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* Copyright 2015 University of Basel, Graphics and Vision Research Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package scalismo.registration
import breeze.linalg.DenseVector
import breeze.numerics._
import scalismo.common.{DifferentiableField, Field, Scalar}
import scalismo.geometry._
import scalismo.image.{DiscreteImageDomain, StructuredPoints}
import scalismo.numerics._
import scalismo.registration.RegistrationMetric.ValueAndDerivative
import scalismo.transformations.ParametricTransformation.JacobianField
import scalismo.transformations.TransformationSpace
import scalismo.utils.{Memoize, Random}
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector
* Implementation of the Mutual Information Metric, described in the following paper:
* Mattes, David, et al. "PET-CT image registration in the chest using free-form deformations."
* IEEE transactions on medical imaging 22.1 (2003): 120-128.
* @param fixedImage The fixed image
* @param fixedImageDomain The domain of the fixed image. All grid points of the domain are used to compute image characteristics
* such as e.g. the minimum/maximum value, etc.
* @param movingImage The moving image
* @param transformationSpace The transformation space that is used
* @param sampler The sampler, which samples the points on which the mutual information is computed. For this metric the
* recommended choice is a random sampler (which combined with a gradient descent algorithm leads to a stochastic gradient descent.
* @param numberOfBins The number of bins used for the intensity histograms (which approximates the joint distribution)
case class MutualInformationMetric[D: NDSpace, A: Scalar](fixedImage: Field[D, A],
fixedImageDomain: DiscreteImageDomain[D],
movingImage: DifferentiableField[D, A],
transformationSpace: TransformationSpace[D],
sampler: Sampler[D],
numberOfBins: Int = 30)(implicit rng: Random)
extends ImageMetric[D, A] {
type JointHistogram = (Int, Int) => Double
type JointHistogramDerivative = (Int, Int) => DenseVector[Double]
type MarginalHistogram = Int => Double
val scalar = Scalar[A]
override val ndSpace: NDSpace[D] = implicitly[NDSpace[D]]
private val zeroOrderSpline = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(0) _
private val secondOrderSpline = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(2) _
private val thirdOrderSpline = BSpline.nthOrderBSpline(3) _
// we choose a reasonably sized number of points from the fixed image domain to compute the image characteristics.
// All the computations are done only once, when the metric is computed. Hence it is okay to use a rather large number of points
private val fixedImagePoints =
UniformSampler(fixedImageDomain.boundingBox, numberOfPoints = 100000).sample().map(_._1)
private def minMaxValue(img: Field[D, A]): (Double, Double) = {
val values = for (pt <- fixedImagePoints if img.isDefinedAt(pt)) yield scalar.toDouble(img(pt))
(values.min, values.max)
private val (minValueFixedImage, maxValueFixedImage) = minMaxValue(fixedImage)
private val (minValueMovingImage, maxValueMovingImage) = minMaxValue(movingImage)
private val binDeltaFixedImage = maxValueFixedImage + 1 - minValueFixedImage
private val binSizeFixedImage = binDeltaFixedImage / numberOfBins
private val binDeltaMovingImage = maxValueMovingImage + 1 - minValueMovingImage
private val binSizeMovingImage = binDeltaMovingImage / numberOfBins
private val numberOfParameters: Int = transformationSpace.numberOfParameters
def _computeJointHistogram(parameters: DenseVector[Double], points: Seq[Point[D]]): JointHistogram = {
val transform =
Memoize(transformationSpace.transformationForParameters(parameters), cacheSizeHint = points.size + 100)
val jointHistogramValues =
for (l <- ParVector.range(0, numberOfBins);
k <- (0 until numberOfBins)) yield {
val probValues = for (point <- points) yield {
val transformedPoint = transform(point)
val termRef = zeroOrderSpline(
k - (scalar.toDouble(fixedImage(point)) - minValueFixedImage) / binSizeFixedImage
if (Math.abs(termRef) > 1e-10 && movingImage.isDefinedAt(transformedPoint)) {
val termTest = thirdOrderSpline(
l - (scalar.toDouble(movingImage(transformedPoint)) - minValueMovingImage) / binSizeMovingImage
termRef * termTest
} else {
val probValue = probValues.sum
((l, k), probValue)
val histogramValueMap = jointHistogramValues.toIndexedSeq.toMap
val normalizationTerm = jointHistogramValues.foldLeft(0.0)((acc, e) => acc + e._2)
(l: Int, k: Int) => histogramValueMap((l, k)) / normalizationTerm
private lazy val computeJointHistogram = Memoize.memfun2(_computeJointHistogram _, cacheSizeHint = 100)
private def _computeMarginalHistogramMovingImage(params: DenseVector[Double],
points: Seq[Point[D]]): Int => Double = {
val jointHistogram = computeJointHistogram(params, points)
val probValues = for (l <- 0 until numberOfBins) yield {
val probValue = (0 until numberOfBins).foldLeft(0.0)((acc, k) => acc + jointHistogram(l, k))
(l, probValue)
val plMap = probValues.toMap
(l: Int) => plMap(l)
private lazy val computeMarginalHistogramMovingImage =
Memoize.memfun2(_computeMarginalHistogramMovingImage _, cacheSizeHint = 100)
private val marginalHistogramFixedImage: MarginalHistogram = {
val probValues = for (k <- 0 until numberOfBins) yield {
val histogramValue = fixedImagePoints.foldLeft(0.0)((acc, point) => {
val termRef = k - (scalar.toDouble(fixedImage(point)) - minValueFixedImage) / binSizeFixedImage
acc + zeroOrderSpline(termRef)
(k, histogramValue)
val alpha =
val probValuesMap = probValues.toMap
(k: Int) => probValuesMap(k) / alpha
private def _computeJointHistogramDerivative(params: DenseVector[Double],
points: Seq[Point[D]]): JointHistogramDerivative = {
val transform = transformationSpace.transformationForParameters(params)
val transformMemoized = Memoize(transform, points.size + 100)
val zeroVec = DenseVector.zeros[Double](numberOfParameters)
val derivs = for (l <- ParVector.range(0, numberOfBins); k <- (0 until numberOfBins)) yield {
val derivsForPoints = for (point <- points) yield {
val transformedPoint = transformMemoized(point)
if (movingImage.isDefinedAt(transformedPoint)) {
val termRefSpline: Double = zeroOrderSpline(
k - (scalar.toDouble(fixedImage(point)) - minValueFixedImage) / binSizeFixedImage
val value = if (Math.abs(termRefSpline) > 1e-10) {
val termTest = l - (scalar
.toDouble(movingImage(transformedPoint)) - minValueMovingImage) / binSizeMovingImage
val termTestSpline: Double = secondOrderSpline(termTest + 0.5) - secondOrderSpline(termTest - 0.5)
if (Math.abs(termTestSpline) > 1e-10) {
val termTestDerivative: DenseVector[Double] = -movingImage.differentiate(transformedPoint).toBreezeVector
val termTransSpace: JacobianField[D] = transform.derivativeWRTParameters
termTransSpace(point).t * termTestDerivative * termRefSpline * termTestSpline
} else {
} else {
} else {
val derivsAtValidPoints = derivsForPoints.collect { case Some(v) => v }
val deriv = derivsAtValidPoints.foldLeft(zeroVec)((acc, v) => acc + v)
val scaledDeriv = (1.0 / (derivsAtValidPoints.size * binSizeMovingImage)) * deriv
((l, k), scaledDeriv)
val map = derivs.toMap
(l, k) => map((l, k))
private lazy val computeJointHistogramDerivative = Memoize.memfun2(_computeJointHistogramDerivative _, 100)
private def _computeMarginalHistogramDerivativeMovingImage(params: DenseVector[Double],
points: Seq[Point[D]]): Int => DenseVector[Double] = {
/** creating and filling derivative vector (gradient) */
val derivJointHistogramForParams = computeJointHistogramDerivative(params, points)
val derivs = for (l <- 0 until numberOfBins) yield {
val deriv = (0 until numberOfBins).foldLeft(DenseVector.zeros[Double](numberOfParameters))((acc, k) =>
acc + derivJointHistogramForParams(l, k)
(l, deriv)
val derivMap = derivs.toMap
(l: Int) => derivMap(l)
private lazy val computeMarginalHistogramDerivativeMovingImage =
Memoize.memfun2(_computeMarginalHistogramDerivativeMovingImage _, cacheSizeHint = 100)
* Computes the value of the mutual information for the given parameters
override def value(params: DenseVector[Double]): Double = {
val samplePoints = sampler.sample().map(_._1)
val jointHistogram = computeJointHistogram(params, samplePoints)
val marginalHistogramMoving = computeMarginalHistogramMovingImage(params, samplePoints)
val mivalues = for (k <- ParVector.range(0, numberOfBins); l <- 0 until numberOfBins) yield {
if (marginalHistogramFixedImage(k) != 0 && marginalHistogramMoving(l) != 0 && jointHistogram(l, k) != 0) {
jointHistogram(l, k) * log(jointHistogram(l, k) / (marginalHistogramMoving(l) * marginalHistogramFixedImage(k)))
} else {
val mutualInfo = mivalues.sum
* Computes the derivate of the Mutual Information for the given parameters
def derivative(params: DenseVector[Double]): DenseVector[Double] = {
val samplePoints = sampler.sample().map(_._1)
/** creating and filling derivative vector (gradient) */
val marginalHistMoving = computeMarginalHistogramMovingImage(params, samplePoints)
val jointHist = computeJointHistogram(params, samplePoints)
val jointHistDeriv = computeJointHistogramDerivative(params, samplePoints)
val marginalHistDerivMoving = computeMarginalHistogramDerivativeMovingImage(params, samplePoints)
val gradientValues = for (k <- ParVector.range(0, numberOfBins); l <- 0 until numberOfBins) yield {
if (marginalHistogramFixedImage(k) != 0 && marginalHistMoving(l) != 0) {
(jointHistDeriv(l, k) * log(jointHist(l, k) / (marginalHistMoving(l) * marginalHistogramFixedImage(k)) + 1)
- (jointHist(l, k) / marginalHistMoving(l)) * marginalHistDerivMoving(l))
} else {
val gradient = gradientValues.foldLeft(DenseVector.zeros[Double](numberOfParameters))((acc, g) => acc + g)
* Computes the value and derivative for the given parameters in one go.
def valueAndDerivative(params: DenseVector[Double]): ValueAndDerivative = {
val samplePoints = sampler.sample().map(_._1)
val marginalHistMoving = computeMarginalHistogramMovingImage(params, samplePoints)
val jointHist = computeJointHistogram(params, samplePoints)
val joingHistDeriv = computeJointHistogramDerivative(params, samplePoints)
val marginalHistDerivMoving = computeMarginalHistogramDerivativeMovingImage(params, samplePoints)
val marginalHistogramRef = marginalHistogramFixedImage
val mivalues = for (k <- ParVector.range(0, numberOfBins); l <- 0 until numberOfBins) yield {
if (marginalHistogramRef(k) != 0 && marginalHistMoving(l) != 0 && jointHist(l, k) != 0) {
jointHist(l, k) * log(jointHist(l, k) / (marginalHistMoving(l) * marginalHistogramRef(k)))
} else {
val mutualInfo = mivalues.sum
/** creating and filling derivative vector (gradient) */
val gradientValues = for (k <- (0 until numberOfBins); l <- 0 until numberOfBins) yield {
if (marginalHistogramRef(k) != 0 && marginalHistMoving(l) != 0) {
(joingHistDeriv(l, k) * log(jointHist(l, k) / (marginalHistMoving(l) * marginalHistogramRef(k)) + 1)
- (jointHist(l, k) / marginalHistMoving(l)) * marginalHistDerivMoving(l))
} else {
val gradient = gradientValues.foldLeft(DenseVector.zeros[Double](numberOfParameters))((acc, g) => acc + g)
ValueAndDerivative(-mutualInfo, -gradient)