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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.mesh.boundingSpheres
import breeze.numerics.abs
import scalismo.geometry.{_3D, EuclideanVector}
import scalismo.mesh.boundingSpheres.SurfaceClosestPointType._
import scalismo.mesh.boundingSpheres.VolumeClosestPointType.VolumeClosestPointType
* Holds triangles and precalculated vectors.
private[mesh] case class Triangle(a: EuclideanVector[_3D], b: EuclideanVector[_3D], c: EuclideanVector[_3D]) {
val ab = b - a
val ac = c - a
val bc = c - b
val n = ab.crossproduct(ac)
val degenerated = if (n.norm == 0.0) {
if (a == b && b == c) 2 else 1
} else 0
// 0: ab, 1: ac, 2: bc
val longestSide = {
val bc = c - b
if (ab.norm2 > ac.norm2) {
if (ab.norm2 > bc.norm2) 0 else 2
} else {
if (ac.norm2 > bc.norm2) 1 else 2
* Holds tetrahedron and precalculated vectors.
case class Tetrahedron(a: EuclideanVector[_3D],
b: EuclideanVector[_3D],
c: EuclideanVector[_3D],
d: EuclideanVector[_3D]) {
val ab = b - a
val ac = c - a
val ad = d - a
val bc = c - b
val bd = d - b
val cd = d - c
val n1 = ab.crossproduct(ac)
val n2 = ab.crossproduct(ad)
val n3 = ad.crossproduct(ac)
val n4 = bc.crossproduct(bd)
val degenerated = if (n1.norm == 0.0) {
} else if (n2.norm == 0.0) {
} else if (n3.norm == 0.0) {
} else if (n4.norm == 0.0) {
} else {
// 0: abc, 1: abd, 2: adc, 3:bcd
val triangles = List(Triangle(a, b, c), Triangle(a, b, d), Triangle(a, c, d), Triangle(b, c, d))
def largestFace(): Int = {
def computeTriangleArea(A: EuclideanVector[_3D], B: EuclideanVector[_3D], C: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Double = {
// compute are of the triangle using heron's formula
val a = (B - A).norm
val b = (C - B).norm
val c = (C - A).norm
val s = (a + b + c) / 2
val areaSquared = s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)
// it can happen that the area is negative, due to a degenerate triangle.
if (areaSquared <= 0.0) 0.0 else math.sqrt(areaSquared)
val sq = IndexedSeq(computeTriangleArea(a, b, c),
computeTriangleArea(a, b, d),
computeTriangleArea(a, d, c),
computeTriangleArea(b, c, d))
var larg = (0, 0.0)
for (i <- 0 to sq.size - 1) {
if (sq(i) > larg._2) {
larg = (i, sq(i))
* Barycentric Coordinates. Pair of doubles characterizing a point by the two vectors AB and AC of a triangle.
private case class BC(var a: Double, var b: Double)
* Barycentric coordinates for tetrahedrons. Triplet of doubles characterizing a point by the three vectors AB, AC, and AD of a tetrahedron.
private case class BC3(var a: Double, var b: Double, var c: Double)
* Collection of helper classes and functions for bounding spheres.
private object BSDistance {
* Calculates the barycentric coordinates of a triangle. Returns also the sum of both.
def calculateBarycentricCoordinates(triangle: Triangle, p: EuclideanVector[_3D]): (Double, Double, Double) = {
if (triangle.degenerated == 2) {
(1.0, 0, 0)
} else if (triangle.degenerated == 1) {
triangle.longestSide match {
case 0 =>
val s = - triangle.a)
val coordinate = s / triangle.ab.norm
(1 - coordinate, coordinate, 0)
case 1 =>
val s = - triangle.a)
val cooridnate = s /
(1 - cooridnate, 0, cooridnate)
case 2 =>
val s = - triangle.b)
val cooridnate = s / triangle.bc.norm
(0.0, 1 - cooridnate, cooridnate)
} else {
val positionRelativeToA = triangle.a - p
val ab2 = triangle.ab dot triangle.ab
val abac = triangle.ab dot
val ac2 = dot
val xab = positionRelativeToA dot triangle.ab
val xac = positionRelativeToA dot
val div = ab2 * ac2 - abac * abac
val s = (abac * xac - ac2 * xab) / div
val t = (abac * xab - ab2 * xac) / div
val st = s + t
(s, t, st)
* Calculates the barycentric coordinates of a triangle. Returns also the sum of both.
def calculateBarycentricCoordinates(tetrahedron: Tetrahedron,
p: EuclideanVector[_3D]): (Double, Double, Double, Double) = {
val vap = p - tetrahedron.a
// val vbp = p - tetrahedron.b
val vab = tetrahedron.b - tetrahedron.a
val vac = tetrahedron.c - tetrahedron.a
val vad = tetrahedron.d - tetrahedron.a
// val vbc = tetrahedron.c - tetrahedron.b
// val vbd = tetrahedron.d - tetrahedron.b
def scalarTripleProduct(v1: EuclideanVector[_3D], v2: EuclideanVector[_3D], v3: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Double = {
// val va6 = scalarTripleProduct(vbp, vbd, vbc)
val vb6 = scalarTripleProduct(vap, vac, vad)
val vc6 = scalarTripleProduct(vap, vad, vab)
val vd6 = scalarTripleProduct(vap, vab, vac)
val v6 = 1.0 / scalarTripleProduct(vab, vac, vad)
val s = vb6 * v6
val t = vc6 * v6
val u = vd6 * v6
(s, t, u, s + t + u)
// mutable classes
private[boundingSpheres] case class Index(var idx: Int)
private[boundingSpheres] case class Distance2(var distance2: Double)
private[boundingSpheres] case class CP(var distance2: Double,
var pt: EuclideanVector[_3D],
var ptType: SurfaceClosestPointType,
var bc: BC,
var idx: (Int, Int))
private[boundingSpheres] case class CP3(var distance2: Double,
var pt: EuclideanVector[_3D],
var ptType: VolumeClosestPointType,
var bc: BC3,
var idx: (Int, Int, Int))
// immutable classes
private[boundingSpheres] case class DistanceSqr(val distance2: Double)
private[boundingSpheres] case class DistanceSqrAndPoint(val distance2: Double, pt: EuclideanVector[_3D])
* Finds closest point to triangle.
def toTriangle(p: EuclideanVector[_3D], triangle: Triangle): ClosestPointMeta = {
if (abs(triangle.ab(0)) + abs(triangle.ab(1)) + abs(triangle.ab(2)) < 1.0e-12) {
// Degenerated case where a and b are the same points
val r = squaredDistanceClosestPointAndBCOnLineSegment(p, triangle.c, triangle.a)
ClosestPointMeta(r._1, r._2, ON_LINE, (r._3, 0), (2, -1))
} else if (abs( + abs( + abs( < 1.0e-12) {
// degenerated case where a and c are the same points
val r = squaredDistanceClosestPointAndBCOnLineSegment(p, triangle.a, triangle.b)
ClosestPointMeta(r._1, r._2, ON_LINE, (r._3, 0), (0, -1))
} else {
// regular case
val (s, t, st) = calculateBarycentricCoordinates(triangle, p)
/* Determine Region that the projected point is in by looking at a and b.
// t
// ^
// \ 2 |
// \ |
// \ |
// \|
// C
// |\
// | \
// | \
// | \
// 3 | 0 \ 1
// | \
// | \
// ----A-------B----------> s
// | \
// 4 | 5 \ 6
// | \
// Then calculate the distance to the nearest point or line segment.
if (st < 1.0) {
if (s > 0) {
if (t > 0) {
// region 0
val nearest = triangle.a + triangle.ab * s + * t
val dist2 = squaredDistanceToPoint(nearest, p)
ClosestPointMeta(dist2, nearest, IN_TRIANGLE, (s, t), (-1, -1))
} else {
// region 5
val r = squaredDistanceClosestPointAndBCOnLineSegment(p, triangle.a, triangle.b)
ClosestPointMeta(r._1, r._2, ON_LINE, (r._3, 0), (0, -1))
} else {
if (t > 0) {
// region 3
val r = squaredDistanceClosestPointAndBCOnLineSegment(p, triangle.c, triangle.a)
ClosestPointMeta(r._1, r._2, ON_LINE, (r._3, 0), (2, -1))
} else {
// region 4
val dist2 = squaredDistanceToPoint(triangle.a, p)
ClosestPointMeta(dist2, triangle.a, POINT, (0.0, 0.0), (0, -1))
} else {
if (s > 0) {
if (t > 0) {
// region 1
val r = squaredDistanceClosestPointAndBCOnLineSegment(p, triangle.b, triangle.c)
ClosestPointMeta(r._1, r._2, ON_LINE, (r._3, 0), (1, -1))
} else {
// region 6
val dist2 = squaredDistanceToPoint(triangle.b, p)
ClosestPointMeta(dist2, triangle.b, POINT, (1.0, 0.0), (1, -1))
} else {
// region 2
val dist2 = squaredDistanceToPoint(triangle.c, p)
ClosestPointMeta(dist2, triangle.c, POINT, (0.0, 1.0), (2, -1))
* Finds closest point to triangle.
def toTetrahedron(p: EuclideanVector[_3D], tetrahedron: Tetrahedron): VolumeClosestPointMeta = {
import BoundingSphereHelpers.calculateSignedVolume
val sv = IndexedSeq(
calculateSignedVolume(p, tetrahedron.a, tetrahedron.b, tetrahedron.c) >= 0,
calculateSignedVolume(p, tetrahedron.a, tetrahedron.d, tetrahedron.b) >= 0,
calculateSignedVolume(p, tetrahedron.a, tetrahedron.c, tetrahedron.d) >= 0,
calculateSignedVolume(p, tetrahedron.b, tetrahedron.d, tetrahedron.c) >= 0
if (sv.exists(b => b)) {
if (sv(0)) {
val cpm = toTriangle(p, Triangle(tetrahedron.a, tetrahedron.b, tetrahedron.c))
val (s, t, u, stu) = calculateBarycentricCoordinates(tetrahedron,
(s, t, u),
(0, cpm.idx._1, cpm.idx._2))
} else None,
if (sv(1)) {
val cpm = toTriangle(p, Triangle(tetrahedron.a, tetrahedron.d, tetrahedron.b))
val (s, t, u, stu) = calculateBarycentricCoordinates(tetrahedron,
(s, t, u),
(1, cpm.idx._1, cpm.idx._2))
} else None,
if (sv(2)) {
val cpm = toTriangle(p, Triangle(tetrahedron.a, tetrahedron.c, tetrahedron.d))
val (s, t, u, stu) = calculateBarycentricCoordinates(tetrahedron,
(s, t, u),
(2, cpm.idx._1, cpm.idx._2))
} else None,
if (sv(3)) {
val cpm = toTriangle(p, Triangle(tetrahedron.b, tetrahedron.d, tetrahedron.c))
val (s, t, u, stu) = calculateBarycentricCoordinates(tetrahedron,
(s, t, u),
(3, cpm.idx._1, cpm.idx._2))
} else None
} else {
val (s, t, u, stu) = calculateBarycentricCoordinates(tetrahedron, p)
VolumeClosestPointMeta(0.0, p, VolumeClosestPointType.IN_TETRAHEDRON, (s, t, u), (-1, -1, -1))
def toLineSegment(p: EuclideanVector[_3D], pt1: EuclideanVector[_3D], pt2: EuclideanVector[_3D]): ClosestPointMeta = {
val dir = pt2 - pt1 // line direction
val len2 = dir.norm2
if (len2 < Double.MinPositiveValue) {
val nearest = (pt1 + pt2) * 0.5
ClosestPointMeta(squaredDistanceToPoint(nearest, p), nearest, ON_LINE, (0.5, 0.0), (0, -1))
} else {
val s = - pt1)
val bc = s / len2
if (bc > 0.0) {
if (bc < 1.0) {
val nearest = pt1 + dir * bc
ClosestPointMeta(squaredDistanceToPoint(p, nearest), nearest, ON_LINE, (bc, 0.0), (0, -1))
} else {
ClosestPointMeta(squaredDistanceToPoint(p, pt2), pt2, POINT, (bc, 0.0), (1, -1))
} else {
ClosestPointMeta(squaredDistanceToPoint(p, pt1), pt1, POINT, (bc, 0.0), (0, -1))
def squaredDistanceClosestPointAndBCOnLineSegment(
p: EuclideanVector[_3D],
pt1: EuclideanVector[_3D],
pt2: EuclideanVector[_3D]
): (Double, EuclideanVector[_3D], Double) = {
val dir = pt2 - pt1 // line direction
val len2 = dir.norm2
if (len2 < Double.MinPositiveValue) {
val nearest = (pt1 + pt2) * 0.5
(squaredDistanceToPoint(p, nearest), nearest, 0.5)
} else {
val s = - pt1)
if (s < 0) {
(squaredDistanceToPoint(p, pt1), pt1, 0.0)
} else if (s > len2) {
(squaredDistanceToPoint(p, pt2), pt2, 1.0)
} else {
val bc = s / len2
val nearest = pt1 + dir * bc
(squaredDistanceToPoint(p, nearest), nearest, bc)
def squaredDistanceAndClosestPointOnLine(p: EuclideanVector[_3D],
pt1: EuclideanVector[_3D],
pt2: EuclideanVector[_3D]): (Double, EuclideanVector[_3D]) = {
val dir = (pt2 - pt1).normalize // line direction
val x = p - pt1 // vector from the point to one point on the line
val s = // length of projection of x onto the line
val nearest = pt1 + dir * s
(squaredDistanceToPoint(p, nearest), nearest)
def squaredDistanceToLine(p: EuclideanVector[_3D], pt1: EuclideanVector[_3D], pt2: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Double = {
val t1 = p - pt1
val t2 = pt2 - pt1
val D = t1.crossproduct(t2)
D.norm2 / t1.norm2
def squaredDistanceToLineDirection(p: EuclideanVector[_3D],
pointOnLine: EuclideanVector[_3D],
direction: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Double = {
val v = pointOnLine - p
(v - direction * ( / direction.norm2)).norm2
def squaredDistanceToPoint(p: EuclideanVector[_3D], pt: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Double = {
(p - pt).norm2
def toPoint(p: EuclideanVector[_3D], pt: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Distance2 = {
Distance2((p - pt).norm2)