Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tastyreflect
import{Trees, tpd, untpd}
import{Implicits, Typer}
import{definitionFromSym, packageDefFromSym}
import{AmbiguousImplicits, DivergingImplicit, NoMatchingImplicits, SearchFailure, SearchFailureType}
import scala.tasty.reflect.Kernel
class KernelImpl(val rootContext: core.Contexts.Context, val rootPosition: util.SourcePosition) extends Kernel {
private implicit def ctx: core.Contexts.Context = rootContext
def settings: Settings = rootContext.settings
type Context = core.Contexts.Context
def Context_owner(self: Context): Symbol = self.owner
def Context_source(self: Context): java.nio.file.Path = self.compilationUnit.source.file.jpath
def Context_GADT_setFreshGADTBounds(self: Context): Context =
def Context_GADT_addToConstraint(self: Context)(syms: List[Symbol]): Boolean =
def Context_GADT_approximation(self: Context)(sym: Symbol, fromBelow: Boolean): Type =
self.gadt.approximation(sym, fromBelow)
def error(msg: => String, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
ctx.error(msg, pos)
def error(msg: => String, sourceFile: SourceFile, start: Int, end: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
ctx.error(msg, util.SourcePosition(sourceFile, util.Spans.Span(start, end)))
def warning(msg: => String, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
ctx.warning(msg, pos)
def warning(msg: => String, sourceFile: SourceFile, start: Int, end: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
ctx.error(msg, util.SourcePosition(sourceFile, util.Spans.Span(start, end)))
// Settings
type Settings = config.ScalaSettings
def Settings_color(self: Settings): Boolean = self.color.value(rootContext) == "always"
/** Whether the code type checks in the given context?
* @param code The code to be type checked
* The code should be a sequence of expressions or statements that may appear in a block.
def typeChecks(code: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
val ctx2 = ctx.fresh.setNewTyperState().setTyper(new Typer)
val tree = new Parser(SourceFile.virtual("tasty-reflect", code))(ctx2).block()
if (ctx2.reporter.hasErrors) false
else {
type Tree = tpd.Tree
def Tree_pos(self: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Position = self.sourcePos
def Tree_symbol(self: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = self.symbol
type PackageClause = tpd.PackageDef
def matchPackageClause(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[PackageClause] = tree match {
case x: tpd.PackageDef => Some(x)
case _ => None
def PackageClause_pid(self: PackageClause)(implicit ctx: Context): Ref =
def PackageClause_stats(self: PackageClause)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = self.stats
def PackageClause_apply(pid: Ref, stats: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): PackageClause =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.PackageDef(pid.asInstanceOf[tpd.RefTree], stats)(ctx))
def PackageClause_copy(original: PackageClause)(pid: Ref, stats: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): PackageClause =
tpd.cpy.PackageDef(original)(pid, stats)
type Statement = tpd.Tree
def matchStatement(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Statement] = tree match {
case tree if tree.isTerm => Some(tree)
case _ => matchDefinition(tree)
type Import = tpd.Import
def matchImport(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Import] = tree match {
case tree: tpd.Import => Some(tree)
case _ => None
def Import_implied(self: Import): Boolean = self.importDelegate
def Import_expr(self: Import)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = self.expr
def Import_selectors(self: Import)(implicit ctx: Context): List[ImportSelector] = self.selectors
def Import_apply(importImplied: Boolean, expr: Term, selectors: List[ImportSelector])(implicit ctx: Context): Import =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Import(importImplied, expr, selectors)(ctx))
def Import_copy(original: Import)(importImplied: Boolean, expr: Term, selectors: List[ImportSelector])(implicit ctx: Context): Import =
tpd.cpy.Import(original)(importImplied, expr, selectors)
type Definition = tpd.Tree
def matchDefinition(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Definition] = tree match {
case tree: tpd.MemberDef => Some(tree)
case tree: PackageDefinition => Some(tree)
case _ => None
def Definition_name(self: Definition)(implicit ctx: Context): String = self match {
case self: tpd.MemberDef =>
case self: PackageDefinition => // TODO make PackageDefinition a MemberDef or NameTree
type PackageDef = PackageDefinition
def matchPackageDef(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[PackageDef] = tree match {
case x: PackageDefinition => Some(x)
case _ => None
def PackageDef_owner(self: PackageDef)(implicit ctx: Context): PackageDef = packageDefFromSym(self.symbol.owner)
def PackageDef_members(self: PackageDef)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Statement] = {
if ( Nil // FIXME should also support java packages
def PackageDef_symbol(self: PackageDef)(implicit ctx: Context): PackageDefSymbol = self.symbol
type ClassDef = tpd.TypeDef
def matchClassDef(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ClassDef] = tree match {
case x: tpd.TypeDef if x.isClassDef => Some(x)
case _ => None
def ClassDef_constructor(self: ClassDef)(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef = ClassDef_rhs(self).constr
def ClassDef_parents(self: ClassDef)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Term | TypeTree] = ClassDef_rhs(self).parents
def ClassDef_derived(self: ClassDef)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeTree] = ClassDef_rhs(self).derived.asInstanceOf[List[TypeTree]]
def ClassDef_self(self: ClassDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ValDef] = optional(ClassDef_rhs(self).self)
def ClassDef_body(self: ClassDef)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Statement] = ClassDef_rhs(self).body
def ClassDef_symbol(self: ClassDef)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDefSymbol = self.symbol.asClass
private def ClassDef_rhs(self: ClassDef) = self.rhs.asInstanceOf[tpd.Template]
def ClassDef_copy(original: ClassDef)(name: String, constr: DefDef, parents: List[Term | TypeTree], derived: List[TypeTree], selfOpt: Option[ValDef], body: List[Statement])(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDef = {
val Trees.TypeDef(_, originalImpl: tpd.Template) = original
tpd.cpy.TypeDef(original)(name.toTypeName, tpd.cpy.Template(originalImpl)(constr, parents, derived, selfOpt.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyValDef), body))
type TypeDef = tpd.TypeDef
def matchTypeDef(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeDef] = tree match {
case x: tpd.TypeDef if !x.symbol.isClass => Some(x)
case _ => None
def TypeDef_rhs(self: TypeDef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree = self.rhs
def TypeDef_symbol(self: TypeDef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDefSymbol = self.symbol.asType
def TypeDef_apply(symbol: TypeDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef = withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.TypeDef(symbol)(ctx))
def TypeDef_copy(original: TypeDef)(name: String, rhs: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef =
tpd.cpy.TypeDef(original)(name.toTypeName, rhs)
type DefDef = tpd.DefDef
def matchDefDef(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[DefDef] = tree match {
case x: tpd.DefDef => Some(x)
case _ => None
def DefDef_typeParams(self: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeDef] = self.tparams
def DefDef_paramss(self: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): List[List[ValDef]] = self.vparamss
def DefDef_returnTpt(self: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.tpt
def DefDef_rhs(self: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Tree] = optional(self.rhs)
def DefDef_symbol(self: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): DefDefSymbol = self.symbol.asTerm
def DefDef_apply(symbol: DefDefSymbol, rhsFn: List[Type] => List[List[Term]] => Option[Term])(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.polyDefDef(symbol, tparams => vparamss => rhsFn(tparams)(vparamss).getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree))(ctx))
def DefDef_copy(original: DefDef)(name: String, typeParams: List[TypeDef], paramss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: TypeTree, rhs: Option[Term])(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef =
tpd.cpy.DefDef(original)(name.toTermName, typeParams, paramss, tpt, rhs.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree))
type ValDef = tpd.ValDef
def matchValDef(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ValDef] = tree match {
case x: tpd.ValDef => Some(x)
case _ => None
def ValDef_tpt(self: ValDef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.tpt
def ValDef_rhs(self: ValDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Tree] = optional(self.rhs)
def ValDef_symbol(self: ValDef)(implicit ctx: Context): ValDefSymbol = self.symbol.asTerm
def ValDef_apply(symbol: ValDefSymbol, rhs: Option[Term])(implicit ctx: Context): ValDef =
tpd.ValDef(symbol, rhs.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree))
def ValDef_copy(original: ValDef)(name: String, tpt: TypeTree, rhs: Option[Term])(implicit ctx: Context): ValDef =
tpd.cpy.ValDef(original)(name.toTermName, tpt, rhs.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree))
type Term = tpd.Tree
def matchTerm(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Term] = tree match {
case x: tpd.SeqLiteral => Some(tree)
case _ if tree.isTerm => Some(tree)
case _ => None
def Term_pos(self: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Position = self.sourcePos
def Term_tpe(self: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tpe
def Term_underlyingArgument(self: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.underlyingArgument
def Term_underlying(self: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.underlying
type Ref = tpd.RefTree
def matchRef(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Ref] = tree match {
case x: tpd.RefTree if x.isTerm => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Ref_apply(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Ref =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.ref(sym)(ctx).asInstanceOf[tpd.RefTree])
type Ident = tpd.Ident
def matchIdent(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Ident] = x match {
case x: tpd.Ident if x.isTerm => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Ident_name(self: Ident)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def Ident_apply(tmref: TermRef)(implicit ctx: Context): Term =
withDefaultPos(implicit ctx => tpd.ref(tmref).asInstanceOf[Term])
def Ident_copy(original: Tree)(name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Ident =
type Select = tpd.Select
def matchSelect(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Select] = x match {
case x: tpd.Select if x.isTerm => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Select_qualifier(self: Select)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.qualifier
def Select_name(self: Select)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def Select_signature(self: Select)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Signature] =
if (self.symbol.signature == core.Signature.NotAMethod) None
else Some(self.symbol.signature)
def Select_apply(qualifier: Term, symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Select =
withDefaultPos(implicit ctx => tpd.Select(qualifier, Types.TermRef(qualifier.tpe, symbol)))
def Select_unique(qualifier: Term, name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Select = {
val denot = qualifier.tpe.member(name.toTermName)
assert(!denot.isOverloaded, s"The symbol `$name` is overloaded. The method Select.unique can only be used for non-overloaded symbols.")
withDefaultPos(implicit ctx => tpd.Select(qualifier, name.toTermName))
// TODO rename, this returns an Apply and not a Select
def Select_overloaded(qualifier: Term, name: String, targs: List[Type], args: List[Term])(implicit ctx: Context): Apply =
withDefaultPos(implicit ctx => tpd.applyOverloaded(qualifier, name.toTermName, args, targs, Types.WildcardType).asInstanceOf[Apply])
def Select_copy(original: Tree)(qualifier: Term, name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Select =
tpd.cpy.Select(original)(qualifier, name.toTermName)
type Literal = tpd.Literal
def matchLiteral(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Literal] = x match {
case x: tpd.Literal => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Literal_constant(self: Literal)(implicit ctx: Context): Constant = self.const
def Literal_apply(constant: Constant)(implicit ctx: Context): Literal =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Literal(constant)(ctx))
def Literal_copy(original: Tree)(constant: Constant)(implicit ctx: Context): Literal =
type This = tpd.This
def matchThis(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[This] = x match {
case x: tpd.This => Some(x)
case _ => None
def This_id(self: This)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Id] = optional(self.qual)
def This_apply(cls: ClassDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): This =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.This(cls)(ctx))
def This_copy(original: Tree)(qual: Option[Id])(implicit ctx: Context): This =
type New = tpd.New
def matchNew(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[New] = x match {
case x: tpd.New => Some(x)
case _ => None
def New_tpt(self: New)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.tpt
def New_apply(tpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): New = withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.New(tpt)(ctx))
def New_copy(original: Tree)(tpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): New =
type NamedArg = tpd.NamedArg
def matchNamedArg(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[NamedArg] = x match {
case x: tpd.NamedArg if[core.Names.TermName] => Some(x) // TODO: Now, the name should alwas be a term name
case _ => None
def NamedArg_name(self: NamedArg)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def NamedArg_value(self: NamedArg)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.arg
def NamedArg_apply(name: String, arg: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): NamedArg =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.NamedArg(name.toTermName, arg)(ctx))
def NamedArg_copy(tree: NamedArg)(name: String, arg: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): NamedArg =
tpd.cpy.NamedArg(tree)(name.toTermName, arg)
type Apply = tpd.Apply
def matchApply(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Apply] = x match {
case x: tpd.Apply => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Apply_fun(self: Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): Term =
def Apply_args(self: Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Term] = self.args
def Apply_apply(fn: Term, args: List[Term])(implicit ctx: Context): Apply =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Apply(fn, args)(ctx))
def Apply_copy(original: Tree)(fun: Term, args: List[Term])(implicit ctx: Context): Apply =
tpd.cpy.Apply(original)(fun, args)
type TypeApply = tpd.TypeApply
def matchTypeApply(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeApply] = x match {
case x: tpd.TypeApply => Some(x)
case _ => None
def TypeApply_fun(self: TypeApply)(implicit ctx: Context): Term =
def TypeApply_args(self: TypeApply)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeTree] = self.args
def TypeApply_apply(fn: Term, args: List[TypeTree])(implicit ctx: Context): TypeApply =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.TypeApply(fn, args)(ctx))
def TypeApply_copy(original: Tree)(fun: Term, args: List[TypeTree])(implicit ctx: Context): TypeApply =
tpd.cpy.TypeApply(original)(fun, args)
type Super = tpd.Super
def matchSuper(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Super] = x match {
case x: tpd.Super => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Super_qualifier(self: Super)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.qual
def Super_id(self: Super)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Id] = optional(self.mix)
def Super_apply(qual: Term, mix: Option[Id])(implicit ctx: Context): Super =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Super(qual, mix.getOrElse(untpd.EmptyTypeIdent), false, NoSymbol)(ctx))
def Super_copy(original: Tree)(qual: Term, mix: Option[Id])(implicit ctx: Context): Super =
tpd.cpy.Super(original)(qual, mix.getOrElse(untpd.EmptyTypeIdent))
type Typed = tpd.Typed
def matchTyped(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Typed] = x match {
case x: tpd.Typed => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Typed_expr(self: Typed)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.expr
def Typed_tpt(self: Typed)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.tpt
def Typed_apply(expr: Term, tpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Typed =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Typed(expr, tpt)(ctx))
def Typed_copy(original: Tree)(expr: Term, tpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Typed =
tpd.cpy.Typed(original)(expr, tpt)
type Assign = tpd.Assign
def matchAssign(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Assign] = x match {
case x: tpd.Assign => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Assign_lhs(self: Assign)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.lhs
def Assign_rhs(self: Assign)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.rhs
def Assign_apply(lhs: Term, rhs: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Assign =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Assign(lhs, rhs)(ctx))
def Assign_copy(original: Tree)(lhs: Term, rhs: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Assign =
tpd.cpy.Assign(original)(lhs, rhs)
type Block = tpd.Block
def matchBlock(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Block] = normalizedLoops(x) match {
case x: tpd.Block => Some(x)
case _ => None
/** Normalizes non Blocks.
* i) Put `while` and `doWhile` loops in their own blocks: `{ def while$() = ...; while$() }`
* ii) Put closures in their own blocks: `{ def anon$() = ...; closure(anon$, ...) }`
private def normalizedLoops(tree: tpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = tree match {
case block: tpd.Block if block.stats.size > 1 =>
def normalizeInnerLoops(stats: List[tpd.Tree]): List[tpd.Tree] = stats match {
case (x: tpd.DefDef) :: y :: xs if needsNormalization(y) =>
tpd.Block(x :: Nil, y) :: normalizeInnerLoops(xs)
case x :: xs => x :: normalizeInnerLoops(xs)
case Nil => Nil
if (needsNormalization(block.expr)) {
val stats1 = normalizeInnerLoops(block.stats.init)
val normalLoop = tpd.Block(block.stats.last :: Nil, block.expr)
tpd.Block(stats1, normalLoop)
} else {
val stats1 = normalizeInnerLoops(block.stats)
tpd.cpy.Block(block)(stats1, block.expr)
case _ => tree
/** If it is the second statement of a closure. See: `normalizedLoops` */
private def needsNormalization(tree: tpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = tree match {
case _: tpd.Closure => true
case _ => false
def Block_statements(self: Block)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Statement] = self.stats
def Block_expr(self: Block)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.expr
def Block_apply(stats: List[Statement], expr: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Block =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Block(stats, expr)(ctx))
def Block_copy(original: Tree)(stats: List[Statement], expr: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Block =
tpd.cpy.Block(original)(stats, expr)
type Inlined = tpd.Inlined
def matchInlined(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Inlined] = x match {
case x: tpd.Inlined => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Inlined_call(self: Inlined)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Term | TypeTree] = optional(
def Inlined_bindings(self: Inlined)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Definition] = self.bindings
def Inlined_body(self: Inlined)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.expansion
def Inlined_apply(call: Option[Term | TypeTree], bindings: List[Definition], expansion: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Inlined =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Inlined(call.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree), { case b: tpd.MemberDef => b }, expansion)(ctx))
def Inlined_copy(original: Tree)(call: Option[Term | TypeTree], bindings: List[Definition], expansion: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Inlined =
tpd.cpy.Inlined(original)(call.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree), bindings.asInstanceOf[List[tpd.MemberDef]], expansion)
type Closure = tpd.Closure
def matchClosure(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Closure] = x match {
case x: tpd.Closure => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Closure_meth(self: Closure)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.meth
def Closure_tpeOpt(self: Closure)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Type] = optional(self.tpt).map(_.tpe)
def Closure_apply(meth: Term, tpe: Option[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Closure =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Closure(Nil, meth,
def Closure_copy(original: Tree)(meth: Tree, tpe: Option[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Closure =
tpd.cpy.Closure(original)(Nil, meth,
type If = tpd.If
def matchIf(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[If] = x match {
case x: tpd.If => Some(x)
case _ => None
def If_cond(self: If)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.cond
def If_thenp(self: If)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.thenp
def If_elsep(self: If)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.elsep
def If_apply(cond: Term, thenp: Term, elsep: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): If =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.If(cond, thenp, elsep)(ctx))
def If_copy(original: Tree)(cond: Term, thenp: Term, elsep: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): If =
tpd.cpy.If(original)(cond, thenp, elsep)
type Match = tpd.Match
def matchMatch(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Match] = x match {
case x: tpd.Match if !x.selector.isEmpty => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Match_scrutinee(self: Match)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.selector
def Match_cases(self: Match)(implicit ctx: Context): List[CaseDef] = self.cases
def Match_apply(selector: Term, cases: List[CaseDef])(implicit ctx: Context): Match =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Match(selector, cases)(ctx))
def Match_copy(original: Tree)(selector: Term, cases: List[CaseDef])(implicit ctx: Context): Match =
tpd.cpy.Match(original)(selector, cases)
type ImpliedMatch = tpd.Match
def matchImplicitMatch(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Match] = x match {
case x: tpd.Match if x.selector.isEmpty => Some(x)
case _ => None
def ImplicitMatch_cases(self: Match)(implicit ctx: Context): List[CaseDef] = self.cases
def ImplicitMatch_apply(cases: List[CaseDef])(implicit ctx: Context): ImpliedMatch =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Match(tpd.EmptyTree, cases)(ctx))
def ImplicitMatch_copy(original: Tree)(cases: List[CaseDef])(implicit ctx: Context): ImpliedMatch =
tpd.cpy.Match(original)(tpd.EmptyTree, cases)
type Try = tpd.Try
def matchTry(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Try] = x match {
case x: tpd.Try => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Try_body(self: Try)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.expr
def Try_cases(self: Try)(implicit ctx: Context): List[CaseDef] = self.cases
def Try_finalizer(self: Try)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Term] = optional(self.finalizer)
def Try_apply(expr: Term, cases: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Option[Term])(implicit ctx: Context): Try =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Try(expr, cases, finalizer.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree))(ctx))
def Try_copy(original: Tree)(expr: Term, cases: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Option[Term])(implicit ctx: Context): Try =
tpd.cpy.Try(original)(expr, cases, finalizer.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree))
type Return = tpd.Return
def matchReturn(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Return] = x match {
case x: tpd.Return => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Return_expr(self: Return)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.expr
def Return_apply(expr: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Return =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Return(expr, ctx.owner)(ctx))
def Return_copy(original: Tree)(expr: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Return =
tpd.cpy.Return(original)(expr, tpd.ref(ctx.owner))
type Repeated = tpd.SeqLiteral
def matchRepeated(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Repeated] = x match {
case x: tpd.SeqLiteral => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Repeated_elems(self: Repeated)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Term] = self.elems
def Repeated_elemtpt(self: Repeated)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.elemtpt
def Repeated_apply(elems: List[Term], elemtpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Repeated =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt)(ctx))
def Repeated_copy(original: Tree)(elems: List[Term], elemtpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Repeated =
tpd.cpy.SeqLiteral(original)(elems, elemtpt)
type SelectOuter = tpd.Select
def matchSelectOuter(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[SelectOuter] = x match {
case x: tpd.Select => match {
case NameKinds.OuterSelectName(_, _) => Some(x)
case _ => None
case _ => None
def SelectOuter_qualifier(self: SelectOuter)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.qualifier
def SelectOuter_level(self: SelectOuter)(implicit ctx: Context): Int = {
val NameKinds.OuterSelectName(_, levels) =
def SelectOuter_tpe(self: SelectOuter)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tpe.stripTypeVar
def SelectOuter_apply(qualifier: Term, name: String, levels: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): SelectOuter =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Select(qualifier, NameKinds.OuterSelectName(name.toTermName, levels))(ctx))
def SelectOuter_copy(original: Tree)(qualifier: Term, name: String, levels: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): SelectOuter =
tpd.cpy.Select(original)(qualifier, NameKinds.OuterSelectName(name.toTermName, levels))
type While = tpd.WhileDo
def matchWhile(x: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[While] = x match {
case x: tpd.WhileDo => Some(x)
case _ => None
def While_cond(self: While)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.cond
def While_body(self: While)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.body
def While_apply(cond: Term, body: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): While =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.WhileDo(cond, body)(ctx))
def While_copy(original: Tree)(cond: Term, body: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): While =
tpd.cpy.WhileDo(original)(cond, body)
type TypeTree = tpd.Tree
def matchTypeTree(x: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeTree] = x match {
case x: tpd.TypeBoundsTree => None
case _ => if (x.isType) Some(x) else None
def TypeTree_pos(self: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Position = self.sourcePos
def TypeTree_symbol(self: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = self.symbol
def TypeTree_tpe(self: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tpe.stripTypeVar
type Inferred = tpd.TypeTree
def matchInferred(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Inferred] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.TypeTree if !tpt.tpe.isInstanceOf[Types.TypeBounds] => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def Inferred_apply(tpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Inferred = withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.TypeTree(tpe)(ctx))
type TypeIdent = tpd.Ident
def matchTypeIdent(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeIdent] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.Ident if tpt.isType => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def TypeIdent_name(self: TypeIdent)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def TypeIdent_copy(original: TypeIdent)(name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeIdent =
type TypeSelect = tpd.Select
def matchTypeSelect(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeSelect] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.Select if tpt.isType && tpt.qualifier.isTerm => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def TypeSelect_qualifier(self: TypeSelect)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.qualifier
def TypeSelect_name(self: TypeSelect)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def TypeSelect_apply(qualifier: Term, name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeSelect =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Select(qualifier, name.toTypeName)(ctx))
def TypeSelect_copy(original: TypeSelect)(qualifier: Term, name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeSelect =
tpd.cpy.Select(original)(qualifier, name.toTypeName)
type Projection = tpd.Select
def matchProjection(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Projection] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.Select if tpt.isType && tpt.qualifier.isType => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def Projection_qualifier(self: Projection)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.qualifier
def Projection_name(self: Projection)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def Projection_copy(original: Projection)(qualifier: TypeTree, name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Projection =
tpd.cpy.Select(original)(qualifier, name.toTypeName)
type Singleton = tpd.SingletonTypeTree
def matchSingleton(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Singleton] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.SingletonTypeTree => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def Singleton_ref(self: Singleton)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.ref
def Singleton_apply(ref: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Singleton =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.SingletonTypeTree(ref)(ctx))
def Singleton_copy(original: Singleton)(ref: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Singleton =
type Refined = tpd.RefinedTypeTree
def matchRefined(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Refined] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.RefinedTypeTree => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def Refined_tpt(self: Refined)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.tpt
def Refined_refinements(self: Refined)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Definition] = self.refinements
def Refined_copy(original: Refined)(tpt: TypeTree, refinements: List[Definition])(implicit ctx: Context): Refined =
tpd.cpy.RefinedTypeTree(original)(tpt, refinements)
type Applied = tpd.AppliedTypeTree
def matchApplied(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Applied] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.AppliedTypeTree => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def Applied_tpt(self: Applied)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.tpt
def Applied_args(self: Applied)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree] = self.args
def Applied_apply(tpt: TypeTree, args: List[TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree])(implicit ctx: Context): Applied =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)(ctx))
def Applied_copy(original: Applied)(tpt: TypeTree, args: List[TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree])(implicit ctx: Context): Applied =
tpd.cpy.AppliedTypeTree(original)(tpt, args)
type Annotated = tpd.Annotated
def matchAnnotated(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Annotated] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.Annotated => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def Annotated_arg(self: Annotated)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.arg
def Annotated_annotation(self: Annotated)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.annot
def Annotated_apply(arg: TypeTree, annotation: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Annotated =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Annotated(arg, annotation)(ctx))
def Annotated_copy(original: Annotated)(arg: TypeTree, annotation: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Annotated =
tpd.cpy.Annotated(original)(arg, annotation)
type MatchTypeTree = tpd.MatchTypeTree
def matchMatchTypeTree(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[MatchTypeTree] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.MatchTypeTree => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def MatchTypeTree_bound(self: MatchTypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeTree] = if (self.bound == tpd.EmptyTree) None else Some(self.bound)
def MatchTypeTree_selector(self: MatchTypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.selector
def MatchTypeTree_cases(self: MatchTypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): List[CaseDef] = self.cases
def MatchTypeTree_apply(bound: Option[TypeTree], selector: TypeTree, cases: List[TypeCaseDef])(implicit ctx: Context): MatchTypeTree =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.MatchTypeTree(bound.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree), selector, cases)(ctx))
def MatchTypeTree_copy(original: MatchTypeTree)(bound: Option[TypeTree], selector: TypeTree, cases: List[TypeCaseDef])(implicit ctx: Context): MatchTypeTree =
tpd.cpy.MatchTypeTree(original)(bound.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree), selector, cases)
type ByName = tpd.ByNameTypeTree
def matchByName(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ByName] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.ByNameTypeTree => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def ByName_result(self: ByName)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.result
def ByName_apply(result: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): ByName =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.ByNameTypeTree(result)(ctx))
def ByName_copy(original: ByName)(result: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): ByName =
type LambdaTypeTree = tpd.LambdaTypeTree
def matchLambdaTypeTree(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[LambdaTypeTree] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.LambdaTypeTree => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def Lambdatparams(self: LambdaTypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeDef] = self.tparams
def Lambdabody(self: LambdaTypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree = self.body
def Lambdaapply(tparams: List[TypeDef], body: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): LambdaTypeTree =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body)(ctx))
def Lambdacopy(original: LambdaTypeTree)(tparams: List[TypeDef], body: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): LambdaTypeTree =
tpd.cpy.LambdaTypeTree(original)(tparams, body)
type TypeBind = tpd.Bind
def matchTypeBind(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeBind] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.Bind if => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def TypeBind_name(self: TypeBind)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def TypeBind_body(self: TypeBind)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree = self.body
def TypeBind_copy(original: TypeBind)(name: String, tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBind =
tpd.cpy.Bind(original)(name.toTypeName, tpt)
type TypeBlock = tpd.Block
def matchTypeBlock(tpt: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeBlock] = tpt match {
case tpt: tpd.Block => Some(tpt)
case _ => None
def TypeBlock_aliases(self: TypeBlock)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeDef] = { case alias: TypeDef => alias }
def TypeBlock_tpt(self: TypeBlock)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.expr
def TypeBlock_apply(aliases: List[TypeDef], tpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBlock =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Block(aliases, tpt)(ctx))
def TypeBlock_copy(original: TypeBlock)(aliases: List[TypeDef], tpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBlock =
tpd.cpy.Block(original)(aliases, tpt)
type TypeBoundsTree = tpd.TypeBoundsTree
def matchTypeBoundsTree(x: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeBoundsTree] = x match {
case x: tpd.TypeBoundsTree => Some(x)
case x @ Trees.TypeTree() =>
// TODO only enums generate this kind of type bounds. Is this possible without enums? If not generate tpd.TypeBoundsTree for enums instead
x.tpe match {
case tpe: Types.TypeBounds =>
Some(tpd.TypeBoundsTree(tpd.TypeTree(tpe.lo).withSpan(x.span), tpd.TypeTree(tpe.hi).withSpan(x.span)))
case _ => None
case _ => None
def TypeBoundsTree_tpe(self: TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = self.tpe.asInstanceOf[Types.TypeBounds]
def TypeBoundsTree_low(self: TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.lo
def TypeBoundsTree_hi(self: TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.hi
type WildcardTypeTree = tpd.Ident
def matchWildcardTypeTree(x: TypeTree | TypeBoundsTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[WildcardTypeTree] = x match {
case x @ Trees.Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => Some(x)
case _ => None
def WildcardTypeTree_tpe(self: WildcardTypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeOrBounds = self.tpe.stripTypeVar
type CaseDef = tpd.CaseDef
def matchCaseDef(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[CaseDef] = tree match {
case tree: tpd.CaseDef if tree.body.isTerm => Some(tree)
case _ => None
def CaseDef_pattern(self: CaseDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Pattern = self.pat
def CaseDef_guard(self: CaseDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Term] = optional(self.guard)
def CaseDef_rhs(self: CaseDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.body
def CaseDef_module_apply(pattern: Pattern, guard: Option[Term], body: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): CaseDef =
tpd.CaseDef(pattern, guard.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree), body)
def CaseDef_module_copy(original: CaseDef)(pattern: Pattern, guard: Option[Term], body: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): CaseDef =
tpd.cpy.CaseDef(original)(pattern, guard.getOrElse(tpd.EmptyTree), body)
type TypeCaseDef = tpd.CaseDef
def matchTypeCaseDef(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeCaseDef] = tree match {
case tree: tpd.CaseDef if tree.body.isType => Some(tree)
case _ => None
def TypeCaseDef_pattern(self: TypeCaseDef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.pat
def TypeCaseDef_rhs(self: TypeCaseDef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.body
def TypeCaseDef_module_apply(pattern: TypeTree, body: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeCaseDef =
tpd.CaseDef(pattern, tpd.EmptyTree, body)
def TypeCaseDef_module_copy(original: TypeCaseDef)(pattern: TypeTree, body: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeCaseDef =
tpd.cpy.CaseDef(original)(pattern, tpd.EmptyTree, body)
type Pattern = tpd.Tree
def Pattern_pos(self: Pattern)(implicit ctx: Context): Position = self.sourcePos
def Pattern_tpe(self: Pattern)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tpe.stripTypeVar
def Pattern_symbol(self: Pattern)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = self.symbol
type Value = tpd.Tree
def matchPattern_Value(pattern: Pattern): Option[Value] = pattern match {
case lit: tpd.Literal => Some(lit)
case ref: tpd.RefTree if ref.isTerm && !tpd.isWildcardArg(ref) => Some(ref)
case ths: tpd.This => Some(ths)
case _ => None
def Pattern_Value_value(self: Value)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self
def Pattern_Value_module_apply(term: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Value = term match {
case lit: tpd.Literal => lit
case ref: tpd.RefTree if ref.isTerm => ref
case ths: tpd.This => ths
def Pattern_Value_module_copy(original: Value)(term: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): Value = term match {
case lit: tpd.Literal => tpd.cpy.Literal(original)(lit.const)
case ref: tpd.RefTree if ref.isTerm => tpd.cpy.Ref(original.asInstanceOf[tpd.RefTree])(
case ths: tpd.This => tpd.cpy.This(original)(ths.qual)
type Bind = tpd.Bind
def matchPattern_Bind(x: Pattern)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Bind] = x match {
case x: tpd.Bind if => Some(x)
case _ => None
def Pattern_Bind_name(self: Bind)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def Pattern_Bind_pattern(self: Bind)(implicit ctx: Context): Pattern = self.body
def Pattern_Bind_module_copy(original: Bind)(name: String, pattern: Pattern)(implicit ctx: Context): Bind =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.cpy.Bind(original)(name.toTermName, pattern)(ctx))
type Unapply = tpd.UnApply
def matchPattern_Unapply(pattern: Pattern)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Unapply] = pattern match {
case pattern @ Trees.UnApply(_, _, _) => Some(pattern)
case Trees.Typed(pattern @ Trees.UnApply(_, _, _), _) => Some(pattern)
case _ => None
def Pattern_Unapply_fun(self: Unapply)(implicit ctx: Context): Term =
def Pattern_Unapply_implicits(self: Unapply)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Term] = self.implicits
def Pattern_Unapply_patterns(self: Unapply)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Pattern] = effectivePatterns(self.patterns)
def Pattern_Unapply_module_copy(original: Unapply)(fun: Term, implicits: List[Term], patterns: List[Pattern])(implicit ctx: Context): Unapply =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.cpy.UnApply(original)(fun, implicits, patterns)(ctx))
private def effectivePatterns(patterns: List[Pattern]): List[Pattern] = patterns match {
case patterns0 :+ Trees.SeqLiteral(elems, _) => patterns0 ::: elems
case _ => patterns
type Alternatives = tpd.Alternative
def matchPattern_Alternatives(pattern: Pattern)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Alternatives] = pattern match {
case pattern: tpd.Alternative => Some(pattern)
case _ => None
def Pattern_Alternatives_patterns(self: Alternatives)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Pattern] = self.trees
def Pattern_Alternatives_module_apply(patterns: List[Pattern])(implicit ctx: Context): Alternatives =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Alternative(patterns)(ctx))
def Pattern_Alternatives_module_copy(original: Alternatives)(patterns: List[Pattern])(implicit ctx: Context): Alternatives =
type TypeTest = tpd.Typed
def matchPattern_TypeTest(pattern: Pattern)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeTest] = pattern match {
case Trees.Typed(_: tpd.UnApply, _) => None
case pattern: tpd.Typed => Some(pattern)
case _ => None
def Pattern_TypeTest_tpt(self: TypeTest)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree = self.tpt
def Pattern_TypeTest_module_apply(tpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTest =
withDefaultPos(ctx => tpd.Typed(untpd.Ident(nme.WILDCARD)(ctx.source).withType(tpt.tpe)(ctx), tpt)(ctx))
def Pattern_TypeTest_module_copy(original: TypeTest)(tpt: TypeTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTest =
tpd.cpy.Typed(original)(untpd.Ident(nme.WILDCARD).withSpan(original.span).withType(tpt.tpe), tpt)
type WildcardPattern = tpd.Ident
def matchPattern_WildcardPattern(pattern: Pattern)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[WildcardPattern] = {
pattern match {
case pattern: tpd.Ident if tpd.isWildcardArg(pattern) => Some(pattern)
case _ => None
def Pattern_WildcardPattern_module_apply(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): WildcardPattern =
type TypeOrBounds = Types.Type
type NoPrefix = Types.NoPrefix.type
def matchNoPrefix(x: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[NoPrefix] =
if (x == Types.NoPrefix) Some(Types.NoPrefix) else None
type TypeBounds = Types.TypeBounds
def matchTypeBounds(x: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeBounds] = x match {
case x: Types.TypeBounds => Some(x)
case _ => None
def TypeBounds_low(self: TypeBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.lo
def TypeBounds_hi(self: TypeBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.hi
type Type = Types.Type
def matchType(x: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Type] = x match {
case x: TypeBounds => None
case x if x == Types.NoPrefix => None
case _ => Some(x)
def Type_apply(clazz: Class[_])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
if (clazz.isPrimitive) {
if (clazz == classOf[Boolean]) defn.BooleanType
else if (clazz == classOf[Byte]) defn.ByteType
else if (clazz == classOf[Char]) defn.CharType
else if (clazz == classOf[Short]) defn.ShortType
else if (clazz == classOf[Int]) defn.IntType
else if (clazz == classOf[Long]) defn.LongType
else if (clazz == classOf[Float]) defn.FloatType
else if (clazz == classOf[Double]) defn.DoubleType
else defn.UnitType
} else if (clazz.isArray) {
} else if (clazz.isMemberClass) {
val name = clazz.getSimpleName.toTypeName
val enclosing = Type_apply(clazz.getEnclosingClass)
if (enclosing.member(name).exists)
else {
} else ctx.getClassIfDefined(clazz.getCanonicalName).typeRef
def `Type_=:=`(self: Type)(that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self =:= that
def `Type_<:<`(self: Type)(that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self <:< that
/** Widen from singleton type to its underlying non-singleton
* base type by applying one or more `underlying` dereferences,
* Also go from => T to T.
* Identity for all other types. Example:
* class Outer { class C ; val x: C }
* def o: Outer
* .widen = o.C
def Type_widen(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.widen
def Type_dealias(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.dealias
def Type_classSymbol(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ClassDefSymbol] =
if (self.classSymbol.exists) Some(self.classSymbol.asClass) else None
def Type_typeSymbol(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = self.typeSymbol
def Type_isSingleton(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.isSingleton
def Type_memberType(self: Type)(member: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =, member.owner)
def Type_derivesFrom(self: Type)(cls: ClassDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
def Type_isFunctionType(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
def Type_isImplicitFunctionType(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
def Type_isErasedFunctionType(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
def Type_isDependentFunctionType(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
val tpNoRefinement = self.dropDependentRefinement
tpNoRefinement != self && defn.isNonRefinedFunction(tpNoRefinement)
type ConstantType = Types.ConstantType
def matchConstantType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ConstantType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.ConstantType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def ConstantType_constant(self: ConstantType)(implicit ctx: Context): Constant = self.value
type SymRef = Types.NamedType
def matchSymRef(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[SymRef] = tpe match {
case tp: Types.NamedType =>
tp.designator match {
case sym: Symbol => Some(tp)
case _ => None
case _ => None
def SymRef_qualifier(self: SymRef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeOrBounds = self.prefix
// TODO remove this method. May require splitting SymRef into TypeSymRef and TermSymRef
def matchSymRef_unapply(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[(Symbol, Type | NoPrefix)] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.NamedType =>
tpe.designator match {
case sym: Symbol => Some((sym, tpe.prefix))
case _ => None
case _ => None
type TermRef = Types.NamedType
def matchTermRef(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TermRef] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.NamedType =>
tpe.designator match {
case name: Names.TermName => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
case _ => None
def TermRef_name(self: TermRef)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def TermRef_qualifier(self: TermRef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeOrBounds = self.prefix
def TermRef_apply(qual: TypeOrBounds, name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef =
Types.TermRef(qual, name.toTermName)
type TypeRef = Types.NamedType
def matchTypeRef(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeRef] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.NamedType =>
tpe.designator match {
case name: Names.TypeName => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
case _ => None
def TypeRef_name(self: TypeRef)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def TypeRef_qualifier(self: TypeRef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeOrBounds = self.prefix
type SuperType = Types.SuperType
def matchSuperType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[SuperType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.SuperType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def SuperType_thistpe(self: SuperType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.thistpe
def SuperType_supertpe(self: SuperType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.supertpe
type Refinement = Types.RefinedType
def matchRefinement(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Refinement] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.RefinedType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def Refinement_parent(self: Refinement)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.parent
def Refinement_name(self: Refinement)(implicit ctx: Context): String = self.refinedName.toString
def Refinement_info(self: Refinement)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeOrBounds = self.refinedInfo
type AppliedType = Types.AppliedType
def matchAppliedType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[AppliedType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.AppliedType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def AppliedType_tycon(self: AppliedType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tycon
def AppliedType_args(self: AppliedType)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeOrBounds] = self.args
type AnnotatedType = Types.AnnotatedType
def matchAnnotatedType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[AnnotatedType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.AnnotatedType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def AnnotatedType_underlying(self: AnnotatedType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.underlying.stripTypeVar
def AnnotatedType_annot(self: AnnotatedType)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self.annot.tree
type AndType = Types.AndType
def matchAndType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[AndType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.AndType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def AndType_left(self: AndType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tp1.stripTypeVar
def AndType_right(self: AndType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tp2.stripTypeVar
type OrType = Types.OrType
def matchOrType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[OrType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.OrType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def OrType_left(self: OrType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tp1.stripTypeVar
def OrType_right(self: OrType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tp2.stripTypeVar
type MatchType = Types.MatchType
def matchMatchType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[MatchType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.MatchType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def MatchType_bound(self: MatchType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.bound
def MatchType_scrutinee(self: MatchType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.scrutinee
def MatchType_cases(self: MatchType)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = self.cases
type ByNameType = Types.ExprType
def matchByNameType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ByNameType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.ExprType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def ByNameType_underlying(self: ByNameType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.resType.stripTypeVar
type ParamRef = Types.ParamRef
def matchParamRef(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ParamRef] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.TypeParamRef => Some(tpe)
case tpe: Types.TermParamRef => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def ParamRef_binder(self: ParamRef)(implicit ctx: Context): LambdaType[TypeOrBounds] =
self.binder.asInstanceOf[LambdaType[TypeOrBounds]] // Cast to tpd
def ParamRef_paramNum(self: ParamRef)(implicit ctx: Context): Int = self.paramNum
type ThisType = Types.ThisType
def matchThisType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ThisType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.ThisType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def ThisType_tref(self: ThisType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.tref
type RecursiveThis = Types.RecThis
def matchRecursiveThis(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[RecursiveThis] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.RecThis => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def RecursiveThis_binder(self: RecursiveThis)(implicit ctx: Context): RecursiveType = self.binder
type RecursiveType = Types.RecType
def matchRecursiveType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[RecursiveType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.RecType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def RecursiveType_underlying(self: RecursiveType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.underlying.stripTypeVar
type LambdaType[ParamInfo] = Types.LambdaType { type PInfo = ParamInfo }
type MethodType = Types.MethodType
def matchMethodType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[MethodType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.MethodType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def MethodType_isErased(self: MethodType): Boolean = self.isErasedMethod
def MethodType_isImplicit(self: MethodType): Boolean = self.isImplicitMethod
def MethodType_paramNames(self: MethodType)(implicit ctx: Context): List[String] =
def MethodType_paramTypes(self: MethodType)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = self.paramInfos
def MethodType_resType(self: MethodType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.resType
type PolyType = Types.PolyType
def matchPolyType(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[PolyType] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.PolyType => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def PolyType_paramNames(self: PolyType)(implicit ctx: Context): List[String] =
def PolyType_paramBounds(self: PolyType)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeBounds] = self.paramInfos
def PolyType_resType(self: PolyType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.resType
type TypeLambda = Types.TypeLambda
def matchTypeLambda(tpe: TypeOrBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeLambda] = tpe match {
case tpe: Types.TypeLambda => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
def TypeLambda_paramNames(self: TypeLambda)(implicit ctx: Context): List[String] =
def TypeLambda_paramBounds(self: TypeLambda)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeBounds] = self.paramInfos
def TypeLambda_resType(self: TypeLambda)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.resType
type ImportSelector = untpd.Tree
type SimpleSelector = untpd.Ident
def matchSimpleSelector(self: ImportSelector)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[SimpleSelector] = self match {
case self: untpd.Ident => Some(self)
case _ => None
def SimpleSelector_selection(self: SimpleSelector)(implicit ctx: Context): Id = self
type RenameSelector = untpd.Thicket
def matchRenameSelector(self: ImportSelector)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[RenameSelector] = self match {
case self @ Trees.Thicket((id1: untpd.Ident) :: (id2: untpd.Ident) :: Nil) if != nme.WILDCARD => Some(self)
case _ => None
def RenameSelector_from(self: RenameSelector)(implicit ctx: Context): Id =
def RenameSelector_to(self: RenameSelector)(implicit ctx: Context): Id =
type OmitSelector = untpd.Thicket
def matchOmitSelector(self: ImportSelector)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[OmitSelector] = self match {
case self @ Trees.Thicket((id: untpd.Ident) :: Trees.Ident(nme.WILDCARD) :: Nil) => Some(self)
case _ => None
def SimpleSelector_omited(self: OmitSelector)(implicit ctx: Context): Id =
type Id = untpd.Ident
def Id_pos(self: Id)(implicit ctx: Context): Position = self.sourcePos
def Id_name(self: Id)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
type Signature = core.Signature
def Signature_paramSigs(self: Signature): List[String] =
def Signature_resultSig(self: Signature): String =
type Position = util.SourcePosition
def Position_start(self: Position): Int = self.start
def Position_end(self: Position): Int = self.end
def Position_exists(self: Position): Boolean = self.exists
def Position_sourceFile(self: Position): SourceFile = self.source
def Position_startLine(self: Position): Int = self.startLine
def Position_endLine(self: Position): Int = self.endLine
def Position_startColumn(self: Position): Int = self.startColumn
def Position_endColumn(self: Position): Int = self.endColumn
def Position_sourceCode(self: Position): String =
new String(self.source.content(), self.start, self.end - self.start)
type SourceFile = util.SourceFile
def SourceFile_jpath(self: SourceFile): java.nio.file.Path = self.file.jpath
def SourceFile_content(self: SourceFile): String = new String(self.content())
type Comment = core.Comments.Comment
def Comment_raw(self: Comment): String = self.raw
def Comment_expanded(self: Comment): Option[String] = self.expanded
def Comment_usecases(self: Comment): List[(String, Option[DefDef])] = { uc => (uc.code, uc.tpdCode) }
type Constant = Constants.Constant
def Constant_value(const: Constant): Any = const.value
def matchConstant(constant: Constant): Option[Unit | Null | Int | Boolean | Byte | Short | Int | Long | Float | Double | Char | String | Type] =
Some(constant.value.asInstanceOf[Unit | Null | Int | Boolean | Byte | Short | Int | Long | Float | Double | Char | String | Type])
def matchConstant_ClassTag(x: Constant): Option[Type] =
if (x.tag == Constants.ClazzTag) Some(x.typeValue) else None
def Constant_apply(x: Unit | Null | Int | Boolean | Byte | Short | Int | Long | Float | Double | Char | String | Type): Constant =
def Constant_ClassTag_apply(x: Type): Constant = Constants.Constant(x)
type Symbol = core.Symbols.Symbol
def Symbol_owner(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = self.owner
def Symbol_flags(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Flags = self.flags
def Symbol_privateWithin(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Type] = {
val within = self.privateWithin
if (within.exists && ! Some(within.typeRef)
else None
def Symbol_protectedWithin(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Type] = {
val within = self.privateWithin
if (within.exists && Some(within.typeRef)
else None
def Symbol_name(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
def Symbol_fullName(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): String = self.fullName.toString
def Symbol_pos(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Position = self.sourcePos
def Symbol_localContext(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Context = {
if (self.exists) ctx.withOwner(self)
else ctx
def Symbol_comment(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Comment] = {
val docCtx = ctx.docCtx.getOrElse {
throw new RuntimeException(
"DocCtx could not be found and comments are unavailable. This is a compiler-internal error."
def Symbol_annots(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Term] = {
self.annotations.flatMap {
case _: core.Annotations.LazyBodyAnnotation => Nil
case annot => annot.tree :: Nil
def Symbol_isDefinedInCurrentRun(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
def Symbol_isLocalDummy(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.isLocalDummy
def Symbol_isRefinementClass(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.isRefinementClass
def Symbol_isAliasType(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.isAliasType
def Symbol_isAnonymousClass(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.isAnonymousClass
def Symbol_isAnonymousFunction(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.isAnonymousFunction
def Symbol_isAbstractType(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.isAbstractType
def Symbol_isClassConstructor(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.isClassConstructor
type PackageDefSymbol = core.Symbols.Symbol
def matchPackageDefSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[PackageDefSymbol] =
if ( Some(symbol) else None
def PackageDefSymbol_tree(self: PackageDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): PackageDef =
type TypeSymbol = core.Symbols.TypeSymbol
def matchTypeSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeSymbol] =
if (symbol.isType) Some(symbol.asType) else None
type ClassDefSymbol = core.Symbols.ClassSymbol
def matchClassDefSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ClassDefSymbol] =
if (symbol.isClass) Some(symbol.asClass) else None
def ClassDefSymbol_tree(self: ClassDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDef =
def ClassDefSymbol_fields(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] =
def ClassDefSymbol_field(self: Symbol)(name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Symbol] = {
val sym = self.unforcedDecls.find(sym => == name.toTermName)
if (sym.exists && isField(sym)) Some(sym) else None
def ClassDefSymbol_classMethod(self: Symbol)(name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): List[DefDefSymbol] = {
self.typeRef.decls.iterator.collect {
case sym if isMethod(sym) && == name => sym.asTerm
def ClassDefSymbol_classMethods(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[DefDefSymbol] = {
self.typeRef.decls.iterator.collect {
case sym if isMethod(sym) => sym.asTerm
private def appliedTypeRef(sym: Symbol): Type = sym.typeRef.appliedTo(
def ClassDefSymbol_method(self: Symbol)(name: String)(implicit ctx: Context): List[DefDefSymbol] = {
appliedTypeRef(self) {
case sym if isMethod(sym) && == name => sym.asTerm
def ClassDefSymbol_methods(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[DefDefSymbol] = {
appliedTypeRef(self) {
case sym if isMethod(sym) => sym.asTerm
private def isMethod(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
sym.isTerm && && !sym.isConstructor
def ClassDefSymbol_caseFields(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[ValDefSymbol] = {
if (!self.isClass) Nil
else self.asClass.paramAccessors.collect {
case sym if => sym.asTerm
def ClassDefSymbol_companionClass(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ClassDefSymbol] = {
val sym = self.companionModule.companionClass
if (sym.exists) Some(sym.asClass) else None
def ClassDefSymbol_companionModule(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ValDefSymbol] = {
val sym = self.companionModule
if (sym.exists) Some(sym.asTerm) else None
def ClassDefSymbol_moduleClass(self: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Symbol] = {
val sym = self.moduleClass
if (sym.exists) Some(sym.asTerm) else None
private def isField(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = sym.isTerm && !
def ClassDefSymbol_of(fullName: String)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDefSymbol = ctx.requiredClass(fullName)
type TypeDefSymbol = core.Symbols.TypeSymbol
def matchTypeDefSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeDefSymbol] =
if (symbol.isType) Some(symbol.asType) else None
def TypeDefSymbol_tree(self: TypeDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef =
def TypeDefSymbol_isTypeParam(self: TypeDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
type TypeBindSymbol = core.Symbols.TypeSymbol
def matchTypeBindSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeBindSymbol] =
if (symbol.isType && Some(symbol.asType) else None
def TypeBindSymbol_tree(self: TypeBindSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBind =
type TermSymbol = core.Symbols.TermSymbol
def matchTermSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TermSymbol] =
if (symbol.isTerm) Some(symbol.asTerm) else None
type DefDefSymbol = core.Symbols.TermSymbol
def matchDefDefSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[DefDefSymbol] =
if (symbol.isTerm && Some(symbol.asTerm) else None
def DefDefSymbol_tree(self: DefDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef =
def DefDefSymbol_signature(self: DefDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Signature =
type ValDefSymbol = core.Symbols.TermSymbol
def matchValDefSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ValDefSymbol] =
if (symbol.isTerm && ! && ! Some(symbol.asTerm) else None
def ValDefSymbol_tree(self: ValDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): ValDef =
def ValDefSymbol_moduleClass(self: ValDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ClassDefSymbol] = {
val sym = self.moduleClass
if (sym.exists) Some(sym.asClass) else None
def ValDefSymbol_companionClass(self: ValDefSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ClassDefSymbol] = {
val sym = self.companionClass
if (sym.exists) Some(sym.asClass) else None
type BindSymbol = core.Symbols.TermSymbol
def matchBindSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[BindSymbol] =
if (symbol.isTerm && Some(symbol.asTerm) else None
def BindSymbol_tree(self: BindSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Bind =
type NoSymbol = core.Symbols.NoSymbol.type
def matchNoSymbol(symbol: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = symbol ne core.Symbols.NoSymbol
type Flags = core.Flags.FlagSet
/** Is the given flag set a subset of this flag sets */
def Flags_is(self: Flags)(that: Flags): Boolean = self.isAllOf(that)
/** Union of the two flag sets */
def Flags_or(self: Flags)(that: Flags): Flags = self | that
/** Intersection of the two flag sets */
def Flags_and(self: Flags)(that: Flags): Flags = self & that
def Flags_EmptyFlags: Flags = core.Flags.EmptyFlags
def Flags_Private: Flags = core.Flags.Private
def Flags_Protected: Flags = core.Flags.Protected
def Flags_Abstract: Flags = core.Flags.Abstract
def Flags_Final: Flags = core.Flags.Final
def Flags_Sealed: Flags = core.Flags.Sealed
def Flags_Case: Flags = core.Flags.Case
def Flags_Implicit: Flags = core.Flags.Implicit
def Flags_Given: Flags = core.Flags.Given
def Flags_Implied: Flags = core.Flags.Delegate
def Flags_Erased: Flags = core.Flags.Erased
def Flags_Lazy: Flags = core.Flags.Lazy
def Flags_Override: Flags = core.Flags.Override
def Flags_Inline: Flags = core.Flags.Inline
def Flags_Macro: Flags = core.Flags.Macro
def Flags_Static: Flags = core.Flags.JavaStatic
def Flags_JavaDefined: Flags = core.Flags.JavaDefined
def Flags_Object: Flags = core.Flags.Module
def Flags_Trait: Flags = core.Flags.Trait
def Flags_Local: Flags = core.Flags.Local
def Flags_Synthetic: Flags = core.Flags.Synthetic
def Flags_Artifact: Flags = core.Flags.Artifact
def Flags_Mutable: Flags = core.Flags.Mutable
def Flags_FieldAccessor: Flags = core.Flags.Accessor
def Flags_CaseAcessor: Flags = core.Flags.CaseAccessor
def Flags_Covariant: Flags = core.Flags.Covariant
def Flags_Contravariant: Flags = core.Flags.Contravariant
def Flags_Scala2X: Flags = core.Flags.Scala2x
def Flags_DefaultParameterized: Flags = core.Flags.DefaultParameterized
def Flags_StableRealizable: Flags = core.Flags.StableRealizable
def Flags_Param: Flags = core.Flags.Param
def Flags_ParamAccessor: Flags = core.Flags.ParamAccessor
def Flags_Enum: Flags = core.Flags.Enum
def Flags_ModuleClass: Flags = core.Flags.ModuleClass
def Flags_PrivateLocal: Flags = core.Flags.PrivateLocal
def Flags_Package: Flags = core.Flags.Package
/** View this expression `quoted.Expr[_]` as a `Term` */
def QuotedExpr_unseal(self: scala.quoted.Expr[_])(implicit ctx: Context): Term =
/** View this expression `quoted.Type[_]` as a `TypeTree` */
def QuotedType_unseal(self: scala.quoted.Type[_])(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree =
/** Convert `Term` to an `quoted.Expr[Any]` */
def QuotedExpr_seal(self: Term)(implicit ctx: Context): scala.quoted.Expr[Any] = {
def etaExpand(term: Term): Term = term.tpe.widen match {
case mtpe: Types.MethodType if !mtpe.isParamDependent =>
val closureResType = mtpe.resType match {
case t: Types.MethodType => t.toFunctionType()
case t => t
val closureTpe = Types.MethodType(mtpe.paramNames, mtpe.paramInfos, closureResType)
val closureMethod = ctx.newSymbol(ctx.owner, nme.ANON_FUN, Synthetic | Method, closureTpe)
tpd.Closure(closureMethod, tss => etaExpand(new tpd.TreeOps(term).appliedToArgs(tss.head)))
case _ => term
new scala.internal.quoted.TastyTreeExpr(etaExpand(self))
/** Checked cast to a `quoted.Expr[U]` */
def QuotedExpr_cast[U](self: scala.quoted.Expr[_])(implicit tp: scala.quoted.Type[U], ctx: Context): scala.quoted.Expr[U] = {
val tree = QuotedExpr_unseal(self)
val expectedType = QuotedType_unseal(tp).tpe
if (tree.tpe <:< expectedType) {
} else {
throw new scala.tasty.reflect.ExprCastError(
s"""Expr: ${}
|did not conform to type: ${}
/** Convert `Type` to an `quoted.Type[_]` */
def QuotedType_seal(self: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): scala.quoted.Type[_] = {
val dummySpan = ctx.owner.span // FIXME
new scala.internal.quoted.TreeType(tpd.TypeTree(self).withSpan(dummySpan))
// Symbols
def Definitions_RootPackage: Symbol = defn.RootPackage
def Definitions_RootClass: Symbol = defn.RootClass
def Definitions_EmptyPackageClass: Symbol = defn.EmptyPackageClass
def Definitions_ScalaPackage: Symbol = defn.ScalaPackageVal
def Definitions_ScalaPackageClass: Symbol = defn.ScalaPackageClass
def Definitions_AnyClass: Symbol = defn.AnyClass
def Definitions_AnyValClass: Symbol = defn.AnyValClass
def Definitions_ObjectClass: Symbol = defn.ObjectClass
def Definitions_AnyRefClass: Symbol = defn.AnyRefAlias
def Definitions_NullClass: Symbol = defn.AnyClass
def Definitions_NothingClass: Symbol = defn.NothingClass
def Definitions_UnitClass: Symbol = defn.UnitClass
def Definitions_ByteClass: Symbol = defn.ByteClass
def Definitions_ShortClass: Symbol = defn.ShortClass
def Definitions_CharClass: Symbol = defn.CharClass
def Definitions_IntClass: Symbol = defn.IntClass
def Definitions_LongClass: Symbol = defn.LongClass
def Definitions_FloatClass: Symbol = defn.FloatClass
def Definitions_DoubleClass: Symbol = defn.DoubleClass
def Definitions_BooleanClass: Symbol = defn.BooleanClass
def Definitions_StringClass: Symbol = defn.StringClass
def Definitions_ClassClass: Symbol = defn.ClassClass
def Definitions_ArrayClass: Symbol = defn.ArrayClass
def Definitions_PredefModule: Symbol = defn.ScalaPredefModule.asTerm
def Definitions_Predef_classOf: Symbol = defn.Predef_classOf.asTerm
def Definitions_JavaLangPackage: Symbol = defn.JavaLangPackageVal
def Definitions_ArrayModule: Symbol = defn.ArrayClass.companionModule.asTerm
def Definitions_Array_apply: Symbol = defn.Array_apply.asTerm
def Definitions_Array_clone: Symbol = defn.Array_clone.asTerm
def Definitions_Array_length: Symbol = defn.Array_length.asTerm
def Definitions_Array_update: Symbol = defn.Array_update.asTerm
def Definitions_RepeatedParamClass: ClassDefSymbol = defn.RepeatedParamClass
def Definitions_OptionClass: Symbol = defn.OptionClass
def Definitions_NoneModule: Symbol = defn.NoneClass.companionModule.asTerm
def Definitions_SomeModule: Symbol = defn.SomeClass.companionModule.asTerm
def Definitions_ProductClass: Symbol = defn.ProductClass
def Definitions_FunctionClass(arity: Int, isImplicit: Boolean, isErased: Boolean): Symbol =
defn.FunctionClass(arity, isImplicit, isErased).asClass
def Definitions_TupleClass(arity: Int): Symbol = defn.TupleType(arity).classSymbol.asClass
def Definitions_InternalQuoted_patternHole: Symbol = defn.InternalQuoted_patternHole
def Definitions_InternalQuoted_patternBindHoleAnnot: Symbol = defn.InternalQuoted_patternBindHoleAnnot
// Types
def Definitions_UnitType: Type = defn.UnitType
def Definitions_ByteType: Type = defn.ByteType
def Definitions_ShortType: Type = defn.ShortType
def Definitions_CharType: Type = defn.CharType
def Definitions_IntType: Type = defn.IntType
def Definitions_LongType: Type = defn.LongType
def Definitions_FloatType: Type = defn.FloatType
def Definitions_DoubleType: Type = defn.DoubleType
def Definitions_BooleanType: Type = defn.BooleanType
def Definitions_AnyType: Type = defn.AnyType
def Definitions_AnyValType: Type = defn.AnyValType
def Definitions_AnyRefType: Type = defn.AnyRefType
def Definitions_ObjectType: Type = defn.ObjectType
def Definitions_NothingType: Type = defn.NothingType
def Definitions_NullType: Type = defn.NullType
def Definitions_StringType: Type = defn.StringType
type ImplicitSearchResult = Tree
def searchImplicit(tpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): ImplicitSearchResult =
ctx.typer.inferImplicitArg(tpe, rootPosition.span)
type ImplicitSearchSuccess = Tree
def matchImplicitSearchSuccess(isr: ImplicitSearchResult)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ImplicitSearchSuccess] = isr.tpe match {
case _: SearchFailureType => None
case _ => Some(isr)
def ImplicitSearchSuccess_tree(self: ImplicitSearchSuccess)(implicit ctx: Context): Term = self
type ImplicitSearchFailure = Tree
def matchImplicitSearchFailure(isr: ImplicitSearchResult)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[ImplicitSearchFailure] = isr.tpe match {
case _: SearchFailureType => Some(isr)
case _ => None
def ImplicitSearchFailure_explanation(self: ImplicitSearchFailure)(implicit ctx: Context): String =
type DivergingImplicit = Tree
def matchDivergingImplicit(isr: ImplicitSearchResult)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[DivergingImplicit] = isr.tpe match {
case _: Implicits.DivergingImplicit => Some(isr)
case _ => None
type NoMatchingImplicits = Tree
def matchNoMatchingImplicits(isr: ImplicitSearchResult)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[NoMatchingImplicits] = isr.tpe match {
case _: Implicits.NoMatchingImplicits => Some(isr)
case _ => None
type AmbiguousImplicits = Tree
def matchAmbiguousImplicits(isr: ImplicitSearchResult)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[AmbiguousImplicits] = isr.tpe match {
case _: Implicits.AmbiguousImplicits => Some(isr)
case _ => None
private def optional[T <: Trees.Tree[_]](tree: T): Option[tree.type] =
if (tree.isEmpty) None else Some(tree)
private def withDefaultPos[T <: Tree](fn: Context => T)(implicit ctx: Context): T = {
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