Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dotc
package core
import SymDenotations.{ SymDenotation, ClassDenotation, NoDenotation, LazyType }
import Contexts.{Context, ContextBase}
import Names._
import NameKinds._
import StdNames._
import Symbols.NoSymbol
import Symbols._
import Types._
import Periods._
import Flags._
import DenotTransformers._
import Decorators._
import printing.Texts._
import printing.Printer
import io.AbstractFile
import config.Config
import util.common._
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
/** Denotations represent the meaning of symbols and named types.
* The following diagram shows how the principal types of denotations
* and their denoting entities relate to each other. Lines ending in
* a down-arrow `v` are member methods. The two methods shown in the diagram are
* "symbol" and "deref". Both methods are parameterized by the current context,
* and are effectively indexed by current period.
* Lines ending in a horizontal line mean subtying (right is a subtype of left).
* NamedType
* | Symbol---------ClassSymbol
* | | |
* | denot | denot | denot
* v v v
* Denotation-+-----SingleDenotation-+------SymDenotation-+----ClassDenotation
* | |
* +-----MultiDenotation |
* |
* +--UniqueRefDenotation
* +--JointRefDenotation
* Here's a short summary of the classes in this diagram.
* NamedType A type consisting of a prefix type and a name, with fields
* prefix: Type
* name: Name
* It has two subtypes: TermRef and TypeRef
* Symbol A label for a definition or declaration in one compiler run
* ClassSymbol A symbol representing a class
* Denotation The meaning of a named type or symbol during a period
* MultiDenotation A denotation representing several overloaded members
* SingleDenotation A denotation representing a non-overloaded member or definition, with main fields
* symbol: Symbol
* info: Type
* UniqueRefDenotation A denotation referring to a single definition with some member type
* JointRefDenotation A denotation referring to a member that could resolve to several definitions
* SymDenotation A denotation representing a single definition with its original type, with main fields
* name: Name
* owner: Symbol
* flags: Flags
* privateWithin: Symbol
* annotations: List[Annotation]
* ClassDenotation A denotation representing a single class definition.
object Denotations {
implicit def eqDenotation: Eql[Denotation, Denotation] = Eql.derived
/** A PreDenotation represents a group of single denotations or a single multi-denotation
* It is used as an optimization to avoid forming MultiDenotations too eagerly.
abstract class PreDenotation {
/** A denotation in the group exists */
def exists: Boolean
/** First/last denotation in the group */
def first: Denotation
def last: Denotation
/** Convert to full denotation by &-ing all elements */
def toDenot(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation
/** Group contains a denotation that refers to given symbol */
def containsSym(sym: Symbol): Boolean
/** Group contains a denotation with the same signature as `other` */
def matches(other: SingleDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean
/** Keep only those denotations in this group which satisfy predicate `p`. */
def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): PreDenotation
/** Keep only those denotations in this group which have a signature
* that's not already defined by `denots`.
def filterDisjoint(denots: PreDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation
/** Keep only those inherited members M of this predenotation for which the following is true
* - M is not marked Private
* - If M has a unique symbol, it does not appear in `prevDenots`.
* - M's signature as seen from prefix `pre` does not appear in `ownDenots`
* Return the denotation as seen from `pre`.
* Called from SymDenotations.computeMember. There, `ownDenots` are the denotations found in
* the base class, which shadow any inherited denotations with the same signature.
* `prevDenots` are the denotations that are defined in the class or inherited from
* a base type which comes earlier in the linearization.
def mapInherited(ownDenots: PreDenotation, prevDenots: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation
/** Keep only those denotations in this group that have all of the flags in `required`,
* but none of the flags in `excluded`.
def filterWithFlags(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation
private[this] var cachedPrefix: Type = _
private[this] var cachedAsSeenFrom: AsSeenFromResult = _
private[this] var validAsSeenFrom: Period = Nowhere
type AsSeenFromResult <: PreDenotation
/** The denotation with info(s) as seen from prefix type */
final def asSeenFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): AsSeenFromResult =
if (Config.cacheAsSeenFrom) {
if ((cachedPrefix ne pre) || ctx.period != validAsSeenFrom) {
cachedAsSeenFrom = computeAsSeenFrom(pre)
cachedPrefix = pre
validAsSeenFrom = if (pre.isProvisional) Nowhere else ctx.period
} else computeAsSeenFrom(pre)
protected def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): AsSeenFromResult
/** The union of two groups. */
def union(that: PreDenotation): PreDenotation =
if (!this.exists) that
else if (!that.exists) this
else DenotUnion(this, that)
/** A denotation is the result of resolving
* a name (either simple identifier or select) during a given period.
* Denotations can be combined with `&` and `|`.
* & is conjunction, | is disjunction.
* `&` will create an overloaded denotation from two
* non-overloaded denotations if their signatures differ.
* Analogously `|` of two denotations with different signatures will give
* an empty denotation `NoDenotation`.
* A denotation might refer to `NoSymbol`. This is the case if the denotation
* was produced from a disjunction of two denotations with different symbols
* and there was no common symbol in a superclass that could substitute for
* both symbols. Here is an example:
* Say, we have:
* class A { def f: A }
* class B { def f: B }
* val x: A | B = if (test) new A else new B
* val y = x.f
* Then the denotation of `y` is `SingleDenotation(NoSymbol, A | B)`.
* @param symbol The referencing symbol, or NoSymbol is none exists
abstract class Denotation(val symbol: Symbol, protected var myInfo: Type) extends PreDenotation with printing.Showable {
type AsSeenFromResult <: Denotation
/** The type info.
* The info is an instance of TypeType iff this is a type denotation
* Uncompleted denotations set myInfo to a LazyType.
final def info(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
def completeInfo = { // Written this way so that `info` is small enough to be inlined
this.asInstanceOf[SymDenotation].completeFrom(myInfo.asInstanceOf[LazyType]); info
if (myInfo.isInstanceOf[LazyType]) completeInfo else myInfo
/** The type info, or, if this is a SymDenotation where the symbol
* is not yet completed, the completer
def infoOrCompleter: Type
/** The period during which this denotation is valid. */
def validFor: Period
/** Is this a reference to a type symbol? */
def isType: Boolean
/** Is this a reference to a term symbol? */
def isTerm: Boolean = !isType
/** Is this denotation overloaded? */
final def isOverloaded: Boolean = isInstanceOf[MultiDenotation]
/** Denotation points to unique symbol; false for overloaded denotations
* and JointRef denotations.
def hasUniqueSym: Boolean
/** The name of the denotation */
def name(implicit ctx: Context): Name
/** The signature of the denotation. */
def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature
/** Resolve overloaded denotation to pick the ones with the given signature
* when seen from prefix `site`.
* @param relaxed When true, consider only parameter signatures for a match.
def atSignature(sig: Signature, site: Type = NoPrefix, relaxed: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation
/** The variant of this denotation that's current in the given context.
* If no such denotation exists, returns the denotation with each alternative
* at its first point of definition.
def current(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation
/** Is this denotation different from NoDenotation or an ErrorDenotation? */
def exists: Boolean = true
/** A denotation with the info of this denotation transformed using `f` */
def mapInfo(f: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation
/** If this denotation does not exist, fallback to alternative */
final def orElse(that: => Denotation): Denotation = if (this.exists) this else that
/** The set of alternative single-denotations making up this denotation */
final def alternatives: List[SingleDenotation] = altsWith(alwaysTrue)
/** The alternatives of this denotation that satisfy the predicate `p`. */
def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): List[SingleDenotation]
/** The unique alternative of this denotation that satisfies the predicate `p`,
* or NoDenotation if no satisfying alternative exists.
* @throws TypeError if there is at more than one alternative that satisfies `p`.
def suchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation
override def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Denotation
/** If this is a SingleDenotation, return it, otherwise throw a TypeError */
def checkUnique(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = suchThat(alwaysTrue)
/** Does this denotation have an alternative that satisfies the predicate `p`? */
def hasAltWith(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Boolean
/** The denotation made up from the alternatives of this denotation that
* are accessible from prefix `pre`, or NoDenotation if no accessible alternative exists.
def accessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation
/** Find member of this denotation with given `name`, all `required`
* flags and no `excluded` flag, and produce a denotation that contains the type of the member
* as seen from given prefix `pre`.
def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation =
info.findMember(name, pre, required, excluded)
/** If this denotation is overloaded, filter with given predicate.
* If result is still overloaded throw a TypeError.
* Note: disambiguate is slightly different from suchThat in that
* single-denotations that do not satisfy the predicate are left alone
* (whereas suchThat would map them to NoDenotation).
def disambiguate(p: Symbol => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = this match {
case sdenot: SingleDenotation => sdenot
case mdenot => suchThat(p) orElse NoQualifyingRef(alternatives)
/** Return symbol in this denotation that satisfies the given predicate.
* if generateStubs is specified, return a stubsymbol if denotation is a missing ref.
* Throw a `TypeError` if predicate fails to disambiguate symbol or no alternative matches.
def requiredSymbol(kind: String,
name: Name,
site: Denotation = NoDenotation,
args: List[Type] = Nil,
source: AbstractFile = null,
generateStubs: Boolean = true)
(p: Symbol => Boolean)
(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol =
disambiguate(p) match {
case m @ MissingRef(ownerd, name) =>
if (generateStubs) {
if (ctx.settings.YdebugMissingRefs.value) m.ex.printStackTrace()
ctx.newStubSymbol(ownerd.symbol, name, source)
else NoSymbol
case NoDenotation | _: NoQualifyingRef =>
def argStr = if (args.isEmpty) "" else i" matching ($args%, %)"
val msg =
if (site.exists) i"$site does not have a member $kind $name$argStr"
else i"missing: $kind $name$argStr"
throw new TypeError(msg)
case denot =>
def requiredMethod(pname: PreName)(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = {
val name = pname.toTermName
info.member(name).requiredSymbol("method", name, this)(
def requiredMethodRef(name: PreName)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef =
def requiredMethod(pname: PreName, argTypes: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = {
val name = pname.toTermName
info.member(name).requiredSymbol(i"method", name, this, argTypes) { x => && { match {
case paramInfos :: Nil => paramInfos.corresponds(argTypes)(_ =:= _)
case _ => false
def requiredMethodRef(name: PreName, argTypes: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef =
requiredMethod(name, argTypes).termRef
def requiredValue(pname: PreName)(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = {
val name = pname.toTermName
info.member(name).requiredSymbol("field or getter", name, this)(
def requiredValueRef(name: PreName)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef =
def requiredClass(pname: PreName)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassSymbol = {
val name = pname.toTypeName
info.member(name).requiredSymbol("class", name, this)(_.isClass).asClass
def requiredType(pname: PreName)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeSymbol = {
val name = pname.toTypeName
info.member(name).requiredSymbol("type", name, this)(_.isType).asType
/** The alternative of this denotation that has a type matching `targetType` when seen
* as a member of type `site`, `NoDenotation` if none exists.
def matchingDenotation(site: Type, targetType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = {
def qualifies(sym: Symbol) = site.memberInfo(sym).matchesLoosely(targetType)
if (isOverloaded) {
atSignature(targetType.signature, site, relaxed = true) match {
case sd: SingleDenotation => sd.matchingDenotation(site, targetType)
case md => md.suchThat(qualifies(_))
else if (exists && !qualifies(symbol)) NoDenotation
else asSingleDenotation
/** Form a denotation by conjoining with denotation `that`.
* NoDenotations are dropped. MultiDenotations are handled by merging
* parts with same signatures. SingleDenotations with equal signatures
* are joined as follows:
* In a first step, consider only those denotations which have symbols
* that are accessible from prefix `pre`.
* If there are several such denotations, try to pick one by applying the following
* three precedence rules in decreasing order of priority:
* 1. Prefer denotations with more specific infos.
* 2. If infos are equally specific, prefer denotations with concrete symbols over denotations
* with abstract symbols.
* 3. If infos are equally specific and symbols are equally concrete,
* prefer denotations with symbols defined in subclasses
* over denotations with symbols defined in proper superclasses.
* If there is exactly one (preferred) accessible denotation, return it.
* If there is no preferred accessible denotation, return a JointRefDenotation
* with one of the operand symbols (unspecified which one), and an info which
* is the intersection (using `&` or `safe_&` if `safeIntersection` is true)
* of the infos of the operand denotations.
* If SingleDenotations with different signatures are joined, return NoDenotation.
def & (that: Denotation, pre: Type, safeIntersection: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = {
/** Try to merge denot1 and denot2 without adding a new signature. */
def mergeDenot(denot1: Denotation, denot2: SingleDenotation): Denotation = denot1 match {
case denot1 @ MultiDenotation(denot11, denot12) =>
val d1 = mergeDenot(denot11, denot2)
if (d1.exists) denot1.derivedUnionDenotation(d1, denot12)
else {
val d2 = mergeDenot(denot12, denot2)
if (d2.exists) denot1.derivedUnionDenotation(denot11, d2)
else NoDenotation
case denot1: SingleDenotation =>
if (denot1 eq denot2) denot1
else if (denot1.matches(denot2)) mergeSingleDenot(denot1, denot2)
else NoDenotation
/** Try to merge single-denotations. */
def mergeSingleDenot(denot1: SingleDenotation, denot2: SingleDenotation): SingleDenotation = {
val info1 =
val info2 =
val sym1 = denot1.symbol
val sym2 = denot2.symbol
val sym2Accessible = sym2.isAccessibleFrom(pre)
/** Does `sym1` come before `sym2` in the linearization of `pre`? */
def precedes(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = {
def precedesIn(bcs: List[ClassSymbol]): Boolean = bcs match {
case bc :: bcs1 => (sym1 eq bc) || !(sym2 eq bc) && precedesIn(bcs1)
case Nil => false
(sym1 ne sym2) &&
(sym1.derivesFrom(sym2) ||
!sym2.derivesFrom(sym1) && precedesIn(pre.baseClasses))
/** Similar to SymDenotation#accessBoundary, but without the special cases. */
def accessBoundary(sym: Symbol) =
if ( sym.owner
else sym.privateWithin.orElse(
if ( sym.owner.enclosingPackageClass
else defn.RootClass)
/** Establish a partial order "preference" order between symbols.
* Give preference to `sym1` over `sym2` if one of the following
* conditions holds, in decreasing order of weight:
* 1. sym2 doesn't exist
* 2. sym1 is concrete and sym2 is abstract
* 3. The owner of sym1 comes before the owner of sym2 in the linearization
* of the type of the prefix `pre`.
* 4. The access boundary of sym2 is properly contained in the access
* boundary of sym1. For protected access, we count the enclosing
* package as access boundary.
* 5. sym1 is a method but sym2 is not.
* The aim of these criteria is to give some disambiguation on access which
* - does not depend on textual order or other arbitrary choices
* - minimizes raising of doubleDef errors
def preferSym(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) =
sym1.eq(sym2) ||
sym1.exists &&
(!sym2.exists ||
sym1.isAsConcrete(sym2) &&
(!sym2.isAsConcrete(sym1) ||
precedes(sym1.owner, sym2.owner) ||
accessBoundary(sym2).isProperlyContainedIn(accessBoundary(sym1)) || && ! || && ! ||
/** Sym preference provided types also override */
def prefer(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol, info1: Type, info2: Type) =
preferSym(sym1, sym2) &&
info1.overrides(info2, sym1.matchNullaryLoosely || sym2.matchNullaryLoosely)
def handleDoubleDef =
if (preferSym(sym1, sym2)) denot1
else if (preferSym(sym2, sym1)) denot2
else doubleDefError(denot1, denot2, pre)
if (sym2Accessible && prefer(sym2, sym1, info2, info1)) denot2
else {
val sym1Accessible = sym1.isAccessibleFrom(pre)
if (sym1Accessible && prefer(sym1, sym2, info1, info2)) denot1
else if (sym1Accessible && sym2.exists && !sym2Accessible) denot1
else if (sym2Accessible && sym1.exists && !sym1Accessible) denot2
else if (isDoubleDef(sym1, sym2)) handleDoubleDef
else {
val sym =
if (preferSym(sym2, sym1)) sym2
else sym1
val jointInfo =
try infoMeet(info1, info2, sym1, sym2, safeIntersection)
catch {
case ex: MergeError =>
// TODO: this picks one type over the other whereas it might be better
// to return a MultiDenotation instead. But doing so would affect lots of
// things, starting with the return type of this method.
if (preferSym(sym2, sym1)) info2
else if (preferSym(sym1, sym2)) info1
else if ( || ctx.scala2Mode)
info1 // follow Scala2 linearization -
// compare with way merge is performed in SymDenotation#computeMembersNamed
else throw new MergeError(ex.sym1, ex.sym2, ex.tp1, ex.tp2, pre)
new JointRefDenotation(sym, jointInfo, denot1.validFor & denot2.validFor)
if (this eq that) this
else if (!this.exists) that
else if (!that.exists) this
else that match {
case that: SingleDenotation =>
val r = mergeDenot(this, that)
if (r.exists) r else MultiDenotation(this, that)
case that @ MultiDenotation(denot1, denot2) =>
this & (denot1, pre) & (denot2, pre)
/** Form a choice between this denotation and that one.
* @param pre The prefix type of the members of the denotation, used
* to determine an accessible symbol if it exists.
def | (that: Denotation, pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = {
def unionDenot(denot1: SingleDenotation, denot2: SingleDenotation): Denotation =
if (denot1.matches(denot2)) {
val sym1 = denot1.symbol
val sym2 = denot2.symbol
val info1 =
val info2 =
val sameSym = sym1 eq sym2
if (sameSym && (info1.widenExpr frozen_<:< info2.widenExpr)) denot2
else if (sameSym && (info2.widenExpr frozen_<:< info1.widenExpr)) denot1
else {
val jointSym =
if (sameSym) sym1
else {
val owner2 = if (sym2 ne NoSymbol) sym2.owner else NoSymbol
/** Determine a symbol which is overridden by both sym1 and sym2.
* Preference is given to accessible symbols.
def lubSym(overrides: Iterator[Symbol], previous: Symbol): Symbol =
if (!overrides.hasNext) previous
else {
val candidate =
if (owner2 derivesFrom candidate.owner)
if (candidate isAccessibleFrom pre) candidate
else lubSym(overrides, previous orElse candidate)
lubSym(overrides, previous)
lubSym(sym1.allOverriddenSymbols, NoSymbol)
new JointRefDenotation(
jointSym, infoJoin(info1, info2, sym1, sym2), denot1.validFor & denot2.validFor)
else NoDenotation
if (this eq that) this
else if (!this.exists) this
else if (!that.exists) that
else this match {
case denot1 @ MultiDenotation(denot11, denot12) =>
denot1.derivedUnionDenotation(denot11 | (that, pre), denot12 | (that, pre))
case denot1: SingleDenotation =>
that match {
case denot2 @ MultiDenotation(denot21, denot22) =>
denot2.derivedUnionDenotation(this | (denot21, pre), this | (denot22, pre))
case denot2: SingleDenotation =>
unionDenot(denot1, denot2)
final def asSingleDenotation: SingleDenotation = asInstanceOf[SingleDenotation]
final def asSymDenotation: SymDenotation = asInstanceOf[SymDenotation]
def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.toText(this)
// ------ PreDenotation ops ----------------------------------------------
final def toDenot(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = this
final def containsSym(sym: Symbol): Boolean = hasUniqueSym && (symbol eq sym)
// ------ Info meets and joins ---------------------------------------------
/** Handle merge conflict by throwing a `MergeError` exception */
private def mergeConflict(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol, tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
throw new MergeError(sym1, sym2, tp1, tp2, NoPrefix)
/** Merge parameter names of lambda types. If names in corresponding positions match, keep them,
* otherwise generate new synthetic names.
private def mergeParamNames(tp1: LambdaType, tp2: LambdaType): List[tp1.ThisName] =
(for ((name1, name2, idx) <- (tp1.paramNames, tp2.paramNames, tp1.paramNames.indices).zipped)
yield if (name1 == name2) name1 else tp1.companion.syntheticParamName(idx)).toList
/** Normally, `tp1 & tp2`.
* Special cases for matching methods and classes, with
* the possibility of raising a merge error.
* Special handling of ExprTypes, where mixed intersections widen the ExprType away.
def infoMeet(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol, safeIntersection: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
if (tp1 eq tp2) tp1
else tp1 match {
case tp1: TypeBounds =>
tp2 match {
case tp2: TypeBounds => if (safeIntersection) tp1 safe_& tp2 else tp1 & tp2
case tp2: ClassInfo if tp1 contains tp2 => tp2
case _ => mergeConflict(sym1, sym2, tp1, tp2)
case tp1: ClassInfo =>
tp2 match {
case tp2: ClassInfo if tp1.cls eq tp2.cls => tp1.derivedClassInfo(tp1.prefix & tp2.prefix)
case tp2: TypeBounds if tp2 contains tp1 => tp1
case _ => mergeConflict(sym1, sym2, tp1, tp2)
// Two remedial strategies:
// 1. Prefer method types over poly types. This is necessary to handle
// overloaded definitions like the following
// def ++ [B >: A](xs: C[B]): D[B]
// def ++ (xs: C[A]): D[A]
// (Code like this is found in the collection strawman)
// 2. In the case of two method types or two polytypes with matching
// parameters and implicit status, merge corresponding parameter
// and result types.
case tp1: MethodType =>
tp2 match {
case tp2: PolyType =>
case tp2: MethodType
if ctx.typeComparer.matchingMethodParams(tp1, tp2) && (tp1.companion eq tp2.companion) =>
mergeParamNames(tp1, tp2),
infoMeet(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1), sym1, sym2, safeIntersection))
case _ =>
mergeConflict(sym1, sym2, tp1, tp2)
case tp1: PolyType =>
tp2 match {
case tp2: MethodType =>
case tp2: PolyType if ctx.typeComparer.matchingPolyParams(tp1, tp2) =>
mergeParamNames(tp1, tp2),
tp1.paramInfos.zipWithConserve(tp2.paramInfos) { (p1, p2) =>
infoMeet(p1, p2.subst(tp2, tp1), sym1, sym2, safeIntersection).bounds
infoMeet(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1), sym1, sym2, safeIntersection))
case _ =>
mergeConflict(sym1, sym2, tp1, tp2)
case ExprType(rtp1) =>
tp2 match {
case ExprType(rtp2) => ExprType(rtp1 & rtp2)
case _ => rtp1 & tp2
case _ =>
try tp1 & tp2.widenExpr
catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
println(i"error for meet: $tp1 &&& $tp2, ${tp1.getClass}, ${tp2.getClass}")
throw ex
/** Normally, `tp1 | tp2`.
* Special cases for matching methods and classes, with
* the possibility of raising a merge error.
* Special handling of ExprTypes, where mixed unions widen the ExprType away.
def infoJoin(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp1 match {
case tp1: TypeBounds =>
tp2 match {
case tp2: TypeBounds => tp1 | tp2
case tp2: ClassInfo if tp1 contains tp2 => tp1
case _ => mergeConflict(sym1, sym2, tp1, tp2)
case tp1: ClassInfo =>
tp2 match {
case tp2: ClassInfo if tp1.cls eq tp2.cls => tp1.derivedClassInfo(tp1.prefix | tp2.prefix)
case tp2: TypeBounds if tp2 contains tp1 => tp2
case _ => mergeConflict(sym1, sym2, tp1, tp2)
case tp1: MethodType =>
tp2 match {
case tp2: MethodType
if ctx.typeComparer.matchingMethodParams(tp1, tp2) && (tp1.companion eq tp2.companion) =>
mergeParamNames(tp1, tp2),
infoJoin(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1), sym1, sym2))
case _ =>
mergeConflict(sym1, sym2, tp1, tp2)
case tp1: PolyType =>
tp2 match {
case tp2: PolyType
if ctx.typeComparer.matchingPolyParams(tp1, tp2) =>
mergeParamNames(tp1, tp2),
tp1.paramInfos.zipWithConserve(tp2.paramInfos) { (p1, p2) =>
infoJoin(p1, p2.subst(tp2, tp1), sym1, sym2).bounds
infoJoin(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1), sym1, sym2))
case _ =>
mergeConflict(sym1, sym2, tp1, tp2)
case ExprType(rtp1) =>
tp2 match {
case ExprType(rtp2) => ExprType(rtp1 | rtp2)
case _ => rtp1 | tp2
case _ =>
tp1 | tp2.widenExpr
/** A non-overloaded denotation */
abstract class SingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, initInfo: Type) extends Denotation(symbol, initInfo) {
protected def newLikeThis(symbol: Symbol, info: Type): SingleDenotation
final def name(implicit ctx: Context): Name =
final def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature =
if (isType) Signature.NotAMethod // don't force info if this is a type SymDenotation
else info match {
case info: MethodicType =>
try info.signature
catch { // !!! DEBUG
case scala.util.control.NonFatal(ex) =>
ctx.echo(s"cannot take signature of ${}")
throw ex
case _ => Signature.NotAMethod
def derivedSingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation =
if ((symbol eq this.symbol) && (info eq this
else newLikeThis(symbol, info)
def mapInfo(f: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation =
derivedSingleDenotation(symbol, f(info))
def orElse(that: => SingleDenotation): SingleDenotation = if (this.exists) this else that
def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): List[SingleDenotation] =
if (exists && p(symbol)) this :: Nil else Nil
def suchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation =
if (exists && p(symbol)) this else NoDenotation
def hasAltWith(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Boolean =
exists && p(this)
def accessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation =
if (!symbol.exists || symbol.isAccessibleFrom(pre, superAccess)) this else NoDenotation
def atSignature(sig: Signature, site: Type, relaxed: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = {
val situated = if (site == NoPrefix) this else asSeenFrom(site)
val matches = sig.matchDegree(situated.signature).ordinal >=
(if (relaxed) Signature.ParamMatch else Signature.FullMatch).ordinal
if (matches) this else NoDenotation
// ------ Transformations -----------------------------------------
private[this] var myValidFor: Period = Nowhere
def validFor: Period = myValidFor
def validFor_=(p: Period): Unit = {
myValidFor = p
/** The next SingleDenotation in this run, with wrap-around from last to first.
* There may be several `SingleDenotation`s with different validity
* representing the same underlying definition at different phases.
* These are called a "flock". Flock members are generated by
* @See current. Flock members are connected in a ring
* with their `nextInRun` fields.
* There are the following invariants concerning flock members
* 1) validity periods are non-overlapping
* 2) the union of all validity periods is a contiguous
* interval.
protected var nextInRun: SingleDenotation = this
/** The version of this SingleDenotation that was valid in the first phase
* of this run.
def initial: SingleDenotation =
if (validFor.firstPhaseId <= 1) this
else {
var current = nextInRun
while (current.validFor.code > this.myValidFor.code) current = current.nextInRun
def history: List[SingleDenotation] = {
val b = new ListBuffer[SingleDenotation]
var current = initial
do {
b += (current)
current = current.nextInRun
while (current ne initial)
/** Invalidate all caches and fields that depend on base classes and their contents */
def invalidateInheritedInfo(): Unit = ()
private def updateValidity()(implicit ctx: Context): this.type = {
ctx.runId >= validFor.runId ||
ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value || // mixing test pickler with debug printing can travel back in time, // Permanent symbols are valid in all runIds
s"denotation $this invalid in run ${ctx.runId}. ValidFor: $validFor")
var d: SingleDenotation = this
do {
d.validFor = Period(ctx.period.runId, d.validFor.firstPhaseId, d.validFor.lastPhaseId)
d = d.nextInRun
} while (d ne this)
/** Move validity period of this denotation to a new run. Throw a StaleSymbol error
* if denotation is no longer valid.
* However, StaleSymbol error is not thrown in the following situations:
* - If ctx.acceptStale returns true (e.g. because we are in the IDE),
* update the symbol to the new version if it exists, or return
* the old version otherwise.
* - If the symbol did not have a denotation that was defined at the current phase
* return a NoDenotation instead.
private def bringForward()(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = {
this match {
case symd: SymDenotation =>
if (ctx.stillValid(symd)) return updateValidity()
if (ctx.acceptStale(symd)) return symd.currentSymbol.denot.orElse(symd).updateValidity()
case _ =>
if (!symbol.exists) return updateValidity()
if (!coveredInterval.containsPhaseId(ctx.phaseId)) return NoDenotation
if (ctx.debug) ctx.traceInvalid(this)
/** The next defined denotation (following `nextInRun`) or an arbitrary
* undefined denotation, if all denotations in a `nextinRun` cycle are
* undefined.
private def nextDefined: SingleDenotation = {
var p1 = this
var p2 = nextInRun
while (p1.validFor == Nowhere && (p1 ne p2)) {
p1 = p1.nextInRun
p2 = p2.nextInRun.nextInRun
/** Skip any denotations that have been removed by an installAfter or that
* are otherwise undefined.
def skipRemoved(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation =
if (myValidFor.code <= 0) nextDefined else this
/** Produce a denotation that is valid for the given context.
* Usually called when !(validFor contains ctx.period)
* (even though this is not a precondition).
* If the runId of the context is the same as runId of this denotation,
* the right flock member is located, or, if it does not exist yet,
* created by invoking a transformer (@See Transformers).
* If the runId's differ, but this denotation is a SymDenotation
* and its toplevel owner class or module
* is still a member of its enclosing package, then the whole flock
* is brought forward to be valid in the new runId. Otherwise
* the symbol is stale, which constitutes an internal error.
def current(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = {
val currentPeriod = ctx.period
val valid = myValidFor
if (valid.code <= 0) {
// can happen if we sit on a stale denotation which has been replaced
// wholesale by an installAfter; in this case, proceed to the next
// denotation and try again.
val nxt = nextDefined
if (nxt.validFor != Nowhere) return nxt
assert(false, this)
if (valid.runId != currentPeriod.runId)
if (exists) initial.bringForward().current
else this
else {
var cur = this
if (currentPeriod.code > valid.code) {
// search for containing period as long as nextInRun increases.
var next = nextInRun
while (next.validFor.code > valid.code && !(next.validFor contains currentPeriod)) {
cur = next
next = next.nextInRun
if (next.validFor.code > valid.code) {
// in this case, next.validFor contains currentPeriod
cur = next
} else {
//println(s"might need new denot for $cur, valid for ${cur.validFor} at $currentPeriod")
// not found, cur points to highest existing variant
val nextTransformerId = ctx.base.nextDenotTransformerId(cur.validFor.lastPhaseId)
if (currentPeriod.lastPhaseId <= nextTransformerId)
cur.validFor = Period(currentPeriod.runId, cur.validFor.firstPhaseId, nextTransformerId)
else {
var startPid = nextTransformerId + 1
val transformer = ctx.base.denotTransformers(nextTransformerId)
//println(s"transforming $this with $transformer")
try {
next = transformer.transform(cur)(ctx.withPhase(transformer))
} catch {
case ex: CyclicReference =>
println(s"error while transforming $this") // DEBUG
throw ex
if (next eq cur)
startPid = cur.validFor.firstPhaseId
else {
next match {
case next: ClassDenotation =>
assert(!, s"illegal transformation of package denotation by transformer ${ctx.withPhase(transformer).phase}")
case _ =>
cur = next
cur.validFor = Period(currentPeriod.runId, startPid, transformer.lastPhaseId)
//println(s"new denot: $cur, valid for ${cur.validFor}")
cur.current // multiple transformations could be required
} else {
// currentPeriod < end of valid; in this case a version must exist
// but to be defensive we check for infinite loop anyway
var cnt = 0
while (!(cur.validFor contains currentPeriod)) {
//println(s"searching: $cur at $currentPeriod, valid for ${cur.validFor}")
cur = cur.nextInRun
// Note: One might be tempted to add a `prev` field to get to the new denotation
// more directly here. I tried that, but it degrades rather than improves
// performance: Test setup: Compile everything in dotc and immediate subdirectories
// 10 times. Best out of 10: 18154ms with `prev` field, 17777ms without.
cnt += 1
if (cnt > MaxPossiblePhaseId)
return current(ctx.withPhase(coveredInterval.firstPhaseId))
private def demandOutsideDefinedMsg(implicit ctx: Context): String =
s"demanding denotation of $this at phase ${ctx.phase}(${ctx.phaseId}) outside defined interval: defined periods are${definedPeriodsString}"
/** Install this denotation to be the result of the given denotation transformer.
* This is the implementation of the same-named method in SymDenotations.
* It's placed here because it needs access to private fields of SingleDenotation.
* @pre Can only be called in ``.
protected def installAfter(phase: DenotTransformer)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
val targetId =
if (ctx.phaseId != targetId) installAfter(phase)(ctx.withPhase(
else {
val current = symbol.current
// println(s"installing $this after $phase/${}, valid = ${current.validFor}")
// printPeriods(current)
this.validFor = Period(ctx.runId, targetId, current.validFor.lastPhaseId)
if (current.validFor.firstPhaseId >= targetId)
else {
current.validFor = Period(ctx.runId, current.validFor.firstPhaseId, targetId - 1)
// printPeriods(this)
/** Apply a transformation `f` to all denotations in this group that start at or after
* given phase. Denotations are replaced while keeping the same validity periods.
protected def transformAfter(phase: DenotTransformer, f: SymDenotation => SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
var current = symbol.current
while (current.validFor.firstPhaseId < && (current.nextInRun.validFor.code > current.validFor.code))
current = current.nextInRun
var hasNext = true
while ((current.validFor.firstPhaseId >= && hasNext) {
val current1: SingleDenotation = f(current.asSymDenotation)
if (current1 ne current) {
current1.validFor = current.validFor
hasNext = current1.nextInRun.validFor.code > current1.validFor.code
current = current1.nextInRun
/** Insert this denotation so that it follows `prev`. */
private def insertAfter(prev: SingleDenotation) = {
this.nextInRun = prev.nextInRun
prev.nextInRun = this
/** Insert this denotation instead of `old`.
* Also ensure that `old` refers with `nextInRun` to this denotation
* and set its `validFor` field to `NoWhere`. This is necessary so that
* references to the old denotation can be brought forward via `current`
* to a valid denotation.
* The code to achieve this is subtle in that it works correctly
* whether the replaced denotation is the only one in its cycle or not.
private[dotc] def replaceWith(newd: SingleDenotation): Unit = {
var prev = this
while (prev.nextInRun ne this) prev = prev.nextInRun
// order of next two assignments is important!
prev.nextInRun = newd
newd.nextInRun = nextInRun
validFor = Nowhere
nextInRun = newd
def staleSymbolError(implicit ctx: Context): Nothing =
throw new StaleSymbol(staleSymbolMsg)
def staleSymbolMsg(implicit ctx: Context): String = {
def ownerMsg = this match {
case denot: SymDenotation => s"in ${denot.owner}"
case _ => ""
s"stale symbol; $this#${} $ownerMsg, defined in ${myValidFor}, is referred to in run ${ctx.period}"
/** The period (interval of phases) for which there exists
* a valid denotation in this flock.
def coveredInterval(implicit ctx: Context): Period = {
var cur = this
var cnt = 0
var interval = validFor
do {
cur = cur.nextInRun
cnt += 1
assert(cnt <= MaxPossiblePhaseId, demandOutsideDefinedMsg)
interval |= cur.validFor
} while (cur ne this)
/** Show declaration string; useful for showing declarations
* as seen from subclasses.
def showDcl(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.printer.dclText(this).show
override def toString: String =
if (symbol == NoSymbol) symbol.toString
else s""
def definedPeriodsString: String = {
var sb = new StringBuilder()
var cur = this
var cnt = 0
do {
sb.append(" " + cur.validFor)
cur = cur.nextInRun
cnt += 1
if (cnt > MaxPossiblePhaseId) { sb.append(" ..."); cur = this }
} while (cur ne this)
// ------ PreDenotation ops ----------------------------------------------
final def first: SingleDenotation = this
final def last: SingleDenotation = this
final def matches(other: SingleDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
val d = signature.matchDegree(other.signature)
(// fast path: signatures are the same and neither denotation is a PolyType
// For polytypes, signatures alone do not tell us enough to be sure about matching.
d == Signature.FullMatch &&
!infoOrCompleter.isInstanceOf[PolyType] && !other.infoOrCompleter.isInstanceOf[PolyType]
d != Signature.NoMatch && info.matches(
def mapInherited(ownDenots: PreDenotation, prevDenots: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation =
if (hasUniqueSym && prevDenots.containsSym(symbol)) NoDenotation
else if (isType) filterDisjoint(ownDenots).asSeenFrom(pre)
else asSeenFrom(pre).filterDisjoint(ownDenots)
final def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): SingleDenotation =
if (p(this)) this else NoDenotation
final def filterDisjoint(denots: PreDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation =
if (denots.exists && denots.matches(this)) NoDenotation else this
def filterWithFlags(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation =
if (required.isEmpty && excluded.isEmpty || compatibleWith(required, excluded)) this else NoDenotation
type AsSeenFromResult = SingleDenotation
protected def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = {
val symbol = this.symbol
val owner = this match {
case thisd: SymDenotation => thisd.owner
case _ => if (symbol.exists) symbol.owner else NoSymbol
def derived(info: Type) = derivedSingleDenotation(symbol, info.asSeenFrom(pre, owner))
pre match {
case pre: ThisType if symbol.isOpaqueAlias && pre.cls == symbol.owner =>
// This code is necessary to compensate for a "window of vulnerability" with
// opaque types. The problematic sequence is as follows.
// 1. Type a selection `m.this.T` where `T` is an opaque type alias in `m`
// and this is the first access
// 2. `T` will normalize to an abstract type on completion.
// 3. At that time, the default logic in the second case is wrong: `T`'s new info
// is now an abstract type and running it through an asSeenFrom gives nothing.
// We fix this as follows:
// 1. Force opaque normalization as first step
// 2. Read the info from the enclosing object's refinement
def findRefined(tp: Type, name: Name): Type = tp match {
case RefinedType(parent, rname, rinfo) =>
if (rname == name) rinfo else findRefined(parent, name)
case _ =>
case _ =>
if (!owner.membersNeedAsSeenFrom(pre) || this
else derived(
/** Does this denotation have all the `required` flags but none of the `excluded` flags?
private def compatibleWith(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
val symd: SymDenotation = this match {
case symd: SymDenotation => symd
case _ => symbol.denot
symd.isAllOf(required) && !symd.isOneOf(excluded)
abstract class NonSymSingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, initInfo: Type) extends SingleDenotation(symbol, initInfo) {
def infoOrCompleter: Type = initInfo
def isType: Boolean = infoOrCompleter.isInstanceOf[TypeType]
class UniqueRefDenotation(
symbol: Symbol,
initInfo: Type,
initValidFor: Period) extends NonSymSingleDenotation(symbol, initInfo) {
validFor = initValidFor
override def hasUniqueSym: Boolean = true
protected def newLikeThis(s: Symbol, i: Type): SingleDenotation = new UniqueRefDenotation(s, i, validFor)
class JointRefDenotation(
symbol: Symbol,
initInfo: Type,
initValidFor: Period) extends NonSymSingleDenotation(symbol, initInfo) {
validFor = initValidFor
override def hasUniqueSym: Boolean = false
protected def newLikeThis(s: Symbol, i: Type): SingleDenotation = new JointRefDenotation(s, i, validFor)
class ErrorDenotation(implicit ctx: Context) extends NonSymSingleDenotation(NoSymbol, NoType) {
override def exists: Boolean = false
override def hasUniqueSym: Boolean = false
validFor = Period.allInRun(ctx.runId)
protected def newLikeThis(s: Symbol, i: Type): SingleDenotation = this
/** An error denotation that provides more info about the missing reference.
* Produced by staticRef, consumed by requiredSymbol.
case class MissingRef(val owner: SingleDenotation, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ErrorDenotation {
val ex: Exception = new Exception // DEBUG
/** An error denotation that provides more info about alternatives
* that were found but that do not qualify.
* Produced by staticRef, consumed by requiredSymbol.
case class NoQualifyingRef(alts: List[SingleDenotation])(implicit ctx: Context) extends ErrorDenotation
/** A double definition
def isDoubleDef(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
(sym1.exists && sym2.exists &&
(sym1 `ne` sym2) && (sym1.effectiveOwner `eq` sym2.effectiveOwner) &&
! && !
def doubleDefError(denot1: Denotation, denot2: Denotation, pre: Type = NoPrefix)(implicit ctx: Context): Nothing = {
val sym1 = denot1.symbol
val sym2 = denot2.symbol
if (denot1.isTerm)
throw new MergeError(sym1, sym2,,, pre) {
override def addendum(implicit ctx: Context) =
|they are both defined in ${sym1.effectiveOwner} but have matching signatures
| ${} and
| ${}${super.addendum}"""
else throw new MergeError(sym1, sym2,,, pre)
// --- Overloaded denotations and predenotations -------------------------------------------------
trait MultiPreDenotation extends PreDenotation {
def denot1: PreDenotation
def denot2: PreDenotation
assert(denot1.exists && denot2.exists, s"Union of non-existing denotations ($denot1) and ($denot2)")
def first: Denotation = denot1.first
def last: Denotation = denot2.last
def matches(other: SingleDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
denot1.matches(other) || denot2.matches(other)
def mapInherited(owndenot: PreDenotation, prevdenot: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation =
derivedUnion(denot1.mapInherited(owndenot, prevdenot, pre), denot2.mapInherited(owndenot, prevdenot, pre))
def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): PreDenotation =
derivedUnion(denot1 filterWithPredicate p, denot2 filterWithPredicate p)
def filterDisjoint(denot: PreDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation =
derivedUnion(denot1 filterDisjoint denot, denot2 filterDisjoint denot)
def filterWithFlags(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation =
derivedUnion(denot1.filterWithFlags(required, excluded), denot2.filterWithFlags(required, excluded))
protected def derivedUnion(denot1: PreDenotation, denot2: PreDenotation) =
if ((denot1 eq this.denot1) && (denot2 eq this.denot2)) this
else denot1 union denot2
final case class DenotUnion(denot1: PreDenotation, denot2: PreDenotation) extends MultiPreDenotation {
def exists: Boolean = true
def toDenot(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation =
denot1.toDenot(pre).&(denot2.toDenot(pre), pre)
def containsSym(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
(denot1 containsSym sym) || (denot2 containsSym sym)
type AsSeenFromResult = PreDenotation
def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation =
derivedUnion(denot1.asSeenFrom(pre), denot2.asSeenFrom(pre))
/** An overloaded denotation consisting of the alternatives of both given denotations.
case class MultiDenotation(denot1: Denotation, denot2: Denotation) extends Denotation(NoSymbol, NoType) with MultiPreDenotation {
final def infoOrCompleter: Type = multiHasNot("info")
final def validFor: Period = denot1.validFor & denot2.validFor
final def isType: Boolean = false
final def hasUniqueSym: Boolean = false
final def name(implicit ctx: Context): Name =
final def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = Signature.OverloadedSignature
def atSignature(sig: Signature, site: Type, relaxed: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation =
if (sig eq Signature.OverloadedSignature) this
else derivedUnionDenotation(denot1.atSignature(sig, site, relaxed), denot2.atSignature(sig, site, relaxed))
def current(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation =
derivedUnionDenotation(denot1.current, denot2.current)
def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): List[SingleDenotation] =
denot1.altsWith(p) ++ denot2.altsWith(p)
def suchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = {
val sd1 = denot1.suchThat(p)
val sd2 = denot2.suchThat(p)
if (sd1.exists)
if (sd2.exists)
if (isDoubleDef(denot1.symbol, denot2.symbol)) doubleDefError(denot1, denot2)
else throw new TypeError(i"failure to disambiguate overloaded reference at $this")
else sd1
else sd2
override def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Denotation =
derivedUnionDenotation(denot1.filterWithPredicate(p), denot2.filterWithPredicate(p))
def hasAltWith(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Boolean =
denot1.hasAltWith(p) || denot2.hasAltWith(p)
def accessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = {
val d1 = denot1 accessibleFrom (pre, superAccess)
val d2 = denot2 accessibleFrom (pre, superAccess)
if (!d1.exists) d2
else if (!d2.exists) d1
else derivedUnionDenotation(d1, d2)
def mapInfo(f: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation =
derivedUnionDenotation(denot1.mapInfo(f), denot2.mapInfo(f))
def derivedUnionDenotation(d1: Denotation, d2: Denotation): Denotation =
if ((d1 eq denot1) && (d2 eq denot2)) this
else if (!d1.exists) d2
else if (!d2.exists) d1
else MultiDenotation(d1, d2)
type AsSeenFromResult = Denotation
def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation =
derivedUnionDenotation(denot1.asSeenFrom(pre), denot2.asSeenFrom(pre))
override def toString: String = alternatives.mkString(" ")
private def multiHasNot(op: String): Nothing =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"multi-denotation with alternatives $alternatives does not implement operation $op")
// --------------- Context Base Trait -------------------------------
trait DenotationsBase { this: ContextBase =>
/** The current denotation of the static reference given by path,
* or a MissingRef or NoQualifyingRef instance, if it does not exist.
* if generateStubs is set, generates stubs for missing top-level symbols
def staticRef(path: Name, generateStubs: Boolean = true, isPackage: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = {
def select(prefix: Denotation, selector: Name): Denotation = {
val owner = prefix.disambiguate(
def isPackageFromCoreLibMissing: Boolean = {
owner.symbol == defn.RootClass &&
selector == nme.scala_ || // if the scala package is missing, the stdlib must be missing
selector == nme.scalaShadowing // if the scalaShadowing package is missing, the dotty library must be missing
if (owner.exists) {
val result = if (isPackage) else
if (result.exists) result
else if (isPackageFromCoreLibMissing) throw new MissingCoreLibraryException(selector.toString)
else {
val alt =
if (generateStubs) missingHook(owner.symbol.moduleClass, selector)
else NoSymbol
if (alt.exists) alt.denot
else MissingRef(owner, selector)
else owner
def recur(path: Name, wrap: TermName => Name = identity): Denotation = path match {
case path: TypeName =>
recur(path.toTermName, n => n.toTypeName)
case ModuleClassName(underlying) =>
recur(underlying, n => wrap(ModuleClassName(n)))
case QualifiedName(prefix, selector) =>
select(recur(prefix), wrap(selector))
case qn @ AnyQualifiedName(prefix, _) =>
recur(prefix, n => wrap(
case path: SimpleName =>
def recurSimple(len: Int, wrap: TermName => Name): Denotation = {
val point = path.lastIndexOf('.', len - 1)
val selector = wrap(path.slice(point + 1, len).asTermName)
val prefix =
if (point > 0) recurSimple(point, identity)
else if (selector.isTermName) defn.RootClass.denot
else defn.EmptyPackageClass.denot
select(prefix, selector)
recurSimple(path.length, wrap)
/** If we are looking for a non-existing term name in a package,
* assume it is a package for which we do not have a directory and
* enter it.
def missingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol =
if ( && name.isTermName)
ctx.newCompletePackageSymbol(owner, name.asTermName).entered
/** An exception for accessing symbols that are no longer valid in current run */
class StaleSymbol(msg: => String) extends Exception {
util.Stats.record("stale symbol")
override def getMessage(): String = msg
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