Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dotc
package parsing
import scala.annotation.internal.sharable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet
import util.{ SourceFile, SourcePosition, NoSourcePosition }
import Tokens._
import Scanners._
import xml.MarkupParsers.MarkupParser
import core._
import Flags._
import Contexts._
import Names._
import NameKinds.WildcardParamName
import ast.{Positioned, Trees}
import ast.Trees._
import StdNames._
import util.Spans._
import Constants._
import Symbols.defn
import ScriptParsers._
import Decorators._
import scala.tasty.util.Chars.isIdentifierStart
import scala.annotation.{tailrec, switch}
import rewrites.Rewrites.patch
object Parsers {
import ast.untpd._
import reporting.diagnostic.Message
import reporting.diagnostic.messages._
case class OpInfo(operand: Tree, operator: Ident, offset: Offset)
class ParensCounters {
private[this] var parCounts = new Array[Int](lastParen - firstParen)
def count(tok: Token): Int = parCounts(tok - firstParen)
def change(tok: Token, delta: Int): Unit = parCounts(tok - firstParen) += delta
def nonePositive: Boolean = parCounts forall (_ <= 0)
@sharable object Location extends Enumeration {
val InParens, InBlock, InPattern, ElseWhere: Value = Value
@sharable object ParamOwner extends Enumeration {
val Class, Type, TypeParam, Def: Value = Value
type StageKind = Int
object StageKind {
val None = 0
val Quoted = 1
val Spliced = 2
private implicit class AddDeco(val buf: ListBuffer[Tree]) extends AnyVal {
def +++=(x: Tree) = x match {
case x: Thicket => buf ++= x.trees
case x => buf += x
/** The parse starting point depends on whether the source file is self-contained:
* if not, the AST will be supplemented.
def parser(source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context): Parser =
if (source.isSelfContained) new ScriptParser(source)
else new Parser(source)
abstract class ParserCommon(val source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) {
val in: ScannerCommon
/* ------------- POSITIONS ------------------------------------------- */
/** Positions tree.
* If `t` does not have a span yet, set its span to the given one.
def atSpan[T <: Positioned](span: Span)(t: T): T =
if (t.span.isSourceDerived) t else t.withSpan(span.union(t.span))
def atSpan[T <: Positioned](start: Offset, point: Offset, end: Offset)(t: T): T =
atSpan(Span(start, end, point))(t)
/** If the last read offset is strictly greater than `start`, assign tree
* the span from `start` to last read offset, with given point.
* If the last offset is less than or equal to start, the tree `t` did not
* consume any source for its construction. In this case, don't assign a span yet,
* but wait for its span to be determined by `setChildSpans` when the
* parent node is positioned.
def atSpan[T <: Positioned](start: Offset, point: Offset)(t: T): T =
if (in.lastOffset > start) atSpan(start, point, in.lastOffset)(t) else t
def atSpan[T <: Positioned](start: Offset)(t: T): T =
atSpan(start, start)(t)
def startOffset(t: Positioned): Int =
if (t.span.exists) t.span.start else in.offset
def pointOffset(t: Positioned): Int =
if (t.span.exists) t.span.point else in.offset
def endOffset(t: Positioned): Int =
if (t.span.exists) t.span.end else in.lastOffset
def nameStart: Offset =
if (in.token == BACKQUOTED_IDENT) in.offset + 1 else in.offset
def sourcePos(off: Int = in.offset): SourcePosition =
/** in.offset, except if this is at a new line, in which case `lastOffset` is preferred. */
def expectedOffset: Int = {
val current = sourcePos(in.offset)
val last = sourcePos(in.lastOffset)
if (current.line != last.line) in.lastOffset else in.offset
/* ------------- ERROR HANDLING ------------------------------------------- */
/** The offset where the last syntax error was reported, or if a skip to a
* safepoint occurred afterwards, the offset of the safe point.
protected var lastErrorOffset : Int = -1
/** Issue an error at given offset if beyond last error offset
* and update lastErrorOffset.
def syntaxError(msg: => Message, offset: Int = in.offset): Unit =
if (offset > lastErrorOffset) {
val length = if (offset == in.offset && != null) else 0
syntaxError(msg, Span(offset, offset + length))
lastErrorOffset = in.offset
/** Unconditionally issue an error at given span, without
* updating lastErrorOffset.
def syntaxError(msg: => Message, span: Span): Unit =
ctx.error(msg, source.atSpan(span))
def unimplementedExpr(implicit ctx: Context): Select =
Select(Select(rootDot(nme.scala_), nme.Predef), nme.???)
trait OutlineParserCommon extends ParserCommon {
def accept(token: Int): Int
def skipBracesHook(): Option[Tree]
def skipBraces(): Unit = {
var openBraces = 1
while (in.token != EOF && openBraces > 0) {
skipBracesHook() getOrElse {
if (in.token == LBRACE) openBraces += 1
else if (in.token == RBRACE) openBraces -= 1
class Parser(source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ParserCommon(source) {
val in: Scanner = new Scanner(source)
val openParens: ParensCounters = new ParensCounters
/** This is the general parse entry point.
* Overridden by ScriptParser
def parse(): Tree = {
val t = compilationUnit()
/* -------------- TOKEN CLASSES ------------------------------------------- */
def isIdent: Boolean = in.token == IDENTIFIER || in.token == BACKQUOTED_IDENT
def isIdent(name: Name): Boolean = in.token == IDENTIFIER && == name
def isSimpleLiteral: Boolean = simpleLiteralTokens contains in.token
def isLiteral: Boolean = literalTokens contains in.token
def isNumericLit: Boolean = numericLitTokens contains in.token
def isTemplateIntro: Boolean = templateIntroTokens contains in.token
def isDclIntro: Boolean = dclIntroTokens contains in.token
def isStatSeqEnd: Boolean = in.token == RBRACE || in.token == EOF
def mustStartStat: Boolean = mustStartStatTokens contains in.token
/** Is current token a hard or soft modifier (in modifier position or not)? */
def isModifier: Boolean = modifierTokens.contains(in.token) || in.isSoftModifier
def isBindingIntro: Boolean = {
in.token match {
case USCORE | LPAREN => true
case _ => false
} && !in.isSoftModifierInModifierPosition
def isExprIntro: Boolean =
if (in.token == IMPLIED || in.token == GIVEN) in.lookaheadIn(BitSet(MATCH))
else (canStartExpressionTokens.contains(in.token) && !in.isSoftModifierInModifierPosition)
def isDefIntro(allowedMods: BitSet, excludedSoftModifiers: Set[TermName] = Set.empty): Boolean =
in.token == AT ||
(defIntroTokens `contains` in.token) ||
(allowedMods `contains` in.token) ||
in.isSoftModifierInModifierPosition && !excludedSoftModifiers.contains(
def isStatSep: Boolean =
in.token == NEWLINE || in.token == NEWLINES || in.token == SEMI
/** A '$' identifier is treated as a splice if followed by a `{`.
* A longer identifier starting with `$` is treated as a splice/id combination
* in a quoted block '{...'
def isSplice: Boolean =
in.token == IDENTIFIER && == '$' && {
if ( == 1) in.lookaheadIn(BitSet(LBRACE))
else (staged & StageKind.Quoted) != 0
/* ------------- ERROR HANDLING ------------------------------------------- */
/** The offset of the last time when a statement on a new line was definitely
* encountered in the current scope or an outer scope.
private[this] var lastStatOffset = -1
def setLastStatOffset(): Unit =
if (mustStartStat && in.isAfterLineEnd())
lastStatOffset = in.offset
/** Is offset1 less or equally indented than offset2?
* This is the case if the characters between the preceding end-of-line and offset1
* are a prefix of the characters between the preceding end-of-line and offset2.
def isLeqIndented(offset1: Int, offset2: Int): Boolean = {
def recur(idx1: Int, idx2: Int): Boolean =
idx1 == offset1 ||
idx2 < offset2 && source(idx1) == source(idx2) && recur(idx1 + 1, idx2 + 1)
recur(source.startOfLine(offset1), source.startOfLine(offset2))
/** Skip on error to next safe point.
* Safe points are:
* - Closing braces, provided they match an opening brace before the error point.
* - Closing parens and brackets, provided they match an opening parent or bracket
* before the error point and there are no intervening other kinds of parens.
* - Semicolons and newlines, provided there are no intervening braces.
* - Definite statement starts on new lines, provided they are not more indented
* than the last known statement start before the error point.
protected def skip(): Unit = {
val skippedParens = new ParensCounters
while (true) {
(in.token: @switch) match {
case EOF =>
if (skippedParens.count(LBRACE) == 0) return
case RBRACE =>
if (openParens.count(LBRACE) > 0 && skippedParens.count(LBRACE) == 0)
skippedParens.change(LBRACE, -1)
case RPAREN =>
if (openParens.count(LPAREN) > 0 && skippedParens.nonePositive)
skippedParens.change(LPAREN, -1)
case RBRACKET =>
if (openParens.count(LBRACKET) > 0 && skippedParens.nonePositive)
skippedParens.change(LBRACKET, -1)
case LBRACE =>
skippedParens.change(LBRACE, + 1)
case LPAREN =>
skippedParens.change(LPAREN, + 1)
skippedParens.change(LBRACKET, + 1)
case _ =>
if (mustStartStat &&
in.isAfterLineEnd() &&
isLeqIndented(in.offset, lastStatOffset max 0))
def warning(msg: => Message, sourcePos: SourcePosition): Unit =
ctx.warning(msg, sourcePos)
def warning(msg: => Message, offset: Int = in.offset): Unit =
ctx.warning(msg, source.atSpan(Span(offset)))
def deprecationWarning(msg: => Message, offset: Int = in.offset): Unit =
ctx.deprecationWarning(msg, source.atSpan(Span(offset)))
def errorOrMigrationWarning(msg: => Message, offset: Int = in.offset): Unit =
ctx.errorOrMigrationWarning(msg, source.atSpan(Span(offset)))
/** Issue an error at current offset that input is incomplete */
def incompleteInputError(msg: => Message): Unit =
ctx.incompleteInputError(msg, source.atSpan(Span(in.offset)))
/** If at end of file, issue an incompleteInputError.
* Otherwise issue a syntax error and skip to next safe point.
def syntaxErrorOrIncomplete(msg: => Message, offset: Int = in.offset): Unit =
if (in.token == EOF) incompleteInputError(msg)
else {
syntaxError(msg, offset)
lastErrorOffset = in.offset
/** Consume one token of the specified type, or
* signal an error if it is not there.
* @return The offset at the start of the token to accept
def accept(token: Int): Int = {
val offset = in.offset
if (in.token != token) {
syntaxErrorOrIncomplete(ExpectedTokenButFound(token, in.token))
if (in.token == token) in.nextToken()
/** semi = nl {nl} | `;'
* nl = `\n' // where allowed
def acceptStatSep(): Unit = in.token match {
case NEWLINE | NEWLINES => in.nextToken()
case _ => accept(SEMI)
def acceptStatSepUnlessAtEnd(altEnd: Token = EOF): Unit =
if (!isStatSeqEnd)
in.token match {
case EOF =>
case `altEnd` =>
case NEWLINE | NEWLINES => in.nextToken()
case SEMI => in.nextToken()
case _ =>
syntaxError("end of statement expected")
in.nextToken() // needed to ensure progress; otherwise we might cycle forever
def errorTermTree: Literal = atSpan(in.offset) { Literal(Constant(null)) }
private[this] var inFunReturnType = false
private def fromWithinReturnType[T](body: => T): T = {
val saved = inFunReturnType
try {
inFunReturnType = true
} finally inFunReturnType = saved
/** A flag indicating we are parsing in the annotations of a primary
* class constructor
private[this] var inClassConstrAnnots = false
private def fromWithinClassConstr[T](body: => T): T = {
val saved = inClassConstrAnnots
inClassConstrAnnots = true
try body
finally inClassConstrAnnots = saved
private[this] var inEnum = false
private def withinEnum[T](body: => T): T = {
val saved = inEnum
inEnum = true
try body
finally inEnum = saved
private[this] var staged = StageKind.None
def withinStaged[T](kind: StageKind)(op: => T): T = {
val saved = staged
staged |= kind
try op
finally staged = saved
def migrationWarningOrError(msg: String, offset: Int = in.offset): Unit =
if (in.isScala2Mode)
ctx.migrationWarning(msg, source.atSpan(Span(offset)))
syntaxError(msg, offset)
/* ---------- TREE CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------- */
/** Convert tree to formal parameter list
def convertToParams(tree: Tree): List[ValDef] = tree match {
case Parens(t) => convertToParam(t) :: Nil
case Tuple(ts) => ts map (convertToParam(_))
case t => convertToParam(t) :: Nil
/** Convert tree to formal parameter
def convertToParam(tree: Tree, expected: String = "formal parameter"): ValDef = tree match {
case id @ Ident(name) =>
makeParameter(name.asTermName, TypeTree(), isBackquoted = isBackquoted(id)).withSpan(tree.span)
case Typed(id @ Ident(name), tpt) =>
makeParameter(name.asTermName, tpt, isBackquoted = isBackquoted(id)).withSpan(tree.span)
case Typed(Splice(Ident(name)), tpt) =>
makeParameter(("$" + name).toTermName, tpt).withSpan(tree.span)
case _ =>
syntaxError(s"not a legal $expected", tree.span)
makeParameter(nme.ERROR, tree)
/** Convert (qual)ident to type identifier
def convertToTypeId(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case id @ Ident(name) =>
case id @ Select(qual, name) =>
cpy.Select(id)(qual, name.toTypeName)
case _ =>
syntaxError(IdentifierExpected(, tree.span)
/* --------------- PLACEHOLDERS ------------------------------------------- */
/** The implicit parameters introduced by `_` in the current expression.
* Parameters appear in reverse order.
var placeholderParams: List[ValDef] = Nil
def checkNoEscapingPlaceholders[T](op: => T): T = {
val savedPlaceholderParams = placeholderParams
placeholderParams = Nil
try op
finally {
placeholderParams match {
case vd :: _ => syntaxError(UnboundPlaceholderParameter(), vd.span)
case _ =>
placeholderParams = savedPlaceholderParams
def isWildcard(t: Tree): Boolean = t match {
case Ident(name1) => placeholderParams.nonEmpty && name1 ==
case Typed(t1, _) => isWildcard(t1)
case Annotated(t1, _) => isWildcard(t1)
case Parens(t1) => isWildcard(t1)
case _ => false
def isWildcardType(t: Tree): Boolean = t match {
case t: TypeBoundsTree => true
case Parens(t1) => isWildcardType(t1)
case _ => false
def rejectWildcardType(t: Tree, fallbackTree: Tree = scalaAny): Tree =
if (isWildcardType(t)) {
syntaxError(UnboundWildcardType(), t.span)
else t
/* -------------- XML ---------------------------------------------------- */
/** The markup parser.
* The first time this lazy val is accessed, we assume we were trying to parse an XML literal.
* The current position is recorded for later error reporting if it turns out
* that we don't have scala-xml on the compilation classpath.
lazy val xmlp: xml.MarkupParsers.MarkupParser = {
myFirstXmlPos = source.atSpan(Span(in.offset))
new MarkupParser(this, true)
/** The position of the first XML literal encountered while parsing,
* NoSourcePosition if there were no XML literals.
def firstXmlPos: SourcePosition = myFirstXmlPos
private[this] var myFirstXmlPos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition
object symbXMLBuilder extends xml.SymbolicXMLBuilder(this, true) // DEBUG choices
def xmlLiteral() : Tree = xmlp.xLiteral
def xmlLiteralPattern() : Tree = xmlp.xLiteralPattern
/* -------- COMBINATORS -------------------------------------------------------- */
def enclosed[T](tok: Token, body: => T): T = {
openParens.change(tok, 1)
try body
finally {
accept(tok + 1)
openParens.change(tok, -1)
def inParens[T](body: => T): T = enclosed(LPAREN, body)
def inBraces[T](body: => T): T = enclosed(LBRACE, body)
def inBrackets[T](body: => T): T = enclosed(LBRACKET, body)
def inDefScopeBraces[T](body: => T): T = {
val saved = lastStatOffset
try inBraces(body)
finally lastStatOffset = saved
/** part { `separator` part }
def tokenSeparated[T](separator: Int, part: () => T): List[T] = {
val ts = new ListBuffer[T] += part()
while (in.token == separator) {
ts += part()
def commaSeparated[T](part: () => T): List[T] = tokenSeparated(COMMA, part)
/* --------- OPERAND/OPERATOR STACK --------------------------------------- */
var opStack: List[OpInfo] = Nil
def checkAssoc(offset: Token, op1: Name, op2: Name, op2LeftAssoc: Boolean): Unit =
if (isLeftAssoc(op1) != op2LeftAssoc)
syntaxError(MixedLeftAndRightAssociativeOps(op1, op2, op2LeftAssoc), offset)
def reduceStack(base: List[OpInfo], top: Tree, prec: Int, leftAssoc: Boolean, op2: Name, isType: Boolean): Tree = {
if (opStack != base && precedence( == prec)
checkAssoc(opStack.head.offset,, op2, leftAssoc)
def recur(top: Tree): Tree = {
if (opStack == base) top
else {
val opInfo = opStack.head
val opPrec = precedence(
if (prec < opPrec || leftAssoc && prec == opPrec) {
opStack = opStack.tail
recur {
atSpan(opInfo.operator.span union opInfo.operand.span union top.span) {
InfixOp(opInfo.operand, opInfo.operator, top)
else top
/** operand { infixop operand | ‘given’ (operand | ParArgumentExprs) } [postfixop],
* respecting rules of associativity and precedence.
* @param isOperator the current token counts as an operator.
* @param maybePostfix postfix operators are allowed.
def infixOps(
first: Tree, canStartOperand: Token => Boolean, operand: () => Tree,
isType: Boolean = false,
isOperator: => Boolean = true,
maybePostfix: Boolean = false): Tree = {
val base = opStack
def recur(top: Tree): Tree =
if (isIdent && isOperator) {
val op = if (isType) typeIdent() else termIdent()
val top1 = reduceStack(base, top, precedence(, isLeftAssoc(,, isType)
opStack = OpInfo(top1, op, in.offset) :: opStack
if (maybePostfix && !canStartOperand(in.token)) {
val topInfo = opStack.head
opStack = opStack.tail
val od = reduceStack(base, topInfo.operand, 0, true,, isType)
atSpan(startOffset(od), topInfo.offset) {
PostfixOp(od, topInfo.operator)
else recur(operand())
else if (in.token == GIVEN && !isType) {
val top1 = reduceStack(base, top, minInfixPrec, leftAssoc = true, nme.WITHkw, isType)
assert(opStack `eq` base)
recur(applyGiven(top1, operand))
else reduceStack(base, top, minPrec, leftAssoc = true,, isType)
def applyGiven(t: Tree, operand: () => Tree): Tree =
atSpan(startOffset(t), in.offset) {
val args = if (in.token == LPAREN) parArgumentExprs() else operand() :: Nil
Apply(t, args)
/* -------- IDENTIFIERS AND LITERALS ------------------------------------------- */
/** Accept identifier and return its name as a term name. */
def ident(): TermName =
if (isIdent) {
val name =
} else {
syntaxErrorOrIncomplete(ExpectedTokenButFound(IDENTIFIER, in.token))
/** Accept identifier and return Ident with its name as a term name. */
def termIdent(): Ident =
makeIdent(in.token, in.offset, ident())
/** Accept identifier and return Ident with its name as a type name. */
def typeIdent(): Ident =
makeIdent(in.token, in.offset, ident().toTypeName)
private def makeIdent(tok: Token, offset: Offset, name: Name) = {
val tree = Ident(name)
if (tok == BACKQUOTED_IDENT) tree.pushAttachment(Backquoted, ())
// Make sure that even trees with parsing errors have a offset that is within the offset
val errorOffset = offset min (in.lastOffset - 1)
if ( == nme.ERROR && tree.span == NoSpan) tree.withSpan(Span(errorOffset, errorOffset))
else atSpan(offset)(tree)
def wildcardIdent(): Ident =
atSpan(accept(USCORE)) { Ident(nme.WILDCARD) }
/** Accept identifier acting as a selector on given tree `t`. */
def selector(t: Tree): Tree =
atSpan(startOffset(t), in.offset) { Select(t, ident()) }
/** Selectors ::= id { `.' id }
* Accept `.' separated identifiers acting as a selectors on given tree `t`.
* @param finish An alternative parse in case the next token is not an identifier.
* If the alternative does not apply, its tree argument is returned unchanged.
def selectors(t: Tree, finish: Tree => Tree): Tree = {
val t1 = finish(t)
if (t1 ne t) t1 else dotSelectors(selector(t), finish)
/** DotSelectors ::= { `.' id }
* Accept `.' separated identifiers acting as a selectors on given tree `t`.
* @param finish An alternative parse in case the token following a `.' is not an identifier.
* If the alternative does not apply, its tree argument is returned unchanged.
def dotSelectors(t: Tree, finish: Tree => Tree = id): Tree =
if (in.token == DOT) { in.nextToken(); selectors(t, finish) }
else t
private val id: Tree => Tree = x => x
/** Path ::= StableId
* | [id `.'] this
* @param thisOK If true, the path can end with the keyword `this`.
* If false, another selection is required after the `this`.
* @param finish An alternative parse in case the token following a `.' is not an identifier.
* If the alternative does not apply, its tree argument is returned unchanged.
def path(thisOK: Boolean, finish: Tree => Tree = id): Tree = {
val start = in.offset
def handleThis(qual: Ident) = {
val t = atSpan(start) { This(qual) }
if (!thisOK && in.token != DOT) syntaxError(DanglingThisInPath(), t.span)
dotSelectors(t, finish)
def handleSuper(qual: Ident) = {
val mix = mixinQualifierOpt()
val t = atSpan(start) { Super(This(qual), mix) }
dotSelectors(selector(t), finish)
if (in.token == THIS) handleThis(EmptyTypeIdent)
else if (in.token == SUPER) handleSuper(EmptyTypeIdent)
else {
val t = termIdent()
if (in.token == DOT) {
def qual = cpy.Ident(t)(
if (in.token == THIS) handleThis(qual)
else if (in.token == SUPER) handleSuper(qual)
else selectors(t, finish)
else t
/** MixinQualifier ::= `[' id `]'
def mixinQualifierOpt(): Ident =
if (in.token == LBRACKET) inBrackets(atSpan(in.offset) { typeIdent() })
else EmptyTypeIdent
/** StableId ::= id
* | Path `.' id
* | [id '.'] super [`[' id `]']`.' id
def stableId(): Tree =
path(thisOK = false)
/** QualId ::= id {`.' id}
def qualId(): Tree = dotSelectors(termIdent())
/** SimpleExpr ::= literal
* | 'id | 'this | 'true | 'false | 'null
* | null
* @param negOffset The offset of a preceding `-' sign, if any.
* If the literal is not negated, negOffset = in.offset.
def literal(negOffset: Int = in.offset, inPattern: Boolean = false, inStringInterpolation: Boolean = false): Tree = {
def literalOf(token: Token): Literal = {
val isNegated = negOffset < in.offset
val value = token match {
case CHARLIT => in.charVal
case INTLIT => in.intVal(isNegated).toInt
case LONGLIT => in.intVal(isNegated)
case FLOATLIT => in.floatVal(isNegated).toFloat
case DOUBLELIT => in.doubleVal(isNegated)
case STRINGLIT | STRINGPART => in.strVal
case TRUE => true
case FALSE => false
case NULL => null
case _ =>
if (inStringInterpolation) {
val t = in.token match {
val value = in.strVal
atSpan(negOffset, negOffset, negOffset + value.length) { Literal(Constant(value)) }
case _ =>
atSpan(negOffset) { Literal(Constant(null)) }
else atSpan(negOffset) {
if (in.token == QUOTEID) {
if ((staged & StageKind.Spliced) != 0 && isIdentifierStart( {
val t = atSpan(in.offset + 1) {
val tok = in.toToken(
tok match {
case TRUE | FALSE | NULL => literalOf(tok)
case THIS => This(EmptyTypeIdent)
case _ => Ident(
else {
migrationWarningOrError(em"""symbol literal '${} is no longer supported,
|use a string literal "${}" or an application Symbol("${}") instead,
|or enclose in braces '{${}} if you want a quoted expression.""")
if (in.isScala2Mode) {
patch(source, Span(in.offset, in.offset + 1), "Symbol(\"")
patch(source, Span(in.charOffset - 1), "\")")
atSpan(in.skipToken()) { SymbolLit(in.strVal) }
else if (in.token == INTERPOLATIONID) interpolatedString(inPattern)
else {
val t = literalOf(in.token)
private def interpolatedString(inPattern: Boolean = false): Tree = atSpan(in.offset) {
val segmentBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
val interpolator =
val isTripleQuoted =
in.charOffset + 1 < in.buf.length &&
in.buf(in.charOffset) == '"' &&
in.buf(in.charOffset + 1) == '"'
def nextSegment(literalOffset: Offset) =
segmentBuf += Thicket(
literal(literalOffset, inPattern = inPattern, inStringInterpolation = true),
atSpan(in.offset) {
if (in.token == IDENTIFIER)
else if (in.token == USCORE && inPattern) {
else if (in.token == THIS) {
else if (in.token == LBRACE)
if (inPattern) Block(Nil, inBraces(pattern()))
else expr()
else {
ctx.error(InterpolatedStringError(), source.atSpan(Span(in.offset)))
if (in.token == STRINGPART)
nextSegment(in.offset + (if (isTripleQuoted) 3 else 1))
while (in.token == STRINGPART)
if (in.token == STRINGLIT)
segmentBuf += literal(inPattern = inPattern, negOffset = in.offset, inStringInterpolation = true)
InterpolatedString(interpolator, segmentBuf.toList)
/* ------------- NEW LINES ------------------------------------------------- */
def newLineOpt(): Unit = {
if (in.token == NEWLINE) in.nextToken()
def newLinesOpt(): Unit = {
if (in.token == NEWLINE || in.token == NEWLINES)
def newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(token: Int): Unit = {
// note: next is defined here because current == NEWLINE
if (in.token == NEWLINE && == token) newLineOpt()
def newLineOptWhenFollowing(p: Int => Boolean): Unit = {
// note: next is defined here because current == NEWLINE
if (in.token == NEWLINE && p( newLineOpt()
/* ------------- TYPES ------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Same as [[typ]], but if this results in a wildcard it emits a syntax error and
* returns a tree for type `Any` instead.
def toplevelTyp(): Tree = rejectWildcardType(typ())
private def isFunction(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
case Parens(tree1) => isFunction(tree1)
case _: Function => true
case _ => false
/** Type ::= FunType
* | HkTypeParamClause ‘=>>’ Type
* | MatchType
* | InfixType
* FunType ::= { 'erased' | 'given' } (MonoFunType | PolyFunType)
* MonoFunType ::= FunArgTypes ‘=>’ Type
* PolyFunType ::= HKTypeParamClause '=>' Type
* FunArgTypes ::= InfixType
* | `(' [ FunArgType {`,' FunArgType } ] `)'
* | '(' TypedFunParam {',' TypedFunParam } ')'
def typ(): Tree = {
val start = in.offset
val imods = modifiers(funTypeMods)
def functionRest(params: List[Tree]): Tree =
atSpan(start, accept(ARROW)) {
val t = typ()
if (imods.isOneOf(Given | Erased)) new FunctionWithMods(params, t, imods)
else Function(params, t)
def funArgTypesRest(first: Tree, following: () => Tree) = {
val buf = new ListBuffer[Tree] += first
while (in.token == COMMA) {
buf += following()
var isValParamList = false
val t =
if (in.token == LPAREN) {
if (in.token == RPAREN) {
else {
openParens.change(LPAREN, 1)
val paramStart = in.offset
val ts = funArgType() match {
case Ident(name) if name != tpnme.WILDCARD && in.token == COLON =>
isValParamList = true
typedFunParam(paramStart, name.toTermName, imods),
() => typedFunParam(in.offset, ident(), imods))
case t =>
funArgTypesRest(t, funArgType)
openParens.change(LPAREN, -1)
if (isValParamList || in.token == ARROW)
else {
val ts1 =
for (t <- ts) yield {
t match {
case t@ByNameTypeTree(t1) =>
syntaxError(ByNameParameterNotSupported(t), t.span)
case _ =>
val tuple = atSpan(start) { makeTupleOrParens(ts1) }
else if (in.token == LBRACKET) {
val start = in.offset
val tparams = typeParamClause(ParamOwner.TypeParam)
if (in.token == TLARROW)
atSpan(start, in.skipToken())(LambdaTypeTree(tparams, toplevelTyp()))
else if (in.token == ARROW) {
val arrowOffset = in.skipToken()
val body = toplevelTyp()
atSpan(start, arrowOffset) {
if (isFunction(body))
PolyFunction(tparams, body)
else {
syntaxError("Implementation restriction: polymorphic function types must have a value parameter", arrowOffset)
} else { accept(TLARROW); typ() }
else infixType()
in.token match {
case ARROW => functionRest(t :: Nil)
case MATCH => matchType(t)
case FORSOME => syntaxError(ExistentialTypesNoLongerSupported()); t
case _ =>
if (imods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit) && !t.isInstanceOf[FunctionWithMods])
syntaxError("Types with implicit keyword can only be function types `implicit (...) => ...`", implicitKwPos(start))
if ( && !t.isInstanceOf[FunctionWithMods])
syntaxError("Types with erased keyword can only be function types `erased (...) => ...`", implicitKwPos(start))
private def implicitKwPos(start: Int): Span =
Span(start, start + nme.IMPLICITkw.asSimpleName.length)
/** TypedFunParam ::= id ':' Type */
def typedFunParam(start: Offset, name: TermName, mods: Modifiers = EmptyModifiers): Tree = atSpan(start) {
makeParameter(name, typ(), mods | Param)
/** InfixType ::= RefinedType {id [nl] refinedType}
def infixType(): Tree = infixTypeRest(refinedType())
/** Is current ident a `*`, and is it followed by a `)` or `,`? */
def isPostfixStar: Boolean = == nme.raw.STAR && in.lookaheadIn(BitSet(RPAREN, COMMA))
def infixTypeRest(t: Tree): Tree =
infixOps(t, canStartTypeTokens, refinedType, isType = true, isOperator = !isPostfixStar)
/** RefinedType ::= WithType {Annotation | [nl] Refinement}
val refinedType: () => Tree = () => refinedTypeRest(withType())
def refinedTypeRest(t: Tree): Tree = {
if (in.token == LBRACE) refinedTypeRest(atSpan(startOffset(t)) { RefinedTypeTree(rejectWildcardType(t), refinement()) })
else t
/** WithType ::= AnnotType {`with' AnnotType} (deprecated)
def withType(): Tree = withTypeRest(annotType())
def withTypeRest(t: Tree): Tree =
if (in.token == WITH) {
if (ctx.settings.strict.value)
makeAndType(t, withType())
else t
/** AnnotType ::= SimpleType {Annotation}
def annotType(): Tree = annotTypeRest(simpleType())
def annotTypeRest(t: Tree): Tree =
if (in.token == AT)
annotTypeRest(atSpan(startOffset(t)) {
Annotated(rejectWildcardType(t), annot())
else t
/** The block in a quote or splice */
def stagedBlock() =
inDefScopeBraces(block()) match {
case t @ Block(Nil, expr) if !expr.isEmpty => expr
case t => t
/** SimpleEpxr ::= spliceId | ‘$’ ‘{’ Block ‘}’)
* SimpleType ::= spliceId | ‘$’ ‘{’ Block ‘}’)
def splice(isType: Boolean): Tree =
atSpan(in.offset) {
val expr =
if ( == 1) {
else atSpan(in.offset + 1) {
val id = Ident(
if (isType) TypSplice(expr) else Splice(expr)
/** SimpleType ::= SimpleType TypeArgs
* | SimpleType `#' id
* | StableId
* | Path `.' type
* | `(' ArgTypes `)'
* | `_' TypeBounds
* | Refinement
* | Literal
* | ‘$’ ‘{’ Block ‘}’
def simpleType(): Tree = simpleTypeRest {
if (in.token == LPAREN)
atSpan(in.offset) {
makeTupleOrParens(inParens(argTypes(namedOK = false, wildOK = true)))
else if (in.token == LBRACE)
atSpan(in.offset) { RefinedTypeTree(EmptyTree, refinement()) }
else if (isSimpleLiteral) { SingletonTypeTree(literal()) }
else if (isIdent(nme.raw.MINUS) && in.lookaheadIn(numericLitTokens)) {
val start = in.offset
SingletonTypeTree(literal(negOffset = start))
else if (in.token == USCORE) {
if (ctx.settings.strict.value) {
deprecationWarning(em"`_` is deprecated for wildcard arguments of types: use `?` instead")
patch(source, Span(in.offset, in.offset + 1), "?")
val start = in.skipToken()
typeBounds().withSpan(Span(start, in.lastOffset, start))
else if (isIdent(nme.?)) {
val start = in.skipToken()
typeBounds().withSpan(Span(start, in.lastOffset, start))
else if (isIdent(nme.*) && ctx.settings.YkindProjector.value) {
syntaxError("`*` placeholders are not implemented yet")
else if (isSplice)
splice(isType = true)
else path(thisOK = false, handleSingletonType) match {
case r @ SingletonTypeTree(_) => r
case r => convertToTypeId(r)
val handleSingletonType: Tree => Tree = t =>
if (in.token == TYPE) {
atSpan(startOffset(t)) { SingletonTypeTree(t) }
} else t
private def simpleTypeRest(t: Tree): Tree = in.token match {
case HASH => simpleTypeRest(typeProjection(t))
case LBRACKET => simpleTypeRest(atSpan(startOffset(t)) {
AppliedTypeTree(rejectWildcardType(t), typeArgs(namedOK = false, wildOK = true)) })
case _ => t
private def typeProjection(t: Tree): Tree = {
val id = typeIdent()
atSpan(startOffset(t), startOffset(id)) { Select(t, }
/** ArgTypes ::= Type {`,' Type}
* | NamedTypeArg {`,' NamedTypeArg}
* NamedTypeArg ::= id `=' Type
def argTypes(namedOK: Boolean, wildOK: Boolean): List[Tree] = {
def argType() = {
val t = typ()
if (wildOK) t else rejectWildcardType(t)
def namedTypeArg() = {
val name = ident()
NamedArg(name.toTypeName, argType())
def otherArgs(first: Tree, arg: () => Tree): List[Tree] = {
val rest =
if (in.token == COMMA) {
else Nil
first :: rest
if (namedOK && in.token == IDENTIFIER)
argType() match {
case Ident(name) if in.token == EQUALS =>
otherArgs(NamedArg(name, argType()), () => namedTypeArg())
case firstArg =>
otherArgs(firstArg, () => argType())
else commaSeparated(() => argType())
/** FunArgType ::= Type | `=>' Type
val funArgType: () => Tree = () =>
if (in.token == ARROW) atSpan(in.skipToken()) { ByNameTypeTree(typ()) }
else typ()
/** ParamType ::= [`=>'] ParamValueType
def paramType(): Tree =
if (in.token == ARROW) atSpan(in.skipToken()) { ByNameTypeTree(paramValueType()) }
else paramValueType()
/** ParamValueType ::= Type [`*']
def paramValueType(): Tree = {
val t = toplevelTyp()
if (isIdent(nme.raw.STAR)) {
atSpan(startOffset(t)) { PostfixOp(t, Ident(tpnme.raw.STAR)) }
} else t
/** TypeArgs ::= `[' Type {`,' Type} `]'
* NamedTypeArgs ::= `[' NamedTypeArg {`,' NamedTypeArg} `]'
def typeArgs(namedOK: Boolean, wildOK: Boolean): List[Tree] = inBrackets(argTypes(namedOK, wildOK))
/** Refinement ::= `{' RefineStatSeq `}'
def refinement(): List[Tree] = inBraces(refineStatSeq())
/** TypeBounds ::= [`>:' Type] [`<:' Type]
def typeBounds(): TypeBoundsTree =
atSpan(in.offset) { TypeBoundsTree(bound(SUPERTYPE), bound(SUBTYPE)) }
private def bound(tok: Int): Tree =
if (in.token == tok) { in.nextToken(); toplevelTyp() }
else EmptyTree
/** TypeParamBounds ::= TypeBounds {`<%' Type} {`:' Type}
def typeParamBounds(pname: TypeName): Tree = {
val t = typeBounds()
val cbs = contextBounds(pname)
if (cbs.isEmpty) t
else atSpan((t.span union cbs.head.span).start) { ContextBounds(t, cbs) }
def contextBounds(pname: TypeName): List[Tree] = in.token match {
case COLON =>
atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
AppliedTypeTree(toplevelTyp(), Ident(pname))
} :: contextBounds(pname)
errorOrMigrationWarning("view bounds `<%' are deprecated, use a context bound `:' instead")
atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
Function(Ident(pname) :: Nil, toplevelTyp())
} :: contextBounds(pname)
case _ =>
def typedOpt(): Tree =
if (in.token == COLON) { in.nextToken(); toplevelTyp() }
else TypeTree().withSpan(Span(in.lastOffset))
def typeDependingOn(location: Location.Value): Tree =
if (location == Location.InParens) typ()
else if (location == Location.InPattern) refinedType()
else infixType()
/* ----------- EXPRESSIONS ------------------------------------------------ */
/** EqualsExpr ::= `=' Expr
def equalsExpr(): Tree = {
def condExpr(altToken: Token): Tree = {
if (in.token == LPAREN) {
val t = atSpan(in.offset) { Parens(inParens(exprInParens())) }
if (in.token == altToken) in.nextToken()
} else {
val t = expr()
/** Expr ::= [ClosureMods] FunParams =>' Expr
* | Expr1
* FunParams ::= Bindings
* | id
* | `_'
* ExprInParens ::= PostfixExpr `:' Type
* | Expr
* BlockResult ::= [ClosureMods] FunParams =>' Block
* | Expr1
* Expr1 ::= [‘inline’] `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] else Expr]
* | [‘inline’] `if' Expr `then' Expr [[semi] else Expr]
* | `while' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr
* | `while' Expr `do' Expr
* | `do' Expr [semi] `while' Expr
* | `try' Expr Catches [`finally' Expr]
* | `try' Expr [`finally' Expr]
* | `throw' Expr
* | `return' [Expr]
* | ForExpr
* | HkTypeParamClause ‘=>’ Expr
* | [SimpleExpr `.'] id `=' Expr
* | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs `=' Expr
* | Expr2
* | [‘inline’] Expr2 `match' `{' CaseClauses `}'
* | `given' `match' `{' ImplicitCaseClauses `}'
* Bindings ::= `(' [Binding {`,' Binding}] `)'
* Binding ::= (id | `_') [`:' Type]
* Expr2 ::= PostfixExpr [Ascription]
* Ascription ::= `:' InfixType
* | `:' Annotation {Annotation}
* | `:' `_' `*'
val exprInParens: () => Tree = () => expr(Location.InParens)
def expr(): Tree = expr(Location.ElseWhere)
def expr(location: Location.Value): Tree = {
val start = in.offset
if (closureMods.contains(in.token)) {
val imods = modifiers(closureMods)
if (in.token == MATCH) impliedMatch(start, imods)
else implicitClosure(start, location, imods)
else if (in.token == IMPLIED || in.token == GIVEN) {
if (in.token == MATCH)
impliedMatch(start, EmptyModifiers)
else {
syntaxError("`match` expected")
else {
val saved = placeholderParams
placeholderParams = Nil
def wrapPlaceholders(t: Tree) = try
if (placeholderParams.isEmpty) t
else new WildcardFunction(placeholderParams.reverse, t)
finally placeholderParams = saved
val t = expr1(location)
if (in.token == ARROW) {
placeholderParams = Nil // don't interpret `_' to the left of `=>` as placeholder
wrapPlaceholders(closureRest(start, location, convertToParams(t)))
else if (isWildcard(t)) {
placeholderParams = placeholderParams ::: saved
else wrapPlaceholders(t)
def expr1(location: Location.Value = Location.ElseWhere): Tree = in.token match {
case IF =>
ifExpr(in.offset, If)
case WHILE =>
atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
val cond = condExpr(DO)
val body = expr()
WhileDo(cond, body)
case DO =>
atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
val body = expr()
if (isStatSep) in.nextToken()
val cond = expr()
DoWhile(body, cond)
case TRY =>
val tryOffset = in.offset
atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
val body = expr()
val (handler, handlerStart) =
if (in.token == CATCH) {
val span = in.offset
(expr(), span)
} else (EmptyTree, -1)
handler match {
case Block(Nil, EmptyTree) =>
assert(handlerStart != -1)
Span(handlerStart, endOffset(handler))
case _ =>
val finalizer =
if (in.token == FINALLY) { in.nextToken(); expr() }
else {
if (handler.isEmpty) warning(
source.atSpan(Span(tryOffset, endOffset(body)))
ParsedTry(body, handler, finalizer)
case THROW =>
atSpan(in.skipToken()) { Throw(expr()) }
case RETURN =>
atSpan(in.skipToken()) { Return(if (isExprIntro) expr() else EmptyTree, EmptyTree) }
case FOR =>
case LBRACKET =>
val start = in.offset
val tparams = typeParamClause(ParamOwner.TypeParam)
val arrowOffset = accept(ARROW)
val body = expr()
atSpan(start, arrowOffset) {
if (isFunction(body))
PolyFunction(tparams, body)
else {
syntaxError("Implementation restriction: polymorphic function literals must have a value parameter", arrowOffset)
case _ =>
if (isIdent(nme.inline) && !in.inModifierPosition() && in.lookaheadIn(canStartExpressionTokens)) {
val start = in.skipToken()
in.token match {
case IF =>
ifExpr(start, InlineIf)
case _ =>
val t = postfixExpr()
if (in.token == MATCH) matchExpr(t, start, InlineMatch)
else {
syntaxErrorOrIncomplete(i"`match` or `if` expected but ${in.token} found")
else expr1Rest(postfixExpr(), location)
def expr1Rest(t: Tree, location: Location.Value): Tree = in.token match {
case EQUALS =>
t match {
case Ident(_) | Select(_, _) | Apply(_, _) =>
atSpan(startOffset(t), in.skipToken()) { Assign(t, expr()) }
case _ =>
case COLON =>
val t1 = ascription(t, location)
if (in.token == MATCH) expr1Rest(t1, location) else t1
case MATCH =>
matchExpr(t, startOffset(t), Match)
case _ =>
def ascription(t: Tree, location: Location.Value): Tree = atSpan(startOffset(t)) {
in.token match {
case USCORE =>
val uscoreStart = in.skipToken()
if (isIdent(nme.raw.STAR)) {
if (in.token != RPAREN) syntaxError(SeqWildcardPatternPos(), uscoreStart)
Typed(t, atSpan(uscoreStart) { Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR) })
} else {
case AT if location != Location.InPattern =>
(t /: annotations())(Annotated)
case _ =>
val tpt = typeDependingOn(location)
if (isWildcard(t) && location != Location.InPattern) {
val vd :: rest = placeholderParams
placeholderParams =
cpy.ValDef(vd)(tpt = tpt).withSpan(vd.span.union(tpt.span)) :: rest
Typed(t, tpt)
/** `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] else Expr]
* `if' Expr `then' Expr [[semi] else Expr]
def ifExpr(start: Offset, mkIf: (Tree, Tree, Tree) => If): If =
atSpan(start, in.skipToken()) {
val cond = condExpr(THEN)
val thenp = expr()
val elsep = if (in.token == ELSE) { in.nextToken(); expr() }
else EmptyTree
mkIf(cond, thenp, elsep)
/** `match' { CaseClauses }
def matchExpr(t: Tree, start: Offset, mkMatch: (Tree, List[CaseDef]) => Match) =
atSpan(start, in.skipToken()) {
inBraces(mkMatch(t, caseClauses(caseClause)))
/** `match' { ImplicitCaseClauses }
def impliedMatch(start: Int, imods: Modifiers) = {
def markFirstIllegal(mods: List[Mod]) = mods match {
case mod :: _ => syntaxError(em"illegal modifier for given match", mod.span)
case _ =>
imods.mods match {
case (Mod.Implicit() | Mod.Delegate()) :: mods => markFirstIllegal(mods)
case mods => markFirstIllegal(mods)
val result @ Match(t, cases) =
matchExpr(EmptyTree, start, InlineMatch)
for (CaseDef(pat, _, _) <- cases) {
def isImplicitPattern(pat: Tree) = pat match {
case Typed(pat1, _) => isVarPattern(pat1)
case pat => isVarPattern(pat)
if (!isImplicitPattern(pat))
syntaxError(em"not a legal pattern for a given match", pat.span)
/** `match' { TypeCaseClauses }
def matchType(t: Tree): MatchTypeTree =
atSpan(t.span.start, accept(MATCH)) {
inBraces(MatchTypeTree(EmptyTree, t, caseClauses(typeCaseClause)))
/** FunParams ::= Bindings
* | id
* | `_'
* Bindings ::= `(' [Binding {`,' Binding}] `)'
def funParams(mods: Modifiers, location: Location.Value): List[Tree] =
if (in.token == LPAREN)
inParens(if (in.token == RPAREN) Nil else commaSeparated(() => binding(mods)))
else {
val start = in.offset
val name = bindingName()
val t =
if (in.token == COLON && location == Location.InBlock) {
if (ctx.settings.strict.value)
// Don't error in non-strict mode, as the alternative syntax "implicit (x: T) => ... "
// is not supported by Scala2.x
migrationWarningOrError(s"This syntax is no longer supported; parameter needs to be enclosed in (...)")
val t = infixType()
if (false && in.isScala2Mode) {
patch(source, Span(start), "(")
patch(source, Span(in.lastOffset), ")")
else TypeTree()
(atSpan(start) { makeParameter(name, t, mods) }) :: Nil
/** Binding ::= (id | `_') [`:' Type]
def binding(mods: Modifiers): Tree =
atSpan(in.offset) { makeParameter(bindingName(), typedOpt(), mods) }
def bindingName(): TermName =
if (in.token == USCORE) {
else ident()
/** Expr ::= ClosureMods FunParams `=>' Expr
* BlockResult ::= implicit id [`:' InfixType] `=>' Block // Scala2 only
def implicitClosure(start: Int, location: Location.Value, implicitMods: Modifiers): Tree =
closureRest(start, location, funParams(implicitMods, location))
def closureRest(start: Int, location: Location.Value, params: List[Tree]): Tree =
atSpan(start, in.offset) {
Function(params, if (location == Location.InBlock) block() else expr())
/** PostfixExpr ::= InfixExpr [id [nl]]
* InfixExpr ::= PrefixExpr
* | InfixExpr id [nl] InfixExpr
* | InfixExpr ‘given’ (InfixExpr | ParArgumentExprs)
def postfixExpr(): Tree =
infixOps(prefixExpr(), canStartExpressionTokens, prefixExpr, maybePostfix = true)
/** PrefixExpr ::= [`-' | `+' | `~' | `!'] SimpleExpr
val prefixExpr: () => Tree = () =>
if (isIdent && nme.raw.isUnary( {
val start = in.offset
val op = termIdent()
if ( == nme.raw.MINUS && isNumericLit)
simpleExprRest(literal(start), canApply = true)
atSpan(start) { PrefixOp(op, simpleExpr()) }
else simpleExpr()
/** SimpleExpr ::= ‘new’ (ConstrApp [TemplateBody] | TemplateBody)
* | BlockExpr
* | ‘$’ ‘{’ Block ‘}’
* | Quoted
* | quoteId
* | SimpleExpr1 [`_']
* SimpleExpr1 ::= literal
* | xmlLiteral
* | Path
* | `(' [ExprsInParens] `)'
* | SimpleExpr `.' id
* | SimpleExpr (TypeArgs | NamedTypeArgs)
* | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
* Quoted ::= ‘'’ ‘{’ Block ‘}’
* | ‘'’ ‘[’ Type ‘]’
def simpleExpr(): Tree = {
var canApply = true
val t = in.token match {
case XMLSTART =>
if (isSplice) splice(isType = false)
else path(thisOK = true)
path(thisOK = true)
case USCORE =>
val start = in.skipToken()
val pname = WildcardParamName.fresh()
val param = ValDef(pname, TypeTree(), EmptyTree).withFlags(SyntheticTermParam)
placeholderParams = param :: placeholderParams
atSpan(start) { Ident(pname) }
case LPAREN =>
atSpan(in.offset) { makeTupleOrParens(inParens(exprsInParensOpt())) }
case LBRACE =>
canApply = false
case QUOTE =>
atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
withinStaged(StageKind.Quoted) {
Quote {
if (in.token == LBRACKET) inBrackets(typ())
else stagedBlock()
case NEW =>
canApply = false
case MACRO =>
val start = in.skipToken()
val call = ident()
// The standard library uses "macro ???" to denote "fast track" macros
// hardcoded in the compiler, don't issue an error for those macros
// since we want to be able to compile the standard library.
if (call `ne` nme.???)
"Scala 2 macros are not supported, see",
case _ =>
if (isLiteral) literal()
else {
syntaxErrorOrIncomplete(IllegalStartSimpleExpr(tokenString(in.token)), expectedOffset)
simpleExprRest(t, canApply)
def simpleExprRest(t: Tree, canApply: Boolean = true): Tree = {
if (canApply) newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE)
in.token match {
case DOT =>
simpleExprRest(selector(t), canApply = true)
case LBRACKET =>
val tapp = atSpan(startOffset(t), in.offset) { TypeApply(t, typeArgs(namedOK = true, wildOK = false)) }
simpleExprRest(tapp, canApply = true)
case LPAREN | LBRACE if canApply =>
val app = atSpan(startOffset(t), in.offset) { Apply(t, argumentExprs()) }
simpleExprRest(app, canApply = true)
case USCORE =>
atSpan(startOffset(t), in.skipToken()) { PostfixOp(t, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)) }
case _ =>
/** SimpleExpr ::= ‘new’ (ConstrApp {`with` ConstrApp} [TemplateBody] | TemplateBody)
def newExpr(): Tree = {
val start = in.skipToken()
def reposition(t: Tree) = t.withSpan(Span(start, in.lastOffset))
val parents =
if (in.token == LBRACE) Nil
else constrApp() :: {
if (in.token == WITH) {
// Enable this for 3.1, when we drop `with` for inheritance:
// in.errorUnlessInScala2Mode(
// "anonymous class with multiple parents is no longer supported; use a named class instead")
tokenSeparated(WITH, constrApp)
else Nil
parents match {
case parent :: Nil if in.token != LBRACE =>
reposition(if (parent.isType) ensureApplied(wrapNew(parent)) else parent)
case _ =>
New(reposition(templateBodyOpt(emptyConstructor, parents, Nil)))
/** ExprsInParens ::= ExprInParens {`,' ExprInParens}
def exprsInParensOpt(): List[Tree] =
if (in.token == RPAREN) Nil else commaSeparated(exprInParens)
/** ParArgumentExprs ::= `(' [ExprsInParens] `)'
* | `(' [ExprsInParens `,'] PostfixExpr `:' `_' `*' ')'
def parArgumentExprs(): List[Tree] =
inParens(if (in.token == RPAREN) Nil else commaSeparated(argumentExpr))
/** ArgumentExprs ::= ParArgumentExprs
* | [nl] BlockExpr
def argumentExprs(): List[Tree] =
if (in.token == LBRACE) blockExpr() :: Nil else parArgumentExprs()
val argumentExpr: () => Tree = () => exprInParens() match {
case arg @ Assign(Ident(id), rhs) => cpy.NamedArg(arg)(id, rhs)
case arg => arg
/** ArgumentExprss ::= {ArgumentExprs}
def argumentExprss(fn: Tree): Tree = {
if (in.token == LPAREN || in.token == LBRACE) argumentExprss(Apply(fn, argumentExprs()))
else fn
/** ParArgumentExprss ::= {ParArgumentExprs}
* Special treatment for arguments to primary constructor annotations.
* (...) is considered an argument only if it does not look like a formal
* parameter list, i.e. does not start with `( * * ident : `
* Furthermore, `()` is considered a annotation argument only if it comes first.
def parArgumentExprss(fn: Tree): Tree = {
def isLegalAnnotArg: Boolean = {
val lookahead = in.lookaheadScanner
(lookahead.token == LPAREN) && {
if (lookahead.token == RPAREN)
!fn.isInstanceOf[Trees.Apply[_]] // allow one () as annotation argument
else if (lookahead.token == IDENTIFIER) {
lookahead.token != COLON
else canStartExpressionTokens.contains(lookahead.token)
if (in.token == LPAREN && (!inClassConstrAnnots || isLegalAnnotArg))
atSpan(startOffset(fn)) { Apply(fn, parArgumentExprs()) }
else fn
/** BlockExpr ::= `{' BlockExprContents `}'
* BlockExprContents ::= CaseClauses | Block
def blockExpr(): Tree = atSpan(in.offset) {
inDefScopeBraces {
if (in.token == CASE) Match(EmptyTree, caseClauses(caseClause))
else block()
/** Block ::= BlockStatSeq
* @note Return tree does not have a defined span.
def block(): Tree = {
val stats = blockStatSeq()
def isExpr(stat: Tree) = !(stat.isDef || stat.isInstanceOf[Import])
if (stats.nonEmpty && isExpr(stats.last)) Block(stats.init, stats.last)
else Block(stats, EmptyTree)
/** Guard ::= if PostfixExpr
def guard(): Tree =
if (in.token == IF) { in.nextToken(); postfixExpr() }
else EmptyTree
/** Enumerators ::= Generator {semi Enumerator | Guard}
def enumerators(): List[Tree] = generator() :: enumeratorsRest()
def enumeratorsRest(): List[Tree] =
if (isStatSep) { in.nextToken(); enumerator() :: enumeratorsRest() }
else if (in.token == IF) guard() :: enumeratorsRest()
else Nil
/** Enumerator ::= Generator
* | Guard
* | Pattern1 `=' Expr
def enumerator(): Tree =
if (in.token == IF) guard()
else if (in.token == CASE) generator()
else {
val pat = pattern1()
if (in.token == EQUALS) atSpan(startOffset(pat), in.skipToken()) { GenAlias(pat, expr()) }
else generatorRest(pat, casePat = false)
/** Generator ::= [‘case’] Pattern `<-' Expr
def generator(): Tree = {
val casePat = if (in.token == CASE) { in.skipCASE(); true } else false
generatorRest(pattern1(), casePat)
def generatorRest(pat: Tree, casePat: Boolean): GenFrom =
atSpan(startOffset(pat), accept(LARROW)) {
val checkMode =
if (casePat) GenCheckMode.FilterAlways
else if (ctx.settings.strict.value) GenCheckMode.Check
else GenCheckMode.FilterNow // filter for now, to keep backwards compat
GenFrom(pat, expr(), checkMode)
/** ForExpr ::= `for' (`(' Enumerators `)' | `{' Enumerators `}')
* {nl} [`yield'] Expr
* | `for' Enumerators (`do' Expr | `yield' Expr)
def forExpr(): Tree = atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
var wrappedEnums = true
val enums =
if (in.token == LBRACE) inBraces(enumerators())
else if (in.token == LPAREN) {
val lparenOffset = in.skipToken()
openParens.change(LPAREN, 1)
val res =
if (in.token == CASE) enumerators()
else {
val pats = patternsOpt()
val pat =
if (in.token == RPAREN || pats.length > 1) {
wrappedEnums = false
openParens.change(LPAREN, -1)
atSpan(lparenOffset) { makeTupleOrParens(pats) } // note: alternatives `|' need to be weeded out by typer.
else pats.head
generatorRest(pat, casePat = false) :: enumeratorsRest()
if (wrappedEnums) {
openParens.change(LPAREN, -1)
} else {
wrappedEnums = false
if (in.token == YIELD) { in.nextToken(); ForYield(enums, expr()) }
else if (in.token == DO) { in.nextToken(); ForDo(enums, expr()) }
else {
if (!wrappedEnums) syntaxErrorOrIncomplete(YieldOrDoExpectedInForComprehension())
ForDo(enums, expr())
/** CaseClauses ::= CaseClause {CaseClause}
* ImplicitCaseClauses ::= ImplicitCaseClause {ImplicitCaseClause}
* TypeCaseClauses ::= TypeCaseClause {TypeCaseClause}
def caseClauses(clause: () => CaseDef): List[CaseDef] = {
val buf = new ListBuffer[CaseDef]
buf += clause()
while (in.token == CASE) buf += clause()
/** CaseClause ::= ‘case’ Pattern [Guard] `=>' Block
* ImplicitCaseClause ::= ‘case’ PatVar [Ascription] [Guard] `=>' Block
val caseClause: () => CaseDef = () => atSpan(in.offset) {
CaseDef(pattern(), guard(), atSpan(accept(ARROW)) { block() })
/** TypeCaseClause ::= ‘case’ InfixType ‘=>’ Type [nl]
val typeCaseClause: () => CaseDef = () => atSpan(in.offset) {
CaseDef(infixType(), EmptyTree, atSpan(accept(ARROW)) {
val t = typ()
if (isStatSep) in.nextToken()
/* -------- PATTERNS ------------------------------------------- */
/** Pattern ::= Pattern1 { `|' Pattern1 }
val pattern: () => Tree = () => {
val pat = pattern1()
if (isIdent(nme.raw.BAR))
atSpan(startOffset(pat)) { Alternative(pat :: patternAlts()) }
else pat
def patternAlts(): List[Tree] =
if (isIdent(nme.raw.BAR)) { in.nextToken(); pattern1() :: patternAlts() }
else Nil
/** Pattern1 ::= PatVar Ascription
* | Pattern2
def pattern1(): Tree = {
val p = pattern2()
if (isVarPattern(p) && in.token == COLON) {
ascription(p, Location.InPattern)
else p
/** Pattern2 ::= [id `@'] InfixPattern
val pattern2: () => Tree = () => infixPattern() match {
case p @ Ident(name) if in.token == AT =>
val offset = in.skipToken()
// compatibility for Scala2 `x @ _*` syntax
infixPattern() match {
case pt @ Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR) =>
if (ctx.settings.strict.value)
migrationWarningOrError("The syntax `x @ _*' is no longer supported; use `x : _*' instead", startOffset(p))
atSpan(startOffset(p), offset) { Typed(p, pt) }
case pt =>
atSpan(startOffset(p), 0) { Bind(name, pt) }
case p @ Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR) =>
// compatibility for Scala2 `_*` syntax
if (ctx.settings.strict.value)
migrationWarningOrError("The syntax `_*' is no longer supported; use `x : _*' instead", startOffset(p))
atSpan(startOffset(p)) { Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), p) }
case p =>
/** InfixPattern ::= SimplePattern {id [nl] SimplePattern}
def infixPattern(): Tree =
infixOps(simplePattern(), canStartExpressionTokens, simplePattern, isOperator = != nme.raw.BAR)
/** SimplePattern ::= PatVar
* | Literal
* | Quoted
* | XmlPattern
* | `(' [Patterns] `)'
* | SimplePattern1 [TypeArgs] [ArgumentPatterns]
* SimplePattern1 ::= Path
* | SimplePattern1 `.' id
* PatVar ::= id
* | `_'
val simplePattern: () => Tree = () => in.token match {
path(thisOK = true) match {
case id @ Ident(nme.raw.MINUS) if isNumericLit => literal(startOffset(id))
case t => simplePatternRest(t)
case USCORE =>
val wildIndent = wildcardIdent()
// compatibility for Scala2 `x @ _*` and `_*` syntax
// `x: _*' is parsed in `ascription'
if (isIdent(nme.raw.STAR)) {
if (in.token != RPAREN) syntaxError(SeqWildcardPatternPos(), wildIndent.span)
atSpan(wildIndent.span) { Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR) }
} else wildIndent
case LPAREN =>
atSpan(in.offset) { makeTupleOrParens(inParens(patternsOpt())) }
case QUOTE =>
case XMLSTART =>
case _ =>
if (isLiteral) literal(inPattern = true)
else {
syntaxErrorOrIncomplete(IllegalStartOfSimplePattern(), expectedOffset)
def simplePatternRest(t: Tree): Tree = {
var p = t
if (in.token == LBRACKET)
p = atSpan(startOffset(t), in.offset) { TypeApply(p, typeArgs(namedOK = false, wildOK = false)) }
if (in.token == LPAREN)
p = atSpan(startOffset(t), in.offset) { Apply(p, argumentPatterns()) }
/** Patterns ::= Pattern [`,' Pattern]
def patterns(): List[Tree] = commaSeparated(pattern)
def patternsOpt(): List[Tree] =
if (in.token == RPAREN) Nil else patterns()
/** ArgumentPatterns ::= ‘(’ [Patterns] ‘)’
* | ‘(’ [Patterns ‘,’] Pattern2 ‘:’ ‘_’ ‘*’ ‘)’
def argumentPatterns(): List[Tree] =
/* -------- MODIFIERS and ANNOTATIONS ------------------------------------------- */
private def modOfToken(tok: Int, name: Name): Mod = tok match {
case ABSTRACT => Mod.Abstract()
case FINAL => Mod.Final()
case IMPLICIT => Mod.Implicit()
case GIVEN => Mod.Given()
case ERASED => Mod.Erased()
case LAZY => Mod.Lazy()
case OVERRIDE => Mod.Override()
case PRIVATE => Mod.Private()
case PROTECTED => Mod.Protected()
case SEALED => Mod.Sealed()
name match {
case nme.inline => Mod.Inline()
case nme.opaque => Mod.Opaque()
/** Drop `private' modifier when followed by a qualifier.
* Contract `abstract' and `override' to ABSOVERRIDE
private def normalize(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers =
if ( && mods.hasPrivateWithin)
normalize(mods &~ Private)
else if (mods.isAllOf(AbstractOverride))
normalize(addFlag(mods &~ (Abstract | Override), AbsOverride))
private def addModifier(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers = {
val tok = in.token
val name =
val mod = atSpan(in.skipToken()) { modOfToken(tok, name) }
if (mods.isOneOf(mod.flags)) syntaxError(RepeatedModifier(mod.flags.flagsString))
addMod(mods, mod)
private def compatible(flags1: FlagSet, flags2: FlagSet): Boolean = (
|| flags2.isEmpty
|| flags1.isTermFlags && flags2.isTermFlags
|| flags1.isTypeFlags && flags2.isTypeFlags
def addFlag(mods: Modifiers, flag: FlagSet): Modifiers = {
def getPrintableTypeFromFlagSet =
Map(Trait -> "trait", Method -> "method", Mutable -> "variable").get(flag)
if (compatible(mods.flags, flag)) mods | flag
else {
syntaxError(ModifiersNotAllowed(mods.flags, getPrintableTypeFromFlagSet))
/** Always add the syntactic `mod`, but check and conditionally add semantic `mod.flags`
def addMod(mods: Modifiers, mod: Mod): Modifiers =
addFlag(mods, mod.flags).withAddedMod(mod)
/** AccessQualifier ::= "[" (id | this) "]"
def accessQualifierOpt(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers =
if (in.token == LBRACKET) {
if ( || mods.hasPrivateWithin)
inBrackets {
if (in.token == THIS) { in.nextToken(); mods | Local }
else mods.withPrivateWithin(ident().toTypeName)
} else mods
/** {Annotation} {Modifier}
* Modifiers ::= {Modifier}
* LocalModifiers ::= {LocalModifier}
* AccessModifier ::= (private | protected) [AccessQualifier]
* Modifier ::= LocalModifier
* | AccessModifier
* | override
* | opaque
* LocalModifier ::= abstract | final | sealed | implicit | lazy | erased | inline
def modifiers(allowed: BitSet = modifierTokens, start: Modifiers = Modifiers()): Modifiers = {
def loop(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers = {
if (allowed.contains(in.token) ||
in.isSoftModifier &&
localModifierTokens.subsetOf(allowed)) { // soft modifiers are admissible everywhere local modifiers are
val isAccessMod = accessModifierTokens contains in.token
val mods1 = addModifier(mods)
loop(if (isAccessMod) accessQualifierOpt(mods1) else mods1)
} else if (in.token == NEWLINE && (mods.hasFlags || mods.hasAnnotations)) {
} else {
/** ClosureMods ::= { ‘implicit’ | ‘erased’ | ‘given’}
* FunTypeMods ::= { ‘erased’ | ‘given’}
val closureMods: BitSet = BitSet(GIVEN, IMPLICIT, ERASED)
val funTypeMods: BitSet = BitSet(GIVEN, ERASED)
/** Wrap annotation or constructor in New(...). */
def wrapNew(tpt: Tree): Select = Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
/** Adjust start of annotation or constructor to offset of preceding @ or new */
def adjustStart(start: Offset)(tree: Tree): Tree = {
val tree1 = tree match {
case Apply(fn, args) => cpy.Apply(tree)(adjustStart(start)(fn), args)
case Select(qual, name) => cpy.Select(tree)(adjustStart(start)(qual), name)
case _ => tree
if (tree1.span.exists && start < tree1.span.start)
else tree1
/** Annotation ::= `@' SimpleType {ParArgumentExprs}
def annot(): Tree =
adjustStart(accept(AT)) {
def annotations(skipNewLines: Boolean = false): List[Tree] = {
if (skipNewLines) newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(AT)
if (in.token == AT) annot() :: annotations(skipNewLines)
else Nil
def annotsAsMods(skipNewLines: Boolean = false): Modifiers =
Modifiers() withAnnotations annotations(skipNewLines)
def defAnnotsMods(allowed: BitSet): Modifiers =
modifiers(allowed, annotsAsMods(skipNewLines = true))
/* -------- PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------- */
/** ClsTypeParamClause::= ‘[’ ClsTypeParam {‘,’ ClsTypeParam} ‘]’
* ClsTypeParam ::= {Annotation} [‘+’ | ‘-’]
* id [HkTypeParamClause] TypeParamBounds
* DefTypeParamClause::= ‘[’ DefTypeParam {‘,’ DefTypeParam} ‘]’
* DefTypeParam ::= {Annotation} id [HkTypeParamClause] TypeParamBounds
* TypTypeParamCaluse::= ‘[’ TypTypeParam {‘,’ TypTypeParam} ‘]’
* TypTypeParam ::= {Annotation} id [HkTypePamClause] TypeBounds
* HkTypeParamClause ::= ‘[’ HkTypeParam {‘,’ HkTypeParam} ‘]’
* HkTypeParam ::= {Annotation} [‘+’ | ‘-’] (id [HkTypePamClause] | ‘_’) TypeBounds
def typeParamClause(ownerKind: ParamOwner.Value): List[TypeDef] = inBrackets {
def typeParam(): TypeDef = {
val isAbstractOwner = ownerKind == ParamOwner.Type || ownerKind == ParamOwner.TypeParam
val start = in.offset
val mods =
annotsAsMods() | {
if (ownerKind == ParamOwner.Class) Param | PrivateLocal
else Param
} | {
if (ownerKind == ParamOwner.Def) EmptyFlags
else if (isIdent(nme.raw.PLUS)) { in.nextToken(); Covariant }
else if (isIdent(nme.raw.MINUS)) { in.nextToken(); Contravariant }
else EmptyFlags
atSpan(start, nameStart) {
val name =
if (isAbstractOwner && in.token == USCORE) {
else ident().toTypeName
val hkparams = typeParamClauseOpt(ParamOwner.TypeParam)
val bounds = if (isAbstractOwner) typeBounds() else typeParamBounds(name)
TypeDef(name, lambdaAbstract(hkparams, bounds)).withMods(mods)
commaSeparated(() => typeParam())
def typeParamClauseOpt(ownerKind: ParamOwner.Value): List[TypeDef] =
if (in.token == LBRACKET) typeParamClause(ownerKind) else Nil
/** ClsParamClause ::= [‘erased’] (‘(’ ClsParams ‘)’
* GivenClsParamClause::= ‘given’ [‘erased’] (‘(’ ClsParams ‘)’ | GivenTypes)
* ClsParams ::= ClsParam {‘,’ ClsParam}
* ClsParam ::= {Annotation}
* DefParamClause ::= [‘erased’] (‘(’ DefParams ‘)’
* GivenParamClause ::= ‘given’ [‘erased’] (‘(’ DefParams ‘)’ | GivenTypes)
* DefParams ::= DefParam {‘,’ DefParam}
* DefParam ::= {Annotation} [‘inline’] Param
* Param ::= id `:' ParamType [`=' Expr]
* @return the list of parameter definitions
def paramClause(ofClass: Boolean = false, // owner is a class
ofCaseClass: Boolean = false, // owner is a case class
prefix: Boolean = false, // clause precedes name of an extension method
firstClause: Boolean = false, // clause is the first in regular list of clauses
initialMods: Modifiers = EmptyModifiers): List[ValDef] = {
var impliedMods: Modifiers = initialMods
def param(): ValDef = {
val start = in.offset
var mods = impliedMods.withAnnotations(annotations())
if (ofClass) {
mods = addFlag(modifiers(start = mods), ParamAccessor)
mods =
if (in.token == VAL) {
else if (in.token == VAR) {
val mod = atSpan(in.skipToken()) { Mod.Var() }
addMod(mods, mod)
else {
if (!(mods.flags &~ (ParamAccessor | Inline | impliedMods.flags)).isEmpty)
syntaxError("`val' or `var' expected")
if (firstClause && ofCaseClass) mods
else mods | PrivateLocal
else {
if (isIdent(nme.inline) && in.isSoftModifierInParamModifierPosition)
mods = addModifier(mods)
mods |= Param
atSpan(start, nameStart) {
val name = ident()
if (in.token == ARROW && ofClass && !
val tpt = paramType()
val default =
if (in.token == EQUALS) { in.nextToken(); expr() }
else EmptyTree
if (impliedMods.mods.nonEmpty) {
impliedMods = impliedMods.withMods(Nil) // keep only flags, so that parameter positions don't overlap
ValDef(name, tpt, default).withMods(mods)
def checkVarArgsRules(vparams: List[ValDef]): Unit = vparams match {
case Nil =>
case _ :: Nil if !prefix =>
case vparam :: rest =>
vparam.tpt match {
case PostfixOp(_, op) if == tpnme.raw.STAR =>
syntaxError(VarArgsParamMustComeLast(), vparam.tpt.span)
case _ =>
// begin paramClause
inParens {
if (in.token == RPAREN && !prefix && ! Nil
else {
if (in.token == IMPLICIT && !impliedMods.isOneOf(Given | Erased))
impliedMods = addMod(impliedMods, atSpan(accept(IMPLICIT)) { Mod.Implicit() })
val clause =
if (prefix) param() :: Nil
else commaSeparated(() => param())
/** ClsParamClauses ::= {ClsParamClause} [[nl] ‘(’ [‘implicit’] ClsParams ‘)’]
* | {ClsParamClause} {GivenClsParamClause}
* DefParamClauses ::= {DefParamClause} [[nl] ‘(’ [‘implicit’] DefParams ‘)’]
* | {DefParamClause} {GivenParamClause}
* @return The parameter definitions
def paramClauses(ofClass: Boolean = false,
ofCaseClass: Boolean = false,
ofInstance: Boolean = false): List[List[ValDef]] = {
def followingIsParamClause: Boolean = {
val lookahead = in.lookaheadScanner
paramIntroTokens.contains(lookahead.token) && {
lookahead.token != IDENTIFIER || == nme.inline || {
lookahead.token == COLON
/** For given instance definitions we have a disambiguation problem:
* given A as B
* given C ...
* Is the second line a parameter `given C` for the first `given` definition, or is it
* a second `given` definition? We only know if we find a `for` or `as` in `...`
* The same problem arises for
* class A
* given C ...
* For method definitions we do not have this problem since a parameter clause
* in a method definition is always followed by something else. So in
* def m(...)
* given C ...
* we know that `given` must start a parameter list. It cannot be a new given` definition.
def followingIsInstanceDef =
(ofClass || ofInstance) && {
val lookahead = in.lookaheadScanner // skips newline on startup
lookahead.nextToken() // skip the `given`
if (lookahead.token == IDENTIFIER || lookahead.token == BACKQUOTED_IDENT) {
if (lookahead.token == LBRACKET) {
var openBrackets = 1
while (openBrackets > 0 && lookahead.token != EOF) {
if (lookahead.token == LBRACKET) openBrackets += 1
else if (lookahead.token == RBRACKET) openBrackets -= 1
lookahead.token == FOR ||
lookahead.token == IDENTIFIER && ==
def recur(firstClause: Boolean, nparams: Int, contextualOnly: Boolean): List[List[ValDef]] = {
var initialMods = EmptyModifiers
val isNewLine = in.token == NEWLINE
if (in.token == NEWLINE && == GIVEN && !followingIsInstanceDef)
if (in.token == GIVEN) {
initialMods |= Given
if (in.token == ERASED) {
initialMods |= Erased
val isGiven =
if (in.token == LPAREN && (!isGiven || followingIsParamClause)) {
if (contextualOnly && !isGiven)
if (ofInstance) syntaxError(em"parameters of instance definitions must come after `given'")
else syntaxError(em"normal parameters cannot come after `given' clauses")
val params = paramClause(
ofClass = ofClass,
ofCaseClass = ofCaseClass,
firstClause = firstClause,
initialMods = initialMods)
val lastClause = params.nonEmpty &&
params :: (if (lastClause) Nil else recur(firstClause = false, nparams + params.length, isGiven))
else if (isGiven) {
val tps = commaSeparated(() => annotType())
var counter = nparams
def nextIdx = { counter += 1; counter }
val paramFlags = if (ofClass) Private | Local | ParamAccessor else Param
val params =, _, paramFlags | Synthetic | Given))
params :: recur(firstClause = false, nparams + params.length, isGiven)
else Nil
recur(firstClause = true, 0, ofInstance)
/* -------- DEFS ------------------------------------------- */
def finalizeDef(md: MemberDef, mods: Modifiers, start: Int): md.ThisTree[Untyped] =
type ImportConstr = (Boolean, Tree, List[Tree]) => Tree
/** Import ::= `import' [`given'] [ImportExpr {`,' ImportExpr}
* Export ::= `export' [`given'] [ImportExpr {`,' ImportExpr}
def importClause(leading: Token, mkTree: ImportConstr): List[Tree] = {
val offset = accept(leading)
val importDelegate = in.token == IMPLIED || in.token == GIVEN
if (importDelegate) in.nextToken()
commaSeparated(importExpr(importDelegate, mkTree)) match {
case t :: rest =>
// The first import should start at the start offset of the keyword.
val firstPos =
if (t.span.exists) t.span.withStart(offset)
else Span(offset, in.lastOffset)
t.withSpan(firstPos) :: rest
case nil => nil
/** ImportExpr ::= StableId `.' (id | `_' | ImportSelectors)
def importExpr(importDelegate: Boolean, mkTree: ImportConstr): () => Tree = {
/** ImportSelectors ::= `{' {ImportSelector `,'} FinalSelector ‘}’
* FinalSelector ::= ImportSelector
* | ‘_’ [‘:’ Type]
def importSelectors(): List[Tree] = in.token match {
case USCORE =>
atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
val id = Ident(nme.WILDCARD)
if (in.token == COLON) {
TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, typ())
else id
} :: Nil
case FOR =>
if (!importDelegate)
syntaxError(em"`for` qualifier only allowed in `import given`")
atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
var t = infixType()
while (in.token == COMMA) {
val op = atSpan(in.skipToken()) { Ident(tpnme.raw.BAR) }
t = InfixOp(t, op, infixType())
TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, t)
} :: Nil
case _ =>
importSelector() :: {
if (in.token == COMMA) {
else Nil
/** ImportSelector ::= id [`=>' id | `=>' `_']
def importSelector(): Tree = {
val from = termIdent()
if (in.token == ARROW)
atSpan(startOffset(from), in.skipToken()) {
val start = in.offset
val to = if (in.token == USCORE) wildcardIdent() else termIdent()
val toWithPos =
if ( == nme.ERROR)
// error identifiers don't consume any characters, so atSpan(start)(id) wouldn't set a span.
// Some testcases would then fail in Positioned.checkPos. Set a span anyway!
atSpan(start, start, in.lastOffset)(to)
Thicket(from, toWithPos)
else from
val handleImport: Tree => Tree = { tree: Tree =>
if (in.token == USCORE) mkTree(importDelegate, tree, wildcardIdent() :: Nil)
else if (in.token == LBRACE) mkTree(importDelegate, tree, inBraces(importSelectors()))
else tree
def derived(impExp: Tree, qual: Tree, selectors: List[Tree]) =
mkTree(importDelegate, qual, selectors).withSpan(impExp.span)
() => {
val p = path(thisOK = false, handleImport)
p match {
case _: Import | _: Export => p
case sel @ Select(qual, name) =>
val selector = atSpan(pointOffset(sel)) { Ident(name) }
mkTree(importDelegate, qual, selector :: Nil).withSpan(sel.span)
case t =>
mkTree(importDelegate, t, Ident(nme.WILDCARD) :: Nil)
def posMods(start: Int, mods: Modifiers): Modifiers = {
/** Def ::= val PatDef
* | var VarDef
* | def DefDef
* | type {nl} TypeDcl
* | TmplDef
* Dcl ::= val ValDcl
* | var ValDcl
* | def DefDcl
* | type {nl} TypeDcl
* EnumCase ::= `case' (id ClassConstr [`extends' ConstrApps]] | ids)
def defOrDcl(start: Int, mods: Modifiers): Tree = in.token match {
case VAL =>
patDefOrDcl(start, mods)
case VAR =>
val mod = atSpan(in.skipToken()) { Mod.Var() }
val mod1 = addMod(mods, mod)
patDefOrDcl(start, mod1)
case DEF =>
defDefOrDcl(start, posMods(start, mods))
case TYPE =>
typeDefOrDcl(start, posMods(start, mods))
case CASE if inEnum =>
enumCase(start, mods)
case _ =>
tmplDef(start, mods)
/** PatDef ::= ids [‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr
* | Pattern2 [‘:’ Type | Ascription] ‘=’ Expr
* VarDef ::= PatDef | id {`,' id} `:' Type `=' `_'
* ValDcl ::= id {`,' id} `:' Type
* VarDcl ::= id {`,' id} `:' Type
def patDefOrDcl(start: Offset, mods: Modifiers): Tree = atSpan(start, nameStart) {
val first = pattern2()
var lhs = first match {
case id: Ident if in.token == COMMA =>
id :: commaSeparated(() => termIdent())
case _ =>
first :: Nil
def emptyType = TypeTree().withSpan(Span(in.lastOffset))
val tpt =
if (in.token == COLON) {
if (in.token == AT && lhs.tail.isEmpty) {
lhs = ascription(first, Location.ElseWhere) :: Nil
else toplevelTyp()
else emptyType
val rhs =
if (tpt.isEmpty || in.token == EQUALS) {
if (in.token == USCORE && !tpt.isEmpty && &&
(lhs.toList forall (_.isInstanceOf[Ident]))) {
} else {
} else EmptyTree
lhs match {
case (id @ Ident(name: TermName)) :: Nil if name != nme.WILDCARD =>
val vdef = ValDef(name, tpt, rhs)
if (isBackquoted(id)) vdef.pushAttachment(Backquoted, ())
finalizeDef(vdef, mods, start)
case _ =>
PatDef(mods, lhs, tpt, rhs)
/** DefDef ::= DefSig [(‘:’ | ‘<:’) Type] ‘=’ Expr
* | this ParamClause ParamClauses `=' ConstrExpr
* DefDcl ::= DefSig `:' Type
* DefSig ::= [‘(’ DefParam ‘)’ [nl]] id [DefTypeParamClause] ParamClauses
def defDefOrDcl(start: Offset, mods: Modifiers): Tree = atSpan(start, nameStart) {
def scala2ProcedureSyntax(resultTypeStr: String) = {
val toInsert =
if (in.token == LBRACE) s"$resultTypeStr ="
else ": Unit " // trailing space ensures that `def f()def g()` works.
in.testScala2Mode(s"Procedure syntax no longer supported; `$toInsert' should be inserted here") && {
patch(source, Span(in.lastOffset), toInsert)
if (in.token == THIS) {
val vparamss = paramClauses()
if (vparamss.isEmpty || vparamss.head.take(1).exists(_.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit)))
in.token match {
case LBRACKET => syntaxError("no type parameters allowed here")
case EOF => incompleteInputError(AuxConstructorNeedsNonImplicitParameter())
case _ => syntaxError(AuxConstructorNeedsNonImplicitParameter(), nameStart)
if (in.isScala2Mode) newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE)
val rhs = {
if (!(in.token == LBRACE && scala2ProcedureSyntax(""))) accept(EQUALS)
atSpan(in.offset) { constrExpr() }
makeConstructor(Nil, vparamss, rhs).withMods(mods).setComment(in.getDocComment(start))
} else {
val (leadingParamss, flags) =
if (in.token == LPAREN)
try (paramClause(prefix = true) :: Nil, Method | Extension)
finally newLineOpt()
(Nil, Method)
val mods1 = addFlag(mods, flags)
val ident = termIdent()
val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(ParamOwner.Def)
val vparamss = paramClauses() match {
case rparams :: rparamss if leadingParamss.nonEmpty && !isLeftAssoc( =>
rparams :: leadingParamss ::: rparamss
case rparamss =>
leadingParamss ::: rparamss
var tpt = fromWithinReturnType {
if (in.token == SUBTYPE && {
TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, toplevelTyp())
else typedOpt()
if (in.isScala2Mode) newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE)
val rhs =
if (in.token == EQUALS) {
else if (!tpt.isEmpty)
else if (scala2ProcedureSyntax(": Unit")) {
tpt = scalaUnit
if (in.token == LBRACE) expr()
else EmptyTree
else {
if (!isExprIntro) syntaxError(MissingReturnType(), in.lastOffset)
val ddef = DefDef(, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)
if (isBackquoted(ident)) ddef.pushAttachment(Backquoted, ())
finalizeDef(ddef, mods1, start)
/** ConstrExpr ::= SelfInvocation
* | ConstrBlock
def constrExpr(): Tree =
if (in.token == LBRACE) constrBlock()
else Block(selfInvocation() :: Nil, Literal(Constant(())))
/** SelfInvocation ::= this ArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs}
def selfInvocation(): Tree =
atSpan(accept(THIS)) {
argumentExprss(Apply(Ident(nme.CONSTRUCTOR), argumentExprs()))
/** ConstrBlock ::= `{' SelfInvocation {semi BlockStat} `}'
def constrBlock(): Tree =
atSpan(in.skipToken()) {
val stats = selfInvocation() :: {
if (isStatSep) { in.nextToken(); blockStatSeq() }
else Nil
Block(stats, Literal(Constant(())))
/** TypeDcl ::= id [TypeParamClause] TypeBounds [‘=’ Type]
def typeDefOrDcl(start: Offset, mods: Modifiers): Tree = {
atSpan(start, nameStart) {
val nameIdent = typeIdent()
val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(ParamOwner.Type)
def makeTypeDef(rhs: Tree): Tree = {
val rhs1 = lambdaAbstract(tparams, rhs)
val tdef = TypeDef(, rhs1)
if (nameIdent.isBackquoted)
tdef.pushAttachment(Backquoted, ())
finalizeDef(tdef, mods, start)
in.token match {
case EQUALS =>
val bounds = typeBounds()
if (in.token == EQUALS) {
val eqOffset = in.skipToken()
var rhs = toplevelTyp()
rhs match {
case mtt: MatchTypeTree =>
bounds match {
case TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, upper) =>
rhs = MatchTypeTree(upper, mtt.selector, mtt.cases)
case _ =>
syntaxError(i"cannot combine lower bound and match type alias", eqOffset)
case _ =>
if ( {
val annotType = AppliedTypeTree(
bounds.lo.orElse(TypeTree(defn.NothingType)) ::
bounds.hi.orElse(TypeTree(defn.AnyType)) :: Nil)
rhs = Annotated(rhs, ensureApplied(wrapNew(annotType)))
else syntaxError(i"cannot combine bound and alias", eqOffset)
else makeTypeDef(bounds)
case _ =>
return EmptyTree // return to avoid setting the span to EmptyTree
/** TmplDef ::= ([‘case’] ‘class’ | ‘trait’) ClassDef
* | [‘case’] ‘object’ ObjectDef
* | ‘enum’ EnumDef
* | ‘given’ GivenDef
def tmplDef(start: Int, mods: Modifiers): Tree = {
in.token match {
case TRAIT =>
classDef(start, posMods(start, addFlag(mods, Trait)))
case CLASS =>
classDef(start, posMods(start, mods))
classDef(start, posMods(start, mods | Case))
case OBJECT =>
objectDef(start, posMods(start, mods | Module))
objectDef(start, posMods(start, mods | Case | Module))
case ENUM =>
enumDef(start, posMods(start, mods | Enum))
instanceDef(in.token == GIVEN, start, mods, atSpan(in.skipToken()) { Mod.Delegate() })
case _ =>
/** ClassDef ::= id ClassConstr TemplateOpt
def classDef(start: Offset, mods: Modifiers): TypeDef = atSpan(start, nameStart) {
classDefRest(start, mods, ident().toTypeName)
def classDefRest(start: Offset, mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName): TypeDef = {
val constr = classConstr(isCaseClass =
val templ = templateOpt(constr)
finalizeDef(TypeDef(name, templ), mods, start)
/** ClassConstr ::= [ClsTypeParamClause] [ConstrMods] ClsParamClauses
def classConstr(isCaseClass: Boolean = false): DefDef = atSpan(in.lastOffset) {
val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(ParamOwner.Class)
val cmods = fromWithinClassConstr(constrModsOpt())
val vparamss = paramClauses(ofClass = true, ofCaseClass = isCaseClass)
makeConstructor(tparams, vparamss).withMods(cmods)
/** ConstrMods ::= {Annotation} [AccessModifier]
def constrModsOpt(): Modifiers =
modifiers(accessModifierTokens, annotsAsMods())
/** ObjectDef ::= id TemplateOpt
def objectDef(start: Offset, mods: Modifiers): ModuleDef = atSpan(start, nameStart) {
objectDefRest(start, mods, ident())
def objectDefRest(start: Offset, mods: Modifiers, name: TermName): ModuleDef = {
val templ = templateOpt(emptyConstructor)
finalizeDef(ModuleDef(name, templ), mods, start)
/** EnumDef ::= id ClassConstr InheritClauses EnumBody
def enumDef(start: Offset, mods: Modifiers): TypeDef = atSpan(start, nameStart) {
val modName = ident()
val clsName = modName.toTypeName
val constr = classConstr()
val templ = template(constr, isEnum = true)
finalizeDef(TypeDef(clsName, templ), mods, start)
/** EnumCase = `case' (id ClassConstr [`extends' ConstrApps] | ids)
def enumCase(start: Offset, mods: Modifiers): DefTree = {
val mods1 = mods | EnumCase
atSpan(start, nameStart) {
val id = termIdent()
if (in.token == COMMA) {
val ids = commaSeparated(() => termIdent())
PatDef(mods1, id :: ids, TypeTree(), EmptyTree)
else {
val caseDef =
if (in.token == LBRACKET || in.token == LPAREN || in.token == AT || isModifier) {
val clsName =
val constr = classConstr(isCaseClass = true)
TypeDef(clsName, caseTemplate(constr))
ModuleDef(, caseTemplate(emptyConstructor))
finalizeDef(caseDef, mods1, start)
/** [`extends' ConstrApps] */
def caseTemplate(constr: DefDef): Template = {
val parents =
if (in.token == EXTENDS) {
tokenSeparated(WITH, constrApp)
else Nil
Template(constr, parents, Nil, EmptyValDef, Nil)
/** GivenDef ::= [id] [DefTypeParamClause] GivenBody
* GivenBody ::= [‘as ConstrApp {‘,’ ConstrApp }] {GivenParamClause} [TemplateBody]
* | ‘as’ Type {GivenParamClause} ‘=’ Expr
def instanceDef(newStyle: Boolean, start: Offset, mods: Modifiers, instanceMod: Mod) = atSpan(start, nameStart) {
var mods1 = addMod(mods, instanceMod)
val name = if (isIdent && (!newStyle || != ident() else EmptyTermName
val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(ParamOwner.Def)
val parents =
if (!newStyle && in.token == FOR || isIdent( { // for the moment, accept both `given for` and `given as`
tokenSeparated(COMMA, constrApp)
else Nil
val vparamss = paramClauses(ofInstance = true)
val instDef =
if (in.token == EQUALS && parents.length == 1 && parents.head.isType) {
mods1 |= Final
DefDef(name, tparams, vparamss, parents.head, expr())
else {
val tparams1 = => tparam.withMods(tparam.mods | PrivateLocal))
val vparamss1 = =>
vparam.withMods(vparam.mods &~ Param | ParamAccessor | PrivateLocal)))
val templ = templateBodyOpt(makeConstructor(tparams1, vparamss1), parents, Nil)
if (tparams.isEmpty && vparamss.isEmpty) ModuleDef(name, templ)
else TypeDef(name.toTypeName, templ)
finalizeDef(instDef, mods1, start)
/* -------- TEMPLATES ------------------------------------------- */
/** SimpleConstrApp ::= AnnotType {ParArgumentExprs}
* ConstrApp ::= SimpleConstrApp
* | ‘(’ SimpleConstrApp {‘given’ (PrefixExpr | ParArgumentExprs)} ‘)’
val constrApp: () => Tree = () => {
def isAnnotType(t: Tree) = t match {
case _: Ident
| _: Select
| _: AppliedTypeTree
| _: Tuple
| _: Parens
| _: RefinedTypeTree
| _: SingletonTypeTree
| _: TypSplice
| _: Annotated => true
case _ => false
def givenArgs(t: Tree): Tree = {
if (in.token == GIVEN) givenArgs(applyGiven(t, prefixExpr)) else t
if (in.token == LPAREN)
inParens {
val t = toplevelTyp()
if (isAnnotType(t))
if (in.token == LPAREN) givenArgs(parArgumentExprss(wrapNew(t)))
else if (in.token == GIVEN) givenArgs(wrapNew(t))
else t
else Parens(t)
else {
val t = rejectWildcardType(annotType(), fallbackTree = Ident(nme.ERROR))
// Using Ident(nme.ERROR) to avoid causing cascade errors on non-user-written code
if (in.token == LPAREN) parArgumentExprss(wrapNew(t)) else t
/** ConstrApps ::= ConstrApp {‘with’ ConstrApp} (to be deprecated in 3.1)
* | ConstrApp {‘,’ ConstrApp}
def constrApps(): List[Tree] = {
val t = constrApp()
val ts =
if (in.token == WITH) {
tokenSeparated(WITH, constrApp)
else if (in.token == COMMA) {
tokenSeparated(COMMA, constrApp)
else Nil
t :: ts
/** InheritClauses ::= [‘extends’ ConstrApps] [‘derives’ QualId {‘,’ QualId}]
def inheritClauses(): (List[Tree], List[Tree]) = {
val extended =
if (in.token == EXTENDS) {
if (in.token == LBRACE) {
in.errorOrMigrationWarning("`extends' must be followed by at least one parent")
else constrApps()
else Nil
val derived =
if (isIdent(nme.derives)) {
tokenSeparated(COMMA, () => convertToTypeId(qualId()))
else Nil
(extended, derived)
/** Template ::= InheritClauses [TemplateBody]
def template(constr: DefDef, isEnum: Boolean = false): Template = {
val (parents, derived) = inheritClauses()
if (isEnum) {
val (self, stats) = withinEnum(templateBody())
Template(constr, parents, derived, self, stats)
else templateBodyOpt(constr, parents, derived)
/** TemplateOpt = [Template]
def templateOpt(constr: DefDef): Template = {
if (in.token == EXTENDS || isIdent(nme.derives) || in.token == LBRACE)
Template(constr, Nil, Nil, EmptyValDef, Nil)
/** TemplateBody ::= [nl] `{' TemplateStatSeq `}'
def templateBodyOpt(constr: DefDef, parents: List[Tree], derived: List[Tree]): Template = {
val (self, stats) =
if (in.token == LBRACE) templateBody() else (EmptyValDef, Nil)
Template(constr, parents, derived, self, stats)
def templateBody(): (ValDef, List[Tree]) = {
val r = inDefScopeBraces { templateStatSeq() }
if (in.token == WITH) {
/* -------- STATSEQS ------------------------------------------- */
/** Create a tree representing a packaging */
def makePackaging(start: Int, pkg: Tree, stats: List[Tree]): PackageDef = pkg match {
case x: RefTree => atSpan(start, pointOffset(pkg))(PackageDef(x, stats))
/** Packaging ::= package QualId [nl] `{' TopStatSeq `}'
def packaging(start: Int): Tree = {
val pkg = qualId()
val stats = inDefScopeBraces(topStatSeq())
makePackaging(start, pkg, stats)
/** TopStatSeq ::= TopStat {semi TopStat}
* TopStat ::= Import
* | Export
* | Annotations Modifiers Def
* | Packaging
* | package object objectDef
* |
def topStatSeq(): List[Tree] = {
val stats = new ListBuffer[Tree]
while (!isStatSeqEnd) {
if (in.token == PACKAGE) {
val start = in.skipToken()
if (in.token == OBJECT) {
stats += objectDef(start, Modifiers(Package))
else stats += packaging(start)
else if (in.token == IMPORT)
stats ++= importClause(IMPORT, Import)
else if (in.token == EXPORT)
stats ++= importClause(EXPORT, Export.apply)
else if (in.token == AT || isDefIntro(modifierTokens))
stats +++= defOrDcl(in.offset, defAnnotsMods(modifierTokens))
else if (!isStatSep) {
if (in.token == CASE)
/** TemplateStatSeq ::= [id [`:' Type] `=>'] TemplateStat {semi TemplateStat}
* TemplateStat ::= Import
* | Export
* | Annotations Modifiers Def
* | Annotations Modifiers Dcl
* | Expr1
* |
* EnumStat ::= TemplateStat
* | Annotations Modifiers EnumCase
def templateStatSeq(): (ValDef, List[Tree]) = checkNoEscapingPlaceholders {
var self: ValDef = EmptyValDef
val stats = new ListBuffer[Tree]
if (isExprIntro) {
val first = expr1()
if (in.token == ARROW) {
first match {
case Typed(tree @ This(EmptyTypeIdent), tpt) =>
self = makeSelfDef(nme.WILDCARD, tpt).withSpan(first.span)
case _ =>
val ValDef(name, tpt, _) = convertToParam(first, "self type clause")
if (name != nme.ERROR)
self = makeSelfDef(name, tpt).withSpan(first.span)
} else {
stats += first
var exitOnError = false
while (!isStatSeqEnd && !exitOnError) {
if (in.token == IMPORT)
stats ++= importClause(IMPORT, Import)
else if (in.token == EXPORT)
stats ++= importClause(EXPORT, Export.apply)
else if (isExprIntro)
stats += expr1()
else if (isDefIntro(modifierTokensOrCase))
stats +++= defOrDcl(in.offset, defAnnotsMods(modifierTokens))
else if (!isStatSep) {
exitOnError = mustStartStat
syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("illegal start of definition")
(self, if (stats.isEmpty) List(EmptyTree) else stats.toList)
/** RefineStatSeq ::= RefineStat {semi RefineStat}
* RefineStat ::= ‘val’ VarDcl
* | ‘def’ DefDcl
* | ‘type’ {nl} TypeDcl
* (in reality we admit Defs and vars and filter them out afterwards in `checkLegal`)
def refineStatSeq(): List[Tree] = {
val stats = new ListBuffer[Tree]
def checkLegal(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = {
val isLegal = tree match {
case tree: ValDef => tree.rhs.isEmpty && !
case tree: DefDef => tree.rhs.isEmpty
case tree: TypeDef => true
case _ => false
if (isLegal) tree :: Nil
else {
syntaxError("illegal refinement", tree.span)
while (!isStatSeqEnd) {
if (isDclIntro)
stats ++= checkLegal(defOrDcl(in.offset, Modifiers()))
else if (!isStatSep)
"illegal start of declaration" +
(if (inFunReturnType) " (possible cause: missing `=' in front of current method body)"
else ""))
def localDef(start: Int, implicitMods: Modifiers = EmptyModifiers): Tree = {
var mods = defAnnotsMods(localModifierTokens)
for (imod <- implicitMods.mods) mods = addMod(mods, imod)
if ( {
// A final modifier means the local definition is "class-like". // FIXME: Deal with modifiers separately
tmplDef(start, mods)
} else {
defOrDcl(start, mods)
/** BlockStatSeq ::= { BlockStat semi } [Expr]
* BlockStat ::= Import
* | Annotations [implicit] [lazy] Def
* | Annotations LocalModifiers TmplDef
* | Expr1
* |
def blockStatSeq(): List[Tree] = checkNoEscapingPlaceholders {
val stats = new ListBuffer[Tree]
var exitOnError = false
while (!isStatSeqEnd && in.token != CASE && !exitOnError) {
if (in.token == IMPORT)
stats ++= importClause(IMPORT, Import)
else if (in.token == GIVEN) {
val start = in.offset
val mods = modifiers(closureMods)
mods.mods match {
case givenMod :: Nil if !isBindingIntro =>
stats += instanceDef(true, start, EmptyModifiers, Mod.Delegate().withSpan(givenMod.span))
case _ =>
stats += implicitClosure(in.offset, Location.InBlock, mods)
else if (isExprIntro)
stats += expr(Location.InBlock)
else if (isDefIntro(localModifierTokens, excludedSoftModifiers = Set(nme.`opaque`)))
if (closureMods.contains(in.token)) {
val start = in.offset
var imods = modifiers(closureMods)
if (isBindingIntro)
stats += implicitClosure(start, Location.InBlock, imods)
else if (in.token == MATCH)
stats += impliedMatch(start, imods)
stats +++= localDef(start, imods)
} else {
stats +++= localDef(in.offset)
else if (!isStatSep && (in.token != CASE)) {
exitOnError = mustStartStat
/** CompilationUnit ::= {package QualId semi} TopStatSeq
def compilationUnit(): Tree = checkNoEscapingPlaceholders {
def topstats(): List[Tree] = {
val ts = new ListBuffer[Tree]
while (in.token == SEMI) in.nextToken()
val start = in.offset
if (in.token == PACKAGE) {
if (in.token == OBJECT) {
ts += objectDef(start, Modifiers(Package))
if (in.token != EOF) {
ts ++= topStatSeq()
} else {
val pkg = qualId()
if (in.token == EOF)
ts += makePackaging(start, pkg, List())
else if (in.token == LBRACE) {
ts += inDefScopeBraces(makePackaging(start, pkg, topStatSeq()))
ts ++= topStatSeq()
else {
ts += makePackaging(start, pkg, topstats())
ts ++= topStatSeq()
topstats() match {
case List(stat @ PackageDef(_, _)) => stat
case Nil => EmptyTree // without this case we'd get package defs without positions
case stats => PackageDef(Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE), stats)
/** OutlineParser parses top-level declarations in `source` to find declared classes, ignoring their bodies (which
* must only have balanced braces). This is used to map class names to defining sources.
class OutlineParser(source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) extends Parser(source) with OutlineParserCommon {
def skipBracesHook(): Option[Tree] =
if (in.token == XMLSTART) Some(xmlLiteral()) else None
override def blockExpr(): Tree = {
override def templateBody(): (ValDef, List[Thicket]) = {
(EmptyValDef, List(EmptyTree))
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