Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package transform
import core._
import Decorators._
import Flags._
import Types._
import Contexts._
import Symbols._
import Constants._
import ast.Trees._
import ast.{TreeTypeMap, untpd}
import util.Spans._
import util.SourcePosition
import tasty.TreePickler.Hole
import SymUtils._
import NameKinds._
import typer.Implicits.SearchFailureType
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.annotation.constructorOnly
/** Translates quoted terms and types to `unpickle` method calls.
* Transforms top level quote
* ```
* '{ ...
* val x1 = ???
* val x2 = ???
* ...
* ${ ... '{ ... x1 ... x2 ...} ... }
* ...
* }
* ```
* to
* ```
* unpickle(
* ...
* val x1 = ???
* val x2 = ???
* ...
* Hole(0 | x1, x2)
* ...
* ]],
* List(
* (args: Seq[Any]) => {
* val x1$1 = args(0).asInstanceOf[Expr[T]]
* val x2$1 = args(1).asInstanceOf[Expr[T]] // can be asInstanceOf[Type[T]]
* ...
* { ... '{ ... ${x1$1} ... ${x2$1} ...} ... }
* }
* )
* )
* ```
* and then performs the same transformation on `'{ ... ${x1$1} ... ${x2$1} ...}`.
class ReifyQuotes extends MacroTransform {
import ReifyQuotes._
import tpd._
override def phaseName: String =
override def allowsImplicitSearch: Boolean = true
override def checkPostCondition(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
tree match {
case tree: RefTree if !ctx.inInlineMethod =>
case _ : TypeDef =>
s"${tree.symbol} should have been removed by PickledQuotes because it has a @quoteTypeTag")
case _ =>
override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
if (ctx.compilationUnit.needsStaging)
protected def newTransformer(implicit ctx: Context): Transformer = new Transformer {
override def transform(tree: tpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree =
new QuoteReifier(null, new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Tree => Tree], new Embedded, ctx.owner)(ctx).transform(tree)
/** The main transformer class
* @param outer the next outer reifier, null is this is the topmost transformer
* @param embedded a list of embedded quotes (if in a splice) or splices (if in a quote)
* @param owner the owner in the destination lifted lambda
* @param capturers register a reference defined in a quote but used in another quote nested in a splice.
* Returns a version of the reference that needs to be used in its place.
* '{
* val x = ???
* ${ ... '{ ... x ... } ... }
* }
* Eta expanding the `x` in `${ ... '{ ... x ... } ... }` will return a `${x$1}` for which the `x$1`
* be created by some outer reifier.
* This transformation is only applied to definitions at staging level 1.
* See `isCaptured`.
private class QuoteReifier(outer: QuoteReifier, capturers: mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Tree => Tree],
val embedded: Embedded, val owner: Symbol)(@constructorOnly ictx: Context) extends TreeMapWithStages(ictx) { self =>
import StagingContext._
/** A nested reifier for a quote (if `isQuote = true`) or a splice (if not) */
def nested(isQuote: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): QuoteReifier = {
val nestedEmbedded = if (level > 1 || (level == 1 && isQuote)) embedded else new Embedded
new QuoteReifier(this, capturers, nestedEmbedded, ctx.owner)(ctx)
/** Assuming contains types `${}, ..., ${}`, the expression
* { @quoteTypeTag type = ${}
* ...
* @quoteTypeTag type = ${}
* }
* references to `TypeI` in `expr` are rewired to point to the locally
* defined versions. As a side effect, prepend the expressions `tag1, ..., `tagN`
* as splices.
private def addTags(expr: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
def mkTagSymbolAndAssignType(spliced: TermRef): TypeDef = {
val splicedTree = tpd.ref(spliced)
val rhs = transform(
val alias = ctx.typeAssigner.assignType(untpd.TypeBoundsTree(rhs, rhs), rhs, rhs)
val local = ctx.newSymbol(
owner = ctx.owner,
name = UniqueName.fresh(( + "$_").toTermName).toTypeName,
flags = Synthetic,
info = TypeAlias(,
coord = spliced.termSymbol.coord).asType
ctx.typeAssigner.assignType(untpd.TypeDef(, alias), local)
val tagDefCache = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, TypeDef]()
def typeTagMap = new TypeMap() {
def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case tp: TypeRef if tp.symbol.isSplice =>
tp.prefix match {
case prefix: TermRef =>
val tagDef = tagDefCache.getOrElseUpdate(prefix.symbol, mkTagSymbolAndAssignType(prefix))
case _ =>
val tagedTree = new TreeTypeMap(typeMap = typeTagMap).apply(expr)
if (tagDefCache.isEmpty) expr
else Block(tagDefCache.valuesIterator.toList, tagedTree)
/** Split `body` into a core and a list of embedded splices.
* Then if inside a splice, make a hole from these parts.
* If outside a splice, generate a call tp `scala.quoted.Unpickler.unpickleType` or
* `scala.quoted.Unpickler.unpickleExpr` that matches `tpe` with
* core and splices as arguments.
override protected def transformQuotation(body: Tree, quote: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val isType = quote.symbol eq defn.InternalQuoted_typeQuote
assert(!(body.symbol.isSplice && (body.isInstanceOf[GenericApply[_]] || body.isInstanceOf[Select])))
if (level > 0) {
val body1 = nested(isQuote = true).transform(body)(quoteContext)
super.transformQuotation(body1, quote)
else body match {
case body: RefTree if isCaptured(body.symbol, level + 1) =>
// Optimization: avoid the full conversion when capturing `x`
// in '{ x } to '{ ${x$1} } and go directly to `x$1`
case _=>
val (body1, splices) = nested(isQuote = true).splitQuote(body)(quoteContext)
if (level == 0) {
val body2 =
if (body1.isType) body1
else Inlined(Inliner.inlineCallTrace(ctx.owner, quote.sourcePos), Nil, body1)
pickledQuote(body2, splices, body.tpe, isType).withSpan(quote.span)
else {
private def pickledQuote(body: Tree, splices: List[Tree], originalTp: Type, isType: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
def liftedValue[T](value: T, name: TermName, qctx: Tree) =
def pickleAsValue[T](value: T) = {
val qctx = ctx.typer.inferImplicitArg(defn.QuoteContextType, body.span)
if (qctx.tpe.isInstanceOf[SearchFailureType])
ctx.error(ctx.typer.missingArgMsg(qctx, defn.QuoteContextType, ""), ctx.source.atSpan(body.span))
value match {
case null => ref(defn.QuotedExprModule).select("nullExpr".toTermName).appliedTo(qctx)
case _: Unit => ref(defn.QuotedExprModule).select("unitExpr".toTermName).appliedTo(qctx)
case _: Boolean => liftedValue(value, "Liftable_Boolean_delegate".toTermName, qctx)
case _: Byte => liftedValue(value, "Liftable_Byte_delegate".toTermName, qctx)
case _: Short => liftedValue(value, "Liftable_Short_delegate".toTermName, qctx)
case _: Int => liftedValue(value, "Liftable_Int_delegate".toTermName, qctx)
case _: Long => liftedValue(value, "Liftable_Long_delegate".toTermName, qctx)
case _: Float => liftedValue(value, "Liftable_Float_delegate".toTermName, qctx)
case _: Double => liftedValue(value, "Liftable_Double_delegate".toTermName, qctx)
case _: Char => liftedValue(value, "Liftable_Char_delegate".toTermName, qctx)
case _: String => liftedValue(value, "Liftable_String_delegate".toTermName, qctx)
def pickleAsTasty() = {
val meth =
if (isType) ref(defn.Unpickler_unpickleType).appliedToType(originalTp)
else ref(defn.Unpickler_unpickleExpr).appliedToType(originalTp.widen)
val spliceResType =
if(isType) defn.QuotedTypeType.appliedTo(WildcardType)
else defn.QuotedExprType.appliedTo(defn.AnyType) | defn.QuotedTypeType.appliedTo(WildcardType)
liftList(PickledQuotes.pickleQuote(body).map(x => Literal(Constant(x))), defn.StringType),
liftList(splices, defn.FunctionType(1).appliedTo(defn.SeqType.appliedTo(defn.AnyType), spliceResType)))
if (splices.nonEmpty) pickleAsTasty()
else if (isType) {
def tag(tagName: String) = ref(defn.QuotedTypeModule).select(tagName.toTermName)
if (body.symbol.isPrimitiveValueClass) tag(s"${}Tag")
else pickleAsTasty()
else toValue(body) match {
case Some(value) => pickleAsValue(value)
case _ => pickleAsTasty()
/** If inside a quote, split the body of the splice into a core and a list of embedded quotes
* and make a hole from these parts. Otherwise issue an error, unless we
* are in the body of an inline method.
protected def transformSplice(body: Tree, splice: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
if (level > 1) {
val body1 = nested(isQuote = false).transform(body)(spliceContext)
splice match {
case splice: Apply => cpy.Apply(splice)(, body1 :: Nil)
case splice: Select => cpy.Select(splice)(body1,
else {
assert(level == 1, "unexpected top splice outside quote")
val (body1, quotes) = nested(isQuote = false).splitSplice(body)(spliceContext)
val tpe = outer.embedded.getHoleType(body, splice)
val hole = makeHole(body1, quotes, tpe).withSpan(splice.span)
// We do not place add the inline marker for trees that where lifted as they come from the same file as their
// enclosing quote. Any intemediate splice will add it's own Inlined node and cancel it before splicig the lifted tree.
// Note that lifted trees are not necessarily expressions and that Inlined nodes are expected to be expressions.
// For example we can have a lifted tree containing the LHS of an assignment (see tests/run-with-compiler/quote-var.scala).
if (splice.isType || outer.embedded.isLiftedSymbol(body.symbol)) hole
else Inlined(EmptyTree, Nil, hole).withSpan(splice.span)
/** Transforms the contents of a nested splice
* Assuming
* '{
* val x = ???
* val y = ???
* ${ ... '{ ... x .. y ... } ... }
* }
* then the spliced subexpression
* { ... '{ ... x ... y ... } ... }
* will be transformed to
* (args: Seq[Any]) => {
* val x$1 = args(0).asInstanceOf[Expr[Any]] // or .asInstanceOf[Type[Any]]
* val y$1 = args(1).asInstanceOf[Expr[Any]] // or .asInstanceOf[Type[Any]]
* { ... '{ ... ${x$1} ... ${y$1} ... } ... }
* }
* See: `capture`
* At the same time register embedded trees `x` and `y` to place as arguments of the hole
* placed in the original code.
* '{
* val x = ???
* val y = ???
* Hole(0 | x, y)
* }
private def makeLambda(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
def body(arg: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
var i = 0
(captured: mutable.Map[Symbol, Tree]) => {
(tree: Tree) => {
def newCapture = {
val tpw = tree.tpe.widen match {
case tpw: MethodicType => tpw.toFunctionType()
case tpw => tpw
val argTpe =
if (tree.isType) defn.QuotedTypeType.appliedTo(tpw)
else defn.QuotedExprType.appliedTo(tpw)
val selectArg =
val capturedArg = SyntheticValDef(UniqueName.fresh(, selectArg)
i += 1
embedded.addTree(tree, capturedArg.symbol)
captured.put(tree.symbol, capturedArg)
val refSym = captured.getOrElseUpdate(tree.symbol, newCapture).symbol
/* Lambdas are generated outside the quote that is beeing reified (i.e. in outer.owner).
* In case the case that level == -1 the code is not in a quote, it is in an inline method,
* hence we should take that as owner directly.
val lambdaOwner = if (level == -1) ctx.owner else outer.owner
val tpe = MethodType(defn.SeqType.appliedTo(defn.AnyType) :: Nil, tree.tpe.widen)
val meth = ctx.newSymbol(lambdaOwner, UniqueName.fresh(nme.ANON_FUN), Synthetic | Method, tpe)
val closure = Closure(meth, tss => body(tss.head.head)(ctx.withOwner(meth)).changeOwner(ctx.owner, meth)).withSpan(tree.span)
enclosingInlineds match {
case enclosingInline :: _ =>
// In case a tree was inlined inside of the quote and we this closure corresponds to code within it we need to keep the inlined node.
Inlined(enclosingInline, Nil, closure)(ctx.withSource(lambdaOwner.topLevelClass.source))
case Nil => closure
private def transformWithCapturer(tree: Tree)(capturer: mutable.Map[Symbol, Tree] => Tree => Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val captured = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[Symbol, Tree]
val captured2 = capturer(captured)
outer.localSymbols.foreach(sym => if (!sym.isInlineMethod) capturers.put(sym, captured2))
val tree2 = transform(tree)
capturers --= outer.localSymbols
seq(captured.result().valuesIterator.toList, tree2)
/** Returns true if this tree will be captured by `makeLambda`. Checks phase consistency and presence of capturer. */
private def isCaptured(sym: Symbol, level: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
level == 1 && levelOf(sym).contains(1) && capturers.contains(sym)
/** Transform `tree` and return the resulting tree and all `embedded` quotes
* or splices as a pair, after performing the `addTags` transform.
private def splitQuote(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): (Tree, List[Tree]) = {
val tree1 = addTags(transform(tree))
(tree1, embedded.getTrees)
private def splitSplice(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): (Tree, List[Tree]) = {
val tree1 = makeLambda(tree)
(tree1, embedded.getTrees)
/** Register `body` as an `embedded` quote or splice
* and return a hole with `splices` as arguments and the given type `tpe`.
private def makeHole(body: Tree, splices: List[Tree], tpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Hole = {
val idx = embedded.addTree(body, NoSymbol)
Hole(idx, splices).withType(tpe).asInstanceOf[Hole]
override def transform(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
if (tree.source != ctx.source && tree.source.exists)
else reporting.trace(i"Reifier.transform $tree at $level", show = true) {
tree match {
case tree: RefTree if isCaptured(tree.symbol, level) =>
val body = capturers(tree.symbol).apply(tree)
val splice: Tree =
if (tree.isType)
else ref(defn.InternalQuoted_exprSplice).appliedToType(tree.tpe).appliedTo(body)
transformSplice(body, splice)
case tree: DefDef if && level == 0 =>
// Shrink size of the tree. The methods have already been inlined.
// TODO move to FirstTransform to trigger even without quotes
cpy.DefDef(tree)(rhs = defaultValue(tree.rhs.tpe))
case _ =>
private def liftList(list: List[Tree], tpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
list.foldRight[Tree](ref(defn.NilModule)) { (x, acc) =>"::".toTermName).appliedToType(tpe).appliedTo(x)
object ReifyQuotes {
import tpd._
val name: String = "reifyQuotes"
def toValue(tree: tpd.Tree): Option[Any] = tree match {
case Literal(Constant(c)) => Some(c)
case Block(Nil, e) => toValue(e)
case Inlined(_, Nil, e) => toValue(e)
case _ => None
class Embedded(trees: mutable.ListBuffer[tpd.Tree] = mutable.ListBuffer.empty, map: mutable.Map[Symbol, tpd.Tree] = mutable.Map.empty) {
/** Adds the tree and returns it's index */
def addTree(tree: tpd.Tree, liftedSym: Symbol): Int = {
trees += tree
if (liftedSym ne NoSymbol)
map.put(liftedSym, tree)
trees.length - 1
/** Type used for the hole that will replace this splice */
def getHoleType(body: tpd.Tree, splice: tpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
// For most expressions the splice.tpe but there are some types that are lost by lifting
// that can be recoverd from the original tree. Currently the cases are:
// * Method types: the splice represents a method reference
def isLiftedSymbol(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = map.contains(sym)
/** Get the list of embedded trees */
def getTrees: List[tpd.Tree] = trees.toList
override def toString: String = s"Embedded($trees, $map)"
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