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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.kernels
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import scalismo.common.EuclideanSpace
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.numerics.BSpline
import scalismo.transformations.Transformation
import scalismo.utils.Memoize
* Defines a Gaussian kernel with standard deviation sigma. The scale factor
* determines the variance (the value of k(x,x)). A scale factor of s leads to
* the variance k(x,x) = s*s. When modelling functions, the scale factor can be interpreted
* as the amplitude of the function
case class GaussianKernel[D](sigma: Double, scaleFactor: Double = 1) extends PDKernel[D] {
val sigma2 = sigma * sigma
val s2 = scaleFactor * scaleFactor
override def domain = EuclideanSpace[D]
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): Double = {
val r = x - y
scala.math.exp(-r.norm2 / sigma2) * s2
object GaussianKernel1D {
def apply(sigma: Double, scaleFactor: Double = 1): GaussianKernel[_1D] = GaussianKernel[_1D](sigma, scaleFactor)
object GaussianKernel2D {
def apply(sigma: Double, scaleFactor: Double = 1): GaussianKernel[_2D] = GaussianKernel[_2D](sigma, scaleFactor)
object GaussianKernel3D {
def apply(sigma: Double, scaleFactor: Double = 1): GaussianKernel[_3D] = GaussianKernel[_3D](sigma, scaleFactor)
case class SampleCovarianceKernel[D: NDSpace](ts: IndexedSeq[Transformation[D]], cacheSizeHint: Int = 100000)
extends MatrixValuedPDKernel[D] {
override val outputDim = NDSpace[D].dimensionality
override val domain = => ts.domain).getOrElse(EuclideanSpace[D])
private val ts_memoized = for (t <- ts) yield Memoize(t, cacheSizeHint)
private val normFactorMu = (1.0 / (ts.size))
private val normFactorCov = (1.0 / (ts.size - 1))
def mu(x: Point[D]): DenseVector[Double] = {
val meanDisplacement = DenseVector.zeros[Double](outputDim)
for (t <- ts_memoized) {
var i = 0;
val tx = t(x)
while (i < outputDim) {
meanDisplacement(i) += tx(i) - x(i)
i += 1
meanDisplacement * normFactorMu
private val mu_memoized = Memoize(mu, cacheSizeHint)
override def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val ms = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](outputDim, outputDim)
// cache the mean values as computation of these takes time
val mux = mu_memoized(x)
val muy = mu_memoized(y)
for (t <- ts_memoized) {
// transformed points
val tx = t(x)
val ty = t(y)
// the corresponding deformations
val ux = tx - x
val uy = ty - y
// the following two loops compute the outer product of (ux - mux)(uy - muy).
// since the matrices are tiny, it seems to be most efficient to do the computation by hand,
// and thus avoid allocating many small objects.
var i = 0
while (i < outputDim) {
var j = 0
while (j < outputDim) {
ms(i, j) = ms(i, j) + (ux(i) - mux(i)) * (uy(j) - muy(j))
j += 1
i += 1
ms * normFactorCov
abstract case class BSplineKernel[D](order: Int, scale: Int) extends PDKernel[D] {
override def domain = EuclideanSpace[D]
trait CreateBSplineKernel[D] {
def create(order: Int, j: Int): BSplineKernel[D]
object CreateBSplineKernel {
implicit object CreateBSplineKernelBSplineKernel1D extends CreateBSplineKernel[_1D] {
def create(order: Int, j: Int): BSplineKernel[_1D] = new BSplineKernel1D(order, j)
implicit object CreateBSplineKernelBSplineKernel2D extends CreateBSplineKernel[_2D] {
def create(order: Int, j: Int): BSplineKernel[_2D] = new BSplineKernel2D(order, j)
implicit object CreateBSplineKernelBSplineKernel3D extends CreateBSplineKernel[_3D] {
def create(order: Int, j: Int): BSplineKernel[_3D] = new BSplineKernel3D(order, j)
object BSplineKernel {
def apply[D: CreateBSplineKernel](order: Int, scale: Int): BSplineKernel[D] = {
implicitly[CreateBSplineKernel[D]].create(order, scale)
class BSplineKernel3D(order: Int, scale: Int) extends BSplineKernel[_3D](order, scale) {
val spline = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(order) _
def bspline3D(x1: Double, x2: Double, x3: Double) = {
spline(x1) * spline(x2) * spline(x3)
val c: Double = scala.math.pow(2.0, scale)
val O: Double = 0.5 * (order + 1)
val two_j: Double = c
override def k(x: Point[_3D], y: Point[_3D]) = {
// Sum over all j from low to up
val kl_x: Int = scala.math.ceil(scala.math.max(x(0), y(0)) * c - O).toInt
val kl_y: Int = scala.math.ceil(scala.math.max(x(1), y(1)) * c - O).toInt
val kl_z: Int = scala.math.ceil(scala.math.max(x(2), y(2)) * c - O).toInt
val kll_x = scala.math.min(x(0), y(0)) * c - O
val kll_y = scala.math.min(x(1), y(1)) * c - O
val kll_z = scala.math.min(x(2), y(2)) * c - O
val ku_x: Int = scala.math.floor(kll_x + order + 1).toInt
val ku_y: Int = scala.math.floor(kll_y + order + 1).toInt
val ku_z: Int = scala.math.floor(kll_z + order + 1).toInt
val xVec_j = x.toVector * two_j
val yVec_j = y.toVector * two_j
var sum_j: Double = 0.0
var kx = kl_x
while (kx <= ku_x) {
var ky = kl_y
while (ky <= ku_y) {
var kz = kl_z
while (kz <= ku_z) {
sum_j = sum_j + (bspline3D(xVec_j(0) - kx, xVec_j(1) - ky, xVec_j(2) - kz) * bspline3D(yVec_j(0) - kx,
yVec_j(1) - ky,
yVec_j(2) - kz))
kz = kz + 1
ky = ky + 1
kx = kx + 1
// Compute bounding box to use compact support properties.
private class BSplineKernel2D(order: Int, scale: Int) extends BSplineKernel[_2D](order, scale) {
private val spline = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(order) _
def bspline2D(x1: Double, x2: Double) = {
spline(x1) * spline(x2)
val c: Double = scala.math.pow(2.0, scale)
val O: Double = 0.5 * (order + 1)
val two_j: Double = c
override def k(x: Point[_2D], y: Point[_2D]) = {
// Sum over all j from low to up
val kl_x: Int = scala.math.ceil(scala.math.max(x(0), y(0)) * c - O).toInt
val kl_y: Int = scala.math.ceil(scala.math.max(x(1), y(1)) * c - O).toInt
val kll_x = scala.math.min(x(0), y(0)) * c - O
val kll_y = scala.math.min(x(1), y(1)) * c - O
val ku_x: Int = scala.math.floor(kll_x + order + 1).toInt
val ku_y: Int = scala.math.floor(kll_y + order + 1).toInt
val xVec_j = x.toVector * two_j
val yVec_j = y.toVector * two_j
var sum_j: Double = 0.0
var kx = kl_x
while (kx <= ku_x) {
var ky = kl_y
while (ky <= ku_y) {
sum_j = sum_j + bspline2D(xVec_j(0) - kx, xVec_j(1) - ky) * bspline2D(yVec_j(0) - kx, yVec_j(1) - ky)
ky = ky + 1
kx = kx + 1
// Compute bounding box to use compact support properties.
private class BSplineKernel1D(order: Int, scale: Int) extends BSplineKernel[_1D](order, scale) {
val bspline1D = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(order) _
val c: Double = scala.math.pow(2.0, scale)
val O: Double = 0.5 * (order + 1)
val two_j: Double = c
override def k(x: Point[_1D], y: Point[_1D]) = {
// Sum over all j from low to up
val kl_x: Int = scala.math.ceil(scala.math.max(x(0), y(0)) * c - O).toInt
val kll_x = scala.math.min(x(0), y(0)) * c - O
val ku_x: Int = scala.math.floor(kll_x + order + 1).toInt
val xVec_j = x.toVector * two_j
val yVec_j = y.toVector * two_j
var sum_j: Double = 0.0
var kx = kl_x
while (kx <= ku_x) {
sum_j = sum_j + bspline1D(xVec_j(0) - kx) * bspline1D(yVec_j(0) - kx)
kx = kx + 1
// Compute bounding box to use compact support properties.