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package ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.utils
import ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.Expect
import ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.PleaseUseReplacementException
import kotlin.js.JsName
* Creates a [ArgumentMapperBuilder] with the given [first] and [others] as arguments;
* specify the mapping as such using a subsequent step in the building process.
* For instance (there are more options as second step to choose from):
* ```
* fun pairs(pair: Pair, vararg otherPairs: Pair) {
* mapArguments(pair, otherPairs).toExpect> { isKeyValue(it) }
* }
* ```
fun mapArguments(first: T, others: Array): ArgumentMapperBuilder = ArgumentMapperBuilder(first, others)
* Maps the given [first] and [others] to the given type [R] with the help of the given [mapper].
* Use the overload without `mapper` in case you want to map to an lambda with an [Expect] receiver
* and use one of the available options as second step. For instance, `mapArguments(a, aX).toExpect { ... }`
inline fun mapArguments(first: T, others: Array, mapper: (T) -> R): Pair> =
mapArguments(first, others).to(mapper)
* Creates a [ArgumentMapperBuilder] with the given [first] and [others] as arguments;
* specify the mapping as such using a subsequent step in the building process.
fun mapArguments(first: Byte, others: ByteArray): ArgumentMapperBuilder =
mapArguments(first, others.toTypedArray())
* Maps the given [first] and [others] to the given type [R] with the help of the given [mapper].
* Use the overload without `mapper` in case you want to map to an lambda with an [Expect] receiver
* and use one of the available options as second step. For instance, `mapArguments(a, aX).toExpect { ... }`
inline fun mapArguments(first: Byte, others: ByteArray, mapper: (Byte) -> R): Pair> =
mapArguments(first, others).to(mapper)
* Creates a [ArgumentMapperBuilder] with the given [first] and [others] as arguments;
* specify the mapping as such using a subsequent step in the building process.
fun mapArguments(first: Char, others: CharArray): ArgumentMapperBuilder =
mapArguments(first, others.toTypedArray())
* Maps the given [first] and [others] to the given type [R] with the help of the given [mapper].
* Use the overload without `mapper` in case you want to map to an lambda with an [Expect] receiver
* and use one of the available options as second step. For instance, `mapArguments(a, aX).toExpect { ... }`
inline fun mapArguments(first: Char, others: CharArray, mapper: (Char) -> R): Pair> =
mapArguments(first, others).to(mapper)
* Creates a [ArgumentMapperBuilder] with the given [first] and [others] as arguments;
* specify the mapping as such using a subsequent step in the building process.
fun mapArguments(first: Short, others: ShortArray): ArgumentMapperBuilder =
mapArguments(first, others.toTypedArray())
* Maps the given [first] and [others] to the given type [R] with the help of the given [mapper].
* Use the overload without `mapper` in case you want to map to an lambda with an [Expect] receiver
* and use one of the available options as second step. For instance, `mapArguments(a, aX).toExpect { ... }`
inline fun mapArguments(first: Short, others: ShortArray, mapper: (Short) -> R): Pair> =
mapArguments(first, others).to(mapper)
* Creates a [ArgumentMapperBuilder] with the given [first] and [others] as arguments;
* specify the mapping as such using a subsequent step in the building process.
fun mapArguments(first: Int, others: IntArray): ArgumentMapperBuilder = mapArguments(first, others.toTypedArray())
* Maps the given [first] and [others] to the given type [R] with the help of the given [mapper].
* Use the overload without `mapper` in case you want to map to an lambda with an [Expect] receiver
* and use one of the available options as second step. For instance, `mapArguments(a, aX).toExpect { ... }`
inline fun mapArguments(first: Int, others: IntArray, mapper: (Int) -> R): Pair> =
mapArguments(first, others).to(mapper)
* Creates a [ArgumentMapperBuilder] with the given [first] and [others] as arguments;
* specify the mapping as such using a subsequent step in the building process.
fun mapArguments(first: Long, others: LongArray): ArgumentMapperBuilder =
mapArguments(first, others.toTypedArray())
* Maps the given [first] and [others] to the given type [R] with the help of the given [mapper].
* Use the overload without `mapper` in case you want to map to an lambda with an [Expect] receiver
* and use one of the available options as second step. For instance, `mapArguments(a, aX).toExpect { ... }`
inline fun mapArguments(first: Long, others: LongArray, mapper: (Long) -> R): Pair> =
mapArguments(first, others).to(mapper)
* Creates a [ArgumentMapperBuilder] with the given [first] and [others] as arguments;
* specify the mapping as such using a subsequent step in the building process.
fun mapArguments(first: Float, others: FloatArray): ArgumentMapperBuilder =
mapArguments(first, others.toTypedArray())
* Maps the given [first] and [others] to the given type [R] with the help of the given [mapper].
* Use the overload without `mapper` in case you want to map to an lambda with an [Expect] receiver
* and use one of the available options as second step. For instance, `mapArguments(a, aX).toExpect { ... }`
inline fun mapArguments(first: Float, others: FloatArray, mapper: (Float) -> R): Pair> =
mapArguments(first, others).to(mapper)
* Creates a [ArgumentMapperBuilder] with the given [first] and [others] as arguments;
* specify the mapping as such using a subsequent step in the building process.
fun mapArguments(first: Double, others: DoubleArray): ArgumentMapperBuilder =
mapArguments(first, others.toTypedArray())
* Maps the given [first] and [others] to the given type [R] with the help of the given [mapper].
* Use the overload without `mapper` in case you want to map to an lambda with an [Expect] receiver
* and use one of the available options as second step. For instance, `mapArguments(a, aX).toExpect { ... }`
inline fun mapArguments(first: Double, others: DoubleArray, mapper: (Double) -> R): Pair> =
mapArguments(first, others).to(mapper)
* Creates a [ArgumentMapperBuilder] with the given [first] and [others] as arguments;
* specify the mapping as such using a subsequent step in the building process.
fun mapArguments(first: Boolean, others: BooleanArray): ArgumentMapperBuilder =
mapArguments(first, others.toTypedArray())
* Maps the given [first] and [others] to the given type [R] with the help of the given [mapper].
* Use the overload without `mapper` in case you want to map to an lambda with an [Expect] receiver
* and use one of the available options as second step. For instance, `mapArguments(a, aX).toExpect { ... }`
inline fun mapArguments(
first: Boolean,
others: BooleanArray,
mapper: (Boolean) -> R
): Pair> = mapArguments(first, others).to(mapper)
* Builder to map variable length arguments formulated as ([first]: [T], `vararg` [others] : [T]) to something else.
class ArgumentMapperBuilder internal constructor(
val first: T,
val others: Array
) {
* Maps each argument to an [Expect]<[R]> lambda with receiver
* using the given [assertionCreator] (passing in the argument).
* @returns The mapped [first] and [others].
inline fun toExpect(
crossinline assertionCreator: Expect.(T) -> Unit
): Pair.() -> Unit, Array.() -> Unit>> = to { t -> expectLambda { assertionCreator(t) } }
* Maps each argument to the given type [R] by using the given [mapper]
* @returns The mapped [first] and [others].
inline fun to(mapper: (T) -> R): Pair> =
mapper(first) to { mapper(it) }.toTypedArray()
* Maps each argument to `null` if it is already `null` and if not, then ...
* ... what happens otherwise needs to be specified in the next step.
* Notice, a future version might constrain [T] with a lower bound `Nothing?`.
* @returns The mapped [ArgumentMapperBuilder.first] and [ArgumentMapperBuilder.others].
fun ArgumentMapperBuilder.toNullOr(): ArgumentToNullOrMapperBuilder =
"Since your arguments are not nullable it does not make sense to call this function - use the replacement.",
fun ArgumentMapperBuilder.toNullOr(): Nothing =
throw PleaseUseReplacementException("Since your arguments are not nullable it does not make sense to call this function.")
* Builder to map variable length arguments formulated as `(first: T, vararg others : T)` to something else.
* Its usage is intended to turn the nullable argument type of the given [argumentMapperBuilder] into its non-nullable
* type if the argument is not null in order that the non-nullable type can be used/passed to function which expect
* a non-nullable type.
class ArgumentToNullOrMapperBuilder(
val argumentMapperBuilder: ArgumentMapperBuilder
) {
* Maps each argument to `null` if it is already `null` and if not, then to an [Expect]<[R]>
* lambda with receiver by using the given [assertionCreator] (passing in the argument).
* @returns The mapped arguments.
inline fun toExpect(
crossinline assertionCreator: Expect.(T) -> Unit
): Pair<(Expect.() -> Unit)?, Array.() -> Unit)?>> = { nullableT -> nullableT?.let { t -> expectLambda { assertionCreator(t) } } }