Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dotc
package core
import Periods._
import Names._
import Scopes._
import Flags._
import Decorators._
import Symbols._
import Contexts._
import SymDenotations._
import printing.Texts._
import printing.Printer
import Types._
import util.Spans._
import DenotTransformers._
import StdNames._
import NameOps._
import NameKinds.LazyImplicitName
import ast.tpd
import tpd.{Tree, TreeProvider, TreeOps}
import ast.TreeTypeMap
import Constants.Constant
import reporting.diagnostic.Message
import collection.mutable
import io.AbstractFile
import language.implicitConversions
import util.{SourceFile, NoSource, Property, SourcePosition}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.annotation.internal.sharable
import config.Printers.typr
/** Creation methods for symbols */
trait Symbols { this: Context =>
// ---- Factory methods for symbol creation ----------------------
// All symbol creations should be done via the next two methods.
/** Create a symbol without a denotation.
* Note this uses a cast instead of a direct type refinement because
* it's debug-friendlier not to create an anonymous class here.
def newNakedSymbol[N <: Name](coord: Coord = NoCoord)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol { type ThisName = N } =
new Symbol(coord, ctx.nextSymId).asInstanceOf[Symbol { type ThisName = N }]
/** Create a class symbol without a denotation. */
def newNakedClassSymbol(coord: Coord = NoCoord, assocFile: AbstractFile = null)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassSymbol =
new ClassSymbol(coord, assocFile, ctx.nextSymId)
// ---- Symbol creation methods ----------------------------------
/** Create a symbol from its fields (info may be lazy) */
def newSymbol[N <: Name](
owner: Symbol,
name: N,
flags: FlagSet,
info: Type,
privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
coord: Coord = NoCoord): Symbol { type ThisName = N } = {
val sym = newNakedSymbol[N](coord)
val denot = SymDenotation(sym, owner, name, flags, info, privateWithin)
sym.denot = denot
/** Create a class symbol from a function producing its denotation */
def newClassSymbolDenoting(denotFn: ClassSymbol => SymDenotation, coord: Coord = NoCoord, assocFile: AbstractFile = null): ClassSymbol = {
val cls = newNakedClassSymbol(coord, assocFile)
cls.denot = denotFn(cls)
/** Create a class symbol from its non-info fields and a function
* producing its info (the produced info may be lazy).
def newClassSymbol(
owner: Symbol,
name: TypeName,
flags: FlagSet,
infoFn: ClassSymbol => Type,
privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
coord: Coord = NoCoord,
assocFile: AbstractFile = null): ClassSymbol
= {
val cls = newNakedClassSymbol(coord, assocFile)
val denot = SymDenotation(cls, owner, name, flags, infoFn(cls), privateWithin)
cls.denot = denot
/** Create a class symbol from its non-info fields and the fields of its info. */
def newCompleteClassSymbol(
owner: Symbol,
name: TypeName,
flags: FlagSet,
parents: List[TypeRef],
decls: Scope = newScope,
selfInfo: Type = NoType,
privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
coord: Coord = NoCoord,
assocFile: AbstractFile = null): ClassSymbol =
owner, name, flags,
ClassInfo(owner.thisType, _, parents, decls, selfInfo),
privateWithin, coord, assocFile)
/** Same as `newCompleteClassSymbol` except that `parents` can be a list of arbitrary
* types which get normalized into type refs and parameter bindings.
def newNormalizedClassSymbol(
owner: Symbol,
name: TypeName,
flags: FlagSet,
parentTypes: List[Type],
decls: Scope = newScope,
selfInfo: Type = NoType,
privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
coord: Coord = NoCoord,
assocFile: AbstractFile = null): ClassSymbol = {
def completer = new LazyType {
def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
val cls = denot.asClass.classSymbol
val decls = newScope = ClassInfo(owner.thisType, cls,, decls)
newClassSymbol(owner, name, flags, completer, privateWithin, coord, assocFile)
def newRefinedClassSymbol(coord: Coord = NoCoord): ClassSymbol =
newCompleteClassSymbol(ctx.owner, tpnme.REFINE_CLASS, NonMember, parents = Nil, coord = coord)
/** Create a module symbol with associated module class
* from its non-info fields and a function producing the info
* of the module class (this info may be lazy).
def newModuleSymbol(
owner: Symbol,
name: TermName,
modFlags: FlagSet,
clsFlags: FlagSet,
infoFn: (TermSymbol, ClassSymbol) => Type, // typically a ModuleClassCompleterWithDecls
privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
coord: Coord = NoCoord,
assocFile: AbstractFile = null): TermSymbol
= {
val base = owner.thisType
val module = newNakedSymbol[TermName](coord)
val modcls = newNakedClassSymbol(coord, assocFile)
val modclsFlags = clsFlags | ModuleClassCreationFlags
val modclsName = name.toTypeName.adjustIfModuleClass(modclsFlags)
val cdenot = SymDenotation(
modcls, owner, modclsName, modclsFlags,
infoFn(module, modcls), privateWithin)
val mdenot = SymDenotation(
module, owner, name, modFlags | ModuleValCreationFlags,
if (cdenot.isCompleted) TypeRef(owner.thisType, modcls)
else new ModuleCompleter(modcls))
module.denot = mdenot
modcls.denot = cdenot
/** Create a module symbol with associated module class
* from its non-info fields and the fields of the module class info.
* @param flags The combined flags of the module and the module class
* These are masked with RetainedModuleValFlags/RetainedModuleClassFlags.
def newCompleteModuleSymbol(
owner: Symbol,
name: TermName,
modFlags: FlagSet,
clsFlags: FlagSet,
parents: List[TypeRef],
decls: Scope,
privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
coord: Coord = NoCoord,
assocFile: AbstractFile = null): TermSymbol =
owner, name, modFlags, clsFlags,
(module, modcls) => ClassInfo(
owner.thisType, modcls, parents, decls, TermRef(owner.thisType, module)),
privateWithin, coord, assocFile)
val companionMethodFlags: FlagSet = Flags.Synthetic | Flags.Private | Flags.Method
/** Create a package symbol with associated package class
* from its non-info fields and a lazy type for loading the package's members.
def newPackageSymbol(
owner: Symbol,
name: TermName,
infoFn: (TermSymbol, ClassSymbol) => LazyType): TermSymbol =
newModuleSymbol(owner, name, PackageCreationFlags, PackageCreationFlags, infoFn)
/** Create a package symbol with associated package class
* from its non-info fields its member scope.
def newCompletePackageSymbol(
owner: Symbol,
name: TermName,
modFlags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags,
clsFlags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags,
decls: Scope = newScope): TermSymbol =
owner, name,
modFlags | PackageCreationFlags, clsFlags | PackageCreationFlags,
Nil, decls)
/** Define a new symbol associated with a Bind or pattern wildcard and, by default, make it gadt narrowable. */
def newPatternBoundSymbol(name: Name, info: Type, span: Span, addToGadt: Boolean = true, flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags): Symbol = {
val sym = newSymbol(owner, name, Case | flags, info, coord = span)
if (addToGadt && name.isTypeName) gadt.addToConstraint(sym)
/** Create a stub symbol that will issue a missing reference error
* when attempted to be completed.
def newStubSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, file: AbstractFile = null): Symbol = {
def stubCompleter = new StubInfo()
val normalizedOwner = if ( owner.moduleClass else owner
typr.println(s"creating stub for ${}, owner = ${normalizedOwner.denot.debugString}, file = $file")
typr.println(s"decls = ${"\n ")}") // !!! DEBUG
//if (base.settings.debug.value) throw new Error()
val stub = name match {
case name: TermName =>
newModuleSymbol(normalizedOwner, name, EmptyFlags, EmptyFlags, stubCompleter, assocFile = file)
case name: TypeName =>
newClassSymbol(normalizedOwner, name, EmptyFlags, stubCompleter, assocFile = file)
/** Create the local template dummy of given class `cls`.
* In a template
* trait T { val fld: Int; { val x: int = 2 }; val fld2 = { val y = 2; y }}
* the owner of `x` is the local dummy of the template. The owner of the local
* dummy is then the class of the template itself. By contrast, the owner of `y`
* would be `fld2`. There is a single local dummy per template.
def newLocalDummy(cls: Symbol, coord: Coord = NoCoord): TermSymbol =
newSymbol(cls, nme.localDummyName(cls), NonMember, NoType)
/** Create an import symbol pointing back to given qualifier `expr`. */
def newImportSymbol(owner: Symbol, expr: Tree, coord: Coord = NoCoord): TermSymbol =
newImportSymbol(owner, ImportType(expr), coord = coord)
/** Create an import symbol with given `info`. */
def newImportSymbol(owner: Symbol, info: Type, coord: Coord): TermSymbol =
newSymbol(owner, nme.IMPORT, Synthetic | NonMember, info, coord = coord)
/** Create a class constructor symbol for given class `cls`. */
def newConstructor(cls: ClassSymbol, flags: FlagSet, paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type], privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol, coord: Coord = NoCoord): TermSymbol =
newSymbol(cls, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, flags | Method, MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes, cls.typeRef), privateWithin, coord)
/** Create an empty default constructor symbol for given class `cls`. */
def newDefaultConstructor(cls: ClassSymbol): TermSymbol =
newConstructor(cls, EmptyFlags, Nil, Nil)
def newLazyImplicit(info: Type, coord: Coord = NoCoord): TermSymbol =
newSymbol(owner, LazyImplicitName.fresh(), EmptyFlags, info, coord = coord)
/** Create a symbol representing a selftype declaration for class `cls`. */
def newSelfSym(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName = nme.WILDCARD, selfInfo: Type = NoType): TermSymbol =
ctx.newSymbol(cls, name, SelfSymFlags, selfInfo orElse cls.classInfo.selfType, coord = cls.coord)
/** Create new type parameters with given owner, names, and flags.
* @param boundsFn A function that, given type refs to the newly created
* parameters returns a list of their bounds.
def newTypeParams(
owner: Symbol,
names: List[TypeName],
flags: FlagSet,
boundsFn: List[TypeRef] => List[Type]): List[TypeSymbol] = {
val tparamBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[TypeSymbol]
val trefBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[TypeRef]
for (name <- names) {
val tparam = newNakedSymbol[TypeName](owner.coord)
tparamBuf += tparam
trefBuf += TypeRef(owner.thisType, tparam)
val tparams = tparamBuf.toList
val bounds = boundsFn(trefBuf.toList)
for ((name, tparam, bound) <- (names, tparams, bounds).zipped)
tparam.denot = SymDenotation(tparam, owner, name, flags | owner.typeParamCreationFlags, bound)
/** Create a new skolem symbol. This is not the same as SkolemType, even though the
* motivation (create a singleton referencing to a type) is similar.
def newSkolem(tp: Type): TermSymbol = newSymbol(defn.RootClass, nme.SKOLEM, SyntheticArtifact | NonMember | Permanent, tp)
def newErrorSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, msg: => Message): Symbol = {
val errType = ErrorType(msg)
newSymbol(owner, name, SyntheticArtifact,
if (name.isTypeName) TypeAlias(errType) else errType)
/** Map given symbols, subjecting their attributes to the mappings
* defined in the given TreeTypeMap `ttmap`.
* Cross symbol references are brought over from originals to copies.
* Do not copy any symbols if all attributes of all symbols stay the same.
def mapSymbols(originals: List[Symbol], ttmap: TreeTypeMap, mapAlways: Boolean = false): List[Symbol] =
if (originals.forall(sym =>
(ttmap.mapType( eq &&
!(ttmap.oldOwners contains sym.owner)) && !mapAlways)
else {
val copies: List[Symbol] = for (original <- originals) yield
original match {
case original: ClassSymbol =>
newNakedClassSymbol(original.coord, original.assocFile)
case _ =>
val ttmap1 = ttmap.withSubstitution(originals, copies)
(originals, copies).zipped foreach { (original, copy) =>
val odenot = original.denot
val oinfo = match {
case ClassInfo(pre, _, parents, decls, selfInfo) =>
ClassInfo(pre, copy.asClass, parents, decls.cloneScope, selfInfo)
case oinfo => oinfo
val completer = new LazyType {
def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { = oinfo // needed as otherwise we won't be able to go from Sym -> parents & etc
// Note that this is a hack, but hack commonly used in Dotty
// The same thing is done by other completers all the time = ttmap1.mapType(oinfo)
denot.annotations = odenot.annotations.mapConserve(ttmap1.apply)
copy.denot = odenot.copySymDenotation(
symbol = copy,
owner = ttmap1.mapOwner(odenot.owner),
initFlags = odenot.flags &~ Touched,
info = completer,
privateWithin = ttmap1.mapOwner(odenot.privateWithin), // since this refers to outer symbols, need not include copies (from->to) in ownermap here.
annotations = odenot.annotations)
copies.foreach(_.ensureCompleted()) // avoid memory leak
// ----- Locating predefined symbols ----------------------------------------
def requiredPackage(path: PreName): TermSymbol = {
val name = path.toTermName
base.staticRef(name, isPackage = true).requiredSymbol("package", name)(
def requiredPackageRef(path: PreName): TermRef = requiredPackage(path).termRef
def requiredClass(path: PreName): ClassSymbol = {
val name = path.toTypeName
base.staticRef(name).requiredSymbol("class", name)(_.isClass) match {
case cls: ClassSymbol => cls
case sym => defn.AnyClass
def requiredClassRef(path: PreName): TypeRef = requiredClass(path).typeRef
/** Get ClassSymbol if class is either defined in current compilation run
* or present on classpath.
* Returns NoSymbol otherwise. */
def getClassIfDefined(path: PreName): Symbol = {
val name = path.toTypeName
base.staticRef(name, generateStubs = false)
.requiredSymbol("class", name, generateStubs = false)(_.isClass)
/** Get ClassSymbol if package is either defined in current compilation run
* or present on classpath.
* Returns NoSymbol otherwise. */
def getPackageClassIfDefined(path: PreName): Symbol = {
val name = path.toTypeName
base.staticRef(name, isPackage = true, generateStubs = false)
.requiredSymbol("package", name, generateStubs = false)(_ is PackageClass)
def requiredModule(path: PreName): TermSymbol = {
val name = path.toTermName
base.staticRef(name).requiredSymbol("object", name)(
def requiredModuleRef(path: PreName): TermRef = requiredModule(path).termRef
def requiredMethod(path: PreName): TermSymbol = {
val name = path.toTermName
base.staticRef(name).requiredSymbol("method", name)(
def requiredMethodRef(path: PreName): TermRef = requiredMethod(path).termRef
object Symbols {
implicit def eqSymbol: Eql[Symbol, Symbol] = Eql.derived
/** Tree attachment containing the identifiers in a tree as a sorted array */
val Ids: Property.Key[Array[String]] = new Property.Key
/** A Symbol represents a Scala definition/declaration or a package.
* @param coord The coordinates of the symbol (a position or an index)
* @param id A unique identifier of the symbol (unique per ContextBase)
class Symbol private[Symbols] (private[this] var myCoord: Coord, val id: Int)
extends Designator with ParamInfo with printing.Showable {
type ThisName <: Name
//assert(id != 723)
def coord: Coord = myCoord
/** Set the coordinate of this class, this is only useful when the coordinate is
* not known at symbol creation. This is the case for root symbols
* unpickled from TASTY.
* @pre coord == NoCoord
private[core] def coord_=(c: Coord): Unit = {
assert(myCoord == NoCoord)
myCoord = c
private[this] var myDefTree: Tree = null
/** The tree defining the symbol at pickler time, EmptyTree if none was retained */
def defTree: Tree =
if (myDefTree == null) tpd.EmptyTree else myDefTree
/** Set defining tree if this symbol retains its definition tree */
def defTree_=(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
if (retainsDefTree) myDefTree = tree
/** Does this symbol retain its definition tree?
* A good policy for this needs to balance costs and benefits, where
* costs are mainly memoty leaks, in particular across runs.
def retainsDefTree(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
ctx.settings.YretainTrees.value ||
denot.owner.isTerm || // no risk of leaking memory after a run for these
denot.isOneOf(InlineOrProxy) // need to keep inline info
/** The last denotation of this symbol */
private[this] var lastDenot: SymDenotation = _
private[this] var checkedPeriod: Period = Nowhere
private[core] def invalidateDenotCache(): Unit = { checkedPeriod = Nowhere }
/** Set the denotation of this symbol */
private[core] def denot_=(d: SymDenotation): Unit = {
lastDenot = d
checkedPeriod = Nowhere
/** The current denotation of this symbol */
final def denot(implicit ctx: Context): SymDenotation = {
val lastd = lastDenot
if (checkedPeriod == ctx.period) lastd
else computeDenot(lastd)
private def computeDenot(lastd: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): SymDenotation = {
val now = ctx.period
checkedPeriod = now
if (lastd.validFor contains now) lastd else recomputeDenot(lastd)
/** Overridden in NoSymbol */
protected def recomputeDenot(lastd: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): SymDenotation = {
val newd = lastd.current.asInstanceOf[SymDenotation]
lastDenot = newd
/** The original denotation of this symbol, without forcing anything */
final def originDenotation: SymDenotation =
/** The last known denotation of this symbol, without going through `current` */
final def lastKnownDenotation: SymDenotation =
private[core] def defRunId: RunId =
if (lastDenot == null) NoRunId else lastDenot.validFor.runId
/** Does this symbol come from a currently compiled source file? */
final def isDefinedInCurrentRun(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
span.exists && defRunId == ctx.runId && {
val file = associatedFile
file != null &&
/** Is symbol valid in current run? */
final def isValidInCurrentRun(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
(lastDenot.validFor.runId == ctx.runId || ctx.stillValid(lastDenot)) &&
(lastDenot.symbol eq this)
// the last condition is needed because under ctx.staleOK overwritten
// members keep denotations pointing to the new symbol, so the validity
// periods check out OK. But once a package member is overridden it is not longer
// valid. If the option would be removed, the check would be no longer needed.
final def isTerm(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
(if (defRunId == ctx.runId) lastDenot else denot).isTerm
final def isType(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
(if (defRunId == ctx.runId) lastDenot else denot).isType
final def asTerm(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = {
assert(isTerm, s"asTerm called on not-a-Term $this" );
final def asType(implicit ctx: Context): TypeSymbol = {
assert(isType, s"isType called on not-a-Type $this");
final def isClass: Boolean = isInstanceOf[ClassSymbol]
final def asClass: ClassSymbol = asInstanceOf[ClassSymbol]
/** Test whether symbol is private. This
* conservatively returns `false` if symbol does not yet have a denotation, or denotation
* is a class that is not yet read.
final def isPrivate(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
val d = lastDenot
d != null &&
/** The symbol's signature if it is completed or a method, NotAMethod otherwise. */
final def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature =
if (lastDenot != null && (lastDenot.isCompleted ||
/** Special cased here, because it may be used on naked symbols in substituters */
final def isStatic(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
lastDenot != null && lastDenot.initial.isStatic
/** This symbol entered into owner's scope (owner must be a class). */
final def entered(implicit ctx: Context): this.type = {
assert(this.owner.isClass, s"symbol ($this) entered the scope of non-class owner ${this.owner}") // !!! DEBUG
if ( this.owner.asClass.enter(this.moduleClass)
/** Enter this symbol in its class owner after given `phase`. Create a fresh
* denotation for its owner class if the class has not yet already one
* that starts being valid after `phase`.
* @pre Symbol is a class member
def enteredAfter(phase: DenotTransformer)(implicit ctx: Context): this.type =
if (ctx.phaseId != enteredAfter(phase)(ctx.withPhase(
else {
if ( {
denot.validFor |= InitialPeriod
if ( this.moduleClass.validFor |= InitialPeriod
else this.owner.asClass.ensureFreshScopeAfter(phase)
assert(isPrivate || phase.changesMembers, i"$this entered in ${this.owner} at undeclared phase $phase")
/** Remove symbol from scope of owning class */
final def drop()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
if ( this.owner.asClass.delete(this.moduleClass)
/** Remove symbol from scope of owning class after given `phase`. Create a fresh
* denotation for its owner class if the class has not yet already one that starts being valid after `phase`.
* @pre Symbol is a class member
def dropAfter(phase: DenotTransformer)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
if (ctx.phaseId != dropAfter(phase)(ctx.withPhase(
else {
assert (!
assert(isPrivate || phase.changesMembers, i"$this deleted in ${this.owner} at undeclared phase $phase")
/** This symbol, if it exists, otherwise the result of evaluating `that` */
def orElse(that: => Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol =
if (this.exists) this else that
/** If this symbol satisfies predicate `p` this symbol, otherwise `NoSymbol` */
def filter(p: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol = if (p(this)) this else NoSymbol
/** The current name of this symbol */
final def name(implicit ctx: Context): ThisName =[ThisName]
/** The source or class file from which this class or
* the class containing this symbol was generated, null if not applicable.
* Overridden in ClassSymbol
def associatedFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile =
if (lastDenot == null) null else lastDenot.topLevelClass.associatedFile
/** The class file from which this class was generated, null if not applicable. */
final def binaryFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile = {
val file = associatedFile
if (file != null && file.extension == "class") file else null
/** A trap to avoid calling x.symbol on something that is already a symbol.
* This would be expanded to `toDenot(x).symbol` which is guaraneteed to be
* the same as `x`.
* With the given setup, all such calls will give implicit-not found errors
final def symbol(implicit ev: DontUseSymbolOnSymbol): Nothing = unsupported("symbol")
type DontUseSymbolOnSymbol
final def source(implicit ctx: Context): SourceFile = {
def valid(src: SourceFile): SourceFile =
if (src.exists && src.file.extension != "class") src
else NoSource
if (!denot.exists) NoSource
valid(defTree.source) match {
case NoSource =>
valid(denot.owner.source) match {
case NoSource =>
this match {
case cls: ClassSymbol => valid(cls.sourceOfClass)
case _ if => valid(denot.moduleClass.source)
case _ => NoSource
case src => src
case src => src
/** A symbol related to `sym` that is defined in source code.
* @see enclosingSourceSymbols
@annotation.tailrec final def sourceSymbol(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol =
if (!denot.exists)
else if (
this.moduleClass.sourceSymbol // The module val always has a zero-extent position
else if ( {
val linked = denot.linkedClass
if (linked.exists && !
else if (denot.isPrimaryConstructor)
else this
/** The position of this symbol, or NoSpan if the symbol was not loaded
* from source or from TASTY. This is always a zero-extent position.
final def span: Span = if (coord.isSpan) coord.toSpan else NoSpan
final def sourcePos(implicit ctx: Context): SourcePosition = {
val src = source
(if (src.exists) src else ctx.source).atSpan(span)
// ParamInfo types and methods
def isTypeParam(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
def paramName(implicit ctx: Context): ThisName = name.asInstanceOf[ThisName]
def paramInfo(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
def paramInfoAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = pre.memberInfo(this)
def paramInfoOrCompleter(implicit ctx: Context): Type = denot.infoOrCompleter
def paramVariance(implicit ctx: Context): Int = denot.variance
def paramRef(implicit ctx: Context): TypeRef = denot.typeRef
// -------- Printing --------------------------------------------------------
/** The prefix string to be used when displaying this symbol without denotation */
protected def prefixString: String = "Symbol"
override def toString: String =
if (lastDenot == null) s"Naked$prefixString#$id"
else lastDenot.toString// + "#" + id // !!! DEBUG
def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.toText(this)
def showLocated(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.printer.locatedText(this).show
def showExtendedLocation(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.printer.extendedLocationText(this).show
def showDcl(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.printer.dclText(this).show
def showKind(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.printer.kindString(this)
def showName(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.printer.nameString(this)
def showFullName(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.printer.fullNameString(this)
override def hashCode(): Int = id // for debugging.
type TermSymbol = Symbol { type ThisName = TermName }
type TypeSymbol = Symbol { type ThisName = TypeName }
class ClassSymbol private[Symbols] (coord: Coord, val assocFile: AbstractFile, id: Int)
extends Symbol(coord, id) {
type ThisName = TypeName
type TreeOrProvider = tpd.TreeProvider | tpd.Tree
private[this] var myTree: TreeOrProvider = tpd.EmptyTree
/** If this is a top-level class and `-Yretain-trees` (or `-from-tasty`) is set.
* Returns the TypeDef tree (possibly wrapped inside PackageDefs) for this class, otherwise EmptyTree.
* This will force the info of the class.
def rootTree(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = rootTreeContaining("")
/** Same as `tree` but load tree only if `id == ""` or the tree might contain `id`.
* For Tasty trees this means consulting whether the name table defines `id`.
* For already loaded trees, we maintain the referenced ids in an attachment.
def rootTreeContaining(id: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
denot.infoOrCompleter match {
case _: NoCompleter =>
case _ => denot.ensureCompleted()
myTree match {
case fn: TreeProvider =>
if (id.isEmpty || fn.mightContain(id)) {
val tree = fn.tree
myTree = tree
else tpd.EmptyTree
case tree: Tree @ unchecked =>
if (id.isEmpty || mightContain(tree, id)) tree else tpd.EmptyTree
def rootTreeOrProvider: TreeOrProvider = myTree
private[dotc] def rootTreeOrProvider_=(t: TreeOrProvider)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
myTree = t
private def mightContain(tree: Tree, id: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
val ids = tree.getAttachment(Ids) match {
case Some(ids) => ids
case None =>
val idSet = mutable.SortedSet[String]()
tree.foreachSubTree {
case tree: tpd.NameTree if[SimpleName] =>
idSet +=
case _ =>
val ids = idSet.toArray
tree.putAttachment(Ids, ids)
ids.binarySearch(id) >= 0
/** The source or class file from which this class was generated, null if not applicable. */
override def associatedFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile =
if (assocFile != null || || this.isEffectiveRoot) assocFile
else super.associatedFile
private[this] var mySource: SourceFile = NoSource
final def sourceOfClass(implicit ctx: Context): SourceFile = {
if (!mySource.exists && !
// this allows sources to be added in annotations after `sourceOfClass` is first called
mySource = {
val file = associatedFile
if (file != null && file.extension != "class") ctx.getSource(file)
else {
def sourceFromTopLevel(implicit ctx: Context) =
denot.topLevelClass.unforcedAnnotation(defn.SourceFileAnnot) match {
case Some(sourceAnnot) => sourceAnnot.argumentConstant(0) match {
case Some(Constant(path: String)) => ctx.getSource(path)
case none => NoSource
case none => NoSource
}//.reporting(i"source of $this # $id in ${denot.owner} = $result")
final def classDenot(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDenotation =
override protected def prefixString: String = "ClassSymbol"
@sharable object NoSymbol extends Symbol(NoCoord, 0) {
override def associatedFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile = NoSource.file
override def recomputeDenot(lastd: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): SymDenotation = NoDenotation
NoDenotation // force it in order to set `denot` field of NoSymbol
implicit class Copier[N <: Name](sym: Symbol { type ThisName = N })(implicit ctx: Context) {
/** Copy a symbol, overriding selective fields.
* Note that `coord` and `associatedFile` will be set from the fields in `owner`, not
* the fields in `sym`.
def copy(
owner: Symbol = sym.owner,
name: N =,
flags: FlagSet = sym.flags,
info: Type =,
privateWithin: Symbol = sym.privateWithin,
coord: Coord = NoCoord, // Can be `= owner.coord` once we boostrap
associatedFile: AbstractFile = null // Can be `= owner.associatedFile` once we boostrap
): Symbol = {
val coord1 = if (coord == NoCoord) owner.coord else coord
val associatedFile1 = if (associatedFile == null) owner.associatedFile else associatedFile
if (sym.isClass)
ctx.newClassSymbol(owner, name.asTypeName, flags, _ => info, privateWithin, coord1, associatedFile1)
ctx.newSymbol(owner, name, flags, info, privateWithin, coord1)
/** Makes all denotation operations available on symbols */
implicit def toDenot(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): SymDenotation = sym.denot
/** Makes all class denotation operations available on class symbols */
implicit def toClassDenot(cls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDenotation = cls.classDenot
/** The Definitions object */
def defn(implicit ctx: Context): Definitions = ctx.definitions
/** The current class */
def currentClass(implicit ctx: Context): ClassSymbol = ctx.owner.enclosingClass.asClass
/* Mutable map from symbols any T */
class MutableSymbolMap[T](private[Symbols] val value: java.util.IdentityHashMap[Symbol, T]) extends AnyVal {
def apply(sym: Symbol): T = value.get(sym)
def get(sym: Symbol): Option[T] = Option(value.get(sym))
def getOrElse[U >: T](sym: Symbol, default: => U): U = {
val v = value.get(sym)
if (v != null) v else default
def getOrElseUpdate(sym: Symbol, op: => T): T = {
val v = value.get(sym)
if (v != null) v
else {
val v = op
assert(v != null)
value.put(sym, v)
def update(sym: Symbol, x: T): Unit = {
assert(x != null)
value.put(sym, x)
def put(sym: Symbol, x: T): T = {
assert(x != null)
value.put(sym, x)
def -=(sym: Symbol): Unit = value.remove(sym)
def remove(sym: Symbol): Option[T] = Option(value.remove(sym))
def contains(sym: Symbol): Boolean = value.containsKey(sym)
def isEmpty: Boolean = value.isEmpty
def clear(): Unit = value.clear()
def filter(p: ((Symbol, T)) => Boolean): Map[Symbol, T] =
def iterator: Iterator[(Symbol, T)] = value.asScala.iterator
def keysIterator: Iterator[Symbol] = value.keySet().asScala.iterator
def toMap: Map[Symbol, T] = value.asScala.toMap
override def toString: String = value.asScala.toString()
@forceInline def newMutableSymbolMap[T]: MutableSymbolMap[T] =
new MutableSymbolMap(new java.util.IdentityHashMap[Symbol, T]())
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