Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package transform
import core._
import Symbols._, Types._, Contexts._, Names._, StdNames._, Constants._, SymUtils._
import Flags._
import DenotTransformers._
import Decorators._
import NameOps._
import Annotations.Annotation
import typer.ProtoTypes.constrained
import ast.untpd
import ValueClasses.isDerivedValueClass
import SymUtils._
import util.Property
import config.Printers.derive
object SyntheticMembers {
/** Attachment marking an anonymous class as a singleton case that will extend from Mirror.Singleton */
val ExtendsSingletonMirror: Property.StickyKey[Unit] = new Property.StickyKey
/** Attachment recording that an anonymous class should extend Mirror.Product */
val ExtendsProductMirror: Property.StickyKey[Unit] = new Property.StickyKey
/** Attachment recording that an anonymous class should extend Mirror.Sum */
val ExtendsSumMirror: Property.StickyKey[Unit] = new Property.StickyKey
/** Synthetic method implementations for case classes, case objects,
* and value classes.
* Selectively added to case classes/objects, unless a non-default
* implementation already exists:
* def equals(other: Any): Boolean
* def hashCode(): Int
* def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean
* def toString(): String
* def productElement(i: Int): Any
* def productArity: Int
* def productPrefix: String
* Add to serializable static objects, unless an implementation
* already exists:
* private def writeReplace(): AnyRef
* Selectively added to value classes, unless a non-default
* implementation already exists:
* def equals(other: Any): Boolean
* def hashCode(): Int
class SyntheticMembers(thisPhase: DenotTransformer) {
import SyntheticMembers._
import ast.tpd._
private[this] var myValueSymbols: List[Symbol] = Nil
private[this] var myCaseSymbols: List[Symbol] = Nil
private[this] var myCaseModuleSymbols: List[Symbol] = Nil
private[this] var myEnumCaseSymbols: List[Symbol] = Nil
private def initSymbols(implicit ctx: Context) =
if (myValueSymbols.isEmpty) {
myValueSymbols = List(defn.Any_hashCode, defn.Any_equals)
myCaseSymbols = myValueSymbols ++ List(defn.Any_toString, defn.Product_canEqual,
defn.Product_productArity, defn.Product_productPrefix, defn.Product_productElement)
myCaseModuleSymbols = myCaseSymbols.filter(_ ne defn.Any_equals)
myEnumCaseSymbols = List(defn.Enum_ordinal)
def valueSymbols(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] = { initSymbols; myValueSymbols }
def caseSymbols(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] = { initSymbols; myCaseSymbols }
def caseModuleSymbols(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] = { initSymbols; myCaseModuleSymbols }
def enumCaseSymbols(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] = { initSymbols; myEnumCaseSymbols }
private def existingDef(sym: Symbol, clazz: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
val existing = sym.matchingMember(clazz.thisType)
if (existing != sym && ! existing
else NoSymbol
private def synthesizeDef(sym: TermSymbol, rhsFn: List[List[Tree]] => Context => Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
DefDef(sym, rhsFn(_)(ctx.withOwner(sym))).withSpan(ctx.owner.span.focus)
/** If this is a case or value class, return the appropriate additional methods,
* otherwise return nothing.
def caseAndValueMethods(clazz: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = {
val clazzType = clazz.appliedRef
lazy val accessors =
if (isDerivedValueClass(clazz)) clazz.paramAccessors.take(1) // Tail parameters can only be `erased`
else clazz.caseAccessors
val isEnumCase = clazz.derivesFrom(defn.EnumClass) && clazz != defn.EnumClass
val symbolsToSynthesize: List[Symbol] =
if ( {
if ( caseModuleSymbols
else if (isEnumCase) caseSymbols ++ enumCaseSymbols
else caseSymbols
else if (isEnumCase) enumCaseSymbols
else if (isDerivedValueClass(clazz)) valueSymbols
else Nil
def syntheticDefIfMissing(sym: Symbol): List[Tree] =
if (existingDef(sym, clazz).exists) Nil else syntheticDef(sym) :: Nil
def syntheticDef(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
val synthetic = sym.copy(
owner = clazz,
flags = sym.flags &~ Deferred | Synthetic | Override,
info = clazz.thisType.memberInfo(sym),
coord = clazz.coord).enteredAfter(thisPhase).asTerm
def forwardToRuntime(vrefs: List[Tree]): Tree =
ref(defn.runtimeMethodRef("_" + :: vrefs)
def ownName: Tree =
def syntheticRHS(vrefss: List[List[Tree]])(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = match {
case nme.hashCode_ if isDerivedValueClass(clazz) => valueHashCodeBody
case nme.hashCode_ => caseHashCodeBody
case nme.toString_ => if ( ownName else forwardToRuntime(vrefss.head)
case nme.equals_ => equalsBody(vrefss.head.head)
case nme.canEqual_ => canEqualBody(vrefss.head.head)
case nme.productArity => Literal(Constant(accessors.length))
case nme.productPrefix => ownName
case nme.productElement => productElementBody(accessors.length, vrefss.head.head)
case nme.ordinal => Select(This(clazz), nme.ordinalDollar)
ctx.log(s"adding $synthetic to $clazz at ${ctx.phase}")
synthesizeDef(synthetic, treess => ctx => syntheticRHS(treess)(ctx))
/** The class
* ```
* case class C(x: T, y: T)
* ```
* gets the `productElement` method:
* ```
* def productElement(index: Int): Any = index match {
* case 0 => this._1
* case 1 => this._2
* case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index.toString)
* }
* ```
def productElementBody(arity: Int, index: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val ioob = defn.IndexOutOfBoundsException.typeRef
// Second constructor of ioob that takes a String argument
def filterStringConstructor(s: Symbol): Boolean = match {
case m: MethodType if s.isConstructor => m.paramInfos == List(defn.StringType)
case _ => false
val constructor = _).asTerm
val stringIndex = Apply(Select(index, nme.toString_), Nil)
val error = Throw(New(ioob, constructor, List(stringIndex)))
// case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(i.toString)
val defaultCase = CaseDef(Underscore(defn.IntType), EmptyTree, error)
// case N => _${N + 1}
val cases = 0.until(arity).map { i =>
CaseDef(Literal(Constant(i)), EmptyTree, Select(This(clazz), nme.selectorName(i)))
Match(index, (cases :+ defaultCase).toList)
/** The class
* ```
* case class C(x: T, y: U)
* ```
* gets the `equals` method:
* ```
* def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
* (this eq that) || {
* that match {
* case x$0 @ (_: C @unchecked) => this.x == this$0.x && this.y == x$0.y
* case _ => false
* }
* ```
* If `C` is a value class the initial `eq` test is omitted.
* `@unchecked` is needed for parametric case classes.
def equalsBody(that: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val thatAsClazz = ctx.newSymbol(ctx.owner, nme.x_0, Synthetic, clazzType, coord = ctx.owner.span) // x$0
def wildcardAscription(tp: Type) = Typed(Underscore(tp), TypeTree(tp))
val pattern = Bind(thatAsClazz, wildcardAscription(AnnotatedType(clazzType, Annotation(defn.UncheckedAnnot)))) // x$0 @ (_: C @unchecked)
// compare primitive fields first, slow equality checks of non-primitive fields can be skipped when primitives differ
val sortedAccessors = accessors.sortBy(accessor => if ( 0 else 1)
val comparisons = { accessor =>
This(clazz).select(accessor).equal(ref(thatAsClazz).select(accessor)) }
val rhs = // this.x == this$0.x && this.y == x$0.y
if (comparisons.isEmpty) Literal(Constant(true)) else comparisons.reduceLeft(_ and _)
val matchingCase = CaseDef(pattern, EmptyTree, rhs) // case x$0 @ (_: C) => this.x == this$0.x && this.y == x$0.y
val defaultCase = CaseDef(Underscore(defn.AnyType), EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(false))) // case _ => false
val matchExpr = Match(that, List(matchingCase, defaultCase))
if (isDerivedValueClass(clazz)) matchExpr
else {
val eqCompare = This(clazz).select(defn.Object_eq).appliedTo(that.cast(defn.ObjectType))
eqCompare or matchExpr
/** The class
* ```
* class C(x: T) extends AnyVal
* ```
* gets the `hashCode` method:
* ```
* def hashCode: Int = x.hashCode()
* ```
def valueHashCodeBody(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
/** The class
* ```
* package p
* case class C(x: T, y: T)
* ```
* gets the `hashCode` method:
* ```
* def hashCode: Int = {
* var acc: Int = "p.C".hashCode // constant folded
* acc = Statics.mix(acc, x);
* acc = Statics.mix(acc, Statics.this.anyHash(y));
* Statics.finalizeHash(acc, 2)
* }
* ```
def caseHashCodeBody(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val seed = clazz.fullName.toString.hashCode
if (accessors.nonEmpty) {
val acc = ctx.newSymbol(ctx.owner, "acc".toTermName, Mutable | Synthetic, defn.IntType, coord = ctx.owner.span)
val accDef = ValDef(acc, Literal(Constant(seed)))
val mixes = for (accessor <- accessors) yield
Assign(ref(acc), ref(defn.staticsMethod("mix")).appliedTo(ref(acc), hashImpl(accessor)))
val finish = ref(defn.staticsMethod("finalizeHash")).appliedTo(ref(acc), Literal(Constant(accessors.size)))
Block(accDef :: mixes, finish)
} else {
// Pre-compute the hash code
val hash = scala.runtime.Statics.finalizeHash(seed, 0)
/** The `hashCode` implementation for given symbol `sym`. */
def hashImpl(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
defn.scalaClassName( match {
case tpnme.Unit | tpnme.Null => Literal(Constant(0))
case tpnme.Boolean => If(ref(sym), Literal(Constant(1231)), Literal(Constant(1237)))
case tpnme.Int => ref(sym)
case tpnme.Short | tpnme.Byte | tpnme.Char => ref(sym).select(nme.toInt)
case tpnme.Long => ref(defn.staticsMethod("longHash")).appliedTo(ref(sym))
case tpnme.Double => ref(defn.staticsMethod("doubleHash")).appliedTo(ref(sym))
case tpnme.Float => ref(defn.staticsMethod("floatHash")).appliedTo(ref(sym))
case _ => ref(defn.staticsMethod("anyHash")).appliedTo(ref(sym))
/** The class
* ```
* case class C(...)
* ```
* gets the `canEqual` method
* ```
* def canEqual(that: Any) = that.isInstanceOf[C @unchecked]
* ```
* `@unchecked` is needed for parametric case classes.
def canEqualBody(that: Tree): Tree = that.isInstance(AnnotatedType(clazzType, Annotation(defn.UncheckedAnnot)))
/** If this is a serializable static object `Foo`, add the method:
* private def writeReplace(): AnyRef =
* new scala.runtime.ModuleSerializationProxy(classOf[Foo.type])
* unless an implementation already exists, otherwise do nothing.
def serializableObjectMethod(clazz: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = {
def hasWriteReplace: Boolean =
.filterWithPredicate(s => s.signature == Signature(defn.AnyRefType, isJava = false))
if ( && clazz.isStatic && clazz.isSerializable && !hasWriteReplace) {
val writeReplace = ctx.newSymbol(clazz, nme.writeReplace, Method | Private | Synthetic,
MethodType(Nil, defn.AnyRefType), coord = clazz.coord).entered.asTerm
_ => New(defn.ModuleSerializationProxyType,
/** The class
* ```
* case class C[T <: U](x: T, y: String*)
* ```
* gets the `fromProduct` method:
* ```
* def fromProduct(x$0: Product): MirroredMonoType =
* new C[U](
* x$0.productElement(0).asInstanceOf[U],
* x$0.productElement(1).asInstanceOf[Seq[String]]: _*)
* ```
* where
* ```
* type MirroredMonoType = C[_]
* ```
def fromProductBody(caseClass: Symbol, param: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val (classRef, methTpe) = match {
case tl: PolyType =>
val (tl1, tpts) = constrained(tl, untpd.EmptyTree, alwaysAddTypeVars = true)
val targs =
for (tpt <- tpts) yield
tpt.tpe match {
case tvar: TypeVar => tvar.instantiate(fromBelow = false)
(caseClass.typeRef.appliedTo(targs), tl.instantiate(targs))
case methTpe =>
(caseClass.typeRef, methTpe)
methTpe match {
case methTpe: MethodType =>
val elems =
for ((formal, idx) <- methTpe.paramInfos.zipWithIndex) yield {
val elem =
.ensureConforms(formal.underlyingIfRepeated(isJava = false))
if (formal.isRepeatedParam) ctx.typer.seqToRepeated(elem) else elem
New(classRef, elems)
/** For an enum T:
* def ordinal(x: MirroredMonoType) = x.ordinal
* For sealed trait with children of normalized types C_1, ..., C_n:
* def ordinal(x: MirroredMonoType) = x match {
* case _: C_1 => 0
* ...
* case _: C_n => n - 1
* }
* Here, the normalized type of a class C is C[_, ...., _] with
* a wildcard for each type parameter. The normalized type of an object
* O is O.type.
def ordinalBody(cls: Symbol, param: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
if (
else {
val cases =
for ((child, idx) <- cls.children.zipWithIndex) yield {
val patType = if (child.isTerm) child.termRef else child.rawTypeRef
val pat = Typed(untpd.Ident(nme.WILDCARD).withType(patType), TypeTree(patType))
CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(idx)))
Match(param, cases)
/** - If `impl` is the companion of a generic sum, add `deriving.Mirror.Sum` parent
* and `MirroredMonoType` and `ordinal` members.
* - If `impl` is the companion of a generic product, add `deriving.Mirror.Product` parent
* and `MirroredMonoType` and `fromProduct` members.
* - If `impl` is marked with one of the attachments ExtendsSingletonMirror, ExtendsProductMirror,
* or ExtendsSumMirror, remove the attachment and generate the corresponding mirror support,
* On this case the represented class or object is referred to in a pre-existing `MirroredMonoType`
* member of the template.
def addMirrorSupport(impl: Template)(implicit ctx: Context): Template = {
val clazz = ctx.owner.asClass
var newBody = impl.body
var newParents = impl.parents
def addParent(parent: Type): Unit = {
newParents = newParents :+ TypeTree(parent)
val oldClassInfo = clazz.classInfo
val newClassInfo = oldClassInfo.derivedClassInfo(
classParents = oldClassInfo.classParents :+ parent)
clazz.copySymDenotation(info = newClassInfo).installAfter(thisPhase)
def addMethod(name: TermName, info: Type, cls: Symbol, body: (Symbol, Tree, Context) => Tree): Unit = {
val meth = ctx.newSymbol(clazz, name, Synthetic | Method, info, coord = clazz.coord)
if (!existingDef(meth, clazz).exists) {
newBody = newBody :+
synthesizeDef(meth, vrefss => ctx => body(cls, vrefss.head.head, ctx))
val linked = clazz.linkedClass
lazy val monoType = {
val existing =
if (existing.exists && ! existing
else {
val monoType =
ctx.newSymbol(clazz, tpnme.MirroredMonoType, Synthetic, TypeAlias(linked.rawTypeRef), coord = clazz.coord)
newBody = newBody :+ TypeDef(monoType).withSpan(ctx.owner.span.focus)
def makeSingletonMirror() =
def makeProductMirror(cls: Symbol) = {
addMethod(nme.fromProduct, MethodType(defn.ProductType :: Nil, monoType.typeRef), cls,
fromProductBody(_, _)(_).ensureConforms(monoType.typeRef)) // t4758.scala or i3381.scala are examples where a cast is needed
def makeSumMirror(cls: Symbol) = {
addMethod(nme.ordinal, MethodType(monoType.typeRef :: Nil, defn.IntType), cls,
ordinalBody(_, _)(_))
if ( {
if ( makeSingletonMirror()
else if (linked.isGenericProduct) makeProductMirror(linked)
else if (linked.isGenericSum) makeSumMirror(linked)
else if (
derive.println(i"$linked is not a sum because ${linked.whyNotGenericSum}")
else if (impl.removeAttachment(ExtendsSingletonMirror).isDefined)
else if (impl.removeAttachment(ExtendsProductMirror).isDefined)
else if (impl.removeAttachment(ExtendsSumMirror).isDefined)
cpy.Template(impl)(parents = newParents, body = newBody)
def addSyntheticMembers(impl: Template)(implicit ctx: Context): Template = {
val clazz = ctx.owner.asClass
cpy.Template(impl)(body = serializableObjectMethod(clazz) ::: caseAndValueMethods(clazz) ::: impl.body))
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