn)(moreParams)
    //     def _1: T1 = this.p1
    //     ...
    //     def _N: TN = this.pN
    //     def copy(p1: T1 = p1: @uncheckedVariance, ...,
    //              pN: TN = pN: @uncheckedVariance)(moreParams) =
    //       new C[...](p1, ..., pN)(moreParams)
    // Note: copy default parameters need @uncheckedVariance; see
    // neg/t1843-variances.scala for a test case. The test would give
    // two errors without @uncheckedVariance, one of them spurious.
    val caseClassMeths = {
      def syntheticProperty(name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =
        DefDef(name, Nil, Nil, tpt, rhs).withMods(synthetic)
      def productElemMeths = {
        val caseParams = derivedVparamss.head.toArray
        for (i <- List.range(0, arity) if nme.selectorName(i) `ne` caseParams(i).name)
        yield syntheticProperty(nme.selectorName(i), caseParams(i).tpt,
          Select(This(EmptyTypeIdent), caseParams(i).name))
      def ordinalMeths = if (isEnumCase) ordinalMethLit(nextOrdinal(CaseKind.Class)._1) :: Nil else Nil
      def copyMeths = {
        val hasRepeatedParam = constrVparamss.exists(_.exists {
          case ValDef(_, tpt, _) => isRepeated(tpt)
        if ( || hasRepeatedParam) Nil  // cannot have default arguments for repeated parameters, hence copy method is not issued
        else {
          def copyDefault(vparam: ValDef) =
            makeAnnotated("scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance", refOfDef(vparam))
          val copyFirstParams = =>
            cpy.ValDef(vparam)(rhs = copyDefault(vparam)))
          val copyRestParamss = derivedVparamss.tail.nestedMap(vparam =>
            cpy.ValDef(vparam)(rhs = EmptyTree))
          DefDef(nme.copy, derivedTparams, copyFirstParams :: copyRestParamss, TypeTree(), creatorExpr)
            .withMods(Modifiers(Synthetic | constr1.mods.flags & copiedAccessFlags, constr1.mods.privateWithin)) :: Nil

      // TODO When the Scala library is updated to 2.13.x add the override keyword to this generated method.
      // (because Product.scala was updated)
      def productElemNameMeth = {
        val methodParam = makeSyntheticParameter(tpt = scalaDot(tpnme.Int))
        val paramRef = Ident(

        val indexAsString = Apply(Select(javaDotLangDot(nme.String), nme.valueOf), paramRef)
        val throwOutOfBound = Throw(New(javaDotLangDot(tpnme.IOOBException), List(List(indexAsString))))
        val defaultCase = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, throwOutOfBound)

        val patternMatchCases = { case (param, idx) =>
            CaseDef(Literal(Constant(idx)), EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(
        } :+ defaultCase
        val body = Match(paramRef, patternMatchCases)
        DefDef(nme.productElementName, Nil, List(List(methodParam)), javaDotLangDot(tpnme.String), body)
          .withFlags(if (defn.isNewCollections) Override | Synthetic else Synthetic)

      if (isCaseClass)
        productElemNameMeth :: copyMeths ::: ordinalMeths ::: productElemMeths
      else Nil

    var parents1 = parents
    if (isEnumCase && parents.isEmpty)
      parents1 = enumClassTypeRef :: Nil
    if (isCaseClass | isCaseObject)
      parents1 = parents1 :+ scalaDot(str.Product.toTypeName) :+ scalaDot(nme.Serializable.toTypeName)
    else if (isObject)
      parents1 = parents1 :+ scalaDot(nme.Serializable.toTypeName)
    if (isEnum)
      parents1 = parents1 :+ ref(defn.EnumType)

    // derived type classes of non-module classes go to their companions
    val (clsDerived, companionDerived) =
      if ( (impl.derived, Nil) else (Nil, impl.derived)

    // The thicket which is the desugared version of the companion object
    //     synthetic object C extends parentTpt derives class-derived { defs }
    def companionDefs(parentTpt: Tree, defs: List[Tree]) = {
      val mdefs = moduleDef(
          className.toTermName, Template(emptyConstructor, parentTpt :: Nil, companionDerived, EmptyValDef, defs))
            .withMods(companionMods | Synthetic))
      if (companionDerived.nonEmpty)
        for (modClsDef @ TypeDef(_, _) <- mdefs)
          modClsDef.putAttachment(DerivingCompanion, impl.sourcePos.startPos)

    val companionMembers = defaultGetters ::: enumCases

    // The companion object definitions, if a companion is needed, Nil otherwise.
    // companion definitions include:
    // 1. If class is a case class case class C[Ts](p1: T1, ..., pN: TN)(moreParams):
    //     def apply[Ts](p1: T1, ..., pN: TN)(moreParams) = new C[Ts](p1, ..., pN)(moreParams)  (unless C is abstract)
    //     def unapply[Ts]($1: C[Ts]) = $1        // if not repeated
    //     def unapplySeq[Ts]($1: C[Ts]) = $1     // if repeated
    // 2. The default getters of the constructor
    // The parent of the companion object of a non-parameterized case class
    //     (T11, ..., T1N) => ... => (TM1, ..., TMN) => C
    // For all other classes, the parent is AnyRef.
    val companions =
      if (isCaseClass) {
        // The return type of the `apply` method, and an (empty or singleton) list
        // of widening coercions
        val (applyResultTpt, widenDefs) =
          if (!isEnumCase)
            (TypeTree(), Nil)
          else if (parents.isEmpty || enumClass.typeParams.isEmpty)
            (enumClassTypeRef, Nil)
            enumApplyResult(cdef, parents, derivedEnumParams, appliedRef(enumClassRef, derivedEnumParams))

        // true if access to the apply method has to be restricted
        // i.e. if the case class constructor is either private or qualified private
        def restrictedAccess = {
          val mods = constr1.mods
 || (! && mods.hasPrivateWithin)

        val companionParent =
          if (constrTparams.nonEmpty ||
              constrVparamss.length > 1 ||
              restrictedAccess ||
              isEnumCase) anyRef
            // todo: also use anyRef if constructor has a dependent method type (or rule that out)!
            (constrVparamss :\ classTypeRef) (
              (vparams, restpe) => Function(vparams map (_.tpt), restpe))
        def widenedCreatorExpr =
          (creatorExpr /: widenDefs)((rhs, meth) => Apply(Ident(, rhs :: Nil))
        val applyMeths =
          if ( Nil
          else {
            val copiedFlagsMask = DefaultParameterized | (copiedAccessFlags & Private)
            val appMods = {
              val mods = Modifiers(Synthetic | constr1.mods.flags & copiedFlagsMask)
              if (restrictedAccess) mods.withPrivateWithin(constr1.mods.privateWithin)
              else mods
            val app = DefDef(nme.apply, derivedTparams, derivedVparamss, applyResultTpt, widenedCreatorExpr)
            app :: widenDefs
        val unapplyMeth = {
          val hasRepeatedParam = constrVparamss.head.exists {
            case ValDef(_, tpt, _) => isRepeated(tpt)
          val methName = if (hasRepeatedParam) nme.unapplySeq else nme.unapply
          val unapplyParam = makeSyntheticParameter(tpt = classTypeRef)
          val unapplyRHS = if (arity == 0) Literal(Constant(true)) else Ident(
          DefDef(methName, derivedTparams, (unapplyParam :: Nil) :: Nil, TypeTree(), unapplyRHS)
        companionDefs(companionParent, applyMeths ::: unapplyMeth :: companionMembers)
      else if (companionMembers.nonEmpty || companionDerived.nonEmpty || isEnum)
        companionDefs(anyRef, companionMembers)
      else if (isValueClass) {
        impl.constr.vparamss match {
          case (_ :: Nil) :: _ => companionDefs(anyRef, Nil)
          case _ => Nil // error will be emitted in typer
      else Nil

    enumCompanionRef match {
      case ref: TermRefTree => // have the enum import watch the companion object
        val (modVal: ValDef) :: _ = companions
      case _ =>

    // For an implicit class C[Ts](p11: T11, ..., p1N: T1N) ... (pM1: TM1, .., pMN: TMN), the method
    //     synthetic implicit C[Ts](p11: T11, ..., p1N: T1N) ... (pM1: TM1, ..., pMN: TMN): C[Ts] =
    //       new C[Ts](p11, ..., p1N) ... (pM1, ..., pMN) =
    val implicitWrappers =
      if (!mods.isOneOf(DelegateOrImplicit))
      else if ( {
        ctx.error(TopLevelImplicitClass(cdef), cdef.sourcePos)
      else if ( {
        ctx.error(TypesAndTraitsCantBeImplicit(), cdef.sourcePos)
      else if (isCaseClass) {
        ctx.error(ImplicitCaseClass(cdef), cdef.sourcePos)
      else if (arity != 1 && ! {
        ctx.error(ImplicitClassPrimaryConstructorArity(), cdef.sourcePos)
      else {
        val defParamss = constrVparamss match {
          case Nil :: paramss =>
            paramss // drop leading () that got inserted by class
                    // TODO: drop this once we do not silently insert empty class parameters anymore
          case paramss => paramss
        // implicit wrapper is typechecked in same scope as constructor, so
        // we can reuse the constructor parameters; no derived params are needed.
        DefDef(className.toTermName, constrTparams, defParamss, classTypeRef, creatorExpr)
          .withMods(companionMods | mods.flags.toTermFlags & DelegateOrImplicit | Synthetic | Final)
          .withSpan(cdef.span) :: Nil

    val self1 = {
      val selfType = if (self.tpt.isEmpty) classTypeRef else self.tpt
      if (self.isEmpty) self
      else cpy.ValDef(self)(tpt = selfType).withMods(self.mods | SelfName)

    val cdef1 = addEnumFlags {
      val originalTparamsIt = impliedTparams.toIterator
      val originalVparamsIt = originalVparamss.toIterator.flatten
      val tparamAccessors =
      val caseAccessor = if (isCaseClass) CaseAccessor else EmptyFlags
      val vparamAccessors = derivedVparamss match {
        case first :: rest =>
 | caseAccessor)) ++

        case _ =>
      cpy.TypeDef(cdef: TypeDef)(
        name = className,
        rhs = cpy.Template(impl)(constr, parents1, clsDerived, self1,
          tparamAccessors ::: vparamAccessors ::: normalizedBody ::: caseClassMeths)): TypeDef

    // install the watch on classTycon
    classTycon match {
      case tycon: DerivedTypeTree => tycon.watching(cdef1)
      case _ =>

    flatTree(cdef1 :: companions ::: implicitWrappers)
  }.reporting(i"desugared: $result", Printers.desugar)

  /** Expand
   *    object name extends parents { self => body }
   *  to:
   *     val name: name$ = New(name$)
   *     final class name$ extends parents { self: name.type => body }
  def moduleDef(mdef: ModuleDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
    val impl = mdef.impl
    val mods = mdef.mods
    val moduleName = normalizeName(mdef, impl).asTermName
    def isEnumCase = mods.isEnumCase

    def flagSourcePos(flag: FlagSet) = mods.mods.find(_.flags == flag).fold(mdef.sourcePos)(_.sourcePos)

    if (
      ctx.error(em"${hl("abstract")} modifier cannot be used for objects", flagSourcePos(Abstract))
    if (
      ctx.error(em"${hl("sealed")} modifier is redundant for objects", flagSourcePos(Sealed))
    // Maybe this should be an error; see
    if ( && !
      ctx.warning(em"${hl("final")} modifier is redundant for objects", flagSourcePos(Final))

    if (
      PackageDef(Ident(moduleName), cpy.ModuleDef(mdef)(nme.PACKAGE, impl).withMods(mods &~ Package) :: Nil)
    else if (isEnumCase) {
      typeParamIsReferenced(enumClass.typeParams, Nil, Nil, impl.parents)
        // used to check there are no illegal references to enum's type parameters in parents
      expandEnumModule(moduleName, impl, mods, mdef.span)
    else {
      val clsName = moduleName.moduleClassName
      val clsRef = Ident(clsName)
      val modul = ValDef(moduleName, clsRef, New(clsRef, Nil))
        .withMods(mods.toTermFlags & RetainedModuleValFlags | ModuleValCreationFlags)
      val ValDef(selfName, selfTpt, _) = impl.self
      val selfMods = impl.self.mods
      if (!selfTpt.isEmpty) ctx.error(ObjectMayNotHaveSelfType(mdef), impl.self.sourcePos)
      val clsSelf = ValDef(selfName, SingletonTypeTree(Ident(moduleName)), impl.self.rhs)
      val clsTmpl = cpy.Template(impl)(self = clsSelf, body = impl.body)
      val cls = TypeDef(clsName, clsTmpl)
        .withMods(mods.toTypeFlags & RetainedModuleClassFlags | ModuleClassCreationFlags)
      Thicket(modul, classDef(cls).withSpan(mdef.span))

  /** Transforms
   *     type $T >: Low <: Hi
   *  to
   *    @patternBindHole  type $T >: Low <: Hi
   *  if the type is a type splice.
  def quotedPatternTypeDef(tree: TypeDef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef = {
    if ("$") && !tree.isBackquoted) {
      val patternBindHoleAnnot = New(ref(defn.InternalQuoted_patternBindHoleAnnot.typeRef)).withSpan(tree.span)
      val mods = tree.mods.withAddedAnnotation(patternBindHoleAnnot)
    } else tree

  /** The normalized name of `mdef`. This means
   *   1. Check that the name does not redefine a Scala core class.
   *      If it does redefine, issue an error and return a mangled name instead of the original one.
   *   2. If the name is missing (this can be the case for instance definitions), invent one instead.
  def normalizeName(mdef: MemberDef, impl: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Name = {
    var name =
    if (name.isEmpty) name = name.likeSpaced(s"${inventName(impl)}_given".toTermName)
    if (ctx.owner == defn.ScalaPackageClass && defn.reservedScalaClassNames.contains(name.toTypeName)) {
      def kind = if (name.isTypeName) "class" else "object"
      ctx.error(em"illegal redefinition of standard $kind $name", mdef.sourcePos)
      name = name.errorName

  /** Invent a name for an anonymous instance with template `impl`.
  private def inventName(impl: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): String = impl match {
    case impl: Template =>
      if (impl.parents.isEmpty)
        impl.body.find {
          case dd: DefDef if => true
          case _ => false
        } match {
          case Some(DefDef(name, _, (vparam :: _) :: _, _, _)) =>
          case _ =>
            ctx.error(i"anonymous instance must have `for` part or must define at least one extension method", impl.sourcePos)
    case impl: Tree =>

  private class NameExtractor(followArgs: Boolean) extends UntypedTreeAccumulator[String] {
    private def extractArgs(args: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): String ="", _)).mkString("_")
    override def apply(x: String, tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
      if (x.isEmpty)
        tree match {
          case Select(pre, nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => foldOver(x, pre)
          case tree: RefTree if =>
          case tree: TypeDef =>
          case tree: AppliedTypeTree if followArgs && tree.args.nonEmpty =>
            s"${apply(x, tree.tpt)}_${extractArgs(tree.args)}"
          case tree: LambdaTypeTree =>
            apply(x, tree.body)
          case tree: Tuple =>
            if (followArgs) extractArgs(tree.trees) else "Tuple"
          case tree: Function if tree.args.nonEmpty =>
            if (followArgs) s"${extractArgs(tree.args)}_to_${apply("", tree.body)}" else "Function"
          case _ => foldOver(x, tree)
      else x
  private val typeNameExtractor = NameExtractor(followArgs = true)
  private val argNameExtractor = NameExtractor(followArgs = false)

  private def inventTypeName(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): String = typeNameExtractor("", tree)

  /**     val p1, ..., pN: T = E
   *  ==>
   *      makePatDef[[val p1: T1 = E]]; ...; makePatDef[[val pN: TN = E]]
   *      case e1, ..., eN
   *  ==>
   *      expandSimpleEnumCase([case e1]); ...; expandSimpleEnumCase([case eN])
  def patDef(pdef: PatDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = flatTree {
    val PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs) = pdef
    if (mods.isEnumCase)
      pats map {
        case id: Ident =>
          expandSimpleEnumCase(, mods,
            Span(id.span.start, id.span.end, id.span.start))
    else {
      val pats1 = if (tpt.isEmpty) pats else pats map (Typed(_, tpt))
      pats1 map (makePatDef(pdef, mods, _, rhs))

  /** The selector of a match, which depends of the given `checkMode`.
   *  @param  sel  the original selector
   *  @return if `checkMode` is
   *           - None              :  sel @unchecked
   *           - Exhaustive        :  sel
   *           - IrrefutablePatDef,
   *             IrrefutableGenFrom:  sel @unchecked with attachment `CheckIrrefutable -> checkMode`
  def makeSelector(sel: Tree, checkMode: MatchCheck)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
    if (checkMode == MatchCheck.Exhaustive) sel
    else {
      val sel1 = Annotated(sel, New(ref(defn.UncheckedAnnotType)))
      if (checkMode != MatchCheck.None) sel1.pushAttachment(CheckIrrefutable, checkMode)

  /** If `pat` is a variable pattern,
   *    val/var/lazy val p = e
   *  Otherwise, in case there is exactly one variable x_1 in pattern
   *   val/var/lazy val p = e  ==>  val/var/lazy val x_1 = (e: @unchecked) match (case p => (x_1))
   *   in case there are zero or more than one variables in pattern
   *   val/var/lazy p = e  ==>  private[this] synthetic [lazy] val t$ = (e: @unchecked) match (case p => (x_1, ..., x_N))
   *                   val/var/def x_1 = t$._1
   *                   ...
   *                   val/var/def x_N = t$._N
   *  If the original pattern variable carries a type annotation, so does the corresponding
   *  ValDef or DefDef.
  def makePatDef(original: Tree, mods: Modifiers, pat: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = pat match {
    case IdPattern(named, tpt) =>
      derivedValDef(original, named, tpt, rhs, mods)
    case _ =>
      def isTuplePattern(arity: Int): Boolean = pat match {
        case Tuple(pats) if pats.size == arity =>
        case _ => false
      val isMatchingTuple: Tree => Boolean = {
        case Tuple(es) => isTuplePattern(es.length)
        case _ => false

      // We can only optimize `val pat = if (...) e1 else e2` if:
      // - `e1` and `e2` are both tuples of arity N
      // - `pat` is a tuple of N variables or wildcard patterns like `(x1, x2, ..., xN)`
      val tupleOptimizable = forallResults(rhs, isMatchingTuple)

      val vars =
        if (tupleOptimizable) // include `_`
          pat match {
            case Tuple(pats) =>
   { case id: Ident => id -> TypeTree() }
        else getVariables(pat)  // no `_`

      val ids = for ((named, _) <- vars) yield Ident(
      val caseDef = CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, makeTuple(ids))
      val matchExpr =
        if (tupleOptimizable) rhs
        else Match(makeSelector(rhs, MatchCheck.IrrefutablePatDef), caseDef :: Nil)
      vars match {
        case Nil =>
        case (named, tpt) :: Nil =>
          derivedValDef(original, named, tpt, matchExpr, mods)
        case _ =>
          val tmpName = UniqueName.fresh()
          val patMods =
            mods & Lazy | Synthetic | (if (ctx.owner.isClass) PrivateLocal else EmptyFlags)
          val firstDef =
            ValDef(tmpName, TypeTree(), matchExpr)
          def selector(n: Int) = Select(Ident(tmpName), nme.selectorName(n))
          val restDefs =
            for (((named, tpt), n) <- vars.zipWithIndex if != nme.WILDCARD)
              if ( derivedDefDef(original, named, tpt, selector(n), mods &~ Lazy)
              else derivedValDef(original, named, tpt, selector(n), mods)
          flatTree(firstDef :: restDefs)

  /** Expand variable identifier x to x @ _ */
  def patternVar(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Bind = {
    val Ident(name) = tree
    Bind(name, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)).withSpan(tree.span)

  /** The type of tests that check whether a MemberDef is OK for some flag.
   *  The test succeeds if the partial function is defined and returns true.
  type MemberDefTest = PartialFunction[MemberDef, Boolean]

  val legalOpaque: MemberDefTest = {
    case TypeDef(_, rhs) =>
      def rhsOK(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
        case _: TypeBoundsTree | _: Template => false
        case LambdaTypeTree(_, body) => rhsOK(body)
        case _ => true

  /** Check that modifiers are legal for the definition `tree`.
   *  Right now, we only check for `opaque`. TODO: Move other modifier checks here.
  def checkModifiers(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = tree match {
    case tree: MemberDef =>
      var tested: MemberDef = tree
      def fail(msg: String) = ctx.error(msg, tree.sourcePos)
      def checkApplicable(flag: Flag, test: MemberDefTest): Unit =
        if ( && !test.applyOrElse(tree, (md: MemberDef) => false)) {
          fail(i"modifier `${flag.flagsString}` is not allowed for this definition")
          tested = tested.withMods(tested.mods.withoutFlags(flag))
      checkApplicable(Opaque, legalOpaque)
    case _ =>

  def defTree(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
    checkModifiers(tree) match {
      case tree: ValDef => valDef(tree)
      case tree: TypeDef =>
        if (tree.isClassDef) classDef(tree)
        else if ( quotedPatternTypeDef(tree)
        else tree
      case tree: DefDef =>
        if ( tree // was already handled by enclosing classDef
        else defDef(tree)
      case tree: ModuleDef => moduleDef(tree)
      case tree: PatDef => patDef(tree)

  /**     { stats;  }
   *  ==>
   *      { stats; () }
  def block(tree: Block)(implicit ctx: Context): Block = tree.expr match {
    case EmptyTree =>
        unitLiteral.withSpan(if (tree.stats.isEmpty) tree.span else tree.span.endPos))
    case _ =>

  /** Translate infix operation expression
    *     l op r     ==>    l.op(r)  if op is left-associative
    *                ==>    r.op(l)  if op is right-associative
  def binop(left: Tree, op: Ident, right: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Apply = {
    def assignToNamedArg(arg: Tree) = arg match {
      case Assign(Ident(name), rhs) => cpy.NamedArg(arg)(name, rhs)
      case _ => arg
    def makeOp(fn: Tree, arg: Tree, selectPos: Span) = {
      val args: List[Tree] = arg match {
        case Parens(arg) => assignToNamedArg(arg) :: Nil
        case Tuple(args) => args.mapConserve(assignToNamedArg)
        case _ => arg :: Nil
      Apply(Select(fn,, args)

    if (isLeftAssoc(
      makeOp(left, right, Span(left.span.start, op.span.end, op.span.start))
      makeOp(right, left, Span(op.span.start, right.span.end))

  /** Translate tuple expressions of arity <= 22
   *     ()             ==>   ()
   *     (t)            ==>   t
   *     (t1, ..., tN)  ==>   TupleN(t1, ..., tN)
  def smallTuple(tree: Tuple)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
    val ts = tree.trees
    val arity = ts.length
    assert(arity <= Definitions.MaxTupleArity)
    def tupleTypeRef = defn.TupleType(arity)
    if (arity == 0)
      if (ctx.mode is Mode.Type) TypeTree(defn.UnitType) else unitLiteral
    else if (ctx.mode is Mode.Type) AppliedTypeTree(ref(tupleTypeRef), ts)
    else Apply(ref(tupleTypeRef.classSymbol.companionModule.termRef), ts)

  /** Group all definitions that can't be at the toplevel in
   *  an object named `$package` where `` is the name of the source file.
   *  Definitions that can't be at the toplevel are:
   *   - all pattern, value and method definitions
   *   - non-class type definitions
   *   - implicit classes and objects
   *   - companion objects of opaque types
  def packageDef(pdef: PackageDef)(implicit ctx: Context): PackageDef = {
    val opaqueNames = pdef.stats.collect {
      case stat: TypeDef if =>
    def needsObject(stat: Tree) = stat match {
      case _: ValDef | _: PatDef | _: DefDef | _: Export => true
      case stat: ModuleDef =>
        stat.mods.isOneOf(DelegateOrImplicit) || opaqueNames.contains(
      case stat: TypeDef => !stat.isClassDef || stat.mods.isOneOf(DelegateOrImplicit)
      case _ => false
    val (nestedStats, topStats) = pdef.stats.partition(needsObject)
    if (nestedStats.isEmpty) pdef
    else {
      var fileName =
      val sourceName = fileName.take(fileName.lastIndexOf('.'))
      val groupName = avoidIllegalChars((sourceName ++ str.TOPLEVEL_SUFFIX).toTermName.asSimpleName)
      val grouped = ModuleDef(groupName, Template(emptyConstructor, Nil, Nil, EmptyValDef, nestedStats))
      cpy.PackageDef(pdef)(, topStats :+ grouped)

  /** Make closure corresponding to function.
   *      params => body
   *  ==>
   *      def $anonfun(params) = body
   *      Closure($anonfun)
  def makeClosure(params: List[ValDef], body: Tree, tpt: Tree = null, isContextual: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Block =
      DefDef(nme.ANON_FUN, Nil, params :: Nil, if (tpt == null) TypeTree() else tpt, body)
        .withMods(synthetic | Artifact),
      Closure(Nil, Ident(nme.ANON_FUN), if (isContextual) ContextualEmptyTree else EmptyTree))

  /** If `nparams` == 1, expand partial function
   *       { cases }
   *  ==>
   *       x$1 => (x$1 @unchecked?) match { cases }
   *  If `nparams` != 1, expand instead to
   *       (x$1, ..., x$n) => (x$0, ..., x${n-1} @unchecked?) match { cases }
  def makeCaseLambda(cases: List[CaseDef], checkMode: MatchCheck, nparams: Int = 1)(implicit ctx: Context): Function = {
    val params = (1 to nparams)
    val selector = makeTuple( => Ident(
    Function(params, Match(makeSelector(selector, checkMode), cases))

  /** Map n-ary function `(p1, ..., pn) => body` where n != 1 to unary function as follows:
   *    x$1 => {
   *      def p1 = x$1._1
   *      ...
   *      def pn = x$1._n
   *      body
   *    }
   *  or if `isGenericTuple`
   *    x$1 => {
   *      def p1 = x$1.apply(0)
   *      ...
   *      def pn = x$1.apply(n-1)
   *      body
   *    }
  def makeTupledFunction(params: List[ValDef], body: Tree, isGenericTuple: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
    val param = makeSyntheticParameter()
    def selector(n: Int) =
      if (isGenericTuple) Apply(Select(refOfDef(param), nme.apply), Literal(Constant(n)))
      else Select(refOfDef(param), nme.selectorName(n))
    val vdefs ={
        case (param, idx) =>
          DefDef(, Nil, Nil, TypeTree(), selector(idx)).withSpan(param.span)
    Function(param :: Nil, Block(vdefs, body))

  def makeContextualFunction(formals: List[Type], body: Tree, isErased: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
    val mods = if (isErased) Given | Erased else Given
    val params = makeImplicitParameters(, mods)
    FunctionWithMods(params, body, Modifiers(mods))

  /** Add annotation to tree:
   *      tree @fullName
   *  The annotation is usually represented as a TypeTree referring to the class
   *  with the given name `fullName`. However, if the annotation matches a file name
   *  that is still to be entered, the annotation is represented as a cascade of `Selects`
   *  following `fullName`. This is necessary so that we avoid reading an annotation from
   *  the classpath that is also compiled from source.
  def makeAnnotated(fullName: String, tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Annotated = {
    val parts = fullName.split('.')
    val ttree = ctx.typerPhase match {
      case phase: FrontEnd if phase.stillToBeEntered(parts.last) =>
        val prefix =
          ((Ident(nme.ROOTPKG): Tree) /: parts.init)((qual, name) =>
            Select(qual, name.toTermName))
        Select(prefix, parts.last.toTypeName)
      case _ =>
    Annotated(tree, New(ttree, Nil))

  private def derivedValDef(original: Tree, named: NameTree, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree, mods: Modifiers)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
    val vdef = ValDef(, tpt, rhs)
    val mayNeedSetter = valDef(vdef)

  private def derivedDefDef(original: Tree, named: NameTree, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree, mods: Modifiers)(implicit src: SourceFile) =
    DefDef(, Nil, Nil, tpt, rhs)

  /** Main desugaring method */
  def apply(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {

    /** Create tree for for-comprehension `` or
     *   `` where mapName and flatMapName are chosen
     *  corresponding to whether this is a for-do or a for-yield.
     *  The creation performs the following rewrite rules:
     *  1.
     *    for (P <- G) E   ==>   G.foreach (P => E)
     *     Here and in the following (P => E) is interpreted as the function (P => E)
     *     if P is a variable pattern and as the partial function { case P => E } otherwise.
     *  2.
     *    for (P <- G) yield E  ==> (P => E)
     *  3.
     *    for (P_1 <- G_1; P_2 <- G_2; ...) ...
     *      ==>
     *    G_1.flatMap (P_1 => for (P_2 <- G_2; ...) ...)
     *  4.
     *    for (P <- G; E; ...) ...
     *      =>
     *    for (P <- G.filter (P => E); ...) ...
     *  5. For any N:
     *    for (P_1 <- G; P_2 = E_2; val P_N = E_N; ...)
     *      ==>
     *    for (TupleN(P_1, P_2, ... P_N) <-
     *      for (x_1 @ P_1 <- G) yield {
     *        val x_2 @ P_2 = E_2
     *        ...
     *        val x_N & P_N = E_N
     *        TupleN(x_1, ..., x_N)
     *      } ...)
     *    If any of the P_i are variable patterns, the corresponding `x_i @ P_i` is not generated
     *    and the variable constituting P_i is used instead of x_i
     *  @param mapName      The name to be used for maps (either map or foreach)
     *  @param flatMapName  The name to be used for flatMaps (either flatMap or foreach)
     *  @param enums        The enumerators in the for expression
     *  @param body         The body of the for expression
    def makeFor(mapName: TermName, flatMapName: TermName, enums: List[Tree], body: Tree): Tree = trace(i"make for ${ForYield(enums, body)}", show = true) {

      /** Let `pat` be `gen`'s pattern. Make a function value `pat => body`.
       *  If `pat` is a var pattern `id: T` then this gives `(id: T) => body`.
       *  Otherwise this gives `{ case pat => body }`, where `pat` is checked to be
       *  irrefutable if `gen`'s checkMode is GenCheckMode.Check.
      def makeLambda(gen: GenFrom, body: Tree): Tree = gen.pat match {
        case IdPattern(named, tpt) if gen.checkMode != GenCheckMode.FilterAlways =>
          Function(derivedValDef(gen.pat, named, tpt, EmptyTree, Modifiers(Param)) :: Nil, body)
        case _ =>
          val matchCheckMode =
            if (gen.checkMode == GenCheckMode.Check) MatchCheck.IrrefutableGenFrom
            else MatchCheck.None
          makeCaseLambda(CaseDef(gen.pat, EmptyTree, body) :: Nil, matchCheckMode)

      /** If `pat` is not an Identifier, a Typed(Ident, _), or a Bind, wrap
       *  it in a Bind with a fresh name. Return the transformed pattern, and the identifier
       *  that refers to the bound variable for the pattern.
      def makeIdPat(pat: Tree): (Tree, Ident) = pat match {
        case Bind(name, _) => (pat, Ident(name))
        case id: Ident if isVarPattern(id) && != nme.WILDCARD => (id, id)
        case Typed(id: Ident, _) if isVarPattern(id) && != nme.WILDCARD => (pat, id)
        case _ =>
          val name = UniqueName.fresh()
          (Bind(name, pat), Ident(name))

      /** Make a pattern filter:
       *    rhs.withFilter { case pat => true case _ => false }
       *  On handling irrefutable patterns:
       *  The idea is to wait until the pattern matcher sees a call
       *      xs withFilter { cases }
       *  where cases can be proven to be refutable i.e. cases would be
       *  equivalent to  { case _ => true }
       *  In that case, compile to
       *      xs withFilter alwaysTrue
       *  where `alwaysTrue` is a predefined function value:
       *      val alwaysTrue: Any => Boolean = true
       *  In the libraries operations can take advantage of alwaysTrue to shortcircuit the
       *  withFilter call.
       *  def withFilter(f: Elem => Boolean) =
       *    if (f eq alwaysTrue) this // or rather identity filter monadic applied to this
       *    else real withFilter
      def makePatFilter(rhs: Tree, pat: Tree): Tree = {
        val cases = List(
          CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(true))),
          CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(false))))
        Apply(Select(rhs, nme.withFilter), makeCaseLambda(cases, MatchCheck.None))

      /** Is pattern `pat` irrefutable when matched against `rhs`?
       *  We only can do a simple syntactic check here; a more refined check
       *  is done later in the pattern matcher (see discussion in @makePatFilter).
      def isIrrefutable(pat: Tree, rhs: Tree): Boolean = {
        def matchesTuple(pats: List[Tree], rhs: Tree): Boolean = rhs match {
          case Tuple(trees) => (pats corresponds trees)(isIrrefutable)
          case Parens(rhs1) => matchesTuple(pats, rhs1)
          case Block(_, rhs1) => matchesTuple(pats, rhs1)
          case If(_, thenp, elsep) => matchesTuple(pats, thenp) && matchesTuple(pats, elsep)
          case Match(_, cases) => cases forall (matchesTuple(pats, _))
          case CaseDef(_, _, rhs1) => matchesTuple(pats, rhs1)
          case Throw(_) => true
          case _ => false
        pat match {
          case Bind(_, pat1) => isIrrefutable(pat1, rhs)
          case Parens(pat1) => isIrrefutable(pat1, rhs)
          case Tuple(pats) => matchesTuple(pats, rhs)
          case _ => isVarPattern(pat)

      def needsNoFilter(gen: GenFrom): Boolean =
        if (gen.checkMode == GenCheckMode.FilterAlways) // pattern was prefixed by `case`
        else (
          gen.checkMode != GenCheckMode.FilterNow ||
          IdPattern.unapply(gen.pat).isDefined ||
          isIrrefutable(gen.pat, gen.expr)

      /** with a pattern filter on rhs unless `pat` is irrefutable when
       *  matched against `rhs`.
      def rhsSelect(gen: GenFrom, name: TermName) = {
        val rhs = if (needsNoFilter(gen)) gen.expr else makePatFilter(gen.expr, gen.pat)
        Select(rhs, name)

      def checkMode(gen: GenFrom) =
        if (gen.checkMode == GenCheckMode.Check) MatchCheck.IrrefutableGenFrom
        else MatchCheck.None // refutable paterns were already eliminated in filter step

      enums match {
        case (gen: GenFrom) :: Nil =>
          Apply(rhsSelect(gen, mapName), makeLambda(gen, body))
        case (gen: GenFrom) :: (rest @ (GenFrom(_, _, _) :: _)) =>
          val cont = makeFor(mapName, flatMapName, rest, body)
          Apply(rhsSelect(gen, flatMapName), makeLambda(gen, cont))
        case (gen: GenFrom) :: (rest @ GenAlias(_, _) :: _) =>
          val (valeqs, rest1) = rest.span(_.isInstanceOf[GenAlias])
          val pats = valeqs map { case GenAlias(pat, _) => pat }
          val rhss = valeqs map { case GenAlias(_, rhs) => rhs }
          val (defpat0, id0) = makeIdPat(gen.pat)
          val (defpats, ids) = (pats map makeIdPat).unzip
          val pdefs = (valeqs, defpats, rhss), Modifiers(), _, _))
          val rhs1 = makeFor(, nme.flatMap, GenFrom(defpat0, gen.expr, gen.checkMode) :: Nil, Block(pdefs, makeTuple(id0 :: ids)))
          val allpats = gen.pat :: pats
          val vfrom1 = GenFrom(makeTuple(allpats), rhs1, GenCheckMode.Ignore)
          makeFor(mapName, flatMapName, vfrom1 :: rest1, body)
        case (gen: GenFrom) :: test :: rest =>
          val filtered = Apply(rhsSelect(gen, nme.withFilter), makeLambda(gen, test))
          val genFrom = GenFrom(gen.pat, filtered, GenCheckMode.Ignore)
          makeFor(mapName, flatMapName, genFrom :: rest, body)
        case _ =>
          EmptyTree //may happen for erroneous input

    def makePolyFunction(targs: List[Tree], body: Tree): Tree = body match {
      case Parens(body1) =>
        makePolyFunction(targs, body1)
      case Function(vargs, res) =>
        // TODO: Figure out if we need a `PolyFunctionWithMods` instead.
        val mods = body match {
          case body: FunctionWithMods => body.mods
          case _ => untpd.EmptyModifiers
        val polyFunctionTpt = ref(defn.PolyFunctionType)
        val applyTParams = targs.asInstanceOf[List[TypeDef]]
        if ( {
          // Desugar [T_1, ..., T_M] -> (P_1, ..., P_N) => R
          // Into    scala.PolyFunction { def apply[T_1, ..., T_M](x$1: P_1, ..., x$N: P_N): R }

          val applyVParams = { case (p, n) =>
            makeSyntheticParameter(n + 1, p).withAddedFlags(mods.flags)
          RefinedTypeTree(polyFunctionTpt, List(
            DefDef(nme.apply, applyTParams, List(applyVParams), res, EmptyTree)
        } else {
          // Desugar [T_1, ..., T_M] -> (x_1: P_1, ..., x_N: P_N) => body
          // Into    new scala.PolyFunction { def apply[T_1, ..., T_M](x_1: P_1, ..., x_N: P_N) = body }

          val applyVParams = vargs.asInstanceOf[List[ValDef]]
            .map(varg => varg.withAddedFlags(mods.flags | Param))
            New(Template(emptyConstructor, List(polyFunctionTpt), Nil, EmptyValDef,
              List(DefDef(nme.apply, applyTParams, List(applyVParams), TypeTree(), res))
      case _ =>
        // may happen for erroneous input. An error will already have been reported.

    // begin desugar

    // Special case for `Parens` desugaring: unlike all the desugarings below,
    // its output is not a new tree but an existing one whose position should
    // be preserved, so we shouldn't call `withPos` on it.
    tree match {
      case Parens(t) =>
        return t
      case _ =>

    val desugared = tree match {
      case PolyFunction(targs, body) =>
        makePolyFunction(targs, body) orElse tree
      case SymbolLit(str) =>
          Literal(Constant(str)) :: Nil)
      case InterpolatedString(id, segments) =>
        val strs = segments map {
          case ts: Thicket => ts.trees.head
          case t => t
        val elems = segments flatMap {
          case ts: Thicket => ts.trees.tail
          case t => Nil
        } map {
          case Block(Nil, EmptyTree) => Literal(Constant(())) // for s"... ${} ..."
          case Block(Nil, expr) => expr // important for interpolated string as patterns, see i1773.scala
          case t => t
        // This is a deliberate departure from scalac, where StringContext is not rooted (See #4732)
        Apply(Select(Apply(scalaDot(nme.StringContext), strs), id), elems)
      case PostfixOp(t, op) =>
        if ((ctx.mode is Mode.Type) && !isBackquoted(op) && == tpnme.raw.STAR) {
          val seqType = if (ctx.compilationUnit.isJava) defn.ArrayType else defn.SeqType
            AppliedTypeTree(ref(seqType), t),
            New(ref(defn.RepeatedAnnotType), Nil :: Nil))
        } else {
          assert(ctx.mode.isExpr || ctx.reporter.errorsReported ||, ctx.mode)
      case PrefixOp(op, t) =>
        val nspace = if ( tpnme else nme
        Select(t, nspace.UNARY_PREFIX ++
      case DoWhile(body, cond) =>
        // while ({ { body }; { cond } }) { () }
        // the inner blocks are there to protect the scopes of body and cond from each other
        WhileDo(Block(Block(Nil, body), Block(Nil, cond)), Literal(Constant(())))
      case ForDo(enums, body) =>
        makeFor(nme.foreach, nme.foreach, enums, body) orElse tree
      case ForYield(enums, body) =>
        makeFor(, nme.flatMap, enums, body) orElse tree
      case PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs) =>
        val pats1 = if (tpt.isEmpty) pats else pats map (Typed(_, tpt))
        flatTree(pats1 map (makePatDef(tree, mods, _, rhs)))
      case ParsedTry(body, handler, finalizer) =>
        handler match {
          case Match(EmptyTree, cases) => Try(body, cases, finalizer)
          case EmptyTree => Try(body, Nil, finalizer)
          case _ =>
              List(CaseDef(Ident(nme.DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_NAME), EmptyTree, Apply(handler, Ident(nme.DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_NAME)))),

  /** Create a class definition with the same info as the refined type given by `parent`
   *  and `refinements`.
   *      parent { refinements }
   *  ==>
   *      trait  extends core { this: self => refinements }
   *  Here, `core` is the (possibly parameterized) class part of `parent`.
   *  If `parent` is the same as `core`, self is empty. Otherwise `self` is `parent`.
   *  Example: Given
   *      class C
   *      type T1 = C { type T <: A }
   *  the refined type
   *      T1 { type T <: B }
   *  is expanded to
   *      trait  extends C { this: T1 => type T <: A }
   *  The result of this method is used for validity checking, is thrown away afterwards.
   *  @param parent  The type of `parent`
  def refinedTypeToClass(parent: tpd.Tree, refinements: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef = {
    def stripToCore(tp: Type): List[Type] = tp match {
      case tp: AppliedType => tp :: Nil
      case tp: TypeRef if tp.symbol.isClass => tp :: Nil     // monomorphic class type
      case tp: TypeProxy => stripToCore(tp.underlying)
      case AndType(tp1, tp2) => stripToCore(tp1) ::: stripToCore(tp2)
      case _ => defn.AnyType :: Nil
    val parentCores = stripToCore(parent.tpe)
    val untpdParent = TypedSplice(parent)
    val (classParents, self) =
      if (parentCores.length == 1 && (parent.tpe eq parentCores.head)) (untpdParent :: Nil, EmptyValDef)
      else (parentCores map TypeTree, ValDef(nme.WILDCARD, untpdParent, EmptyTree))
    val impl = Template(emptyConstructor, classParents, Nil, self, refinements)
    TypeDef(tpnme.REFINE_CLASS, impl).withFlags(Trait)

 /** If tree is of the form `id` or `id: T`, return its name and type, otherwise return None.
  private object IdPattern {
    def unapply(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[VarInfo] = tree match {
      case id: Ident if != nme.WILDCARD => Some(id, TypeTree())
      case Typed(id: Ident, tpt) => Some((id, tpt))
      case _ => None

  /** Returns list of all pattern variables, possibly with their types,
   *  without duplicates
  private def getVariables(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): List[VarInfo] = {
    val buf = ListBuffer[VarInfo]()
    def seenName(name: Name) = buf exists ( == name)
    def add(named: NameTree, t: Tree): Unit =
      if (!seenName( && buf += ((named, t))
    def collect(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
      case Bind(nme.WILDCARD, tree1) =>
      case tree @ Bind(_, Typed(tree1, tpt)) =>
        add(tree, tpt)
      case tree @ Bind(_, tree1) =>
        add(tree, TypeTree())
      case Typed(id: Ident, t) if isVarPattern(id) && != nme.WILDCARD && !isWildcardStarArg(tree) =>
        add(id, t)
      case id: Ident if isVarPattern(id) && != nme.WILDCARD =>
        add(id, TypeTree())
      case Apply(_, args) =>
        args foreach collect
      case Typed(expr, _) =>
      case NamedArg(_, arg) =>
      case SeqLiteral(elems, _) =>
        elems foreach collect
      case Alternative(trees) =>
        for (tree <- trees; (vble, _) <- getVariables(tree))
          ctx.error(IllegalVariableInPatternAlternative(), vble.sourcePos)
      case Annotated(arg, _) =>
      case InterpolatedString(_, segments) =>
        segments foreach collect
      case InfixOp(left, _, right) =>
      case PrefixOp(_, od) =>
      case Parens(tree) =>
      case Tuple(trees) =>
        trees foreach collect
      case Thicket(trees) =>
        trees foreach collect
      case Block(Nil, expr) =>
      case Quote(expr) =>
        new TreeTraverser {
          def traverse(tree: untpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = tree match {
            case Splice(expr) => collect(expr)
            case TypSplice(expr) => collect(expr)
            case _ => traverseChildren(tree)
      case _ =>

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