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scalismo.ui.view.dialog.AboutDialog.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2016  University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .

package scalismo.ui.view.dialog

import java.awt.event.{MouseAdapter, MouseEvent}
import java.awt.{Color, Cursor, Font}

import javax.swing._
import scalismo.ui.resources.icons.BundledIcon
import scalismo.ui.resources.thirdparty.ThirdPartyResource
import scalismo.ui.view.ScalismoFrame
import scalismo.ui.view.dialog.AboutDialog._
import scalismo.ui.view.dialog.AboutDialog.scaled._
import scalismo.ui.view.util.{LinkLabel, MultiLineLabel, ScalableUI}

import scala.swing.GridBagPanel.{Anchor, Fill}
import scala.swing.Swing.EmptyIcon
import scala.swing.TabbedPane.Page
import scala.swing.{Action, _}
import scala.util.Try

object AboutDialog {

   * This is essentially a workaround for IntelliJ Idea not liking
   * auto-generated sources. (I.e. Idea continues to bitch about
   * not finding scalismo.ui.BuildInfo, thus making it impossible
   * to compile or start the program from the UI).
   * Using runtime reflection avoids this.
  object BuildInfo {

    import scala.reflect.runtime.universe

    private lazy val runtimeMirror = universe.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
    private lazy val objectName = "scalismo.ui.BuildInfo$"

    def proxy(fieldName: String): String =
      Try {
        val moduleSymbol = runtimeMirror.moduleSymbol(Class.forName(objectName))

        val targetMethod = moduleSymbol.typeSignature.members
          .filter(x => x.isMethod && == fieldName)


    // proxied fields
    def version: String = proxy("version")

    def scalaVersion: String = proxy("scalaVersion")

    def sbtVersion: String = proxy("sbtVersion")

    def buildTime: String = proxy("buildTime")

  object scaled {

    import ScalableUI.implicits.scalableInt

    /* scaled versions of pixel sizes.
     * Defined separately (instead of just using a base, and a multiplier / divisor)
     * because they're mostly small values, and the scale factor is generally also a small value
     * (between 1 and 2) -- so (for example) 3.scaled * 2 is not necessarily equal to (3 * 2).scaled .
     * Defined as methods in subpackage to avoid code duplication (in other words: all components should use one of
     * the values defined here, not a literal value)

    def s_3: Int = 3.scaled

    def s_5: Int = 5.scaled

    def s_10: Int = 10.scaled

    def s_15: Int = 15.scaled

    def s_20: Int = 20.scaled

    def s_128: Int = 128.scaled

  class BoldLabel(text: String, icon: Icon = EmptyIcon, alignment: Alignment.Value = Alignment.Center)
      extends Label(text, icon, alignment) {
    font = font.deriveFont(font.getStyle | Font.BOLD)

  class LogoPanel extends BorderPanel {
    private val logo = BundledIcon.Logo
    private val dim = s_128
    private val scaledIcon = ScalableUI.resizeIcon(logo, dim, dim)

    private val image = new LinkLabel("",
                                      new URI(""),
                                      preventLinkStyle = true,
                                      preventTooltip = true) {

    private val h = s_15
    image.border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(h * 2, h, h * 2, h)

    layout(image) = BorderPanel.Position.North

  class KeyValuePanel(pairs: List[(String, String)]) extends GridBagPanel {
    private var x = 0
    private var y = 0
    val columns = 2

    private def constraints(text: String): Constraints = new Constraints {
      this.gridx = x
      this.gridy = y
      this.anchor = Anchor.NorthWest
      this.ipadx = s_20
      this.ipady = s_3

      if (text == null) {
        // special "Fill" entry: fill vertical space
        this.weighty = 1

      // update state for next add()
      x += 1
      if (x == columns) {
        x = 0
        y += 1

    pairs.foreach {
      case (key, value) =>
        add(new BoldLabel(key), constraints(key))
        add(new Label(value), constraints(value))

  class ThirdPartyPanel(frame: ScalismoFrame) extends BorderPanel {
    val description =
      "The scalismo library, and the user interface, use a number of third-party open source resources. These dependencies are listed below."

    private val descriptionBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(s_10, 0, s_10, 0)
    private val thanksBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(s_10, 0, 0, 0)
    private val listBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(s_3, s_10, s_3, s_10)
    private val scrollBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, s_10)

    private val north = new MultiLineLabel(description) {
      border = descriptionBorder

    val center: BorderPanel = new BorderPanel {
      private val list = new ThirdPartyListPanel(frame) {
        border = listBorder
      private val scroll = new ScrollPane(list) {
        horizontalScrollBarPolicy = ScrollPane.BarPolicy.AsNeeded
        verticalScrollBarPolicy = ScrollPane.BarPolicy.AsNeeded
      scroll.border = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(scrollBorder, scroll.border)
      layout(scroll) = BorderPanel.Position.Center
    layout(north) = BorderPanel.Position.North
    layout(center) = BorderPanel.Position.Center

    // very swiss, but it doesn't harm, and I bet it will be appreciated.
    layout(new BoldLabel("Thank you!", alignment = Alignment.Left) {
      border = thanksBorder
    }) = BorderPanel.Position.South

  class ThirdPartyListPanel(frame: ScalismoFrame) extends GridBagPanel {
    private var x = 0
    private var y = 0
    val columns = List("Name", "Author(s)", "License")
    private val lastColumnIndex = columns.length - 1
    private val lastRowIndex = ThirdPartyResource.All.length + 1 // accounts for header and footer

    private def constraints(): Constraints = new Constraints {
      this.gridx = x
      this.gridy = y
      this.anchor = Anchor.NorthWest
      this.ipadx = s_20
      this.ipady = s_3

      this.weightx = x match {
        case c if c == lastColumnIndex => 1
        case _                         => 0

      this.weighty = y match {
        case r if r == lastRowIndex => 1
        case _                      => 0

      this.fill = (x, y) match {
        case (h, v) if h == lastColumnIndex && v == lastRowIndex => Fill.Both
        case (h, _) if h == lastColumnIndex                      => Fill.Horizontal
        case (_, v) if v == lastRowIndex                         => Fill.Vertical
        case (_, _)                                              => Fill.None

      // update state for next add()
      x += 1
      if (x == columns.length) {
        x = 0
        y += 1

    def add(label: Label): Unit = {
      label.horizontalAlignment = Alignment.Left
      add(label, constraints())

    // table headers
    columns.foreach(c => add(new BoldLabel(c)))

    ThirdPartyResource.All.foreach { tp =>
      val name = tp.homepage match {
        case Some(url) => new LinkLabel(, new URI(url))
        case None      => new Label(
      val author = new Label(tp.authors)
      val license = tp.licenseText match {
        case Some(licenseText) =>
          new Label(tp.licenseName) {
            tooltip = "Show License"
            foreground = Color.BLUE.darker()
            peer.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {
              override def mouseClicked(e: MouseEvent): Unit = {
                popupLicense(frame,, licenseText)
        case None => new Label(tp.licenseName)


    // table footer (dummy row to fill space on resize)
    (0 to lastColumnIndex).foreach { _ =>
      add(new Label(""))

  def popupLicense(frame: ScalismoFrame, productName: String, licenseText: String): Unit = {
    val dialog = new Dialog(owner = frame) {
      modal = true
      title = s"$productName - License"

    val main = new BorderPanel
    val button = new BorderPanel {
      layout(new Button(new Action("OK") {
        override def apply(): Unit = dialog.dispose()
      })) = BorderPanel.Position.East

    val _rows = 25
    val _columns = 80

    val textComponent = {
      if (licenseText.startsWith("")) {
        // set the same preferred width as a 25x80 text area
        val prefWidth = new TextArea("", _rows, _columns).preferredSize.width
        val pane = new JTextPane() {

          override def getPreferredSize: Dimension = {
            val real = super.getPreferredSize
            real.width = prefWidth

      } else {
        new TextArea(licenseText) {
          rows = _rows
          columns = _columns
          editable = false
          lineWrap = true

    val scroll = new ScrollPane(textComponent)

    main.layout(scroll) = BorderPanel.Position.Center
    main.layout(button) = BorderPanel.Position.South

    dialog.contents = main
    dialog.visible = true



class AboutDialog(implicit frame: ScalismoFrame) extends Dialog(frame) {
  modal = true
  title = "About Scalismo UI"

  private def withLogo(component: Component): BorderPanel = new BorderPanel {
    layout(component) = BorderPanel.Position.Center
    layout(new LogoPanel) = BorderPanel.Position.West

  val main: BorderPanel = new BorderPanel {

    val keyValue = List(
      "Developers" -> "Ghazi Bouabene
Thomas Gerig
Christoph Langguth
Marcel Lüthi", (null, null), // special: fill "UI Version" -> BuildInfo.version, "Scalismo Version" -> scalismo.BuildInfo.version, "Scala Version" -> BuildInfo.scalaVersion, "Build Time" -> BuildInfo.buildTime ) private val kvPanel: BorderPanel = new BorderPanel { val west: BorderPanel = new BorderPanel { layout(new KeyValuePanel(keyValue)) = BorderPanel.Position.Center } layout(west) = BorderPanel.Position.West layout( new LinkLabel("Copyright (c) Graphics and Vision Research Group, University of Basel", new URI(""), alignment = Alignment.Left, preventLinkStyle = true, preventTooltip = true) { private val b = s_10 border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(b, b, b, b) } ) = BorderPanel.Position.North } val tabsPane = new TabbedPane // we explicitly use "null" for tooltips, as the default scala.swing implementation uses "", which displays a useless tooltip tabsPane.pages += new Page("Scalismo UI", withLogo(kvPanel), null) tabsPane.pages += new Page("Third Party", withLogo(new ThirdPartyPanel(frame)), null) val bottomPanel: BorderPanel = new BorderPanel { val ok = new Button(new Action("OK") { override def apply(): Unit = AboutDialog.this.dispose() }) layout(new BorderPanel { layout(ok) = BorderPanel.Position.Center private val b = s_5 border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(b, b, b, b) }) = BorderPanel.Position.East } layout(tabsPane) = BorderPanel.Position.Center layout(bottomPanel) = BorderPanel.Position.South border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(s_5, 0, 0, 0) } contents = main pack() centerOnScreen() visible = true }

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