Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dotc
package core
import Contexts._, Types._, Symbols._, Names._, Flags._
import Denotations.SingleDenotation
import Decorators._
import collection.mutable
/** Realizability status */
object CheckRealizable {
sealed abstract class Realizability(val msg: String) {
def andAlso(other: => Realizability): Realizability =
if (this == Realizable) other else this
def mapError(f: Realizability => Realizability): Realizability =
if (this == Realizable) this else f(this)
object Realizable extends Realizability("")
object NotConcrete extends Realizability(" is not a concrete type")
class NotFinal(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context)
extends Realizability(i" refers to nonfinal $sym")
class HasProblemBounds(name: Name, info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context)
extends Realizability(i" has a member $name with possibly conflicting bounds ${info.bounds.lo} <: ... <: ${info.bounds.hi}")
class HasProblemBaseArg(typ: Type, argBounds: TypeBounds)(implicit ctx: Context)
extends Realizability(i" has a base type $typ with possibly conflicting parameter bounds ${argBounds.lo} <: ... <: ${argBounds.hi}")
class HasProblemBase(base1: Type, base2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context)
extends Realizability(i" has conflicting base types $base1 and $base2")
class HasProblemField(fld: SingleDenotation, problem: Realizability)(implicit ctx: Context)
extends Realizability(i" has a member $fld which is not a legal path\nsince ${}: ${}${problem.msg}")
class ProblemInUnderlying(tp: Type, problem: Realizability)(implicit ctx: Context)
extends Realizability(i"s underlying type ${tp}${problem.msg}") {
assert(problem != Realizable)
def realizability(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Realizability =
new CheckRealizable().realizability(tp)
def boundsRealizability(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Realizability =
new CheckRealizable().boundsRealizability(tp)
private val LateInitializedFlags = Lazy | Erased
/** Compute realizability status.
* A type T is realizable iff it is inhabited by non-null values. This ensures that its type members have good bounds
* (in the sense from DOT papers). A type projection T#L is legal if T is realizable, and can be understood as
* Scala 2's `v.L forSome { val v: T }`.
* In general, a realizable type can have multiple inhabitants, hence it need not be stable (in the sense of
* Type.isStable).
class CheckRealizable(implicit ctx: Context) {
import CheckRealizable._
/** A set of all fields that have already been checked. Used
* to avoid infinite recursions when analyzing recursive types.
private val checkedFields: mutable.Set[Symbol] = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Symbol]()
/** Is symbol's definitition a lazy or erased val?
* (note we exclude modules here, because their realizability is ensured separately)
private def isLateInitialized(sym: Symbol) = sym.isOneOf(LateInitializedFlags, butNot = Module)
/** The realizability status of given type `tp`*/
def realizability(tp: Type): Realizability = tp.dealias match {
* A `TermRef` for a path `p` is realizable if
* - `p`'s type is stable and realizable, or
* - its underlying path is idempotent (that is, *stable*), total, and not null.
* We don't check yet the "not null" clause: that will require null-safety checking.
* We assume that stability of tp.prefix is checked elsewhere, since that's necessary for the path to be legal in
* the first place.
case tp: TermRef =>
val sym = tp.symbol
lazy val tpInfoRealizable = realizability(
if ( realizability(tp.prefix)
else {
val r =
if (sym.isStableMember && !isLateInitialized(sym))
// it's realizable because we know that a value of type `tp` has been created at run-time
else if (!sym.isEffectivelyFinal)
// it's potentially not realizable since it might be overridden with a member of nonrealizable type
new NotFinal(sym)
// otherwise we need to look at the info to determine realizability
// roughly: it's realizable if the info does not have bad bounds
tpInfoRealizable.mapError(r => new ProblemInUnderlying(tp, r))
r andAlso {
if (sym.isStableMember) sym.setFlag(StableRealizable) // it's known to be stable and realizable
} mapError { r =>
// A mutable path is in fact stable and realizable if it has a realizable singleton type.
if ( && tpInfoRealizable == Realizable) {
} else r
case _: SingletonType | NoPrefix =>
case tp =>
def isConcrete(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.dealias match {
case tp: TypeRef => tp.symbol.isClass
case tp: TypeProxy => isConcrete(tp.underlying)
case tp: AndType => isConcrete(tp.tp1) && isConcrete(tp.tp2)
case tp: OrType => isConcrete(tp.tp1) && isConcrete(tp.tp2)
case _ => false
if (!isConcrete(tp)) NotConcrete
else boundsRealizability(tp).andAlso(memberRealizability(tp))
private def refinedNames(tp: Type): Set[Name] = tp.dealias match {
case tp: RefinedType => refinedNames(tp.parent) + tp.refinedName
case tp: AndType => refinedNames(tp.tp1) ++ refinedNames(tp.tp2)
case tp: OrType => refinedNames(tp.tp1) ++ refinedNames(tp.tp2)
case tp: TypeProxy => refinedNames(tp.underlying)
case _ => Set.empty
/** `Realizable` if `tp` has good bounds, a `HasProblem...` instance
* pointing to a bad bounds member otherwise. "Has good bounds" means:
* - all type members have good bounds (except for opaque helpers)
* - all refinements of the underlying type have good bounds (except for opaque companions)
* - all base types are class types, and if their arguments are wildcards
* they have good bounds.
* - base types do not appear in multiple instances with different arguments.
* (depending on the simplification scheme for AndTypes employed, this could
* also lead to base types with bad bounds).
private def boundsRealizability(tp: Type) = {
val memberProblems =
for {
mbr <- tp.nonClassTypeMembers
if !( <:<
} yield new HasProblemBounds(,
val refinementProblems =
for {
name <- refinedNames(tp)
if (name.isTypeName)
mbr <- tp.member(name).alternatives
if !( <:<
} yield new HasProblemBounds(name,
def baseTypeProblems(base: Type) = base match {
case AndType(base1, base2) =>
new HasProblemBase(base1, base2) :: Nil
case base =>
base.argInfos.collect {
case bounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) if !(lo <:< hi) =>
new HasProblemBaseArg(base, bounds)
val baseProblems =
((((Realizable: Realizability)
/: memberProblems)(_ andAlso _)
/: refinementProblems)(_ andAlso _)
/: baseProblems)(_ andAlso _)
/** `Realizable` if all of `tp`'s non-strict fields have realizable types,
* a `HasProblemField` instance pointing to a bad field otherwise.
private def memberRealizability(tp: Type) = {
def checkField(sofar: Realizability, fld: SingleDenotation): Realizability =
sofar andAlso {
if (checkedFields.contains(fld.symbol) || fld.symbol.isOneOf(Private | Mutable | LateInitializedFlags))
// if field is private it cannot be part of a visible path
// if field is mutable it cannot be part of a path
// if field is lazy or erased it does not need to be initialized when the owning object is
// so in all cases the field does not influence realizability of the enclosing object.
else {
checkedFields += fld.symbol
realizability( => new HasProblemField(fld, r))
if (ctx.settings.strict.value)
// check fields only under strict mode for now.
// Reason: An embedded field could well be nullable, which means it
// should not be part of a path and need not be checked; but we cannot recognize
// this situation until we have a typesystem that tracks nullability.
((Realizable: Realizability) /: tp.fields)(checkField)
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