Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package transform
import core._
import Constants.Constant
import Contexts.Context
import Decorators._
import Flags._
import ast.Trees._
import Definitions._
import DenotTransformers._
import StdNames._
import Symbols._
import MegaPhase._
import Types._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
/** Optimize generic operations on tuples */
class TupleOptimizations extends MiniPhase with IdentityDenotTransformer {
import tpd._
def phaseName: String = "genericTuples"
override def transformApply(tree: tpd.Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = {
if (!tree.symbol.exists || tree.symbol.owner != defn.DynamicTupleModuleClass) tree
else if (tree.symbol == defn.DynamicTuple_dynamicCons) transformTupleCons(tree)
else if (tree.symbol == defn.DynamicTuple_dynamicTail) transformTupleTail(tree)
else if (tree.symbol == defn.DynamicTuple_dynamicSize) transformTupleSize(tree)
else if (tree.symbol == defn.DynamicTuple_dynamicConcat) transformTupleConcat(tree)
else if (tree.symbol == defn.DynamicTuple_dynamicApply) transformTupleApply(tree)
else if (tree.symbol == defn.DynamicTuple_dynamicToArray) transformTupleToArray(tree)
else tree
private def transformTupleCons(tree: tpd.Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val head :: tail :: Nil = tree.args
defn.tupleTypes(tree.tpe) match {
case Some(tpes) =>
// Generate a the tuple directly with TupleN+1.apply
val size = tpes.size
if (size <= 5) {
// val t = tail
// TupleN+1(head, t._1, ..., t._n)
evalOnce(Typed(tail, TypeTree(defn.tupleType(tpes.tail)))) { tup =>
val elements = head :: tupleSelectors(tup, size - 1)
knownTupleFromElements(tpes, elements)
} else {
// val it = Iterator.single(head) ++ tail.asInstanceOf[Product].productIterator
// TupleN+1(, ...,
val fullIterator = ref(defn.DynamicTuple_consIterator).appliedToArgs(head :: tail :: Nil)
evalOnce(fullIterator) { it =>
knownTupleFromIterator(tpes.length, it).asInstance(tree.tpe)
case _ =>
// No optimization, keep:
// DynamicTuple.dynamicCons:(tail, head)
private def transformTupleTail(tree: tpd.Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val Apply(TypeApply(_, tpt :: Nil), tup :: Nil) = tree
defn.tupleTypes(tpt.tpe, MaxTupleArity + 1) match {
case Some(tpes) =>
// Generate a the tuple directly with TupleN-1.apply
val size = tpes.size
assert(size > 0)
if (size == 1) {
// ()
else if (size <= 5) {
// val t = tup.asInstanceOf[TupleN[...]]
// TupleN-1(t._2, ..., t._n)
evalOnce(Typed(tup, TypeTree(defn.tupleType(tpes)))) { tup =>
val elements = tupleSelectors(tup, size).tail
knownTupleFromElements(tpes.tail, elements)
} else if (size <= MaxTupleArity + 1) {
// val it = this.asInstanceOf[Product].productIterator
// TupleN-1(, ...,
evalOnce(tup.asInstance(defn.ProductType).select(nme.productIterator)) { it =>
Block( :: Nil,
knownTupleFromIterator(size - 1, it).asInstance(tree.tpe)
} else {
// tup.asInstanceOf[TupleXXL].tailXXL
case None =>
// No optimization, keep:
// DynamicTuple.dynamicTail(tup)
private def transformTupleSize(tree: tpd.Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
tree.tpe.tryNormalize match {
case tp: ConstantType => Literal(tp.value)
case _ => tree
private def transformTupleConcat(tree: tpd.Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val Apply(TypeApply(_, selfTp :: thatTp :: Nil), self :: that :: Nil) = tree
(defn.tupleTypes(selfTp.tpe), defn.tupleTypes(that.tpe.widenTermRefExpr)) match {
case (Some(tpes1), Some(tpes2)) =>
// Generate a the tuple directly with TupleN+M.apply
val n = tpes1.size
val m = tpes2.size
if (n == 0) that
else if (m == 0) self
else if (n + m < 5) {
// val t = self
// val u = that
// TupleN+M(t._1,..., t._N, u._1, ..., u._M)
evalOnce(Typed(self, TypeTree(defn.tupleType(tpes1)))) { self =>
evalOnce(Typed(that, TypeTree(defn.tupleType(tpes2)))) { that =>
val types = tpes1 ::: tpes2
val elements = tupleSelectors(self, n) ::: tupleSelectors(that, m)
knownTupleFromElements(types, elements)
} else {
// val it = self.asInstanceOf[Product].productIterator ++ that.asInstanceOf[Product].productIterator
// TupleN+M(, ...,
val fullIterator = ref(defn.DynamicTuple_concatIterator).appliedToArgs(tree.args)
evalOnce(fullIterator) { it =>
knownTupleFromIterator(n + m, it).asInstance(tree.tpe)
case _ =>
// No optimization, keep:
// DynamicTuple.dynamicCons[This, that.type](self, that)
private def transformTupleApply(tree: tpd.Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val Apply(TypeApply(_, tpt :: nTpt :: Nil), tup :: nTree :: Nil) = tree
(defn.tupleTypes(tpt.tpe), nTpt.tpe) match {
case (Some(tpes), nTpe: ConstantType) =>
// Get the element directly with TupleM._n+1 or TupleXXL.productElement(n)
val size = tpes.size
val n = nTpe.value.intValue
if (n < 0 || n >= size) {
ctx.error("index out of bounds: " + n, nTree.underlyingArgument.sourcePos)
} else if (size <= MaxTupleArity) {
// tup._n
Typed(tup, TypeTree(defn.tupleType(tpes))).select(nme.selectorName(n))
} else {
// tup.asInstanceOf[TupleXXL].productElement(n)
case (None, nTpe: ConstantType) if nTpe.value.intValue < 0 =>
ctx.error("index out of bounds: " + nTpe.value.intValue, nTree.sourcePos)
case _ =>
// No optimization, keep:
// DynamicTuple.dynamicApply(tup, n)
private def transformTupleToArray(tree: tpd.Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
val Apply(_, tup :: Nil) = tree
defn.tupleTypes(tup.tpe.widen, MaxTupleArity) match {
case Some(tpes) =>
val size = tpes.size
if (size == 0) {
// Array.emptyObjectArray
} else if (size <= MaxTupleArity) {
// DynamicTuple.productToArray(tup.asInstanceOf[Product])
} else {
// tup.asInstanceOf[TupleXXL].elems.clone()
case None =>
// No optimization, keep:
// DynamicTuple.dynamicToArray(tup)
/** Create a TupleN (1 <= N < 23) from the elements */
private def knownTupleFromElements(tpes: List[Type], elements: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) = {
val size = elements.size
assert(0 < size && size <= MaxTupleArity)
val tupleModule = defn.TupleType(size).classSymbol.companionModule
private def knownTupleFromIterator(size: Int, it: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
if (size == 0) {
// Unit for empty tuple
Literal(Constant(())) // TODO should this code be here? Or assert(size > specializedSize)
else if (size <= MaxTupleArity) {
// TupleN(, ...,
// TODO outline this code for the 22 alternatives (or less, may not need the smallest ones)?
// This would yield smaller bytecode at the cost of an extra (easily JIT inlinable) call.
// def dynamicTupleN(it: Iterator[Any]): TupleN[Any, ..., Any] = Tuple(, ...,
val tpes = List.fill(size)(defn.AnyType)
val elements = (0 until size).map(_ =>
knownTupleFromElements(tpes, elements)
} else {
// No optimization, keep:
// TupleXXL.fromIterator(it)
private def tupleSelectors(tup: Tree, size: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] =
(0 until size).map(i =>
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