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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package scalismo.common
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.transformations.{CanDifferentiateWRTPosition, Transformation}
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector
* Utility functions to create and manipulate images
object Field {
def apply[D, A](dom: Domain[D], fun: Point[D] => A) = new Field[D, A] {
override val domain = dom
override val f = fun
* Lifts a function between pixel values such that it acts on image intensities.
* This is useful to write functions that manipulate the image intensities.
def lift[D, A](fl: A => A): Field[D, A] => Field[D, A] = { (field: Field[D, A]) =>
new Field[D, A] {
override val domain = field.domain
override val f = field.f
override def apply(x: Point[D]) = fl(field.apply(x))
object Field1D {
def apply[A](dom: Domain[_1D], fun: Point[_1D] => A): Field[_1D, A] = Field(dom, fun)
object Field2D {
def apply[A](dom: Domain[_2D], fun: Point[_2D] => A): Field[_2D, A] = Field(dom, fun)
object Field3D {
def apply[A](dom: Domain[_3D], fun: Point[_3D] => A): Field[_3D, A] = Field(dom, fun)
* An image is simply a function from points to values, together with a domain on which the
* function is defined.
trait Field[D, A] extends Function1[Point[D], A] {
self =>
def domain: Domain[D]
def f: Point[D] => A
/** True if the image is defined at the given point */
def isDefinedAt(pt: Point[D]): Boolean = domain.isDefinedAt(pt)
* The value of the image at a given point.
* if an image is accessed outside of its definition, an exception is thrown
override def apply(x: Point[D]): A = {
if (!isDefinedAt(x)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Point $x is outside the domain")
def compose(t: Point[D] => Point[D]): Field[D, A] = {
val f = this.f.compose(t)
val newDomain = Domain.fromPredicate[D]((pt: Point[D]) => isDefinedAt(t(pt)))
Field[D, A](newDomain, f)
override def andThen[B](g: A => B): Field[D, B] = {
Field(domain, f.andThen(g))
def +(that: Field[D, A])(implicit scalar: Scalar[A]): Field[D, A] = {
val newFun = (x: Point[D]) =>, that.f(x))
val newDomain = Domain.intersection(this.domain, that.domain)
Field(newDomain, newFun)
def -(that: Field[D, A])(implicit scalar: Scalar[A]): Field[D, A] = {
val newFun = (x: Point[D]) => scalar.minus(this.f(x), that.f(x))
val newDomain = Domain.intersection(this.domain, that.domain)
Field(newDomain, newFun)
def :*(that: Field[D, A])(implicit scalar: Scalar[A]): Field[D, A] = {
val newFun = (x: Point[D]) => scalar.times(this.f(x), that.f(x))
val newDomain = Domain.intersection(this.domain, that.domain)
Field(newDomain, newFun)
def *(d: Double)(implicit scalar: Scalar[A]): Field[D, Double] = {
val newFun = (x: Point[D]) => scalar.timesDouble(this.f(x), d)
Field(this.domain, newFun)
* Lifts the definition of the value function such that it is defined everywhere,
* but yields none if the value is outside of the domain
def liftValues: Field[D, Option[A]] = {
val fun = { (x: Point[D]) =>
if (self.isDefinedAt(x)) Some(self.f(x))
else None
Field[D, Option[A]](EuclideanSpace[D], fun)
def discretize[DDomain[DD] <: DiscreteDomain[DD]](domain: DDomain[D],
outsideValue: A): DiscreteField[D, DDomain, A] = {
val nbChunks = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2
val pointChunks = ParVector.fromSpecific(domain.pointSet.pointsInChunks(nbChunks))
val values =
for {
points <- pointChunks
point <- points
} yield {
if (isDefinedAt(point)) f(point)
else outsideValue
DiscreteField(domain, values.toIndexedSeq)
trait DifferentiableField[D, A] extends Field[D, A] { self =>
def df: Point[D] => EuclideanVector[D]
def scalar: Scalar[A]
def differentiate: Field[D, EuclideanVector[D]] = {
Field(domain, df)
def compose(t: Transformation[D] with CanDifferentiateWRTPosition[D]): DifferentiableField[D, A] = {
def f(x: Point[D]) = this.f(t(x))
val newDomain = Domain.fromPredicate[D]((pt: Point[D]) => this.isDefinedAt(t(pt)))
val df = (x: Point[D]) => {
val dtx = t.derivativeWRTPosition(x)
val dftx: EuclideanVector[D] = this.df(t(x))
dtx * dftx
DifferentiableField(newDomain, f, df)(scalar)
object DifferentiableField {
def apply[D, A](domain: Domain[D], f: Point[D] => A, df: Point[D] => EuclideanVector[D])(
implicit scalar: Scalar[A]
): DifferentiableField[D, A] = {
val outerdf = df
val outerf = f
val outerdomain = domain
val outerscalar = scalar
new DifferentiableField[D, A] {
override val scalar = outerscalar
override val domain = outerdomain
override val f = outerf
override val df = outerdf
object DifferentiableField1D {
def apply[A](domain: Domain[_1D], f: Point[_1D] => A, df: Point[_1D] => EuclideanVector[_1D])(
implicit scalar: Scalar[A]
): DifferentiableField[_1D, A] = DifferentiableField(domain, f, df)
object DifferentiableField2D {
def apply[A](domain: Domain[_2D], f: Point[_2D] => A, df: Point[_2D] => EuclideanVector[_2D])(
implicit scalar: Scalar[A]
): DifferentiableField[_2D, A] = DifferentiableField(domain, f, df)
object DifferentiableField3D {
def apply[A](domain: Domain[_3D], f: Point[_3D] => A, df: Point[_3D] => EuclideanVector[_3D])(
implicit scalar: Scalar[A]
): DifferentiableField[_3D, A] = DifferentiableField(domain, f, df)