Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package ast
import core.Contexts.Context
import core.Decorators._
import util.Spans._
import Trees.{MemberDef, DefTree, WithLazyField}
/** Utility functions to go from typed to untyped ASTs */
// TODO: Handle trees with mixed source files
object NavigateAST {
/** The untyped tree corresponding to typed tree `tree` in the compilation
* unit specified by `ctx`
def toUntyped(tree: tpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.Tree =
untypedPath(tree, exactMatch = true) match {
case (utree: untpd.Tree) :: _ =>
case _ =>
val loosePath = untypedPath(tree, exactMatch = false)
throw new
Error(i"""no untyped tree for $tree, pos = ${tree.sourcePos}
|best matching path =\n$loosePath%\n====\n%
|path positions = ${}""")
/** The reverse path of untyped trees starting with a tree that closest matches
* `tree` and ending in the untyped tree at the root of the compilation unit
* specified by `ctx`.
* @param exactMatch If `true`, the path must start with a node that exactly
* matches `tree`, or `Nil` is returned.
* If `false` the path might start with a node enclosing
* the logical position of `tree`.
* Note: A complication concerns member definitions. ValDefs and DefDefs
* have after desugaring a position that spans just the name of the symbol being
* defined and nothing else. So we look instead for an untyped tree approximating the
* envelope of the definition, and declare success if we find another DefTree.
def untypedPath(tree: tpd.Tree, exactMatch: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Positioned] =
tree match {
case tree: MemberDef[_] =>
untypedPath(tree.span) match {
case path @ (last: DefTree[_]) :: _ => path
case path if !exactMatch => path
case _ => Nil
case _ =>
untypedPath(tree.span) match {
case (path @ last :: _) if last.span == tree.span || !exactMatch => path
case _ => Nil
/** The reverse part of the untyped root of the compilation unit of `ctx` to
* the given `span`.
def untypedPath(span: Span)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Positioned] =
pathTo(span, ctx.compilationUnit.untpdTree)
/** The reverse path from node `from` to the node that closest encloses `span`,
* or `Nil` if no such path exists. If a non-empty path is returned it starts with
* the node closest enclosing `span` and ends with `from`.
* @param skipZeroExtent If true, skip over zero-extent nodes in the search. These nodes
* do not correspond to code the user wrote since their start and
* end point are the same, so this is useful when trying to reconcile
* nodes with source code.
def pathTo(span: Span, from: Positioned, skipZeroExtent: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Positioned] = {
def childPath(it: Iterator[Any], path: List[Positioned]): List[Positioned] = {
var bestFit: List[Positioned] = path
while (it.hasNext) {
val path1 = match {
case p: Positioned => singlePath(p, path)
case m: untpd.Modifiers => childPath(m.productIterator, path)
case xs: List[_] => childPath(xs.iterator, path)
case _ => path
if ((path1 ne path) &&
((bestFit eq path) ||
bestFit.head.span != path1.head.span &&
bestFit = path1
def singlePath(p: Positioned, path: List[Positioned]): List[Positioned] =
if (p.span.exists && !(skipZeroExtent && p.span.isZeroExtent) && p.span.contains(span)) {
// FIXME: We shouldn't be manually forcing trees here, we should replace
// our usage of `productIterator` by something in `Positioned` that takes
// care of low-level details like this for us.
p match {
case p: WithLazyField[_] =>
case _ =>
childPath(p.productIterator, p :: path)
} else path
singlePath(from, Nil)
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