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ch.ethz.globis.phtree.v11.NodeIteratorNoGC Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011-2016 ETH Zurich. All Rights Reserved.
* This software is the proprietary information of ETH Zurich.
* Use is subject to license terms.
package ch.ethz.globis.phtree.v11;
import ch.ethz.globis.pht64kd.MaxKTreeI.NtEntry;
import ch.ethz.globis.phtree.PhEntry;
import ch.ethz.globis.phtree.PhFilter;
import ch.ethz.globis.phtree.v11.nt.NtIteratorMask;
* This NodeIterator reuses existing instances, which may be easier on the Java GC.
* @author ztilmann
* @param value type
public class NodeIteratorNoGC {
private static final long START = -1;
private final int dims;
private boolean isHC;
private boolean isNI;
private long next;
private Node node;
private int currentOffsetKey;
private NtIteratorMask niIterator;
private int nMaxEntry;
private int nFound = 0;
private int postEntryLenLHC;
private final long[] valTemplate;
private long maskLower;
private long maskUpper;
private long[] rangeMin;
private long[] rangeMax;
private boolean useHcIncrementer;
private boolean useNiHcIncrementer;
private PhFilter checker;
* @param dims dimensions
* @param valTemplate A null indicates that no values are to be extracted.
public NodeIteratorNoGC(int dims, long[] valTemplate) {
this.dims = dims;
this.valTemplate = valTemplate;
* @param node
* @param rangeMin The minimum value that any found value should have. If the found value is
* lower, the search continues.
* @param rangeMax
* @param lower The minimum HC-Pos that a value should have.
* @param upper
* @param checker result verifier, can be null.
private void reinit(Node node, long[] rangeMin, long[] rangeMax, PhFilter checker) {
this.rangeMin = rangeMin;
this.rangeMax = rangeMax;
next = START;
currentOffsetKey = 0;
nFound = 0;
this.checker = checker;
this.node = node;
this.isHC = node.isAHC();
this.isNI = node.isNT();
nMaxEntry = node.getEntryCount();
if (!isHC) {
//Position of the current entry
currentOffsetKey = node.getBitPosIndex();
//length of post-fix WITH key
postEntryLenLHC = Node.IK_WIDTH(dims) + dims*node.getPostLen();
useHcIncrementer = false;
useNiHcIncrementer = false;
if (dims > 6) {
if (isNI && !useNiHcIncrementer) {
if (niIterator == null) {
niIterator = new NtIteratorMask<>(dims);
niIterator.reset(node.ind(), maskLower, maskUpper);
private void initHCI() {
//LHC, NI, ...
long maxHcAddr = ~((-1L)< nPossibleMatch*(double)logNChild*2);
//DIM < 60 as safeguard against overflow of (nPossibleMatch*logNChild)
if (useHcIncrementer && PhTree11.HCI_ENABLED && dims < 50) {
useNiHcIncrementer = true;
} else {
useNiHcIncrementer = false;
} else if (PhTree11.HCI_ENABLED){
if (isHC) {
//nPossibleMatch < 2^k?
useHcIncrementer = nPossibleMatch*2 <= maxHcAddr;
} else {
int logNPost = Long.SIZE - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(nMaxEntry) + 1+1;
useHcIncrementer = (nMaxEntry >= 2*nPossibleMatch*(double)logNPost);
* Advances the cursor.
* @return TRUE iff a matching element was found.
boolean increment(PhEntry result) {
return getNext(result);
* @return False if the value does not match the range, otherwise true.
private boolean readValue(int pin, long pos, PhEntry result) {
Object o = node.checkAndGetEntryPIN(pin, pos, valTemplate, result.getKey(),
rangeMin, rangeMax);
if (o == null) {
return false;
if (o instanceof Node) {
Node sub = (Node) o;
//skip this for postLen>=63
if (checker != null && sub.getPostLen() < (PhTree11.DEPTH_64-1) &&
!checker.isValid(sub.getPostLen()+1, valTemplate)) {
return false;
return true;
if (checker != null && !checker.isValid(result.getKey())) {
return false;
result.setValueInternal((T) o);
return true;
private boolean readValue(long pos, Object value, PhEntry result) {
if (!node.checkAndGetEntryNt(pos, value, result, valTemplate, rangeMin, rangeMax)) {
return false;
//subnode ?
if (value instanceof Node) {
Node sub = (Node) value;
//skip this for postLen>=63
if (checker != null && sub.getPostLen() < (PhTree11.DEPTH_64-1) &&
!checker.isValid(sub.getPostLen()+1, valTemplate)) {
return false;
return true;
return checker == null || checker.isValid(result.getKey());
private boolean getNextHCI(PhEntry result) {
//Ideally we would switch between b-serch-HCI and incr-search depending on the expected
//distance to the next value.
long currentPos = next;
do {
if (currentPos == START) {
//starting position
currentPos = maskLower;
} else {
currentPos =, maskLower, maskUpper);
if (currentPos <= maskLower) {
return false;
int pin = node.getPosition(currentPos, dims);
if (pin >= 0 && readValue(pin, currentPos, result)) {
next = currentPos;
return true;
} while (true);
private boolean getNext(PhEntry result) {
if (isNI) {
return niFindNext(result);
if (useHcIncrementer) {
return getNextHCI(result);
} else if (isHC) {
return getNextAHC(result);
} else {
return getNextLHC(result);
private boolean getNextAHC(PhEntry result) {
//while loop until 1 is found.
long currentPos = next == START ? maskLower-1 : next;
while (true) {
currentPos++; //pos w/o bit-offset
if (currentPos > maskUpper) {
return false;
//check HC-pos
if (checkHcPos(currentPos) && readValue((int)currentPos, currentPos, result)) {
next = currentPos;
return true;
private boolean getNextLHC(PhEntry result) {
while (true) {
if (++nFound > nMaxEntry) {
return false;
long currentPos = Bits.readArray(, currentOffsetKey, Node.IK_WIDTH(dims));
currentOffsetKey += postEntryLenLHC;
//check HC-pos
if (checkHcPos(currentPos)) {
//check post-fix
if (readValue(nFound-1, currentPos, result)) {
next = currentPos; //This is required for kNN-adjusting of iterators
return true;
} else if (currentPos > maskUpper) {
return false;
private boolean niFindNext(PhEntry result) {
return useNiHcIncrementer ? niFindNextHCI(result) : niFindNextIter(result);
private boolean niFindNextIter(PhEntry result) {
while (niIterator.hasNext()) {
NtEntry e = niIterator.nextEntryReuse();
System.arraycopy(e.getKdKey(), 0, result.getKey(), 0, dims);
if (readValue(e.key(), e.value(), result)) {
next = e.getKey(); //This is required for kNN-adjusting of iterators
return true;
return false;
private boolean niFindNextHCI(PhEntry result) {
//repeat until we found a value inside the given range
long currentPos = next;
do {
if (currentPos != START && currentPos >= maskUpper) {
if (currentPos == START) {
//starting position
currentPos = maskLower;
} else {
currentPos =, maskLower, maskUpper);
if (currentPos <= maskLower) {
Object v = node.ntGetEntry(currentPos, result.getKey(), valTemplate);
if (v == null) {
next = currentPos;
//read and check post-fix
if (readValue(currentPos, v, result)) {
return true;
} while (true);
return false;
private boolean checkHcPos(long pos) {
return ((pos | maskLower) & maskUpper) == pos;
public Node node() {
return node;
* @param rangeMin
* @param rangeMax
* @param valTemplate
* @param postLen
private void calcLimits(long[] rangeMin, long[] rangeMax) {
//create limits for the local node. there is a lower and an upper limit. Each limit
//consists of a series of DIM bit, one for each dimension.
//For the lower limit, a '1' indicates that the 'lower' half of this dimension does
//not need to be queried.
//For the upper limit, a '0' indicates that the 'higher' half does not need to be
// || lowerLimit=0 || lowerLimit=1 || upperLimit = 0 || upperLimit = 1
// =============||===================================================================
// query lower || YES NO
// ============ || ==================================================================
// query higher || NO YES
int postLen = node.getPostLen();
long maskHcBit = 1L << postLen;
long maskVT = (-1L) << postLen;
long lowerLimit = 0;
long upperLimit = 0;
//to prevent problems with signed long when using 64 bit
if (maskHcBit >= 0) { //i.e. postLen < 63
for (int i = 0; i < valTemplate.length; i++) {
lowerLimit <<= 1;
upperLimit <<= 1;
long nodeBisection = (valTemplate[i] | maskHcBit) & maskVT;
if (rangeMin[i] >= nodeBisection) {
//==> set to 1 if lower value should not be queried
lowerLimit |= 1L;
if (rangeMax[i] >= nodeBisection) {
//Leave 0 if higher value should not be queried.
upperLimit |= 1L;
} else {
//special treatment for signed longs
//The problem (difference) here is that a '1' at the leading bit does indicate a
//LOWER value, opposed to indicating a HIGHER value as in the remaining 63 bits.
//The hypercube assumes that a leading '0' indicates a lower value.
//Solution: We leave HC as it is.
for (int i = 0; i < valTemplate.length; i++) {
lowerLimit <<= 1;
upperLimit <<= 1;
if (rangeMin[i] < 0) {
//If minimum is positive, we don't need the search negative values
//==> set upperLimit to 0, prevent searching values starting with '1'.
upperLimit |= 1L;
if (rangeMax[i] < 0) {
//Leave 0 if higher value should not be queried
//If maximum is negative, we do not need to search positive values
//(starting with '0').
//--> lowerLimit = '1'
lowerLimit |= 1L;
this.maskLower = lowerLimit;
this.maskUpper = upperLimit;
boolean adjustMinMax(long[] rangeMin, long[] rangeMax) {
calcLimits(rangeMin, rangeMax);
if (next >= this.maskUpper) {
//we already fully traversed this node
return false;
if (next < this.maskLower) {
if (isHC) {
currentOffsetKey = node.getBitPosIndex();
next = START;
} else if (isNI) {
if (!useNiHcIncrementer) {
niIterator.adjustMinMax(maskLower, maskUpper);
} else {
next = START;
} else {
if ( + PhTree11.LHC_BINARY_SEARCH_THRESHOLD < this.maskLower) {
int pin = node.getPosition(maskLower, dims);
//If we don't find it we use the next following entry, i.e. -(pin+1)
pin = pin >= 0 ? pin : -(pin+1);
currentOffsetKey = node.pinToOffsBitsLHC(pin, node.getBitPosIndex(), dims);
nFound = pin;
//just set it to START, it is not used and will be set during the next iteration
next = START;
return true;
if ((useHcIncrementer || useNiHcIncrementer) && !checkHcPos(next)) {
//Adjust pos in HCI mode such that it works for the next inc()
//At this point, next is >= maskLower
long pos = next-1;
//After the following, pos==START or pos==(a valid entry such that inc(pos) is
//the next valid entry after the original `next`)
while (!checkHcPos(pos) && pos > START) {
//normal iteration to ensure we to get a valid POS for HCI-inc()
next = pos;
return true;
void init(long[] rangeMin, long[] rangeMax, Node node, PhFilter checker) {
this.node = node; //for calcLimits
calcLimits(rangeMin, rangeMax);
reinit(node, rangeMin, rangeMax, checker);
boolean verifyMinMax() {
long mask = (-1L) << node.getPostLen()+1;
for (int i = 0; i < valTemplate.length; i++) {
if ((valTemplate[i] | ~mask) < rangeMin[i] ||
(valTemplate[i] & mask) > rangeMax[i]) {
return false;
return true;