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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package scalismo.numerics
import breeze.linalg.svd.SVD
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import breeze.numerics.pow
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.kernels.{MatrixValuedPDKernel, PDKernel}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector
* Result object for the pivoted cholesky of a matrix A
* @param L The (first m columns) of a lower triangular matrix L, for which LL' = A_m \approx A.
* @param p The pivot
* @param tr : The trace of the matrix (A_m - A) (i.e. the approximation error)
case class PivotedCholesky(L: DenseMatrix[Double], p: IndexedSeq[Int], tr: Double)
private class PivotedCholeskyFactor(d: Int, sizeHint: Int = 20) {
val cols = new ArrayBuffer[DenseVector[Double]](sizeHint)
def apply(row: Int, col: Int): Double = cols(col)(row)
def col(i: Int): DenseVector[Double] = cols(i)
def addCol(vec: DenseVector[Double]): Unit = {
require(vec.length == d)
cols += vec
def setCol(col: Int, vec: DenseVector[Double]): Unit = {
require(col >= 0 && col < cols.size + 1)
require(vec.length == d)
if (col < cols.size)
cols(col) = vec
cols += vec
def toDenseMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val m = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](d, cols.size)
for (i <- cols.indices) {
m(::, i) := cols(i)
object PivotedCholesky {
sealed trait StoppingCriterion
case class AbsoluteTolerance(tol: Double) extends StoppingCriterion
case class RelativeTolerance(tol: Double) extends StoppingCriterion
case class NumberOfEigenfunctions(n: Int) extends StoppingCriterion
private[this] def computeApproximateCholeskyGeneric[A](kernel: (A, A) => Double,
xs: IndexedSeq[A],
stoppingCriterion: StoppingCriterion): PivotedCholesky = {
val n = xs.size
val p = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.range(0, n)
val d = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.tabulate(n)(i => kernel(xs(i), xs(i)))
def swapP(k: Int, pivl: Int) = {
val tmp = p(k)
p(k) = p(pivl)
p(pivl) = tmp
var tr: Double = d.sum
var k = 0
val ids = (k until n)
val (tolerance, maxNumEigenfunctions) = stoppingCriterion match {
case AbsoluteTolerance(t) => (t, n)
case RelativeTolerance(t) => (tr * t, n)
case NumberOfEigenfunctions(numEigenfuns) => (1e-15, numEigenfuns)
val L = new PivotedCholeskyFactor(n, n)
while (k < n && k < maxNumEigenfunctions && tr >= tolerance) {
val S = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
val pivl = (k until n).map(i => (i, d(p(i)))).maxBy(_._2)._1
swapP(k, pivl)
val D = Math.sqrt(d(p(k)))
S(p(k)) = D
val pointIds = ids.splitAt(k + 1)._2
val chunks = new ParVector(
pointIds.grouped(Math.max(1, n / Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors())).toVector
var c = 0
while (c < k) {
val tmp = L(p(k), c)
for (r <- new ParVector(pointIds.toVector)) {
S(p(r)) += L(p(r), c) * tmp
c += 1
def sumChunk(ids: IndexedSeq[Int]): Double = {
var s = 0.0
var r = ids.head
while (r <= ids.last) {
S(p(r)) = (kernel(xs(p(r)), xs(p(k))) - S(p(r))) / D
d(p(r)) = d(p(r)) - (S(p(r)) * S(p(r)))
s += d(p(r))
r += 1
val chunksum = for (pointChunk <- chunks) yield {
d(p(k)) = d(p(k)) - (S(p(k)) * S(p(k)))
tr = d(p(k)) + chunksum.sum
k += 1
PivotedCholesky(L.toDenseMatrix, p.toIndexedSeq, tr)
def computeApproximateCholesky[D: NDSpace, DO: NDSpace](kernel: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D],
xs: IndexedSeq[Point[D]],
stoppingCriterion: StoppingCriterion): PivotedCholesky = {
case class PointWithDim(point: Point[D], dim: Int)
val dim = NDSpace[DO].dimensionality
val xsWithDim: IndexedSeq[PointWithDim] = xs.flatMap(f => (0 until dim).map(i => PointWithDim(f, i)))
def kscalar(x: PointWithDim, y: PointWithDim): Double = kernel(x.point, y.point)(x.dim, y.dim)
computeApproximateCholeskyGeneric[PointWithDim](kscalar, xsWithDim, stoppingCriterion)
def computeApproximateCholesky[D: NDSpace](kernel: PDKernel[D],
xs: IndexedSeq[Point[D]],
stoppingCriterion: StoppingCriterion): PivotedCholesky = {
val k: (Point[D], Point[D]) => Double = (x, y) => kernel(x, y)
computeApproximateCholeskyGeneric[Point[D]](k, xs, stoppingCriterion)
def computeApproximateCholesky(A: DenseMatrix[Double], stoppingCriterion: StoppingCriterion): PivotedCholesky = {
require(A.cols == A.rows)
val kernel: (Int, Int) => Double = (i, j) => A(i, j)
val indices = IndexedSeq.range(0, A.cols)
computeApproximateCholeskyGeneric[Int](kernel, indices, stoppingCriterion)
private def computeApproximateEigGeneric[A](k: (A, A) => Double, xs: IndexedSeq[A], sc: StoppingCriterion) = {
val PivotedCholesky(l, _, _) = computeApproximateCholeskyGeneric(k, xs, sc)
val Lt = l(::, 0 until l.cols).t
val phi: DenseMatrix[Double] = Lt * l(::, 0 until l.cols)
val SVD(v, _, _) = breeze.linalg.svd(phi)
val U: DenseMatrix[Double] = l(::, 0 until l.cols) * v
private def extractEigenvalues(U: DenseMatrix[Double]) = {
val d: DenseVector[Double] = DenseVector.zeros(U.cols)
for (i <- 0 until U.cols) {
d(i) = breeze.linalg.norm(U(::, i))
U(::, i) := U(::, i) * 1.0 / d(i)
(U, pow(d, 2))
def computeApproximateEig(A: DenseMatrix[Double], sc: StoppingCriterion) = {
val kernel: (Int, Int) => Double = (i, j) => A(i, j)
val indices = IndexedSeq.range(0, A.cols)
extractEigenvalues(computeApproximateEigGeneric(kernel, indices, sc))
def computeApproximateEig[D: NDSpace](kernel: MatrixValuedPDKernel[D],
xs: IndexedSeq[Point[D]],
stoppingCriterion: StoppingCriterion) = {
case class PointWithDim(point: Point[D], dim: Int)
val dim = kernel.outputDim
val xsWithDim: IndexedSeq[PointWithDim] = xs.flatMap(f => (0 until dim).map(i => PointWithDim(f, i)))
def kscalar(x: PointWithDim, y: PointWithDim): Double = kernel(x.point, y.point)(x.dim, y.dim)
extractEigenvalues(computeApproximateEigGeneric[PointWithDim](kscalar, xsWithDim, stoppingCriterion))
def computeApproximateEig[D: NDSpace, DO: NDSpace](kernel: PDKernel[D],
xs: IndexedSeq[Point[D]],
D: Double,
stoppingCriterion: StoppingCriterion) = {
def k(x: Point[D], y: Point[D]): Double = kernel(x, y)
extractEigenvalues(computeApproximateEigGeneric[Point[D]](k, xs, stoppingCriterion))