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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.mesh.boundingSpheres
import breeze.linalg.max
import breeze.numerics.{abs, pow, sqrt}
import scalismo.geometry.{_3D, EuclideanVector, Point}
import scalismo.mesh.{TetrahedralMesh, TriangleMesh3D}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* The idea is that we wrap all elementes in hierarchical spheres as we usually can handle queries to a sphere very easily.
* The idea for the bounding spheres is taken from the following paper of D. Maier, J. Hesser, R. Männer:
* Fast and Accurate Closest Point Search on Triangulated Surfaces and its Application to Head Motion Estimation
* Bounding sphere node of the tree structure.
* @param center Center of bounding sphere.
* @param r2 Squared radius of bounding sphere.
* @param idx Index of entity used to form leave.
abstract private[mesh] class BoundingSphere(val center: EuclideanVector[_3D],
val r2: Double,
val idx: Int,
val left: BoundingSphere,
val right: BoundingSphere) {
* true if left child sphere exists
def hasLeft: Boolean
* true if right child sphere exists
def hasRight: Boolean
* Factory for the BoundingSphere search structure.
private[mesh] object BoundingSpheres {
* Creates a list of triangles with precalculated values.
def triangleListFromTriangleMesh3D(mesh: TriangleMesh3D): Seq[Triangle] = {
// build triangle list (use only Vector[_3D], no Points)
val triangles = { t =>
val a = mesh.pointSet.point(t.ptId1).toVector
val b = mesh.pointSet.point(t.ptId2).toVector
val c = mesh.pointSet.point(t.ptId3).toVector
Triangle(a, b, c)
def tetrahedronListFromTetrahedralMesh3D(mesh: TetrahedralMesh[_3D]): Seq[Tetrahedron] = {
// build tetrahedron list (use only Vector[_3D], no Points)
val tetrahedrons = { t =>
val a = mesh.pointSet.point(t.ptId1).toVector
val b = mesh.pointSet.point(t.ptId2).toVector
val c = mesh.pointSet.point(t.ptId3).toVector
val d = mesh.pointSet.point(t.ptId4).toVector
Tetrahedron(a, b, c, d)
* Create search index from list of points.
def createForPoints(pointList: Seq[Point[_3D]]): BoundingSphere = {
val spheres = => Sphere.fromPoint(p))
val root = buildSearchIndex(spheres)
* Create search index from list of triangles.
def createForTriangles(triangleList: Seq[Triangle]): BoundingSphere = {
val leaves = => Sphere.fromTriangle(t))
val root = buildSearchIndex(leaves)
* Create search index from list of tetrahedrons.
def createForTetrahedrons(tetrahedronList: Seq[Tetrahedron]): BoundingSphere = {
val leaves = => Sphere.fromTetrahedron(t))
val root = buildSearchIndex(leaves)
* build search index for spheres
def buildSearchIndex(spheres: Seq[Sphere]): BoundingSphere = {
val binarySphereLeaves = => new BoundingSphereLeave(, l._1.r2, l._2))
* build search index recursively
final def buildTree(partitions: Seq[BoundingSphere]): BoundingSphere = {
partitions.length match {
case 1 =>
case _ =>
val centers = =>
val nearestPointIndex = calculateNearestPointPairs(centers)
val subtrees = mergeNearestSpherePairs(partitions, nearestPointIndex)
* merge partitions according to nearestSphereIndex
def mergeNearestSpherePairs(partitions: Seq[BoundingSphere], nearestSphereIndex: Seq[Int]): Seq[BoundingSphere] = {
val used = Array.fill[Boolean](nearestSphereIndex.length)(false)
val mergedTrees = { p =>
if (p._1 != p._2) {
// do not merge sphere with itself
if (!used(p._1) && !used(p._2)) {
// do not merge used spheres
used(p._1) = true
used(p._2) = true
Option(createSubtree(partitions(p._1), partitions(p._2)))
} else {
} else {
val unmergedTrees = used.zipWithIndex.filter(u => !u._1).map(u => partitions(u._2))
val subtrees = mergedTrees.flatten ++ unmergedTrees
* merge two bounding spheres
def createSubtree(a: BoundingSphere, b: BoundingSphere): BoundingSphere = {
val ab = -
val dist2 = ab.norm2
val (nc, nr) = if (dist2 < Double.MinPositiveValue) {
// both have same center
(, max(a.r2, b.r2) + Double.MinPositiveValue)
} else {
// both have different center
// calculate oposite points of spheres
val na = - ab * sqrt(a.r2 / dist2)
val nb = + ab * sqrt(b.r2 / dist2)
val newCenter = (na + nb) * 0.5
// val newRadius = ((na - nb) / 2).norm2 // @note: this is numerically unstable
val newRadius = pow(max((newCenter - + sqrt(a.r2), // numerically more stable
(newCenter - + sqrt(b.r2)),
(newCenter, newRadius)
new BoundingSphereSplit(nc, nr, -1, a, b)
* calculate index of nearest points pairs
def calculateNearestPointPairs(points: Seq[EuclideanVector[_3D]]): Seq[Int] = {
val matchedPoints = Array.fill[Int](points.length)(-1)
val pointsWithIndex = points.zipWithIndex
matchPoints(pointsWithIndex, matchedPoints)
* match points recursively to get n/2 pairs and an optional single point
final def matchPoints(points: Seq[(EuclideanVector[_3D], Int)], matchedPoints: Array[Int]): Unit = {
points.length match {
case 0 =>
case 1 =>
val p = points.head
matchedPoints(p._2) = p._2
case _ =>
val sortedPoints = points.sortBy(_._1(1))
val closestPointPairs = findClosestPointPairs(sortedPoints)
val chosen: Array[Boolean] =
choosePointPairsAndUpdateMatchedIndex(closestPointPairs, sortedPoints, matchedPoints)
val stillActive = chosen.zipWithIndex.filter(s => !s._1).map(t => sortedPoints(t._2))
matchPoints(stillActive.toIndexedSeq, matchedPoints)
* Find best point pairs, some points might not be matched
def choosePointPairsAndUpdateMatchedIndex(closestPointPairs: Seq[(Double, Int, ((EuclideanVector[_3D], Int), Int))],
sortedPoints: Seq[(EuclideanVector[_3D], Int)],
matchedPoints: Array[Int]): Array[Boolean] = {
val chosen = Array.fill[Boolean](closestPointPairs.length)(false)
val bestPairs = closestPointPairs.sortBy(a => a._1)
bestPairs.foreach { cp =>
val bestSortedPointIndex = cp._2
val sortedPointIdx = cp._3._2
val pointIdx = sortedPoints(sortedPointIdx)._2
val bestPointIndex = sortedPoints(bestSortedPointIndex)._2
if (!chosen(sortedPointIdx) && !chosen(bestSortedPointIndex)) {
matchedPoints(pointIdx) = bestPointIndex
matchedPoints(bestPointIndex) = pointIdx
chosen(sortedPointIdx) = true
chosen(bestSortedPointIndex) = true
* Find for each point the closest neighbour
def findClosestPointPairs(sortedPoints: Seq[(EuclideanVector[_3D], Int)]) = { { e =>
val spIndex = e._2
val basePoint = e._1._1
var bestIndex = (spIndex + 1) % sortedPoints.length
var d = (basePoint - sortedPoints(bestIndex)._1).norm2
((spIndex + 2) until sortedPoints.length).takeWhile { j =>
val runningPoint = sortedPoints(j)._1
val q = basePoint(1) - runningPoint(1)
if ((q * q) < d) {
// early stopping according to y difference
val t = (basePoint - runningPoint).norm2
if (t < d) {
d = t
bestIndex = j
} else {
((spIndex - 1) to 0 by -1).takeWhile { j =>
val runningPoint = sortedPoints(j)._1
val q = basePoint(1) - runningPoint(1)
if ((q * q) < d) {
val t = (basePoint - runningPoint).norm2
if (t < d) {
d = t
bestIndex = j
} else {
(d, bestIndex, e)
* Inner node of the search index.
private class BoundingSphereSplit(center: EuclideanVector[_3D],
r2: Double,
idx: Int,
left: BoundingSphere,
right: BoundingSphere)
extends BoundingSphere(center, r2, idx, left, right) {
override def hasLeft: Boolean = left != null
override def hasRight: Boolean = right != null
* Leave node of the search index.
private class BoundingSphereLeave(center: EuclideanVector[_3D], r2: Double, idx: Int)
extends BoundingSphere(center, r2, idx, null, null) {
override def hasLeft: Boolean = false
override def hasRight: Boolean = false
* Helper class to build BoundingSphereLeaves
private case class Sphere(center: EuclideanVector[_3D], r2: Double)
* Factory for Sphere class.
private object Sphere {
import BoundingSphereHelpers._
* Create spheres around points with radius.
def fromPoint(point: Point[_3D], radius: Double = 1.0e-6): Sphere = {
Sphere(point.toVector, radius)
* Create spheres around a line.
def fromLine(line: (EuclideanVector[_3D], EuclideanVector[_3D])): Sphere = {
val (center, r2) = minContainmentSphere(line._1, line._2)
Sphere(center, r2)
* Create sphere around a triangle
def fromTriangle(triangle: Triangle): Sphere = {
val (center, r2) = minContainmentSphere(triangle.a, triangle.b, triangle.c)
Sphere(center, r2)
* Create sphere around a triangle
def fromTetrahedron(tetrahedron: Tetrahedron): Sphere = {
val (center, r2) = minContainmentSphere(tetrahedron.a, tetrahedron.b, tetrahedron.c, tetrahedron.d)
Sphere(center, r2)
private[mesh] object BoundingSphereHelpers {
* Calculate minimal sphere around two points, e.g. a line segment
def minContainmentSphere(a: EuclideanVector[_3D], b: EuclideanVector[_3D]): (EuclideanVector[_3D], Double) = {
val center = (a + b) * 0.5
val r2 = max((a - center).norm2, (b - center).norm2)
(center, r2)
* Calculate minimal sphere around three points, e.g. a triangle
def minContainmentSphere(a: EuclideanVector[_3D],
b: EuclideanVector[_3D],
c: EuclideanVector[_3D]): (EuclideanVector[_3D], Double) = {
var center = a
var radius2 = 1.0
val ab = b - a
val ac = c - a
val bc = c - b
val aMb = (a + b) * 0.5
val aMc = (a + c) * 0.5
// handle degenerated cases
if (ab.norm2 < Double.MinPositiveValue) {
center = aMc
radius2 = max((center - a).norm2, (center - c).norm2)
} else if (ac.norm2 < Double.MinPositiveValue || bc.norm2 < Double.MinPositiveValue) {
center = aMb
radius2 = max((center - a).norm2, (center - b).norm2)
} else if (abs( == 1.0) {
// all points on same line
val lengths = Seq(("ab", ab.norm), ("ac", ac.norm), ("bc", bc.norm))
lengths.maxBy(_._2)._1 match {
case "ab" =>
center = aMb
radius2 = max((center - a).norm2, (center - b).norm2)
case "ac" =>
center = aMc
radius2 = max((center - a).norm2, (center - c).norm2)
case "bc" =>
center = (b + c) * 0.5
radius2 = max((center - b).norm2, (center - c).norm2)
} else {
// non degenerated case
val triangleNormal = ab.crossproduct(ac)
val normalToAB = triangleNormal.crossproduct(ab)
val normalToAC = triangleNormal.crossproduct(ac)
val m = aMb - aMc
val d0 = normalToAC(0) * normalToAB(1) - normalToAC(1) * normalToAB(0)
val d1 = normalToAC(0) * normalToAB(2) - normalToAC(2) * normalToAB(0)
val d2 = normalToAC(1) * normalToAB(2) - normalToAC(2) * normalToAB(1)
val beta1 =
if ((abs(d0) >= abs(d1)) && (abs(d0) >= abs(d2)))
(m(0) * normalToAB(1) - m(1) * normalToAB(0)) / d0
else if ((abs(d1) >= abs(d0)) && (abs(d1) >= abs(d2)))
(m(0) * normalToAB(2) - m(2) * normalToAB(0)) / d1
else // if ((abs(d2) >= abs(d0)) && (abs(d2) >= abs(d1)))
(m(1) * normalToAB(2) - m(2) * normalToAB(1)) / d2
center = aMc + normalToAC * beta1
// check weather calculated center is in the triangle...
val d0 = ab(0) * ac(1) - ab(1) * ac(0)
val d1 = ab(0) * ac(2) - ab(2) * ac(0)
val d2 = ab(1) * ac(2) - ab(2) * ac(1)
val p = center - a
val beta2 =
if ((abs(d0) >= abs(d1)) && (abs(d0) >= abs(d2)))
(p(1) * ab(0) - p(0) * ab(1)) / d0
else if ((abs(d1) >= abs(d0)) && (abs(d1) >= abs(d2)))
(p(2) * ab(0) - p(0) * ab(2)) / d1
else //if ((abs(d2) >= abs(d0)) && (abs(d2) >= abs(d1)))
(p(2) * ab(1) - p(1) * ab(2)) / d2
val alpha2 =
if ((abs(ab(0)) >= abs(ab(1))) && (abs(ab(0)) >= abs(ab(2))))
(p(0) - beta2 * ac(0)) / ab(0)
else if ((abs(ab(1)) >= abs(ab(0))) && (abs(ab(1)) >= abs(ab(1))))
(p(1) - beta2 * ac(1)) / ab(1)
else //if ((abs(ab(2)) >= abs(ab(0))) and (abs(ab(2)) >= abs(ab(2))))
(p(2) - beta2 * ac(2)) / ab(2)
if (alpha2 < 0 || beta2 < 0 || alpha2 + beta2 > 1) {
// center is outside triangle
val r1 = ab.norm2
val r2 = ac.norm2
val r3 = bc.norm2
if (r1 > r2) {
if (r1 > r3) {
// radius_sqr = r1 * 0.25;
center = aMb
} else {
// radius_sqr = r3 * 0.25;
center = (b + c) * 0.5
} else // r2 >= r1
if (r2 > r3) {
// radius_sqr = r2 * 0.25;
center = aMc
} else {
// radius_sqr = r3 * 0.25;
center = (b + c) * 0.5
// While it would be faster to use the appropriate r_i * 0.25, this is more stable.
radius2 = max((center - a).norm2, (center - b).norm2, (center - c).norm2)
} else {
// center is in the triangle
radius2 = max((center - a).norm2, (center - b).norm2, (center - c).norm2)
(center, radius2)
* Calculate sphere around four points, e.g. a tetrahedron
def minContainmentSphere(a: EuclideanVector[_3D],
b: EuclideanVector[_3D],
c: EuclideanVector[_3D],
d: EuclideanVector[_3D]): (EuclideanVector[_3D], Double) = {
val triangles = IndexedSeq(
IndexedSeq(a, b, c),
IndexedSeq(a, d, b),
IndexedSeq(a, c, d),
IndexedSeq(b, d, c)
def testOrientation(circumCenter: EuclideanVector[_3D],
a: EuclideanVector[_3D],
b: EuclideanVector[_3D],
c: EuclideanVector[_3D],
d: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Seq[Double] = {
val signedTetrahedronVolume = calculateSignedVolume(a, b, c, d)
.map { t =>
calculateSignedVolume(circumCenter, t(0), t(1), t(2))
.map(_ * Math.signum(signedTetrahedronVolume))
val tetrahedronCircumsphere = calculateCircumsphere(a, b, c, d)
val directionTests = testOrientation(tetrahedronCircumsphere._1, a, b, c, d)
directionTests.count(_ <= 0) match {
case 4 => { // circum-center is inside the tetrahedron, no better possibility
case 3 => { // circum-center is outside / on the wrong side of one triangle, use its circum-sphere
val t = triangles(directionTests.indexWhere(_ > 0))
minContainmentSphere(t(0), t(1), t(2))
case 2 => { // circum-center is outside / on the wrong side of two triangles
val i1 = directionTests.indexWhere(_ > 0)
val points1 = triangles(i1)
val i2 = directionTests.indexWhere(_ > 0, i1 + 1)
val points2 = triangles(i2)
val commonPoints = points1.filter(pt => {
val sphereContainingLine = minContainmentSphere(commonPoints(0), commonPoints(1))
val pts =
IndexedSeq(a, b, c, d).filter { p =>
!sphereContainsPoint(p, sphereContainingLine._1, Math.sqrt(sphereContainingLine._2))
if (pts.size > 0) {
minContainmentSphere(commonPoints.head, commonPoints.last, pts.head)
} else {
case _ =>
throw new Exception(
"It should never be the case that more orientations are negative than 2."
* Calculate circumsphere, i.e. the sphere which touches all four points.
def calculateCircumsphere(
a: EuclideanVector[_3D],
b: EuclideanVector[_3D],
c: EuclideanVector[_3D],
d: EuclideanVector[_3D]
): (EuclideanVector[_3D], Double) = {
val t = a - d
val u = b - d
val v = c - d
val q = u.crossproduct(v) * t.norm2 + v.crossproduct(t) * u.norm2 + t
.crossproduct(u) * v.norm2
val det2 = 2.0 * determinantVectorsInRows(t, u, v)
val center = d + q / det2
val radius = (q / det2).norm2
(center, radius)
* Checks weather all points lie within the sphere described by the center and the radius.
def sphereContainsPoints(points: IndexedSeq[EuclideanVector[_3D]], center: EuclideanVector[_3D], radius: Double) = {
points.forall(pt => sphereContainsPoint(pt, center, radius))
* Checks weather the point lies within the sphere described by the center and the radius.
def sphereContainsPoint(point: EuclideanVector[_3D], center: EuclideanVector[_3D], radius: Double) = {
val dist = (point - center).norm
dist - radius < 1e-8
* Calculates the signed volume of the tetrahedron, i.e. if all normals point in- or out-wards
def calculateSignedVolume(a: EuclideanVector[_3D],
b: EuclideanVector[_3D],
c: EuclideanVector[_3D],
d: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Double = {
val t = b - a
val u = c - a
val v = d - a
determinantVectorsInRows(t, u, v)
* Helper function to calculate determinant of the matrix when vectors are stacked into the rows.
def determinantVectorsInRows(t: EuclideanVector[_3D], u: EuclideanVector[_3D], v: EuclideanVector[_3D]): Double =
(t.x * u.y * v.z + u.x * v.y * t.z + v.x * t.y * u.z - t.x * v.y * u.z - v.x * u.y * t.z - u.x * t.y * v.z)