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package dotc
package reporting
import scala.annotation.internal.sharable
import core.Contexts._
import util.{SourcePosition, NoSourcePosition}
import core.Decorators.PhaseListDecorator
import collection.mutable
import core.Mode
import{Symbol, NoSymbol}
import diagnostic.messages._
import diagnostic._
import ast.{tpd, Trees}
import Message._
import java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis
import{ BufferedReader, PrintWriter }
object Reporter {
/** Convert a SimpleReporter into a real Reporter */
def fromSimpleReporter(simple: interfaces.SimpleReporter): Reporter =
new Reporter with UniqueMessagePositions with HideNonSensicalMessages {
override def doReport(m: MessageContainer)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = m match {
case m: ConditionalWarning if !m.enablingOption.value =>
case _ =>
/** A reporter that ignores reports, and doesn't record errors */
@sharable object NoReporter extends Reporter {
def doReport(m: MessageContainer)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = ()
override def report(m: MessageContainer)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = ()
type ErrorHandler = (MessageContainer, Context) => Unit
private val defaultIncompleteHandler: ErrorHandler =
(mc, ctx) =>
/** Show prompt if `-Xprompt` is passed as a flag to the compiler */
def displayPrompt(reader: BufferedReader, writer: PrintWriter): Unit = {
writer.print("a)bort, s)tack, r)esume: ")
if (reader != null) {
def loop(): Unit = match {
case 'a' | 'A' =>
new Throwable().printStackTrace(writer)
case 's' | 'S' =>
new Throwable().printStackTrace(writer)
case 'r' | 'R' =>
case _ =>
trait Reporting { this: Context =>
/** For sending messages that are printed only if -verbose is set */
def inform(msg: => String, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit =
if (this.settings.verbose.value) this.echo(msg, pos)
def echo(msg: => String, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit = Info(msg, pos))
def reportWarning(warning: Warning): Unit =
if (!this.settings.silentWarnings.value) {
if (this.settings.XfatalWarnings.value)
warning match {
case warning: ConditionalWarning if !warning.enablingOption.value => // conditional warnings that are not enabled are not fatal
case _ =>
def deprecationWarning(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit =
reportWarning(new DeprecationWarning(msg, pos))
def migrationWarning(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit =
reportWarning(new MigrationWarning(msg, pos))
def uncheckedWarning(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit =
reportWarning(new UncheckedWarning(msg, pos))
def featureWarning(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit =
reportWarning(new FeatureWarning(msg, pos))
def featureWarning(feature: String, featureDescription: String,
featureUseSite: Symbol, required: Boolean, pos: SourcePosition): Unit = {
val req = if (required) "needs to" else "should"
val fqname = s"scala.language.$feature"
val explain = {
if (reporter.isReportedFeatureUseSite(featureUseSite)) ""
else {
|This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import $fqname'
|or by setting the compiler option -language:$feature.
|See the Scala docs for value $fqname for a discussion
|why the feature $req be explicitly enabled.""".stripMargin
val msg = s"$featureDescription $req be enabled\nby making the implicit value $fqname visible.$explain"
if (required) error(msg, pos)
else reportWarning(new FeatureWarning(msg, pos))
def warning(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit =
reportWarning(new Warning(msg, addInlineds(pos)))
def strictWarning(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit = {
val fullPos = addInlineds(pos)
if (this.settings.strict.value) error(msg, fullPos)
else reportWarning(
new ExtendMessage(() => msg)(_ + "\n(This would be an error under strict mode)")
def error(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition, sticky: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val fullPos = addInlineds(pos) (sticky) new StickyError(msg, fullPos) else new Error(msg, fullPos))
def errorOrMigrationWarning(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit =
if (ctx.scala2Mode) migrationWarning(msg, pos) else error(msg, pos)
def restrictionError(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit = {
new ExtendMessage(() => msg)(m => s"Implementation restriction: $m").error(addInlineds(pos))
def incompleteInputError(msg: => Message, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
reporter.incomplete(new Error(msg, pos))(ctx)
/** Log msg if settings.log contains the current phase.
* See [[config.CompilerCommand#explainAdvanced]] for the exact meaning of
* "contains" here.
def log(msg: => String, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit =
if (this.settings.Ylog.value.containsPhase(phase))
echo(s"[log ${ctx.phasesStack.reverse.mkString(" -> ")}] $msg", pos)
def debuglog(msg: => String): Unit =
if (ctx.debug) log(msg)
def informTime(msg: => String, start: Long): Unit = {
def elapsed = s" in ${currentTimeMillis - start}ms"
informProgress(msg + elapsed)
def informProgress(msg: => String): Unit =
inform("[" + msg + "]")
def logWith[T](msg: => String)(value: T): T = {
log(msg + " " + value)
def debugwarn(msg: => String, pos: SourcePosition = NoSourcePosition): Unit =
if (this.settings.Ydebug.value) warning(msg, pos)
private def addInlineds(pos: SourcePosition)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
def recur(pos: SourcePosition, inlineds: List[Trees.Tree[_]]): SourcePosition = inlineds match {
case inlined :: inlineds1 => pos.withOuter(recur(inlined.sourcePos, inlineds1))
case Nil => pos
recur(pos, tpd.enclosingInlineds)
* This interface provides methods to issue information, warning and
* error messages.
abstract class Reporter extends interfaces.ReporterResult {
import Reporter._
/** Report a diagnostic */
def doReport(m: MessageContainer)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit
/** Whether very long lines can be truncated. This exists so important
* debugging information (like printing the classpath) is not rendered
* invisible due to the max message length.
private[this] var _truncationOK: Boolean = true
def truncationOK: Boolean = _truncationOK
def withoutTruncating[T](body: => T): T = {
val saved = _truncationOK
_truncationOK = false
try body
finally _truncationOK = saved
private[this] var incompleteHandler: ErrorHandler = defaultIncompleteHandler
def withIncompleteHandler[T](handler: ErrorHandler)(op: => T): T = {
val saved = incompleteHandler
incompleteHandler = handler
try op
finally incompleteHandler = saved
private[this] var _errorCount = 0
private[this] var _warningCount = 0
/** The number of errors reported by this reporter (ignoring outer reporters) */
def errorCount: Int = _errorCount
/** The number of warnings reported by this reporter (ignoring outer reporters) */
def warningCount: Int = _warningCount
/** Have errors been reported by this reporter (ignoring outer reporters)? */
def hasErrors: Boolean = errorCount > 0
/** Have warnings been reported by this reporter (ignoring outer reporters)? */
def hasWarnings: Boolean = warningCount > 0
private[this] var errors: List[Error] = Nil
/** All errors reported by this reporter (ignoring outer reporters) */
def allErrors: List[Error] = errors
/** Were sticky errors reported? Overridden in StoreReporter. */
def hasStickyErrors: Boolean = false
/** Have errors been reported by this reporter, or in the
* case where this is a StoreReporter, by an outer reporter?
def errorsReported: Boolean = hasErrors
private[this] var reportedFeaturesUseSites = Set[Symbol]()
def isReportedFeatureUseSite(featureTrait: Symbol): Boolean = && reportedFeaturesUseSites.contains(featureTrait)
def reportNewFeatureUseSite(featureTrait: Symbol): Unit = reportedFeaturesUseSites += featureTrait
var unreportedWarnings: Map[String, Int] = Map.empty
def report(m: MessageContainer)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
if (!isHidden(m)) {
m match {
case m: ConditionalWarning if !m.enablingOption.value =>
val key =
unreportedWarnings =
unreportedWarnings.updated(key, unreportedWarnings.getOrElse(key, 0) + 1)
case m: Warning => _warningCount += 1
case m: Error =>
errors = m :: errors
_errorCount += 1
case m: Info => // nothing to do here
// match error if d is something else
def incomplete(m: MessageContainer)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
incompleteHandler(m, ctx)
/** Summary of warnings and errors */
def summary: String = {
val b = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
if (warningCount > 0)
b += countString(warningCount, "warning") + " found"
if (errorCount > 0)
b += countString(errorCount, "error") + " found"
for ((settingName, count) <- unreportedWarnings)
b += s"there were $count ${settingName.tail} warning(s); re-run with $settingName for details"
/** Print the summary of warnings and errors */
def printSummary(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
val s = summary
if (s != "") ctx.echo(s)
/** Returns a string meaning "n elements". */
protected def countString(n: Int, elements: String): String = n match {
case 0 => "no " + elements + "s"
case 1 => "one " + elements
case 2 => "two " + elements + "s"
case 3 => "three " + elements + "s"
case 4 => "four " + elements + "s"
case _ => n + " " + elements + "s"
/** Should this diagnostic not be reported at all? */
def isHidden(m: MessageContainer)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
/** Does this reporter contain errors that have yet to be reported by its outer reporter ?
* Note: this is always false when there is no outer reporter.
def hasUnreportedErrors: Boolean = false
/** If this reporter buffers messages, remove and return all buffered messages. */
def removeBufferedMessages(implicit ctx: Context): List[MessageContainer] = Nil
/** Issue all error messages in this reporter to next outer one, or make sure they are written. */
def flush()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
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