Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package core
import Names._, StdNames._, Contexts._, Symbols._, Flags._, NameKinds._, Types._
import scala.tasty.util.Chars
import Chars.isOperatorPart
import Definitions._
object NameOps {
object compactify {
lazy val md5: MessageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
* The hashed name has the form (prefix + marker + md5 + marker + suffix), where
* - prefix/suffix.length = MaxNameLength / 4
* - md5.length = 32
* We obtain the formula:
* FileNameLength = 2*(MaxNameLength / 4) + 2.marker.length + 32 + 6
* (+6 for ".class"). MaxNameLength can therefore be computed as follows:
def apply(s: String): String = {
val marker = "$$$$"
val MaxNameLength = (CLASSFILE_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT - 6) min
2 * (CLASSFILE_NAME_CHAR_LIMIT - 6 - 2 * marker.length - 32)
def toMD5(s: String, edge: Int): String = {
val prefix = s take edge
val suffix = s takeRight edge
val cs = s.toArray
val bytes = Codec toUTF8 cs
md5 update bytes
val md5chars = (md5.digest() map (b => (b & 0xFF).toHexString)).mkString
prefix + marker + md5chars + marker + suffix
if (s.length <= MaxNameLength) s else toMD5(s, MaxNameLength / 4)
implicit class NameDecorator[N <: Name](private val name: N) extends AnyVal {
import nme._
def testSimple(f: SimpleName => Boolean): Boolean = name match {
case name: SimpleName => f(name)
case name: TypeName => name.toTermName.testSimple(f)
case _ => false
private def likeSpacedN(n: Name): N =
def isConstructorName: Boolean = name == CONSTRUCTOR || name == TRAIT_CONSTRUCTOR
def isStaticConstructorName: Boolean = name == STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR
def isLocalDummyName: Boolean = name startsWith str.LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX
def isReplWrapperName: Boolean = name.toString contains str.REPL_SESSION_LINE
def isReplAssignName: Boolean = name.toString contains str.REPL_ASSIGN_SUFFIX
def isSetterName: Boolean = name endsWith str.SETTER_SUFFIX
def isScala2LocalSuffix: Boolean = testSimple(_.endsWith(" "))
def isSelectorName: Boolean = testSimple(n => n.startsWith("_") && n.drop(1).forall(_.isDigit))
def isAnonymousClassName: Boolean = name.startsWith(str.ANON_CLASS)
def isAnonymousFunctionName: Boolean = name.startsWith(str.ANON_FUN)
def isUnapplyName: Boolean = name == nme.unapply || name == nme.unapplySeq
/** Is name a variable name? */
def isVariableName: Boolean = testSimple { n =>
n.length > 0 && {
val first = n.head
(((first.isLower && first.isLetter) || first == '_')
&& (n != false_)
&& (n != true_)
&& (n != null_))
def isOpAssignmentName: Boolean = name match {
case raw.NE | raw.LE | raw.GE | EMPTY =>
case name: SimpleName =>
name.length > 0 && name.last == '=' && name.head != '=' && isOperatorPart(name.head)
case _ =>
/** is this the name of an object enclosing packagel-level definitions? */
def isPackageObjectName: Boolean = name match {
case name: TermName => name == nme.PACKAGE || name.endsWith(str.TOPLEVEL_SUFFIX)
case name: TypeName =>
name.toTermName match {
case ModuleClassName(original) => original.isPackageObjectName
case _ => false
/** Convert this module name to corresponding module class name */
def moduleClassName: TypeName = name.derived(ModuleClassName).toTypeName
/** Convert this module class name to corresponding source module name */
def sourceModuleName: TermName = name.toTermName.exclude(ModuleClassName)
/** If name ends in module class suffix, drop it. This
* method needs to work on mangled as well as unmangled names because
* it is also called from the backend.
def stripModuleClassSuffix: N = likeSpacedN {
val semName = name.toTermName match {
case name: SimpleName if name.endsWith("$") => name.unmangleClassName
case _ => name
/** If flags is a ModuleClass but not a Package, add module class suffix */
def adjustIfModuleClass(flags: FlagSet): N = likeSpacedN {
if (, butNot = Package)) name.asTypeName.moduleClassName
else name.toTermName.exclude(AvoidClashName)
/** The expanded name.
* This is the fully qualified name of `base` with `ExpandPrefixName` as separator,
* followed by `kind` and the name.
def expandedName(base: Symbol, kind: QualifiedNameKind = ExpandedName)(implicit ctx: Context): N =
likeSpacedN { base.fullNameSeparated(ExpandPrefixName, kind, name) }
/** Revert the expanded name. */
def unexpandedName: N = likeSpacedN {
name.replace { case ExpandedName(_, unexp) => unexp }
/** Remove the variance from the name. */
def invariantName: N = likeSpacedN {
name.replace { case VariantName(invariant, _) => invariant }
def errorName: N = likeSpacedN(name ++ nme.ERROR)
/** Map variance value -1, +1 to 0, 1 */
private def varianceToNat(v: Int) = (v + 1) / 2
/** Map 0, 1 to variance value -1, +1 */
private def natToVariance(n: Int) = n * 2 - 1
/** Name with variance prefix: `+` for covariant, `-` for contravariant */
def withVariance(v: Int): N = {
val underlying = name.exclude(VariantName)
if (v == 0) underlying
else VariantName(underlying.toTermName, varianceToNat(v)))
/** The variance as implied by the variance prefix, or 0 if there is
* no variance prefix.
def variance: Int = name.collect { case VariantName(_, n) => natToVariance(n) }.getOrElse(0)
def freshened(implicit ctx: Context): N = likeSpacedN {
name.toTermName match {
case ModuleClassName(original) => ModuleClassName(original.freshened)
case name => UniqueName.fresh(name)
def functionArity: Int =
functionArityFor(str.Function) max
functionArityFor(str.ImplicitFunction) max {
val n =
functionArityFor(str.ErasedFunction) max
if (n == 0) -1 else n
/** Is a function name, i.e one of FunctionXXL, FunctionN, ImplicitFunctionN for N >= 0 or ErasedFunctionN, ErasedImplicitFunctionN for N > 0
def isFunction: Boolean = (name eq tpnme.FunctionXXL) || functionArity >= 0
/** Is an implicit function name, i.e one of ImplicitFunctionN for N >= 0 or ErasedImplicitFunctionN for N > 0
def isImplicitFunction: Boolean = {
functionArityFor(str.ImplicitFunction) >= 0 ||
functionArityFor(str.ErasedImplicitFunction) > 0
/** Is an erased function name, i.e. one of ErasedFunctionN, ErasedImplicitFunctionN for N > 0
def isErasedFunction: Boolean = {
functionArityFor(str.ErasedFunction) > 0 ||
functionArityFor(str.ErasedImplicitFunction) > 0
/** Is a synthetic function name, i.e. one of
* - FunctionN for N > 22
* - ImplicitFunctionN for N >= 0
* - ErasedFunctionN for N > 0
* - ErasedImplicitFunctionN for N > 0
def isSyntheticFunction: Boolean = {
functionArityFor(str.Function) > MaxImplementedFunctionArity ||
functionArityFor(str.ImplicitFunction) >= 0 ||
/** Parsed function arity for function with some specific prefix */
private def functionArityFor(prefix: String): Int = {
if (name.startsWith(prefix)) {
val suffix = name.toString.substring(prefix.length)
if (suffix.matches("\\d+"))
} else -1
/** The name of the generic runtime operation corresponding to an array operation */
def genericArrayOp: TermName = name match {
case nme.apply => nme.array_apply
case nme.length => nme.array_length
case nme.update => nme.array_update
case nme.clone_ => nme.array_clone
/** The name of the primitive runtime operation corresponding to an array operation */
def primitiveArrayOp: TermName = name match {
case nme.apply => nme.primitive.arrayApply
case nme.length => nme.primitive.arrayLength
case nme.update => nme.primitive.arrayUpdate
case nme.clone_ => nme.clone_
def specializedFor(classTargs: List[Type], classTargsNames: List[Name], methodTargs: List[Type], methodTarsNames: List[Name])(implicit ctx: Context): N = {
val methodTags: Seq[Name] = (methodTargs zip methodTarsNames).sortBy(_._2).map(x => defn.typeTag(x._1))
val classTags: Seq[Name] = (classTargs zip classTargsNames).sortBy(_._2).map(x => defn.typeTag(x._1))
likeSpacedN(name ++ nme.specializedTypeNames.prefix ++
methodTags.fold(nme.EMPTY)(_ ++ _) ++ nme.specializedTypeNames.separator ++
classTags.fold(nme.EMPTY)(_ ++ _) ++ nme.specializedTypeNames.suffix)
/** If name length exceeds allowable limit, replace part of it by hash */
def compactified(implicit ctx: Context): TermName = termName(compactify(name.toString))
def unmangleClassName: N = name.toTermName match {
case name: SimpleName
if name.endsWith(str.MODULE_SUFFIX) && !nme.falseModuleClassNames.contains(name) =>
case _ => name
def unmangle(kind: NameKind): N = likeSpacedN {
name replace {
case unmangled: SimpleName =>
case ExpandedName(prefix, last) =>
kind.unmangle(last) replace {
case kernel: SimpleName =>
ExpandedName(prefix, kernel)
def unmangle(kinds: List[NameKind]): N = {
val unmangled = (name /: kinds)(_.unmangle(_))
if (unmangled eq name) name else unmangled.unmangle(kinds)
implicit class TermNameDecorator(private val name: TermName) extends AnyVal {
import nme._
def setterName: TermName = name.exclude(FieldName) ++ str.SETTER_SUFFIX
def getterName: TermName =
name.exclude(FieldName).mapLast(n =>
if (n.endsWith(str.SETTER_SUFFIX)) n.take(n.length - str.SETTER_SUFFIX.length).asSimpleName
else n)
def fieldName: TermName =
if (name.isSetterName) {
if ( {
val TraitSetterName(_, original) = name
else getterName.fieldName
else FieldName(name)
def stripScala2LocalSuffix: TermName =
if (name.isScala2LocalSuffix) name.asSimpleName.dropRight(1) else name
/** The name unary_x for a prefix operator x */
def toUnaryName: TermName = name match {
case raw.MINUS => UNARY_-
case raw.PLUS => UNARY_+
case raw.TILDE => UNARY_~
case raw.BANG => UNARY_!
case _ => name
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