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/** A hash set that allows some privileged protected access to its internals
class HashSet[T >: Null <: AnyRef](powerOfTwoInitialCapacity: Int, loadFactor: Float = 0.25f) extends Set[T] {
private[this] var used: Int = _
private[this] var limit: Int = _
private[this] var table: Array[AnyRef] = _
assert(Integer.bitCount(powerOfTwoInitialCapacity) == 1)
protected def isEqual(x: T, y: T): Boolean = x.equals(y)
// Counters for Stats
var accesses: Int = 0
var misses: Int = 0
/** The number of elements in the set */
def size: Int = used
private def allocate(size: Int) = {
table = new Array[AnyRef](size)
limit = (size * loadFactor).toInt
/** Remove all elements from this set and set back to initial configuration */
def clear(): Unit = {
used = 0
/** Turn hashcode `x` into a table index */
private def index(x: Int): Int = x & (table.length - 1)
/** Hashcode, can be overridden */
def hash(x: T): Int = x.hashCode
private def entryAt(idx: Int) = table.apply(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
/** Find entry such that `isEqual(x, entry)`. If it exists, return it.
* If not, enter `x` in set and return `x`.
def findEntryOrUpdate(x: T): T = {
if (Stats.enabled) accesses += 1
var h = index(hash(x))
var entry = entryAt(h)
while (entry ne null) {
if (isEqual(x, entry)) return entry
if (Stats.enabled) misses += 1
h = index(h + 1)
entry = entryAt(h)
addEntryAt(h, x)
/** Add entry at `x` at index `idx` */
private def addEntryAt(idx: Int, x: T) = {
table(idx) = x
used += 1
if (used > limit) growTable()
/** The entry in the set such that `isEqual(x, entry)`, or else `null`. */
def findEntry(x: T): T = {
if (Stats.enabled) accesses += 1
var h = index(hash(x))
var entry = entryAt(h)
while ((entry ne null) && !isEqual(x, entry)) {
if (Stats.enabled) misses += 1
h = index(h + 1)
entry = entryAt(h)
private[this] var rover: Int = -1
/** Add entry `x` to set */
def addEntry(x: T): Unit = {
if (Stats.enabled) accesses += 1
var h = index(hash(x))
var entry = entryAt(h)
while (entry ne null) {
if (isEqual(x, entry)) return
if (Stats.enabled) misses += 1
h = index(h + 1)
entry = entryAt(h)
table(h) = x
used += 1
if (used > (table.length >> 2)) growTable()
/** Add all entries in `xs` to set */
def addEntries(xs: TraversableOnce[T]): Unit = {
xs foreach addEntry
/** The iterator of all elements in the set */
def iterator: Iterator[T] = new Iterator[T] {
private[this] var i = 0
def hasNext: Boolean = {
while (i < table.length && (table(i) eq null)) i += 1
i < table.length
def next(): T =
if (hasNext) { i += 1; table(i - 1).asInstanceOf[T] }
else null
/** Privileged access: Find first entry with given hashcode */
protected def findEntryByHash(hashCode: Int): T = {
rover = index(hashCode)
/** Privileged access: Find next entry with given hashcode. Needs to immediately
* follow a `findEntryByhash` or `nextEntryByHash` operation.
protected def nextEntryByHash(hashCode: Int): T = {
if (Stats.enabled) accesses += 1
var entry = table(rover)
while (entry ne null) {
rover = index(rover + 1)
if (hash(entry.asInstanceOf[T]) == hashCode) return entry.asInstanceOf[T]
if (Stats.enabled) misses += 1
entry = table(rover)
/** Privileged access: Add entry `x` at the last position where an unsuccsessful
* `findEntryByHash` or `nextEntryByhash` operation returned. Needs to immediately
* follow a `findEntryByhash` or `nextEntryByHash` operation that was unsuccessful,
* i.e. that returned `null`.
protected def addEntryAfterScan(x: T): T = addEntryAt(rover, x)
private def addOldEntry(x: T): Unit = {
var h = index(hash(x))
var entry = entryAt(h)
while (entry ne null) {
h = index(h + 1)
entry = entryAt(h)
table(h) = x
private def growTable(): Unit = {
val oldtable = table
allocate(table.length * 2)
var i = 0
while (i < oldtable.length) {
val entry = oldtable(i)
if (entry ne null) addOldEntry(entry.asInstanceOf[T])
i += 1
override def toString(): String = "HashSet(%d / %d)".format(used, table.length)
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