Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dotc
package ast
import core._
import util.Spans._, Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, NameOps._, Flags._
import Symbols._, StdNames._, Trees._
import Decorators._
import util.{Property, SourceFile}
import typer.ErrorReporting._
import transform.SyntheticMembers.ExtendsSingletonMirror
import scala.annotation.internal.sharable
/** Helper methods to desugar enums */
object DesugarEnums {
import untpd._
@sharable object CaseKind extends Enumeration {
val Simple, Object, Class: Value = Value
/** Attachment containing the number of enum cases and the smallest kind that was seen so far. */
val EnumCaseCount: Property.Key[(Int, DesugarEnums.CaseKind.Value)] = Property.Key()
/** The enumeration class that belongs to an enum case. This works no matter
* whether the case is still in the enum class or it has been transferred to the
* companion object.
def enumClass(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
val cls = ctx.owner
if ( cls.linkedClass else cls
/** Is `tree` an (untyped) enum case? */
def isEnumCase(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = tree match {
case tree: MemberDef => tree.mods.isEnumCase
case PatDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods.isEnumCase
case _ => false
/** A reference to the enum class `E`, possibly followed by type arguments.
* Each covariant type parameter is approximated by its lower bound.
* Each contravariant type parameter is approximated by its upper bound.
* It is an error if a type parameter is non-variant, or if its approximation
* refers to pther type parameters.
def interpolatedEnumParent(span: Span)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val tparams = enumClass.typeParams
def isGround(tp: Type) = tp.subst(tparams, => NoType)) eq tp
val targs = tparams map { tparam =>
if (tparam.variance > 0 && isGround(
else if (tparam.variance < 0 && isGround(
else {
def problem =
if (tparam.variance == 0) "is non variant"
else "has bounds that depend on a type parameter in the same parameter list"
errorType(i"""cannot determine type argument for enum parent $enumClass,
|type parameter $tparam $problem""", ctx.source.atSpan(span))
/** A type tree referring to `enumClass` */
def enumClassRef(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
if (enumClass.exists) TypeTree(enumClass.typeRef) else TypeTree()
/** Add implied flags to an enum class or an enum case */
def addEnumFlags(cdef: TypeDef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef =
if (cdef.mods.isEnumClass) cdef.withMods(cdef.mods.withFlags(cdef.mods.flags | Abstract | Sealed))
else if (isEnumCase(cdef)) cdef.withMods(cdef.mods.withFlags(cdef.mods.flags | Final))
else cdef
private def valuesDot(name: PreName)(implicit src: SourceFile) =
Select(Ident(nme.DOLLAR_VALUES), name.toTermName)
private def registerCall(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] =
if (enumClass.typeParams.nonEmpty) Nil
else Apply(valuesDot("register"), This(EmptyTypeIdent) :: Nil) :: Nil
/** The following lists of definitions for an enum type E:
* private val $values = new EnumValues[E]
* def values = $values.values.toArray
* def valueOf($name: String) =
* try $values.fromName($name) catch
* {
* case ex$:NoSuchElementException =>
* throw new IllegalArgumentException("key not found: ".concat(name))
* }
private def enumScaffolding(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = {
val valuesDef =
DefDef(nme.values, Nil, Nil, TypeTree(), Select(valuesDot(nme.values), nme.toArray))
val privateValuesDef =
ValDef(nme.DOLLAR_VALUES, TypeTree(),
New(TypeTree(defn.EnumValuesType.appliedTo(enumClass.typeRef :: Nil)), ListOfNil))
val valuesOfExnMessage = Apply(
Select(Literal(Constant("key not found: ")), "concat".toTermName),
Ident(nme.nameDollar) :: Nil)
val valuesOfBody = Try(
expr = Apply(valuesDot("fromName"), Ident(nme.nameDollar) :: Nil),
cases = CaseDef(
pat = Typed(Ident(nme.DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_NAME), TypeTree(defn.NoSuchElementExceptionType)),
guard = EmptyTree,
body = Throw(New(TypeTree(defn.IllegalArgumentExceptionType), List(valuesOfExnMessage :: Nil)))
) :: Nil,
finalizer = EmptyTree
val valueOfDef = DefDef(nme.valueOf, Nil, List(param(nme.nameDollar, defn.StringType) :: Nil),
TypeTree(), valuesOfBody)
valuesDef ::
privateValuesDef ::
valueOfDef :: Nil
/** A creation method for a value of enum type `E`, which is defined as follows:
* private def $new(_$ordinal: Int, $name: String) = new E {
* def $ordinal = $tag
* override def toString = $name
* $values.register(this)
* }
private def enumValueCreator(implicit ctx: Context) = {
val ordinalDef = ordinalMeth(Ident(nme.ordinalDollar_))
val toStringDef = toStringMeth(Ident(nme.nameDollar))
val creator = New(Template(
constr = emptyConstructor,
parents = enumClassRef :: Nil,
derived = Nil,
self = EmptyValDef,
body = List(ordinalDef, toStringDef) ++ registerCall
).withAttachment(ExtendsSingletonMirror, ()))
DefDef(nme.DOLLAR_NEW, Nil,
List(List(param(nme.ordinalDollar_, defn.IntType), param(nme.nameDollar, defn.StringType))),
TypeTree(), creator).withFlags(Private | Synthetic)
/** The return type of an enum case apply method and any widening methods in which
* the apply's right hand side will be wrapped. For parents of the form
* extends E(args) with T1(args1) with ... TN(argsN)
* and type parameters `tparams` the generated widen method is
* def C$to$E[tparams](x$1: E[tparams] with T1 with ... TN) = x$1
* @param cdef The case definition
* @param parents The declared parents of the enum case
* @param tparams The type parameters of the enum case
* @param appliedEnumRef The enum class applied to `tparams`.
def enumApplyResult(
cdef: TypeDef,
parents: List[Tree],
tparams: List[TypeDef],
appliedEnumRef: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): (Tree, List[DefDef]) = {
def extractType(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
case Apply(t1, _) => extractType(t1)
case TypeApply(t1, ts) => AppliedTypeTree(extractType(t1), ts)
case Select(t1, nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => extractType(t1)
case New(t1) => t1
case t1 => t1
val parentTypes =
parentTypes.head match {
case parent: RefTree if == =>
// need a widen method to compute correct type parameters for enum base class
val widenParamType = (appliedEnumRef /: parentTypes.tail)(makeAndType)
val widenParam = makeSyntheticParameter(tpt = widenParamType)
val widenDef = DefDef(
name = s"${}$$to$$${}".toTermName,
tparams = tparams,
vparamss = (widenParam :: Nil) :: Nil,
tpt = TypeTree(),
rhs = Ident(
(TypeTree(), widenDef :: Nil)
case _ =>
(parentTypes.reduceLeft(makeAndType), Nil)
/** Is a type parameter in `enumTypeParams` referenced from an enum class case that has
* given type parameters `caseTypeParams`, value parameters `vparamss` and parents `parents`?
* Issues an error if that is the case but the reference is illegal.
* The reference could be illegal for two reasons:
* - explicit type parameters are given
* - it's a value case, i.e. no value parameters are given
def typeParamIsReferenced(
enumTypeParams: List[TypeSymbol],
caseTypeParams: List[TypeDef],
vparamss: List[List[ValDef]],
parents: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
object searchRef extends UntypedTreeAccumulator[Boolean] {
var tparamNames =[Name]
def underBinders(binders: List[MemberDef], op: => Boolean): Boolean = {
val saved = tparamNames
tparamNames = tparamNames --
try op
finally tparamNames = saved
def apply(x: Boolean, tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = x || {
tree match {
case Ident(name) =>
val matches = tparamNames.contains(name)
if (matches && (caseTypeParams.nonEmpty || vparamss.isEmpty))
ctx.error(i"illegal reference to type parameter $name from enum case", tree.sourcePos)
case LambdaTypeTree(lambdaParams, body) =>
underBinders(lambdaParams, foldOver(x, tree))
case RefinedTypeTree(parent, refinements) =>
val refinementDefs = refinements collect { case r: MemberDef => r }
underBinders(refinementDefs, foldOver(x, tree))
case _ => foldOver(x, tree)
def apply(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
underBinders(caseTypeParams, apply(false, tree))
def typeHasRef(tpt: Tree) = searchRef(tpt)
def valDefHasRef(vd: ValDef) = typeHasRef(vd.tpt)
def parentHasRef(parent: Tree): Boolean = parent match {
case Apply(fn, _) => parentHasRef(fn)
case TypeApply(_, targs) => targs.exists(typeHasRef)
case Select(nu, nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => parentHasRef(nu)
case New(tpt) => typeHasRef(tpt)
case parent => parent.isType && typeHasRef(parent)
vparamss.exists(_.exists(valDefHasRef)) || parents.exists(parentHasRef)
/** A pair consisting of
* - the next enum tag
* - scaffolding containing the necessary definitions for singleton enum cases
* unless that scaffolding was already generated by a previous call to `nextEnumKind`.
def nextOrdinal(kind: CaseKind.Value)(implicit ctx: Context): (Int, List[Tree]) = {
val (count, seenKind) = ctx.tree.removeAttachment(EnumCaseCount).getOrElse((0, CaseKind.Class))
val minKind = if (kind < seenKind) kind else seenKind
ctx.tree.pushAttachment(EnumCaseCount, (count + 1, minKind))
val scaffolding =
if (enumClass.typeParams.nonEmpty || kind >= seenKind) Nil
else if (kind == CaseKind.Object) enumScaffolding
else if (seenKind == CaseKind.Object) enumValueCreator :: Nil
else enumScaffolding :+ enumValueCreator
(count, scaffolding)
def param(name: TermName, typ: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
ValDef(name, TypeTree(typ), EmptyTree).withFlags(Param)
def ordinalMeth(body: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef =
DefDef(nme.ordinalDollar, Nil, Nil, TypeTree(defn.IntType), body)
def toStringMeth(body: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef =
DefDef(nme.toString_, Nil, Nil, TypeTree(defn.StringType), body).withFlags(Override)
def ordinalMethLit(ord: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef =
def toStringMethLit(name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef =
/** Expand a module definition representing a parameterless enum case */
def expandEnumModule(name: TermName, impl: Template, mods: Modifiers, span: Span)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
if (!enumClass.exists) EmptyTree
else if (impl.parents.isEmpty)
expandSimpleEnumCase(name, mods, span)
else {
val (tag, scaffolding) = nextOrdinal(CaseKind.Object)
val ordinalDef = ordinalMethLit(tag)
val toStringDef = toStringMethLit(name.toString)
val impl1 = cpy.Template(impl)(body = List(ordinalDef, toStringDef) ++ registerCall)
.withAttachment(ExtendsSingletonMirror, ())
val vdef = ValDef(name, TypeTree(), New(impl1)).withMods(mods | EnumValue)
flatTree(scaffolding ::: vdef :: Nil).withSpan(span)
/** Expand a simple enum case */
def expandSimpleEnumCase(name: TermName, mods: Modifiers, span: Span)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
if (!enumClass.exists) EmptyTree
else if (enumClass.typeParams.nonEmpty) {
val parent = interpolatedEnumParent(span)
val impl = Template(emptyConstructor, parent :: Nil, Nil, EmptyValDef, Nil)
expandEnumModule(name, impl, mods, span)
else {
val (tag, scaffolding) = nextOrdinal(CaseKind.Simple)
val creator = Apply(Ident(nme.DOLLAR_NEW), List(Literal(Constant(tag)), Literal(Constant(name.toString))))
val vdef = ValDef(name, enumClassRef, creator).withMods(mods | EnumValue)
flatTree(scaffolding ::: vdef :: Nil).withSpan(span)
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