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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package scalismo.common
import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import scalismo.common.Scalar.ScalarType
import scalismo.utils.ArrayUtils
import spire.math._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* Trait signifying that the data is scalar (i.e., numeric).
* Note that while unsigned integral types (UByte, UShort, UInt, ULong) are supported,
* some operations may be significantly slower than when using the built-in primitive
* (signed) data types. In other words, it may be worthwile to directly map the
* data to a signed type after reading, then working with the signed data.
* @tparam S the type of the actual scalar data.
trait Scalar[@specialized(Byte, Short, Int, Float, Double) S] extends Any {
def scalarType: ScalarType
def fromByte(n: Byte): S
def fromShort(n: Short): S
def fromInt(n: Int): S
def fromLong(n: Long): S
def fromFloat(n: Float): S
def fromDouble(n: Double): S
def toByte(a: S): Byte
def toShort(a: S): Short
def toInt(a: S): Int
def toLong(a: S): Long
def toFloat(a: S): Float
def toDouble(a: S): Double
def plus(s1: S, s2: S): S
def minus(s1: S, s2: S): S
def times(s1: S, s2: S): S
def timesDouble(s1: S, d: Double): Double
def zero: S
def one: S
* Trait signifying that the data is scalar, and of a primitive JVM type.
* @tparam S the (primitive) type of the actual scalar data.
abstract class PrimitiveScalar[S <: AnyVal: ClassTag] extends Scalar[S] {
def createArray(data: Array[S]): PrimitiveScalarArray[S] = new PrimitiveScalarArray[S](data)
* Trait signifying that the data is scalar, and is using a value class to "wrap" the values of
* an underlying primitive type.
* @tparam S the exposed (value class) type of the scalar data.
* @tparam U the underlying (primitive) type of the actual stored values.
* @see Value Classes and Universal Traits
abstract class ValueClassScalar[S <: AnyVal, U <: AnyVal: ClassTag] extends Scalar[S] {
protected[scalismo] def convertArray[C](data: Array[C], f: C => S): ValueClassScalarArray[S, U] = {
createArray(ArrayUtils.fastMap[C, U](data, { c =>
def createArray(data: Array[U]): ValueClassScalarArray[S, U]
protected[common] def toUnderlying(s: S): U
protected[common] def fromUnderlying(u: U): S
object Scalar {
// Not exactly sure what this is good for, but spire seems to do it everywhere
// for performance reasons. So we just do it as well.
@inline final def apply[A](implicit ev: Scalar[A]): Scalar[A] = ev
// An enumeration of differnet scalar types. These can be used for
// pattern matching on the type
sealed trait ScalarType
case object ByteScalar extends ScalarType
case object ShortScalar extends ScalarType
case object IntScalar extends ScalarType
case object LongScalar extends ScalarType
case object FloatScalar extends ScalarType
case object DoubleScalar extends ScalarType
case object UByteScalar extends ScalarType
case object UIntScalar extends ScalarType
case object UShortScalar extends ScalarType
implicit final lazy val ByteIsScalar: PrimitiveScalar[Byte] = new ByteIsScalar
implicit final lazy val ShortIsScalar: PrimitiveScalar[Short] = new ShortIsScalar
implicit final lazy val IntIsScalar: PrimitiveScalar[Int] = new IntIsScalar
implicit final lazy val FloatIsScalar: PrimitiveScalar[Float] = new FloatIsScalar
implicit final lazy val DoubleIsScalar: PrimitiveScalar[Double] = new DoubleIsScalar
implicit final lazy val UByteIsScalar: ValueClassScalar[UByte, Byte] = new UByteIsScalar
implicit final lazy val UShortIsScalar: ValueClassScalar[UShort, Char] = new UShortIsScalar
implicit final lazy val UIntIsScalar: ValueClassScalar[UInt, Int] = new UIntIsScalar
abstract class PrimitiveScalarFromSpireNumeric[A <: AnyVal: ClassTag](num: Numeric[A]) extends PrimitiveScalar[A] {
override def toByte(a: A): Byte = num.toByte(a)
override def toShort(a: A): Short = num.toShort(a)
override def toInt(a: A): Int = num.toInt(a)
override def toLong(a: A): Long = num.toLong(a)
override def toFloat(a: A): Float = num.toFloat(a)
override def toDouble(a: A): Double = num.toDouble(a)
override def fromByte(n: Byte): A = num.fromByte(n)
override def fromShort(n: Short): A = num.fromShort(n)
override def fromInt(n: Int): A = num.fromInt(n)
override def fromLong(n: Long): A = num.fromLong(n)
override def fromFloat(n: Float): A = num.fromFloat(n)
override def fromDouble(n: Double): A = num.fromDouble(n)
override def plus(s1: A, s2: A): A =, s2)
override def minus(s1: A, s2: A): A = num.minus(s1, s2)
override def times(s1: A, s2: A): A = num.times(s1, s2)
override def timesDouble(s1: A, d: Double): Double = num.toDouble(s1) * d
override def zero: A =
override def one: A =
class ByteIsScalar extends PrimitiveScalarFromSpireNumeric(Numeric[Byte]) {
override def scalarType: ScalarType = ByteScalar
class ShortIsScalar extends PrimitiveScalarFromSpireNumeric(Numeric[Short]) {
override def scalarType: ScalarType = ShortScalar
class IntIsScalar extends PrimitiveScalarFromSpireNumeric(Numeric[Int]) {
override def scalarType: ScalarType = IntScalar
class FloatIsScalar extends PrimitiveScalarFromSpireNumeric(Numeric[Float]) {
override def scalarType: ScalarType = FloatScalar
class DoubleIsScalar extends PrimitiveScalarFromSpireNumeric(Numeric[Double]) {
override def scalarType: ScalarType = DoubleScalar
class UByteIsScalar extends ValueClassScalar[UByte, Byte] {
override def toByte(a: UByte): Byte = a.toByte
override def toShort(a: UByte): Short = a.toShort
override def toInt(a: UByte): Int = a.toInt
override def toLong(a: UByte): Long = a.toLong
override def toFloat(a: UByte): Float = a.toFloat
override def toDouble(a: UByte): Double = a.toDouble
override def fromByte(n: Byte): UByte = UByte(n.toByte)
override def fromShort(n: Short): UByte = UByte(n.toByte)
override def fromInt(n: Int): UByte = UByte(n.toByte)
override def fromLong(n: Long): UByte = UByte(n.toByte)
override def fromFloat(n: Float): UByte = UByte(n.toByte)
override def fromDouble(n: Double): UByte = UByte(n.toByte)
override def createArray(data: Array[Byte]): ValueClassScalarArray[UByte, Byte] = ValueClassScalarArray(data)(this)
override def toUnderlying(u: UByte): Byte = u.toByte
override def fromUnderlying(p: Byte): UByte = UByte(p)
override def plus(s1: UByte, s2: UByte): UByte = UByte(s1.toByte + s2.toByte)
override def minus(s1: UByte, s2: UByte): UByte = UByte(s1.toByte - s2.toByte)
override def times(s1: UByte, s2: UByte): UByte = UByte(s1.toByte * s2.toByte)
override def timesDouble(s1: UByte, d: Double): Double = s1.toDouble * d
override def zero: UByte = UByte(0)
override def one: UByte = UByte(1)
override def scalarType: ScalarType = UByteScalar
class UShortIsScalar extends ValueClassScalar[UShort, Char] {
override def toByte(a: UShort): Byte = a.toByte
override def toShort(a: UShort): Short = a.toShort
override def toInt(a: UShort): Int = a.toInt
override def toLong(a: UShort): Long = a.toLong
override def toFloat(a: UShort): Float = a.toFloat
override def toDouble(a: UShort): Double = a.toDouble
override def fromByte(n: Byte): UShort = UShort(n.toShort)
override def fromShort(n: Short): UShort = UShort(n)
override def fromInt(n: Int): UShort = UShort(n.toShort)
override def fromLong(n: Long): UShort = UShort(n.toShort)
override def fromFloat(n: Float): UShort = UShort(n.toShort)
override def fromDouble(n: Double): UShort = UShort(n.toShort)
override def createArray(data: Array[Char]): ValueClassScalarArray[UShort, Char] = ValueClassScalarArray(data)(this)
override def toUnderlying(u: UShort): Char = u.toChar
override def fromUnderlying(p: Char): UShort = UShort(p)
override def plus(s1: UShort, s2: UShort): UShort = UShort(s1.toShort + s2.toShort)
override def minus(s1: UShort, s2: UShort): UShort = UShort(s1.toShort - s2.toShort)
override def times(s1: UShort, s2: UShort): UShort = UShort(s1.toShort * s2.toShort)
override def timesDouble(s1: UShort, d: Double): Double = s1.toDouble * d
override def zero: UShort = UShort(0)
override def one: UShort = UShort(1)
override def scalarType: ScalarType = UShortScalar
class UIntIsScalar extends ValueClassScalar[UInt, Int] {
override def toByte(a: UInt): Byte = a.toByte
override def toShort(a: UInt): Short = a.toShort
override def toInt(a: UInt): Int = a.toInt
override def toLong(a: UInt): Long = a.toLong
override def toFloat(a: UInt): Float = a.toFloat
override def toDouble(a: UInt): Double = a.toDouble
override def fromByte(n: Byte): UInt = UInt(n.toInt)
override def fromShort(n: Short): UInt = UInt(n.toInt)
override def fromInt(n: Int): UInt = UInt(n)
override def fromLong(n: Long): UInt = UInt(n.toInt)
override def fromFloat(n: Float): UInt = UInt(n.toLong.toInt)
override def fromDouble(n: Double): UInt = UInt(n.toLong.toInt)
override def createArray(data: Array[Int]): ValueClassScalarArray[UInt, Int] = ValueClassScalarArray(data)(this)
override def toUnderlying(u: UInt): Int = u.toInt
override def fromUnderlying(p: Int): UInt = UInt(p)
override def plus(s1: UInt, s2: UInt): UInt = UInt(s1.toInt + s2.toInt)
override def minus(s1: UInt, s2: UInt): UInt = UInt(s1.toInt - s2.toInt)
override def times(s1: UInt, s2: UInt): UInt = UInt(s1.toInt * s2.toInt)
override def timesDouble(s1: UInt, d: Double): Double = s1.toDouble * d
override def zero: UInt = UInt(0)
override def one: UInt = UInt(1)
override def scalarType: ScalarType = UIntScalar
* Class representing an array of scalar data. Only a subset of the array and generic collections operations is supported,
* and the data should be treated as immutable. For instance, data values can be accessed by index, but not updated.
* @tparam S the type of the contained data.
sealed trait ScalarArray[S] extends IndexedSeq[S] {
* Returns the indexth element of the array
* @param index the index of the value to return
* @return the value at index index
def apply(index: Int): S
* Returns the length of the data array.
* @return the length of the data array
def length: Int
* Determines if index lies within the bounds of the array
* @param index the index in the array for which to check if it lies within the array bounds
* @return true if index lies within the array bounds, false otherwise.
final override def isDefinedAt(index: Int): Boolean = index < size && index >= 0
* Maps this [[ScalarArray]] to another [[ScalarArray]] using the given mapping function
* @param f the mapping function to use
* @tparam T the type of the values of the resulting [[ScalarArray]]
* @return a new [[ScalarArray]] whose values correspond to the values of this instance, mapped by the function f
def map[T: Scalar: ClassTag](f: S => T): ScalarArray[T]
* Returns an iterator over the array's values.
* @return an iterator over the array's values.
def iterator: Iterator[S]
* Basic implementation of [[ScalarArray]], common to both primitive and value-class scalar arrays.
* @param rawData the actual raw data contained in the array
* @tparam S the type of the contained data.
* @tparam U the type of the underlying contained raw data
abstract case class AbstractScalarArray[S, U](protected[scalismo] val rawData: Array[U]) extends ScalarArray[S] {
* Returns the length of the data array.
* @return the length of the data array
final override def length: Int = rawData.length
* Convert one datum from the underlying type to the [[ScalarArray]]'s type
* @param u a value of the underlying type
* @return the corresponding value of the array type
protected def fromUnderlying(u: U): S
* Maps this [[ScalarArray]] to another [[ScalarArray]] using the given mapping function
* @param f the mapping function to use
* @tparam T the type of the values of the resulting [[ScalarArray]]
* @return a new [[ScalarArray]] whose values correspond to the values of this instance, mapped by the function f
override def map[T: Scalar: ClassTag](f: S => T): ScalarArray[T] = {
val toScalar = implicitly[Scalar[T]]
toScalar match {
case s: PrimitiveScalar[T @unchecked] =>
s.createArray( { u =>
case s: ValueClassScalar[T @unchecked, _] =>
s.convertArray[U](rawData, { u =>
* A [[ScalarArray]] containing data of a native primitive data type.
* @param rawData the actual raw data contained in the array
* @tparam S the type of the contained data.
final class PrimitiveScalarArray[S <: AnyVal: ClassTag](rawData: Array[S]) extends AbstractScalarArray[S, S](rawData) {
* Convert one datum from the underlying type to the [[ScalarArray]]'s type. Since for primitive
* scalars, the underlying data type is the same as the array's data type, the input value is returned unchanged.
* @param u a value of this array's data type
* @return the value, unchanged
override protected def fromUnderlying(u: S): S = u
* Returns the indexth element of the array
* @param index the index of the value to return
* @return the value at index index
override def apply(index: Int): S = rawData(index)
* Returns an iterator over the array's values.
* @return an iterator over the array's values.
override def iterator: Iterator[S] = rawData.iterator
override lazy val hashCode: Int = rawData.toSeq.hashCode()
override def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = that.isInstanceOf[PrimitiveScalarArray[_]]
override def equals(that: Any) = {
that match {
case a: PrimitiveScalarArray[_] => (this canEqual that) && this.rawData.sameElements(rawData)
case _ => false
* A [[ScalarArray]] containing data of a value class type, which can be mapped from/to an underlying primitive data type.
* @param rawData the actual raw data contained in the array
* @param scalar a [[Scalar]] instance, providing the necessary data conversion functions
* @tparam S the type of the array's data
* @tparam U the type of the underlying contained raw data
final class ValueClassScalarArray[S <: AnyVal, U <: AnyVal](rawData: Array[U])(implicit scalar: ValueClassScalar[S, U])
extends AbstractScalarArray[S, U](rawData) {
override protected def fromUnderlying(u: U): S = scalar.fromUnderlying(u)
* Returns the indexth element of the array
* @param index the index of the value to return
* @return the value at index index
override def apply(index: Int): S = fromUnderlying(rawData(index))
* Returns an iterator over the array's values.
* @return an iterator over the array's values.
override def iterator: Iterator[S] =
override lazy val hashCode: Int = rawData.toSeq.hashCode()
override def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = that.isInstanceOf[ValueClassScalarArray[_, _]]
override def equals(that: Any) = {
that match {
case a: ValueClassScalarArray[_, _] => (this canEqual that) && this.rawData.sameElements(a.rawData)
case _ => false
/** Factory for ValueClassScalarArray instances. */
object ValueClassScalarArray {
def apply[S <: AnyVal, U <: AnyVal](
array: Array[U]
)(implicit s: ValueClassScalar[S, U]): ValueClassScalarArray[S, U] =
new ValueClassScalarArray[S, U](array)(s)
/** Factory for ScalarArray instances. */
object ScalarArray {
// /**
// * Converts a native array of scalar values to the corresponding [[ScalarArray]] instance
// * @param array a native array of scalar values
// * @tparam T the type of the scalar data
// * @return the corresponding [[ScalarArray]] instance, containing the same data as array
// */
def apply[T: Scalar: ClassTag](array: Array[T]): ScalarArray[T] = {
val scalar = implicitly[Scalar[T]]
scalar match {
case p: PrimitiveScalar[T @unchecked] => p.createArray(array)
case v: ValueClassScalar[T @unchecked, _] =>
v.convertArray[T](array, { t =>
case class ScalarVectorizer[S: Scalar]() extends Vectorizer[S] {
override def dim: Int = 1
def toArray(v: S): Array[Double] = Array[Double](Scalar[S].toDouble(v))
override def vectorize(v: S): DenseVector[Double] = new DenseVector(toArray(v))
override def unvectorize(d: DenseVector[Double]): S = {