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* Copyright (C) 2016 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package scalismo.ui.rendering.internal
import java.awt.{Component, Point}
import scalismo.geometry.{_3D, Point3D}
import scalismo.ui.model.{Axis, SceneNode}
import scalismo.ui.rendering.RendererState
import scalismo.ui.rendering.RendererState.PointAndNode
import{ActorLineWidth, ActorSceneNode}
import scalismo.ui.rendering.internal.CoordinateAdapter.VtkPoint
import scalismo.ui.view.{ViewportPanel, ViewportPanel2D}
import vtk._
class RendererStateImplementation(renderer: vtkRenderer, viewport: ViewportPanel) extends RendererState {
val adapter = new CoordinateAdapter
private val cellPicker: vtkCellPicker = new vtkCellPicker {
// This is needed so that 2D sliced actors can also be picked.
// (At the default tolerance of 1e-6, it's virtually impossible to
// hit a 2D line). This might need a bit more tweaking.
lazy val axis: Option[Axis] = viewport match {
case _2d: ViewportPanel2D => Some(_2d.axis)
case _ => None
def setSize(width: Int, height: Int, panel: Component): Unit = {
adapter.setSize(width, height, panel)
override def isHighlightable(node: SceneNode): Boolean = {
override def setHighlighted(node: SceneNode, onOff: Boolean): Unit = {
findHighlightable(node).foreach { actor =>
val add = if (onOff) 1 else 0
actor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(actor.lineWidth.value + add)
def findHighlightable(node: SceneNode): Option[ActorSceneNode with ActorLineWidth] = {
val actors = renderer.GetActors()
val count = actors.GetNumberOfItems()
if (count >= 1) {
(0 until count) foreach { _ =>
actors.GetNextActor() match {
case ok: ActorSceneNode with ActorLineWidth if ok.sceneNode == node => return Some(ok)
case _ =>
override def pointAndNodeAtPosition(point: Point): PointAndNode = {
val pointAndProp = findPointAndPropAtPosition(adapter.toVtkPoint(point))
PointAndNode(pointAndProp.point, pointAndProp.prop.flatMap(propToNode))
def propToNode(prop: vtkProp3D): Option[SceneNode] = {
prop match {
case n: ActorSceneNode => Some(n.sceneNode)
case _ => None
private case class PointAndProp(point: Option[Point3D], prop: Option[vtkProp3D])
private def findPointAndPropAtPosition(vtkPoint: VtkPoint): PointAndProp = {
if (cellPicker.Pick(vtkPoint.x, vtkPoint.y, 0.0, renderer) == 1) {
// simple case
val prop = cellPicker.GetProp3D()
val array = cellPicker.GetPickPosition()
val point: Option[Point3D] = if (array == null) None else Some(scalismo.geometry.Point[_3D](array))
PointAndProp(point, Option(prop))
} else {
// complicated case
val coord = new vtkCoordinate
coord.SetValue(vtkPoint.x, vtkPoint.y, 0.0)
val array = coord.GetComputedWorldValue(renderer)
// these coordinates are necessarily inaccurate, because no object was hit, so
// it's unclear where in space the point is located (in terms of "depth", i.e., how far away).
// in 3D, there's nothing we can do about this, but in 2D, we know where the slice is, and
// modify the point accordingly.
axis match {
case Some(Axis.X) => array(0) = viewport.frame.sceneControl.slicingPosition.x
case Some(Axis.Y) => array(1) = viewport.frame.sceneControl.slicingPosition.y
case Some(Axis.Z) => array(2) = viewport.frame.sceneControl.slicingPosition.z
case _ => //
// return None if the point found is not within the bounding box of the scene
val pointOption = {
val point: Point3D = scalismo.geometry.Point[_3D](array)
val bb = viewport.frame.sceneControl.slicingPosition.boundingBox
//IntelliJ IDEA hint: don't complain, your suggested alternative is less understandable
//noinspection IfElseToFilterdOption
if (bb.contains(point)) Some(point) else None
PointAndProp(pointOption, None)